I V RAVT WASHINGTON'S GREATEST J* Ik* II V I 1) STORE 50 Pieces ot New and Dainty Lawns alt Colors, Stripes, Checks and Dots. PRICE 16c. yd. : . >; a SPRINKLE! N# a few KandMiTM circulars ee ... Good advertising la to ? drooping bu>ln<M what water la to a thirsty flower. Wa know how to print everything from a card to a cata logue in a way that will maka your bualness hold up Its head and bloom. Pr Fee Applae Then Bordeaux Mixture, la a gevemnent circular by William Scott. pathologist lo charge of orchard H*aylng experiments and fletnouecra Uoaa and Omit disease investigations, k la declared that hi recent jeers bor deaux mlxtnrw baa come Into 111 favor atsoag the apple growers oo account ?f ka Injurious effect upon the trait end foliage o t certain varieties. aod there le a growing demand tor a reli able ftmgfctfe which can be naed for the control of apple dlasasta without producing a?ch injury. Bordeaux mix APTliBH MPBAtSL' WITU COM MBBn \L LIVHMCl^HUR-?CAUDY FRUIT UN THl . ai a in to re 1* undoubtedly tbe be*t nil m round fungicide known, hikI It Is unfortunate that tbe apple growers have 10 con sider the possibility of giving It up. bat tbe rusaeting of tbe fruit mid tbe burning of the foliuge cnu?ed by It are ao objectionable tb:it It set-tos highly desirable If not necessary to adopt a ( leaa Injurious fungicide even nt the risk of n partial sin-rlDce of efficiency in the control of dUcases. During the past three years Mr. Scott baa been working on tbe prob- 1 )em of securing a su tin far lory Hubatl- 1 rnte for bordeaux mixture and not without some success. Tbe self boiled lime-sulphur wash whlcb was devel- I oped primarily for spraying peach trees baa been fouud to be an excellent spray for tbe control of mild cases of apple diseases aoUfeto be entirely harm less to fruit acri^&Uuge. Tbe concen- I t rated Ume-eoTpbur solutions, both I commercial and home prepared, when dilated to contain about four ponuda of nnlpbur to fifty gallons of u-nter hare prored to be about as effective In the control of apple acab and leaf apot as bordeanx mixture and to be much leas injurious. Experiments conducted by the bu reau of plant Industry during IDUO glre further evidence of the vnlue of tbe lime-sulphur sprays as fungicides for j OTIPUTIO APfM.KS? MCADDT NlClT OS THE KIOHT. rammer use. Tbe?c- experiments cover a wide range of conditions, baring been conducted lo Virginia. Mk:b?~z ? ?d Arkansas. JCJp?en war* iirored rerr mnus.t^ur.T vb? The answer was as fotlows: The best trellis for supporting toma toes Is the hinged trellis shown In the ?ketch (Fig. 2?. This can be spread to accommodate the width of a row and (an be used to support the plants la ?oe or two rows as desired. The best length Is ten feet and height four feet The trellis Is quickly made of wooden strips which are nailed together as shown by sketch and bloged at the top so that It can be closed together and stored away when not In use. A Mohamtnedsn Festival. Ta boots Is an Indian festival In cam section with the celebration of the , month of Mobarram, which begins the year of the true Mohammedan. This | festival commemorates the desth of I Prince Hoeseln. the grandson of Mo hammed, who met his death In battle after ten days' fighting against King Omar. The word t a boot, from which the festival takes Ita name, means lit- I erally a tomb, and It Is always built In front of the homes of some rich sod Important Mohsmznedsns and un iar a temporary ahed built for this purpose. The t a boots are made from thin bamboo strips covered with high ly colored paper, and It I a always dec orated with Isinglass. gold and afivar paper, glaas balls and orach ?ed and green paint Ob the ninth day of the Gem Feature Program! .1 rilA, KEELS 3,000 FEET. CLEOPATRA ? Patlio baud-colored I drun > scenes ure magnificently set J and beautifully photographed. > A C HILD OF 1 UK CHfiTTO? A Blo graph? Au InffrWtiug story, the ttcens depleting points In and about the fihetto. A.MOX(; the BIIEAKER8 ? Another