? 1 ? - ~= JGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY \FTERNOON. \Uf UST ?, 1911. ? " -?, 1 ' ! ? ~~ - ' ~~ NO. 32 OKNKHAI. VKIFORM PRIMARY CAKIHUATK NO THE MAJORITY TO -BE THE NOMINEE?WII.L NOT IlK-KNTKR RACK 1-, ' 7 I Raleigh Aug. J7 ?Tb? sixth dis trict middle n? to wliethpr tf L. Godwin shall hare the Democratic, nomination to succeed himself whether O. U Clark or lome other Democrat of the district shall be the nominee. . Godwin .and Clark having both ctaMned the nomination In the for-, mer sensational district convention? is to be jf tUed September 16 with a general uniform voting primary throughout the district the candidate that received the Aioet votes to declared the nominee provided he re ceive* a majority of the votes o&t. Furthermore al Iwho expect to enter the race for nomination are to All notioe to this effect with the special state* committee qvl^ot before Septem Iber i. This was the decision reached th(s evening by the special committee of the state democratic executive com mittee named to hold the primary composed of Hon. J. R. Young Col. J. Bryan Grimes and H. A. Foushee. During the afternoon the committee heard suggestions form O. L. Clark. A J, McKlnnon. H. U Godwin. S. O. Clifford and E. r. Young. All were found to be pretty cloee together in the matter of what was entirely willing to cut out any poet primary convent Jos The knottiest problem I, how to deal with the legalised primary laws of New Hanover and Robeson coun ties. This Is ^ be worked out later and the Impression seemB to be that the uniform voting primary <^n be In these counties Just aa. they sre in the others for the Reason tha* P?ls Is simply *n extraordinary feature of party tnsehlnery that Is not obliged to conform to these special county The detailed machinery for the primary Is being worked out aad will be anounced later One of the poll holders at each precinct 1, to be sent on September 1? to the county ?eet frith the precinct returns. These returns to the county sre to be re ferred otthe special state commit tee here In Raleigh and this commit, tee. J. It Young. chairman *wfll can ?as, these returns and formally de dare the nominee on September the' 20th. J. A. McKlnnon of Maxton ssya he will not re-enter the race for the rea son that he bad acqutesed In the nom lnstlon of Clark in the former con vention. So he will mske a fight this time for Clark. It is ssld here thst klc C lam my of Ne*r Hanover will not run In tho primary and that It Is very doubtful If Cook of Cumberland will run. r? ;t V. . ?>.-> . ' If 4 ' So It look, like a clean field for a sharp fight between Godwin aad Clarlc. ? :V. . RacJr From & Mr. George A. Phillips 'returned home flatur4ay night from Hyde cpunty where he made a tour of that 4 county with a party of friends, in fcfs automobile. Notwithstanding he ciirae in contact wltfc the mud several tl?sf. hp report* a fine trip. f(r Phillips wa*, one 9f the deleg+*t leaving today for Providence to tpke In the waterway convention. He es peeta to be gone about a week Master 8beHon Moose lSback from Oeeearllie whese he Halted relatives aad frleads & ^I Wejbave just received our new line of . -: >-".: HOSIESY For the coming- season which is stronger? than ever, especially in "point of weave and fineness of Tex ; ; ti>re. .7;: ';;;' ?;/_pi f ' !f' I ^5* Btack Out Size Silk Lial?t (lose - - s4c No. /17 Black Gauze Lisle How - ?? ... . 2ic. These two number* are Specials. 83' - ?ifliiSKv' _ ? ? Estrada Proceeding to i as New Ruler COAST HOSTILITIES ENDED > " r i -ir> THK POUCf OF THE KM' AJ> M1MSTKATIOX jCr Wahrjkh; TO\? MKKA THU ACTIMi PRK8 1I>K.NT AH YKT?APPOINT COM MITTKK. f, Managua. Auk 59.?Jo?e JJolure* Estrada, to wbom President Madrtz turned over the administration of the NlcaranguAn government bofore fl?