V<>R HALK ? TWO BOATS, OJfB AX 18-ft. gasoline launch, in good con dition, and one small, i;ew row boat; also one Caay's Iron safe, weighs ?00 lbs. and practically new. apply aJ b: drauqhon, SV i Imperial Pool Room. 4: ? ' "* - , MOLE* AJfll W AIM'S REMOVKh without pain and leaves no scar. Sat- . ? lsfactlon guaranteed or no charge. Ask for Prof. R. L. Eambeardt, at Palace Barber Shop, opposite Hotel Louise. , l ?kL & Jl . ? - WANTED ? TO BUY OR KXCHAfiUK old gold or silver, old- fashion fur niture, braM candlesticks. andirons, blue plate* and platters.. & c. \Vili be In Pantego the middle of July. Ad dress Pan teso, C. M. Travers. 3,13 UEVIUKD CRABH, PORTSMOUTH Mullets, Largest and Best Melons, at OARFIELD CLEMMONS." 146 East Water Street. Phono 146. . W *? ? ? : : ? - LOST ? l*OCKKT-BOOK HATUROAV with 4 Are dollar bill*. l two and one one. Ffader rethrn to F. t. Slmihons and receive liberal- re ward. O ' j' > V ;r' FOR SALE ? ONE GOOI> FAMILY Horse, one good milk cow. one cart. House for rent No. 4 JO* E. Main street. Apply ^o H. R. Bright. TO CM* OUT! OCR HUMMER stock of Oil Stoves, Hammocks and Water Coolers we arft. making a big reduction in price. If you want a bargain in .^hls, line, como McKEEL. RICHARDSON * CO r CHOICE si CUT - If FLOWERS Jl Write, Phone or Wire J. L O'QUINN & CO. RALEIGH, N. q. Your Wants, as they are Head quarters for everything in the Florist' Line. Pnoae 149 iUf MAIL CLERKS WANTED The Government Payi Railway Mall Clerto 9900 to UJOO, and Other Employee I'p to 92,000 Annually. Uncle Bam *K o??id spring exam inations jfkrj*' 'i- ? country tor Railway Ma) ' Custom House Clerks. Stenograpner*, Bookkeepers. Departmental Clerks and other gov ernment positions. Thousands V>f ap pointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, In City or Coun try. can get Instruction and free in formation by writing at once to the Buresu of Instruction. 61 M. Hamlin Building, Rochester. N'. Y. CJUWDINR Cures %U Also Nervous Heaoacho. Travelers* Headache and aches (icq Grip. Stomacn Troubles or Pemai'i trou bles. Try Capudlne ? It'r liquid ? effects Immediately. Bold b* drug gists. 10. 25 and BO eenta woes u. m angers waa in om pilme of his power, say a a New York y, and his estate i Be probably had a? Idea ? was worth at any stag* Beg in the Long Ago. -Adam," ssksd Ere, "what are yea doing 1" *Tm discovering Mais," ha said, looking dswn at bar to rest bis neck. *1 wonder If it has any inhabitants." From which we leara that AAam ml ready knew about as mech * Mars as the i Chicago Tribune. "Hare aay serious trouble with year ?w antomobilsr "Not a bit So far I haven't hit a WM. BRAG Fir* Insurance Agasti B.ltimor* and Soft Crabs. The gen sin? soft crab, or Bracbyura baltlmorieuils. ta tbe won delicate u It Is the moat delicious of air victuals. It will no more Dear transportation than a aephyr or a daffodil. Tbe mo meat It la taken- from Its native deep It begins to lose buitnoennd flavor, and once It has left fhe Chesapeake Hitcrnl It la 00 longer eatable. Tlmt la wby tbe soft crab Is a superfi delicatessen la Baltimore and a bitter disappoint men t everywhere else. So sensitive Is It, Indeed, to climate and handling that It la Impossible to get a decent soft crab anywhere west of tbe first tollgate oc the Bidder* k road. In Plttsbarg. where embalmed soft crabs I are offered la tbe gilded lobster pal aces. tbeir flavor Is that of glucose, la Chicago the soft- crab Is a mere curiosity, to be gaped at but not eaten. Baltimore alone has the genu ine article, and It Is fortunate for Bal timore that It cannot be transported If It were poeelole to ship soft crabs the whole earth would bid for tbem, running up their price to $1. K and perbape even to *100 a dosen.? Bal timore Son. A Teaeher In the Making. She was a popular young normal student who had been to a party the night before, and as a Consequence was ?mot prepared- l&the geography class. Tbe woman tnamictor. true to ber method of drawing Upon tbe general knowledge of a student rather than to permit a failure, after^ellcitlng two er three Inconsefnientlal "stabs'* from ber fair but Jaded disciple, asked for the product* of China. ? the victim brightened. TV*," she asserted, preparing to sit down. "Yes. and what else?" encouraged tbe Instructor. ' ? The young woman smiled with sweet hopelessness. "Now you can mention others, I am sure. Just think nbont It." ?Tea," drawled the flutelike voice of tbe pretty girl, "and." puckering ber forebeed with nn Intellectual tour de force, -and iauudry work."