w . . COMPLICATIONS FEARED Au Air of I'lu-n.iu. ? Is Apml^at In the Hcil In mrelRn Ode Oer many anil HI* I mcri SUt? Are ' Battered ... Uc u, e Chief Sun4r r.arlln. July ff. ? ORicl.l circle. ipro, . >p|iNkwK< over I lie -eonvfWUpn and the reported secret treaty bO t?yan Ruaala end Jasan?nd : Eufc-. el>'-.i to Gfrmany. 1. no* '??? :?? l?? nymbur. to ? tiard the Car'. Interaat >? A.le. a. the. ?u result or the. agreement with Japan. BuaSis 1s ooarsffMi't*. act against the eountr^W^ha, BO.t'^1 j * _ it yesterday. mmn> end the united state. ire Hatred ot ha the chief .ufferera. An air of uneulBCM la apparent In tb. Foreign OBce and th. derelop manta ot tha Immediate future are pvaltad with anxiety .. . rX CITY ACCEPTS WBBiMBBBBlMU 1 W?hi agton to Be Washington la to take part In thft bl-centennlal ? celebration at New hern Tuesday. July 26. p.- Thar* waa .p. apeelal noting of tha City Aide rosea IjuT^i-enlng to con sider tfce Invitation extended by Newborn. and thdir acceptmce la very gratifying to Washington elti xens. How Washington will be represent ed has not as yet been given out by .the Ipayor and Aldermen. Suffice It to say tb* city will fcavc a creditable notice. . ' A telegram .was received this week! by Mayor Sterling from the Mayor of *F Newborn advising htm of the celebra tion atid Urging Washington to have % a fitting representation. Acting upon this aire. Mayor Ster Kling caTled a special session of the hoard last night, and they very gen erously consented to have tjils city fittingly represented in that histori cal event. The Board ot Aldermen of Newbem suggests floats typifying" the historical events oftfce respective lavttations have been extended to fidenton. Washington. Bath, Beau fort; Halifax, Wilmington, Kinston, Hills boro. Warrenton. Charlotte. KenanBville, Kayeftevllie. Trenton. Jacksonville. Ralegh. Wlnaton-Sa iem. Tarboro, Windsor. Plymouth. Greensboro and Snow Hill* taj The celebration will occupy a week and will be one of the .most intereat * Ing events that has taken place in North Carolina In many decades. j* 1 A large number of visitors from all p aria of qwtern Carolina. Sfy> cniianw awjwfc; ' ' On aeeoant of tha absence of the pa.tor. Rev Robert nope, tbare ?U1 be mo service at th* CBrtatlaa Church, Ba?t Second atreet. Sunday morn Inc. At night Her. Warron Da via will all .tha pulpit. Sunday uhool meet, at 4 o'clock. T. W. Phillips, .op.r1nt.n > dent. All cordially Invlud fe. ' ? * HHS Mr. and Mr. E. T Roper. for mar ly W Waahlagton. N. C? ye.terday tnorad to WWen aad *111 make thla city their home They have rental tha houae recently occupied by Mr.. Brl?? on Oold.boro street. Mr. Ro par I. engacad In the life In.urance bualnaaa.? WIMob Tlmea. Week - 1 Ends tonight Come early and of the Imagination' helpa out la lot In an (?(?mailt, but lt.s?em? to (O oat of rommlMlon tn matrimony. End Sale at 10.45 o'clock. share y are our Mr. Fred Latham's article In yee terday's paper In favor of salsrlss for county officers Instead of fees U timely and to UMTVolat. The tax-payers are vitally inter ested In anything that promisee re lief from the preeent burden, aad are anxious to hare information on this Urt a rote b* talun on thU mattar Convention. Let those who favor salaries cast a ballot with the word "Salaries" on It. and let those in fa vor of the present syste% vote ajbal lot with the word "F6es* on it; and If no provision Is made by the Execu qte Committee, let each precinct see to It th*t a box is provided and a vote taken. If thousands of dollars can be saved to tax-payers by the change, and the experience of those counties which have made the change proves It then we certainly need the change in this county, and should have It with out further delay. V* . ' Unless this Vote Is taken, no legisla tors whom we may elect will obtain for us the required legislation to put It into effect, and I am informed that a special set is necessary for the pur pose. As our people have not the neces sary Information upon which to aet lntelligently. and as these are public matters upon which they have the right to be fully informed, will our! county officers kindly furnish the fol lowing facts? 1. What have the Sheriff's fees amounted to. in the last five years? Will Sheriff Ricks answer, this ques tion. giving th? amount received each year? jpj? . ? .