' m ? ? that ? certain ?l*P "PPI "I could carry South Creek precinct la the coming primary it.- or that ?i t '"mmm m , any man who makf. It to i one truthful peraon who haa erar heard auch a etatement from my "T waa born and ralaed at South oenta of South Creek (and. In fart In every MctUm of the county) who favored two term, before I eren thought of It. and from all Informa tion that come* t# ate; they "till maintain their Independence down there, and don't look to out?tder?_tor_ HKPLY TO THK T. T. < To the two-term man we condescend A To make thJa my lait reply. And flay that T. T. Standi For Tomatltt. the amalleat bird that ?-1- ?y?. % That T. R. T.. but who la hef ? ,81. ha. ha. that'a ?! But IA rather- be a Rooaevelt Taft lor m It they did write your'i for yoo. So good-bye. Ill bid yon adieu. And witting to I'll t?lt. For whan 1 go out nu blrda to kill I do not flhoot Tom Titta. ' > V0fr reapect fully your*. T.B.T. " - ? - ^ . ;,j , is nwrr orvicm. lit. Hugh u styron. ton of Oapt. A. w. Styrok, ot thla olty, haa bean made ftrat oBcer of the converted gunboat' Hornet, which legt Norfolk a tew da ya ago bound for Nicaragua. ' ar. afarrM*. only recently returned from a trip around the world. Thla la Quite aa honor to one ao young and the Dally Newa takea thla occaalon to extend congratulation!. "T'" " ' ? pasts errouuf. A, . Mr. William Joaaa, the engineer at ?'"W! power houae, Sunday eft la hla cnatom before going y. removed hla pantaloon., donning a pair ot overalla. He hung the dlaeardad pair up and want about hla uaoal rouUna of Work. Nan morning or what waa hla aur?rtaa to and that eoeu one had called during the nlghf and relieved him of hla panta. He haa no clna to the guilty perty. the alactrlc power 1 ?moon. hto c*i oe doty, removed - a - 1 a_- _ Mr. B H. Thompaon, ma of Beau fort couaty'a moat Udurtrioua and energetic farmer*. will give a bt?be cua to the farmer. at Aurora on "Wed needay. Jely IT, Vr.'niotapiKje alwaya doea the right thing, and we teal con cue will enloy the occaalon. ? i gj 7 MOVKY STOUlJf. \ Soma time Saturday or Sunday iome one entered the Atlantic Coaat Una oflce and took 16. the property of Mia* 8a rah Well.. The money waa placed In a drawer In one of the deska. The thief wa. , I fj >"?1 are $20 In the HI ally street flprlnkler la being overhauled. Till" account, for Ita absence from the rtreeta the paat few d V, ' > ;;?.v \j *HOVU> BR APPBKCIATKD. ie?thel hold this and motlre of thla waa to iajure and ay frlenda be s Independence which I [ at South Creek. them and thoee mil uw wawiwu w ??? tte' Hir ing human bolng who has erer he?rd me make any auch statement. Ut him come forward with his proof or atop repeating that whte^ he Irnowi la fa lee. , . ^ The party circulating thU report la known to me and if it ia reported I will publish his name and expose J AS. U KAYO. his native county. Alk the teacher and school children of the rural dis tricts for a chapter, and you will hear worda to convince jou that Joseph T. Tajloe ha. been tholr friend. He la oae or the ableat and ml* fearleaa advocates In the cause ol democracy. His voire has been heard all over thla county proclaiming the doctrine of Thomas Je?eraon. In the many cam pa,.,,, that h.?r;3;i?. ? to the front Why who haa borne ibe rowoT He i? struck nnd offer, tie ?nd ? too w?ll known to require any words ot commendation Irora me. Hovmr, It la with pride and pleasure to point to th?"1nost courteous man ner In which he has conducted hU of flce. -??*.. ?*? Mr. Genre* MM Is an eBclent clerk and la ailing the position with credit to himself, satisfaction to all. and an hooor to the party which put liim in power. Now. last, but not least. let me say a. word about a man who has sirred his county well. I refer to our most excellent county commissioner. Mr. Thomas Green, of Pantego. He Is a man well versed ip our county af fairs and a man of good judgment and Hpe experience. It behooves each and erery one of u? to iujjpdrt him for renomlnation. \ In writing UtU letter of endorse meat I in prompted by the beet of motives Nomely. to see tW gentle men whom we haw tried and trusted succeed themselves. Owing to their splendid abilities, known Integrity, competency and eminent ntaeee. and Yours, truly, , P. T. BAYNOR. Belhaven. N. C., July II, 1*10. The Dally News thinks It, would be a wise plan on the part of the city and the Improvement committee to do away *ith the ahade trees oir Mar ket street, betweflp Second and Third streets. The paving now being done will certainly oxtend as far as. Third street, and the day is not very far! distant when Market street will be fined with business houses. This be ing true, and as ther^ are only three trees on this block, they shopld be c?t dbwn^ It is well. UUeave the. shad* trees undisturbed In the r^dential part of the city when the paring is, but when it comes to the business por tion the proper thing to do is to -re move them. This paper hopes this! step wvUl be taken by those in au thority. ~ . H New Orleans, Jiily 34. ? Witt the har vet ting of