? Youth's Companion. Quick Cur*. Once there was a man who made life miserable for all ha met by eternally harping about his acbea and pain* ?e would discourse on the subject of his . dyspepsia, and be would almost in terrupt a religious service to tall of bis rheumatic symptoms. If be bad a'stitcb la bis side be hsd to pester bis friends with It. and a headache helped him make everybody unhappy. At. last a bright young woman, to whom tbe man applied for sympathy, cored him of all Bis ailments. Whan ha was la the midst of a cata logue of his sufferings she said sweetly: "Yes. it Is Strang* how many of these things afflict a auto ss ha begins to grow old." Tbst man oarer even had a symptom after that.- Wilbar D. Nesbit la Judge. When Men Wens Branded. ? curious relic of bygone times, prob ably tbe dhly one in England, still stands at Lancaster castle. It Is a strong .Iron boldfaat. Into which tbe prbwoer. who to olden time hsd been sentenced to be branded as a tpalefac tor. had his Mi and thrust and locked. Tbe branding Iron after being made red hot at' tbe end was pressed against tbe "brawne of the thumb." and on be ing withdrawn the letter M branded on tbs unfortunate priaooer^s flesh in dicated from henceforward that be was a malefnctor. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the Judge and Jury and In open court, and the bra oder Invariably turned to tbs Judgo after bo bad doue bla work and ex claimed. "A fair mark, my lord? It la over 100 years since tbe Instrument was last uMd on two men sentenced to lmprisoomeift for manslaughter. His Maiden aneeoh. |t is related that 0mea tbe Bsri of Rochester In tbe reign of Charles 1L rose to make bis mslden speech In the bouse of lords be said: "My lords-my lords. I rise this time for tbe lint time ?tbe rery flrst time. My lords. 1 di vide my speech Into four branches." Here there was aa embarrassing paase of some second*. -My lords." the earl then ejaculated. "If ever I rise agaia la this house you may cat me off, root aad. branches sad all. forever." M, The TaMs Napkin. Curiously enongh, that aftfcle now considered almost Indispensable, th? table napkin, was flrst used only by children aad was adopted by elder members of the family about the mid dle of tbe fifteenth cent^ky. In eti quette books of an earlier date than tills among other sage pieces of advice for children are instruction* about wiping their fingers and llpa with their napkins. It seems that the tableoioth was long-enough- to reach tbe floor and served the grown people In place of napkins. When tb?y did begin to use napkins tliey placed them flrst on the shoulder, then on the left arm and Anally tied them about tbe neck.? Lon don ?tan<j?rd. Om??. r Unpslntad. ?J?. iu whether s ??ts| abb > . , -?r left rough tss mat ter i> u*uac be decided by the in SEKirSi? or tan't be^only UrnVJ My bod tanght aw n lesson oo the ?object of "nagging" vtm be was but four jritn old tod oue>hai 1 have aer er forgotten. Ha 'bad beeu guilty of a smatl misdemeanor tod bail tried to wnggle oat of It by not telling the ex act truth, l pxre him a mild spank ing and. as has alrvajt been my cus tom. talked lb? matter over afterward. I began by saying. "Now. Robert. If ycu bud told me the truth 1 should not hare punished you." ? "h'v He stood before me. scraping on" foot along the carpet, and h?