Blugmph ? A yram of Klrrlng character. The stor^ possesses a pecu liar fasclnatlon And one follows ev ery movement of the characters >*ith Increasing interest. Nmmn of Mjnd. A iMtw to an tnsano i vtlktai la the grounds whan a i After walking about I timet discussing topics suggested by tha ptaca, the two art out on a tour of Inspection, the nun. npparentlyao official. Inviting the rUilior to go over the aaylum. At length they reached tha foot of a flight of steim. op which the guide led the way. and at the top the vlaltor found blmaelf out upou the roof, a height of more than a hundred feet from the ground. Aa they gaxed below hit* companion startled him sud denly by proposing to see who could Jump farthest toward the grounds'. Not until then had It dnwned npon the Tlsltor that bla guide was mad. Mer cifully he was a man of ready wit. and his wit saved the madman's life. "Oh. anybody can Jump down." said the via ltor. "Let us go down and see who can Jump to the top." The madman thought It a good idea. and. retracing their steps, the two began their Jnrnp from the e'pjb instead of from the roof. ? Ths Mammoth Cava Rat. The cavern rat found In the Mam moth car? Is of a soft bluish color, will. wnltOf-neck and feet. It baa enormous eyes, black as night, but quite unprovided with an iris. These eyes are perfectly insensible to light, and when the experiment has been made of catching a cavern rat and turning it looee In bright sunlight It blunders about, atrlklng Itself against everything, la unable to provide Itaelf with food and finally falls down .and dies. In Its native depths, however. It la able to lead a comfortable enough existence, as its enormously long whlalt ers are so extremely sensitive that* they enable it to find Its way rapidly through the dorknesa. The principal food of the cavern rat consists of ? kind of large cricket of a pale yellow color and. like moet other cave dwell ers. itself perfectly blUxL Tho Lilies. Two thousand yea^s ago It was sup posed that water lilies closed tbeh flowers at night and retreated far un der water, to emerge again at snnrla*. This was Pliny's view, and it was not Impeached until the English botanist John Bay in 1088 first doubted Its' veracity. The gTeat Illy of Zanzibar, one of the grandest of U>e Illy family, ' opens Ita flowers, ten inches wide, be tween 11 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. Tbey are of the richest royal blue, with from 150 to 200 golden stamens in the center, and they remain open four or five days It la not gen e rally known thai there are lilies that have nocturnal babita ? night bloomers aa well aa day bloomers. They are very punctual timekeepers, too, open ing and closing with commendable reg ularity. Dunyan'i wicxat Uit?. Id the village of Elatow tliare la abundant material that la rlalbly asso ciated witb John Bunyan. The Isolat ed chnrcb tower contains the very bells In the rluplng of wblcb Bunynn r?ii.U-ed and afterward trembled. Above all there mnst be mentioned the wicket calf whirl) figures curly lo the utory of "Pilgrim'* Progress." The wicket gate of "Pilgrim's Progress** la" coinniouljr represented as u garden gate or a turnpike gnte. but really the -terui denote* a small doorway cot out of a large door. Concealed behind i tree at the >fest end of Elstow chnrcb la Just such a aiusll doorway lu (he broad wooden surface of the great do??r. Through this lowly opening Bunyan miwt often bare passed when a boy.? Harper's Weekly. Couldn't Say It. A Wall street broker bin a boy whn stutters badJy. Que day it netgblxu wanted to send a note across the city and borrowed <?eorge to carry It fot hlm. The trip was u lung one. sod the boy wan gone ijulte three hours. Wbeu be returned ihe broker asked blm bow much be had charged for his services "F-tf-ff-tl-fl-flfteeo c-c-c-c-centa!" was tbe ga spine reply. "Ob. pshaw: Wby didn't yon mak? It a quarter?" "I-I-I-I c-c-c-e-?rokJ -wouldn't a-a-e-ssy it" replied George sadly ? Metropolitan UipitlK "What nun hare yon tor thinking that tha defendant waa badljr totoit eatadr "Wall, IW honor, when hla wtta canad'flw star I ftmnd hla In tba col lar ratting kindling wota with tho mm ?oirrr "? CJ?r ?Uod Pl?u 9?]ar Th? Two Occasion ?. At a Scotch temperance meeting on old man. scarcely celebrated for bis so briety. sro*? and after addressing tbe audience upon tbe desirability of mod eration in all things, remarked: "My friends, there's Just twa occa sions when I tsk' whisky." There was a chorus of "Abs!