# lag the country Saturday retlrad" Irom the preadieney in farot- o( Qai by blm aa acting passidqnt of the re pubic. This change <>* administration was In accordance irlth instruction from Eatrada'g brother, General Juan J. Estrada the head of the provisional government, and leader ofthe aac^ cesaful revolution against Madrlz. General Mesa immediately took *6a-: seelou of the presidential manalou. , The prefect of Managua baa Issued a decree to the Inhabitant* of the capital instructing them to decorate their domic ilea In honor of General Joan Estrada, who la coming to the capital. General Juan Ffctrada arlred at Gran da at S:30 o'colck Saturday afternoon. ''One of the first acjs of the actlag president waa to appoint a committee to go to Granada and escort the tri umphant leader of the reraolutlon to the capital. The final clause of an agreement algnedlaat night provide* that the free election for the presidency which, acocrdtng to the proposal a or the commission of conciliation should occur within aix months. shUt he held within a year from the present time. B!ue4eldn. Aug. ?9.?General Juan J. Ba trad a president of , Nicaragua la aa t he ftrat act of ? his adailn latration sending to Dr. Salvador Caa trlllo. hi? personal representative in the United States and minister to Washington from the provisional gov ernment a note aetting forth the pol icy ofthe new administration In the note he will pronounce for the ve-establlshment of the finances of the country, the elimination of Zelayalam, the abolition of private privileges, and concessions and com plete compliance with the terms of the Washington convention, aiming t9 put a atop tothe perpetual revo lutions In th% Centra American state* and encroachments by one state np on another. **? In the note. It Is -understood, he pledgeg himself to free elections to I the presidency of Nicaragua to be held within six months. HAYK RETURNED. Rev. . A. Sullivan and family have returned rrom visiting relatives and friends In Richmond and other points Mrs. B. A. Cheatham mother of Mrs. Sullivan la here to upend the,winter. M.v Sullivan filled his pulpit Sunday morning and evening to the delight of the congregation. RATTLE OF BAITXRAg Today forty-ulife years ago tho bat tle of Hatteraa wan fought The Washington Grays, under the com mand of Captain TbOman'Sparrow, was In the straggle, it occurred on August 2?. 1X81. There"are several member* of the company still living, residents of this county. , Ml sir Kb Those who attended ths First Ktrtbodtat church Sunday evening ea Joyed greatly th? music as rendered by Mr. BQ**ne Aausr. * taqg nam W loitered after'the aerjlceT> hear him Dlar ' It was a treat ????h ? i *? Experience A SMALL BOY SAVES HIM AVTBK A SWCftSHKlX RWIHH' OF |l?? KKKT, HE KKOIM SOU - PBKT iXI> KTKIWJLE8 IS A oHoei'v sivv ? voukq, UU) I FROVE8 A HKItO. New. York Aug. 27.?Struggling In a choppy torn and in the grip of sink ing Aeroplane wreckage a fdll mil* <Sjnt land J. C. Mara. theavlator. barely escaped death today after bin defective Qjt^g macbi.no had mad^ one great swoop df 1.000 feet and then a sudden drop of 560 feat more. The effect of hlg life belt loet be cause of the mass of sleet that en veloped him. Mars was Blowly .1 surely being dragged below the' sur fac? of the wares deaplU hla frantic efforts to rid himself oft he deadly 4*"." Hundreds or persons who were watching him from tlte shores 0f m? gate knd Statin Islands saw his fate and pot about to help him, but every human agency for saving his life was. too far away except boy and a man In a small fishing ?mack that was racing madly in the teeth of an offeshore breeze. | (Mars saw the smtck snd the man a)id the boy ?aw the aviator going to hfa death and every aecond was put ting yardds between mars and the Smack frhen in the emergency of his life, the boy proved himealf a hero. Grasp ing a knife he made a flying leap over the stern of the smack and landed |n Hh dory which was being buffeted about in the wake of the Ashing In an Instant he had cutk the haw- I >er grasped the oars and (was making for Mara who within a few momenta more wta bound to die unleHg help reached him. The lad worked away a* the big I are like t demon and inside of three or four minutes had managed to rm. alongside the wounded aeroplane. Backing Into the wrocktge the boy | reached over and caught Mart hand. Thus he