' ;k ; i ,UI off?T t^iP ? ->'lroH J1 to 110 at < of 10 per cent. They are ?? ukwuui wi 1. and practically -?(*. apply ? __ A. B. DRAUGHON. In&perlfl Pool Boom. MOLES ,1X11 WARTS KKJIOvfeS? without pain and laaven no scar. Sat isfaction guaranteed or no charge. Ask for Prof. R. U Eamheardt. at Palace Bitter Shop, appoalto Hotel Loulae. ?"> ? ' WANTED?TO BUST OK JpGOHANCUS ? bid gold or silver, old-fashion fur niture, braHH candlesticks, andirons, ;> blue platea and platters, & c. Will be In Pantego the iplddle of Joly. Ad dress Pante?o, C. M. Tracers. 8.13 JUST ARRIVED New Fall and Winter $eed Rutabaga, Turnip, Kale, Collard, and Rape. 'Phone 80. Walter Credit & Co t'CHOICE CUT f FLOWERS J1 Write, Phone or Wire J. L O'QUINN & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. Your Wants, a* the; are rs for everything in the 'Line. Pnone 149 quarters Florist' L women or BALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a deed of trait to me ex ecuted by U P. Brooke RJid otbere. dated November 22nd, ltOT, and re corded In the register's office at Beeu< tort coanty in book IS*, pack 111, which )> hereby referred to, default bavins been made in piymt-m of the Indebtednese thereby secared, I will sell at Courthouee door la Beaufort county on Wednesday, September 7th, 1110, at noon, tbr oash to the highest bidder, all that lot or parcel of land In thd City of Washington. N. O-, at t he earner of fourth and Gladden streets and In that part of said city known as Gladden Town, being part of Lot. No. to and being the same conveyed to A. D. MacLeu by Pbarte* Blackwell and wife by deed dated No vember 14th, IMS, recorded In eaid register's oOce In hook 113, page its, which la also referred to, and convey ed by said A. D. MacLean to U F. Brooks having been eaecuted to * cere the purchase money. This August ?th, H10. ? ' , O. RUIfliBY. "V Old Her Beetf" " v "We're alwajf careful about tbsee contiguous diseases." ssld lira. Lap. sling. ?Whea Johnny bad got well of the measlee we bought some sulphur and 6i*ror>c?n*d the am I from top to bottom."-ClaJcaso Trttmoe. m > ? "fit ,a. c. LE THINGS COUNT? THEY DO THEN YOl SHOILU 1IC* VOI'B^GKOCFRIEH WHERE YOl CAN BUY MORE OH THEM HIR LESS MONEY. IV YOl It ORO< Kit* 1111.1, HAS BEES TOO MJRUE, 'P1IOXK US YOI E / ORDERS ANI> THE CUNtt MUCH WE 8EXX FOB WILL EN ABLE YOl' TO HAVE MORK OOOIW FOB SAME MONEY W BAME UOODH FOR LESS HONEY. ALL OOOUS DEL1YEBEH nuniriLi' ur any part or the city, yocb patros AOE SOLKITEI). 'I &i ' Phone 387 for Your Supplies R. H. HUDSON Norfolk Southern ?-Railroad^ _ _A? CM*. !?. C.. BEA V KOIIT. W. C. Atlantic Howl Op*111 June lit.) DKI.tOHTFlL SEASHORE RESORTS. Offers Most Convenient and Beat gerrlce To E\ti?ineiy Low Sunday and Week End Excur sion Run. On Bale?Juno to September. VIRGINIA BRACH?CAPE IIKSRY. VA. The Only Seashow Resorts In Vlrglnlk. Er ?ry Conceivable form'of Amusement. Sort Bnthlng. Excellent Hotels and Cottage*. REASONABLE rates. W. For complete lntotuioon apply to any Nortol K Southern Railroad Ticket Agent of address H. C. HUDGINB. Oen. PaMenger Alt . W. W.' cnOXTON. As-t. Gen'l Paae. Aft.. NORFOLK, f A. X |id -\ OTp. . ... " " it, 24 Rom u the Beaahore. Rates In same proportion from mgl other HPECIAL TRA1K. City i Mn.Lh.ad dty a">d Itoasfort. > B?e*y Hl?bt. Lowest Week BUltetei. For complete Information aak Returning nearest Ticket Ag.nt*. Special Train Leaves . H. C- Hudglns. G. P. A. , IVeaafert w< Morehead City Suday ; W. W. Croxtos. A, 0. P. A. ~ Norfolk, va. ?T Only. Monday OnHr? I .. Schedule. f * P. M. A- M. Round Trip Rates. 12:3i *..... Ly. Raleigh . . .