nee Company. m?n who tan a Mutual Ui? lu Hoxboro, M C ?rill b? aa >0 Sunday World Hamilne will be rv Plato v. itb good reaillag. Th,. Sua. day edition of the N?w York World la the blggeat ami beet thing la America tor (lie prlae OtfllDm cam HkW Hm Also Nervous Heiaiebo, Travelers Headache and aehoe fiom Orlp. Stomacn Troubles or T?uh troa Mn. Try Cspudlao?lfe ??uld? wflecta Immediate}?. Bold by drug 10. 2i and 10 cent*. furnished by 8. B. Mayo * Company.) .VaFi>- ? 2k , jEt ? v v ? ? ? -v 4# Krown. each 30040c .SOOSBo .40010c Green sal aides, lb ... Ce Green hid fs. lb 5c Dry hides, lb 10*l?tte Wool. fr?J from buns, lb.^. . 17e Wool, harpy 10ei?c ISOlOe bel 70 G176c T*IK BEST HOI K OF UFK Is /frhen you do some gT?at deed or i&tacover some wonderful fact. Tbla hour came to Jr B P1U. of Rocky Mount, N. 0.. when he waa suffering intensely. as bo soys, "from the worst cold I erer bad, 1 then proved to my great satisfaction what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure Dr. King's New Plseovery Is. For. after taking one bottle, 1 was entirely cured. ,You can't say anything too good of a med icine like that." It's the surest and best remedy for diseased lungs, Hem orrhages, La Orippe. Asthma, Hay Fever, any throat or lung trouble. 60c. $1.00. rial bottle free. Guaran teed by all drugglats. ? Oloodlno Cures Strain*. * ? Jlheu.i.. :ic Bruises. Sprains,' ? ? Liniment Rheumatic pains, ? ? Pains In the Chest, Side and ? ? Bach, Swellings |nd Tumors, ? ? . Frost Bites, Bores Throst, ? ? Quinsy. Croup. Hoarseness. ? ? SSc and 50c a bottle. ? FASCINATING HAIR Every Woman Who Uses Parisian B*ge H*s- Plenty of It V> omen who desire plenty of b^nu tiful hair wlt^ a brilliance and lux driance that cannot fall to command admiration should begn using Paris ian Suge at once. Parisian Sage will greatly improve the attractiveness of any person's hair in a few days. It wll do more: it will rid the scalp of every particle of dis gusting dandruff; it will stop falling hair and Itching soalp, or money back It cools and refreshen the soalp 1 summer, and retnove^ every trace of the odor arming from perspiration In a U? mlnaub. ? ' i" T ; * Parisian d^ge is a daintly perfum ed preparation, delightfully refresh Ingi and free fS?m grease or stlokl ne?s. It will make hair grow sad prevent it from turning grsy. druggists everywhere, sad by Brown's drug store for 50c a large bottle. Mall orders filled, all ehgrges prepaid by the American makers, Qlr oux Mfft Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. "In the time 1 have used. Parisian Sage I have found It very satisfactory both di m' grower and dandruff cure." ?Hiss Ada M. Bratt. Hooeict, N. Y., Mar. St, im. jrou w?re dlubled by ?c-JJ?tn or km of oar polklea p*jr. You Ibould eldtst poller Phon* or aik tod?> GAW & CO., ??o. " vie cf the power of sale in k deed of trust to me ex by L E*. Brooks and others. November 22nd. 1997. and re corded In the register's office of Been county in boo* III. page iff. ' ts hereby referred to, default At in p*ym?ai of the wreby secured, I will sell at Courthouse door in Been fort county on WednOeday. September 7th. 1910, at noon, for cash to the highest bidder. aU >bat lot or parcel of land in the City ot Washington. N. C., at the corner of Fourth and Glsddeu streets and in that part ot said city knows as Gladden Town, being part ot Lot. No.-GO and btfng the same conveyed to A.. D. MacLean by Cbarle" Blackwell and wile pr deed dated No vember 14th. 1905, recorded in said register's office in book 1S5. page 110, which is also referred to, and convey ed by said A. D. MacLean to L. F. 3 ks having been executed to so * he purchase money. ? v ' August " h 1^* '?* A 11'. KOTU -? '1 V To all w; ??. Tak,, n rtlc* ?r.L, lir? O. ahd W. ?T. Rodman bnve this day dissolved ?he partner?hip heretofore existing )etwecn them in the namo -of the Washington Drug Corapfny, Mid ?av<> sold the same with good will \nd assets to Messrs, A. t. Hoyt, W. L. Vsughan and W. F. Rhyne. who Assume control of the same from 3 o'clock p. m.. August 9th. 1910. J. C. snd W. C. Dodman are responsi ble for the debts of the Arm contract. ?d prtor to that time, and the pnr chasers are responsible for all obli gations rontrartod thereafter ? J. C. -aid \v. C. Rodman have no furthers connection with the business, and are not responsible for any obliga tions except as above. This, the 9th day of August. 