FTERNOON. MJGUST *, Wit. r-.v Tenn.. August ?. power and that the prohibition force* will Le In control of the Kintr at the nvrt election w? th? declaration m?de today by the let-iiTH of the Independent forces fal lowing their victory at the Democrat ic prlmnr! .. yestorday ThW asscrl that th? re**It Ml a aharp rebuke to the governor (or hl> action la the Carmsck-Cooper esse. It wm Patterson who, after tlM court had aentenced Duncan B. Coop to prison for JO Tears, pardoned Matt M. Nell, * Bt->? at large?W, D. Beard, rraf of conn of civil appeals: Eaatarn division- H. V. Hughee Middle dlvlalon?Joeeph 0. Hlf Klna. S. F, Wilson. J no. M. Taylor. The Independents represent In a ; ? Mrge measure the State-wide prohlbl Hon element of the Democratic par ty. which haa been rigorously op posing Governor Patterson alnce htl memorable campaign with the late H???tor E. W. Carmack for the ?u bernatorlal nomination. ? Governor Patterson en tared the lists for th* regular Ueket and stump ed the State for It. His enemies lined up solidly with the Independents. Governor Pattaraon Is a candidate for reolet-tion, but hie foes declare today , that he could not win. In the Congreaafonal primaries lAmuol PadKett In the seventh trlct, T. W. Slmraa la the eighth. Pin la oarret In the attnb and Qoo. W Gordon In the tenth were renoml .ISUb Tills. Tenn.. Auk. 5.?Return! from yesterday's election from al over Tennessee up to 1 p. m.. Indl cate a malorHy for the indewden Judiciary ttoket of abont gh.OOO and perhapa larger. The majority la In creasing steadily / tv;. 1 Iwmm It would b? difficult to and a ? complete. dlgnllled and dlplotaatk letter than that aent by Attorney-Gen oral Wlckereham la anger U> Lm'i atatue In the national capltol which, WW mad* by Ut Naw York dapartmant of tha 0. A. K. Tha attora?j-pm?r*l ? Tlawa ?* approved W *?. Taft, and thla ?aaa tlon can now ha conaldarad at final ly Mttlad. It ta only fair to tha ?a rioaa 9. JL. B. Po.ta to ?r that aw of thorn did not loin In protaatlni agalnat tha placln* at tha atttna to tha capltol Tha Baltimore N to kmt: i'X " a? "Th# ?ttorn?jr-fene?i the itAtut* proTidteg for vMa and ?ural?Ji alal fimfWWSgS who h.T. M., cltlum. t^wo j Mi aMfaaati Unnnf aadB llluatrlou. K>t their hlatoric two., or from dl.tlnfulshod clrto or mU Itary wnrtoee. M?h at each BUU ? hall He?m to be worthy of thl. n* B commemoration. Ha a?r?ai Uooal comme*?omtlot?. ?? ;h,,i?rih,s ?.* n^'?rob55 ?p?t would aalect lor thin honor cWani ?n?a?ed In tha ?ar. but In tha f?l that no limitation wa. placed upor prcibBbi* 'xsrsnrsgs i?rrr';Kr:.n gendered by tha war would ec?>*paei wish to do him honor There l? n< law a*aln?t placing hi. atatue In th4 capital and no law . preecrlbln* what "'?'t? ^gMT'tha , oao* and for (11. loarlns It to th< tound lenw. KOOII ludfvent and thl U.ta of wh Stela to Mr which ol Itj km most dcMfve > plica In U1I1 Papttooa." ^ Bat tar a aertnoo. baMd upon a Ms than a preteit . A sumptuous repast v. Ill bo eer>e ;portation down to the shore resorts' tomorrow .LHt Sunday the largest crowd In r**r? went down to tfceae raeorts. and a thoroughly delightful time they had. taking In the various ?all and/an Joying tha Invlg aurt batlrtng. the only real the tMU4lil ha? Magi lataud aa worth a tow of nedl and It la certainly beneficial, breathing thla lire-glrtgg DM? And both Virginia Beach and Cape Hen ry are decidedly popular with the maaaes, and they are (ustly entitled to be claaaad aa um "reaorta of quality" tor refined neonle. 