AJLL, SUMJVLbK CiUUDS - ARE OFFERED AT ===== GREATLY REDUCED PRICES The Prices on Mtflj Lines of Oxfords and Slippers for Both Sex are Cot In Half. J 17 nnirf / WASHINGTON'S . K. IlUl I, GREATEST - STORE! A lird*. BuM Wire Fmom There ?nay be Men along the road-* sides In Central America a brown wren about the slss of a canary which builds a-neat out at all proportion to Ita ap parent needs It selects a small tret with horizontal branches growing do?e together. Across two of the branches It lays sticks fastened' together with tough fiber until a platform shout six feet long by two feet pepcd he staying.?Duck* man. Ha Gat Badly Lsft. Etpcrl.-:n-es of :i correspondent of a Niircnboi; paper co io abo1.*' tliat ttie Ceruian adulteration lawn are drastic. Mi* m,V4: **A French Mend sent me foor b???t!c?i of burgundy. .<3"ur pay u.tf the ditty I trn* informed that all tvloo oomlr.4 from n broad lias to be analysed. Am my consignment incind ?*d two kind* of wine a double analysis Wat necessary. und for t bis I paid a fee of $024. As the end of a week I received tint a certltlcato attesting that my wine was pure and, second, the case io which the bottles were sent. 1 was also Informed that two bottles had been required to form the basis ?ach analysis and that consequently there was no wine left. I am natural ly grateful to the state for the precau tions taken to guard my health, but I cannot help thinking 1 am entitled to tbo empty bottle*. Surely these were not also analyzed." Beakeepars, Attention I Re sure to wash your hands and face In vinegar berore yoo try to rob rhe bees. When you want to take out honey, cut out all the white and leave the dark for the bees. Bees will make Just as much honey In a box hive as tbey wouid in a costly patented one. Sprinkle salt under und around your hive to keep away the moths, thf enemies of the bees. The bee'h business end strikes every ono forcibly. No product now wasted can l>e more easily saved than nectar which bees work up Into honey The question is frequently ask ed why extract honey Is sold cheaper than comb hooey. It Is because the comb Is of more value tban the honey. It re^ quires twenty pounds of honey to make one poond of comb. To hive bees when they swarm throw water on them while they are swarming, and tbey will not leave or settle high. If u Is a large limb they settle on. saw it off and let It fall on a sheet, then sprinkle tbem with water, so > they won't swarm again, and 'pour them lo hive sod let them set nntil dark. Alfalfa Better Than Red Clever. Secretary Co-burn states that a grower In southern Kansas who har vests nboot 1,000 tons of slfslfa per year and Is working with U nearly every day from the second week In May nntll Nor. 10 Insists that alfalfa, under the same conditions of rainfall. Is mneh easier to save in fair feeding condition tban ted elorer.?Kaosas Former. It Cevars the Land. "We shall never nee that great American novel. It can't be written." "Why not?*" "We have too many dialects." "Write lr in baseball vernacolar.'*? Washington Herald. In South America. Foreign Correspondent?And who are those two men under the tree? dec ern! Paprika?Ob. tbat'a tbe second battalion of tbe royal guards.?Chicago Newa. "John. dear. 1 wish you won Id get too mo auto." ?IIy darling Amy! Didn't I Ml yen w? most economise?" "Ym; (bars wby I want the ?nto. t of tbe car fare* I'd ALL THE WAY ACROSS IOWA. T?n Thousand Fsrm?ne Turned Out With Tmim. Plows, Scrapers and Read Drags For Groat Sixty Minute Job Between Council Bluffs and ba von port. The greatest piece of road building the world ever witnessed was palled off in Iowa a few days ago when, la the short space of one Mingle boor, a line of road 380 miles in length and stretching entirely across the State of Iowa was pnt in the most perfect oon dltlon of any road west of the Missis sippi river. Weeks snd months were spent in preparation for the wort, bat not a pick or abovel was used until the designated second was ticked eff. Then, as if by mngic. 