warehouse on ider Che management of the Consolidated Tobacco Company, in iiorpprat^d. . * * f Tab .following are Its offlcecr. O. L. Joimf. frre.ldenl; Thad R. Hodcaa. Tlce-prealdant; a. J. Cobb.U.aauwr. The tobacco eeaaon gwurlv mi atarted under the meet rarorablo ctr cumiUncs. Nothing twt wordi at commendation ^nd aatlafactlon can be hold tor the way the break waa conducted. It waa a om every viewpoint. _____ ?fca praaldeat of tta company la> taw Heaalm remarka. made before the sal# began, state* that Washington had the best lighted warehouse In North Carolina and that ha had never seen a people more determined to have a tobacco mar ket than those fn Washington. His abort talk had a most favorable ef fect on the crowd present. About 11 o'clock the sale began with Mr. B. L. Beasley. as auctioneer on the^loor. While still a young m*? eh has had years of experience. After the sale bad been under way for a short time M. W. T. Burton, auction eer on the Wilson market, was calledj an and ho made the sales during the remainder of the break. Mr. Burton Is surely, an expert in his llhe. Pos-j aesalng a strong, musical voice, he at once gained the attention of every-] j one. both the farmer and buyer. Notl many minutes after he began to cryi the sale the crowd began to move closer In and the result attilned was conspicuous for Its success. The num-j ber present and around the piles of golden weed waa so dense that it was with difficulty the* auctioneer and tuveift qoyld keep moving. v There were"sl*ty-slx different piles * of tobacco on the floor aggregating ' between ' 3(1.000 and 86,000 pounds.; IT was sold at an average price of' about 8c. This is considered by the knowing ones a very high averagej for an opening sale. Preside ntJoy ner in talking: with the Editor of the; ally News, said It was the vary best1 opening be had witnessed this sea-l son and that he had attex\ed the sales at most of the tobaccQ markets In astern North Carolina. This speaks well for Washington and Its new Industry. Mr. Fred Hardy, of R. F. D. No. 3, Washington, sold 51? pounds at an average of a boot i0 1-to. He had one lot on the floor which sold for 80c,. several lots of his otbacco went THE CHAMPIONS Th? Aaron IUU Club Mill Art"l?* Aurora again conquers Swan Quat r?r on the diamond. The score yes terday waa lit o 1 In favor of Auro ra. E. Hooker, the retired pitcher came backl n form and aided bj ex cellent support wins the came In a| A sensational catch In left Held by Reddy prevented the rUltora from scoring until the ninth Inning. In the last Inning the hall waa mere . ly pitched acroea the plate and Swan Quarter managed to score two tlmae. Aurora made 1ft hlta and 1 error; 8wan Quarter 4 hka and < errors. Batteries, Aurora, E. Hooker and Thompeon; ft wan Quarter. Crele and Bwlndell. Time of game one hour and twenty mlnutea. Attendance 110. Umpires Roberson an0 Thomp eon. i V y,~Jj \ : I Thf ohamplona leave toda? 'or Swan Quarter where they expect to play two i . ' The fttemaer Hatteras Will rui another excursion to that well*knowT F ALL NE Just Received a E MEN an [AS high as 15c. It was estimated that between l .-j 0 and ?.000 people were present tG | tend the opening during the day. Many ladies also graced the occasion I with their presence, hailing both from the city and country. Many of I the farmers brought their wires and | daughter. to th* uh. 