1 ' >*A. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. \UGUST 1#, 1911. t/ , NO New York. Aug. 10 ?The y tlon of Mayor William F- Oajrnor. ?ho wa? .hot yesterday by a dla chargwd empolye, Jul.'. !?? Galla gher, It atlU critical. Yeatorday after noon the mayor loet <:on?ciou?n?3-5 The Influx of blood in bU throat la caualag gr*?t difficulty to hU breath to,. HU aeeall.nt la 58 y-? oW. HU motive waa revenge 'or dlamUlfcl oral rMtl ago from bU paaltlon of -watchman In the departn^pt #>f *?YMe mayor waa .urrounded to" bU family and a party of friend, wb?n the attack, a. g, en t>y Gallagher when h? IteOown a tear minute. after the "^tSM^er her* to jrat the w'; or out of bualaeaa. They took ?? my bread and butter from ???. and I want you to understand It waan porterhouee net*, either/' Mayor Oaynor wa>^!n^e port aid* _ the liner, to the ram^anlooway. where he had .tojrped to taiw wltb Preeldeat Montt. of Chile, when the ?hooting took Place. * ? SI.K? rounded by member, of hU famlly end friend, -tohln* to ?e him off on bU vacation trip. Among the lat ter VNUUO Kdwarda. etrert com missioner of New YOrb, who told lb* following ?tory of the .hooting: "We were ebattlng about vartoua things and the mayor w?a In an un usually good humor He was Joking about the weather, wylng .that It we. his luck. that rain had stopped during ^ night, and It looked a. If he wa. going to hare a goodalsrt on 1hi. trip, at any rate. I Mapped to tl? outside of the group " others beganto come up to .hake the mayor', hand, u .aa I did ed f notice dials man nrer near the rail at the aide ?f the :?.r^*Uke much nou^ ot him. but remember now that he ha fixed bU gaae on the mayor and ??" looking at him .teadlly. ??I did not con.lderthl. atraug^ as nearly everybody tb?r? wm_ *lg| irtnkfnK at the mayor and waiting an opportunity to grasp his band. &o I turned to look orer the boJr of th ?hin and then looked around agala over towhere Gallagher1 waa etand ft, wa. horrified to ? that he had ^ that there B^,rhlm.Tb?^ hardly left the platol 1 he let th. -vrrr,^ zSJct bnlKr aa^Jayor'Oaynor'. po-dltlon .? " issued today ft v^ ??The mayor Is awake and lrch?w ^jsss&stxs&z ^O^tko- .this bed.lde the TJ^i-a tor- JSSSHNSJ u,? .a. rantt." - ' - v 1 TO OOSTIHBtTINO OM? - a..xSwr-^4 O"*4 ?" ^??ted to bare the ton ***"? ????*'""oomted bona** by ? ^k^m'o^Thu^. be about 1.000 cue. Therefore U ...berthed , ??*?*?- wM* pone of biwtf to imaH i L,UUwriptlOn to tWO poms. Don't forget the else of the ?about 10x15 Inches, or o thfc city thla eranlng at the usua hour, to which the general public h ?I invited. cordially I WITTT TOASTS. publlaher once gave the follow lng: women, the falreat work 1* ?) creation The edition Is large, and a man should be without a copy. This la fairly seconded by a yont who, giving a toaat to hla djatan sweetheart, aald: "Delectable dear ao aweet that hooey would blush ll her preeence end treacle stand appall _ ed." Further In regard to the fair aa we hare: "Woman-she needs no eu )ogy. She apeaka tor herself. Worn ah, the toltter half of man." * In regard to matrimony a Dacha lor onc? gave: "Marriage, the gat through which the happy lover leave hla enchanted ground and returoa t earth." At the marriage of a deaf aai dumb coup* aome wit wlahed then MBBMMiiaMfey ?? At a supper given to a writer o comedies a wag said; "The writer' very good health.. May he Uve to b aa old aa hla Joins." Prom a law critic: "The benoh aw the bar. If It were not for the ba there would be little use for th A celebrated statesman while din lng,wlth a ducheaa on her 80th birth day. In proposing her beelth. aald: "? ? 