** In the audience, when be continued. "1 only tak* whisky when 1 bae baggls for dinner, and tbe only other occasion when I tak' wblaky is when I baa no Suspicious. It was down In th* market district. "What this country ne?*d? is plenty of bone and sinew." said ihf tall one. "Tea. and pleui? of grit and sand." echoed tbe sbon ?>?. "Mr the way. what business are you in ?" "Ob. I'm a botcher. And yodT* -Wb? er-I distribute strawberries when they arrive frpm tbe southern wasters Are More Trtoreuf n new. A physician at a dinner la Deoee* sneered at certain Biblical miracles. "Loxarua.- be said, "was raised from tbe dend. and yec 1 don't see tray dead folks belnc ralsfsl in our time." "No." said a clergyman. an emlpent Biblical scholar, with a smile. *^Slod ern medh-nl science has progressed tog far for that, eh?"? Washington Star. Conciliatory. flwd Walter idlcnlfled end pompon* ?Have yon ordered, sir? LK^imirun. Patron? Yes. I ordered a portornon-* steak half an hour ago. and I whu to apologize for my rudeness. Willi yonr permission 1 will withdraw It u? an order and renew it aa a suggestion ?Chicago Tribune. Comparisons. Small Tommy? My pa's awful smart. Little Elsie? What does he do? 8maU Tommy? He's a mechanic and makes locomotives. Little Elsie? Thafs noth ing. My pa's a commuter and makes two trains every day? Chicago New*. , Good and Evil. Nothing is truly goodjfro a man which does not make him just, temperate, courageous and free, nnd nothing can be erii to a man which does not give him the contrary disposition.- -Mar Aorellus. Prevoking s Hyaband. A Mohammedan woman cannot of herself separate from her husband without his consent. He may divorce her with a few words spoken by him self. If she Is clever, however, she will take him by surprise at an un guarded moment and contrive to do or say something which will make him so angry that before he can exercise sufficient self control to stop himself he has uttered the wished for words. UpheM. "Has the college been of any value to you. Mr. President?** "Young man, where would I have been but for the electoral college?" re sponded the genial executive as he swatted the ball from tee.? Phlladel phla Ledger. Wig Orseaiitf. Not everybody who can dress a head of real hair becomingly can comb a wig with' equal success. There is a special knack in wig dresalng. In some shops where wax figures abound one or two of the employees are trained la the art of wig dressing and combine that with their other duties at a slight Increase of salary, but In most places the entire buainees is Intrusted to pro fessional wig dressers. 8uccess In a?y line Is dependent upon perfect health, strength and vi tality. more than upon anything else. As Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea has helped so many physically and mentally, it has surely done Its share In putting men and women on the road to succesa and fortune. Hardy's Drug Store. rOR FEVKRI8HXSS0 and ACHDV<? Whether from Maiark>us auditions Colds or overheating, try Hicks' Cap udlne. It red ones the fever and re lieves the aehlng. It's liquid 10, ano Au ejnta. at drug stares. CITY MARKET. (Quotations furnished by H. B. Mayo ft Company.) ifffl n? Tallow Chickens, grown, each 30 @ 46c Spring chickens lfcOftia D08*1 J??JU Owen salt aides, lb. . . Cc Oreen hide., lb ? 6c 15 ?if-1#ei?