c.. I EVERT AFTMNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 Bast Main Btreet. .-idkwatkr pbimtixu company, w-T Publishers. 9. Ji. MAYO, Editor and Man?*?r. IH. SL'HSCKIPTIOX KATES: Om Month. ..,............. I .IS Four Months 1.06 8U Months a 1.S0 Od> Year . 2.00 Subscribers desiring the paper dis continued wlli please notify this office on date ot expiration, otherwise, It will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop la re ealved. If you do not get The Dally News promptly telephone or write the man lier. and the complaint will receive lm?"dlate attention. It Is out detlre to please you. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3. 1910. . Psrtles leaving town should not fall to let the News follow them dally with the news of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at th* sea shore or mountains wil? And The News a most welcome ;:? gone back to work, hut we hope that thj L??* ,\n g-le* correspondent* are in error in announcing that his honeymoon over.?Uoston Dally Glob*-. Since rhe gold imports have failed to prevent the stock market from ?ir.king. cork life-preserver*, where ther- i* so much water, might be bet ter to help keep it afloat.?New York Pre**. Although suffering from a sprained ankle, it I* reported that Mr. Taft will continue his cruise. If he were to lese his legu it may be doubted If it would prevent the president from traveling.?Providence Tribune. The Eoston Herald exaggerates when it fays no one can ignore the charge of Senator Brlstow that Sen ator Aldrich was financially interested In the rubber schedule. Just watch a leading citizen of Rhode Island ig nor* it.?Louisville Courier-Journal After all the bobble skirt may be a good thing. So long a? women are the slaves of fashion they will not become the masters of men Chej?r up. brother"'?Washington Post. \ STORY KOK MKX. Mrs Frederic S horf at a meeting of a mother-' club in Philadeipma. talked of the training of .children. ?\lu-?t a- rmalluox and yellow fever are quite rar- diseases." she said, "so will b i y hlldren be rare when proper attention is given to the cause of bad nest*. "Men." she went on. "will not take any part in correcting or training rhildren, though when the children turn out well they are willing enough to take the credit. She smiled "They remind me in this." sa'-' Mrs. Scboff. of a certain landiorn. He called on a certain tenant one day and Bald: " 'Jones. I'm going to rajs* youx rent.' " 'What for?' Jones %iked anxious ly. 'Have your taxes gone up?' " 'No, not at all, landlord answer ed, 'but I se? you've painted the bouse and put In a new range and bathtub. That, of course, ought to make It bring more rent.'"?Philadelphia Record. . ? . * f A most important gathering will be the convention which Is being arrang ed for to be held In Atlanta on Octo ber 6 under the auspices ofNthe South ern Commercial Congress. The 2+* Jects stated by the projectors are me devising of means for advertising the natural wealth of the South and of disseminating among business men. farmers and merchants of the section data of the best methods of develop* Ing the resources. Governors of 16 States will be asked to appoint ten of the foremost business men of their States to at tend the meelng. The States Includ ed are Texas, Missouri. ?Oklahoma Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee. Mis sissippi, Louisiana. Alabama, Florida. Georgia North CarolInT, do nth Caro lina, Virginia. West Virginia and Maryland. Before this meeting will be laid the plans alrsady worked out by the officers of tt~ Southern Com mercial Congress. a?d the I ' the body will I :W : i? csa-i,uibiHh ! SMMIIW .v vw "88; ff9?T GCI BlfiKDKJNPA OUR WIRE FENCING IS BULL-STRONG. HORSE-HIGH >ND PIG-TIGHT. COME IN AND PRICE OUR FENCING WIRE. AND WE'LL DO BUSINESS WITH YOU. YOU'LL FIND OUR WIRE AND OUR PRICES RIGHT. WHATEVER BE YOUR NEEDS IN HARDWARE. YOU'LL FIND Ol-R STORM* THE PLACE TO SUPPZY THOSE NEEDS J. H HARRIS PLUMBING I and SUPPLY COMPANY. You are probably planning a VACATION TRIP n ?nt ? CHESAPEAKE LINE STEAMMERS leave Norfolk dally except Sunday 6.15 P. M. for Baltimore, with direct rail connection for Eastern cities and resort points. * ' Elfguntly Appointed Steamers, Unsurpassed Service, Summer Excursion Rates. For Information and reservations write C. L. (/HAULER, F. R. McMILLFX. (ifiifiul Aiccnt. Traveling Passenger Aj. m. I 4.27 a. m. | Lv. . . Farmvllle .. Lv. | 12.10 a. m. ! 8-51 a. m. 5.51 p. m. ! 