A.k lor I'rot, ft, L. C>mbnn. v. Palace Barber Shup. nppoalte Ho it LoniM. ONLY CASH* MAKER. Cbrlattan Goori" the Can?> Ufn to here at No !10 M?r*et atrut Candies made fresh dally. He la the greatest Candy Maker In the South. Call and see him. 8-30. A*k Hmun> Fhnrrunty lor Parisian iff H*?re, If Yoa Want the ???*. Almost everybody !?, Washington knows that thect- Is no preparation Tor the hair that, can compare with 'Parisian. 8age. ^ f ' ;" I It cores Dandruff., stops falling hair and itching scalp in two week*, or money J>ack. It puts radiance and. lustre into that dull, lifeless hair that many women possess, and does it In a few days. It makft hair grow, prevents hair from turning gray and is without a doubt the most refreshing and lnvlg. orfcting hair tonic In the world. It is daintily perfumod and is not In tha least sticky or greasy. In summer people of refinement use it regularly, because it keeps the scalp cool and free from odot of pers. pf ration. <? ?o l? ,? '??1 ' On March *5. 1910, Lulu D. Fix. or Kaphine, Va., wrote-. "Parisian Sage la a wonderful hair restorer; It stopped my hair from falling out and stopped my scalp from Itching; also cured the dandruff. I only u*ed one bottle, but I like It so much I am going to use more." Parisian Sage Is sold by druggists everywhere and by Brown's Pharm acy for 50 cents a bottle. Mall or ders filled, charges prepa d, ?? *'ie American makers, flrottx r. J.. Buffalo, N. Y. FOB FKVERI8HXKH8 and ACHIKU. Whether from malarious .condi tions, colds or overheating, try Wck^s Capudine. It reduces the fever and relieves the aching. It is liquid?:10 25 and 50 cents at drug stores. CAIltfl 40 I'OIfS'DS IN 40 UAYS. Remarkable Result? of the New -J Mie Builder Bloodine, in M?uy en. !?rove it Yourself by Buying n RoMto of Blooding Now. "By George, I never ww anything like thai effects of that new treatment, for the building ay of weight and'lost hervo force. It acted more like & miracle than a modi-, cine," said awrell-kuown. gentleman ytttterday In speaking Of the revolu tion that had taken place fia his con ditlqn. "1 began tc tbtnk that there was nothing 00 enrth that could make me fat. I tried tonic*, digestives, 'heavy eating, diets, mflk, beer and almost everything els? yon could thick of. but without result." A?y man or woman who |9 thin can recovmr normal weight by the remarkable new treatment, Blood!ne. "I hare beet\ thin for Jre&r* and "be gan to think it was natural for me to be that way. fifolly I read about the reraarkablo processes brought about by the ub? of Bloodine, to I decided to try it rasolC Well, when f^ook at mytelf In tjAuirrow now. 1 think It I* somebo^elso. I havo put'on Jpat ?*orty poillflg faring the last forty days, and neVer felt strong er or more 'nervy* in m l.'fe " 1 ? Bloodine is a powerful inducer to nutrition, increases c^U-gvowth, makes perfest the assJmUallton of food, increases the antkber of blood corpusclea and aa a necessary result builds up muscles, and solid healthy fleshy and rounds out the figure. Ffcr women who can lever appear stylish In anything they wear because Of their thinness this remarkable treatment may prove a revelation. It is a beauty make* as well as a form builder and nerve strengthen Bloodine costs BO ecnts for the usual Mail orders filled la'.M.'!,"1*" 7th. N. a. ftt nd Gladden of "said city being part the Mine by Cbarle8 dated No Id said 135. pace 110, H ks having been executed to se KOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. to all whom It may concern: Ts*. notice, that John C.'a&d W. C Rodm-n !"v this day dissolved fbo partn^hlp bf-HOfW? existing between t>em in th? name of the Washington Dmk Company, and hafb sold the o'line villi good?wtll ?nd assets to Mesire. A. C. Hojrt, W. L. Vaughan and W. F. Rhyne, who assume control of the ssra? from'3 o'clock p. ih.. August 9th. 1910/ J. C. and W. C. Dodman arc responsi ble for the debts of the Ann contract, ud prior to that time, and th? pur chasers are responsible for :-:i obli gations contracted thereafter. J. ,C. snd W. C. Rodman have no'fnrthgrn connection with th? bustnesfl, and *re not responsible for any obliga tions except ss shove. % This, the 9th day of An gust. 1910. J. C. and W- C. RODMAN, r Trading as the Washington Drug Co. . ?