held him. Mars ntlli unable to dlaengge him pelf from the wreck* The grasp ofthe child's hand was never released until great ald# came and paved Mars. It was nesrly a quarter of aa hour before the man in the smack could Joekey bis way-back Or before the Merltt-Chapman wrecking tug. Hnstlor, or the Sea Gate ateamer. Set Gate, both of which had started out from thsehore t^ the rescue eould reach him. In that time he would have been lost FAIliFIKLI) NOT ICS Mr. Joe Maun has returned from Iticea N*. Y.. where be haa been at tendfng school Dr. R. N. Cart right and family hare returned after some weeka abaonee. Mr. Ouy Oqtherle and wife hare moved Into the Dr. Harris place, pre paring to take our school In charfe about the middle of Ooptember. Prof M '.H. Tillette. and mother have returned to Kllxabeth City wbffe Mr. Tillette will engage In the lav bualnesa. Mr. Re<*tpn thp lake drainage engi neer haa been laying out ahe atate board of education vrtlh Meaars. Wal ter Jarvln and R. R Davenport, view era of the Mk* Dralnge (Uatrtel sp?*t the nijrht thla week with A- L Coth rell- They are on the final trli? ?roand the district. Mlaa Mary Maaon recently return A from quite an extended trip to I. taty. Mr Charlie Swindell of HfcmptOfe. Va.. was here this week. Mr. George P.' Carter rettt*?*d from Gumneck recently wher? ha went on buelneaa relative to bis farm at that place. Mra a. P. Carter and Ina Spencer spent aom? time* at the Creak this an0 Mt. jam?* Ouy Swindell la home' en Vacation from hi,,' work at the 'Bee Jfclve store In S City I Mr Atkleaon e? Belbaven ?ad Mr Iflpelght of Nawbnnj waa here ttila Mr and Mra M^no and Mian Ann'.e Nalaoo are apendiag tome time in the LNor?h . - J -- [ Captain Spencer lost a aloe horse Kwotly 'T "?k-> Mr T. B JgmMn M a Wfcabiagton vis itor this week Dr. Otbhe (and f Mim a Mr Mowon) o# Hewbern were dowa l? In auteaabtfia visiting the doctor's pa rent it Mr aad Mra 0 H B O'toba Mr H C Ctrtor was a Washington visitor lUt ??ek Mr G. B O Noal Is saptdl/ cwmplet in* hl? hfcndaotao ?ew noma efc e*? g a stock y heavy Personal Mentions Mr. P. P. Maxwell ha* returned from an exteuded trip to Asbevllle and resumed his position at Hard's drug stofa. ! * ? ? -'v &.J '* ? *J-\' Mr and Mrs. K B. Moon have re turned from Raleigh where they have been, visiting tl*elr daughter. Mm. Paul Tfllery. -? J? !" * ? . Mr. p. 8. "Worthy a clever Knight ef the drip, art red in the city Satur day night. i/.;,; '$*? ? ? Dr. John C. Rodman and wife left on Che Atlantic Coast line t!hlw morn ing for Providence R. I.> to attend the Atlantic- Deeper Waterway con Mr. 1. H. Morrla returned home laat night /rem New York and other points. ^ > - 4 : f/'5tyv S<* ?- ? Miss Stella Phillips ta hack from Hyde county where she lias been the guest of Mies Maggie Warren. Mrs. A. H.*Hamblin lift on the Norfolk Jb Southern this morning for her home In Norfolk, file has been the guest o? Miss BatU* Yarrow. cor- J ner of Bonner and Fourtli streets.. ' * * Captain W. H .Ellsworth has gone to Providence to atenQ the waterway convention. . C is Hon John H. Small and wife l?*ft this morning fbt" ProfMence to at tend the Atlantic Deeper Waterway Association. Mr. SraaU 1? expected to make one'of thp principal address. e? before that body. ? ? Mr. Fred Wolfenden of Chocowln ity .was e Washington visitor to day. V j ? ? Mr. William Bragaw 1b now &i>end-. lug a few day* at Battle Creek Mlc? lga?.*~ Mr. O. A Spencer left for Provi dence R. I. on the moralnp a. C. L. ? ? Mr. J. R. Wilkinson of Belhavea, jwaa in the cfty this morning on busl neee. ' ' Mr. J.-N. Paul of Belhaven brother of Mr. Oeorge A. Paul 1ft In the city on his way home from New York and other points. Miss Katie Styron of Kewbern Is thee guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rich ardson on West Main street. j Dr. Jno. O. Bount left this morn ing for Providence ft. I. ? ? Mr. W. A- Tankard, of Bath was In the city Saturday. ? m Mr. O. T- Allen of Pungo. was in the city Saturday. Mr. A. M. Dumay left on the N. & S. this morning for providence. R. I. ? ? Master Carmer Cordon is spending a few days in the country this week. Mr. W. H. Lodge I? iu Plymouth today on bunlnens. I M?a*ni B. L. Susman. Walter Cr<?