? ' ? ' WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, \UGUST 9. tWi. ' 1 3t by Jules James Gall to Sail for Europe Th ported Dead?Greal < (Special to Dalljr N'twiu) ^ Washington. D. C.. Aug. 9.?Will iam A. Gaynor. mayor o{ the city of Now York, was shot hy Jules lamei Gallagher this morning The shooting occurred a* Mayor Gavnorwaa about to sail on the tikuigntlantlc liner Kaiser iftUM&in Der Gross?. It was reported this morning about lO.SO o'clock that the mayor Is dead, hut thJs rumor has not yet been confirmed. 8TRKET t'OMMIHSIONER RKKUK8 Hmju Condition la Keing Corwted. Mr. Editor:?In your Issue of Aug ust 4 an article signed "Health" appeared. In which the signer seemed to be ver? much Interested in the condition ot the town. If he will read Section s on page 12 of the City Ordi nances which reed as follows, he will gain valuable information. fBrery occupant of a lot oa any street shall keep the footway clean and the ^ gutter open aad free from obstructions, as tar as inch lot ex tends." A J ' ? As the article refers to typhoid fe rer. I wish. to sUte that I hare had trouble ia my family. F|we years ago I loet my oldest daughter of typhoid. The cart drivers say It la almost im posalble to have all the.trash off the streets on Sunday juat aa long as the cltiseas don't respect the law. which "8ec. 11 (pags VI). No wa?e pa per or other trash a ha 11 be set lire to or burned, or thrown or otherwise deposited upon the sldewalka ot pub lic streets of the town except the sweepings which shall be placed In a box. barrel or some other suitable re ceptacle and placed In front of. the lot or building. which shall be pAced on the eto\ets only on Monday. Tues day. Wednesday and Thursday ot each wrek. Aa for the drains spoken ot, most people kno^r that since June SO I have bean busy most of the time hauliug dirt or digging up trees where the paving Is to be done, but so tar as I know I am done with that claaa of work for the tine being. umi. w< we dug up and cleaned out some Ull ed-up pipe so thfc water chff pass off to the oretk. That was more neces sary than to run the water off to the ? low places and let It hare to aoak up We are now opening the drains and ditches, but how long will the drain* stand open, if the people don't ob serve the following?: "8ec. 87 (page 16). Vehicle! shall not bl run eo close to the drains and dltchea of the town me 16 cut into them, or break down their margins." One more section of law would help as if observed: "8ec. 49 <page 31). That no glass of any kind shall be thrown or other wise deposited upon the sidewalks, streets or alleys of the town. Now. writer,?or, Mr. Health,?if you will meet ma at the City Hall at 7 o'clock and tall ma where the great eat menace is 1 will take pleasure In taking my force and .removing same at once. Then I think if yon would go all over town with me 1 could show you something about "the drainage of the town. It you would advocate s Are-feet sewer through the town run ning up Third' street That would be sufficient to dra)n all of these low .places between'the river and towu ditch. There are not many people who know bo# much water goes north and has to find Its way to the river through 12-inch pipes. Take the Waahlagton street drains north from the Washington Hospital to Third street; then to the ditch through 11-inch pipe; Pierce street (rem Main to Third; Bridge street near Mala to Third. Vsanorden abont mddway betweea Main and Beeoad to Third?when all that amount of wa ter gathers at Third street, then two 18-lnch pipes has to carry the water to the ditch, as It caa't get of. Just eo 1 can tell }ou about the drainage of fee whole town. 1 will mention that la more than one plaoe water crosses Main street and goes north to ,Cfce town ditch. Now U you would give us good drainage the grass and weeds might look unsightly, hot the oxygen that we would get mixed In with the odor of growing vegetation would not be as much a menace as the open closets all over town. Give us the sewer up Third strset and lefs have a clean town. There are seven or eight hydrsnt? on Third street and it any time the sewer could he flushed out. SPECIAL IN \ Mull Lustre, a bea 40 inches wide Kilarney Cloth, a ish wash fabr with (TED Y?s About is Mortiirvg?He is Re Excitement ia City Gallagher wan immediately arrest ed by the police. < ??.'