18-ft. gasoline launch. In good con dition, and one small, npvfi row boat; also one Caay's iron safe. ivo<*tig 800 ||)g_ and practically ?ppiy A. B. DRAUGHON. / Imperial Pool Room. ? l HOLES AXD WARTS REMOVED without pain and leaved no sear. Sat isfaction guaranteed or no charge. Ask tor Prof. R. L. Eamheardt. at Palace Barber Shop, opposite Hotel Lonife. i* ijj WANTED?TO BU* Ofi KXCHASOE old gold or silver, old-fashion fur niture. braaa candlesticks, andirons, j. blue platea and platters, & c. Will be in Pantego the middle of July. Ad dreaa Pantego. C. M. Travers. 8.13 FOR SAIjE?ONE GOOD FA Mil. V Horse, one good milk cow.jone cart. House for rent No. 42$" E. Main street. Apply to H. R. Bright Some purgatives contain such strong drugs that, whlln they ckitto the bowels to move. Injure the deli cate* linings of stomach and Intes tines. Holilater'a Rocky Moutatn Tea is not in that class. It is slight ly laxative and at the aame time healing and soothing. Hardy's Drug 8tore. } ? H*.Wu ModMt i'i I Stella ? I wouldn't marry the best man on earth. Kntcker?Have I ask ed you to??Harper*a Rasar.-- ,s, .- V ? r CHOICE CUT If ^LOWERS Jl Wrije, Phone or Wire J. L O'QUINN & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. ^Kour Wants, as they are Head quarters for everything in the Florist' Line. Pnone 149 Bail HUT Mail MS WANItU The Government P*y? iUflwaj Hall! Clerk* $800 Co *1,200, and Other Employes Cp to 90,300 Annually. Uncle Sam m* tw?id sprint exam inations thr:.' ? '?? * l.?i country for ilway Ma- Custom Boujm Clerks, 8tenograpnerw. Bookkeepers, Departmental Clerks and other gov ern meat Positions. Thousands of ap pointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, In City or Conn try, can set instruction and free in formation by writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction, 61 M. Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. T. ? CAI'L'DIYR , AIM N?rroo? Buokh Tmnlwr Headache and ubM fi on Orlp, stomaen Trouble* or ranici trou ble*. Try Capudlne?Ife H?aM? iffecta Immwllatelr. Bold kr drug Hist*. 10. it ul to out. Just in Time otoe Washington People May Walt Tin It's Too Ma Be sure to be In time. J ,- Just in time with kidney Ills Means curing the back %K ' Before backache becomes chronic; | Before serious urinary troubles ?et 1?. . m Doan's Kidney Pills will do this. Hera la testimony to prove it Mra. J. 8. Stokes, Twelfth and Wens streets, CHreauv^Ue, N. C., says: "For soma time I sufferod severely from kldnay and bladder complaint. My kidneys wera weak and irregular passages of the secretions from these organs caused me great annoyance. I also b Sd bearing-down pains through mr flkootiftt -. y ^, jHmmHBW over my i my limbs pained of Docn's a much Im epewram. ? nans jw There was a sensitv* kidneys and at times n Intensely. I finally i ? of a Stranger's En i to New York Soocfr | l_ 6Y1NCTON Copyright. llS?. by American Preas 4 group of young men vera stand ing In the lobby of tbe V club of New York smoking cigarettes and chatting. The small talk of tbe men standing la tbe lobby was diverted by tbe an trance of a young man wbo. passing the group, went to th<r office, called for letter*, received several and want into the general lounging room to read -Who la bar asked oca. -Don't know." aatd another. "He** not a member of tbe club." said ? third. "Van Vechten pot blm up. Hla name is Boy den." -,s #^1 -He's got aoma sort of social pull," ? fourth pat to.. "He'i thick with the Tracej*. What Mr*. Tracey puts her | -It doesn't matter to me/* aald one of tbe party. Horace Skinner. Vjo puts a stamp on him. he doesn't go with me." This remark attracted attention. 