-! die ?nd C. M. Little, left on the X. and 8. thi* morning for ProYideare. I *. I. ' . ? ? Mr. L- W.- Gutlfrie of ChoeowInUy. ?tn*.in the eity Snturdar. ? Mrt. J. W. Oden left thlt morning to visit friend? la Cre?well. ? ? ? Mr. G. W. Thomas left thin- morn ing for Norfolk, Va. ? ? Mr. d. J2. Edwards left thin morn, lug for Plymouth on tmslnaM >lr. J no W- Mayo, aad wife of Au rora paaaed through the ?lty' this morning for Providence Mr?. P P Blount who h*a been v tatting Mca W R." Morton, returned Jo her home In Norfolk tMa moru tug v: V." r-": ? ? Mr and Mm K L Rojer. upeat yeatefday in Ptnetown the gu#*t of Mr. and llr? J "t Kiilingawerth Dr aad Mm D T Tar?oe. Utt tfctgj moratng fnr .Provides*** R I jl ftir A- .MeCullen retiree* thv? morning fr?? v**ca*ar i , Mr A o Kctm returned tkU mn/rfiug from a oi^aaor*- irtp to TTen-| dofrnoaviMa aad nthftr t>o*ata la Wast-' oyn North Carot.'aau J, 1 Mrs 8 T,or.ki?r retoj^e-i this i^i l??* froea a irt?wnify. tnr> to Rot* Mm. J. K. nnd eoo. returned this Taornltig from *B #z , >i vl*it t? relative* frfeods In Rrral , r J M. DaTeapoTt of Acre waa ? . .11, Ui. 6RTIIIIK SUIIIMtlll He is the Favorite to Lead the New York Fight TO LEAVE THE HOSTITAL THK NKNTIMKNT IS SO HTKOXO FOR GAYNOR THAT IT HAS J'ArHKU A LVLL IK THB INS CRIPTION OP OTH Kit NAMES FOR THK IJwADING I'LIUE New York. August 27.?A canvass! of the state by the New York Times has resulted In findings which that newspaper will (ummarlz* tomorrow j an follows: "So strong and no general Is the Oaynor sentiment that It has caused a lull In the discussion of other uame* which, had been mentioned for the leading place on the Democratic tick et. Both In its nature and in the1 element among the voters which holds to It. The Oaynor sentiment Is closely akin to the feeling for Col. Theodore Roosevelt and Governor CharleR E- Hughes when they were before the people as csndldates for office or for a nomination." Mayor Oaynor has repeatedly declar ed that he did not wish to be a candi date for governor. If he should be nominated and de cline. it has been sugested that he lama n iiihitltnta i-?n/iM?to New York, Aug. 27.?Mayor Gay nor, It was taated tonight, will In all probability leave 8t. Mary's hos pital In Hoboken -tomorrow for his country place In St. James. Long Is land If not tomorrow he will leave Monday. AT THE GAIETY TOXKiHT , The crowds who visited the Gaiety Theatre Saturday night enjoyed the program very much. The pictures were exprps*ed by all the best seen here in pome time. The music furnished by the Mind Boy's both vocal and Instrumental, was highly appreciated by those who were present. The long and varied programme that will be presunted tonight will prove to be equally as good consist ing of three ful lreels. The feature picture of the oven lug will be "Old Glory"?Vitigrawh. This is a picture that will profoundly stir the i>air!ot!c Impulses in every person's breast. s "The Unknown Claim" (8. & A.) Js a feature Western picture. A plot I of exceptional Interest with thrilling I rides lively action and a highly dra matic climax are Its featux^s. Like the others In Its scenic settings and '.Is superbly photographed. "A Night on the Coast." a beaut I |ful drama by the famous Goumant Stock Company. This picture Is lnter jesting from the first scene to the clo?e I The Blind Boys will play and Bing all new stuff making the entire pro gram one that will be enjoyed by all who witness It. Remember you al ways see the best ones first at the Gaiety CAT IHSTI'HIIS 1?EACF. A cat wnlking on the roof of the Blount building la*t night between ten and eleven o'rlrxk disturbed iiot only the employes In the central tel ephone office Irtit pedestral-na pacing bv. At first it wag thought In be a burglar. Those Interested were great ly relieved when It wae found to be otily a mt oninvii* rhe cooling breez es of the summer time. , DRAIN LAND A Survey Itelag Maile U> IH-nln Ia'M Afferent CUy Private