* look*) up at me and said. "What wuu:d /ou have done?" And I answered. rj should have only talked to yoiK** "Wed.** be dialled, "how Ion* would you have talked?** He la a big boy Id high school now, but when times arise requiring a rep rimand and 1 gee started 1 still bear tha't little voice. "How loog woOld yotr bare talked?" nod 1 go right to the point and say what 1 have to say oo the subject; but In the boy's own lan guage. I "cut It short" and nfever refer to It again It Is absolutely nec essary.- Harpers Bazar. Killing a Bull Without a Weapon. Cayctauu. a famous Spanish toreador, once was strolling across a meadow Witt a couple of friends when bis at' tention was attracted by an old and Infuriated bnll wblcb was galloping to ward tbem wlrti lowered bead and erect tall. Cay eta no bad no weapoh, not even a cane, but be seized a dust coat wbicb one of bis friends was car rying over bis arm. As soon as tbe bull got close to tbem Cayetano bade bis companions make their escape whllo he engaged the animal's atten tion. . Using tbe coat as a capa, be drove ><*the bull crazy wltb fury, step ping aside wltb the deftest agility at each of tbe animal's charges. In this manner he caused the bull to turn sharply In the midst of Its onward rushes until anally an ominous crack was beard, and tbe bull fell In a heap, wltb. Its backbone broken by tbe sud den "Wrench given by tbe animal's abrupt swerve. rorm of Divorce In Old Roms. In tbe earlier period of the Roman republic divorcee were quite unknown and were rare right up to tbe time ot tbe Bullan wars. In tbe old days tbi> husband and wife who wlshcg to sepn rate appeared for tbe last tluV> before tbe common hearth, a priest ana priestess being present As on tbe day of marriage, a cake of wheat en floor was presented to the husband sod wife, but lustead of sharing it be tween tbem they rejected It. Then. In stead of prayers, they pronounced formulas pf a strange, severe, spiteful character, by wbkb tbe wife renounc ed tbe worship and gods of tbe bus band. Prom that moment tbe religious bond was broken, and. tbe community of worship bavins ceased to exist, tbe marriage without further ado was for ever dissolved ? New York American. Flora I Etymology. "Primrose" 1* one of those words that have shown popular association to be stronger than etymology. It ban no real connection wltb the rose, but Is the oU French "prlmerole" and. anyhowjRneans only tbe "prime" or first flower (more or Jessi of tbe year. Our lantoage has Insisted upon mak lng ?Yya" of all sorts of flowers We ba{e the tuberose, which Is onlj "tuberose? tuberous, and the rose mary. which is "rosmsrinus." dew of the sea. On tbe other band tfte "rose" has been dropped readily enough in cases where popnlsr fancy could not see tbe flower. Tbe alchemists called green vitriol "rose of copper." "cuprt rosa." In French this became "coupe rose," but English wore It down to the pointless ""copperas."? London Chron The Dancing Mania. The "dancing insula" ot tbe middle ages came on tbe heels of the great plague known as tbe "black death." what Is known as "St. Vitus* dance." It began in tbe year 1374 at Als-la Cbapelle and spread all over Germany, tbe Netherlands and Italy. Tbe dan cars formed < ircles band in band and appearing to have lost all reason, con tinued dancing, regardless of tbe by standers. for boors together until in tbetr wild delirium they fell to t^jf] ground In sheer exhaustion. Paottng and foaming at tbe mouth, they would suddenly spring OP and begin tbe dance again, to be again exhausted, and so on until they died. Tbe mania Involved millions of people. 