'J Take .notice. that Joon c. ana WH C. Rodman haro thl? day dlenolrert the partnership heretofore existing between them |n tbv name of tho Washington Drug Company,' and base sold the aame with good will and aneta lo Maura. A. C. Hoyt. W. L. Vaugban and W. F. Rhyne. who assume control ot tho same from 3 o'clock p. m , August 8th, 1*10. J. C. and W. C. Rodman aro reeponsl bl? lor the debts ot tbe firm contract ed prior to that time, and the p?r < hesors lire rcspoaolble tor all oUfft tlons contracted thereafter. J. a and W. C. Rodman hare no tarthot. MW noctlon with the business and ar* not responsible for any obligations This tin 9th day of August, ma. .4. C. end W. C RODMAN, Trading aa.the Washlniton Drug. Co H. west and It r. Jones >k. arrlred In the city li fs'Hews precincts, the following rfs* was introduced and adopted: Rqsolrcri by thi , Xjimocrets of Beaufort rounty in convention as sembled, that our representatives end be instructed to paw a law for a legalised' primary ? _ jr of Beaufort and the town of Washington. Resolved, further, that this convention does hereby cbjM , Utltute the bar of Baaufort county nj i committee for the purpose of drafting ,[sueh law*. t " ?12SES are several contests report the different precincts, and it will require the aotton of the ere 'dentlal commute? to decide the ques tion. A full report of the convention, J vfltjk the nominees, will appear ih t*> i mtfrrow's paper. iVi&ViiC.k I vUkvb &ok FOR IMG BANK BOLL Tor*. Pa., Aug. 9.?Constable Smith with hi* lnnch for his mid day meal, stopped In at the grocery store of Grbver C. Walker, before go ing to work, to purchase some stamps and the grocer had Just brought In his bank box and plaoed it beside the J lunch box on the counter while he 1 got the sumps. The two boxes were Identical, and When the constable left he picked up the bank box in mistake and went to his work. * ?: When the grocery man opened his box he found that Instead of a wad of note* and other valuable papers it contained things td eat. A few hokra later Constable Smith, whose home is In York, New Salem county, aeyen miles away, and jrho 14* engaged' at the Martin carriage company's plant, opened his "tench box for his noon meal, there stared him in the face' a big package of greenbacks and some official looking documents. Smith at first thought It all a joke, 3nd then ltdawned upon him that a lietake had been made. The grocery man thought he had been robbed, aud called upon Chief White to unravel the mystery. The detective was still at work investigating when Consta ble Smith came in and eaunangedjth'e box. ||| \ Jl : s Mr. .O. B. Hardy returned today from a business trip to Aurora. Mr. L. T. Thompson, of Aurora, is in the city attending the county con [ventlon. Mr. W. W. Hooker, of Idalla, la in the clt> . Dr. Jack Nicholson, of Bath, lb onej ?lef the delegates to. the county, con -Iventlon. ? PERSISTENCE 1 take the place of Talent wiH not ; un of talent Abound. Genius w2 not; unrewarded gen ius ? almost a proverb. Education wiD not; the world ir full cf edu caleddcnfcta. Penitence end de Empty Title*. William Jennings Bryan eoce joked about our American fondness for titles. Too all knew of tbe colonel**" fcs aald. -who gat his title by lnbeHtaaca. baring marrM Colonel Brows'* wld ow? But 1 ence met e general who got bis title neither bj Inheritance, nor by service, nor by anything yon could mention. "'General.' I uld to Mm. 'bow do Ton come by tbt? title of joura. any w*yr "Why, air,' said be 'I paaaed my youth la the floor trade and (or twee ty-aeren yeara w?>? general miller.' "I know another tilled man. Judge Greene. " 'Are yon. alr.Vl one* caked him. *? United Statee toffee or a circuit court lodger " I ain't aalthar.' be n|IM To a Jndge of boaa racln'.' - ? au)a >to?M^ar' WmplHled ?piling- ' "Why did yon take Boon away from school. Aunt Mahalyr a lady aaked her cook one 4?J Aunt Mataly - 'CtDH tie teacher ain't Htktictlos* wmt 'u4 knew dmt it apeKa try." Net ao*n? Minded. "*o?r wife. Clark, la. 1 ?honM Bay, a itron* minded lady." ""There yoo would be now. I aboold rather ' deecrlbe bar aa brittle minded r a'&LftjISg? "*?; aha'a been clTto? u pieces of lor jetni" wife?Am 1. than, nerer to haVa my w?y to anythlosr Bnaband-Certala ty. dear. Wh?o we ere both agreed ? can hare yo?r way. WW" wa sags ' *: ?>? Hhowtt* fnr P.. *<**? " :-rfj receipts or th< I fpr two yetri 08. and endlni icludoe the postal re and apart rrom thi money order tuslness. srblch has verj greatly lncreesed. .Recalpte for quarter ending Sept 30/lMa??