* 2. What have the County Treasur er's commissions amounted to for the time he bas been la qfflce? Will Treasurer Tayloe answer this quse tlon, giving the amount received each year? ?. What have the fees of the Reg ister of Deeds amounted to for tbe time be has been ff o?ce? Will Mr. Rumlsy answer this, givlag the amount received sich year? 4. What hare tl e fees runka ud DUcliargiag Fir* . Ttart ware sevrai capes tried be fore hla Worship, Mayor Sterling, tills morning at the City Hall. State re. W. J. Hoyd. charted with discharging 0 rearm, within the city limits. Plead guilty Pined %2 and coats. State vs. Dink Cairo*, charted with drunkenness, pined ?2 and coata. Bute ??. w. J. Floyd and John Sat terthwalte. charged with an affray. Floyd fined ?3 and COaU. ' Satterth walte failed to put In Appearance. ?411 the Federal ?->, ( rith minute , I ?ikuH of tfce l to Melville W?KuUFuller.iat* Justice "of the United . Statu ime Court, the body of the' dit, . lulled Ju>u't Trill be laid to rest to-day In Oraceland Cemetery ? ? - Ma rq ..sv."-'" ot the courts win mmm Via Supreme ,1 - i ^nBtl tte': hla place imoi^l t at the funeral body tail* flnal "?nte" Federal and State Chicago were cloaed throughout the day, and all burfaaas lu.fhem sua IS A BENEDICT [Mr. Eugene Murray Short Marries ^ Winston hmOj. V ?Vv A romantic wedding took place in Wlnston-Salcm Thursday evening last After a courtship of a tew months Mlas Lillian Holmes Wells became the tfflde of Mr. Eugene Murray Short, formerly of Washington. The groom and his best man. Mr. Q. Hinton Crumpler, had their plans well laid/ After supper Mr. Crump-1 ler and Miss Wells feigned going to a lady friend's home. Shortly after leaving the house they were overtak en by the groom la a Urge Buick touring car. They went at a rapid pace to the home ef the oMating clergyman Although there Was an effort to keep the marriage a seoret within m short while After the nup tials had been performed Mr.. *nd Mrs. Short were the recipients [at qui congratulations from their The bride Is the youngest daugh ter of Captain and Mrs. A. a. Wells, cfcaralng and aeoompllahed. She la a graduate of the Salem Academy and College In Instrumental and vocal music. . The groom la well known through out North Carolina. He la a eon of the late MrrE. M. Short, of this city. At present he holds a responsible po sition with the It./j; Reynolds To bacco Com pans-, of Wlnston-fealem. The Dally News extends congratu lations , FIRST PRE8I1YTERIAN ( H|TROfc Regular services at the FlWt Pres byterian Church. Olpdden street. and evening at the by the pas AVIATORS Fifteen mlnntea after a booming gun had announced that Curtis* ya* about to fly. by soared. 100 feet into air near the ottau pier and started for the mi!lion?a?i)ar structure. As he nearedit. the aviator swung gracefully aroujM. moanOQi akyward another 10? fCr. rotTBwing the line of the'Structufe continued out a half mile to sea, where he turned up the coast toward the Inlet, dipipng dan gerously several times as the air currents- swept out between the big hotels. -iK'' Shooting A mile out over the ocean, Curtlse described an arc toward the boardwalk and returned toward his starting point, flying in favorable current 200 feet front the sea surface. Reaching the ocean pier, ho tnmed toward the boardwalk, flying low and directly over- the wooden decking of i the structure until a few hundred feet from the shore. Again he darted downtown, speeding like an express train 200 feet In the air. He circled birdlike above the million-dollar pier with the crowds on the boardwalk and beach cheering him to the echo. ?Acknowledging their applause with a wave of his hand, Cutties flew down as far as Ventnor. keeping In near the boardwalk. Swinging out to sea | again the aviator dashed out toward the end of .the milllon-dpUar p!er and! turned up town, keeping in a direct line until he reaehed the pier again, where he circled a mile out to sea, taking quick circles to delight the boardwalk crowds. Ho reached the ocesn jtier and then speeded for his landing place, settling like an Immense dragon fly in the very marks he made til the sand in his take off. KING IS WITH OPPOSITION bill,* already signed Vy Kin* Alfonso, barring" new religious orders from the country pending tber concordat negotiations, ?Spain, lot?g the world's-; forifcrioit Catholic powelV yesterday., challenged, the .Vatleah to a struggle as wfrtouvaa that Wfclch . In France . led io