>. ?1J:45 Morehead City. Beaufort 1:11 I*. Wllaon 10:27 $*.00 $2.20. 1:10 U*. farmrUle ..\ ?:4l * t.7i 2.95. 3:19 Greenville. ... t:2l 2.25 2.45. 5:30 ... Ar. New Bern ... 7:85 2.25 2.45. 4:50 . . Ar. Morehead City.. 4:05 7:05 . .. . Ar. Befolort . . . . 5:40 P. W. P. M. Saturday Sunday Only. Only. ' ir ? MOSQUITO CANOPIES, AND CE FROM > $1.50 TO $3.50 EACH JEFFERSON FllRNITfJhE CO. ft !-? 4. m ?i % Mr. C. W. Ayers Isft for Plymouth yertortfay to spend Sunday Witt bit brother. From thar?r he goes to |W* York fend Connecticut He expect* to be absent about a month. Mr. and Mr* Frank Mom tnd *aa, Beverly, jr.. ex, ect to leave toan;?? morrow morning for ycrk io visit Mrs. Jfosa' broth*::-. Mr. Lind say Russell. /< ? 'j#r . <. 1 E?- -V -1 Mr. John Bell vent to Whartons thla morning on boaioen* Rev. M. T. Plyler left thla morn ing for Greenville. ? < i . j ''V Mr. J. \V. Traylor left this mofn ing for Tarboro ou the A C. L. ? ? Mrs. D M. Carter land daughter, Ettu Cordon, left today for Salisbury to visit relatives. They will be ab sent several weeks. > ? " r Sim. William p. Clark and (laugh ter, Augusta Simmons, returned to day from Pantego. ? ? Mrs. Carl Richardson and daugh ter, Mary Latham* have returned home from Beau foft, Morehead City UHm} 3hQr'iKKLftMBr> * ? ? Mayor C. H. Sterling has returned from a business trip. Mr. Fred Wolfenden. of Cbocowln tty, ws8 a Washington visitor today. ?M| t ? ' - V Mrs. George Dehny, of savannah, Ga., is in the tcty vtsltinj? her aunt; Mrs. C. C. Thomas. r thundered the visitor. With bleeding heart tbe operator hitched his fyceps oo fo s bit of sb solntely sonnu ivory, dragged his pa nt three - times around tbe room "Hey, prestor smiled the dentist. "It's out: Bat will you be so good as to tall me why oo eertb you wanted a sound tooth (extracted?" "By all ?tenth." responded tbe pa tient. "Yojttbee. I'm pn actor, and I bare to tak* a part where the thpeak er litbpth. At flrtht 1 couldn't matbtcr it. hat now I'm tbare Ifll be athlmply there*mlng thacthetb!" The Ever Active Brain. The question. "Does the brain erer rest?" would seem to be; answerable only la the negative. Unconscious cerebration appears to be a necessary concomitant of tbe powers of intellect, and during* sleep, whether we remem ber It or nor. we are always dream ing. Of' course, during waking time we are perpetually thinking, thinking, thinking?not always logically and de liberately. but. all the same, thinking. Dream is the thought of the slfcep time, when reaaoo Is out of the game, and the fancy, or Imagination. has the reins, with nothing to hold her bock. We take many a trip under her guid ance that we are unable to recall when she has resigned the rein* Into the hands of reason. Awake or asleep, we are always busy. Tbe mind never rests.?New York American. The Turkish ??Uier's Fstaliam. Tbe IsChargy of mind which is the mental hattt of the Turkish soldier the personal expveeeloo of fstallam-le a most valuable qvaUty in. its way. foi It means that Its pnssM^or is always cool sod collected, grumbles little and .has marvelous sMssanrs. It Is alien He (hail Quickly. . " - she ssid. facing htm wttfc 1 color and potting her hadtJ behind her. "yeo will have to chooee etweeo me antI your old pipe." Not as Instant did Gerald hesitate. throwing it sway. ~r was thinking c. . I haying a neW ene anybow."