- Iftijp Having qualified as executor of The estate of Mary T. McDonald, de ceased, late of Beaufort county. North Carolina, notice ii hereby given that all claims against said estate most.be exhibited and presented to the under signed vrtthin twelve (13) months from this 36Ui day of July, lilt, ?r. this notice will be .pleaded In bar of their recovery, if | persons'Indebted to said estate sre required to make Immediate payment. BETH BRIDOMANN. Executor of Marj T. McDonald. ' j i % 'j?: >? * Digad This Klh day at Jtlljr. 1U?. r NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of truat to me from A. W. 8tyron and iMfe. Marlanna Styron. dated 31st day of January. 1907. and recorded In the register's office of Beaufort county In book 144 at page 283, I will on the 13th day of September. 1910, at 13 o'clock m., sell for cash, be fore the Courthouse door In Waahliy*. ton, NT. a, to fee highest bidder. tS? lowing described real estate, tpwjt;* (1.) Situate, lying gnd being In Beaufort county. N'orth Carolina, and In Pantego township, afld being that certain tract of land well kn^wn as the Jackie Clark homeetead of I^aw rer' J Clark land, adjoining the lands of John Clark on the wesl. the Leach vjllo public road orf the south, the lands of Styron and Lovlck on the east and Puns?, riVer on-The north, containing one l-.tvkdred (100) acres moro or le^ (i ) ^he lands bllot'ed to Mar garet Lovlck and Marlanna Sty ron In *4# . partition entitled "John D. Clark, H .% Lovlck av<\ wif<-. Margaret, aud A. W. Styron and wife, Marlanna,; vs. Lawrence Clark. Catharine Clark and W. i& Wilkin son. gnardfan ad Utem of Catharine Clark,aald land being; lota No* + and 6; In said partltf ? . consisting of tracts or parcel* No** l, *j and 3 of such allotment, to which and to the final decree therein, recorded In the register's office of Beaufort county In book 91page 335, reference Ib hereby made; saving and excepting out of the name the store and lot in the town pf Leachvllle convoyed to W. .1. Harris; also the wharf hereto fore leased to the Styron Transporta tion Company; alao the 10 i-8 acres out of the said land convoyed to Mrs. Margaret Foremani and thfe grave yard. and one-hslf acre given to M. ?. Church, being the snme lands de scribed in the aforesaid deed of truat. This llth day of August. 1,9lu. A. D. MACLEAN. SHAKE imp SUES. Alien'. fr.ot^Eaai-. tlx antiseptic pow 4?r :scares painful, smarting, uer TOua feat, and Initantly take, the out of coma and tmnlopa. U'l t comfort discovery ot th? i'a Fool-Ease makes tljht It ixllniia d,v?i. " Always use !? Bp^on, N.;c I r.^. K ~ ^gjT Mjr Sav?r. . .. I taking considerable ?r young men on tttr y.uw *k?' bqprd." k mim rlak," ausweretl Uoue keeper. "But then, tbey worry u?r it no that > tbelr appetite*. ?o 1 BTI money Id tb* Ion* ron." Diplomat*. "I Mint oar boy a born Slplo. oat." "Has hs shows extraordinary ability as a prevaricator?" "Well. no. not tba* esactiy. bat be can cheat otber boy* la trades aod make thetn think tbey are getting all the b?t of V- ?' c / h8V| Napoleon and Woman. Napoleon 1.. who waa a great ad mlrer of female talent when it* owner did not, Uka Mme. de Stael. direct It against himself. ussd to ssy. -Tbere are women who have only one fault rify that they are not man.'" t/i Man and Woman. I When a man get? Into trouble tbi first thing he think* of Is. "Bow shall I get out of this flxr *Vben a woman gets Into troahle her first thought is. "How shall I best bear this miseryT -WI nif red Black. J.' . , , j Cheeky. "Does "Wlnka take any magastnesr "All he can get I don't do re to leave i lying around."