8klnner was colli lion leader to-the set in question and could sdmlt or decline admit one wbo knocked at the "What's the matter with hlmr waa aaked. But Skinner walked away, leaving bis friends to find out for themselves why he had put the stamp of bis disapproval on Mr. Hoyden. All admitted that Royden fand the man ner* or a gentleman, and from what little Waa known of hla mental endow-1 men is they were at least respectable. But what bad auch qualifications to jdo with social life? People with brains, wealth, refinement were crowd ing upon tbe "holy numbers," as a wag facetiously called them, and here waa a stranger about whom nothing was known who bid fair to walk in and make himself at homo. There Is still to be found in tbe wo cial swim of New York here and there some descendants of the leaders of half a century or more ago. Tbeoe rel ics of the past may be rich or may be poor. They are there because they have always been there. Should they paaa out and again seek admlaslon they wooM be obliged to fight their wsy like the rest of those seeking entrance Of this class wss Miss Van Vechten. whoa* brother had "put up* Mr. Roy den aa a guest at tbe D dob. Tbe V?n Vecbtens had once owned a farm to1 the middle of Manhattan Island, and of, auch la th* oldest and bast to New York society. Furthermore. Miss Van Vechten'a ancestors were prominent In day*. It was not to be that to ber aaeociatlona she would take ber cue from any one. In deed. frequently when she saw her so cial sisters wbo had sprung from a ositlon of raD or oQ magnate* jQ hotel keepers' daughters snubbing some one she wss qnlte likely to put upon the snubbed her own artstocrnti* Now, Mr*. Trtoty. who Introduce Mr. Royden. bad made mistakes tba had sap pod ber power. 8be bad roucb ed for Mftral persona simply oo (b< ground thai tbey wers geniuses, and ooe or two of them bad made scien tific discoveries that would save the lives of millions of bum an beings. Sbe bad sot considered that snch persons bad no place In society. Consequently when sbe took np Mr. Roy den sn op* position to Ikto admission sprang op oo the part of certain young women whose fathers bad been wreckers and reor ganise? of corporations and- whose mothers In some Instances had been toiler* lu early life. It waa these peo ple wbom the really aristocratic Miss Van Vscbten loved to antagonise. The mors they tnrned the cold shoulder on Roy don the mors Mtas ffcpfpd loadsd him with favors. She waa lead sr of a small set within the iargsr set aad gradually withdraw tbs gsntisman Bad bs been a man of that promt ) especially desirable In f| sir able la a general way. As it wss. his introduction only tended to mak< him a spec Is I rathsr than a nnirersal member of the whole. I Meanwhile tbs only person who ap peared to take no lnteraot In Mr. Roy dea'e social admission or rejection waa Mr; Boyde* himself. He made ao ac qualntancss st tbs club wbsre bs waa s gueat for tbs simple reason that tbm clubs of Gotham are pi of mea who are acquaint already alt at amall tables and others road tbs pspsra. while mostly harhniors. as It as a typrsffttf* >-?? ta certain ?a a.c. J? Ml-u tin v*cbt?u _ In I tw diamond ch*H?. , -with tb??r Boy den in ber bo*. He's been there ?w,v ulgbt this wreek. I wonder If she 1? going to mnrry Mb." It she doc* she'll lose ber social bold. The Vaa Vechjens haven't motiey enough to do what they p 10 society." ad Id tbe descendant > lf*Wer. wtto sat befcWWjju^ -Where did be coma from anyway?" , asked tbe first speaker. - ^ ? "Aast rails or Canada or New Zea land. He's British. you know." "Wbat'a ha doing ber^r But tbe orcbentrn drowned tba reply. While Mlaa Van Vecbten'a taking up Mr. Royden bad originally aprung from a natural feeling of a refined woman to take tbe part of a stranger against upstarts, there waa that in tbe man which soon caused ber fo forget ber motive In the Interest he Inspired In bar. A fairly intelligent young woman, sbe eras able to appreciate his knowl edge of many subjects which go to make up the Intellectual world. Be bad made a study of history, philo sophically considered, tba formation of nations, governments, constitutions?in deed, such Information aa might be beneficial to one who alma to follow public political Ufa. International law seemed to be his bobby. Miss Van Vecbten waa disposed to draw him out on these aubjects. which be pr*| sen ted to he^ln a way to Insure ber understanding of them. Sbe did not wonder that a nflfn who poaaeaaad socb treasures within himself should be indifferent to tbe gilded circle. | * It was In this way that Mr. Hoyden won his way. If not to Miss Van Veeb ten's heart, nt least to a feeling that sbe woukl like Juat such a man for o husband. She encouraged him to ask for ber. not thst she would or would I not accept blm. but that she might bare the choice of doing either one or the other. V* Now, all this happened