Individual* are now hav ing a mrrev mad* of the landa begin nit* At Fifth afreet tip to Dr. J. C Rodman's farm and ac.roaa a&m*. thenrre It. an easterly direction to tbe old Washington and raaMtrtM* rjad [and Mroaa the Small wood and Bangh in Meld for th? purpaee of draining the avo* by taiaMon - Tie city Ira* Ween aaked to cooperate fn this B9?f Tbe entire board of A'/?r??? *t?k*d tbi propoaed drainage territory la* week The city ra-jMl a? <be urn* Mm p. drata the north era pa* of the <Htjr ?Ui? ahonid be done b/ ?? mm** ? T?e Imtly nAwi win bare aomothlnc I more to uf'<> tbi* t?9*rt?V lt*ui ia?ar oa '? TO LKAVB WJEDmDAT Mr. Walt o? Walter# oft be tra o( gpeorAT Brae . expecta u> leava Wfd neaday ttornta* for northern avketi !to ptftrtaaaa fbe tall aad wiarer atx>cg /or thai wel> known trm. ! Mr ?nA Mra J W Floyd haro re turned M* Norfolk. THE OPERA ISABELLA Pfiflpf I ' IB BE /SlUSICAE FEAST Will be Presented It the Opera House oa Friday Evening, September 2, (or the Benefit of the Ocean Fire Company?The Cast by Local ?Talent The opera leabella is to te present^ at Brown', opera house on Friday evening. September 2. by local talent and promisee to be quite a treat (or the lovers of good music. It Is to be presented for the benefit of the Ocean Fire Company. Being for a worthy cause It should be liberally pat ronised. The following is the syimi slK of the opera: ACT 1. >1V The scene opens with the treasurer and servants in the r?Ss| palace who demand their/pay. which is lor.g past due. The kingdom if in a sut* of financial ruin?money Is all gone a* the qneen Is so extravagant. The king and princess apepars on the sceie and lnquireM of the treasurer what i* al Ithe confusion. Columbus makes hl? apeparance to ask for help?to further his plans. The princess and Columbus fall |n love at first sight, but the king being a Catholic does net believe in divorces, so he lg angry with his daughter who has left her husband. Queen Isabella do?s not care, so all goes well while she t? near. After the queen's solo then she tries explain to the king all about ttour o! Columbus wants to make 0ut west In search ofthe new world, but he won't listen to her and the act closes by Isabella Living her own way as u?ual. ACT a Find* Columbus on board ship. After hla vision solo he has a dream of the new world and what takes place Is what he sees in the theater on Broadway N. Y. ACT n. The opening duet by princess and father praying for the safe return ef her lover. Columbus. The triumphant march brings him once more to her. The queen bestows the hand of her daughter to Columbus but the king never gives his consent. Isabella has her way as usual and all ends hapoy in the end. The Daisy Queen of Spain rules as all women do In the end. WAS AN ERROR Hwnn Quarter ltoivnw Aurora in Final Game of Heu*on Aurora N. C., Aug. 29.?An error ,was made in your paper Friday re garding th?? last game of ball Aurora vb. Swan Quarter. We would like to have thin error rorerted. as below. The Aurora Champs tfter taking three gamen from Swan Quarter this week went in Thursday for tho last game of the season with ?ore limbs and muscles tnd loat by the score fit 9 to G. Final Bcore: R. H. E. Svaui Quarter 9"1l 5 Aurora R S 5 Batteries: Sawn Quarter. Griffin and Swindell. * - Aurora. Holiday Hooker. Bonuer aad Thompson. Umpire. W. M. Vaughan. Attendtnce. 200. Time. 1:35. It la with genuine regret that we have to cal lthe game off. no more for thin season will you hear the ?ld familiar cry "play ball." but every thing ha9 Its ending, except the frequent visit of our ball team to Swan Quarter, and their many visits to our town, and 1 want to say here that a more agreable manly set of youngf men never revisited us. al ways cheerful event In defeat and when It was our pleasure to visit the capitol of old Hyde we were always met with outstretched arms and op en doors. Never have we visited a more, pelasant and refined people than those of Hyde county and espe rially those in and around Swan Quarter and we wil await with pleas ure the time when we can vlslr them again and in behalf of our ball tenni and the ritlzen* of Aurora generally, we extend a heary v.