,A IK* * "T ' > - 5 ' ?'?? - r '-r ? ? ???& ???" -atf* WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDA? AFTERNOON, \UGUST 3$, Ml. |* ? t?tao?* I nAr ^ ? wn r% ? SC. pKumqi 4TES HIS N?TH~*SFKX1?S THE AF OX HIS TORCH ? 5 UY FRIENDS New Yo*k August 29.?Mayor Gay nor was removed from St. Mary'? hos pital In Hoboken this morning to Deepwells, bit country palce at 8t. Jamea L. I. He bora the trip well, but his in sistent plee to be allowed to walk unaided resulted la three distressing Incidents. / ? 'r Once he sank to hi, knee* ae he tried to eater an automobile, and. In ascending the steps of bis home he felll on all Tours from over-exertion. Despite his weakness, however, maintained bis cheerful mood i once more at Oeepwslls spent the afternoon reclining in a chair efe the The mayor left the hoepltal at t;ift o'clock In the morning. He had been there since Tuesday. August 9. the day he was shot by Jamea J. Galla gher. a discharged city employs, on the deck of 'stemashtp Kaiser WD helm der Orosse. He walked unaided from hla room or. the fourth floor to the elevator, and from the ground floor to the auto mobile in which he was driven to a New York policy patrol boat waiting for bim at Hoboken. In entering the automobile however, he overestlmat edhls strength and had difficulty In climbing onto the running board. His Htep wttj, feeble and bis knees bent under him at every stap% I At the deck where the police boat was waung he walked across the gangplank and aboard the vessel without help. To U>ni Island City the mayor F*le lntbe after cabin, sitting up all V. ' Arriving there he walked"down the deck and across the gatftfplank ? slated to an electric cab. Here the mayor agajfi miscalculating bis strength In trying to get Into the cab I and aank to his knees. In the Long Island City station be was transferred to the private car which was attached to a special train. He kept silent throughout the Jour ney to St. J sine, which was without particular Incident THE IJTTLR WORD MYS?" three letter*. ~ It has caused more happinesa and more unhapplness than any other word In the language. It has loat more money for easy lenders than all the hole* In all the pockets In the. world. It has started more dipsomaniacs on their careers than all the strong liquor on earth. It has caused more fights than all the "you're liars" that erer were J spoken. It has procured kisses and provok ed blows. It haa defeated*candidates and elected scoundrels. Is has been used In more lies th&n any other expression. It Is not meant half the time It Is aald. : v.' ? - :^j * Will It continue to make such s record? Yes.?Life. IN(KWKA\ ?? \ y, Washington has c downpour of wstei last. ;? '.*41-. jj The streets of iht are In a .Wretched condition In ? consequence of the heavy rains since Saturday to resort to waiting. We have just received our new line of / HOSIESY P"P . : J For the coming season which is stronger than ever, especially in point of weave and fiheness of Tex ture. No. 5151 Black Out Size Silk Lisle Hose - - - 50c. No. 717 Black Gauze Lisle Hose - - - . Sc. ? These two numbers are Specials. I1UIIL 1I1LU Crippen and Leoeve Girl Are Before the Bar CROWDS ABOUT Tflf. JAIL C'BU'm SHOWED KO SIGNS OP KMOXIOV, BIT THE GIRL WAD PALE AM) XKHVOl'H ? B\1. I>ENCE OP THE ARREST?I >F LAY A8KED. - ' jf ? - J London, Aug. 2?.?Dr. Hawley H. Crippen* tight for life lyn today, when with hia typist companion. Eth el Clare LeNeve, he was arraigned In the Bow street police court for the murder of his wife, Belle Elmore. The most spectaculaf murder case of a decade was brodght to a head with brief proceedings, attended by a handful of privileged people. The testimony revealed ft- suicide pact between the prisoner*, which It was said had beenstrustrated by Cap tain Kendall, of the ,Montroee which they were captured, and by Inspector Dew. The couple were remanded for 8 daya. Crippen maintained, when he was brought to trial bar In almost phleg matic manner which haa become characteristic of him In the last few weeks. . Etbti LeNeve. pale and worn, was nervous under the eyes of her rela Uvea. The girl hung her hea^ but Crip pen remained with no sign* of ^mo tion, while th# arraignment wa? mad. The Joruttient. charges that Crippen "murdered COra Crippen. otherwise Belle Elmore, and