>*.. Rerulpls tor quarter ending Dee Si. 190*?$3.?07.88. Receipts lor quarter or,ding liar [?1. 1909?$8,610.37. Receipts' for quarter ending June 30, 1909?18,-17 7 <3. Reeelpta for year ending June 30 1909?114.447.15. Receipts lor quarter ending Sept ?0, 1909?1.408.34. Receipts for. quarter ending Itac. 31. 1909?$1,109. to. Receipts for quarter ending Mar 31. 1910?$3,814*04. T ' Receipts for quartar ending June 30. 1910- -S3.S29.40. Receipts for year anldng June 30, H??(14.8M.18 Increase?1414. .03. HOU8K PARTY. Captain and Mrs. c. 8. Whlcherd are entertaining a house party al iVandemers. N. C. The following art their guests- Miss Mattle Whtchard Miss Minnie Whlchard and Mr. Wal ter Wblchtrd. of Batteel; Miss Elsie J?ugh. of Ortehtal, and Mr. Fred Mayo. The occasion la prosing to M a moat pleasant one. Hie Xaey Way. "la be lasyT ' "I won Id hardly eayithat Teu'sa heerd tile expression. 'Unseemly haste? " "Why. certatoly." "Well all haste looks that war to him."?Birmingham Age-Herald. ? Who Get the Baby? One* upon a time a crocodile stole a baby and was shout to make a diuner of It The frantic mother begged so plteoualy for the child that the croco dile said: "Tell me ope truth and you shall hare y6ur bofty again." The mother replied. "You win not give- him back to me." "Then." said -the crocodile, "by our agreement 1 shall keep him. for If yon base told the truth 1 am not going to glre him back, and If tt Is a lie 1 have -VETmrfWak*. "ir i tola jtfa the truth you are bound by your prom toe. and if it to not the troth It wtll not be a lie until 70a have given me my child." Who got the baby? No Sense of Proportion. The young man who had epent his efforts for several years without re sult in studying art was talking with his practical uncle, who had patiently paid the bills. "Of course.n said the young artist "I know 1 haven't .made much of a go of It. but 1 don't think you ought to ad vise me to try something else. You know Ifs best to put all your eggs in one basket, and watch tbst basket." **Um! That may be. Charlie; but did iron ever think how foolish It to to put so many baskets around one barf tam egg?* Applied History. First Professor?My dear colleague, rm a little puzzled. When did tbs am Peloponnestan war begin? Sec ond Professor?B. C., 481. First Pro fsssor?Quite right, quite right. Thai to the number of' my doctor*# trie phone. I was to* call him up and ten hlih my wife to sick.?Exchange. Year Own Misfortunom. -Beer your own misfortunes with halt people's and yoo win be happy. It is ao- easy to tell other people how to be hslrofc aad so diAcuff to be courageous "Dinner for nothing," HleWMl. 1 this reo dollar WD WM ? ton doDkr doet. Diet - He.'ens' > ?* *'<* * ? ?lisllli,, We are sttiHb g*t the better of for tune If we do tmt jrapple with bsr, O U Kid U Bet U R. Right 2 C Us B 4 Clirwfetra. We Want No Pay Unless O. K. ^ Tomorrow Will be a Great Day for the Farmers Here > Tomorrow promises to be a creel dev In Washington, the occasion be ing the barbecue to the farmers. Ev erything Is now practically ready? nothing U left but for the farmer* to como and enjoy the good thing* In ?tore for them prepared by the busi ness men of the city. The committee hate performed their part well. They have spared no expenses for the comfoit and the pleasure of those, who are to par take of their hospitality. The barbe cue and speeklng take place at the tobacco wareboime. The music will be furnished by the Washington Concert Band. No farmer should re main away thinking he Is aot wel come?every farmer Is cordial 1/ in vited not only to the city tomorrow, but to the barbecue. Come tomorrow and enjoy the day. "Welcome" will greet you on all ?Id**. Unless something unforeseeu happens Washington will do Itself proud tomorrow, snd the farmers and other visitors will return to their reepectlve homea fully Imbued with the fact that Washington never does anything by halve* A gala day Is In store tor alL THE HEW SCHOOlyFOU