within the short space of a few weeks. Mr. Roy den's stay In Gotham was cooping to an edd. No one knew it except himself.! but be knew it very well. One day be announced Itfs coming departure to| Miss Van Vecbten. I Mr. Royden bad ? been very uneoro-J i munlcative. even to Miss Van Vacbten | When be eald he waa going sbe kne^l no more about where he would-go than] where ha bad come from. But shej was too well bred to ask blm. Never theless. he told ber the story. Mora-1 over, he asked ber to be bis wife. The da^ before Royden left New Tork be waa sitting in tbe lounging room of the D club reeding a newspa per. Near blm at a table, partaking of refreshments, were several of tbe mem bars of that party who had discussed him when he had entered tbe building several weeks before. Among them was Skinner, the cotillion leader.' "There's that fellow Royden over there," remarked Skinner. "He doesn't seem to have made much headway In 1 society. 1 seldom meet him any wber*H "How do you know ho carta to bt met?" asked another. "1 don't." ^ "Nobody Memi to know anything about him." remarked another. "Mrs Tracey cant fotst these people on ko clety as she one* did. 8be's failed at that." At that moment a stranger entered the room and. catchjng eight of Boy den. raabal np to tilm with extended hand. "Hello, Bob!** be cried, "f-taren'i aeen yon since we left Oxford. I'm mighty glad to meet yon. old man. and to congratulate yon on tbe position yon have attained. Why ar? yon not lo Washington y "Going tomorrow; have been waiting for ths minister." Tbe man who had entered, seelnc a friend In 8kln^er. nodded to him and after s brief talk with Boy den beckons blm to Join tbem. Skinner did so *D<1 was In trod need to Boy den. v "This is lay Mend tbe Marquis of Hsasllngton. He Is on s diplomatic mission to settle sons matters sboui fisheries or something." Mr. 8klnner bowed obsequiously. **I bars heurd of tbe marquis as Mr Roy den." he re merited. C K "What's tbatr* nsld tbe Introducer "Been going Incogs Bob? Using your own nsme Instead of your tftfoT* -i bars been obllgs# to ?o so for connected wftb tbe diplomatic ?? Mr. fttouruM tb? mtngak b. at acta* ank* to th? ran of hla Mar to Nrw Int to wbVrti tfa. marqnla raptl fbat ba tii Marine tb* mt dajr That *T?ntnf lb. oewa spread among the gilded clrcl. tbat tb* oldest ko o? a firmab doke ud a prominent mat bad bean la Ntw York Incogs and DO on* azcapt Mr*. Traeay. wbo alone ko*w wbo b* waa. and Mtaa Van Tack, tan. wbo didn't, bad bad tb* honor ot entertaining blm. Ereeybodj Mama* tb* former tor not making known the rank of tb* man aba had totrodnced. Vat V^M^n u? wul wbj "Bin*. Mra. Trao*y .1 tb* atatamrat that a ?SBSBHtk t enrout* . C. P.' Or.<17. of J?SS,na ? ? w I Mr. T. M. UMraM*.'ofejtetb. l> . I \Vaahlngtou visitor ? * Mr. R. d. Harris. of swan Quarter. ( Is attending the Odd Follpwa' ouvo^vj tion at Ay den. *7*V . Mr. W. R. Tetterton. Jessama. la in the city on business.*. ? pjjj ? -fe ? ? *Ubs Mary Tankard has returned! from New Bern, where she has been]| visiting Mrs. Cot,. '\ ? --'Kir ' * ? tI ^ Mr. H. M. Co*, of Blo?iu Creek. | was on our streets thia morning. Mr. George Lewis, o&n&eowinlty. la attending tho Farmers' meeting. 0 ? Mr. Wat Beck with, of Bath, was a Washington visitor." ! ? ? J Mr. W. H. Brud<Jy, of J?psama. was I in town this morning. X- ?? V. | Mr. J. W. Bowen, of Pinetown, aivfl rived in the city this morning. ? ? Mr. Qaskin Clark, of Chocowinity, 'was here this morning on. business. L '" ?* *5sr?/. -f >'vi Mr. W. R. Cox, of Blounts' Creek,] ia here. ? * Mr. W. A. Thompson, of Aurora, | was in the city today. ? mi m m ? I Messrs. E. D. Lewie, J. W. Maya Charlie Lewis and C. D. Jones, of 8outh Creek, were in the city today attending the Farmers' Educational Meeting and Good Roads Association, j Messrs. B. H. Thompson and Kit Flowers, of Aurora, arrived in the city this morning to attend the Farm*. ers* Educational Meeting. * ? Mr. Jeff Bennett, of Royal, was ln| the city today. WM Mr. and Mrs. Walters Waters, oil Winston-Salem, arrived in the city] this morning. mm ? ? Mr. and Mrp. T. P. Howard and daughter. Miss Mary Tboma*, loft for Richmond. Va. on the morning train. BOARD OF KTiECTH)XS. The 8tate Board of Elections have I appointed Messrs. H. E. Harding