bers oi ' Ilenlt of Primnrlt". Representative*?Job* F.. and W, A. Thompgoo. For Sheriff?George E. EfH Rumley. For Clerk ot Court?O*o. A, PanH r. mixob.- . The Dally New. can eafely state the ahorr-named candidate, for *01 be mm- *B ? _Ja* - Thin clo**e on* of, iko wun, fought political battlJk ever waged In Beaufort count/ fton *e*wa to he Mate dlapute. but from the ro il turn, received from ?u the prwftinela by UUa paper. It .how. the afeora tlck t; et ha* woa It. r PLEASANT DAY Chapter of laughters of American FRe.olaliou Organhted. At the homo of l<lla Vary Marcla Blount Rodman, In Washington, North Carolina, on the afternoon of sembled to organize the "Major July 2?, 1910,-a number of ladlss a? L jpfcAar Blount Chapter of the Na tional Society of tbe Daughters of the American Revolution. It is consid ered eminently fitting that the cpalj ter should be so named; MaJ. Reading Blount was a Revolutionary soldier k. Of distinction from this eactiqiL^JlBH received his commission as capfcaln L5 ot the Fifth regiment of N. C. Contt nental Troops April, 177$, from tbe historic assembly then lit session In HIIMboro. Oreene In their brilliant campaigns In the Carollnaa. He waa commended for bravery at the battle of Eutaw Sprlnga and wma promoted to qMjor I, waa aleo an original member o< the Cincinnati. The chapter ronaldera Mlee H M. B. Rodman ae their maacot. aa .he U the granddtughter ot a Revolution ary aoldler and llrea In tire home to which her grandfather. John Gray Blount, brought hi. bride to lira In the etlrrlng patriotic *ay. of 17T?. The ladlea compoalng the chapter are aa followa: Miw Uda T. Rodman (recnt appointed by the Stats re / gent. Mr*. Van Land Ingham), low Jane Myera. correepondlng aecretary; Klaa Lottie Hale Bonner, r<*latrar; Mr. oJhn Keala Hoyt, Irea.urer; Mrs L. L- Knight, rtcordlns aecretary; Mia* X. M. B. Rodman. Meadamm Harrey Way; Thoa. St. Clair, Hattle Maynard. B. Thompaon. WlllUm H. Elliaon. Ned W. Myera, Owen H. Ou ton. Mlaeee Maty M. Howard, Clartaea Bonner, Mary Virginia Bonner. Oth er. praaent who anticipate becom I ,'-..', Ing member. In the n*ar future were MeaBamea John Rodman, John O. Blount, John H. Small, John Dunn. Suaan M. Daana, 8. R. Fowl*, B O. Mow. MIuhOmt. Marcla R. Myera, t>*u and Maud Wlndley, Lillian Bon mar. May Btyroo and other*. ?? ? I Delightful fruit punch waa aerved In tbe dining room, oak* and tee cream being h*nd*d the gueet. at the do** of the mMttng. REBOLVriOIIS OP RE8F8CT. i Wbmmii* the imi AU->-?th?r looking from HU itupendou. glorj realm down upon the felles creetu/et of hla ptaetlc touch, did find it good la Hb much-lovtng paternal nature, to remove from thU earth-home, up to the Houee of Naur *ane?on?. the never dying ?oul of our brother, Themy'B. Boyd,. " ' S Retired that. In the paeelng of the aptrlt of thU well-rtDencd eheaf, we. membera of the C. B H. at Ed ward. lodge No. 11, da euetatn a man lfeet lou. Ever wae he loyal to the call of duty, punctual to attend each weekly meeting, aad ready alwayl to aaaiM where and whenever a help In* hand was needed. We deplore hli vacant aeat. but the grandeur of Jue tleejio^mon^lr^lMMnBnUe^harac SPECIAL IN \ Mull Lustre, a bet 10 inches wide Kilarney Cloth, a ish wash fabr ttri+k wash I p is Opponent, J. F. Tayloe, i and Paul for Clerk, Re-h for Sheriff Over Harris by d Latham the County's N eeman and Wolfenden wll i New Board of Comtnis! m ??? . ThU paper is not Al? to tire a forecast of the result throughout the county for commissioners, but It can be Mid with assurance that Mr. S. F. Freeman, or Washington, end Mr. Fred Wolfenden, of Chocowtnity, will be two member* of the Incoming board. The new board of commis sioner* will be composed of only five members. Instead of seven as hereto fore. This change In the number warf made at the last legislature. fight for the offloe