*?i Wool, (re. from born, lb. . . lTc Wool, twn, ...,. lO^Hc1 L?nb rtta. 16 010c ShwMogs t#1#e 0??. buatisl COUDIIM. Th. und-dar coounicilon ta? prowl T?T popahir la looll tin l|Al It !? prsct Ion t>l*. tad 1 bup* I bat tbe rood* ballt In this innuner In ibo eastern and southern portion* of the stale\wfli d4>in* narrate that lb* n>u<J? lu tW*e *ectk?u? ma j be *reo\lj improved at moderate owl S v w ' ' ' A It t* very Important that wo roe defi nite and pOsKtre lesMatlon nboold be taken with reference to tbs main tenance of roads which are be Ins con struct ed with state aid. It li > ccrtalnly not understood by the people generally that gravel and maendam roada have i to be maintained. Therefore proper attention baa ooi been ctven to tbla subject by the eoun ty authorities. There should be a law requiring the board of supervisor* or road boaMa to make special provision I for tbe maintenance or upkeep of the roads which hare been Improved by stat* aid. which should be so framed that this department can require tbe rountlaa applying for atate aid to pro needed Id town for food rots a few miles oat In the country because tbe farmer can't haul it. WASTE OF BAD ROADS. I About 12SQJOOOJXX 8aid to B? Annual ?Toll of Poor Highway*, s Two buftdred and flfty million dol lars are waited annually on bad roods In this country, which Is noted for Its business sagacity sod thrift sod whlcb baa been pronounced a great success as s business community. Add that waste to losses occasioned by bad roads snd the sum leaps to s billion a year. It la estimated that. In short, each man. woman and child In the United 8tates bears a tax of 912X0 because of had roe da. If this doesn't sbow that good roads are a national question that hoiks as big aa the tariff, the nary, foreign rela tions, commerce snythlng; If It doesn't prove that the federal government ought to nun to the roads question with as much energy as ft expends on snythlng else, then there Is nothing mors to be said. Impreveme The amount of^pood work that can be sccompltshed by s spilt log drag Is astonishing and most be seen before believed. ? If s community can't have s "good r road it sboQld have the best road pos sible. An/thing is better thso s "had" road. The beneficent effects of good rusds flow to **" " " " " borne. Almost unaltered. of the time <>? U Whji beeo then fashioned from the canonical house of tb? Au gustins of DuontaWc If was Just the placo? "far from the aRddlng cro tvd" ive.? Loodoa like SjOOO years. first aa the capital at ? small atata. then destroy ed. again re built and finally mo kiwi Into the fbrm In which we now know It. with Its Chinese. Tartar. Imperial and For bidden cities, each with Its Inclosing wall. Nobody has erer yet attempted to tall the fall tale of Its intrigues. Its cabala, plots and counterplots. Few know anything about them. No one person knows them alL If only the bricks that form the walls could find a tongue. If only the pavilions on tba Coal Bill could produce the sights and sounds that bare fallen to their lot to see a nil hear, there would doubtless be n tale to tell which might vie in Inter est and dramatic force with anything that aorlent Borne or Babylon has g$r en. even through the medium of fic tion ? Shanghai Mercury. CONVENTION LlMiroutn Isaacs Call for the Next] Democratic Count* A Democratic County Convention of the County of Beaufort la oUled to meet In Waahlngton. N. C., on Wed nesday, August 10th. 1910, at 11 o' clock A- M., for the purpoee of se lecting and nominating candidates for | nil county officers. Primaries are called as follows: Qelharen and Washington at 8 o' clock p. M., Friday, Auguat 5th. Pinevllle. Bearer Dam, Chocowin Ity, Old Ford and Tranter's Creek at | 10 o'cloek Saturday. August 6 th. All other precincts n the county at 4 o'clock P. M., Saturday. August \ lth. The Convention Is called by rirtue of a resolution passed at the Con tention held on July 2nd. It has ap peared since that time that the Board of .Supervisors meet on August 6th. They are requested to adjourn in time Cor the primaries, as It is thought beet not to chsnge the date for hold ing the primaries at this time. W. C. HODMAN. Chairman. A Woman's Great Idea I. how to make he re It attractive. But, without health. K U h.rdlor her to be lovely IB face, form or temper. 