TON, NORTH CAROLINA; FRIRDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 8, 1W, NO.?C to<j~ r*,u :r?uS*' ?* ,o " ?"<* TV.M, MUf ban the .cr. <* adorn h(a with hi* l< <rf hi. big HlaaplrtH fi: >sw?St? */?//?' jf ?? i I ,ii I ONE MORE D/EY OF SAVING! Merchandise offered iti this sale is wanted and needed every day , and it is our regular standard of quality . You wHl al ways find everything just as we advertised. Our rep utation is such that we cannot afford to do otherwise. Store closes Saturday night at 10.45 P. M. Domestics CAMBRIC, worth 12 1-1 cents. tor - ? ? ? ? '** ? - ?'? BMt quality yard wide unbleach Umbrellas, Parasols Oaod quality tut Black Twill 8?rje or Taffeta, with Boi?oo4 , or oa* $2.48 Underwear Mies' Low Shoes $2.48 Suits lot Mtn'n ft Ladies' Waists Lot No. * contain* thU' best strlee, worth up to | tt.OO. Week End Sale I HOSIERY Beat Itc. Horn, tut black line and ahaar, for ( Beautiful Lace or Plain Gauxe Lisle Hoee. beat JSe. H?M, *? , -ml palra to a customer, .... I f jl* White Goods Special lor pltin And fancy Whit* Ooods. worth up to ]Sc..Week>7t ^asanss jt-clal at Dr . W*t KM , Wa*??. a fabric that >?*!? no de arth,.. ,?c quail., for JVO Beat quality Utility and Kllinbeta ?eat quality Utility and Ells-#* ' abath Ginghams lor W Muslin Corset Covers, Lac? ? ?ad, He. and 2?c. ralues. a 3 to customer, at, each, . . I -Air Pleat .Talcum Powder worth lOe.. for j Beet grade Colgate Turk ish Bath Soap Swift's best Soap, Glycerine Wltch-hasel, 1 cakes In a s bos, for ' * The Open I Thought alignment, whlrh >?V h fen Tn proc?M or formation qnletly for M? oral years, will probably be felt in the relation# between Great Brftaln and Japan. One stateafoan to-day de clared that the St. Petersburg treaty struck a blow at thV Brltlah-Japa nese alliance which would probably prove1 fatal. The growing unpopularity of the alliance, not only among Englishmen in the Far Eaat, but at home as well can but be Increased by the agree ment between Tokio And St. Peters burg. which is regarded as nothing short of a compact for complete dom ination of the tremendous markets of China and Manchuria. The long expected" formal annexa tion of Korea by Jaj^au is now re garded ai a matter of a short time. The belief here is thai tHb condi tions which have been, investigating since the peace of Portsmouth will soon become known, startling Europe Japan's aim to recoup the Tosses ofc. the war with Russia, which still lay heavy on her people, would not be far from realization were she in a po sition, by a strong alliance with a power with the same aim, to throw to the winds her regard for the in terference of the nations that stand by the open door policy ? to wfilch she subscribed. The negotiations between 8t. Pe tersburg and Toklo. Which are under stood to have been rea^y for comple tion when Prince Ito went to Harbin and was killed by a Korean, are of especial significance Ip view of the f%ct that Japan is about to renew her treaties with t&e Ifadlng powers. London Is WatcliUig, the situation cautfoualy, particularly with refer enOe to tho negotiations for an Immi gration treaty between the United States and Japan. Tikis subject Is of extreme Importance to Gr^t Britain, because of the opposition to Japanese Jmmlgfatlon In British" Columbia and Australia. ? Untted|9?tes or Eng JaM^WMtf to take the Initiative k t^e mattef', but as the American Uwaty do?| not expire i<?l a year af ter the expiration of that with Great Britain, the advantage .seems to lie with "Washington. One outcome of the Japaneee-Rus slan alliance q*y be a triple alllanoe between England, the United States and Germany. j. .