10.000 workmen swarmed out on to the roadway, and when they ceased work sixty minntes later Iowa had one of the Quest long distance roads In the entire west And not the ?st interesting thing In connection with the tremendous piece of work Is the fact that not a man of the entire 10.000 engaged on the work received one cent of wage* Good wtU and patriotism alone are re sponsible for the splendid showing. Last winter "the lows roads bars me so fearfully bad that traffic was pcac } tlcally killed and fanners were com pelled elmply to remain In their homes. Finally the matter became a political question, snd both parties got behind the movement. Governor Carroll call ed a "good roads" meeting at Des Moines early laat March, and oat of this meeting was evolved the plan of a "river to river" road, stretching from Council Bluffs, la., on the Missouri river to Davenport on the Mississippi, a distance of 380 miles straight across the state from east to west. "Make the river to river road as near perfect ns Is possible to make just common dirt." was the sense of the good ronds convention. Instead of appolutlng new commit tees to handle the work tbo regular Republican and Democratic commit tee* In each county through wblch the road would pass were appealed to. The chairmen of tbe committees of each party were asked to ge* In the game nnd work for the road. Every body was agreed to do so. ana soon a rivalry was created between Repub licans and Democrats, each to see wbfch party would have tbe most workmen "on the Job" when the time for work arrived. A Saturday was selected ns the day unci from U o'clock to 10 o'clock the hour of work. Every farmer along the way was personally seen by tbe committees, and practically every man agreed to give, the one hour that was asked for., Farmers were asked to bring tbelr; plows, scrapers and road drags, and an organization equal to those employed In professional railroad building was worked out. In the weeks preceding the work all bridges and culverts along the road were repaired and put in first class I order, that no delay might come to tbe road 1 mil lers when once the latter started working. The result of the organization was ? shown ou tbe Saturday the road was bullr. Shortly before 0 o'clock In the I morning farmers began getting out In the road. Hundreds and thousands of plows, picks, shovels, scrapers, road drngs. grading machines and other Im plements were brought along. Every farmer brought bis team width blm. Superintendents and overseers bad been appo.tited In readiness when, %*rcmptly at 0 o'clock, the order was V*?*Ti-d to "fall to." And 10,000 ilctermlned men "fell to." For an hour they continued working with might and main. Atv. 10'o'clock ?lie Job was finished and the farmers went back to their fields, leaving Iowa fhc possessor of the finest piece of long distance roadway In the west.?Pitts burg Gasette-Tlmes. . Mud Roada Relic of Barbarism. Mud roads are a relic of barbarism and always Indicate a people of slow and unprogresslve habits. If a stran ger should ride oeer all the roads in any county and find them all mac adamized be would ready to bet on the superior intelligence and enllght vnent of tbe people, whether be met a tingle one or not. The roads of any county can be greatly Improved by the road drag, and now Is the time to do It. Some farms have already been en hanced several dollars per acre by the simple process of k?-eplng the roads to them In good condition by the vigorous use of tbe drag. t Keep Good Roads Qood. In commercial life we are n won derfnlly practical people. A man does not let a bouse go to ruin for lack of hammer and nails nnd a few boards to make repairs or occasional coats of paint to preserve the timbers. lie does not use bis carriage or bis steam engine or his watch or hfs clothes or anything else on *ueh u fool theory He applies the wise* maxims of the "oun?^ou? complications jire?