further, that Le Nere, well knowing that he aald Crlppeh bad committed the said fel ony. did receive comfort assist and maintain the defendant Crippen." Hours before the time set for the hearing crowd* began to gather about the Jail, whbre the couple were con flaed. p Special detachment* of police re summoned aathe throne increased. Men. women, and evep children mood (or hour* In the close packed multi tude. waiting for one glimpse of the roan and the *lrl who heve aroused more Interest in England than any other prisoners In a generation. But the crowd was disappointed. The authorities had given strlrt or ders that only a few ofthe privileged ones connected with the caae?only those having business in the court? should be admitted. HAD NO LIGHTS fittae*** Complaining of No Hfghta in Weet B*d Where Tliey are Needed la there any tangible excuse on the part of the c*ty lor lta failure to keep the street lights burning, espe cially In that part where the streeta have been exaavated preparatory to for pedestrlana but worki no little the paving. Not only ia It "dangerous annoyance caused by the large amount of water that has fallen re cently. There wa, oo street light at the corner of Main and Bridge streets last night, and darkness yas noted also at the corner of YanNorden and Main. Theae two corners are very Import ant. just at this time, from the fact that he street has been excavated several feet and cltlsens going to and fro are in grave-danger of Injury. If the lights at #ose point,* are defec tive they should be-fixed without de b*- T# the lights are not displayed corners lanterns should be atVahort Intervals so aa to ble Injury to any one. flLICAN CONVENTION mtbllean county convention for the purpose of nominatlu? coun ty offlrera. will be held Jn the court house. this city, next Thursday. Sep tember i. . ' *vrfi5 Ao rn.lc of Mm. W. J'. Small P*??*0 Am?j TULi M grand, Except the man who farms the land. W . Farmer. Personal Mentions Messrs. Robert S. Shotwell and Joa oph E. Barnes of Henderson, K. C., are the guest of Mi4. A- P E^rnex. manager pf the Gaiety Theatre Mrs. E. P.* Roper and two children of W>bon, are tho guest of Mrn Ro per'* parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Howard, East. Second street, ? ? Mrs. ?amea Johnston, who ha* been vlsling at Norfolk and Ocean View, passed through the city yesterday enroute to her honiv at Soutfc Creek. ? ? Mr. W. H. Beanley. of Bath. Is In the city today. , ? ? Mr. C. Hodges of Oriental. Is vis iting his brother. Mrs. Hodges, on Rout* No. 1. ? ? Mr. 8. J. Peele. of Belhaven. Is In the cfty today. ? ? Mrs. W. P. Baugham and sons, Mastera William and Seth. left on the N. and 3- this morning fqr Norfolk. ? ? Mr. Ellas Bright, returned from a visit to M9xehead and eBaufort. ? ? Mr. C. H. Brown of Belhaven Is in the city today. ? ? Mr. D. B. Sawyer, returned this morning from Ocracoke enroute to his home In South Creek. ? _ ? Mrs. Ada Hoffman and Miss Kath leen Roberts, of Philadelphia, arriv ed in the city this morning, and are the guesta of Miss Mellle Mayo, on Eaat Second street. Mr. J. D. Aldrldge and J. H. Pow ers of South Creek are in the city tn iay. ? m Mr. J. E. Smith of Belhaven is in the city today. ? ? Mrs. 8. E. Satterthwalte. of New he rne Is visiting her son Mr. H. H. 8attetthwaite on Respax* street. Miss S!na Brothers, returned from Norfolk to her home In South Creek yesterday. ^ ? ? Mian Suo Grist, who has been vis iting Miss Augusta Charles for serr oral week? returned to her home in E. City this morning. ? ? Mr. 0. M. Johnson antl Irvln Day of SAuth Creek returned yesterday from an oxtended trip to Norfolk Mr. I. O. Jackson of Klnstftn. a Washington visitor today. ? ? .. Meears. It. M. Warren and Ned Miller an.l Wash powet-s and son. have returned from Norfolk where they weut on Che excursion last week JJ17TTFJIMENT ASSOCIATION There will be no metelng of the Woman's BeUfment AaoectaUoiv Tuesday afternoon * The meeting will b?> hold Sep tember 27. \ All. committee* we requested (6 havi> their r.ports ready for 8ept*m? beF meting Odr old friend f!ob?<> ' hte je.v?aoe?e war bogle m preparation for the lecture reason. aad presently It will be grlmac4ng horribly. Thus the hero of the MeftlmaJ manages to ?ftot* before the people, but il maldefls are no longer run mt Dtifflit Hon. Frank B. Hooker~K a Candidate For Senator THOULD RALLY TO HIM HE HAS KKUVE!