the SopUi's cotton a 1 ready begun In the Earlier sections, and the time fast approaching whan the crop will begin to move in even the more northerly fliates. Southern banker* and bualnea* men are now hard at wotX on th?; problem pre aented them by thafMmt decision of London bankers In connection with cotton biils of fading, that beginning In November. Amerleeft cotton bills of Jading shall be negotteWe only when t&ey are guaranteed by an ?mtrfcan banking institution. This action grew oat of the triads Mr. Bdwafrd Csrrowon, who bu bMn the efficient head clerk of the Atlantic Coast Line aiatlon her* tor the pest several years, has been pro moted by the company to tin position as agent at Maxton, N. C. Mr. Car rowen baa already entered uponJ^U new dutlee. To the Editor: Pleeae allow me apaee h? your paper to publicly thank the voters of Beaufort county for their past fetors and say 1 will not be a candidate for county coiufctssloner In Ike coming Tours, truly/, dren. Washington; A. p. Barnes, Hen, dsrson; Thomas Blount Washington* A. T. Windier. Jwwmi; Miss Msggle Lewis. Washington; M. U ruber. Lake Landing; L. E. Jones. Swan Quarter; R P. Gllmore. Washington ; E. P. Smith. Bath; Leonard Cutler. Jeaaama; Ura. 3. R. Mitchell. Jee aatna; J. G. .Cowper. Hartford; Jllss Florence Wade, BelhaTm; W. R Benson and Mlsa Shaw. Washington: 1. B. Jones. Moreen ton; Mre. Coper a(* and Ura. B. P Alllgood, Wash ington; Mlsa Alice Qaaklna. Edward; E. Jennette, Washington; Mlaa Myrtle Kcklln. Washington; Mlea Susie F.A vards. Snow Hill; Dr. J. L. Nlchol aon an4 babj, Wellington; Mlaa r*n nle Smith wick aid Mlaa Rasa Rae. Blount's Creak; Mlaa Mel tie Mayo, Washington; Mlaa Lillian Baker. Sbelmerdlne; >aaui Mitchell and Mlaa Julia Miller. Waahlngton; Car ner Bryan, J. H. Hodges, Washing ton. ?- 1 ? ?/. TWO-TERM POLICY The crops are Improrlng. The politics, too, They are going to awap the old candi dates For a set of brand new. It makes some aalk. WbUe others smile; Ton can bear the two-termere laugh ing For a good kaU mile. Work on, gallant aoldlera. The offlce la In atght ?Teryhody knows The two-term policy la right. Then they will put yon on a salary And add to the county'* fund*. Which will let down the long-term Hag And apike all their big guns. It makes we girls laugh To see such a chase. Cause we all know That the two-term policy will win out the race. Now, good men. Come down and out. For the two-term policy Is bound to come about. Don't stand at the doors And hold them too tight. Get out of the way. For yon know that they are right. Then you will cry to each other With one loud voice, 'Yon ?pe the long-term polity Is not the people's choice." Your Blount's Creek frleibd, ^ He writes mighty well. If be had good hook learning. What would he not tell? And the gift of the pen. He spoke so much about, But the two-term policy Is sure to win out. They think your piece is mighty fine; They have it in pamphlet form; They are blowing it all over the county Out of the same old long-term horn. He says Blounts Creek Is solid, For the long term at last. But the two-termerm will cry; "Where were you. Friend Adams, when the cyclone passed?" Your doctrine is not good, You have had a bad dream, And things are not Always what they aeem. He is a good sympathiser You alt can plainly see. But he left out Oeorgle Paul And how can that be? The only one attic ted By a providential band, But be didn't see fit To take him In the b&nd. Brace up, Mr. Pftut! Don't collapse in despair, Tor one more term You are bound to get there. How, good Democrats, ootne all, And join this mighty band. For the two-term policy wtll land you safely In the good old promised land. And then you can slag. In a welcome familiar tongue: "Equal rights to all-men, And a special privilege to none." 1 "OOOD LUpK." Edward-, N. C. TRIBE RETURN ft. The member* "of Tau Tribe, Im proved Order of Red Men. that went to New Bern to aastst In the fes tivities yesterday, returned home last night On the special train. They report a great day and speak la the highest terms off the warm welcome they received. GH. Not bjr a Carnival Show. Ths i OejM Fire Company l? en deavoring to secure another carnival for Washington, with the bope that they will derive enough from the pro ceeds to finish paying for their hose ??agon. The people Of Washington have long ago become eefflcisntly amused with this clsss of shows , and something should be done to help the Ocean Fire Company meet their obli gation through some other channel. Carnivals are no benefit whatever to a community. ThereMs nothing elevat ing or uplifting; on the contrary, they have a \ndency to degrade and lower. If the city Is too poor to meet the deficit, then the business men of the city should come together and con tribute towards this cauiM. Washington's fire department is s volunteer one, and no town In North Carolina has any better. The record of_the department here will compare favorably with the best, and this paper thinks It is a blot on Washing ton when It is advertised to the