4 week. alckly wom.n will be ner roo. and Irritable. ConiUpmtlon and Kidney poison, .how In plmpl Jlotche., ikta eruptions and _ wretched complexion. Bat Electric Sitter, a] way, prove a godeend to ?Omen who want health, beauty mud 'rlendj. They regulate Stomach. Layer and Kidney., purity tbe blood; [Ive rtronj nervee. bright ere., pure treetb, raooth, Telretry .kin, lowly :omplexton, goad health. Try thenl I0o. at Dr. Hardy'. Dru, Store. uunon STEAM PACKBT oa OLD BAY LINE FLORIDA, VIRGINIA ALABAMA Finest United 8Utes Mail Steam irs South of New Yorl . *,? with 'i .'ed Wireless Teleg. > ? o c tv?nlenoe fo- 'v ? t f the traveler. j V I' 'todays. aa follows: '"rs-it' 5.19- F. M . (1 1 ......... 6.10 V. M I - ?K . . ....... T.JO P. M ft am. -s a * !? ? Norfolk v 7.00. A. M. Connecting with all lines South and WeM. Ticket# .old to ill polnta, forth, E*,t, Weet and Canada. Kor ?eeervatlon.. lire or letter HflEKI|rtMI!PQ8l_IV HI P. m. ( 3.58 a. m. | Lv. 1.39 Ik m. I 4.*T a.*."') Lv. I 1-50 a. m. | Lv. I.Jo I), m. I 7. SO a. m. | Ar. NOTE- ? These tralna oersted duly betweun Norfolk and Naw Bern lis Washington; and daily, aiccpt 8uri*?r. between Raleigh and New Bern. ,*<? Waahlngton. * ? Xoft"5 and ft, "KtCHT EXPRESS," carry Pullman sleeping cart baMveen Raleigh *m>Uol-folk. Makes colse eonneotlon at WILSON wild *? c. !,. to and from Wilmington. Rock/ Mount. New Bern, Klnlton via Ooldsboro Alao makes direct connection at RALEIGH with R,t- H P Hrf to and from Fayetterjl*! with Sou Rr. to and from Durham and Greene bora; and with 8. A. L. R? to andfrom Henderson For full Information and r?M?-atlon of Pullman sleeping cer space apply lo W.J. Williams. Ticket Agent. Wilson; F. W. Tatem, General Ag ent. Goldaboro; J. L. Hkaeell. Ticket Agent, Greenville; T H Myers. TWtet^Agent. Washington; r. H. Banned. Tieket Agent. Now B?m. .or H C HUDGIN8. ?-J> A. W. W. CBOXTON. A. O. P. A. I t. ' BrT. LAMB, President and Qenefal Manager. ."J", NORFOLK. VA . / ?> . DOES LITTLE THINGS C0l)NTf P IF THEY DO THEN 'roil rirr your groceries where vov CAW BUY MORS OF TJII3M FOR LE88 MOMMY . IP YOtJR GROCERY BILL HAH RKPK TOO LARGE, 'PHONE US YOUR OROKR8 AND THK PRICES WE BELL POM WILL EN ABLE YOU TO HAYP. MORE GOOM FOR SAME MONEY OR PP> SAME'GOODB FOR LKflB MOKEV. XLI. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY IN ANY PART OF TRf ClTT. YOUR PATRON S' AGB BOLICfTRD. Phone 387 for Your Supplies R. H. HUDSON Before making your|purchase'of Groceries consider where you can get the best quality at the lowest price. A tempting array of good thingsQto eatjjwill be foiind in our store. Wewant you to see what ]we have; 'then you will become our customer. E. L. ARCHBELL SOLID CAR LOAD OF FLOUR JUST RECEIVED AT THE Union Grocery Co. ihicrs to snr the rum. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADK. ONE ORDER - PLACED WITH I S VOX CONVINCE TOi: THAT WE SELL BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONKY THAN* ANY STORE IN TOWN. } NEW SUPPLY OF FRUIT JARS AND RUBBERS JUST RE CEIVED. WHEN 'FHONINOVB YOUR ORDERS DON'T FORGET " BERUt.lt' 'FAMOUS CANTALOUPES. Electric Bitters ??wythinf el*? fcw mhw proauatfoa and femala It i* the bat medicine ertr aoM worrs M The NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained bjr the Stat* fnr the Wom an of North Carolina. Four regular Couraea leading to Degree! Special [Coufaea for Toachera Fall Seealon begfna September 14. 1?10. Tboae deal ring to enter ahoold apply aa ear It aa poaalble. For catalogue and other Information aildraae JULIUS I. FOCST, President. gggggM- -L ? iiMISi " ? 1W tra "LIFE SAVKK3" ? ling der Jopkctnt of v.uiamt bo<$7 N'j for women eoualx 'hem < ..ann. .1 ,1^ I : iji_ know* remedy for woman , beoomea a nliaeure. Bt.OO br <lrunruu. pa hott'h rv . Cleveland. b-: O. P. A

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