HAVINGS. One of the largest sales of the sea son will be given at the store of Jos. E. Clark Company on Thursdsy, Fri day and Saturday. There Is a great bargain In store for all attending the sale. rVee Instructions and object lei sons Id savings an economy to alL it Is uselees to say that a Urge crowd will attend these sales. Read their large ad on the third page of this paper, and aee what great bargains they are offering. t MUMMIES POVVD IS FfUClUHT* Italy. Texas. Aug. A large square bo* whjch was unloaded b/ mistake more than a year ago aid had been stored alt that time In the a frelghthouae of the railroad here, was opened by the station agent last even ing and found to contain the mum mified bodies of a woman and a child. It Is thought that they may be the victims in a murder mystery. The box was unloaded from a box car in Itaty because the address upon It had become obliterated. An effort was made at the time to discover the person who had shipped the box. .but the search was unsuc cessful beyond learning that the box was "hipped from some point in Utah, and It waa thought that it was con signed to some person in Mississippi. The bodies are not clothed and there was nothing in the box whereby the Identity of either could be established* FIVE HUNDRED FARMS ARE TO J IE GIVEN AWAY Washington, u. C.. Aug. 10.?Un cle Sam has 600 farms in the irriga tion belt to which he is willing to give free title. Announcement to thiB ef fect haB been made at the genral land office. The- farms are located in the northwest and vary lp sit? from to to 160 acres. The official bulletin of the office says: "Owing to the rapidly diminishing area of unoccupied public domain op portunities to secure desirable farm lands are becoming more rare each year, and It is doubtful whether the present favorable conditions will ever occur again." .. WITH THE SHARPSHOOTERS. Perhaps the confidence of the Re publicans is founded in the belief that the devil takes care of his own.? Charleston News and Courier. The Republican situation in Ohio may be described a? a Foraker ren aissance and a judgment day out look.?Louisville Courier-Journal. In Ohio the G. O. P. stands pat. In Indiana it doesn't. Now isn't that a heap funnier than a box of monkeys? ?Rochester Herald. The truthful Louisville Courier Journal tells of a Kentucky bug that prays. Tnis is new. Bugs usually prey-and keep the rocording aorel "busy on the debit side of the led ger.?New York Herald. A careful pursuit of the Crippen case fully vindicates the opinion Sher lock Holmes had of the sagsolty of Scotland Yard. "Elementary, my dear Watson, elemetnary."?Kansas City Post. v As governor of New York Mr. Pin chot could call out the militia every time Bellinger InYaded the State.? Atlanta Constitution. The market reports from Elgin say 'butter is stronger." That is why it is sble to lire Itself higher.?8t Paul Dispatch. Naturally the country is Impress ed by the curious fact that during 1S4 years of national life we never had a Federal parole law nntil we had suc ceeded. after: great difficulty. In get' ting a nice, large colony of frensied bankers In JalL?St. Louts Republle. ? ? Tho suggestion is afloat that Col onel Roosevelt be made chairman of the eRpublican State convention. Sec ond that motion be amended by read lag "and also of the Democratic. Pro hibition Labor. Socialist. Populist, Mlddle-of-the Road and any other convention* that may hereafter b? held."