?Birmingham Age Tbo Hurry Habit. "The most eaaaperatlu^ citixen I en couutor," says tUe retired professor, "is the cbap .who's always excusing himself for hla neglect of you ou the ground that he'a too busy to pause a second. His days and nights are so foil, the demands upon hla time are so many and so urgent, that you must forgtr6 him If he appears rude. You're, willing to forgive him for anything If he'll only forget to apologize. There are thousands of such citizens, bu sing like tops, trotting aroun<y a circle ?b big as a sliver dollar and getting from $13 to $20 a week out of life?if they have luck?while fbeir deliberate neighbor ne$t door'U alt down and think n few mlnfetes and earn $100/100 ? y*?r." ?Piftutb Herald. A Singular Request. A peculiar fate Is said to overhang the family of the late sir Julian Lrold smid. An ancestor of his. so aays the legend, once gave shelter to a rabbi, who at his death left to him a be quest of a mysterious box which was on no account to be opened until after the customary seven daya of mourn ing. If opened before that time* a curse would fall upon the family. Curiosity got the better of supersti tion. and the box was opened before the seven days were up. in it was found a document which said that as I the Injunction of the rsbbl bad not been heeded no future owner of the estato would 'be succeeded by a son. 1 And such, strangely enough, has Deen 'the case ever since. Took Him st His Word. In <be year of 1063 the force# of King Alfonso VI. attacked ule Moors and drove them out of Madrid. In this connection there Is u legend that tho Segovia ns. who were allien of Al fonso. bad been checked by the snows In the rtooptatn passes of Fuenfrla and were therefore late In overtaking the main body of the army, whlcb had sat dowA before Madrid.' "Sire." they Inquired of the king. "where shall we. campr* -Inside the city." returned Al fonso rrltb n sneer, twine angry with them because ft thelc-tardiness. They took the king at his word, carried the walls, and the nest morning the bca ner of Segovia was floating from a turret or the gat* of Guadalajara. Bs *Pr?par?tl. Daniel Wobster ouee -told a friend that Wis great speoch In reply to Hayne. wl^L'h is iho high water mark of modern eloquence, but which at the time was supposed to have been deliv ered witlioutoprciarntlon. had been substantia llfcpfyepared long before. When culler" suddenly to reply , to the fiery Carolluian'w attacks. which so alarmed the $fe\v Bpgtuuden at tho capltHl. be >cas entirely ?t ease and ready for the frny. foe. as he ?cjtd. he had -only ??? turn U? his notes tucked away in h pigeonhole." and tet/onti Ills recollecting "If'IJayne.** l?e said, -had triet! f?? make a *pee?b In tit nJy notes ho eon Id nc< have hit thezn bet fer No man is inspired by the occa sion. T never \rriw." ' "'OV.. DO. IlAKUlM ilrtLO STORE The use of mineral waters and mineral drugs in case of costly eness, Is decidedly harmful. The natural remody la Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Purely vegetable. A Alld laxative, which does not gripe nor bowel muscle*. ^My*a and Mr. W. B. the day -at ? ' == Personal Mention Major Wiley Q Rod\nan left moving; on tbe Atlantic Coast Line | on * professional trip.' Mr. R. H. Mixon. of South.Creek; wai in the city yesterday. Mr. F. B. Hooker returned to his | I home in Idalia yesterday. Mr. Millard F. McKcel. Jt'j' Mt this morning for Oxford, N. C-. where I he will vlelt for.a. few days before, !entering the A. & M. College at Ra lelfhw | Mr. Chauncy Pegram, of Bwan | [Quarter, is visiting his brother Mr. | 8. C. Pegram on East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ross have re | turgid from, the country where they [were the guest of relatives Mra. o. F. Hinoman. of Hamelt, N. C.. is the guest of t&r sister Mrs.. W. B- Morton on East Main street. Mr. Charles M. Little. 