<? i" ' 1 To-night th4 Gaiety wilt present three reels of moving pictures -that will long be remembered in Washing ton. for it la undoubtedly one of the beat all-round^bllls ever preeented in a moving picture htouse. The feature picture is "Othello, the Moor of Venice," beautlfuly hand colored, one of Pathe's great film d'arts, which ts 1,100 feet In length. We know this to be a heid liner, and If yon miss It you miss a big feature The next, "The Sheriffs Sacrifice," Is a thrilling Western drama. This Is the story of love and self-sacrlfloe of] the eternal triangle, two men and a girl. In ita Western sitting, full of the fire and vim of the West In the early days. It Is especially attractive with Its great riding and beautiful scenery. The next Is a good comedy. Performances from 8 to 1 1 o'clock. WORK COMMENCES Street Paring Ha* Commenced at th? Comer of Harvey uxl Main. The work of paving the atreeta hal commenced In earnest Those Who have Men the finished curbing at the corner ot Main and Harvey street-i are ver j> much pleased with Its anpou-ance W^ehington bids fair to have street^ not aurpasscl anjrwhere in Kortl. Carolina 4 .s<a? ?lrl cab aund a man who U DEMANOSJF UNION A Big Strike of Garment-Maker Girls Called. 75,900 EMPLOYES Ato OUT A?k for RccocnbJoo i?f the luion. larrMMd .nd BcUcr- Workta* CnadHlujM The Call for a Oeaeral Strike Cmum Considerable Alarm Great fiidt?niM( Prevailed. New Yerk, July 7 ? A atrlke of tbe 76,000 jrOMi women In the Inter national Ladles' Garment 'Worker*' [ Union waa ofcclally called to-day at| a meeting of the committee of forty-1 fire. An order waa Iseued that aU the member* ahould walk out at S o'clock this afternoon. ' Word thkt the strike had bean de clared waa telephoned to all the 40 sub-htedquarters of the. union throughout the Ave burroughs add trowds of the girl workers soon ft lied tbaee halls. The greatest siyctCea^t prevailed In the various shops where Ibe girts were stllr at w4rk. About S.odo quit yesterday In adVanoe of the official order when called out by their delegates. It waa stated by the officers of tka union that many of the employers were ready to sign the propoeed agreements, providing for recognition of the union, increased wagea and better working conditions. These agreements axe to be pre sented to these employers immediate ly after the strike becomed effective and it is said that many of the glrla | will return to work to-morrow. A number of the employers, how aver, are determined not to grant the deova&dB of tho union. Moat of this bitter opposition to the union's de mands is expected In the Manhattan factory district which the strike com mittee, for picketing purposes, has divided Into seven sections. The Inatltule'for white teachers to be held In the Public School BulUUux ot thla olty by Profeaaor J. Hano Hlghsmlth, aaalated by Mlas Cltle Hlghamith, U being looked fcrv.ur.i to with much Interest by the teacbers throughout the county It ig to l>o hoped that erery teacher In the coun ty wlil argil themaelrea of thlg oppor tunity and be present. At the sane time an Institute will hi conducted In the Colored Orade-1 School Building for the cotorcl teachers. Thla wljl be In charge of P. W. Moore, principal of the Colored Normal at Elisabeth city. The InatMntee. no doubt, will be of auch benefit to both .the county end RXCELU4KT PICTURE. In the Charlotte Observer of yea terday appeared a two-column cut of Hon. John H. Small, named for the eerenth time to repreeeot the PI rat Coagreealonal district In ' the next Coagaeee. The likeness la a moat ex cellent one. COUNTY HOME ' ? * ' '>?' J 1 - ' Keeper Bright Much OoaiplWated s, the OondMos of gornmwllace. The County Home la certainly be Ins kept in a condition that la prs Lse i worthy. - 1ft-. Ellas Bright, tbe keeper, was highly complimented by the members of the recent Grand Jury on the ex cellent condition they found the home on* their recent vlelt to that In stitution. %, There ar?? at (he present time four teen Inmates, t?in of whom are white And four colored. THRKK INMATES. There are at the present time three prisoners confined In the County Jail. The institute* will begin nest Mon day, July 11,. ud continue for a pe- 1 rlod of two w^eks. 120 BALLOTS TAKEN AND NO NOMINATION ?wfrUftTi* laser nw. Eden ton. tf. C.. July 8.-* At 2. J 7 o'clock this afternoon there had been one hundred and twenty ballots takon [for 8ollc!tof In the Judicial Conven tion, which baa been In session here since yesterday. , On this ballot the vote showed: 8tmmonH. 64; Ehrlnghaug. 61; Mc MiOUn. 