JI ; ' r , NORTH CAROLINA. fllDAY ATTERNOON. AUGUST*^*!* the TAFT TOGETHER i THINKS THAT HAL.MSGKR IS V MIGHTY HXK KliLIXJW AS1I THAT Alii. THK Itlsr Alt I', KASCAI*. I'HAISKS WORK OF ?MB jgp TAVT." m San Franclawi. Au*. J;.?Sum* by the many attache mad* on him. Sec retary ol the Interior Richard A. Bal ~ltmer has issued i_^4?tetnent , fending his course. This Is the first sntwer in detail to critics. In 1^> attack^ the policies of his predeces sor, James R. Garfield, friend of Mr. Roosevelt, and the man W*o was the Initial cause of the Belllnger-Pln< ot row. Mr. Bellinger also declai that his stand aad that of Preaiden Taft hare been the syne. Out of Sh? multitude of accusa tion lodged against me by polfUcal conspirators, tn not one Instance bars my accusers been able to prodt any tenia tn support gtf their nao Hons. As the preeldent has eapre ed It "they centatned mere shreds of I eueptcton." In the two last analysis they cannot be dignified as even le-| gltlmate criticism. It may be said there is a difference In method 0t admlnlstratlqn between my conduct of the Interior depart ment and that of my predeceeeor. Whatever difference may be discov ered will probably be found In the fact that In my sdminlstration of the public domain I have felt the nec< city of having the authority of con gress, with which the constitution has lodged sole powers to p&scrlbe ? he law regulating the public do taain. In the other case any action when consldereed desirable was deemed au thorised unless there was some sta tuary prohibition against It? exer cise. This doctrine is too abBurd to warrant serious attention, it may appeal to the "hair trigger reformer" but not to anyone grounded in the priwHplea *f-our instltuUflBa. offetffee of whleh I appear to be guil ty la not being a lawless conserva tionist. ' ; v. " 'v? FOR HOVSERHKAKINO. There were two cases before His I Worship, Mayor Sterling this morn-] Ing the City Hall for trial. William Bailey, oolored, was In dicted for vagrancy. After hearing ttie caso the mayor 'gave the defen dant a week's time in which to se cure work which he promised to do. William Brlmmage, colored. Was Indicted for. house-breaking. He was bound over to the next term of Beau fort county superior court. Falling to give bond he was committed to J"'-.' iV UKINO I>CT IX ORHKR. The Washington Public School bunding la being put tn order ror the opening of the school on Septem ber 1?. The largest attendance In the history of the school la looked for. ROOF BEING PLACED. The rotSt la now feeing placed on tbo now Zlon church building for the colored people on Fourth street, it promises to be one of the moat lot poelng structures of the oolored church In North Carolina. The build ing will be dedicated sometime In October if nothing unforsoen hap in nor CUrk Nominated SAYS STATE COMMITTEE j CALI#* | El> KOB THE SIXTH MSTRICI ( TO SETTLE THE OOXTHST. Til I STATE CHAIRMAN to N AME A I .?The stati |Um haw I * report of'the special In Wtl?atln?. commute*. headed by I ex-Oovernora Jari-ta aftd Aycock, to the effect that lu the sixth congree-1 alonal district neither O. U- Clark, of I Bladen nor H. L. Godwin. of Harn ett count? waa duly nominated at I the recant aensatlonel convention at Wrlghtavllle Beach, and that there be general Toting primaries through ant the dtatrlct not later than Septem ber 15 for naming delegate* to ?Matr1ct. convention that ahall ? clar* who the Democratic candidate for coocrm In the district ahall ha Furthermore, that the chairman of I th? 3tata Democratic etecutlve com mittee ahaU name a committee necee- | ?ary to carry 0ut the recommenda tions In the report ThU latter feature meant that the I district executive cOmmlttM that I I had auch tarloua clayiea at the tlma I Iof the former convention, will be) I expected to ataad aalde and have t'd> 1 "aachlnery for tba primaries and the I convention set In motion by a non I partisan committee. It la under 1 stood that candlriatea generally for I the nomination for Congress can ? enter this new primary, which It le ? stipulated must be held In each ? county separata and apart and at a I different time from any primary or ? convcfnfon fcr any other purpose The meeting of the committee con. Pt twenty-four preeent in per anffHsn by proxy. Ex-Governor ack read the report of the lnves I Ugatlng committee, which consisted I of nix typewritten pages, and nvlew at considerable length the stlr faatore of the former dlatiict wnttun a*'ahnwlng that there I had been Irregularities that dls I Qualified both conventions for mak-, ling a legal nomination I There was