* - dVeat ?ttftemept praryaJls In the oily. Gaynor la one of the most popular mayors New .York has ever had. and was prominently mentioned for the next standard bearer of the Demo cratic party for president. LATER?Mayor Gaynor wa* shot In the seek. If Is the opinion of the attending physicians that there ta soms chance for htm to recover. Oil legher was s discharged employe. Row, Mr. Health, you ask the city fathers to explain matters. I write this reply and ask you to sign your name to each precautious articles as the last >o the. public csn have some one'as a counselor in time before trouble comes, and so they will know how to arold sickness, especially ty? phold fever, for J have known casta of that at some of the beat country that the county haa In 1L 0 Youra truly. r*. ^wA' r* L- PEEL?. ?l Street Commissioner AIL COMING. Maajr Farmers Are Expected H*re Thursday to Attend the Rig Nothing now remains but for the cooking of the piga for Thnrsady's big event In Washington. The barbe cue at the tobacco warehouse proJh isw to be the greatest occasion of the kind ever given by the Washing ton business men. The committee of arrangements have about consummat ed their arrangements and now await the day when they can welcome the farmers and turn over to them the Veys W the city. ? The Washington Concert'Band will forinsh music snd some qC the most attractive speakers are to address teh crowd. Altogether It will be a day not jaoon forgotten. It Is to 6e hoped that every farmer will be on hand/ All are welcome. e HOT8E PARTY. Miss Colota Nicholson Is giving a house party at her home on West Slain street. The following are her guestsMlas penple Clsrk and the ^Messrs." Willie Clark and Samuel Clark, of Littleton; Miss Garna Clark, of Enfield. N. C. OLD FOlID ITEMS. We are having some fine weather now! The* farmers are resting, as they have nothing tb do. A large crowd of farmers attend ed the meeting in Washington last Wednesday, and ssy they are greatly benefitted by attending. A crowd from our place attended the picnic at Yankee Hall Wednes day and report a floe time. .-/i Misses Lela, Christine, and Alyce Hodges, of Oriental, are visiting rel atives and friends here. Mlae Annie Lewis Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberson. The many friends of Mr. Marlon Hodgee are glad to aee him out again. Mlas Mamie Moore la visiting her aunt. Mrs. ^aura Mo5fe. pf Choco5 srlnlty. A crowd of the young people ex pect io attend the picnic at Cowhead Spring Thursday. Mr. Ernest spralll returned home Thursday after a visit to Mr. Robert Hodges. Mr. Alec Hodaes. of Oriental, is vtslUng Mrs. J. to. Hodges, Miss Rosa Everett Is visiting her alster. Mrs. W. P. Cherry. A large crowd attended the bur U1 of'Mrs. Edith Cole Sunday. Mr. John O. Hodgee made a flying trip to Ayden Thrasday. ? Wonder how the Old Ford girla and hoys J?,oyed their trip to White I Plain 8unaay. Madam Rumor says we ate to lose one of out neighbors soon. VIOLET. CM M Own Tonlfh*. Tonight tha Methodist Bancs but ton club will glr* a benefit at the Oam theater. It 1^ to be Doped eierjr one wtQ turn out aad help the Bar aeaa by a big attendance The follow ing picture* will be shown: , Conrict No. 799. A Vltagraph dMtti^whle^ngrnentsjtn jmusual ^HITE GOODS utiful sheer fabric 25c. splendid linen fin ic that improves - - 15c K f ?jAJtrssrsi ini? w a 11,0 m*y *?,nflu euced for goodt. a Baee for a Brtdi i^T^t?rronir t ""i00 v,n^ race between a horseman, a cyclla/ knd a motorist for a bride is a thrfll ng n%rt of the picture. H la a dash l?Hfl23ptf3r '*** t0 W,n vlK<^?u* ** V..Th.*,R4n*er'" Brld0 U ? 4ellc!o=, tit of humor with the .ctloB .o net Ural tint ll actually Hmu , - thougt It n. reality. The Do.nar i-erform ?re hare dons themeelve. pn.ud 1, the production of thl. corned). , hkt will brln, a great amoairt of Tp. plauo* A Family Quarrel I, a end furious comedy which la acto<< with all the daah and go character l?Mc of such pictures from -the fc* unay otudlos. All onds well and tht audience i8 kept laughing while th< mm runa. x . M.M?Ulh N'*ht m Bridge b ha^ mK,!Lf>rtr " Jwk,Twi w?c fsTTtiffi ??? ,n kJI5 ?noount?