'I Tb?r will be m sal* conduct** ? I??r lUrtBK the tok*ccc miud ginning promptly at 10 o'clock, farmers who deatr* to brine UMlr to bacco Into the cltr during th* after noon or alsht (or the Ml* th* next 14*7, will b* taken car* of at tie ex pense of the warehouse. The waahlxum w.rehouse will b* J under the direct management of )fr. |n. D. Young. tof Robersonvlll*. N. (C. He will. be assisted by, the following gentlemen: . B. Cox. "of this city, bookkeeper; L. V. Morrill, of Snow Hill, aaslatant bookkeeper; W. P. Edwards, of Greenville, statement carrier. All of the above gentle | men are clever and effeclent and will add strength to the warehouse. HIH Mr. E. L. Beailey will be the auc tioneer and the buyers will be 3. V?. Ferrell tor the American Tobacco Company; E. F- M^foee and W. Z. Morton, lndcpendqpt buyers. The buyers present at thy epeniug yesterday were; J. \V. Ferrell. repre senting the American Tobacco Com pany. E. F. McGee and \V- Z. Morton. Independent buyers; T. A- Pereon, representing J. P. Taylor, of Hen-f derson; K. B. Frleklejn, of Greenville. J ?and Mr. I>evy< of the Arm of J. C || Bradham & Co.. of Rocky Mount. ' A successful tobncc0 market means II much for the business interest of || Washington and the erection of! Washington market to all customers sll the time. If this is done then thej harvest will bo golden. I Yesterday there w$* paid out about |$2,500 by the Consolidated Tobacco Company which hss heretofore been going tt> Greenville. RobersOnvllle snd WllUamston. Think what It ifeeanB to Washing ton and Beaufort county to have equal amtfjnt distributed among ourj 'people daily. ~ If It is worth anything 1 ^ you then If Is your duty to aid In | helping to make It a success. Yesterday was a great day for Washington, a great day for Beaufort county, a great day for every citlsen In both city and county. Altogether for a big tobacc^ s< summer report Pamlico Beach, nexi Sunday. The steamer will leave the Atlanta Coet Line wharf promptly ' at 8 o'clock. On th return trip she will leave the beach at 4 o'cloc*. arrMni la Washington at g o'clock. Pare for tha round trip Is $1. Oo and enjoy a pleasant outing. WAS DISCHARGED, kr V >*. $ "i. 11 1 . J On raeterday Arthur Nichols, formerly of this city, wastried In Wilson before Mayor Brig**, charged with the larceny of 16 gold watchee I SI fountain pans valued at 9126.00, taken from the store of A. A. aul. On the night of August 5. Paul's star* was entered by the door being broken open and the above property stolen. Nichols was suspected and he Immediately left for Norfolk wfcera was later arrested and ? brought back to Wilson. HZIV^ At the preliminary hearing in tfcatj town on yesterday the tate wan repre sented by Messrs. Parmer * Dlckin oen attorneys and Nichols by Nor wood L Simmons. K?q.. of this city. After hearing all* the evidence and the Argument of counsel the court ^Ismiftned the warrant and Nichols waa discharged. CKWEAR I lig Line of I'S NECKWEAR id 50 Cents 18* ' Still Raging West THOUSANDS ARC HOMELESS TUC PACIFIC NORTH WKriT FACEf THK MOJ4T TKHRIBLK H1TUATIO.N IN 1T? H1STOKY THOl'HAM?H ARK FI.KKIM. |OB A PLACE OF MAVKTY. v l Spokane, Wash.. AU*. 84.?With mor? than 100 person* known, tb oe dead, with hundreds missing and SOU injured, and with half a dozen town* destroyed and a score more menaced, the pacific northwest yesterday faced the nost terrible forest Ore sltustlon In Ha hlstor/. The flamee were rac ing on.unchecked at dawn yesterday. Thousands of Inhabitants are be ing driven from their homes and are fleeing, panic-stricken, to ?ay place of safety. The to was reported deetroyed are: Bryson, Mont, Idaho.. Deborgia, Moat, and Hang ban, Moat. The towns of Wallaee and 8t Regis. I<V aho, have been partly deetroyed. In the coeur D'Alene diatrlet. in northern Idaho, the situation Is most acute. Some of the fires have been I controlled and other** are burning with leee Intensity. Unless rainfalls, however, it Is feared that the flames will soon become unmanageable. In eastern Oregon between Baker City and LaOrange. are several, fires which are doing serious damage to live tlm W. There are severs! fires In the' Ump )ua Valley in southern Oregon, but s qua Valley .In southern Orecon. but ?o far away they have not done any Kreet damage. The situation in the Qreater I.nke reserve and the Mount Mclaughlin district on the extreme sonthern edge of Oregon. api>ear? unchanged from the last fear days. In the vicinity of 5Iedford aud Ashland. Washington, the