-pirn me I.. T THOMPSON HOUSE BURNS ltrsi<to?<<- of M'\ <i. IV. "i | Jc"miiiih iH^irnjrrfl Friday Mulit j On la*t Friday night between 10 J and 11 o'clock th** residence of Mr. I Girtlfrrd \\*. Dixon <-augta on Are ?' from a deferilv*- atove llue It was i1 thought Not only wan thelioone I1 burred hut also rhe wear;nit apparel ? of thf> tainll> a* well a? all tho pro I vlaloe*. Some of the out hfu.se* wcr? i ^a>*ed due to the alrge of tree* growing tn the proT?d to b?* a proiMioa. *H^T)lxcni 1 was burned badly m the fare *od i bandit In bla ^?art* extinguish th-? blaip He haa tbe aympatby of county In bl3 lorn IN *?<>W Th'? Kbotm^r Mary Gal Ham C?ao N Howard in rammaud arrivad in port y?Aj?rday from ^rfo?y )<jad?d with mer, handlae for '*? wholesale l?*m of k B and Company OM WAY noMlfl Mr J. S. Bow? of Edward 4/tui a D?L.H4JDff?r thm ?/tornoo* on tbo Allan tic Cowrt L?loo 00 hi* way homo from RalPlgh wbor% h-? went laat TrtdaT to rlajt tbe etfobratpt Slanp kin* farm Mr M>9~ *??>*? 31 Bur kina will "alae tMfc y-aral two *iM a half haJea of reUon A iU% a^rtf. Hie rmit waa a TgvblaUon. *? + Mra^_U R Mayo *nd O A of tbYa <*ty. *?iear? V *?. ?fldybiW. T U^ifleid, W. H Hoofcer. J. T #f!fc ? H. W. audueil. H*G **yo of l?ft on tic M. A A tb*v morn for Prorldenca R~ f DAI'GHTKKS OF THK CONFEDER ACY. There will be a meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy at the residence of the president MlaH Ltda T. Rodman. West Main street, next Thursday evening at 4 o'clock Busi ness of Importance i? to he transact or A full attendance I? desired. AT THK GEM. IUk Feature I'n.gram??4 Reel* Film. The Gem offer* tonight another big feature program consisting of four reels. 4,000 feet film (Esther and Mordeeal)) it* a second picture illu* trating the romantic story of Esther. The story Is very drMraatlc and Is ad uirably worked ouL (Th?> Spanish Frontier) a pictorial excursion to the Basque country, comprising the yro rinces of Biscay. Akivn and Gutpuxcoa ind other portions of Spain. The >cean and mountain scenery are ihown in the usual Gaumont way. (Ito, the Beggar Bov) is a thrill ag Japanese story of delightful sen tment. presented by the Vitagraph lompany. asisted by Japanese per ormers. the beautiful scenery and ?ostumes of the orient is admirably irought out In the rich brown tones irhich blend prettily. (The Bachelor Wife) la one of hose very amusing comedy dramas which will bring forth much ap >lause. (You Ought to Consult a Physl ?lan) a funny farce comedy full of startling and side splitting sltua Ions. iThe Sentinel) a Goumont war dra aa. a deep and absorbing story. TO OKA FT RKSOhL'TlOXR At the meeting ofth* M. E. San lay school yesterday afternoon the luperintendent. Mr. E. R. Mlxon ap pointed a committee of three to draft Miitahle resolution* of respect to th*> memory of viator John Wright. They ire expelled to make a re;*rt i.ext Hunday. 1'i.ws lit-: int. i?it wvv Plan* ait now htina <;? ???n for he rfmodfllnK of the M tl march ?ursoiiaKH. As soon a- l!:ty nr-s ft:. Rlicd bids will bp Mlrrrii^ for. Ba* ween two and thre?- thou? an.*i rf'-llara "111 be ?*xi?etw1<?d by rite rbu?c'i or. building j ? Olf WAY TO LKKl'HVILIiK Mr and Mm John Bullock. FV?cJ:y H?unt pmaet rhnoush the city. today >? thf#T vat to I,eeehvill* w-hore thor ?Tpect to rastda for th< aejft ?ov<iral n->nttiH witb Mr* Bak>ok'.- *(itb->r. 4r \? H WTIfclnann IjARCvB OONG1IMATION& Tjerue '-oujrHKmMar* <n?ted tbf* m?io? Rot .1 A- SuflUcan. at tb? Hr?t BapMirt church S?ird?/ ?ori t?* *nd wntng on hi* rrfttm from lift uniiMAl vacation ?o4li dlafoura !? wrre ih aod b?dptu? KAJHDi.y m^urao rr Tfco county jail t? nAptdly .UM ^ **> ?till boarder* prtjpantorr ?o tl?? icrt term of tho tftpwm court which omenea l? Oct o be*. DUE MOVfDIO TW ^tieletAle ftrm ot Btlimn irtm are moving to tlMlr m* mof\. 'ornor* ^np>oa by the Bailor Su?> jly Company. >a Woet MiUji fttrrwL ?r> hoi? to be unsco*^ 10 tk?ir ww qttrtcre by 3<i*ombor I. {M

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