*??e* tml'd pl? tnresque Ktt)as? M'.TiON PKTTREH AT THEIR The carefully svlectel atd includinK tu work of tb? leading American and European producers. Vialt the Gem tonight, Washington's old reliable play house. AUMIKHIOX 8 Alto JO CKKTS. CHARACTER. ; , Character it the ffamom! thai scratches every etheratone.?Bartol. Character is human r.A'ure in its beat form. It it moral order em bodied in die uxtvic7'!*1. Men of character an not c-!y the con science ol soacty. bat in every wel fovemcd tfate they are its best mo trw power, (or it is moral ,toJI it tU ad. BOY LOST Perhaps you haven't lo?t ? boy, but If you've lost SOMETHING ELSE put an ad. In this paper and WE'LL HELP YOU TO FIND IT. STAGGERS SKEPTICS. That a clean, nice fragrant com-l pound Ilk* Bucklon'a Arnica Salve"; will Instantly relieve a bad burn, cut, acald. wound or piles, stagger? skep tic*. B\it great cure proves It's a won" derful healer of the worst sores, ul cers. bolls, felons, eczems. chapped hands sprains and corns. Try It. 25c. at all druggists. A PoMf. Little Tommy (eldest of the family, at dinner*?Mamma, why don't you help me beforu Ethel? Mamma?Ladies, my dear, most al ways come first Tommy (triumphantly)?Then why was I born before Ethel J?T1 t-Blta. LIFK OX PAXAMA CAXAL hss had one frightful drawback? malaria trouble?that has Drought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chllls{ fever and ague, biliousness. Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria.'*' writes Wm. A. Fretwsll, of Lncama. N. C..knd I've had good health ever since.'' Cure stomach, liver and kid ney troubles and prevent typhoid. 5Cc. Guaranteed by all drufglsts. An Easy Comparison. ? Uncle Ethn:i was In a cautions frame of tniml. ? Which." somebody naked him. "do yi?r think la the worst, a flood or tf drought?" L'ncio Eihnu scratched his head. . * "It altrnys depends." he replied. "h'MiUI say that a flood was a great ?!????: worse, providing. of course. tLnt ilii*re tvits n flood."?Tooth's Compan ion CeuS* of Hia Sorrow. "Why dq, ye look so sorryfol,, Den nis?" r one t^aln of soother, jt "1 jiwr t;ear*r-rri . csll an otLer a lliir. And -the man that was called n liar Mrtid tbe other man would hare to upUofbo or there would be a flght " V f 3(0 "And why should that make yes look sad r , ^ . v "The other man spoloflsed." "Bisby seems to think he* the thing ss an expert ootborltj on to I , t. of bad roads. an haul 8400 eighteen milt's In a day and get A fanner llrln? cm a good road la a free mau- 'Re is doc do- ; pendent on weatber conditions. He la able to aell bis stock and grain and fruit.at the beat mar ket prices. Tb? railroads have to serve the man who can get bis stuff to a ahlpping point any day In tbe year. . '' *? y,. \ < Tbe rtarnilnn Mania. Tba "dancing*m*ala" or tba middle agaa came on tba beeta of tba graot plague known aa tba "black death." It wag mm aoct of nagToua dlaoaae and ta now aoppoasd to hare baan wbat la known aa -at, Vttna' dance." ? began to tba yoor 1374 at Aix-ta apraad att over Germany, id Italy. Tba dan k band In hapd and appearing to hara loat all raaaoo. coo tinned lining. r??rrllaat of tba by atandera. far bonro together nodi to their wild debrlaa tbay fall to tba ground lo obeer egbauatAn. Panting and foOmtng at tba ttootb. they would suddenly spring op and begin the dance Ogata, to bo again exhaoated. and so Co until tbojr died. Tba mania lnvoltoft ortlllons of people. The Tw?lvt Juryman. ? frtwoii la triad by twelre of hia fellow countrymen- Thta custom bt a tbonaand yeors old, aod wa get It from the vikings. The vikings divided their country tip Into cantons, which were subdivided Into twelve portions, eacb under a chieftain. When a mslefscior was brought to Justice It was usual for each cbleftnlu to select a man from the district over wblcb be ruled and compel htm to try the prisoner, tbe verdict of tbese twelve men being de clared by tbe Judge to be final. COMPASSION. A tender hctrled and compas sionate dispos&nr., which inclines men to pity and (eel the misfortune i of others and which it cren for its own sake incaoaLIc c( involving any man in ruin ard misery, is of all t-mpers of mind