*" ? swayini bridge, and here the fun begins. brid7?. LiUiL'" "fr of "" , aad th* audience r Mil 1 ** ?" ur. In thcTr mirth' which [ncr*a*Mi a* ,h. bridge .Wing, won* and wo?., and tone by on. !?1* "* 0re*4 to U*" 'o fh. water SOQETY NEWS. Miss Katie Bragaw E?twUlsi at tlx OKaatry Oh*. ** tb* ?+4*r c,u? ^ at *** mo-t brill ?nST*br? of th* Ml? Katherlne Blount Bragaw belnx th* ,n<1 tb# 'onetlon being com ^ M1" P*"!" Wauer. ol .Islington. N. c.. the bright. ?lrac Jotia daughter of former Attorney Ootwrml Zeb V. Walaer. and a rela Ore of Mr. 8. R. Fowle, of thl. city, whom she la visiting. """u w*r" at Fowle*. wnarf by the commodlou. gaaboat Corm. and carried down the Pamlico " 'i? "*rl" ""log to Waahlng club """ 'he Countr> Society folk friend, of Mia Bra saw. gathered In number., to guesm [Wtng preaeot. and paid homage to the hoateaa and guest of honor. Muafe waa furnlahed by Forbes' |o * flfa-pl.ee oreheatra with the aklll of artful musicians, which lent a >ub Ue.pUrm to th* occasion, the ontrtn olag rythmic atop of the danc. being ?k? nattrcal aequfnee. RcTreahmenta were served. and good-byes were aald at it o'clock. It will be a bright page In the mem ory of eTeryone present. w.3?*w.Ci*.P*r0,,~ "d "otlomen vla be.ldea those dancing were: Mr. and Mr*. Stephen C. Bragaw. Mr. and Mr a. John o Bragaw, Jr.. Mr and Mr. w. H. Klll.on, Dr. and Mra, Wm, A. Blount, Mr. and Mr a. 0*0. Hadkney. Jc. nBGBiU B1SACH AND cape HEX BY CROWDS IMMENSE. I Norfolk. Va.. Aug. ?._No better damonatratlon of the popularity of both Virginia Beach and Cape Henry could be had than the tremendou. crowd, that are going down to these raaort. thl. season, making a record breaker for attendance. The aea.on opened atuplcloualy and ha. Improved right along, eo that at preeant, eren with the eeaeon young, the attendance la far ahead of all the prevloua seasons. Theee resorts are conducted upon a high plane and are known aa "the resorts of quality for people of re flnement" One of the big featuree at both the "each and Capa Henry la the eea bathlng. healthy and tn^goratlog, acting Juat Ilka a tohlc. * Speaking of the bathing, a Life Ouard. Drlakwater, of Virginia Beach J performed a feat the other day that place* htm In line ror a med al. A Mr*. Underwood, of San Anton io. Tex.. Mis stopping *t one of the cotugfa. 8b* want Id bathing, aad a valuable diamond ring .lipped from her Bager Into th* Ha The lady waa almoat distracted. Drlakwater dlred repeatedly for several hour* and r? covered the ring oat of the ocean. Mr. Drlakwater Is of the famous llfe savlng famjjv of that name, bat thli la the first ln.unce where be bar saved a valuable ring from the oc* an'a depth. The flying machine 1. attracting attention at tha Beach. Maxim's band la playing at the Beach afternoon, and evanlnpa,'and the pavilion ball room Is crowded nightly. Th* Norfolk 8oath*m Railroad 1< maintaining a moat eaoellent schedule to tha shor*. H. C. HUDGIN8. General Paaaangar Agent. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Thara will ba ? meeting ot th< Chamber of Commerca tonight a; 8.10 o'clock. On account ot no muct taking place oil Friday nl*ht?, Un chamber hu decided to Chang* fro^ Friday to Tuaaday night*, a full at tendance la daatred. corrected. * TO DRUWJT WIFE Will Use Mrs. Munea to Make Woman Jealous. IS SCHEME *OF THE POLICE. Th*y Think Her Testimony Will Make Wife qf the Alleged Mar derer of Ainu K^Uicr Turn From Her Huabn'Wl iuhI Thereby P?s?l bly Keren] Important Fncts. Kansas City, Mo.. Aug. .7?Mrs. Cora Munea. the milliner of Hume. Mo., for the love of whom Joseph Wendling. accuse dof the murder of Alma Kellner In Lpulsville, K>\. be trayed his whereabouts to the Louis ville police, left Kansas City with .Wentflng and hi* captors today for Loulit.lle. She will be a wltneas In the murder case ag&Inet the man who painted wcrrd pictures for her of hi schatoaux In YYance and want ed to make her Mr*. Wend I log. Mrs. Munea la latere*ted in