of sheriff n Mr. Ricks, the present In at. and Capt, James Har rIs was a cloee one. The\rturns show that Rlcka has won the fli^t by practically a vote in the countyX-{ Rum ley for register of deeds is again nominated over his opponent, Mr. John W. Mayo, jr. Mayo polled a good vote and should have no dause^ declares to us that He !e above The church has lost a consistent ember, the community a peace-lov ing citizen, the town a diligent offi cer. his home sn alert manager, devoted husband and an Indulgent fa ther. Snd. Tliet we bow In humble sub mission to the will of Him who does all thlngB for our good and His glory. Srd. That we tftnder deep and nn .felgned sympathy to the bereaved ones etUT left, bearing trials, over coming failures and praying for light and strength to beer th^ burdens im posed by tbelr ead loss. To them* we would say review and appropriate the many consoling prom ises found In that precious .book whose sustaining power nffcsr fall us. 4th. That a copy of these resoju- i tlons be .placed with the archives Vf the C. B. H.. a oopy sent jfo the be ren tally, and* ow m&ja jb* Dally News and Washington Ptdf reas for publication. v V - ' E. J. EDWARDS, , ? m ? > W. T. WARftfiK/J. O. K. 8TILLKY, Committee. ?' J Aug.. 8, 1910. ? .. , v. ' . " KOT1GE. CfinafilK. One week's pass free to the Qem Theatre tor the child who sells <2 worth of tickets for the Methodist Baraca Baseball Glnb benefit Tues day night, August 9th, and two weeks pase to the child who sells the most tloketa. Each child wishing to sell tickets can get tame tonight at 7.10 o'clock at Qem Theater; also tomor row morning at 9 o'clook. . : ' \ > UfliMBsSsMfiiliaiUMi^ A GAtA DAY Next Thursday. to be a gala day for Wei Beaufort county. The arrangements are-practically perfected for the bar becue at the tobtcco warehouse (or the farmer*. One of the beet cooks ip thla section baa been engaged to prepare the pigs, and online some* (Msg ufcfarseeen happens the farm ers win feast as nersr before. Some of the county's most attf&etlve speak ers will address ths crowd. The com ing together of the tobacco growers oa this occasion promisee to result la untold good. Every farmer has a cordial Invitation. If you stay away and miss the day ybu will have no one to blame. Come to Washington next Thursday; the ctty will he yours. (HINKRAL YB8TERDAY. The fuaeral of the late William Bowen took plaee from the First Presbyterian Church Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Rev. H- B. 8earlghtt The interment was la Oskdale cemetery. The choir sang appropriate selec tions. The floral offerings were many. %. ? If you don't forget. Thursday when you come to the big barbecue take slong part of the family and hare their, pictures taken.?Baker's stu fHITE GOODS utiful sheer fabric 25c. splendid, linen fin c that improves Vote?Rumley [ominated?Ricks will a Close Margin? ext Rep res e n 1 be Mem- >. ,:VV'v;'^ loners I ? h ' to feel disappointed over the result, i Ther was no opposition to Mr. Geo. I A. Paul for clerk of the court. We are all friends together work ing for a common -cause?the success of Democracy, and the time Is come when wejcahcot afford to entet- Into a dispute. The vote is close for the oUm ot treasurer, and let him who has won be nominated, and all go back to their homea satisfied and rea dy to do what ther can for the party throughout the county. If we dispute and fuss in our own camp there Is danger of the enemy coming 1^ and storming our walla. The cause of Democrtcy is too vital for such blt Beaufort county has spoken and selected her choice; this being so, we should all abide by the result In a way to commend admiration. UKCOITO-BREAKINO season AT VIRGINIA BEACH SOW. Norfolk, Va? Aug. 7*?A great In flux to Virginia Beach and Cape Hen ry has been reported?greater than eter before, and it would