4Q. .... j No nomination U probable verv soon. The Dally News la In receipt of In formation that Mr. E. a. Daniel, one of the candldatea for Solicitor, with drew from the conteat last night, leav ing the three above gentlemen In the fight. A MISTAKE Charge of Murder Is Laid to the Wro?| Mao. Elizabeth City. N. C.. July 7.? A remarkable cane of mistaken Identity was discovered here this morning when a negro named Qibbs was tried In justice court In a preliminary trial upon the charge of murdering his Wife In this city about Ave years ago. Qibbs Jrom the city as soon as the murder was committed. Several days ago the police were notified that Qibbs had been arrest ed in Newbern and was being held Oy the Newbern authorities tor the Elisabeth City officials. Chief Thoa as went? after the negro and brought hln) here and lodged him In jail. This morning It waa discovered that he was not the man at all, al though he answered the description and had the same name. The negro proved that he never resided here, and, therefore, he could not have committed the murder here. The ne gro's boast to his wife in Newberti that he had already kille done wife was responsible for his arrest. AT THK UKM. It would be difficult to conceive a more sweet and engaging story than Through the Darkness. This Vita graph production has been presented with much care and attention as to correct details which characterise the work _of this well selected stock company. In the Dark Valley? This Kalem , picture is a reproduction of the aw- , ful Wyoming Valley massacre, so life- , like the film makes one feel almost as j though they were living over the , scenes through which the victims of the massacre passed. When a fllra j carries such an Influence one cannot question its strength. i Three Queens and a Jack ? A bit of { comedy that amuses the audience and shows what happens under certain conditions. Pate Against Her ? Pate Is a Nemesis which confronts most people In some way, though in no two in- 1 stances the same, and there Is always i Sympathy when one person sees. an- i other In the^oils. This drama bring? i out these points cloarly, and will | arouse thoughts which may lead to sympathy tor the unfortunate. Prise drawing to-u1ght waking - Mrs. Mtrgarot Jarvls ls.maklng In- i AOVOl'ATKM 8ALA1. Mr. Editor: I fully endorse the suggestion that county office? should be placed on salary and that the tax payer* of the county receive the ben efit of the amount to be saved there by. I believe that there should be strict economy used in the expendi ture of public money as In the expen diture of private funda. I pay no more than what I believe to be a just *gd fair compensation to my own employee,. and the same rule should be applied to public employee. With fair aalary for county oncers and ? two-term policy, the party will have Uken a long step forward In the right direction. Yours very truly, K. R. MIXON. OYHTKRK UK PORl\ A boat load ol oysters from Oyster Creek arrived In port this morning. They are of excellent flavor for this time of year. Many dtisens are In dulging In the luscious bivalves to MOVK8 SHOP. Mr. John A. Phllllpe has moved his tin and repair shop to the building on Market atreet. opposite the Court House. INJURK|> MKN IMPROVING. Benjamin Freeman, colored, who was cut on the arm by William Grlf Bn laat Friday night in the home of the latter, on Telfair -treet, Is srad nally Improving. The preliminary hearing will doubtless take place Sat urday morning before the Mayor. John Thomas, also colored, who was ihot by Joe Green al the foot of Washington Bridge, will. It Is thought by his physician, recover. At one time his life was despaired of. MAYOR'S COURT. There waa only one case trle<* be fore the Mayor thla morning at the City Hail, being State vs. Hsrry Bus man and David B*U, charged with an fcffray. Both participants were fonnl lulty and fined 99 and coats each. RXCUB8ION. Steamer Hatter** will nil from her lock Sonday..JnlylO . at g A. if., (or Pamlico Baacb. Dome ami go and apend ? pleasant day's ontlng- Kara for roanc trip. 1 1.0?. No naaala llHK " Msidnofjews ' ?' ? ' ? ^ - ; ' ?