-Chlcago Trlbuns. * 1 - ? Ws dig^d tell, we worty sod first, and ^li the while close over us bends tbs infinite wooder and beauty of na tare. saying: "Look up. taf child! Feel my smile and be giadrt-4. & Ifer rtam. ' Very Different. X ttusai Hj hnsband is plain I yt^iuiiiiiiimii Mr.. | Tbo Olrt-Wlwf. jour opinion of vonwa who lmttat* nwn? Th. Man .T - VH?... Tfc? CJlrl?Tb*n lb. la mtMafnl. - Cl.rrt.nd W-hM U mora < to the iMtr, than a good round slice of Imu tlful groen-ekln ral-muat water melon upon wblth rala a lovely chunk of cool Crystal Icr. \ ( 3 "Flue as, U7 It with ! Crystal Ice. 'Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON, N. C. A Mistaken Girl ( She Found That She Was Not as Wiae as She Thought Br E3TZLLE MARSH Coprriaht. mo. by Am*rtosa Pr?M 1 am In a Quandary, l had supposed 1 would marry Donald Chase, and dot, cornea Oscar Richmond to mix roc a!1 c?. Donald Is steady, honorable, ban excellent Judgment; Oscar Is hand some. Cull of sentiment; fascinating. 1 know I should remain true to Donald, hut Oscar carries me right off my feet The question of money does not en ter into the matter. Donald is dolus ?ery well, earning a fair salary and with a prospect of being a partner. Oscar is out of In? just now. I, don't exactly understand why. He 1* ?ery reticent I like reticence In a man; it bespeaks self control. Oscnr can talk with me by the bour without revealing any of bis affairs. Of course if be prqpose* to me 1 shall expect tfcut be will tell me everything. 1 have tried to get Donald to tell me why ge distrusts Oscar. He says be doesn't himself know why. It la quite likely that his distrust Is doe to" jeal ousy. Donald Ir so honorable that be would not like to believe himself cspn hie of doing a rival an injustice. He is unconscious thst he Is moved by Jealousy. I wonder who Is this Glrard Roberts be ha*1 brought to see us. He h:i* known us but a few weeks, yet It seem thst we have all been friends for year It's strange bow some people have t< faculty of Insinuating themselves m once Into one's good graces. Aire ad 1 call this man by his first name. and though I have known Donald since ; was sixteen years old, 1 still call bl::> Mr. Chase. I have sounded Glrard Robert* as t< what he thinks of Oecsr Richmond His reply was, "Tie's a bana up p.n>Q fellow." Thst doesn't beigj| m?. Kut It's the most 1 can expect fruuj Glrard. who is all on tbs surface Those pet* pie one becomes familiar wttb on ?h?n acquaintance seldom bsvs any depth I aaked Glrard what he thought of Donald and received the same reply. "He's a bang up good fellow too." I was served right for relying upon the opinion of such s lightweight persou. Glrard Roberts aoems to have pleurj of money as welhss s taste for Jewel ry. The other dsy Aunt Alldn wa* showing him a diamond shs wished to turn Into funds. He told her to go among the Jewelers, ask them to tlx a price on it snd be would give her $10 move than the highest bid She did so and got s bid of $270 for the stone. Glrard told her it waa cheap at $800 and be would gtve her that fur tt. She accepted the offer. Oscar and 1 were preeent when the aale was made, and Glrard laughingly told um that he would rely on us as witneaaes In cue aunty backed out He didn't have the money with him, but ssld he would bring it tbs next afternoon at ft o'clock. When be called aunty vu out. Or car and I were In the library. GlrarJ called to me to aay to aunty when she earn* la that abe would find the money for the diamond under a vaee on the mantel In the parlor. 