not be sur prising It this season breaks atl pre vious records for attendance at the popular seashore resorts. Not only are the amusements and other at tractions better than ever, but the Norfolk Southern Railroad is main taining its most elaborate schedule by running trains^ express and reg ular. gt froquent intervals from their City Hall avenue station. Thirty-six trains each way to the Beach and to Cape Henry Is a splendid arrange ment and the patrons are taken to the ocean shore in quick time. Xlie company has an ample number of cars and seats tor all-passengers. . One of the great features at Cape Henry and Virginia Beach t? the surf bathing, and bundrefls avail them to the briny, for at these resorts Is the only genuine surf bathing of any ocean resorts in the Btaces. There is a competent bathing master In at tendance. the pavlMoa bath hogsas are large and the suits new. Of the amusements, the Atlantic Amusment Corporation have the very latest line. The cafe which serves the best menus Is under the direction of J. M. 8. Ms-hsny, of kichnsond. T^e tennis courts are among the finest at any resort, and the bowling alleys are now com pie teand form quite a feature. The board walk la a pleas ant place with Its hundrsds of tncsn descents and stake the beach as bright as day. The ballroom in the pavilion Is an attrtctlve place, and each week night hundreds Indulge In the dance. At Cape Henry there Is a splendid pavilion for the crowds* the shore dinners snd the surf bathing, besides many other attractive fet tnres. Maxim's band, which is furnishing splendid musical programs, plays at Virginia Beach each afternoon tnd evening, and this sfternoon the beach will render-programs from 8 to 8.80 snd at Cape Henry from 2 to 6 this sfternoon. CAKMKX. PUbc Film rt'Art With MmImm Tic tort* LcpOXO u> Cannes. ">?( ~ The Gem opens up the week with a strong bllL Carmen, the plctureegu* narrative of Spain, from the magic pen of the brilliant writer. Prosper Merlmee. and set to music by the im mortal Bilet, la the sub jeer to be j>re#snted ta this film! d'art. Madame Lepanto as Carmen typifies the de scription of the Spanish, girt Thoje who hare never bad an opportunity of seeing this grand bpei* before, <*n witness this One, performance artm canvas tonight In. the Great North -west Is s Sell* lore stor/ laid In the great pine forests and among ths ssow-clsd hills of the Northwest. The principal interest Is ^.the scenery and costuming, which depict phases of life In thst little-known territory. It Wiflfs to those who hare never been In such a cohntry a represent ation of a strange land and a strange people. It possesses'h strong dra matic quality. A >.V ? A Sailor's Friendship Is a heart story based upon the friendship of two sailors. The picture posse-snes much that la'interesting In ocean scenery, of which 9ns never tires. The deep blue sea with 1U ever-laah lng wave* has en attraction for all. which none can express. T her*. Alt many beautiful touches of nature In and landscapes. The Metohdlst Bt raca clans baseball nlnh will rim > II Man Convicted in the MM K. Aim on. SHjrf of Tlu.r M?*>, K?reWe? Verdict tVIUui.t u ^u'rri 'rtmc [or Whlfft He C?nU*?<l ??> llrulal ta tkc 2 fjj ;i Mil ?! Wail Hx>l Aaheville. Aug. 7.?JUIN B. Alli son. 60 year a old, who has killed at least three men during bU lifetime was tt about 6 o'clock <S4*terday af ternoon. found guilty of murder in the ftrse degree by the Jury tor kill ing Floyd McQee, driver at the city patrol wagon. When the Jury, after 46 minute*' deliberation, returned the vofrdlct, Al lison. a slim, pale-faced man. slightly bent, received his sentence without a quiver. ?r-;ffihrV* MM The murder of McQe#, whlch curred July 6th. was oneJ brutal ever ocnrrlng hsre. *11 after shooting: the man is the bacl fire times, took o two-paoAd ha and beat McGee's