-?New York Evening Tele gram. Senator Lodge, who hu felt con strained to abandon bli usual trip to loieln Peru, mar derive km com fort boa the reflection that be l> more ftunlller with Bo rope then he Is with hie eonetitaenti.?Prorhlence Tribune i ' < ip Brother Bellinger 1> like the ft , der beau?he n???t knowa when to | go*?Baltimore Sua. I Tou can't keep a goorf thermom down. ' ? <. BASEBALL The Wilson Methodist Baraca Base ball club will cross bats with the lo cal Methodist Baracai tomorrow af ternoon at 4 p. m. at Fleming Park. The admission will be 15 and 26c. Ladles free. Go out and help the Ba racas to pay the expenses of the Wil son clab and Incidentally enjoy a good game of ball. The Wilson Ba racas must hare a strong team, as they easily won from Tarboro last waek. but they will have to do some hard playing to beat the local Ba racas tomorrow. The manager has Just received some neat new uniforms and the locals will look good on the diamond as well as show up well on the tally sheet Don't forget the game tomorrow at 4 P. m. The man ager will arrange games with other nearby towns, and the Washington ball lovers may expect plenty of good games the balance of the season. ROCKEFELLER FIXED FOR SPEEDING AUTOMOBILE Cleveland. O., Aug. 10.?"John D. Rockefeller, charged with speeding au automobile, pleaded guilty, fined 15 and coats amounting to 93." Thus reads the records of the coui% of Squire Dean, of 8outh Euclid vtl large. The oil king's superintendent appeared in court this morning, en tered a plea of guilty and paid the line Imposed. ALL TROOPS HAVE LEFT COLUMBIA STRIKE SCENE. . Columbus. O.. Aug?' 10.?Soldiers! of the Third, the only regiment which remained In Columbuft^during last night, departed today/and tonight the strlk@ situation wil^>e completely In tho hands of the police. Thefe are no negotiations on for a settlement of the strike, and there j have been no disturbances today. MERRY DEL VAL SEEKS PEACE. Rome, Aug. 9.?It was reported to day that Cardinal Merry del Val, the papal: secretary, was trying through official, semi-official and the private channels to reach an understanding with the Spanish government. It Is believed that the next note from the Vatican will announce an agreement or a definite rupture be tween Rome qnd Madrid. APPRECIATED. The following complimentary- no tice of this paper Is taken from the Charlotte Observer. . "The Washington, N. C., Daily News celebrated its first birthday laHt week and congratulations are in order. The twelfthmonth has demon- ( Btrated that the News' home town can and will support a live dally pa per and foreshadows increasing pros perity for it In the years which arc to come." SHO0TS SUITOR WHO PURSUED HER FOR 10 TEARS. Oklahoma City, Aug. 10.?Dallas W. Smith was shot and Instantly kill ed by Mrs. Daisy Fischer, the wife of E. V4 Flasher, of this city. Smith ap peared at the rear door of the Ris cher home armed with a revolver. Mrs. Fischer opened fire with a Win cheater rifle and sent five shots Into his body, one of which ploughed al most through his body and another clean through his brain. He dropped dead. Mra. Flncher and her husband say I that Smith was her suitor ten yearaj ago in Hannibal. Mo. Smith contin ued his attentions notwithstanding! her marriage. Frequent quarrels oc curred between the husband and the dead man. VANCOUVER POLKKMAN THIK8 FOR ATHLRTIC HONORS ? Chicago. August 10.?John A. Oll lls. a policeman of Vancouver, R C.. who It to take part tn the national all round championship contests at Marahall Held next Saturday, arrived yesterday and reported himaelf In lino condition. ? Oil lis Is six feet, four Inchaa tall, weighs 170 pounds and Is SI years ~ He is the tallset athlete entered. In a recent tryout through the ten events OH lis came within a few points of the record. ? \ Tha man who ku no Una to waite never feu into an argument with aaffrasette fin a gun with on* eye cloead. but It to considered ad.laable to kaap both area wide opan In * home trada. Smite.* Br oa ana cheek and he retumetb to tha othar. - , | ,d Mr. Jho W. Mayo, Jr.. of Aurora. *>? In tha city today attending the [ceusty convention. THE HOfTOilOG 6fi The Washington drug Compar Changes Hands THE TRANSFER YESTERDAY l?r. A. C. Hoyt nnri Me?r?. W. J Rhyir and W. L. Yaugtian the Ni Ownrre?