a minority report from ? Hon. Thao. p. Klulx. of Sallnbury. ? Instating that p. I? Clark was thi lraal nominee of the Democrats of the ? district, hut declaring that In tho ? event the State committee aided with ? the majority report of this comratt I tec that there had been no nomlna |tion. then he concnrrad ? In the rec 1 ommendatlon that thare bo a general ? voting primary under the supervision I of the But* committee. PUBLIC BUILDING |Th? Public BnlKlUm Should Have II- | laminating Clock. It is to be hoped that when the I I public building It erected here by I I the ROrernraent It will be provided I I with an Illuminating clock. Theclt-I Llxens of Washington'are more than! Ianxious for this to be done and the! I Daily News trusts the department I I will accede to their wishes in this | I respect it wlH not only add consid erably to the appearance of the build-1 ling but will prove of Incalculable! I benefit to all. The time to place the clock la when I ? the building la being erected and no/1 J wait until afterwards as was done in | I New Barn. Oire us an illuminating clock on) ublic building by all means. Here are Some Other Good Num bers to be Found in Our Week-End Sale FOR TO-MORROW Store Closes at 10:45 , WHITE OOOIW. Genuiue Linonette, Sold everywhere for 15c. Tomorrow lie CRBDLE CLOTH. An elejpant fabric for Skirts or Suits. Tomorrow OC KILARXKY LIVEN. | A very' popular White Cloth, looks linen worth 15c For 12*c ?),) VESTS. 10 and 12 I-2c. Gauze On Vests, Tomorrow only UC f dm hkmnant covntkr Is quite a Busy Counter in Our Store Lots of Bargains to be had. Do not Miss It | ??? English Lonft Cloth, per ..nJSvE Dreaded! GREAT SANITARY VICTIMS1 THOUHAM*. or I.1VKS EVERY TEAR IN THE UNITED HTATE8. TYPHOID FEVEtt MORTALITY UKItVCEIV ;? I'KR CKtCT IK'RIAU LAST 40 YEARS. Tbe mortality from" diptherla. once 'one of the moat dreaded diseases, has been reduced since 1695. SO per cent. Do you realise what this means? It means that, basing the estimate on the census reports, 100. 000* lives are saved every year In I the. United States alone. This la due to the 4tscovery by von Behring of aptitoxin as a care and preventive of tlhs dlaease. The French and the German governments gave von Be bring $60,000 as a prise, for what they considered the discovery most beaeflelal to man that was made be tween the years i860 and 1000. Tphold fever has had Its mortal ity reduced 3?-per cent daring the last forty rears. Many cities have reduced their typhoid mortality from 45 to 98 per cent by Installing flit era for their public water supply. Many of these cities have stilt fur ther reduced their typhoid death raet by providing intelligent dairy in spection. After a pure water and milk supply have been provided, the remaining cases will disappear just in proportion as the sanitary Intel ligence of the community grows. And the food for this gdowth muBt be furnished by the press and public schools. Tuberculosis, certainly the great est disease problem before the world, is yielding Just In proportion. tQ the extent of the educational campaign waxed against it For example, in Germany; with its present rati- of decrease continuing thirty years, the disease will be exterminated. Coring the last half century the mortality from consumption or tub erculosis among the English-speak ing people has droppod 49 per cent. In.England and Wale*.froV; ?g ,4V DEPITY PRO-TKM. Mr./IKI.IKVKI> THK JKWK AIIT RK SIDNNIHLK Kill THK KPHKAl). MORK TWA\ OXK THOtHAM) DAII.fi HYING. BAD IK THK JKWIH QI'ARTKR. St. Petersburg. Aug. 25.?The cholera epidemic believed to have been controlled Ih St. Petersburg, has broken out 4rtth renewed se verity. Advices received here today from Kief, say that it la sweeping taht city also, being particularly bad In the Jewish quarter. The authorities believe It was carried to Kief by Jews who re turned secretely to their homes after ; being driven out. The death rate continues at more jtkan 1.600 a day. The epidemic is raging at widely separated points. Including Kara, in Trange Caucaala, Omsk. In Asiatic Russia.' on the Trans-Slbertan Railroad; Tomsk; Uralsk and near Moscow. The In habitants of the latter city are In [tarror. GOOD BREAK The Farmer* Were Well I'lpwnl With Yesterday'* Tobacco Rule. ^ Over live thousand pound* of to bacco the Washington tobacco warehouse >esterday. The price* wore good and the farmers were dimply delighted with result*. Washington's tobacco market is go ing to bo a record breaker thl* year. For an o|?ening no market In North Carolina has Rurpa*Ked It. We are coming right to the front. OVERHKAT !?:?