and W. B. Windley. of this city, and Jno. | W. Chapin, of Aurora, as members | of the county board of elections* I FOR OOOTABLK. J am a candidate for constable In Bath township. If elected I will er. deavor to fill the offlce to the best of my ability and to the satisfaction of all. Would thank all to give me their support at the coming primary. WILLIAM 8. BURBAOE. Bath, N. C. JiP RBCKIVK several phone mes sages daily, saying* "my brother, sis ter or friend will be down to sit for pictures." Don't you know such mes sages ound good to a photographer's ear. Don't imagine for one minute I don't appreciate this. I want to thank tho pqbllc In general for their sup port, and for tue many kind words of encouragement received dally. BAKER'S STUDIO. CHIVALRY. Be chivalrous. In nobity of ?pint high courage, magnanimity and gallantry there dwell* chival ry. ? Exercise it Wherever a child can be helped, wherever a stranger can be guided or a friend who ? ?hy Ml at ease, wherever a weak brother can be saved frotn falling and shame, wherever an old man's step can be Bade easy, whoever a servant's po ?til can be dignified in his eyes, is ike chance far chivalry to show & THE PRESENT. We ihodd be blessed I we fcvad in the present always and took advantage of every arodent th^ beiJ os, Kke the grass which tmkmet the influence of the sEght est dew that UX? on ft. and did not *xnd oar toe in aloamg (or neglect of pesteppottunsbes, which wa cafl doing our <kfcrrThoreau. Fraat Fr?a. The atratfcsrn tip of Florida la tba mly spot In tba Unltad Btataa whlco 8 or f doaaa of "tft" win cure anj *&a of chill* and favar. Price 15c. Don't Get Run Down Ve?i mnd mlMrmbta. It r6q hi ? ? Of BUMm troubl< k< Dl?lln??, NlrvouBdi, Paint > back, .no f?l tint allvofw. PttUj. of Motl.r Orar'a Am chunk .if cool OlMal U*.' ?'V "Fine u Try It with CrJmtMj It,-. ? 'Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON, N. C. Announcements FOR TKEAfcl KfcH. I hereby .nounco myself as a can didate for tho office of Treasurer ol Beaufort county, subject to the ac-J tlon of the Democratic primaries and convention to .be held for the nomi nation of county officers. If nomi nated 1 will not ask for more than two terms. E. R.MIXON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: ! I hereby announce my : candidacy jfor the office of County Coinmlnmonei in Bath township subject to the ac tion of the forthcoming county con-| ventiou. If honored with the nomina l tlon and election I shall strive td serve the people of the county to the1 best of my ability. I ask the support and encouragement of all Democrats' and all others who dealre to vote foij me. Respectfully, GEORGE M. JORDAN. FOR TREASURER. jl'hls is to announce mx candidacy; for renomtnatlon for the office ol [Treasurer of Beaufort county, sub-j |ject to the action of the Democratic' primaries. | I have endeavored at all times to show my appreciation of the trud .reposed In mo by the Democracy ol| Beaufort by serving all the people Impartially and to the best of ray Ability. If again honored, I promJ ise a service made more efficient by years of experience in tho office. I further state that eo long as 1 am tho choice of the Democrats ol Beauforc county for any office, I will permit them to name the length ol the term. Thanking the Democratic voters for their past favors, and askinJ them to turn out at our pririkarieJ and give me their support, I an? Yours truly. ?JOS. F. TATLOE. FOR SHERIFF. Two years ago I entered the contest for the nomination of Sheriff of Beau fort county. I found, at that time Ithat there were many In the county! who felt that the present Incumbent] Mr. Ricks, should have,another term] making him In all about five years inj that office. I was advised by my! friends, also many who were support ing Mr. Ricks, to withdraw from the contest at that time, they all assur ing me of their entire support twj years hence, or at the present time] in view of which I hereby announce' my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Beaufort county, subject to the1 Democratic primaries and convention! to be held for the nomination of coun ty offices. My policy is two terms for all coun ty officers. Trusting that I may receive youij support, I am, very respectfully, JAS. H. HARRIS. FOR