> HVK TERMS JS the. ALSO AM ASWBTAXT KXCJKOHSINfi CLERK AM> CI?RK TO THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Hbn. Frjink B. Hooker of Aurora. !a to be ? candidate before the forth coming Senatorial convention, to be held at Belhaven. for one of the sen ator? from this district, in the next general assembly of North Carolina, to convene In Raleigh next January. The announcement of his candidacy for this Important office should be gratllylng to the democrats all over the district. Hun. Frank It.4 Kfbkcr. He has been tried and not found wanting In office and hi* intention of again asking the suffrage* of his people Is but to say, that jf honored with their confidence he will uKutn demonstrate that they hive not made any mistake In their eboi<-c * Mr. Hooker is no stronger to the voters of Beaufort county. indeed of the senatorial district. Hl? course as 0ne of the i-epreeentatlvew In the general asembly for, five terms, and what he has accomplished for those who plarie'd him there'' la sufficient and adequate recommendation. Be sides being a member of the legis lature. In the lower house, for five terms he has 0ccupled the important position a? aseltsant enrolling clerk aud one term as clerk to the judiciary committee. In mil. he ha8 served his people ana his party, seven term* faithfully and] well. No blot of censure or criticism t has been placed at his door. His motto was to represent all thel people without fear or favor and with | this as a slogan, he went to Raleigh j and returned with a consclousneHH of' duty wejl performed. He lH well qualified, capable, and if nominated and elected with again nominated will again show that the democratic party has made no mi*-1 take. He ha* been and seen and he ! stands ready to again do what he can for the best Interest of Eastern | Carolina In the legislative halls of his commonwealth. OeliiK 55.gears of age. having Hv-i ed practically all hi* life In Beau fort countyTnls Judgment Is mature he cannot be bought by any cllqae or faction neither Is he susceptible to the flatteries of the lobbyist.. HI* first concern han always been and always will, be the Interest of his people. Wheir he addresses the chair It Js with senne and forethought; he cares not for the plaudits of the gal leries or the puffs of the newspaper* so he accomplishes ^he good for his constituency. He doe not cater to the high place? in politics, being a private and working among the toiler* Is his mecca. He serve* hi* people not for the encomiums but fori the results. * To have been honored by his! county with five erection* aH one of representatives is endorsement enough trr any democrat in the semi- j torlal district to give him support He ha* fought many, battles, Is Weill qualified to fight another. Mr. Hooker 1* to aak the nomina tion for senntor at IhH *enat'?*Jnl convention ty he held ar Belftarec. I The party \eii| certainly make no mistake to, ~ele<*t Beaufort's candi date. ' ? f Th? other candidates before the convention, the Dplljr News hears, will be H. L Gibbs. of Pamlico. H. W Stuhhrf-of Martin; Van ft. Martin, of- Washington; D. CartwrJght of Hydo. ^ Let the delegates from Beaufort attend the conversion and rally to the support of It* candidate ^ *TATI> MTftiqXTK5il>KNT? Mr. \Y. 1.. r&ughar left y**lerdny Chare! Hill to attwA^te fctet* of county au pen u rodent* from the otty AUGUST COTTON ll?ihr* tbv Hi*Uc?t Price Sluce Uwl ?. i\il War In Xew York The highest predictions of the bull leader* were reached la $?ew..York yesterday iu the cotton market when ?>jjne or tfee highest price?level* since the Civil War were reached. Excite ment was rampant on the exchange entering largely In August options; that month reached 20c about 11 o'clock and Immediately W. P. Brown hutied 100.600 bales Ipto the ring at that price. A scene of wild excitement follow ed and room holders Immediately be. gan to sell late months. However underlying strength was such that only moderate declines were forc ed. IN MKMOKIAM. i At one o'clock Sunday August 1910. the death angel visited tl home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Boyd and took from them their darling lit tle boy. Otho Hassell. aged 2 yearn. 