>. Mr. Thomas Carrowoti while en gaged In building an addition to the residence MA .TenuU Jarris on Ea*t Main street, was overheat ed this morning due 10 the extreme warm weather. He managed to get to the ground unassisted. Dr. E. MM. Brown, the attending physician, says that he will be able to resume his duties In a short while. H lm anayfrDa8X>7DVMwUrrri* His many friends will be glad to know his condition Is not more ser ious. BITER IIOAI) STATION Kim Mr. J. Edwin Jones, of Norfolk, after an extended visit with rela tives In Washington, Jamesvllle an< other places, returned home last week, accompanied by Miss M. M. Cherry, of River Road, who has been very 111 for several weeks. Dr. oJhn 0. Blount treated Miss Cherry until she improved suffic iently t go to Norfolk and is now with Mrs. Cleo. R. Jones, being now treated by Doctor Street, one of Norfolk's most skillful physicians. NOCOMI8. Aug. 23. A man who In the struggle of life has no home to retire to. in fact or in memory. Is without life's best re wards and life's best defense.? Timothy Tltcomb. 1'KOVKKBM AM) PHRA8EA. Honor is unstable and seldom the same; fc\ she feeds upon opinion, and Is as fickle as a fool.?Calton. Hope uever spreads her golden wings but on unfathomable seas.? JEiianoa. .? MANY VISITORS. ? Walking down town last night I saw a, good many young lady visitors In Washington. I would like for some of them to find their way to ray studio. I know It Is best to pat ronise you home town, but neverthe less come up and give our studio ? close and caref?\ lookover and tell us how you like the looks 0f things. We will appreciate It. BAKER'S STUDIO. POPIUIR RKTRKAT. / The reading roorat. and njmiuifr him of the Young Men'* Ghrtatlan LHIW. are berornlng mora popular all the while with the young men. Evnry night Urge number* Tlalt the rooms Kverythlng wholeeome Mid lavltlpg hu l/en prortdvd for their comfort end pleaavre. This nrganluUlon U doing a nobl* work In Washington among (he young men Aa ?oon ai the weather ?eN ? little cooler the Sunday afternoon service*, which were dlapenaeJ i during the luiiir will be rema THE FIRE CHECKED and Snow Aid the Fire Fighters in Northwest IS NOW UNDER CONTROL MOKK CHKKBFl'L KKIDHTH KK CKSVEI) KROM THK FIRE 1?IH TRICrr. - ALL EXCEPT OiLlr FORMA FIREH NOW THOUGHT TO HE PN1>KH CONTROL Spokane. Wash.. Aug. 26.?Rain and snow are checking the north west forest fires. Following the scattered rainfall of yesterday, today I brought more cheerful reports. It If believed that the worst Is past and yet before the Area now raging burn themselves out the property loss may be fully 950,000,000. Although the loss of life among the forest rangers will not be as great as was at first supposed, fresh reports received today Indicate that the total death list will be above 200 at the least Though the situation In Montana. Idaho. Washington, and Oregon is Improving, according to today's ad vice*. the situation in California Is worse and It is feared that the fires In the 8lerras will do Immense dam age. At Heena and at Butte, Mont., companies of the rallltla were to day held under arms In readiness to be sent Into the field against the fires at the order of Qorernor Korrls. The Thompson Palls fire and that along L'no Clark Pork Valley toda.v were the moit esrlous. the worst of the others, the report said, having been isolated. The c^ilef danger at the present time in the opinion of the forest ser vice officers. Is the springing up of a high wind. The pacing of the Osllntln reserve Is attributed to the two-Inch rain snowfall. This checked the progre** of a wall of fire severa miles' long which was sweeping toward the Yel lowstone Park. A downpour In the Flathead country materially Im proved the aspect of the flghl ther The ralnB have come at the crucial moment. Worn^ut with day*, and in some cases weeks, of . incessant fighting, the hundreds of men who have been back-firing and using all other resources In the futiel attempt to stay the fires, are exhausted. It Is feared th amtsny of the men In hos pitals will be unable tn recover com oletely from the terrible strain of their battle. LAST GAME Aurora Attain C'omp* Out Under Wire Ahead of Swan Quarter. Aurora and Swan Quarter played the last game of the sea?ou between them Wednesday at Swan Quarter. Aurera won by a score of 2 to 0. Aurora made * hits; Swan Quarter 0. The batteries were: Aurora, Hollldla and Thompson; Swan Quar ter, Brlnn and Swindell. Struck out by Hollldla S; by Brian 4. Aurora has made a most enviable record on the ball Held this season and every member composing the