Che division of the rewards Aggregating about $6,000,, offered (or tho arreet of tho supposed slayer of tho 8-year old aleea of Frank Fehr. the wealthy Mrs. Munea waa uiherod Into the Pullman car ffaere the prisoner, his ha^i Ironed\t bla lap. aat smiling out of a window at the curious crowd below. The widow gave one furtive glance at tho accused man. and fled nervously to a seat on the other side of the car. ; It Is believed that It is the plan of the Louisville detectives to use the Mtsaourl widow In drawing ont the accused man's deserted wife as wit ness for the State. Mrs. Wendling has stood by her husband perslstenty. The theory is that jealousy and the sight of a rival may cause a changs In her attitude. Mrs. Afunea's service in the cap ture of Wendling consisted In sup plying the picture postcard which con tained the address of Wendling In Valtejo, Cal. MODEL RO OMS V. M. C. I*. IlffflTw Additional Clym-, nnntlr Paraphri The house committee of the Young Men's OftrWttan Leafcue have 3uat re ceived additional gymnastic pate-| phernalia for the gymnasium. It con sists at boxing- pLoves. punching bags, Indian clubs, dumb bells, cliesf "tex erclsera* etc.. also such games an checkers, dominoes and orokinole boards, which with the parallel bars, trapeie rings and bars, and 30 feetj of walking ladder, makes the gym nasium almost complete. It Is the purpose of the committee to install additional apparatus as fast an the funds are available. This is an in stitution which should be encouraged and gensrously supported, by the en tire city. It has already done con siderable good, and its Influence for the city's uplift Is felt already. As afcnounced In the Daily News recent ly the executive committee thought It desirable to discontinue the Sun day afternoon service during the ex treme hot weather, but they will be resumed about the middlo of Septem ber. fThe rooms are open every night fromj 7.30 to 10.30, and all day Sun day. The league already has a large membership, about 140 being on the J roster. The ilues are only 50 cent* per month. Any young man over 16 years of age wishing to become a member of this worthy organization can give their name to Mr. N. C. ,New bold, the president, or to Mr. John 0> Bragaw. Jr., the treaaurer. The rooms are a eredlt to Washington. THE GAIETY TONIGHT. A the "house where tlx* beet pte tures reign" there will be anothei ercptlooally strong bill presented, ol the usual high standard, tonight The Bargeman of Old Holland li a deep, Intensely stirring drama ta ken la natural scenery that will sure I* arouaee enthusiasm. ? Johan Is I pbor Holland peasant and pleads foi work tor the sake of his motherlew bake, bat Is refused and In despera tion and In a moment of melancholj nieces the baby boy adrift-In an opei boat, trusting to tate that aome Oodj fearlon %nd benevolent person wouH And and, give the boy a home. He him self be4pmes s wanderer In the fields He finds a purse, but too late. Th< wife of the bargeman of Bervstf find find gives the boy a home aaf love This Is the opening of this great stor ?whlob Is Interesting from begin nlug to end. Bootless Baby Is a comedy. 1 laugh" would be more appropriate for it la a slde-eplltter of the mos pronounced type. A Victim of Hat If annther one of those strong Ks sanay dramas, true to real life an< illustrating % good moral. The ds tails gre carried out to perfectloi and the pleture is faultleea. This entire program Is going t< prove a feature, and yoit Just can* afford to miss it. '' HELP BOYS pense* of the Wilson Bkrata club wh< cross bats here*Thursday at Ftwnlni Park. The club la having some nea uniforms mado with the Baraca m^n ugram.cn the shirt ffQfet./Presided Hudson, of the National Baraca As soclatlon. say? that Sunday-school baseball Is a good thing and helpt wonderfully. Come out and help c worthy cause. The admission at tlic benefit will be 5 and 10 cents. CONVENTION TOMORROW. The Democratic county convention for the purpose of nominating coun ty officers will meet at the courthouse tomorrow at ll o'clock. It will be called to order by MaJ. Wiley C. Rod man. chairman of the county exec utive committee. A-large attendance is looked for from all sections of the [county. _ TBI HITS AUTO Kills Two Outright and Injures Several Others. i HAPPENED IN DEEP CUT. *?i rwnm Train on the SouHi era Crashes I*to Car H Oo cdpants Near Ala?Ia Jored Taken to H??pltal?Chauf feur Did Not See Train. Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 8.?Two were killed outright, three fatally In jured, and two others may die as the result of an accident In which a Southern- Railway passenger train near Westlake crashed into a large automobile below Bessemer this af ternoon. The dead are: J. H. Roden, chauffeur, killed out right. MIbs Augusta Klxer. aged 16, died after reaching hospital. Miss* Mary Fitzpatrlck, aged 15 years, skull fractured and fatally in jured. v. Miss Mamie Crenshaw, skull frac tured and fatally injured; aged 16 years. Robert Black, skull fractured and fatally Injured. Miss Era Lou Crenshaw," thigh broken, internally injured, may die. Vernon Lee. arm and thigh bro ken, internally Injured and may die. O. C. Dobbs, hand broken and bad ly bruised. Pairon brothers (2). io and 12 years respectively, badly bruised, not ffttally hurt. W. H. Bennett, Jr., 10 years old, badly bruised, not fatally hurt. O. O. Garner was the onl r passen geV who escaped ~~ oat riJVu J. ? He Jumped from the car before the engine struck it. The automobile maintains a reg ular pashenger schedule between the lowna of Bessemer and Westlake. and was carrying ll passengers to the lake this afternoon. The machine was struck by the fast passenger train shortly after 4 o'clock, and was al most completely demolished. There is a steep grade leading down to tb#? Southern tracks Just be fore Westlake is reached, and as the highway is In a cut It was impossi ble for the chauffeur to see the train or the automobile to be seen by the engineer. Those of the automobile passengers who escaped with Injuries Btate that the locomotive whistle was not blown for tbe crossing. The front wheels of the large auto had just run on to the railroad tracks when the engine struck It. The pas senger train was running at a high rate of speed and ploughed its way through the forward end of the ma chine. As it was but one and a half miles from Bessemer ambulances and phy sicians were quickly summoned from that city. The injured were all taken to the Robinson hospital In Besse mer. NOTES FROM MORE HE A l> CITY. Atlantic Hotel, Mo re head City, Aug ust 9. Rx-Senator and Mrs. Mprlon But ler gave a moat delightful ' oyster roast'Saturday night. The guests of Ex-Senator and Mrs. Butler are al ways moat charmingly entertained. Miss May Harvey, of Kins ton. was also.hostess at a clam-bake on Shack lefoVrf binka on Thursday. The guests enjoyed a delightful sail be fore going over to the banks. Mrs. W. L.- Kennedy gave a sailing party Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, a number of the married people were guests of Mrs. Kennedy. . A number of Aehlng parties are en Joying this delightful sport at More head. Several remarkable catches have been made recently. Messrs. O. L. Oreeble, Josh Roun tree, E. O. Sherlll and E. W Stew art have engaged a houseboat and are enjoying a week's fishing. This unvisual way of living Is proving very attractive to the fishermen. r.OODfi IIOI'OHT DIRECT. J. K. Hoyt announces through his big sd on. last page a Mill Ci*?.?nce Sale for & day a. Some extraordinary low prices are quoted. ' No doubt there will be some lively selling when the sale opens. Rt'GSt HUGH! BUGS! <*>MK Ex ceptional bargains In Rags wfelle they last at the Variety, Store. Department of Agriculture. Before 1880 tbe deportment of agrt culture was simply a bureau. Before tbe Fiftieth congress adjourned U a bin making tbe bureau a de BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HeMflg^sual Monthly Session Monday and , August i and 2?The Usual Routine of Business Was Transacted The Board of County Commission ors met in regular monthly section a the Courthouse on Monday and Tues day. August l and 2. The followlai business was transacted: Ordered that Luther Alllgood and family be allowed |jj for the montt of August (physical