brains fefct While employed by the city years ago as might watchman at the! City Roll. A imm killed ? glneer named Roberta, j while the latter. Charlotte, woe under : He aleo hoot the negro with Oh Indian another la the hock. On all cooea he pleof self-defense^ Qand was cleared. ??T His defense lo thin i [isame, but It was a very, slim case. He Is the father of fire children. The trouble occurred orer a wom lan of bawdy fame which he and Mc-| Gee ?ore keeping. HIOGRAI'H DRAMA the gaiety toxight.I The program at the Qalety tonightI Iconsists of three full rAls of pictures I land illustrated song, iud will, wel think, prove to be thefkest one yet.T lthough the large crowds who wit-| Saturday's program pro-1 jnounced it as about the best yet seen! [in Washington. Nevertheless, we are (sure the one tonight will equal it, if jj excel it. A Midnight Cjapld 14 it genuine 01-1 ;raph that Is without question one f the most dramatic toe stories ever! on canvaa. Spnjo pictures are fcood, some are very iJH^but this Is Iter than the botft. f^rtfcularaVra^l tion is called to the brfgfct and per fect photography as well as the choice natural scenery In which this picture is performed. U. 8. Life-Saving I Drills is on educotlonal film that ev-I woman and child in Wash-[ ington should see. This is a great Plc-i ture of wide fame, taken by the fo^| mouB Edison Stock Co. The CasUways is one of the most[j retmarkablo 111ms ever released by I the Kalem Company. This story Is one of exceptiontl strength. The at mosphere is true to the fitorv, while I the photography la of the usual stand ard. The quality of this picture can not be too highly recommended. | From every view point It is a terplece. Other pictures will also be | (shown that are equally as good. Remember, you tlwgys see the bestT ones first at the Gaiety* -T QUITE A CROWD. Quite a crowd went to PamlicoI Beach yesterday on the steamer Hat-1 teras. All spook in the highest terms! pf the day, This stammer resort Is I the most popualr In Eastern Carolina. V COUNTY CONTENTION. p The Democratic county convention will meet In the courthouse In thU city nut Wednesday for the nomina tion of county officer*. A larg* con vention Is looked for. FOB P1RB COMPANY. ?The opera "Isabella" will be glren 4n Washington at an early day for the benefit of the- Ocean Ftre Com pany. Local talent will be the cast. Mr. 1* O. Tyler will hare charge of the production, which assures Its suc cess. The operetta "Sylvia" was siren in Washington not long jtnce under his superttsion. and acoepfced to be one of the beat attract I one ever pre sented here. New Bern and Wilson were visited, and the operetta ttiok both town|i by storm. This will be pleasing news to the music lovers of the elty. Rehearsals will etart at once. Mlse Stella Lowery left for Norfolk Saturday to visit friends. Mr. H. E. Hodges, of route No. 1, Is in the city today. Mr. J. H.'Oden, of Hunters' Bridge. Is la the city todey on business Mr. Q. A. Conner, pf Belhavsn. pass ed through the city today enroute to Greensboro. * ..." * Miss Rebecca Orleans left Satur* day for Norfolk and Ocean View to visit relatives and friends. Mr. C. H. Ratctlff. of Pantego. Is In the city today^ Mies Nellie White, of Norfolk, ar rl#kd in the city last night on the .8"- . ? Mr F. T Baynor. of Belhaven. Is in the City today. - DUX I bUtS IIUWH A Rough SeV'on Albeoule Sound Friday Night OTHER CRAFT IN DANGER Ttte (ims boat Malnlp Gallop GQe? I town at the Month of Pmmjoo Unk Rher, Bat the ClTW Fw?p?. Xk'mm on Hfr Maiden Vojhr*, Load* ad With Melon* and Hamt. Elizabeth City. Aug. 6.?Last night on the Albemarle round the sea was very rough and unmanageable, and many vessel* were In danger. The Mamie Gallop, owned by Mr. Gallop of Currituck county, a brand new gaafcoat making her first trip, and loaded with watermelons and > hams, bounds from Powell's point to Ellabeth City, sank last night at the month of Ptsquotank river. She wasj sailing along smoothly enough until a henry sea caught her and broke fs out *f the houae, caus *11 and stak. % signal was put up i letei (tg m saved, but stuck J tie veesel until tl The sharpie Atlantic, plying be tween Ifire and Monteo, while en route Tpom that plaoe to this port last night, came near sinking and the cfew eovfcht refuge In the small boats ?while the craft'i sails and rigging were torn from her and for a time her fate appeared settled for the but by constant effort she was towed this morning to thl* harbor, where she Is now on the ma* rlne railways. Unparalleled Oanerosity. Town Council or--Have yon heard, Mr. Skinflint, that onr gencrons towns man. Mr. Mnller. la defraying the coat of a new promonado all around tba */?wnJ WV think a wealthy man like yo?f*elf might alao do something for n* * Skinflint?Well, what do you aay to my giving you a park of oak tree*? Tows Councilor?Ob. you noble heart ad philanthropist: Why, do you really Skln^ot ? Tea, yea; 111 make the town a peeaent of ap oak foraat Too bare only to tod the land, and I win ?jBm. P4oraa ? CONSTANCY. Whatever it gaairirn in aocial relations endures despite of time, error, ihwomj and destay. and (hat which has no inherent vitality had better die at ooce. A great poet has truly declared that con stancy is bo virtue, but a fact? Qot Him Without a OH p. | ? cricket club formed a gymnaalum for tba uae of lta members, and an In structor waa engaged to teach Jlu Jltsn. Recently one* of tba crlcketera turned up with a bandaged bead and said aome youth had lnfllpted the Injury. "What!" exclalo&ed tba Jlu Jltsu In structor. "You don't mean to aay you let a youth knock you about like that! Why didn't you try Jlu Jltau?" "1 couldn't." "Nonaenae! There's no conceivable situation to Which Jlu Jltsu cannot be | successfully applied. Show me where (be gripped you." "I'm sorry to aay be didn't grip me anywhere. He dropped a brick on my I'kaad from a third floor wtndow."? i London Telegraph. ACQUIREMENTS. Every noble ut uimttm is attend ed with its rides. He who (ears to encounter the one mart not expect 10 oouin me ouia. lYiamuo. DROP IN STORE ?NTERED Mr. N. O. Ayew* #tore Katererf I NUttit und Goods Tnkcm. Thieve* enter** the stor? of Mr? M. Q, Ayerv on McmiUT reed Buudajr nlsht. An eutr?n:~j vu made tor prising open the rp-r window A lot of candy end canned goods were ta ken. There Is no <Hpe es to the gull ty parties. The pottha are at work ou the cue. * A man le known by the com pany ha keeps ? likewise by bit Business Card a. Circulars and Stationary. Let us print them and they will BE A CREDIT TO YOU. Greek ??holar ? Waiter. A student at Columbia University wm living with hla mother at one of tbe large hotels In New York. Wbeii preparing fo\an examination be of ten brought bft book* to tbe table and worked at Latin and Greek between tbe courses of Ms dinner. It happened one evening that he bad considerable trouble orer his Greek. Tbe man Who waited A* the table ssw his predlca ment |M finelly said quietly. "If yrra ortr that translation." The boy was surprised, but eagerly reached for tny aid In sight. It transpired that the waiter was s graduate of a Euro pean unlrerstty, well sble to coach the pussled student.?Christian Herald. Lending His Fees. The old professor wss very tired. He explained why. "I bars been sitting for four hours this afternoon." said he. **fof my pot* i trait. I'll never do It again. I am tire* to death." "I wondered from the first," sakl his friend, "why you should kad your countenance to a thing that."