out side world carnivals have to be se cured In order for Us fire department to meet Its just obligation. The eitl sens of Washington don't desire any more shows hfcre of th<* carnival char* acter, and the Daily News ventures the assertion that if the city Aldermen would take the money out of the city treasury and pay what is owing on the hoee wagon, there would be no kick coming from a alngle taxpayer. The Ocean Fire Company's hose wagon must be paid for. but adopt some other meanB to do so rstber than secure carnivals. ENTERTAIN. The Mlsee* Mayo are the Hostess at the Country Ch?b Friday Fve-nlng. One of the most pleasant aoclal functlona of the many given at the Country Club thia soason was the one last Friday evening by Mlaaes Adeline, Elisabeth and Julia Mayo In honor of their houae party guest. Mlaa Eleanor Vann of Franklin ton; Miss Vannie Bruton. of Fayettevllle. and Mlaa Kathleen Kugler, of Philadel phia. . ; \ ? '* ' All the gueala were met by Mrs. J. B. Moore and presented to thtf guests of honor. fCra^-^feero -per formed her task With grace and ur banity. Moonlight dancing. mUHlc and other amusements were Indulged in. The entire occasion Is one long to be remembered. The Mlaaes Mayo al ways antertain In a way to please and captivate. Eight refreshments were served. MARRIAGE SATURDAY. Mr. William Norman and Mlaa Bee ale Keech were united In marriage laat Satarday^morning at the court houae by Juauce of the Peace. Mr. Artbu^Mayo. HOME WEDDING. Mr. David Hampton and MIbs Ruby Hooten were happily married at the home of th? bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. j. B. Hooten, Nlcholsonvllle, laat Saturday evening. The couple spent their honeymoon at Pamlico Beach Sunday. Mlaa Hooten la a moat popu lar young lady. Mr. Hampton la em ployed by the Atlantic Coast Line and la a most worthy young man. Beat wlahea. NEW CELLS. Two new ?el la are being placed in the City Hall for the accommodation of the evildoers. One of the old cells In the rear of the building has been removed to make room for the lire department horsea. MERITED PROMOTION. A dlspatV to the News and Ob aerver from Wilson. N. C., states that R#v. John B. Jones, former paator of the Christian Church la that town, has been called to the pastorate of the Central Christian Church at Ander son, lad., the second largest church of the Chrlatlan faith la the United States. The membership la over two thouaand. It la not known whether he wHI accept or not. Mr. Jonea la a native of thia county and la well and favorably known in this aectlon. His many frienda rejoice at hla % rapid climb slace entering the ministry. TONIGHT AT THE GAIETY. Three reels of the beat plcturea Is the program aeheduled at the Gaiety toc?;ht I ? "Rejuvenation of Father" (Lu bln ) .?A humorous picture which* conjoins the usual run of surprises In Labia film of Jack waa too much for the father of Laura, and managee to beat her objecting father In a way he ?pn*t forget. After a aeries of hTunoroua complications the father oaaenta. rather than to have hla dis comfiture known at the club. And after traveling orer a somewhat bump, road for ? lime tru? lor. Will Be Held in W. August 3 There will be bald la Wuhlaftoa on Wednesday, August 3, a farmers' meeting. Several speakers of note from tbe United SUtea Department of Agriculture will be present and dla cum tbe queetloa of eoli, oora. cottou and tobacco. It is to be boped that ?very farmer in Beaufort county will be present. At tbe same time Mr. K. Lseter Boy kin will apeak on tbe sub ject of public roadi. Congressman John H. Small ffsa addreaaed the fol lowing letter to Mr. C. M. Brown, president of tbe Chamber of Com merce. in reference to the meeting: Mr. C. M. Brown. President Chamber of Commerce, City. My Dear Sir: There will held in Washington on Wednesday. August Sd. a farmers' educational meeting for Beaufort county. Among others who will' be present and conduct the meeting will be Mr. E. Lester Bovkln, who will discuss the subject of public roads in a most interesting and forceful man ner. Permit me to say that it is time the citisens of Beaufort county were becoming more active In the work tor better roads, and it is fitting thst the Chamber of Commerce of Washing ton should take the lead in this movs ment. Similar orgsnlsattons in other county towns have initiated this work with the best results. I may mention as a most recent illustration the ac tion of the Chamber of Commerce in Greenville. It will not be creditable to our Chamber of Commerce and to our citizens if Beaufort county lon ger lags In securing better roads. The ways and means will suggest themselves when the matter \ taken under consideration. For the present may i express the hope that every member and every cltlsen who can posatWy s?ai s Hme?? kin on good roads. ??...?.>? JNO. H. SMALL. July 25. 1910. PLAYED VOR DANCE. The Washington Concert Band went to New Bern yesterday where It played for the opening dance of the bl-centennlal celebration last night. ARE MOVING. The J. H. Hjyls PI u rating ?n