1.50 a. m. | Lv Wilson . . Lv. | 11.15 p. m. I 8.00 a. m. 7.20 p. m. | 7.30V m. | Ar Raleigh . . Lv. J 9.00 m. m. | 6.15 a. m. NOTE?These trains operated daly between Norfolk and New Bern vis Washington; and dally, except Sunday, between Raleigh and New Bern, via Washington. Nos. 5 and 6, "NIGHT EXPRE8S," carry Pullman sleeping cars between Raleigh and Norfolk. Makes colse connection at WILSON with A. C. L. to and from Wilmington, Rocky Mount. New Bern, Klnston via Goldsboro. Also makes direct connection at RALEIGH with R. & 8. P. Ry., to and from Fayettevllle; with Sou Ry. to and from Durham and Greens boro and with S. A- L. Ry to andfrom Henderson. For full information and reserv-atlon of Pullman sleeping car space apply to W. J. Williams. Ticket Agent, Wilson; F. W. Tatem, General Ag ent. Goldsboro; J. L. Hassell, Ticket Agent, Greenville; T. H. Myers. Ticket Agent, Washington; r. H. Bennett, Ticket Ageut, New Bern, or address H. C. HCDGINB. G. P. A. W. W. CROXTON, A. 0. P. A. E. T. LAMB, President and General Manager. NORFOLK. VA. EAST CAROLINA', TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL A State School organized and maintained for one definite purpose:?Training young men and women forTeaching. The regular session opens Tuesday, September 13, 1910. For Catalogue and Information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. G. WE CARRY IN STOCK o, of the \ MOORE'S MODERN METHODS "TVy wtB pmiunlji radn yoar o&ce npant We em miffIf mmm ibex Low Lerf Biadcrv Cabioeta and Record fanm, Fktmt far "Mtorft Mod*? A rtfjfiif book combined. WASHINGTON &AILY NEWS ir>Mf1 U MAYOl Ml 1*4 VAST MAM ?T. WAJHWGTOH, N. C 1 I ihs. I EH WASHINGTON Pi J. Leon WoodtMWinERSJN. Y.:COTTON 11 LEON WOOD BANKERS and BROl STOCKS. BONDS, CO! TON, GRAIN ?ud 173 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING, htnl* Wlreslto N. Y. Stock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton ? *S?l t * Board o( Trade and other Financial Confer*. oorrespcndenre respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal . , v accounts given careful attention. JUST RECEIVED: A- Big: Shipment of FRUIT JARS and JELLY GLASSES ' Prices right. JOS. F. TAYLOE, The'Quality Grocer. 'Phones 123 and 124, Napoleon's Grit. wan of tile unconquerable, never-say die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung 4ieea8e- Suppose troches, or cough Syrups, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Tajte Dr. King's New Discov ery. Satisfaction Is guaranteed when -ieed for any throat or lung trouble. It has taved thousands of hopeless sufferers, lit masters stubborn colds, obstinate, coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe. cf(>un. asthma, hay fever and '.vhooplng cough, and Is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affection?. 60.. $1.00. Trial bottle freo at ojjtdrugglsts. Marvelous Discoveries mark tjie wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on neavy machine*, telegrams without wires, terrible war inventions to kill men, and that won der of wonders?Dr. King's New Dis covery?to aave life when threatened by coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay fever and whooping cough cr lung trouble. For all bronchial affections It has no equal. It relieves Instantly. It's the surest cure. James M. Black of Asheville, N. C-, R. R. No. 4. writes U cured him of an obstinate cough after all otber remedies failed. 50c. and f 1.00. A trial bottle free. Guar anteed by Dr. Hardy's Drug Store. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rutty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck ten' a Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison rr gangrene. It's the quick est. 8arent healer for all such wounds u also for Burns. Bolles, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, toras or Plies. 25c. at Dr. Hardy's Drug Stose. CHANGE IN W HKUl'LK Norfolk Southern RaJlroad. Sunday eSashore Special to Morehe?d City and eBaufort, N. C. Bcginnlg 8unday, July 24th. special Sunday trains will Hive Belhaven at 6:20 a. m. and Washington at 7: St i. m., arriving at Morehad Ctty 10:30. Returning will leave Beaufort at 8:40 p. m. and Morehad City 6:05 p .m. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for com plete Information. h; c. hudoins, o. p. a. Norfolk. Va. Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest little'things ever made ire Dr. King's New Life Pllla. Every pill Is a sugar-coated blobula of health, that changes weakness Into strength, languor Into *ne*gy, brain fag Into mental power; curing Consti pation. Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 25c. at all druggists. Before leaking yourjpurchase'of Groceries consider where you can get the best quality at the lowest price. v A tempting array/ of good thingsl|to eatjjwill be found in our store. Wewant you to see whatjwe have;^then you will become our customer. E. L. ARCHBELL Cool Kitchen Perfect . Cooking The Wnwwlle wi?. ,?an o f expertcaoe?tlw *. ? * only fis.oo Will install oxe ih yocr kitchen. Washington Light & Water Co. YOU CAN ALL READ BY ONE ?lAMP-IF IT IS A MAZDA It will give yon three times the light of the old it yle carbon electric lamp, and at no increase in your urrent Wll.J "ii I 1 too,] - NOTICK OF SALE v By virtue of a decree of tho S perlor Court oX Beaufort county, a