the most amia ble and. ihcujn it seldom re cehres much feooc*. is worthy cf the higher.?Fielding. ?rMohlpadtrs. Breecbloadlng In artillery and small arms is popularly supposed to fca an Invention of tbe middle of the lastcen- I tury. but such la by no means the case. In a Dublin gunsmith's sbop at Cork Hill la on view a breechloadlng rifle offered to the British wnr'otOce at tbe close cf the eighteenth century aud re jected. us It was considered to need too innch ammunition! THE RKST lion: OP LIPK la when you do some great deed or discover some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. Pitt, _ of Rocky Mount. X. C., when he was suffering intensely, as he says, "from the worst cold I ever had, I then proved to my great satisfaction what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure Dr. King's New Discovery la. Por, after taking one bottle, I was entirely cured. You can't say anything too good of a med icine like that." . It's tbe surest and best remedy for diseased lungs. Hem orrhages, La Grippe, Asthma, Hay Fever, any throat or lung trouble. 50c. tl.00. rial bqttle free. Guaran teed by all drugglata. ^ 1 COT MAftKVr. (Quotations furnished by H- B. Mayo * Company.) Beeawax 27c KfP 16c Tallow 4e Chickens, grown, eaoh... . . 300 40c Spring chicken* 16@26c Docks 20?26c Geeee . .40?60c Green Bait sides, Jb Cc Green hides, lb 6c Dry bides, lb 10?12*el Wool, free from burrs, lb... 17c Wool, btyry ... ........10016c Lamb aklns v. 16?30c 8beerlings 6@l0c Corn, bushel 70076c The North Carolina GDILEGE DF MIME NO I The Stat>* ( ins i in, itnal I Civil, o? imnwuw |J the JrttfMfc ?- JET* *"? f "I i ftak Witi ?.Vv'v:,-vjsSfl /Snift *-<.troa at |r>b ? ?I!" in aotne fcl&u tiur* N?*< t'i'iiri'h nit la one ??? *!i* in'Hit rn^ J.us ttelnjE*. On* *?*m tn> u xurMr ut 1 !?4* pr..ff?ik?oal T-iyiit .1 .I|?. :? r.:.7.laud, th?- pavrk-y >tm. nuncta** Tbe Ir(?u ;*.>? : ?v r il->;;p;)0?nr. h'i:? U J* nil *i- iuMvp mil) uaturaL - I.omltui Sr'urdu;, U'evh w. 0oodncj5?r,d ** ?otne? from wlibto-rrom feellnp*. thought* aud de*Jr** resulting la 2Wraps, ?i ?values* I* tbe conse quence of l?otd uitlon*. proai energy. oabtUos. eiitenvUe a^d iwraeverancA -You will uarer U? able fo make tier bellere that be>a liar. -1 wonder wbyV *1 believe tbnr be onre lold bar aha *ra" beautiful "-Boumou Puat -Otatory la 1 flft, meat,** a&ld tba proud 1 aafc down after an boafa I Mall Order Business' Some papers advertise it. WE DOJTT. We know it would hurt the home trade. We would rather have the ads. of local merchants. FETCH THEM IN! LET US DO YOUR PRINTING I i WHEN IN New .York City srtor at the Hotel St indrew, Broadway k West 72 St. ABSOLUTELY FIRE - PROOF ? ' ' ' A High Class Family and Transient Hotel. Express Subway Station at deor and near theater and shopping district. Single room? or suite*, each having baths. Long distance telephone In each apartment. Unsurpassed cuisine. fecial Bate* for June. July n?d Aug ust. I ETROPEAN PLAIT. S. L. ROOT, f? RICGS HOUSE WtSHMM. D. fc The hotel "par excellence" of the National CapitaL First-class hi all Opposite the U.S.Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington wilt be mailed, t free of charge, upon re ceipt of two2cent stamp s O. G. STAPLES. ? Ml 1 j f'B ?'? ** I ?II rood bettor tkw aaj Mors ONLY 910.00 WILI. I VST ALL ( Washington Light & EAST C i EACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL A State School organised and maintained for one definite purpose:?Training young men and - women forTeaching. The regular session opens Tuesday, September lj, WW. For Catalogue and Information, address ROBT. H, WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C. : i-tioht. ""C"? ,s bvi^-sthono. house-high ??SPW-THS I. H HARRIS PLUMBING r, and SUPPLY COMPANY. ma i the lidki crowd roar More. Wh?n they com# In double file. Thronging through yuur open door. Seeking bargain* worth their while. Which they read ?bout before. Don't you then Feel awful glad You put In y That little ad.? ? BI?xMn? Curd us:: ? I the inmitii W'f. Si