7 ~ : , The Twelve Jurymen. ? prisoner Is tried by twelve of his fellow countrymeu. This custom is a thousand years old. and we get It from tbe vikings. Tbe viklogs divided tbetr eofatry op Into cantons, which were subdivided Into twelve pontons, each under a chieftain. When a malefactor was brought to jostles It was usual for each chieftain to select a loan from tbe district over which be ruled and compel him to try tbe prisoner, tbe verdict of these twelve men being de clared by tbe Judge to be flnaL ?n American' visiting tbe Jardln dee Plantes In Paris after uiocb amusing conversation with a loquacious guide said. "It seems to me tbst giraffe Is *n ononis II J- thin on*, ilthoosh all of M*se Warren. who has be?n ri.it Ing" Mrs. J. B. Moons, on West Sec ond Ktr^et, returned to her home In | Edenton tbto morning. v > Mr. w. C. W.nters left thin mom-j ing for Norfolk and Virginia Beach. '.j ? ? IF:. Rev. m. L- Summercli, former pas ter of the Presbyterian Church ln| t W ? ? : t y . ;m .v of Ka; ? 1 through the city route to J Sew Bern. Iv**? ' - ' Mr.- O |/ Gabriel left this morning | for Plymouth. Mr. E. Hoyt Moore' returned thla ! morning from a business trip to New ] Bern . ?? 1 'Tjl Mr. A. D. Mac Lean and family re-| turned this morning fjrom Beaufort j and Morehead City. Si . , , - . * ? Mr. Ralph Lee Roper, who has been attending king's Business College at Raleigh, is in the city, the guest of Mr E. L. Roper, en route to his home In Hyde county. * Capt. Wesley Peebles, of Bath is in the city today. Miss Ida AUIgood, Of Bunyon, is visiting hef slater. Mrs. M. F. Rsb coe on Bonner street. ? ? Mr. H. N. Roper .of. Sdney Ih In the city today on *uantog,.. v ? Mr. W. W. Mason, of Bath, Is in the city today. 1 ? . Mr. L. P\ Harris and dnuRhter, of Plnetodn, -arrlvted in the city tills morning. 9" ? Dr. a. K. Tayloe, of Bel haven, U In the city today. ? ? Mrs tor James Marsh, of Bath, its "Visiting h?3 slstef. Mrs. E. L. Itoper. ?Jl:*s Pottle Walser,. of Lexington. Ky In the guest of Miss Ethel FowleJ ? ?" Msg Azille L. Taylor, of North Mar Marlowe. N. C., is the guest of libr cousin, Mr. L. A- Cutler, on Kast Wa ter street. ? ?' Commissioner W. \V. Hooker, of Aurora, is here attending the reg ualr monthly meeting of the Board of County Commlsslonr*. ? ? Mr. H. C. Mayo, of oSuth Creek, was a Washington visitor this morn ing. ? ? Mr. D. R. Hollpwell, bookkeeper fopr the Roper Lumber Company at New Bern, is in The city vialtlng his friend. Miss Aslle Taylor. '? ? Mss Pennle Bigga, of Willlamston, Is In the city visiting Mss Margaret Cordon, on East Main street. ? ? Miss Margaret Cqrdon has return ed from a visit to Wilmington. Piking Around. Messenger Boy-1 hear yer boss done ? little aboppln* yesterday. Wail 8treet OfBce^oy? Pooh! Notfcln* to speak of. He only bought a9 Insurance company, a couple of good, serviceable banks an' a steel piant. an* he bsd a railroad aent up on spp*rbation.? Puck. GOOD ROADS MEiyiNG. The. Farmera' Educational and Good Roads Meeting will be held In this city . Wednesday. August 3d. There will be a morning and after noon session. /the fl f t meeting will take place W 10 o'clock. Every famnur In the county should be present. BIG FIRE Ten-Tliona*n<l Dollar Fire Occurred ut t'anteKO This Homing. Pantego, N. C., August 1. ? (Spec ial to Dally News) ? A moat disas trous Are broke out here this morn ing between 2 and & o'clock in the store of Mr. A. B. Jones and was not extinguished until his store and con tents were burned. The store of Mr. Thomas Whitley was also consumed. The postoffice. the warehouse of the Aycock Supply Company and atqfe building of Mrs. A. Es. Clark were damaged. How the lire originated la not known ; the surmise Is that It waa the work of an Incendiary, The loss Is estimated at $10,000. Mr. Whitley carried Insurance to the> amount of $650. BOY DROWNED Icmrrwl snnilnjr Afternoon In Run yan'a Ott? Body Not, Fo?n<l. Jim Randall, colored, about IS year* ild, waa drowned In Bun/.o'? crock Sunday afternoon while bathing with ieveral of hfa comrades. The accident occurred near the itav? mill. Randall, with several of lie playmates, wept .to the ereok to lathe. No one of' th, party could twlm. Kasdall waa th flrat to enter he water. HP lumped overboard at 1 point wber the wateT la very deep. Every efTort waa made to ttTi him, mt without avaiL A" Sunday after ioon the creek waa dr?