10 montha and 12 daya.' He waa great nufferer all hla life but bore It with patience. All waa done that lorlng handa could do but It was ot no avail. The Interment waa at the old farnlb burying ground near Plnetown. It la hard t<5 part with one loved ao well. But he one who glveth. saw fit to take away. H? leaven a father, mother and one little alater to mourn their loss. Grieve not dear ones. for he le at rest. "Suffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them not. for of tfuch la the kingdom of God." The sympathy of the entire com munity out to the bereaved one's atlll left, bearing trials*, overcoming failure* and praying fur light and strength to bear the burden* Impos ed by their Kud loss. Review and appropriate the many con?oling promisee found in that pre cious book whoa** sustaining power never fail us. Comfort thyself for If he raunot be with thee, you may surely be with him noon, to part never more, and walk through the pearly gate* of heaven where sorrow Is never known.. - Sleep on beloved and take thy rest. I*ay down tby head upon thy Savior's breast. We love thee dearly, but Jesus loves thee beat. A lorlng uncle. GEO ROBERT BOYn. Plnetown, X- C. A VICTORY FOR 8WAX QUARTER AMI XOT FOR AURORA The articles in the Washington Dally $ewa of August 26th, head*'.I "I^ast Game and Another Victory." which purport* to give an account of the ball garnet* between Swan Quarter and Aurora merltn a reply. The writer of the article wa? gross ly Ignorant of the facts, or els** he purpouely misstated them. In the Brut of the games which was played Wed nesday. the score was 2 to 0. as stat ed. hut only 5 Inning- were played en account of rain until late in the afternoon. Some of Swan Quarter'^ best players had gone home and the team had to be marie out with boys and some who had not played a game during the season, and then the two! runs were ncored on errors no hits being made. In Thursday's came Aurora was ompletely out-classed by Swan Quar ter. In the first inning Swan Quarter scored six runs and secured seven hits, completely hatting Caleb Holll din oht of th* box and retiring him to second base, where he spent the remainder ofthe game In trying to recuperate. From the second to the fifth Inning John Hooker ?Hollldlal occupied the box for Aurora and al lowed Swan Quarter to score three run* and secure Ave hit* so he was likewise retired. Bufup Bonner (Hollldlal complet ed the last of the Immortal trio who ,did the pitching for Aurora, and Swan Quarter secured only two hits while j he was In thf box on.1 no runs. Au rora was aim ply ont-played by Swan I Quarter, whose batting was Ij-rnssista ble The pitching of Griffin for Swan Quart<% was superb and the entlro team played splendid ball. . The Swan Charter team has made an excellent record for the season, having lost only six out of seventeen gsnw. * Th?- teams with which Swan Quar ter played tbl? season are Aurora. Shaven Washington, Stumpy Point Und StadesvHle / W. T. BERRY HAS..\!TKM>lriTm Mra. -J. J Whitley of rout* No 4. was operated on yesterday at- the Washington hospital for api*?ndU ItU She Is .lolpg very vr#ll Mr*. Whit ley l? the wit* of Mr. J, J. Whitley one of the rural free delivery-ear ? * Mr. Daniel Gurganus of Bath is to he Bern ? i Providence Will Spend $25,0 Entertaing Delegates THE DEEPER WATERWAYS THE MOVEMENT WILL GET A HU? BOOST THIS WEbK ? \M>HK THAN ONE THOI/hAN'D UKUf CiATLS WILL ATTES1>?KOff*l. IHABLE Sl'EAKERN. R. I.. .?> -V" a mo* it* i'ODCdfeu Providence promotion of a mo* ^ more than a cv. go, to build a chain of lui v .?rwijn stretch Ing along the ? ?''^tlc coast from Maine to Florida, lathe subject which will draw* more than one thousand delegate* to the convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Assoc I a tlon In this city Wednesday. Mor<> than 925.000 of which the stat? and city each appropriated $6. 000, will be spent to show hospitality to the visitors. It is erperted every city along the Atlantic seabosrd will send delegations. Philadelphia will send a large con tingent on a chartered steamer; about one hundred will come from North Carolina, one hundred and ten from Baltimore by boat, arid about thirty from Washington, D. C The official program shows a for midable list of speakers. Including Commander Robert E. Peary. Con gressman Richmond P. Hobson of Alabama. Willis Moore chief of the w?ather bureau. Reai Admiral C. S. Peary |\ 8. X.; (Inventors M. P. An sel of South Carolina. Abrant J. Poth ier of Rhode Inland and many oth ers. The convention will b*- formally opened Wednesday moiling in the Provident-* o|H?ra house. Congressman J. Hampton Moore of Pennsylvania, president of the Atlan tic Deeper Waterway.