1 Under tha direction o( the Atlan tlr Araustniaat Corporation, the \a rioua emu .amenta win appeal to alL Theee are located on the pavilion and embody aome of the rery lateat do Of eouree the enrf bathing ia a fea ture. Tha pamion bath-houaea are prepared to handle tha crowds, and I there la a competent bathing master on hgnd at all tlmee Tha hatblng at Capa Henry la alao fine, with HI ac comodatlona for tha patrona. At Cape Henry there are various features and O'Keef'a famous shore dinners are well-known Tha great pavilion there la roomy and affords a apleadtd elav it tha paaatng ahlpa, At Virginia Beach there ll the "fig ure S." the merry-go-round, tha Af rican dlpa. the Jap beV tha shooting gallerlea. tennla courts, photograph gallery and dancing each week night Tha at Virginia Beach la undar the dim. J. W. a Matheny. tha well known Richmond caterer. PI Maxim a band viaya at Virginia Bagcfc every afternoon and evening. Tomorrow afternoon from 3.10 to (.10 there Wlu be selected programs, and at Cava Henry Maxim's lnatru. tallata will t? heard In programs frwm 1 to ( o'clock. The wonderful Bylng machine la now on exhibition an the partllon at the beaeh. and thousands arw expected to aaa thla re kable contrlranoe. Morning prayer and the ceMiration of MM Holj Communion St 11 ? m. Evening aong at 6 p. n>. The netar will oolclate it both ?ottIcm. Sun day school at 9.10 a. m.. C. H. Hart lag luperlnteQdent. 8aaU tree. All taTltad. t ' : WAS POSTPONED. __ Due to the Inclemency of tho with er Thursday night the Tegular week ly dance at tW.JJwnlrr Club was postponed. Thl* wu quite a dtaap-' pointment to thooe contemplating go H* .?>-.>< . y ' f 53EF* i , i FIRST MKTHOmST CHURCH. The pastor. Rot. M. T. Plyler, will fill his regular pulpit Sunday morn ing and ereniDR. After the morning the Holy Communion will be administered. Sunday school meet* gt 5 o'clock, B- R. Mlxon superin tendent. All strangers In the city cordially J&vlted. Good mualc. . , IS IMPROVING Mln Ruth Erer*tt, who waa receot lr operated on at the rowle Memor ial Hospital for appending by Dr. Ing- Unless something unforeseen happena the will iooo be able to re turn. to har h KIRHT Regular and ewantng at paator win till the pulpit at both honra. Sunday achffol raeeta at ?.?0 a. m., John B. Sparrow. Oood auatr All hai welcome, prayarmeetlog ? OTHERS HURT. H?? When Fire Broko Oat?Sev en W?r? Ov ercome by Smoke?Tm tt^re Hurt Fatally uud 10 Ollierj Injured?-Al! Immigrant*. X** Yorlr, Aug. I.?Seven persons wo of them women, were overcome wo ?there fatally hurt and ten oth-1 re were injured less seriously earl? pday when an incendiary Are da troyed a lodging house at 100 Rock way Road, Jamaica. But for the be oirnn of otie of the occupants. whe ras fatally hurt while atttemptinfi o aave other*. the loss of life would are been greater. This man. Btevar ? waa awakened by tht of a do*. load: Stefan Canienkrowa god 101 Prank NUko. aged 19. Ste an Congratzwl. 26; Lawrence Hon at. 16; Martin Marschala. 67t Agnei tsusryto. 27; NolUo Btudic. 16. The fatally Injured: Vladimir Pa# iwaki, 10, burned and Internally In ?MMMfklhilkrlill sleep. Almost without exceptioc hoy were Immigrants, recently froa heir aatlr* lands, and seeking em iloyment- George Bombec. propria or of thw house* also runs an em (loyraent agency. ' EL; The doad were overcome by amoke fher arore dead when taken out Anc ?oth of the men fatally Injured wen. lurt when they leaped from the Ipj >f the" thrde-story house, whero the:] lad been trapped. The Ore was well advanced whei liscovered. With the arrival of tM irat apparatus, a second alarm wai urned in, and three ambulances wen ailed from St Mary'i'hospitaL Near y the entire staff of Jamaica hospit 1 also went to the scene, with an tthor ambulance. A field hosplCa ras established beyond the Are linee A big Russian bloodhound gave thi ilarm. It was this dog's harking tha " Marwwwskl. and senl>%taH through tbe.smoke-killed halli sfBsShiaisaKs hat ftsve forth an unusually choking >ea?jr amoke. Prom tha poaltloni o oreral bodies It was apparent tha ome of tha victims had itrucfler ranti rally to find aatlU Neighbor*' attempted raacue work >ut ware driven back. Marzorowak arrled out three women and twi 'hlldren before hia rlolhlna otucb DUMA EX-PRESIDKNT GOBS TO if." PRISON FOR DUELLI.NO. at Petersburg. An*. 