(gtd, but up o thla writing the body ha. not betn ?"'iS'ii't .'Jr t.< ? I C B At halt put alxty wink* la*t uigbt When "down" home" folk* ? noosed away. One moorwyed bullfrog spoke *alond. And these few words he setmed to ?' "Crystal Ice ? Crystal Ice Cool enough ? Cool enough." Apparently the moon-eyed bullfrop knows a so<9d thing, and be talks about It. ' , * ** Give \:s your orders and we will send you Crystal Ice cool enough and quick onough. ?Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON. N. C. Announcements FOlt TltlC.Vst" it Kit. I horeby Announce myself as a can didate for the . office of Treasuror o( Beaufort "county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primaries aud convention to be held for the nomi nation of county officers, if nomi nated' I will not ask for more than two terms. E. R.M1XON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Ooaunl*&iouci in Bath township subject to the ac tion of the forthcoming county con vention. If honored with the nomina tion and election I shall strive to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. 1 ask the support and encouragement of all Democrat*, and all others who desire to vote for me. Respectfully. GEORGE M. JORDAN. FOR TREASURER. This is to announce my candidacy for renomi nation for the office of Troasuxer of Beaufort county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries. I have endeavored at all limes to show my appreciation of the trubi reposed in me by the Democracy of Beaufort by serving all the people impartially and to the best of my ebility. If again honored, 1 prom ise a service made more efficient by years of experience In the office. I further state that to long as I am the choice of the Democrats of Beaufort county for any office, 1 will permit them to name the length of the terra. Thanking the Democratic voters for their past favors, and asking them to turn out at our primaries and give me their support, I am Yours truly, JOS. F. TAYLOE. FOR SHERIFF.. Two years ago I entered the contest for the nomination of 8herifT of Beau fort county. I found, at that time, that there were many In the county who felt that the present incumbent, Mr. Ricks, should have another term, making him in all about five years in that office. I was advised by my friends, also many who were support ing Mr. Ricks, to withdraw from the contest at that time, they all assur ing me of their entire support two years hence, or at the present time, in view of which I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of 8heriff of Beaufort county, subject to the Democratic primaries and convention to beheld for the nomination of coun ty offices. My policy is two terms for all coun ty officers. Trusting that I may receive your support, I am, very respectfully, JAS. H. HARRIS. FOR SHERIFF. To the Democrats of Beaufort county: I take this method of thanking you for your loyal support in the past and to ask a continuance of the same in the coming primaries in renominating me for the office of Sheriff of Beau fort county. If I have served you well and given satisfaction, I fe?l sure that I can give you even bettet service In the future; as the records show an improvement each year, the insolvent list for 1909 being less than 2 1-4 per cent. I have worked for the best interest of the county at all tinles, and if renominated I will give yon the best service I can, and at all times try to Improve. Thanking you in advance I remain very respectfully. Your servant, GEO. E. RICKS. FOR REGISTER OP DEEDS. To the Democrat* of Beaufort County: As a life-long Democrat and p? i / worker who has never held office j hereby announce my candidacy *?ji the nomination by the Democratic party for the office of Register M Deeds for Beaufort coanty. Democracy meant an equal chn for al! and no monopoly for any.elt i In office or otherwise. Believing trial upon observance of this doctrine -de pends the Bucceas of our