1 promised to do eo. Oscar asked me to go to walk With him. I consented: went upstair* to fee my bat. and we walked to t he park. When I returned 1 had forgot ten all about telling aunty that the money for her dfaartood waa on the parlor aiantal. Indeed, 1 never thought of It till Just before going to bed: then X told Mr. 8be went downstairs t<> get tt. It was goto. h Bverybody Is/dtosattofled with tnr and I am dloootfcflod with myself for being so thoughtless so to faOTe toft It bos upset the whole household. The te MipldoD ir* (sang about looti.u T?y fflnm. Annty to fnrtoaa with me I expected Glrard woald ebow bla fox ing* toward mm Tory decidedly. Wbat a lovely tallow ha la. aftar all! Ba told aa Bat to giro myeelf any con cam ?boot tba matter; that donbtleae tba money woe Id run op, bat It It did not there waa no one to blame but hjmaelf elnce be ebonld not hare left ee ranch money la each a piaee. Be explained that be did not leare It with aa became I waa "Oatlnc." aa be called tt. wtth Oaoar and be dttn't like to in trade open aa. I asked htm who ha eaapacted, and ha aald that, "lnea the front door atood oalanhed end any one might hare coma tn wfcOe wa wan at Sinner or dnrtnt the areolae when WW were all purratlvea contath ??cb Strom druia that, while Uh> oaaae ths bowel, to mora. Injure the dell pc ar ?Id. mtvm w* b?w all I - akd considered the W soul of hoaor ahonld have done ancb > thing! ?Bow eoold b? bov. taken the money without our fcaowln* It? What Clrnrd Boberts luld me fc the ?Jy tUag ??? Ots the 11" Dou&tle? Donakl caltod. ?rt^Bt la. ml wilting for teamm us. when b? noticed the blUa. Be n> un taten tbein and bow. oot without making himself known. t? I am broKao bcart.nl by this discovery that Donakl Cfcaea la a common tMat Singular, lan't It. that a ghi doaan t know she lova? a man tni b? turnaoct to be a thief? That'a tha way Witt ?? women; wa are storsj-. acting by con trartaa. NoI long ago I waa uwy"1" nbout Oscar and thought Doifchl n splendid man. But 1 waa faselnsted with Oscar, and Donald seemed devoid of romaoca. Now that Donald t? In trouble. throagb tila own fault. 1 am giving him my beurt. Glrnrd Roberta baa Just com* la. ?va that Donald baa glveu hall for bis appearance when hla trial com" on and la now frea. Glrard saya tkst. not withstanding appearances an agalnai m>naid. ha doaan t believe him guilty -XiirD " I mid. -I dont believe bin. guilty either." But tb. next minuteJ reproved raya.lt for bain# la. 1 I thought over what 1 ahould *ny 1 When 1 entered the room 1 dreaded tc look at him. Indeed. I kept my ?y?-> on the floor. ?Donald." I said, "you know bow In tereated we all are that you should deer yourself of thla horrible charge We will all do anything In the world to help yon?Aunty. I, Oscar"? I looked up, and what waa my *ur prise to see an amused look on non aid's face. Indeed, be was smiling Than he advanced, took my hand nud gave It a gentle pressure. "Don't be troubled, little glrL" br ?aid. "There are always wheel* with in wheel*. There 1* also socli u t'-nu# as being too ^Ttnart. I have x??nve tblng to say to you. nod I uoi I would not have come to see you rest Ing under the Imputation of being ?: thief. Listen. From the first I mu-? peeled something wrong in your friend Oscar Richmond. From what 1 beard 1 believed him to be a thief. 1 iuirn duced into this bouaebold Qirard Rub erta. a detective"? "A detective."** "Thafa what be la. He laid a trnj? for Richmond and caught not Rich mood, butmie. U? bought your sun:'* diamond for the purpose of laying Mi!* trap. He put the bllla to pay for n the mantel as a dec?y for Bkrhmnn l They were all marked, that he ?ut*t?: prove them bla property. RlchmoW: tpok them, but, being a smart rogu? fad suspecting that we were on hU track, sent a man with them to m.