-KMvoelve Impiorrnifni to he Mudr?Hare !Wst \VI*hes * Kntlre City. The Washington Drug Com pan has been purchased form Dr. John C Hodman and Ma]. Wiley C. Rodmai the proprietor*, by Dr. A. C. Hoy aid Mesnra. W. P. Rhyne and W. L Vaughau. The transfer was mad yesterday and the new owners ar^ now In charge. Extensive Improve i ments are to be made to the store a an early da v. Dr. Hoyt's ofllce will b located In the rear of the drug stor. ?where his patients snd others ca._ find him in the future. The new proprietors are youn., men of energy and push, and this l?er predicts for the "Hoyt Drug Com pany' every success. No stone will be left unturned by the new manage ment to render every courtesy to their numerous friends and patron*. Dr. Hoyt Is well known In Wash Ington. He Is s native of this ctt;. being a son of Mrs. Margaret Hoy and'a brother of Mr. John K. Hoy;. While he has been fractlcing a nun ber of years be has only been locate, here for the past seven months. H* Is a graduate of the L'nlvefslty o Maryland, and since he received hla diploma has been very successful I;, his practice. Since returning to hi: home he bss been fast accumulating a lucrative practice. Mr. W. F. Khyne is a native o! Gastonla. He hats 4>eeu the manage: of the Washington Drug Compan; for the past year. Before coming to Washington' he had made good iu other towns as a druggist, and slnc^ bis residence here he has sustained his well-earned reputation. Mr. Rhynt will have charge of the business, anu this will be welcome news to hU many friends here. No more popu lar or careful pharmacist ever fllleu a prescription. Hi* friends are legion. Mr. W. L. VaUghan la practicing law here, and Is also superintendent of public schools. He Is rapidly climb ing the ladder In his profession. The new firm starts out with ev ery assurance of bucc^b. They are men well acquainted with the busi ness, and there la no reason why the Hoyt Drug Company should not be a succens. Jit has the best wishes of the Dally News. THE CJEM-THRKK ItKELH. Tonight another good bill will be offered at the Gem Theater which Is calculated to please all. The Mule Driver and the Garrulous Mule by the Edison company, la a frontier story well acted and develop ing the astonishing fact that a balky' mule team can under certain circum stances make a mute talk. The story presents many complications which prove amusing to the extreme. Her Life for His Love Is a dramatic atory of much Interest. The charm of the desert scenery adds much to the pic ture's interest. The famous court bcenes, the balcony scene, the don of Bravos. the grounds of the palace and the woodlands add much that la beautiful. Making Salt is an educa? Uonal picture, shownlng the varloua processes required In the production of sea-sbore salt. ^_The Cowboy's De votion In a drama full with the rich life of the West. Thero la a dash and spirit in this picture which develops great Interest and creates conditions as Inspiring as they are Interesting. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining I'scalled-fOr in the Post office Here for the Week Ending August ?. 1910. Oentlemen?M. Barnhlll, Mr. Lu ther Fauny. Mr. Jesae Granville. Mr. H. T. Hathaway. Mr. Cicero W Har ris, Mr. Johnson. Mr. Pranke Pollard. Mr. Howard Perry. Mr. James 8adler. Mr. J. ClareAce Van Patt. Mr. D. White." Ladles?Mrs. Pannie E. Bod ham. Miss Zleldne Elites, Mrs. Sarah Free man. Miss Ida Olbba. Miss Nicy Qlbbe. Mrs. H. H. Hempler. Miss Nora I?ath am. Mrs. Powell, Hattle E. Steel. Miss Calner Tlllery, Miss Eleanor Vann, Emma Williams, Miss Emmie 0. Wil liams. . Theee letters will be sent to the dead letter office August |2. 1910. if not delivered before. In calling (or the above please aay, "Advertised," giving date of list. HUGH PAUL. P. M. Messrs. B. D. ftoWe and D- B. Mix on, of Small, were In the city this lLornlng. ? Mr. SUten J. Peele. of Belhaven. spent yeateray with hia first cousin. Mrs. John W. Odei Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hanbnry re turned 8nnday from Norfolk. Suffolk land Ocean View. Mra. John Oden and children re turned Sunday from Ocen View, ac companied by Mlas Annie Myrtle Latham. Captain Jamaa E. Clark and family, wko have been at Morganton (or the st month, returned home yester r- M Rev. A C Austin, of Seath Creak, la In the city todav W. I. Ausnn. of South Creak. *1* the city attending the county