the* expulsion o f all TeltBftdus ?. V. - ^ v - . Br. t?h SUP -Spain definitely takes the' offehstra in the negotiations with Eome regarding the 'concordat. * The ?ttu*tlon Is unprecedented da the Iberian peninsula, "for hundreds of years the stronghdlti of the churcji. , With the Klng'i signature affiled to the bill, , the supporters ;oC* Pro filer Csflkiejas were yfcsterday re enforfeed by a faction which hitherto has remained neutral In the dispute. The lieu tenets of Canglejas are now confident that die government's program 'can be carried out In full, even If It" Is necessary to widen the , breach between Madrid and Rome etUl farther. internal affaire of Spain, following the dleordere resulting from the exe cution of Francisco Ferrer, the tear Is spreading that this declslre lining up of clerical and anti-clerical forces will bring on the new crisis. Many disorders hare already occurred as Canatejae' demand that non-Catholic churches be allowed to display the embleme * their faith. - FIFTH ADJOURNS Convention Ywtorday Deckled to Ad Jo.m VatU July 96. Greensboro, N. C.. July 8. ? The convention took a recess at 8.30 un 111 July 86 by vote of <249 to ISO. The convention recessed at 1.4 D until 10 upon conclusion of the 276th ballot, still In deadlock. After three ballots Mebane with drew, Rockingham giving Jones 14, Royster 14, Stedman ,13 ot its 41 votes. Result 28 1st ballot: Sted man, 162; Jones, 1 1S-; Royster, 109; Mebane, 16. Two later ballots show Jones' gains. Two hundred and eighty-third ballot gives Stedman 166, Jones 124. Royster 118. The 800th ballot, taken at 12 o'clock, glvee no hope of breaking the deadlock. T?e result shows: Sted man. 149; Royster, 188; Jones. 104; Mebane. 14. On the 292 be far in ? advance with the cnrblqg, so- as not,- to be overtaken/ Tbe street pavine;Aaq be put dowtf much faster than the curbing. While only 300 ieet of curbing can be placed in a day. -the street pavera can lay 700 sqfeare hards: ? ' The^ work' so far la very satlafacv torr. e?# The Dally News believes that 6 very citizen who visied in favor of Improved streets will not regret the step. V* I, TO BE ORDAINED Rev. Joeeph W. Fulford will be oi4 dalned to the aacred order of priests by Rt. Rev. Robert Strange. D. D., Bishop of East Carolina, at Zlon Par ish Church. Jeasama. N. C , Tuesday morning. July it. at 11 o'clock. The preacher will be Rev. Claudius F. Smith, og Elisabeth City, and tbs presenter will be Rev. , Nathaniel Harding, of this city. Rev. Mr. Fulford la one of the coming young rectors In the Episcopal Church, and hU rapid climb U a sou re v of congratulation to his many friends. * To-night another strong bill will he offered at the Oem Theatre. picture full ;>* action, develops some strongly buaan traits of character. The one novelty is the Introduction of a kodak In the hands of a chUd. the negative from which clearly ee> tahUehee t^e guilt of a certain gam Mar la a hold-up. This flUa Is 'a splendid example of scenic photog raphy to which la added an intensely Interesting story made famous by Jsc* London and others. It's a sen sational story, with the suspense continued to the very end. Paula Peters and Her Trained An imals ? A scenic film showing a mar vel ou sly well-trained horse, a troupe of'dogt i.nd monkeys who perform re markable stunts at their trainer's command. The horse is one of gr^nt beauty, being snow white. *?' ? The Hunchback ' Fiddler. a com edy. which preeenta some novel fea tures and keeps the audience roaring. FAVORS LONfi TKRMH. Pantego. N. C:. July 7, 1101. Mr. George E- Ricks, ? Washington, N. C. My Dear Sir: Your circular letter of recent date to Ijaud In regard to your renomlnation for 8herlff, and In reply will say that your conduct and work since In the office hss been all right and up to the standard, so far as I know, not only for another term, but for several terms, as long as you prove worthy and make us a good, ef ficient officer. In fact. I am a long term man. I think we make a mis take to turn down a worthy man who Is competent to take care of the work, Just to give another party the position, ft usually takes some little time for ah officer to get acquainted and familiar with wnat he has to do. and when he Is once settled and can hold hia Job down with ease we ought to keep him. for a man of experience can most assuredly give his fellow dtlsens better service thBn one can who