5.-^Alexan der OuchKoff. who temporarily re signed as president of tbe dune la or der to serre e sentence of four weeks' imprisonment for fighting a duel with Count Uvaroff. e rival poMHeel lefrd I er. entered the fortreee of Peter end Paul today to undergo the penalty in flicted by the court. In the/Inel. which wa? provoked ?tory that will be su*e to please. lie in a controversy and was fought Nov. SO. Guohkoff. then a private member of the Duma, wounded the count slightly in the shoulder Ouchkoff occupies the same case mate In the fortress In which General atoessel served bis sentence for sur rendering port Agftnr to the Japan THE GBSi-WKCIAI. FEATURE 4, The pictore#. at the Gem tonight are of the interest* !?T ' "The Cliff Dwellers" Is* Kalem s greet feature drama. While an ln ?tory is told In thfa pic tare much heart-Interest. th? features will center In the si accuracy of the soenes. Aboriginal life In America la clear ly portrayed, the costumes were made from pictures earned by the Ameri can Museum of Natural History, and tbe ktaglng has been done with k'ucIi care that the ancient and compara tively unknown cliff dwellers are vlv Idly reproduced. I ranged k7 Carolyn Wall* tor thla re toch of heart Interest. It la om netlo?, which It Ftrengthened by a touch of- heart Interaat. It li om of thoee pr.tt y Uttlo talee. es pecially Wrong and (llled with ac much actual human Interest that ey ernrae la pleated with It Competition' are both comedlee that are very amu? Inn Tim action It to Urely that on? ssrw:? ?sent are vl " WEIGHT OK A There 1b a popular i weight of a living 1 that of the dead one. In aue Of the Pioneer Mall ft , ent discusses this question in connec tion with the behavior of a crocodile which he shot dead while it was backing. asleep 0^ s ?ufcksan&\J J When shot, the crocodll* began to sink, and almost disappeared before It could he reached. The correspond ent is clearly Inclined to accept the popular notion of an increase In the weight at death but for the faot that receat experiments undertaken hy some learned authorlUea la America have pro-red that a dead body was lighter than a Ilrlng one. From this they (the learned autbottles) de duced that the soul has a d-flnlte weight In pounda a It Is passible that aa4H of our readers are unfamiliar with the ex periments to which the qbrrespond ent of the pioneer Mall refers. They wert made and recorded a few yo^rs ago by Dr. Duncan MacdougaU. of Ha verhill. Mass. .PaUents ware weighed In the act of dying. The scale used recorded any decrease or tncrsaso ho | yond the fifth of an #unce?-not a par ticularly delicate Instrument for ee timating the weight of that part of the living body which la usually re garded ae immaterial and imponder able. i ' In the first of a seHes ot sit ex rlmentfl Dr. Rffftcdougall plnced man dying from pulmonary tubercu ? on the aealaa The patient loet weight at the rate of one-alxteenth of ]an otfnce per minute until the mo nt of death, when the b>:.m end ^dropped with an audible stroke, show ing % sudden decrease of thnpe^ar rocL"T^*^ fia 'Dr. Macdougall. after excludfng the lloes due to eecape of breath and the fluid contents of the body by .evap oration or other natural means, con cluded that the marked and enddeu| decrease was due to escape of the i"?oul substance." In this particular Instance the soul was evidently a very material one. weighing three-Quar ters of an ounce. The experimenter extended his ob servations to dogs, but the