party. I sbal* ask for no more than two terms I] nominated. Respectfully. JNO. W. MAYO. Aurora, N. C. * FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomlnatlon for the office o' Register of Deeds of Beaufort county ind ask my friends throughout th< county to attend the primaries, whicl. will be held August $ and and glv< me their support. ' Thanking my friends kindly for th? hearty support they have given me it the past and asking a continuance of the same In the coming primaries, ) remain, as ever, Orl-BERT RUMLEY. w,TH,,R:t3v ? <*%? -v* i'' ^ -"1 . ? ? ^ sheriff notwlfhstandlng that whm of my good friends live said to the cou tr ary. I bop* DOB* qf my friend. wiii lb Influenced in av)r way by Ufa v+> port whk|\ bu been e'rculatad lor the sole purpose of Injuring my candi dacy. I am in the race to atay and win, if poaaible. by fair and hon?et methods. Respectfully, J AS. H. HARRIS FOR THE LEGISLATURE. To the Democratic Voters of Beau fort County: ? I hereby announce my candidacy before the primaries for the nomina tion as one of the Represtnta'Jvea for Beaufort county in the next Genera! Assembly. I ask tho hearty support of all good Democrat*. Respectfully. W. A. THOMPSON. Aurora, X. C. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR' COURT. 1 hero by announce myself a candi date for renominatloa for the offlce of Clerk of tho Superior Court of Beaufort county and ask thaCull my friends attend the primaries and give me their support. Thanking my friends for their sup port in the past and asking a contin uance of same, I am. Youra very truly, GEO.* A. PAUL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the offlce of County Com missioner In Washington township, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primarlea and county conven tion. If nominated f pledge myself to * progressive and economical admin istration of county affairs. Very respectfully. O: B. WYNNE. FOR THi: LEGISLATURE. To tfco Democrats of 3eau?ort County. Greetings: It is very gratifying to me to know that so many of my friends are flTTx ious that. ] would stand for re-election to the Legislature of North Carolina. I extend to you my heartiest appre ciation for the favors and honor al ready conferred and I now adopt the medium of the press through which to say to you that if my services Jn the General -Assembly of North Caro lina, Session 1909, m??rt your ap proval, and If you believe .that fi delity and devotion to duty will be maintained and yon desire that I should be one of your representatives In the coming lull session, then yon may have the privilege of presenting my name for that purpose before the several Democratic primaries to bt held in our county. 5th and Cth of August. And in the meantime 1 de sire to remain faithfully the sarae, J. F. LATHAM. Jessama, N. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of commissioner of Beaufort county subject to Democrat ic primaries and convention. W. F. GAYLORD. Bath township. FOR COMMISSION ER. To the Democratic Voters of Beaufort County: I desire to place before you. for re-nomiuation. for the nfflce of Coun ty Commissioner the nsnie r? Mr. F. H. Vonebfrsteln, taking in t?c:: :lder atlon Mr. Ebersttin's goot! Cu-Jines* Qualification?, and also the fact that he has considerable experience in handling the affairs- of the county. 1 feel that he Is in position to serve the people as well a* if not better than any other Man on the South Side of the River. # .1 E. TURXAGS. FOR COUNTY rOMMISStONKl:. been asked by many If I would serve aj county com missioner again? Allow me to say if I am honored with the electiou I will discharge my duty to the best of my ability. Thanking my friende for past favors, we await your pleas ure. THOS. GREEN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce thyself as a can didate for the office of County Com missioner in Richland township, lubject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and county conven tion. If