disability). Ordered that Mrs. 8amuel Sullivan be allowed $2 per mouth regular (old (age). v ^ Ordered that 0. M. Tuten be and he U hereby appointed as fence commis sioner of the Murry swamp no-fence territory In Richland township to fill the vacancy caused by the death ol A. Tuten. Ordered that M. M. Leggett be and he la hereby appointed fence com missioner of the no-fence territory of Washington township to fill the place of w. D. Orlmes. who waa ap pointed but would not accept. Orderd that the following commit tee be 'appointed to go before the Board of City Aldermen at their nest meeting and try to adjust the small pox matter, towlt: W. C. Rodman. F. H. von Ebersteln, Thomaa Green and L. P. Harris. To the Board of County Commis sioners:?The petition of H. N. Ro P*r respectfully represents: first, that on December l, 1908, he executed the offlclal bond of W. 8. Sanderson, who waa elected constable for Bath town ship. Beaufort county, your petition er and W. W. Mason being the sure ties thereon; second, that aaid bond waa not renewed on the first Monday In December. 1909. as required by law ln such ?ases; third, that Bald W. D. Sanderson has been guilty of con duct unbecoming an offlclal, having been drunk and disorderly In com pany with several others. Wherefore your petitioner prays that an order be entered on record declaring the said office of constable vacant and chat 1a Successor to said W. D. San derson as such constable be appoint ed; that your petitioner be relieved of further obligation or liability upon said bond. For such other relief as may be proper In the premises.?H. X. Roper. August 1. 1910. A petition having been filed by H. N. Roper with reference to W. D. San derson. constable of Bath township, ft is on motion ordered that a copy of said charges be aent to said Sander son and, that he be given an oppor tunity to be heard In the matter at i^^M|^?eetlngj)X s^ld board. If he To the Honorable Board^W*Com slonera:?We. the undersigned, hav ing been summoned to .(a? out a pub lic road, entered on the premises and being duly sworn, make the follow ing report, vi*:?That said road be laid out as follows: Beginning at the Whitley road uear-YTT.. Hardy's resi dence and run as already laid out to the Bergeron road, passing to the east of T. Paul's residence and west of the storehouse. We assess no damages to anyone, as we feel that the road will be a benefit to all. Respectfully sub mitted, A. A. HOLADIA, C. FERREL. J. K. HOLADIA. M. J. HODGES. CEO. M. HARDY-. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, per B. D. Rowe. deputy. The Kugler Lumber Company, through attorney, 8. C. Bragaw. being granted until the August session of this board to appear before them and adjust the valuation of their McCon nell timber In Chocowinlty township, appeared/before the board this day for that purpose. The board after duly, considering the matter fixed the valuation of said timber at $20,000. Ordered that F. R. Black, overseer TO MEET SATURDAY. The Board of Supervisors for Wash ington township met at the court house last Saturday and adjourned to meet this coming Saturday at 2 o' clock. The meeting wai postponed laat Saturday on account of the prl malree being held and no quorum could be securcd. MRS. J. F. RICKS ENTERTAINS Many Friends at Accept ion at Old Ford. At her pleaaan? and hospitable home at Old Ford. Mrs. Ricks enter tained* a number of young people on Saturday evening from 7 to 11. Many Interesting tames were play ed and charming music was rendered on the graphaphone, while the young people were amusing themselves In the tastily decdrsted rooms. Mrs. Ricks, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Rober eon, was busily prepsrlng refresh ments for the occasion. All went home complimenting Mrs. of road So. 31. Long Acre townshi be allowed Ut to repair bridge ovt Beaver Dam swamp. A\ hereas at the M?y session. 