results gained were negative. At the mo ment of death the dog's body refused to show any alteration in weighty* j are of opinion that tbo correspond- j ent of the Pioneer Mall in seeking to {explain the disappearance of the shot crocodile in a quicksand need not take his "learned authorities" too se riously. Dr. Macdougall's observa tions are to he explained by a pe culiar bias on the part of the goalee or on the part of the friends who as sisted him. At laaet the scalee used by other investigators hrt# refused to reveal any sudden diminution In the weight of the body at death. In the usual acceptation of the term death occur* when inspiration and circulation has ceased, but to a strict sense the deeth of the is gradual, the muscular eys for Instance, being really alive i after the apparent death rldual.?London Lancet. mm A GRBAT KKATCftK BIU. AT THE GAIETY tonight ' "if?i I You Jnt au't afford to mtea th I tontcbu tot It I one ot the gratta* mated In Wuhlng U as follows: "The Special Agent, one of those Vltcgraph dramas, ful [Of attains Interest from start to fin ish. It Is a story of th# Ken tuck moonshiners, carrying with It a.Iot I story thar will be sure to please. ?The Lon? Trail" Is one of th moat remarkable pictures erar re leaeed by any firm. There has beei toothing precisely like It before? nothing with which tt can b% com pared; nothing more typical of th I tend of the midnight sun In Its wild or aspects end pictured In matchiee photography. It tt awe-inspiring am It would be difieut?almost lmpos *? to describe this great plctUT* can only ad rise you to be oretaa I see for yourself. lie Witch of the Ruins" la an great drums by the famous Pa the-Freres Co. The entire bill *11 | prove a feeture tonight and you ca: it -.ifa H > ENTERTAIN and Others want to Make Statements. SHERMAN DENIES CHARGES SOT? Says That He is TV?U 11ea?ed With the First D^r% Work of tl* In vt-* testing Committet- and That His Charges W?ll SUck?Khernuu. UwIm Charge. Muskogee, OklaoAug. 6?Vlce President Sherman, XJ. 8- 8en. Charles Curtis, of Kansas, and Jacob Ha men. >f Lawton. Okla., asked before the ongressional commiUee investigating be tndUm land charges, to give their eetlmony. according to a statement nade today by one of the committee nan, Is the latest-development . "It* would be ao more than justice o those whose names have been In rolred In the case through the tee imony of 8eaator oGre," said this committee man. "to have them tall heir stories aid stand examination." Representative Bird 8. McOulre. Oso named by, Senaor Oore. arrlted J ere today from Guthrie. "I am ready to go on the stand," is said. "My record is clsoa had J im anxious for a chanco to vindicate lmony of Senator Oore," said the ms this morning. "The matter lk in tho hands of the :o mm It tee." was his reply. "I am wtlsflsd with the progress X have The senator talked a Utt reely when he reached the hearing ihamber, however. "I am well pleased with the first lay's progress of the charges launch *d by me In the closing of the last Congress." he said. "I think I have toads my charges utick that 1 was of fered 950,000 to withdraw my oppo lition to the McMurray contracts with ^dividual members of the Choctaw md Chickasaw tribes of Indians, and the committee, I think, will sustain me. "I regret exceedingly that I was 'orced to repeat the statement made o me that Vice-President Sherman. Senator Curtis, of Kansas, and Repre lentative McOulre. of Oklahoma, vere Interested in the McMurray con Mute. ? ' . A "I do not see how the committee M; at tup Him tbun -Irtlrtsln- my charges of attempted bribery, eepec ally since Representative Oreager mbstantiated my statement that Jake U Hamoo, of Law ton, had been busy >n contracts and had offered him an nterest In them. I