SHERIFF. ro the DemjKrats of Beaufort county: I take this method of thanking you for your loyal support In the past and to ask a continuance of the same In the coming primaries in renominating me for the office of Sheriff of Beau fort county. If I hare served you well and given satisfaction, I feel 3uro that I can give you even better service in the future; as the records show an improvement each year, the Insolvent list for 1909 being less thau 2 1-4 per cent I have worked for the best Interest of the county at nil time*, and If renominated I will give fou the best service I can, and at all times try to Improve. Thanking you In advance I remain very respectfully. Your servant, GEO. E. RICKS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. To the Democrats of Beaufort bounty: As a life-long Democrat and pa i/ worker who has never held office fj hereby announce my candidacy **>r the nomination by the Democratic party for the office of Register M Deeds for Beaufort county. Democracy means an eqnal cha - 'or all and no monopoly for any.eit r a office or otherwise. Believing tu?t jpon observance of thla doctrine de pends the success of our party, I shall isk for no more than two terms if lominated. Respectfully. JNO. W. MAYO. Aurora, N. C. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announoe myself a eandi late for renomination for the office of Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, ind aak my friends throughout the lonnty to atteud the primaries, which sill be held August 5 and 6, and give ne their support. Thanking fay friends kindly for the iearly support they have given me in he paat and asking a continuance of he same in the coming primaries, emain, aa ever. GILBERT RUML.EY. r . WL. dacy. I am1 Jo the race to ?. win, if possible, by fair and 1 jmethods. ' -If i' Respectfully. jSl > ?</ JA6. H. HARRIS ???-? : ,? FOR THE LBttUUlpKB. fi . To tin Democratic Voters of Beau fort County: I hereby announce * my'e^MtdAcy before the primaries tor th?y nomina tion as one of the RepraencU'Jveq for Beaufort county in the ne*t General Assembly. 1 ask the hearty suppbrt. ?t\ all good Democrats. Respectfully* H ? * W. A. THOMPSON. Aurora, N. C. J i .j i i? FOB CLKRK SUPERIOR' COURT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomlnutlon for tha office I of Clerk jof tho Superior Court of Beaufort county and auk that all my 'friends attend the primaries ami uivt me their support. Thanking my friends for their sup [port in the past and asking a contln-j 'uance of same, | am. Yours very truly, GEO. A. PAUL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort ' county: 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Com missioner In Washington township, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and county conven tion. If nominated 1 pledge myself to a progressive and economical admin istration of county affairs. Very respectfully, O.-B. WYNNE. , FOR THE LEGISLATURE. iTo the Democrats of Beaufort County. 1 Greetings: It Is very gratifying to me to know that so many of my friends are anx ious that I would stand for re-election to the Legislature of North Carolina. I extend to you my heartiest appre ciation for the favors and honor al ready conferred and I now adopt the< medium of the press through which to say to you that if my services In the General Assembly of North Caro lina, Session 1909, meet your ap proval, and if you believe that fi delity and devotion to duty .will bo maintained and you desire that I should be one of your representatives 'in the coming 1911 session, then you may have the privilege of presenting my name for that purpose beforo thei several Democratic primaries to be I held In our county, 5th and nth of ! August. And in the meantime 1 de sire to remalu faithfully the sanr.-, J. F. LATHAM. Jessamn, N. C.' J FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of commissioner of | Beaufort county subject to Democrat ic primaries and convention. W. F. GAYLORD. Bath township. FOR COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic Voters of Beaufort County: I desire to place before yn??. for re-nomiriatlon. for the offlc^ of Coun ty Commissioner thfe n.ime cf Mr. F. H. Vonebersteln. taking In consider ation Mr. Eberstein's good Business Qualifications, and also the fact that I he has considerable experience in | handling the aftulrs of the county. 