8r., of River Capt. R. 8- Griffin 1"4< to Norfolk j this morning on the excursion. Mr. Jo? Thomas left this morn ing'for Newport. News. Va.. where ho expccts to Join the steamship 8t. Paul of tho American line. He will be oile of the assistant engineers | Mr. wash Powers and son Lin wood j went to Norfolk this looming. Messrs. T. O. Spairow and Ned Miller wece passengers on the Norfolk [southern today for Norfolk. Mrs. C. E. Jordan and daughter Miss Olivia left this morning for I Ocean View. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buck man left Ithis morning for Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Bell, who have been the gueat'of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morton. oj? Bast Second at., 'returned to their home in Norfolk,! this morning.. Mr. and Mrs. .W. < Floyd, left on tbe Norfolk Southern this morning for Ocean View. Mr. John Tooly, of pelhaven Is in the city today on business. Messrs. R. L. 8tewtfrt, B. L. Arch bell. Geo. A- Paul left this morning for Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Mra. Roger W. Moore returned this morning from Ocracoko %here she has been visiting for several days and reports a fine trip. Mr. Will Thompson, of ; .Aurora, passed through the city this morning en route to Norfolk. ' Mr. L. .1. Moore, of the Mnore Lumber Co., who has been In the |city Mr several days returned to his home in New Bern this morning. | Mrs. Isaac Buck and Miss Lillian Woolard went to Norfolk today. Mis* Addle Fortlscuo left for Suf folk and Ocean View this morning. Mr. E H WWtley and wife re turned thie morning from a visit to relatives in Belhaven I Mr. and Mrs. I/. E. aro spend ing, several days in Norfolk. Miss Mable Jones who has- been Lvi?itlng relativea and friends 'in the i city has. returned to her tioftio 1,1 Norfolk. this' Teacher?Where did you leave your dictionary, Jimmy? Jimmy?1 left her at home. Teacher?Left her at home'. Why do you call the book "her?" Jlnimy?'Cfuso^that's v.bat dad calls It. 'cause be says it's ftlwayS got the last word. LARGE POTATO. :\ |Mr. J. B. Taylor, of phocowlnitj,' presented the News Otftco with a'aew potato this morning weighing two pound*. The f<yg!t*iar that aided In raising this potato was sold by Mr. N W. Ijitham the R- F. D. carrier in that section. HH 1 ? ?????? . ' | ORFATLY RE1>CCE1? RATES ? ' to ?/ 'm [NORFOLK AND VIRGINIA BEACo Mammoth Labor Day Celebration at Virginia Beach, Monday, Septem ber 6th. ? :::i . .. . *4 Tickets aold for a|l regular trains. September 3 and 4, good tp return on any regular train leaving Norfolk not later than Tuesday, September 6. Rou'M Trip Kates. * :y. ? ? From To Norfolk Vlr. Bes^J Oriental $1.75 ? *600 New Bem $2.60 $$.75 Washington $250 ? ,1?.75 IWbmv.n ?S1B j % ?2.S0 Columbia U.25 - ??.S0 Plymouth W.25, -? J2.50 Lni~ ~ ? IN THE TOWN AND COUNTRY WE WRITE FIRE, LIFE, PLATE GLASS, ACCIDENT & HEALTH INSURANCE We Have Nothing but the Best Com panies. WE WANT TO WRITE YOUR E C. D. PARKER OVER BOWERS-LEWIS & CO- TELEPHONE 85 Chaetaha Trained For tha Hunt. Trained cheetah* are umO hi Peril a ami India lu much lb? same manner that hounds are uaed In European an ! North American countries. The same they nre used to hunt la principally deer nod nntelopo The c!?etab is an anii~.nl with black and brown spots re gMDbUng a fetHiatd. but longer In body and l!ak The India: i princes keep pack* of them for the taunt. The beads of tlic hunting cheetah* an* usually covered with a bind unf.l within 200 yard* of the guuje. The hoods aro then removed. nn l the animals creep ateaJthily toward the hcnl and. having appcpacl?'