will Summon only wo or three more witnesses." MR. BOWEN DEAD Passed Away This MoHMn* at HI* Home on Second Street, Mr. William A. Bowen. aged 48, >assed away at his home on West Second street, this morning at 7 o' :lock, after a lingering illness, caused from clrrhpels of the liver. Mr. feowsn moved to this city from Newport News, Va., about one month igo, and has been confined to ..his Some almost continuously ever Since. He was a son of the late Thomas aowen and had many friends In this :lty who mourn his death. Besides a heartbroken widow and three c h li tre n he leaves one brother, Mr. How ard W. Bowen. and one sister, Mrs. A. W. Thomas, both of this city, to mourn their loss. The deceased was % man possessing true worth. He stood by his friends and was ever ready to serve those who befrlendea him. The funeral will take place ^Sun lay afternoon at 4 o'clock. The, In terment will be In Oakdale cemetery. The Dally News extends sympathy. The following are the pallbearers: Honorary?-Dr. D, "t.' Tayloe, -Dr. Joshua Tajfloe, Capt. Oeo. J. 8tud der t, Mr. C. M. Brown, sr. Active?Mr. J. F. Thomas. Mr. J. Buekman, Mr. Chan. Wahab. Mr. <*. E. Buekman, Mr. ? Gilbert Rumley, Mr. M. F. McKsel. FIRST BAPTIST CHCBCSB. 111 ?i Car? Tor Rev. J. A Sullivan, pastor. Sun day school 9.41 I. m.. 8. P. Willi! superintendent; morning worship at sermon subject. "Mothers' Little Children"; evening worship 8 p. In., sermon subject. "An Awful Discovery." .The Sunbeam Band will meet Monday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Ladles' Aid Society ou Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, ana prayermeetlng Wodnesdsy evening at 8 o'cloct. Those without a regular church home, visitors and strangers, are glways welcome. ?' 1 "In the Presence of the King" Is the title of a special selection on the Ante, acccompsnled by tho organ, to be rendered^ this church tomorrow nlrtt. ~ . CHRISTIAN ckjRCH. Ragnlar Mrrlen at Oil* church Sunday morulas and ?rntn? by th? paator, Her. RoM. Hop*. Sunday ?chool maata at * p. a., T. w. PM1 Oood malic. Alt city havn a warm T GEO THROUGHOUT COUNTY Washington and Several Precincts vote Their Choice Thompson and Latham will be Nominated for the Legislature?Paul for Clerk by Acclamation?Con test for Treasurer and Sheriff will be Close?It will require Complete Returns to Decide the Question Ere the Dally New* reaches Its numerous readers today another po litical barn* Will have bean decided la Beaufort county. Thoee success fall and those defeated In the contest which hu been waged for weeks, should hare fee cause to feel abaah ed at the outoome. Ail have made a gallant fight. Their cauae for sup port has been presented to the peo ple and tbar? given their say. Whether they have acted wise In their decision Is not the province of this fraper to say. The people are th? sovereigns and they are the ones to decide whom they desire to fill theli As yet the Dally News is anable to make an Intelligent forefeet of ths result In the county, as a large num ber of the primaries will not be held until this afternoon, loo late for pub lication in todays' fiper. Of thoee precincts heard from It can he safely stated that Mr. John r. Latham, of Jessama. and Mr. W. A. Thompson of Aurora, will repre sent Beaufort oouaty in the neat gen eral assembly. They practically hav* the nomination without oppoeltlon. Mr. George A- Paul, the, present In oumbent of the clerk of the court's office, had no opposition, so he will be named again. As to the treasurer's office, the fight Is close "and it will take the vote of every precinct la the county, judg ing from the returns so far received, to give a fo*?