nominated I pledge myself to s progressive adn economical admin istration of county affairs. Very respectfully, W. W. HOOKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ro the Democratic voters of Beau for county: In answer to the several inquiries nade relative to my candidacy for the ?ffice of County Commislsoner. will lay that I was appointed to fill the inexpired term of H. J. Jordan, de ceased, of Long Acre township, and Ij lave endeavored to discharge the do les of the office fairly and impartially vith an eye single to the best Interest >f the people, and if I am honored rlth the nomination and elected I will tire the best services that my ability *111 allow. Respectfully, H. C. BOYD. FOR COMMISSIONER. - The commissioner* from Waahing on township, Messrs. Warren ana Itancell, having annoaned that they ?1U not be candidates for ranooslna lon. I therefore announce myself a candidate for county commissioner w Theatre A. P. BARNES, Comedy ? Uruu ' S Fl'U, RKKIrt ' ;?,000 KT. KIJJJ (ftmrdr ? Drums Ji i r* + , iy* woe the best flr*t 4 the Oalety. THERE. LITTLE OtKL, IH>N'T CBY ? An adequate ^lustration of one of James Wbiuomb Riley's poems. OI H NEW MINIKTER-A heart-story "of the Golden Weal. THK LOOK ()t"T ? An intense drama In the Spanish bills*. ILLlHTItATKI) SO NO ? "When Your. Heart Beats Ragtime." Same . Sauio Hour*' y l?ricew . pledge myself to good road system, progressive and economical county govern nienl.v * Yours truly, S. P. FREEMAN. FOR (UMM1SHIOXKR. By request o( many friends I here by announce myself as <i candidate for the office of County Commlnloner. subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and County Conven tion. If nominated I pledge myself to work for good roadu and econom ical aduiinlstratloii of co.mty affairs. 1 osk the hearty support of ?.ll Demo crats. Yours very truly. \V. 8. D. EBORK. FOR SALE Honey , Comb 10c. lb. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & Co FOR HEADACHE ? Hick * Cnpudlne. Whether I no in Colas, Heat, Stoin I ach or Nervous i'roubles, Capudlne | will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleaa j ant to lake? acts immediately. Try It 10, 25 and GOc. at drug stores. MILD LIQUID CURES ECZEMA Skin Kufferer*: Drop (ireimy Halve* an<l Xaxty Medicine*. That mild, soothing liquid, D. D. D. prescription, stops the awful ?tch with the first drop?. A prescription of acknowledged value. Get a trial bottle at 2Sc. It will take away the itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you personally of the raerita of This remedy; tof we Know. Hardy Drag Company. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES TO NORFOLK AND VIRGIN!.* BEACH VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN r". R. Tickets sold for Saturday night trains, good returning, leave Norfolk Sunday night. Saturday night, July 9, first date of sale and every Saturday uutll Sei> tember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From Norfolk. Bench. To VlrgiuU Raleigh 12.30 12.75 'Wilson 2.25 2.50 Karmville 2.25 2.50 Greenville 2.25 ' 2.50 Washington .... 2.00 2.25 Fares In same proportion from all stations between ftaleigh, Belhaven and Norfolk. The night express of the Norfolk Southern offers th best and most con venient service between Raleigh, Eastern North Carolina and Nor folk. Va. Spend next Sunday at Virginia Beach, the most attractive soashore resort in Virginia. Get complete information from nearest ticket agent, or D. V. Conn, S. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. W. W. CROXTON, A. P. A.. Norfolk, Va. RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. The hotel "pat excellence"" of the National Capital. First-class i.i all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas- i ury; one Mock from the ? White Home. An illustrated Guide to WAUtgton will be mailed, free of charge, opo? re ceipt of two 2-cent stamp's 0- G. STAPLES, I

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