-* Association, will deliver his annual address (?AlirrV THKATItK An Exceptionally stoi-ng lllll To night. They certainly liked It taut night. "Old Glory'*. *ra? express by nil who wltnes?ed li as oneofthe grand est patriotic picture? ever seen on canvMH. and Prof. Kasley's Blind Roys' Orchestra playing the entire program, wax enjoyed tothe fullest extent by all. The program that will be presented tonight Is ax followa: The Forest Ranger. This In an Intensely dramatic story of the ways and wiles of Western timber thieves and thedramatlc episode* pfthe for est ranger. I'ncle Sam's protector of foeatft . ??24-Hour Automobile Race at Brighton Beach. May 13. 1910" an ?xcltlng rare that will no doubt cause not little excitement. "Dlmltlvl DotiskoJ" a high art dra ma by the fnmous PatheKreres Co. ,#A Penitent of Florence." or Glo ria In Excessls" A semi* Religious pro duction which mark,, an epoch In the fleld of semi-religious drama, because of the happy mingling of majesty and intense action. P|?eclal music will be played through thU picture to lit same. The Bflni'bovs will he her all the week, wll Islng and play al friew ?tuff. Remember you always see the best I ones first at he Gaiety. HA It It WINTKU l*UKI?lOlK The farmer* r.e5r Washington -tr. papret-iat.ng the ii? nefll o fa near*hyi tobacco market Vheir iitn?- ie \ .11 - i liable and th<-y are more than clad J thHi they can th??Ir tobaeco to J nuirkx!% sel! it and be :.a< home i:. | a few hour,*. AnotJicr r^non why t'?Un'.' Is be-1 Irg l?rr?'-.jrt 1 to io?? W'a>hinirl?-: mar- ; Kei l? the ?.f!rel hfc:*at:H? Wa*.hlngton Hi lcwer freight! tatei than any lnl&n<1 town. Bring J your tobf.eco to the Washington nt.ir krt^.d secure ih? highest price. RKSitiNhD' Mi H r. Hodfea oi-OM Void. the nominee for < or?n?r on the Sodal.'at ticket, haa ??ndere(K hta rwdgnitlm* to* the sec.rers+- Author Cooper. Mr. H. Foreman. Mr. Iver. Hall. Walter Hopkins. Scholty Jenkins, Mr. Thomas Harris*. Mr. A. P. Layer, Mr. N. Moore, Tom (2). Naaalf. Peter. Powell. Rev. Z. R. Robinson. Mr- T. G. Swlcegood. Mr. Mcl Washington Candy Kitchen. Williams, Mr. D. C. 1?ADIES Bunn. Miss Lizzie Carter. Miss Sarah. DW-khon. Rosa. Edwards. Miss Barlara Grlce. Miss Mary. ? Hawkins. Mrs. W. H. King. Miss Laura J. Rice. Mrs. Henrietta. Wlshlug. Miss Ami*. Whitley. Miss Eula These letters will be sent to the dead letter office September 12th 1910, If not delivered before. In ?ailing for the above, please say "ad vertised," giving date of list. HUGH PAUL. P. M. .A OF THANKS. To the Editor: flease allow space In your newsy paper on bobalf of the officers and members of mu church to acknowl edge the generosity of the white peo ple to us. In our great ctruggle to erect our so much needed house of worship. aa K way. and is impossi ble for us to carry on the work so as to get in our church without the moral and financial support of our friends. It :* mu of the fullneH of grateful hearty that wP m-knov. ledge that our white friends have a?^!f?t ed In a substantial :iiurmer, boil: mor ally and financially Wo therefore take this method, to let them know ihat we very highly appreciate the aid they have so gen erously reiTd**red and fr^m hearts sutisibln of such kit.dnea*. we ask you to accept our thanks for bbth, your means to help u.-, and your syrn pathy to encourage -i*. We hav?. set the 23rd day of Oc tober !*?!?> for the dedication of our tliun-h We cxt-sid a warm invita tion to our white friends to the dedi catmtal services and ask you for your continued assitsance nnd sympathy out of the fullness of grateful hearts thanking you in advance for the same. . Yours for the cans* of our Christ, JNO. H. LOVE. D. D. .Pastor of M." B Zlon church, Washington. N. C. We thank the nally News for kind ly mention of our church work. Mr. H E Hodge* of Old Ford. waa hert this morning on business. ? * '-?&&.y f Mlsa l.aura Od?n and atoc*. Mar Balls Latham U TlalUa* nUUm la GroenvlHe. , ^