*csBt. while Mr. Tayloe. the present Incumbent, carried Wash ington by 21 votes snd Belhaven by a good majority in the other pre cinct^ Mr. Mlxon has made good gains and the wise ones predict the result Is in doubt. The contest for sherlft le also a close one. Mr. Ricks weal far ahead of his rival. Captain Har- ' rlsrls in Washington and Belhaven. but has lost ground In the other vot ing places. ; The vote for county commissioner! has not been ascertained. In Wash ington Mr. 8. F. Freeman led for com MWliC ?n. ft' T.ylo., 16; Mixon, 47. Harris. SO; Ric^. SI. Ulxon. IS; T*rlo?.' 1?. MT; A. Thompson unanimously nomi nated. Clark?Geo. A. Paul, unanimous. Sheriff?Ricks. 98; Harris. 67. Re slater of Deeds?Rumley. 114; John W. Mayo. 16. Treasurer?Tayloe, Ml; Mlxon, 86. Commissioner*?Wilkinson, 1; Jor dan, J; Oreen. 43 Boyd. 56; Hook er, 68; Eborn. 26; Wolfenden, Ifj Gay lord. 14; Freeman. 92; von Eber steln. 81; Wynne, 78; Brown. 1. Representatives?Mitchell. 6; Lath am. ll; Thompson. 88. Gierk?PatU, by acclamation. SfeerMT?Rlcfea. 87; Harrla, 88. Register of Deeds?Rumley. 66; Mayo. 14. Treasurer?Tayloe. 41; Mlxon. 16. County Commissioners?The ward instructed, the delegates to thf ooun ty convention to rote for *" ?loners as they eee fit. Repreeentatiree ? Thompson. 84; Latham. 86; Mitchell, f. Clerk?Paul, unaalntoualy. Sheriff?Ricks, fl; Harris. 41. Register of Deeds?Rumlpy, 68; Mayo. 11. Treasurer?Tayloe, 88; Mlxon. 66. Commissioners?Wynne. It; Free man. 26; Eborn. 11; Boyd, 6: Oay lord. 10; Jordan. 8; Oreen. 17; von Ebersteln. 26; Brown. 6; Wolfenden. 18; Hooker. 26. Total Vote in the City. Representatives ? N. B. Mitchell. 14; J. F .Latham. 60; W. A. Thomp son. 67. Clerk of Court?O. A. Paul, unan imous. Sheriff?Geo. A. Ricks, 286: James H. Harris, 190. Register of Deeds?Gilbert Rum ley. 875; John W .Mayo. 71. Treasurer?Joseph F. Tayloe. 252; E. R. Mlxon. 231. Commissioners ? Freeman. 281; Wynne. 165; Boyd. 91; Eborn. 68; Osylord, 68; Jordan. 26; Green. 94; von Ebersteln. 199; Wolfenden. 97; Hooker. 141; Brown, 11; Wilkin son. 2. The Dally News has not been able to ascertain the rote for all the can didates In the different out-of-tofcrn precincts holding primaries prior to. press hour, hut the rote 1s given for ill those received. Old Ford. Register of Deeds?Rumley. 60; Mayo. 4. Rreasure?Tayloe. 26; Mlxon, 27. 8herlff?Harrla, 88; Ricks. 18. Beaver Dam. Treasurer?Tayloe. 31; Mlxon. 44. Register of Deeds?Rumley. 50; Mayo, 24. 8herlff?Ricks. 88; Harris 88. Piaerllle. Treasurer?Tayloe. 26; Mlxon. 88. BherlfT?Harris. 27; Ricks. 88. Register of Deeds?Rumley. 44; Mayo. 6. Chocowintty. Treasurer?Tayloe. 81; Mlxon. 68. 8herlff?Ricks. 66; Hsrrle. 64. Register of Deeds?Rumley ,< 88; Mayo, 48. Relhaveo. 8hertff?Ricks. 200; Harris. 14. Register of Deeds?Rumley. 168; Mayo, 19. Treasurer?Tayloe. 156; Mlxon. ti Tranter's Creek. Register of Deeds?Rumley, 84; Mayo. 21. Treaaurer?Tayloe, 19; Mlxon, 28. ^^lherlff-^RIckSj^J^r^Harrla^87^^ MUCH INTEREST. The local Btr&cu tre looking for ward with pleasure to their came of ball next week with the Baraca daaa team from Wilson. The team here will hare to do some good playing If they win. Wilson crossed bsts with the Tarboro team this week and eas ily won over their competitors. THE UNKNOWN TONGUE. Crowds are attending the senloes of the "Unknown Tongue" in Choeo winlty. They have been conducting a series of meetings for the past week. The gunboat Elfrlda and the tor pedo boat Dupont, training ships of the North. Carolina naval reeervea, are expected to arrive In this port soms time during the coming week. The New Bern and other reeerves will on board, taking their annual cruise. ENJOY BARBECUE. Quite a number of cltlsens attend ed a barbecue* at Mr. O. Rumley's farm In Chocowlnlty yesterday. IJr. Rum ley proved to M a model boat, and the day waa much enjoyed by his THE BOAHl? OF SUPERVISOR?. ? : V