fires are less meanclng only because there is wind In both these places all the men obtainable have been .drafted Into teh service to back-fire and trench. a uxru&.iyftMi**;. ? . i little kissing Now and then, ' why we have the married men s why we have f , The married men. ?Birmingham Age-Herald. A little ktaslng Too. of course, Is why we have The quick divorce. ?Chicago Record-Herald. ? \ little kisaing'a , Lots of fun. If you can kiss The proper one. s ?Cleveland Leader. I little klsalng's ? ** Not enough. lot of kiMlng That's the stuff! ?Boston Herald. ,,r'r " r; little kissing ^ On the sly. Is sweeter now. Than by and by. J?Yonkers. N. Y., Statesman. A little kissing May do for some. But tor as? Yum! yum! yum ?Henderson, N. C.. Ooll Leaf. Of all the girls The best to kiss. You bet your life Is a alelgh miss. v" ?Raleigh. N. C.. News Ik Observer. ?" I The shove combined. Mitchell kisses Jt' '? Can't be defined. ?Mitchell. N. C . Kronlkle. / For a kiss as swett as honey. Dainty, crisp, and without money. Pucker up to a Charlott? queen? Anywhere from ?'ty to ?*'steen. 8outhem Publisher. For a kls? that Is a kiss All are invited ~ r- 1 sTo sample ours wt|l be bliss? We are sure will eali us dftr. ?Washington Dally News. There will be prayermeeting Ror vices In all the different churches of the city this evening at the usual hour to whttb the general publk Is cordlftltjr invited ? STUCK IN MUD Pmir<*QtWli Knjoy <?> Auto Ride To be stuck In the in^d and water lo an automobile, miles from no where at the uneafthjy hour, of 4 o'clock in the pbrsliB may be fun to <<ome folks but toJSJotiei U. Chur chill Bragaw and .Meier* David W Bell.- D. M- Cart, r and W. T. Bailey it i? anything alse l*tf: tf'1 To even whtaper the word m^d in their ear la to bring at once 011 their facet solem nity and aerlousncMK. They went t<, county, last week for a Hlttle ?p!n around that prosperous %unty 1 Mr. Bailey's auto?they ware loolflcg for fun and pleasure and lf.rcportl are true, of ree they did not give it out, they got what tbey were polling for and more too. To have seen these four gentlemen between midnight and day, sitting in their automobile in mad and wster 18 laches deep on the lonely Turaplka road?In dish abille. making the quietness of the night resound wit* screams and ap peals for lUlp, waa a sight to behold Their cries for aid only echoed and re-echoed through tto4'1&llls and val leys. N0 help was Uialpa. Their on ly friend In their tryla^hour waa the occasional visit of a yellow fly or the singing of a hungry aifeaplto. With out food and water they remained stuck?stuck good aatf.. hard until about it o'clock the aaxt morning. | Rumor has it that aft four took to the woods and searched and searched for someone to help '.ihem. After tramping for miles and miles they at last struck clvillzatfp. with the result that four men $ Men ted to go with them to the plaoe^of the trouble. Assisted by their frle? Is the machine was after difficulty exti btad from the mud and they were soc a on their way rejoicing. It waa noticed thaffjtaly three of] the party were In th* fcttto ut this time?one wan missi: be Mr. David Hey Q r skipped and taking a short cut through the woods siiccwded iu .b xInk a man to bring him to Washlal Mr. Bell speaks malt gloriously of his trip. The other 1 tembers of the party have not as yet >eeu interview ed. They are all bacMhome safe and sound. ? " ? ^proving to I XKl'D1 liaTf berg irtwiua mwu bad weather and the farmers are not making much headway In saving their fodder. Captain William R. Boyd ran an excursion from Hunters Bridge to Pamlico Beach last Sunday with thirty-five passengers on board. All report a fine trip. The writer was one of the numtfer present Mr. S. B. Boyd returned from S. C. Saturday morning 'where he has been for the last month building a transfer for Mr. 8urry Parker. Miss Ruby P. Ensley of Jessama Is ?lsttlng at the home of Mr. George Boyd