<l n* near as p^sible.'pounce upon their prey. killing with ono blow of ttie.pnw.?I'cpular Mechanics. The Lamp* of tha Saa. Many kinds of jeQytlsh nre phos phorescent at night und present a wonderfully beautiful uppcarance when slowly moving through the wa ter. fend it is this phosphorescence which has given them the poetic title of "the lamps of the sea." They are not less beautiful In the daytln^. for most of the species nre striped of tint ed. some being melon shaped, with rows of fringes dividing the aectlou*. Tbe tentacles ore often plumed, nnd. while waving about in graceful curves, attract or gather In the food of the animal. The ?"Portueguese man-of war" Is probably tbe best known, as well as most attractive In form, of the whole fa mi: j. 8unday Papara. Tbe flr*t Sunday pnper In this coun try waa the Sunday Courier, begun at New York In 1S2TI HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them In Washington, and Good Reason for It. Wouldn't any woman bo liappy. After years of backarh? Buffering. Days of misery. nights of unrest, Tb# distress 'of urinary troubles. She finds relief and cure? No reason why any Washington! reader should suffer In the face of evidence like this: Mrs. Charles J. Jackson. 222 Tel fair st.. Washington. N. C., anys: "I suffered from kidney troubles for some time. The kidney se-.'ret!ou.s were so frequent In passage as t i cau.M* me great annoynuce. and ray back ached almost constantly. At <tc- ; casionul times- I bad such sharp, shooting--pains through my loins 1 could hardly perform nfy household | duties. 1 finally heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, and procuring a f y i>ly ?roni the Washington Drug Co . I began ihelr ^se. Thev strengthened my kidneys, regulated tho passage-.' of the secretions and entirely remov ed the pains In ray back. I have not had any kidney trouble since tusiif* , Doan's Kidney Pills. I can rfcnm mend them a* being far superior 'o; any other remedy 1 have ever trie J ' For pale Ky all dealers. Pric-?' f?? cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo New York, sole ageup* foj the Uni ted States. Remember vthe name?Doaa's-? and take no other. ' STACttlKRS SKKI*TIC8. That a' clean, nice fragrant com- j pound like Buckleifs Arnica JJalve; will Instantly relieve a bod burn. cut. | scald., wound or piles, &tigg*j?? sken tlcs. But great cure pyo-Zes It's a won derful healer of the wep-st sores, vl eers, bells, felons, eczdma, chapped hands sprains and corna. Try It. 25c. at all druggists. UFE ON PANAMA CANAL has bad one frightful drawback? malaria trouble?that hat* brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague. btllonsnesH, Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never (ail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured m_ of a very severe attack o.' malaria." writes Wm. A. Fret we 11, of Lurama, N. C., and I'^e had good health ever since." Cure stomach, liver und kid ney troubles and prevent typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by all drug JUST arrived! New Fal! and Winter Seed Rutabaga, Turnip, Rale, Collard, : and Rape. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle 6 Co} [ Odorless, Smokeless, Ex-] plosionless ELECTRICITY ?!S Safe as Sunshine] USE Mazda Lamps, And you will have both Quantity and Quality Ask us about our Special Wiring Offer Mra ELECTHIC PLUHT Some purgatives contain such strong drugs that, while they cause the bowels to move, injure the rteli cate linings of stomach anil i:..ie? tines, tiolilster's Rocky' Mntualn Tea la not In that class. It is light- j jly laxative and at the ?i. Unit! healing and soothing. Hardy's Drue ! 8tore. i A Woman'* firval Itieit Is how to make trcrselt attraeiive. j But. without neaah. 't is hard (or her j to be lovely ii. face, forui or temper, i A weak, sickly woman will be c?r-| vous and irritable. Consupatlcr. and Kidney poisons show in i !rnpies, blotches, skin * eruption? tn l a i wretch?wl complexion. Hut. nicr'rjr j Bitters always prov-s a godter.J tr j womeu who w. at r.f/ilth, beauty j friends. Th??7 regulate S? ? J Liver am! Kidn?r?, purify t!ie : !i>o.l g.