19J0 of the Board of CommisMonttrs, th. chairman and clerk were authorizes to renew a note to the Bank of Wash Innton for J2.CU0 and they did renev the same, and whereas the tame Is now due. It la now ordered that the chairman and clerk to board be. anc. they are hereby authorized to give l renewal note for the same for a pe riod of 90 daya and pledge the cnsdl: of the county for its payment. To the Honorable Board of Coun ty Commissioners: ?The petition ot the undersigned citizens 0f Beaufnr. county. Bath township, respecttn!',, showeth to your honorable board thai the said, petitioners desire you to have properly laid out and rebuilt the public road that was recently laid ..til and established fiom Belli, vot. to Sidney; that the said road Is of great convenience to your petitioners aad the public in general and would be of greater uaefulneas If our petitlou Is complied with. Tour petitioner furi.jer show thai w? Perceive and have good and equtt able reasons to abeueve that th? dti *ens of Bel haven have contrlbutec liberally and have used their every energy toward building the aforesaid road. We therefore pray that at you. next regular meeting take some Im mediate action towards complying with thl? petition, and by so doina you m-lll greatly relieve the citlzeu;> of Belhaven of a burden which tbe> have faithfully carried and labored under for the past several months C. B. PAUL and OTHERS. It appearing to the Board of Coun ty Commissioners that a petition sign" ed by one-fourth of tSe^ freeholders within the followlnj^rohndaries. tc wit,? beginning at Flat swamp bridge at the county line, and run ning with the county line a westv.-arc course to the creek swamp: them with the creek swamp to Alfred Av itt's crossing; thence wlfh Alfred Ar m's road to the Jarae? Mitchell line; thence with the said Mitchell's lint to the New Bern and Corepolnt road; :hence with said road a north course to s. R. Fowle's old railroad; thence ?rlth "aid railroad an east course to H. D. Stllley'H laud; thence with his line a northward aourse to the town ?hip line; thence#with the township Us-fuu.il to the beginning, having ilgned ssUr^etftltm aslclik IfUW? -ar election be Hold within said territory ipon the question whether or not %,?. ipeclal tax shall be levied according :o law for the support of ?publlc tchools in sal<| tovrjtory; and It fur her appearing to the board that the ;ounty board of eflWatftm has en iorsed the said potition by apprbyffis, the same, it Is now ordered that ae> election be held in the said territory in Friday. September 9. 1910, and that at said election the question of whether or not a special tax of 30c >n the .hundred dollars' worth of property and 60c on the poll shall be levied for the support of public K-nools In said district, shall be sub mitted to the people. That all those in favor of said tax shall vote a ballot "For Special Tax" ?that all those opposed shall vote a ballot "Against Special Tax." That the said election be conducted ac cording to law. That, the voting place sUnll be in the schoolhouse In laid district. That L. M. 8cott be and tie is hereby appointed registrar and that A. C. Scott and N. C. Toler are hereby appointed Judges of said elec tion. That a copy of this notice be published at the Courthouse door and three public places in said district. Ricks on her evening's entertainment. Those prevent were: Mlsees Carrie Hodges. Bell Hodges. Alice Hodges, of Swslnslsnd. Lewis, of Washington, Cora Hodges. Elisa beth Hodges. I<el* Hodges, Christine Hodges. Alyce Hodges. Oriental. C., Messrs. Q*o. Hodges. Joe. Hod ges. 8am. F. Woolsrd. Ootha T. Wool ard,Richard Omerry, Sam A. W.qqI srdfl Leslie Hodges. Jas. WooIarA. France Peel, of Swalnsland, Joe Lll ley. Willie Ricks, Mr. and Mm, &. Roberson. . ... MARKI>:i> SVNUAY. There was a -quiet marriage Sun day afternoon at the home of lfr. J. Simmons on West Second street. The contracting parties were Mr. F. H. Whitley and Miss 8uaan A Proctor. Rev. J. A. Sullivan perform ed the ceremony. The groom holds a position with the J. H. Sinlmons Marble and Granite Company, and the bride Is the only daughter of Mr. R. J. Proctor, of this city. The cou ple will make their ohme In this cKy SPECIAL SALE THURSDAY, AUG. 11, AT 4:30 P. M, 2H Inch Embroidery Flouncing 25 Cents Yard Value from 39 to 59 cents TMOMAySJM &CESL$T0RES .

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