Is not familiar with what. comes before him. ' It Is my opinion that this district is now getting better work done than for a long time and all from the fact that the people have continued our present Congressman, Mr. Small. In office until he has learn ed the work and has made himself a reputation which carries with it a strong, substnatlal Influence with the lawmakers at Waahlngton. So now you can see that If the rest of the Democrats do as I expect to do you will be elected. I take the po sition that you have been tried and having been tried we should be will ing 10 try you again. Very respectfully, T. H. WHITLEY. HT. PKTEK*8 PAIflMH. There will be regular services at St. Peter's Parish to-morrow as usual, conducted by the rector, Rey. Nathan iel Harding. Morning prayer with sermon at n o'clock. Evening song at 6 o'clock. Sunday school meets at 6 o'clock, c. H. Harding, superin tendent. Seata free and all strangerb cordially lnrlted to be present. WENT INTO EFFECT JULY 1 Charlotte. N. C, July #. ? The stringent laws governing clubs and lockera In this city went In force on 4 aly. 1 and In accordance with these stringent rulee. each social club in which Uquor or beer , La kept this week Hied with the deak sergeant of the police department a complete list - o(>U members qf .t?e club, and a 8ep arele 1M of tfcoae member* havlug '' 77, It la required to tlx flnt plan that every club ahall hare at leaat ,#ftr members. Each member keeping a i Acker la required to Pey^ Is per an num for the ^rlvlMge. and the club la required to pay'lilT per year ape* clal t**> *? The only concession that the dub people* frere able to gain from the prohtbltlohlats on the' . aldermanlc v board ni the prfVUege of keeping their tax on lea ddrlng the hoi w aether, otherwise the Imbibing at hot beer would .hare offered Uttle temptation, aren to the aaoat parched throat. Bat the Aldernaen aald that while neatbara could heap their bear In the common refrigerator, each bottle muat be.eo marked that the matabara can tell to whom each hot tie belongs, and the owner or the ket tle only la entitled to utilise the con tents. Furthermore, the Aldermen Mid that the clubs shaM at all tlmea be open tt> the Inspection of the Mayor or any of the police department. 80 the members are. enjoying cool beer under probably the most stringent aet of rules that can be found in the code of any city. ? * Nevertheless at the meeting of the board seven or eight clube met the requirements, and filed their mem bership llata, etc., and will comply I with the ordinance, which embraoee I sis or eight sub-eectlona, going Into the minutest details. DECLARED SANE Chm rlea Lane Win lie Tried for Mur der of Vonnj( Oo> Near Bath. Charles Lane has been brought back from Raleigh, where he has been confined in the asylum for the crimnal insane for the past four years under the direction of Governor Kitchin. and he will be tried for the murder of his wife's grandson. Miner Harris, at the October term of Beau fort County Superior Court. Lane, while his mind was deranged, readers of The Dally News will re call. murdered the boy near Bath sev eral years ago by striking him with a club. He was tried in this county for the crime and convicted, but the preside ing Judge, on account of his de range mat of mind, set the verdict aside and sent hfm to the asylum, where he haa been confined ever tine*. Inasmuch as he has recovered as d under the advice of the superin tendent of the asylum the Governor notified Sheriff Ricks to bring hla beck to Beaufort county for trial. ' Lane seems to have no recollection of the murder. He is now oonftnod in the Jail here awaiting hie trial. SPMCIAL mi*i TO CAMP OIJCBTN Special to The Dally Newa. Morehead City. N. C . July 7. ? Every half hour from 8 o'clock to I a special train la run frem the Atlan tic Hotel to Camp' Glen a for the con venience of those wishing to visit the camp grounds. At ? o'clock In the afternoon the soldiers are on drum parade. Several of the Wlyes of the officers are guests of the hotel and a number of the officers on the Gov ernor's staff will be guests also, i Mr. George Whltfleld will give a sail to-night complimentary to Mlas Mlgnon McCarthy, ot Atlanta, Gn. The party will consist of about flf ty young people. U Many social functions are booked for the coming week?clam roasts. Jbfclftg parties. Japanese germans and salllnff parU|sf_^;".f'v'