\e strong nerves, bright eyes, pure j breath, ?inootb. velvetry skin, lovely I I complexion, good health. Try them. | |B0c. at Dr. Hardy's Drug Store. WHY SALVUS KAIL t? ? ? i*i5!: r:n5KM.i Scientists are now agreed that t'ie 1 eTzei/.a germ* are lodxcd not in the. liaJer sklu or epidermis, but in the Icjkt shin. Reuse, a penertatlni; llq.1 lid 1A required, not aa outward sa1vt? j that clotrn the pores. We recommend to all eczema pa tients tbe standard prescription Oil j of Wintergreen as compounded In 1 liquid form known as D. D. D. Pres-! eription. A trial bottle of this D. D-1 D. Prescription, at only 25 cents, will j Instantly r?lleve the itch. We have; ?old and recommended this remedy I for years. and know of wodnerful cures from Its use. We recommend J it to our patrons. HARDy DRUG CO. WW CAN LURK THAT HACKAt'HEi Psln along the back, dizziness, head And gou? ral languor Get h I p*cfragi> of Mother Oray's AUSTRA LIAN LEAF, the pleasant root and] herb cure for all Kidney. Bladder! and urinary trotibles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and wUh-J out energy us*, this remarkable oom. I blnation of nature's herbs and foots. | As a regulatoiWt has no equal. Moth, ?r Gray's AUSTRALIAN LEAP Is sold by druggists or sent by mail for &0 ct?. Samples sent FREE. Ad. TTie Mother Gray Co.. LeRoy, Success in a?y line Is dependent upon perfect health, strength and v, |ta;ity, more thaa upon anything *>?* | As Holllater's Rocky Mountain Te. | has helped so many physically an mentally. It has surely done its ahar* In putting man and women on the road to success and fortune. Hardy's Gaiety Theatre A. P. BARNES. Manager FINK REKLH TONIGHT. 3 "What the Daisy Said," a beauti ful drama illustrating the Gypsle's life In America ** "Mid the Cannon* Roar." A dra matic war setae of thp North and South. Frontier Life in the Went. A dashing Indian picture, one that will please. Hear the quartette King. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES TO NORFOLK AND VIRUIN14 BEACH VIA NORFOLK SOl'TllKRN IL R. Tickets sold for Saturday night trains, good returning, leave Norfolk Sunday night. Saturday i night, July 9, first date of sale and (every Saturday until Sep tember 3. j GREATLY REDUCED RATES Froju Norfolk. Beach. To Virginia Raleigh 12 *0 $2.75 Wilson 2.25 ^.50 Farmville 2.25 2.DO Greenville 2.25 2-50 Washington .... 2.00 2.25 Fares in same proportion from all stations between Raleigh, Belhavev and Norfolk. The night express of the Norfolk Southern offers th best ami most-con venient service between Italeigla, Eestern North Carolina and Nor folk, Va. Spend r.ext Sun-Jay at Virginia Beach, thf- ni' s=t attractive seashore report in Virginia. Get coc>vk:?? f:::'u niatibr:/fvorn nearest ticket ageut. or D. V. Con:i, ? !> ?lV ? ItaUlgl;. N. C. ll.'V :r*T:HNS. G. P. A. W W CROXTOX. A P. A., rcortolk, Va. A l>r?*a<lful Woua>I frani ? knife, gnu* tin ran, rusty nail, fireworks or qi any ether .i.it'ure. de msnd^pompt treatment with Buck Isn s Artl.Ioa Salve to prevent blood polsooV* gangren-. U'h the quick est, sorest healer for all sirch wounds as also for Burns, Bcii-*. Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema. Chanped Hands, corns or Piles. 25c. at^Dr. Hardy's torug Stove. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything etoe faHs. V nervous proeuBUon atul female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE h b the best medicine ever aold over a druggist's counter. STRUCK A RICH MINE. S. W. Bends of Coal City, la., says toe struck a perfect mine of health In Dr. King's New Life Pills, for they cured him of liver and kidney trou ble. after 12 years of suffering. They are the best pills on earth for con?tl pi Hon, malaria, headach*. djr< papal, |-nfl liability. 25c at all druggHtB. Wbetbar Ma Matarsoiu n a?|tnm Colli, or orarbaatut. trj Blilf Cap udMla. It ra4aaaa the fara^ and t? Uaraa tha aching, it'? 1'i.ald?1?. >1 and ?? casta. at drag mm.

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