Otho the little son Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Boyd died Sunday after a long Illness. He leaves a fathef. mother and one little sister to iqoum .their loss. Grieve not dear onea for he Is at rest. / A FRIEND. . August 22. ? CONVALESCENT. The many friends of Mr. 8amuel B. Etherldge. the ppular and efficient druggist at Hardy's drug store, will be glad to note that he was out yes terday for the flrst time after an Ill ness of three weeks. L'HK ALL HASTE. Some people have an Idea that In surance Companies do not like to pay their claims after a loss occurs, and that they delay the settlements as much as possible, On the contrary, first class companies use all possible haste in adjustment and payment of their losses, and the following letter received by Messrs. Wm. Bragaw A Co., from one of their customers who recently had a lire. Indicates that fact. Our reader* will recall that mention wss made in these columns of the Ore at Paqteg0 which destroy ed Mr. Whitley's property. The let ter reads as follows: Pantego. N. c.. Aug. is. 1910. Messrs. Wm. Bragsw ft Co.. Wasblng / too. N. C. Dear 8lrs:?I am Just 1n receipt of your letter with draft on Home In anrance Company, of New York, for 9(50.00, which settles policy No 1018, which I bad on my stock of merchanfllie. I wish to thank you for your promptness In adjusting the claim My loss occurred August 1. 1910, and to have the matter settlsd on this date is satisfactory. Agin thanking you for the Interest you havo shown la the settlement. I am. Very respectfully. ToOS. H- WHITLEY. L?t a" hot* WMKSTOI The Extradan Government is Having Trouble [TO CURB THE RIOTS NOW |h.\TUEI> FOlt THK AMERICANS | IN MAX AG I'll A MAKES IT UN I SAFK FOll AS AM KB I CAN TO 1 vismmK ox thk sthki:tm at j that place. New Orleans, La.. Aug. 23.?Vlc torloua after almost a year of fight ing, in which G.000 men have fallen, the Kstradau government today Is making desperate attempts to curb Its riotous soldiers and partisans and to protect Americans from violence at Managua, accord/ag to dispatches from there today. General Mena, in command of the army that occupied Managua yester day. today doubled the police detail and threw a heavy guard about the American conaulate. At the same time. Consul Sllvarea prepared to call marines from the American gunboats York town and VIcksburg, at Corlnto. should the situation get beyond the control of the Insurgents. Till late last night moba paraded the streeta, and the demonstration was renewed today with the dswn. "Down with the Americana," Is the cry. This Is ascribed partly by the hysterls of the moment, but In greater extent to the unpopularity of the course pursued by Washington. Madfis. who returned to the city after Its capitulation, has attempted to aid In the preservation of order. Mena and other leaders today were in communication with General Es trada urging him to hurry a doolnlon as, to the next step. LIST OK LETTERS. The following list of toiler* re main uncalled for in the Washington postoffire for the week ending Aug. 20, 1910. (JentJ*men. Andrews, W. Brown. .Isa&ac ? Hill. Redlcrlck Haping*. Earl Jones. Jarvts, Jim Henry KJckson, Capt. Edward Moyer, Capt. A. Powell,.Rev. Z. R. Perry. Harvey RIddlck. Ivey Ricks, T. B. Richardson. E. O. \ Spencer. Tllman Sinclair. Alex Tolden. Capt. A. W. Vollva, Claud Woodard. Charles Ladies. Burnett, Annie Brown. Annie E. Bevel. Eller Castellow. B<ttie Fowells. Sarah Harvle, Lisa Hill. A. Heardy, Sodal Jones, Ader Manny. 