\ room. Thla man represented himself an old cbam of mhie. and my landlmS permitted him to go to the room t> wait for me. Once there, be put th money In my bureuu drawer and wv:> away. The ?e*t day Richmond ar ranged that a constable ahould go to my room to search for something he claimed be bad lost. Yon know ?be rv ?nit" "But.1 I aakl. "Oacar Rlcbtnood dkl do thing crlglcaL Too were trying to catch him, and he turned the tables ou "Walt a hit. Richmond was od ac countant for a firm to San rranclaco. ha skipped with CiOOOa I employed by them to track him. My employing Roberta 'waa a coincidence. Richmond's real name is MacEnary. He was arreeted this moraine and la now swatting extradi tion papers to take him to Ban Freo deco for trial." ?od now I am alone In ray room, try ing tu gut aettled down to the fact that X am myself. Oscar Richmond la not Oacar Richmond at all. bat somebody else and a criminal Donald Chase Is not going to the penitentiary, boc la to be my husband instead. Qlrard Rob erta, who came to us wtth bis appar ently light character and trtrial words ?a skin deep man whom nobody either toree or dlsliken?turns oot to be one of about In *tortea. But now I know that he Is a real detective he eeeme eery at to me. Just aa soon as tt was all out, instead of calling me Alice he caDed me Was Avery. 1 was ao mad I - - qfp=1 * FlIJ. nKKL8 .1,000 KT. t'tljU 4 fEATCttfi WCTt'HHB ,? I. A MIIINIUHT UCI'll)?A Kvaulne Blograph drama. *V'" ?.?. I S. I.IFK-SAYINU I)RIlili-B* a. THK CASTAWAY!*?Drama. 4. THE UTTUS HOISK ON THK H1LX?Dxuaia. 5. llluntraUil * 11. a nn?l 10c. FOB HEADACHE?Hlck i Gapudlne. Whether Horn Oolai. Heat. Stom ach or Nervous Troubles. Capndlne will rellere you. It's liquid?pleas ant to take?acta Immediately. Try It 10, SB and 60c. at drug store*. ANNUAL Mountain! Excursion, Norfolk Southern Railroad TO Asheville, N. C. Greatly Reduced Kates on Sale Auk* 11. limit"! to return Aug. 19. TEN DAYS IN THK MOUNTAINS ! Ask Norfolk Southern Ticket Ag ents or write for detailed informa tion to H. C. HU1KHNS, G. I*. A., , Norfolk, Ya. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED The Government Pays Railway Mail Clerks IHOO to fl.200, and Other Employee Up to f2,SOO Annually. Uncle Sam v*l* bold spring exam inations thrcrt '?? .1??j country for Railway Ma' Justom Houee Clerks. Stenograpnern. Bookkeepers, Departmental Clerks and other gov ernment Positions. Thousands of ap pointments will he made. Any maa or woman over 18, In City or Coun try. can get Instruction and free In formation hy writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction. <1 M. Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. WEEK END EXCURSHHCFARES TO NORFOLK AND VIRGINIA BEACH VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN rL R. Tickets told (or Saturday night trains, good returning, leave Norfolk 8unday night. Saturday night, July 9, first data of sale and every Saturday until Sep tember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From Norfolk. Bench. To ' Virginia Raleigh 92.50 j 92.71 Wilson 2.25 2.5# Farmvllle 2.25 2.5# Qreenville 2.25 2.5t Washington .... 2.00 2.25 Fares In same proportion from aM stations between Raleigh. Belhaven ind Norfolk. The night express of the Norfolk Southern offers th best and most con venient service between Raleigh, Eastern North Carolina and Nor folk, Va. Spend next Sunday at Virginia Beach, the most attractive seashore resort in Virginia. Get complete information frost nearest ticket agent, or D. V- Conn, S. P. A.( Raleigh. N. C. H. C. HUDGIN8, G. P. A. W- W. CROXTON. A. P. A., Norfolk, Va. RIEGS HOUSE MSMTM. D. C. The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class iu all Opposite the U.S.Treas ury; one block (ran the White Hi An illustrated Glide Washington will be m?i , free of charfe, upon re ceipt of .two 2-i O. G. ST#