? New York f CAN FOLD teektug bargains worth their while. Which they read about bsfore. Don't you then ^ Feel awful Had You put in That little ad.? M'MURBAY NAME! By Indian Chief as One Offer tag $35,000 Bribe TESTIMONY ACCUMULATE' Chief MH'urtnin Heys He Tender* I Him ftUM*OO Not to 0|ijmac ClalT* | Hon Hnjni lfainon THed to Brll urlik mid MKinirf Ufi ?rf iBteriwtrt!. luskoftee. Okla . Aug. 6.?Nc' Jake L. Hamxr.ui.. but J. P. M?. turray wt? named aa a would-l Jrlber In the investigation of tt . IS.000.000 Oklahoma Indian Ian" deal before the special Congresslc. al committee today. Mr. McMurray Is the holder ofth; contract* with the Choctaw and th" QJtickasaw Indiana, to promote whit1 In Congress. Senator Thomas P. Goi\ charged he was offered a bribe. !>. C. McCurtaln, a Choctaw In dlan and a legate to Washington Cor his territory, charged that Mc Murray la 1906 offers**** a brlb* of $25,000 to withdraw o KM Old Trfbal-McMofray which subsequeatiy Wire by PTMldrat loantli. Qraep McCurtaln. chief of 18.000 Choctaw* and .a venerable Indian ot ?2 years, than took the stand ane told the oocaailttee that one Oeorgi* "W. Scott, whom ho believed acted I. the Interest ot McMorray. had offei ed him one-fourth of the "profits" to be realised from the land deal, pro Tided he Induced the tribe to with draw all opposition to the deal. Tht> offer referred to. new .contracts held by McMurray. wjrich are the causc of the present tavestlgttlon. The amount of the bribe mentioned by D. C. McCurtaln, who L? a son oi the chief, is the same as that which Senator Gore alleges wis offered him on May 6 last, by Jake Hamon to put through the pending contracts which, according to Senttor (lore, would re sult In the selling of 150.000 acer; of coal, asphalt and limber land' owned by the Indians to a New York syndicate on a basis that would give McMurrty and his associates an at torney fee of ten per cent., or |3. 000.000. The presentation of the charge* against McMurray followed another day of senaatlonal testimony, during which Senator Charles Curtis, of Kansas, and Congressmtn B. 8. Mc Gulre, of Oklahoma, appeared on th? itand to refute statements that they were Interested In the deal. - -The name of Ylc^Prealdent 8her tnan again was meti dotted.' 'anir1 eon Terences held by Mr. Taft over the McMurray contracts were referred to. Both President and Vice-President Sherman, according to 8enator Cur tis had declared that the ten per cent, attorney's fee aaked for was excess ive. The opinion was unanimous at the president's conference, he said, that in the sale of the land no attor neys' assistance was needed and the government by treaty already had itlpulated to sell the land on Its own responsibility. nuinu tibiu1.. Mr. N. D. Young manager of the Washington tobacco warehouse, with his family, has moved here from Rob Insonvllle, N. C. They are occupying the residence at the corner of Third and Pearce streets. The opening of the warehouse will be on August 23 18 VERY ILL. Miss Lillian Swanner. who has been confined to her home for the past several weeks with typhoid fever. Is still quite sick. On account of her Illness the M. K. Church bell or the pipe organ could not be used yester day. It Is to be hoped she will soon be convalescent. MAYOR'S COURT TrtbalaUo* Hall Was Unusually Quiet for Monday Today. There were only two cases before Mayor Sterling at the City Hall to day for adjudication: j State va. J. B. Bright, drunk; fined $1 and coats. State vs. It L. Earnhart and M- E. Watson, disorderly conduct, cause dismissed. WHAT WE NEED MOST. Men who cannot be bought. Men who put character above wealth."* Men who possess opinions and a will. Men who will not lose th*?ir indi viduality In a crowd. Men who will not think anything profitable that is dishonest. Men who will be tonest in small things aB well as great things. SPECIAL SALE THURSDAY, AUG. 11, AT *:30 P. M. 24 Inch Embroidery Flouncing 25 Cents Yatd {,* ^Value from 39 to 59 cents

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