8idney W. Patrick. Freddie Rice. Bertha Vict. Kela Woolard. Mamie Washington, Carrie These letter^ wll] be sent to the dead letter office Sept. S, 1910. If not delivered before. In calling for the tbove. please say. "Advertised," giv ing date of list. HUGH PAUL. Postmaster. (JEM THEATRE. Tonight another splendid program will be presented at the Gem. The Majesty of the Law (vlta frapb) is a graphic Illustration of what responsibility will do for a man ?here Is ft tough, who for a joke is elated t0 office of sheriff. Instead of doing as every one supposed be would do; he turns squarely around and enforces the law. reforming his own evil ways. To do so a protty love story develops and a wedding soon to follow. The film suggests many things, not the least of which Is the ract that even supposed bad men may assert their manhood under proper conrfitlens. The Hashers Dclerium, Is a hum orous skit, representing a waiters dream. All sort* of beautiful things happen to him. The picture Is pret tily tinted throughout. The Centenarian Is a pretty color Ml dramatic picture, depicting the in dignities one may be subject to merely because one has reached his one hundreth blrthday Never again Will I Be Jealous, Is s pretty comedy drama which de velops several humorous situations, which bring about much confaaton, ending, however happily ifftar the usual explanations have been made FARMERS' STITE CONVENTION TO MEET IN RALEIGH NEXT TOESOIIY j There Wl!! be a Great Gathering of Farmers at the A. & M. College?A Most Excellent Pro gram Has Been Arranged?Champion Boy Corn Growers to Speak The Far mere' Stale Convention will meet at the A. & M. College in Raleigh next Tuesuay. August 90. at 11 o'clock and will be in session un tlltil September 1. No doubt there will be a Urge number in attendance. The delegate* will be furnished with rooms at the college free but they arc requested to bring towels, a pillow and a light blanket* Meals at the college will cost 25c. Delegates should call for railroad tickets on the "certificate" plan so as to secure reduced return fare. The meeting promises to be one of Interest and ?very farmer In the 8tate should be present. Toesday, August SO?Morning, 11:00?Address of Greeting, by Major W- A. Graham, Commissioner of Agriculture. 11:10?Address of Welcome, by President D. H. Hill of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College. Parmer," by A..L. French, Rocking ham County. Discussion. 12 M.?'?Production and Preserva tion of Home Fruit Products," As sistant State Horticulturist. S. B. Shaw. j DIbcu khIoQ. ^?Afternoon. 12:30?"''arm Machinery.** John W. Robinson, of Catawba County. 2:15?"Why, When. Where, How to I'jje Lime." Director C. B. Wil liam- of the Experiment Station. Discussion. 3.00?"DDoDes it Pay to Fertf Ilre?" B. W. Kllgore. Stute Chemist. Discission,, 4:00?Demonstration. In the field, of the proper way of Reletting need i-orn, conducted by Messrs. C. B. Wil liams. T. B. Parker. 1. O. Schaub, C. R. Hudson. C. L. Newman, and W. C. Etherldgs. . Kve"|ng. K:00?Presl</?nt's Address. Hon. Thos. W. Blount. Washiugton Coun <*. ... ?ftg PLEASANT SAIL. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Klapp gave a sail down the Pamlico river on the *as boat Cora, in honor of their gue*t Miss Hazel Parsley, of Richmond. Quite a number were present and ire indebted t0 the hosts for an even-, ing 'till of pleasure and merriment. TO CHANGE QIAKTERS. The wholesale grocery firm of El lison Bros. Company have rented the three-story brick building of the Bailey Supply Company on West Main itreet and expect to move there on or ibout September l. Since this firm has been in business they have been occupying the build ing next to the Dally News offlre. Their new quarters will afford them more conveniences for the handling af their Increasing patronage. ICE CREAM KCI'l'Elt. On Saturday night, August 27th., there will be an Ice cream supper at 3walnsland school house, for the pur- ] [>ose of helping the Sunday school in order that they may organize a| tinging class. The public Is cordially Invited to ittend. j Everything will be done to make the evelng pleasant for those wh0 are there. 8:80?"Wealth In Fruit." Prof. "W. IN. Hutt. State Department of Agri culture. Wednesday, Aui(u?t 31.?Morning. 7.00 to 10:00?"Live Stock Judg ing." Dairy Cattle, Prof. J. A. Con over. and Prof. W. F Turner. Hogs. |Mr. R. S. Curtis and Mr. A. L. French. 