team la to be congratulated. They have won 12 games and lost 4. Aurora la a ball town and they are firm believers In the sport. ANOTHER VICTORY. Aurora won again at Swan Quar ter yesterday. The score wan 2 to 0 In favor of Aurora. The pitching of Holladla for Aurora was the feature of the game. He succeeded In not allowing a single Swan Quarter ar. tlst reaching the first bag. He Is truly a wonder In the box. A large cro*r* wltneased the con test. The batteries were: Aurora. Hol ladla and Thompson; Swan Quarter Griffin and Swindell. |*LK8AXT OCCASION. Mr. and Mrs. George Hackney. Jr. gave a dance at the Country Club Tueeday evening In honor of Mr. Hackney'a brother, Mr. .11m Hackney of Wllaoif. Quite a number were present. l.lght refreshments were vented. The music waa furnished by the Waafilngton Concert Band. TO KKTTON HATI'HDAY. I Rev. Mr. Sullivan will return Sat-1 [?rday evening and will occupy his! llBlt 8unday morning and evening. Bellinger having more trouble the Tart and Roosevelt com Another hot wave i loo u. STRUCK OH HEAD Night Clerk ?t Hotel Gaston Hit by the Bell Boy WITH A WATER PITCHER XICJHT CLERK COX AND HELL 1IOY JAMES DAVIS HAVE HOI WORD* IX THE HOTEL i; ASTON AT NEW HERN AND COXH SKI LL U AH FRACTURED. ^ - A few word* betvjr- clerk Cox and the bell Davis, colored of H -ton. last night about 7 o'?v* ? .^suited In Co* receiving a blow^fn the head from a metal watere pitcher filled with Ice water, that caused a fracture of the skull, the young man being taken to the sanltorlum as soon aa possible, a later report saying be w/s la a ser ious condition. Dtvls after the blow was struck fled out of the rear door, the affair taking place In the passage way at the rear of the hotel. The cause of the terrible affair seems to have been a senseless one of words, leading to a threat to strike and a blow given that may prove most serious In results. The assailant Is still at large. THK OEM THKATRK. Big Special 4 Reel Programme. .All Feature* iOOO Feet. Tonight the patrons of the Gem will be afforded an opportunity of witnessing the finest and longest all feature proKramme ever shown upon a motion plct'ire screen in this city. The bill consist* of four feature reels, the cr-am of the association output The Trlmmlrp of Paradise Oulch?the mont nbsolutely new and original Western story ever put on picture form. ' . ? In the Border States?Is a blog raph and no period or the United State* history is more fascinating than that of the civil war. This blogrnph subject is one of special value on account of Its dramatic strength anil scenic beauty telling a pretty ?tc;ry of heroism on the part of a Utile child. The Ple??e of TJice?by Edison 4eHe- - a tense dramatic story of Parisian life provided for the celebrated actress Mile Pilar Morln. Its a story of love Jealousy, hate, revenge and devotton. Mile Pilar Is ably supported by a special cast. Friends?Kalelns feature reel de picts a love story whh-h represents a tenderness bringing out the theme of the story in a way that leaves a marked favorable impression. Don't mles tonight's big treat. AT THK IJAIFTY.. Last night wag another big one at the Gaiety Theatre. The citizen* of Washington seem highly pleased with the Blind Boy's Orchestra. The pictures al>o were exception ally good last night. The pictures for tonight are the following: The Gambler'* Doom?Gauroont. Drama . Love's C. O. D.?Star. A War Drama. ? An Advertisement Answered?Es sanav. Comedy. Blind Boya Orchestra?Nult Sed. FOR ME II 1IKHIUKNT HKUK. Mrs. Bettie Hamlin, of Norfolk, one time a resident of this cky, la visiting Miss Bettie Farrow, corner of Bonner and Fourth streets. Mrs. Hamlin has many friends In Washington who are Rlad to see her. I/OWKKIVU MAIN. 1 tThe water main on Water street is being lowered on account of the proposed street paving. This course was taken also on Wee* Main street. V RRTl-RXM) 1,AST NIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shelton return ed home last evening from Tunck hannocU. Pa., where they were united in marriage ^ Thursday, August 18. Mrs. Sh-iton was before marriage Miss Agnus Rhodes. She la one of the most popular voung'ladles In that State. Mr. Shelton |s a moat worthy young mna and ia employed by the jFulford Hardware Company. | They were accompanied home by Miss Annie Bette Shelton. KKXATOItlATi CONVENTION. Th? convention of the aecond Sen Mortal district has boon called to ?Mt at Balhareu on Weduatar nl*hl. B*pt?mber It at t o'clock for the parpoae of nominating two aana (ora and >ba tranaactlou of wkatarar otbar bualntaa mar com* baton th* convention '