\<r- ' They Are Still Being Driven from Russia. REFUGEES CROWD CIT|ES . ? ? ____ Mom of Them PmsIIm aad ttuffertag Frvm Hardahi^i ? It Is Katiaatld TW Fully 90,000 MM. Wmma ud Chltdrea Have Bwa Torn i tlLV:. Vienna, July 7. ? The Semitic lead en of Vienna, It w as learned to-d^y. bare received advice* from RuAla declaring that the expulsion of Jews from citiee without the pale U being pushed with terrible ferocity, tho vic tims receiving brutal treatment at thf hands of the Ruaalan authorities.. Tjhe Russian government, with a strict cenaorahlp. has succeeded .in concealing Use facts, the truth beiag obtainable only by courier and cipher letters. The situation is unprecedented, Mve oq the scenes of five years ago. when the government supervised wsnton slaughter. It Is estimated here that fully 10, 000 men. women and children have been torn from their home* and driven like cattle from the pro scribed territory, moet of them pen al lees and subjected to terrific hard ? ?hips. ' "The full story of the horror* of this forced exodus, may never be known; but Viennese Jews charge that the xppulslon ha* been responsi ble, directly or Indirectly,- for tbo death of fully twenty men, women and children. The reports from Kief are that nearly all the Jews resident there Illegally have been forced out, but the expulsion continues at other points in a shocking manner. The brutality of the authorities at Moscow has aroused the protest of many Influential Christians, but the work has continued unabated. The cities in the Pale are crowded with refugees. One effect of the ex pulsion Is already becoming apparent. In spite of the lack of fands of thoso driven from their homes, many flee ing with only a handful of their be longings. The emigration to America la In creasing. and It Is expected that thcgiaands... stirred by sympathy, will go from the pale to the United States, .who In the movement of tne last few weeks. LARGE CROWD Much iinjetj at the Atlantic? En campment nt Morfhead. Early on the morning of the 7th of July the Third Regiment of North Carolina Guards will reach Camp Olenn. Several of the officers have been guest of the Atlantic (or a few days and have put everything In raad lneaa for the arrival of the Quanta. On Saturday ulght a military gar ni an will be given by Colonel Morton, complimentary of the camp. This german is one of the moat at tractive features of the encampment, and at least one hundred and fifty couples will participate. The figures will be led by one of the officers. One of the most delightful aalls of the aeaaon was given en Wedaeeday night by Mr. F. H. Bernhardt, of Philadelphia, complimentary to l?iaa Nannie Rogers, of Raleigh. The Mamie C. Daniels left the pier about 11.30 and was crowded with the younger guests of the hotel. The night was perfect for sailing, land the pleasure of the occasion was | very apparent by the peals of laugh ter that could be heard even abova the strains of music. Refreshments were served aboard the boat, and the party sailed for eeveral hours. Miss Katharine MeClung, of Knox vtlle, Tenn., gave a most delightful surf party Wednesday afternoon. The fcarty left the pier at 4. SO on the Catharine M.. the very beautiful aall boat of Mr. John M. Morehead. Every train Is now crowded with guests for the Atlantic.' An extreme ly large crowd is expected this week. Therefore the social functions at the hotel are very numerous and the guests are delightfully entertained. PAGE NAMED. Hon Robert Page. the able Con gressman from the Seventh Congres sional district, has been unanimously chosen by the Democrats in his dis trict to succeed himself He made a ringing speech of acceptance. If a man would wear a lock of his wife's hair over his heart he oould steal her Jewels and she would think it was tender sentiment. ? NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? ? Sa Tings and Trust Co. ? Saving* ? ? Banks. ^ ? The Baaar? Clearance Sale. ' ? ? JM. t Clark Go.?~Week-Esd * ? Sale. ? ? Qem Theater. ' ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? Chesapeake Bteamahip <30. ? ? Mrs. Summers' Remedies. ?

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