11 feel that he Is in position to serve the people as we!! as If not better than *any other Man on the South. Side of the River. J. E. TURNAGE. FOli COUNTV COMMISSIONER. Mr. Editor:?I have been ask?d by many it I would serve as county com mUsloner again? Allow me to eoy If 1 am honored with the election 1 will discharge my duty, to the best of my ability. Thanking my friends for past favors, we await your pleas ure. THOS. GREEN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce nyse!f ns a can didate for the offlce of County Com missioner In Richland township, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and county conven tion. If nominated I pledge myself to * progressive adn economical admin istration of county affairs. Very respectfully, W. W. HOOKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beau for county: In answer to the several Inquiries made relative to my candidacy for the ifflce of County Commlslfconer. will ny th?t I was appointed to fill the inexpued term of H. J. Jordan, de feased. of Long Acre township, and I have endeavored to discharge the du Jes of the offlce ialrly and Impartially irlth an eye stngle to the best Interest >f the people, and If I am honored rith the nomtaatlom and elected I will live tha beet services that my ability rill allow. Respectfully, H. a BOYD FOR COMMISSIONER. The commissioners from Waakinc ** township. ?flncell, hailng Hll not he candidi heatre tt?* B*?r ruiun* Keigi. Hm x .4 p rente. , /j romrdf-Kduratloiinl?llhtfw. 1. TH! COX?Great VI tagraph drarya. -? A QUIWT DOAItlHMi Ht/tSE?A aide-splitting comedy, 3. HE STVBS HIS TOE?A rattling coiaedy. 4. CHILD'S ESCAI'ADE?A beautiful Jttstiie child's drama. This program Is at the Gaiety. You know the rest? Which moans the best. pledge myself to good road system, progressive and economical county government Yours truly, 8. F. FREEMAN. FOK COMMISSION r'-H. By request of many friends I here by announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Comraiaioner. subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and County Conven tion. If nominated I pledge myself to work for good reads and econom ical administration of county affairs. I ask the hearty support of all Dcim? crats. Yours very truly, W. 8. D. EBOKN. FOR SALE Honey Comb 10c. lb. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & Co FOIt HEADACHE?Mick's Capuilltte. Whether from Colas. Heat. Stom ach or Nervous iroables, Cap'idine will relieve you. It's liquid?pleas ant to take?acta Immediately. Try 1L 10, 25 and 50c. at drug stores. MILD Up CURES ECZEMA Skin Sufferer*! Drop <>rea*y Salve* uud Nasty Medicine*. ? That mild, soothing liquid. D. D. D. prescription, stops the awful 'tch with the first drops. A prescription of acknowledged value. Get a.trial bottle at 2Sc. It will take away the itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you personally of the merits of this remedy; for we Know. Hardy Drag Company. WEEK m EXCURSION FARES ro NORFt)LK AX1> VIRGINIA BEACH VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Tickets *old for Saturday ulght trains, good returning, leave Norfolk Sunday night. Saturday night, July 9. first data of sale and every Saturday until Sep tember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From Norfolk. Beach. To Virginia Raleigu 12.50 $2.75 Wilson 2.25 2.50 Farmvllle 2.25 2.50 Sreenvllle 2.25 2.50 A'ashlngton .... 2.00 2.25 Fares in same proportion from all stations between Raleigb, Bel haven ind Norfolk. The night express of the Norfolk Southern offers th best and most con venient service between Raleigh. Eastern North Carolina and Nor folk. Va. 8pend next Sunday at Virginia Beach, the most attractive seashore resort In Virginia. Get complete Information from & nearest ticket agent, or D. V. Conn, 3. P. A., Raleigh. N. C. H. C. HUDGIN8. Q. P. A. } W. W. CROXTON. A. P. A.. Norfolk. Va. RIGGS" HOUSE W1SNM1M, D. C. ; / The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-dan hi all - 1 Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the Whitens. An illustrated Gimle to will be mailed, it*e, upon re H

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