10:00?Ease With Which to Get Corn." Master Chan. F. PhlUlpB. of Randolph County (134 bushels), and Master Lee Blackwell, of Oranvllle County (weighs 76 pounds; raised 76 bushels). Both members of the Boys Corn Clubs. Dlscuaslon. 4:15?Demonstration of blowing out atumpB, by the Dupont Powder 'Company. Nashville. Tenn. K*e>Mag. 8:00?"The Farmer as a Business jMan." Dr. H. C. Alexander of Meck lenburg County. 8:80?"Farming Possibilities Re sulting from Drainage." Mr. John A. 'Wilkinson of Beaufort County. 9:00-?"Money from Better Meth ods of Farming." Mr. W. A. Simp kins of Wake County. Ttiur*<'?y, Septhnlie r1.?Morning. 7:30 to 10:00?"Live-stock Judg ing." oorse*. Dr. W. A. Cliristnan, | Dr. G. A. Roberts and Dr. L. F. iKoouee: He?-f Cattle. Mr. J. A. Con jover and Mr. K. S. Curtis. I 10:00?"Silos and Silo Bund ling" Mr. J. A. Conover. U. S.jDe parrroent of Agriculture. I Discussion. ; 10: 4 5?"Live-stock Farming." Dr* jA. S. Wheeler of the Blltmore .-state. ; Department of Agriculture. 11:30?"Keeping Tobacco Soils .Fertile." E. >1. Mattbewson. L\ S. Afternoon. 12: in?"Enriching Land by I Stock." Kdgar B. Moore, of Meck enburg County. 2:1"??business Meeting: Reports Iof Committees: Resolutions: Elec tion of Officers. MAYOR'S COURT Tribulation Hull Wiis the Scene of Another Interest InK Court Today. There were two cases before the mayor this morning for disposition. State vs. Robert Proctor. Asaault | on wife. After this case was heard and the defendant and his wife agree ing to live ]>eaceably together in the future, the mayor let the defendant off by paying the cost which was $4.55. HI* honor told Mr. Proctof that he would suspend Judgment in the matter hc if the asaault occurred jagain he would be indictable under the present warrant. State vs. Jim Dinklna and Dick Parker. Affray. Fined $3 and cost [each. AltLK TO BE CP. Mrs. Martha Tripp, one of Wash lngton'a oldest citizens, being in her 85th year, after a lingering Illness is now able to be up. She enjoys the friendship of a large number of friends throughout the county who will rejoice at her recov ery. 8he Is a sister of Rev. Nathaniel Harding. DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS Suppose you knew a man who kept his shades drawn tight al Iday and burned kerosene instead of letting In the sunlight. Suppose you knew a man tolling along a dusty road who would not ac cept a lift'?when there was plenty of room In the wagon. Suppose you knew a miller?with his mill built beside a swift-running stream?who insisted on turning the machinery by hand. All foolish, you say? And yet look around you?how few retailers take advantage of the great advertising campaigns run by food, textile, cloth and every other manufacturing line that you can name! Thlnw a moment! What wan the last advertisement you read and won lered Just WHICH STORK IX TOWN would be progressive enough to have the goods in stock no you could see them?antl purchase? More goods are sold under the evening lamy at home than you dream of ** ? Practically every Ht* retailer advertises in his local paper. But how? Pl'T IT YOUR LIOHTXINO-R01>! l*et your customers know that you can deliver to them the goods which great advertising, I\UI> FOR BY MANUFAtTIRKRH, has Interested tthem In. They *111 sft the habtt?and you will get the business. Practically every manufacturer stands realy to help you help yourself. Ask them for electroyteps suitable to run In your own advertising. Hook their trademark to your store. Consumer demand for advertised goods is now divided broadcast among all the stores In town. ? . \ CHE YOFB A1>VKRTISIN? IN IjOGAI. PAPKRS TO FOCC8 THIS DK MAKI> X'rOK YOUR STORK. And don't forget to send for those help ful electrotypes. K*al this again, for It means money to you. un n i Mill i TMoiff ?illlinn~'"~TrrT frothingha*. {SH Advertising, Butte rick

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