special proceeding entitled 7 Terry surt other* vs. Charles ard nnd others, the undersign misaloners therein appointed at public auction, for cath. to the highest b.'dder, at the Courthouse I door In Beaufort county, on Mon day. tho 15th day of August, 1910. at noon, all that tract or^parcel of land situated In Washington town ibip. Beaufort county, adjoining the lands of -Jno. W. Terfy. B- B. 8at twrtbwalte. Stanley Brown aai J. H. Loggett and known as the Richmond Terry tra^t: Beginning at the main road oppo site an old pine stump and running along a line of marked tt?ee south 62 east to Augustu* Little'* line; thence with the said Little's line to islah Jolly's line; thence, with said Jolly's line to Hosea Dudley's line; the divid ing line between the first and second lota; thence with the said dividing line to John Short, deoeased; thence with the ssld Short's line to a cor ner; thence with Short's line to Chauncey's line; thence with Chaun icey's line to a corner called Hutton's line; thence, "With said line to the main road, to the banning. ? This July 14th. 1910. W. D. GRIMES. 1 A. D. MAC LEAN, Com mission em EXKCfTOlrs XOTICE. Harin? qualified as executor of tha eetate of Mary T. McDonald, de ce*,ed. l?'e pf Beaufort county. North Carolina, notice la hereby given that aJI claims aaalnst aald estate must be exhibited and presented to the under pinned within twelve (1J) month, from thl, 26th day of July. i)U, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted :to said estate are required to make ! Immediate payment. ' SEJTH BRIDGMANN, Kaecutor of Mary T. McDonald. Deceased. This 26th day of July, 1914). NOTIOK OP &A(JC. , UNDER AN? by VIRTsJE power of sale given by Sec. *017 of the Re vise 1 of 1905, tb> undersigned will on the 11th day of August. 1910. at ll o'clock, noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Mutual Machine Co. Wharf, In the City of Washington, N. C.. the following De scribed personal property. Tlx: The steam vessel "VANCEBORO," together with all of tackle, furniture, flitures and apparel. The flfld sale being made to satisfy liens against the said steam vessel existing In favor of the undersigned. Terms of sals: Cash. MUTUAL MACHINE CO. This July 25th. 1910. DEFINITION of AUTOMOBILE. ?f a hand carriage ? The word automobile has been de fined as" fellows: Automobile: A large Iron and rub ber contrivance for converting gaso line "Into speed, luxury, excitement an4 obituaries. It?consists of a J some lestther upholstered body mounted on a gizzard full of machinery suffering from various ail ments. it is the speediest and most stylish form of transportation known. It can transport seven people to the police station, the bankruptcy court : or the golden gate In less time than any other known method. A Frightful Wreck. jnl trsln, automoblto or buggy may Icause cute, bruises, abrasions, sprains or wounds that demand Bucxien's Ar nica Salve-?earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, bolls, soree of all kinds, 35c. at all < eyes or corns, Its supreaas^Borert pile The North Carolina COLLEGE Df ICM MID SEE MECHANIC The State's CoHege for I iat Industrial workers. ' in Airicatare, f _ _ hnal Husbandry and Dairying; in cmi, ~ iar" xcthu fr-f Gt-} EDWARD L. STEWART Attorney-at-La*. Ottic over Dally Newft.fi . Washington, N. C. .COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , ?; ,jSH W/ HINGTON. N. C. l ^ ? \ - STEPHEN C. BRAGAW > Attorney and Counselor-' at-law Washington, N.'C. NICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys-at-Law Practice In All Court* Nicholson Hotel Building John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry McMollan. , \ . V SMALL, MACLEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Waahlngton. North Carolina. * W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washing ton. North Carolina. I PiactlcM In all the Com ffa. B> Rodmaa. Wu?y C. Sodan. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Washing-ion, N. C. W. M. BOND. Edantoa. N. C. NORWOOD L. S1MMOI 3 BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Waahiostoo. North Carolina. PractJca la all Couita. W. L.Vraghu W- A. Thompv>q VAUGHAN 8c THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Waahlngton and Aurora, N. C PncUct In all the goorta. Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS ?c BRO., FIRE IV And Plate Glass : I INSURANCE. TOD GUI CUBE PUT BACKACHE Pals along tha hack, dUxlnaaa. head ache and general languor. Oat a pack age ot Mothn Qray'a ACBTRALIAN LBAF, tha pUaaant root and harh ear* for all Kidney, Bladder and Uri nary trotthlaa. Whan yon feel all rni down, tlrad, waafcjud with oat ener gy uaa thla remarkabla combination of natura'a harba and roota. Aa a regulator it hai no equal. Mother Giay'a Auatrallan-Laaf la aold hy UrucstaU or a^nt by mall for SO eta. Sample aaat free. Addraai, Tha Mother Pray Co.. La Roy, N. Y.