1910. J, C. and W. C. RODMAN. Trading as the Washington Drdg Co. Havlag qualified as executor of the estate of Mary T. McDonald, de ceased. late of Boaufort county, North Carolina, notice is hereby given that all claims against said estate must be exhibited and presented to the finder signed within twelve (12) months from this 26th dsy of July. 1910. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are required" to make Immediate payment. SETH BRIDGMANN. Executor of Mary T. McDonald. Deceased. This aftb day of July. 1910. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and toy xlKue of a deed of trust to me from A- W. 8tyron and wife, Marianna Stjron, dated 31st day of January. 1907, and recorded In the register^ office of Beaufort Vounty tn book 144 at pace 233. I will on the 12th day of September. 1910, at 12 o'clock m.. sell for caah. be fore the Courthouse door In Washing ton. N. C., to the highest bidder, the lowing described real estate, towlt:? (1.) Situate. lying and being in Beaufort county. North Carolina, and In pantego tormablp. and being that certain tract of land well known as the Jackie Clark homestead or Law renia Clark land, adjoining the landa' of jobn Clark on the west, the Leach vllle public road on the south, the lands of Styron and Loviek on the east and Pungo river on the north, containing one hundred (100) acres more or less. . "V: ; I (2.) The lands allotted to Mar garet Loviek and, Marianna 8ty in the partition entitled "John D. Clark. H J. Lorlck and wife. Margaret, and A* W. Styron and wife. Marianna, ve. Lawrence Clark, Catharine Clark and W. H. Wilkin son, guardian ad litem of Catharine Clark." aald land being l?t* Nob. 4 and 5 In said partltV**. constating of tracts or parcels Noe. l, 2 fcnd S of auch allotment, to which and to the final decrW therein, recorded in the register's offloe of Beaufort county In book SI. page S85. reference is hereby made; saving and excepting out of the same the store aad lot in the town of Lepphvllle conveyed ta J. Harris; alto the-wharf hereto fore leaaed to the Styron Transporta tion Company; also the 19 1-2 acres out of the said land conveyed to Mrs. Margaret foreman; and the grave yard. and one-half acre given to M. E. Church, being the tame lands de scribed in the aforesaid deed of trust. This 11th day of August, J910. A. p. MACLEAN. DR. HAitDTVimia st<*? The use of mineral waters aad mineral drugs In ca*? of coetivenesa, la decidedly harmful. The natural Hollister'a Rocky Moua Purely vegetable. A mild doee not gripe nor bowel -ttuactea. Hardy's SOTCETnrgAEK Under and by virtue of * Deed of Truat to m6 from Elis abeth Jonse Henry WUlam* and Sarah T. - William.. dated 1st day" of Mardb, ltoi and record ed In the register's offlce bt Beaufort county In hook HI. page SOS and 309, I will on the 1yd day of Octo 1910 at it o'clock, m., sell for cash before the courthouse door In Washington. N. C.. to the highest bidder the following described reel Mf, to wit: A11 **"** "trtaln lot or parcel of UndjBltuu^w. lying and being in the 8t*te of North Carolina and City of Washington In that part known as Gladden town, being part of lot No f 72) seventy-two. Gladden Town, which Is known as the Haven's pas ture lot and being the Identical lot of lend conveyed to the eald parties of the first part by party of the 3rd ,1 t linei March 1st, 1905* ThI-i Soth day of August 1910. Wll,EV C. RODMAN. |W. ' Trustee. I GRKATI,T RKDtTOKf> RATKK TO HAIjRIGH, X. c. Via Norfolk and Southern Rail road. Farmers State Convention Aug. S0-8eptoraber 1st. 1910. Oet complete information from ticket agents. H. H. Hudgins. G. V A Norfolk. Va. YOU Can Sell Real ESlate If You Can ADVERTISE The problem in selling rqal estate is to find the ONE ?and therms only one?person to whom the prop eity would be WORTH MOST. Sometimes, in the course of a few days, or of a fortnight, the pro spective buyer to whom YOUR property would be worth most will read the real estate adv. in this newspaper. H e may read them every day ? he may read them once a week. BUT HE READS THEM?you can be sure of that. And YOURS MUST BE THERE WHEN HE DOES. If it is, your prob lem is solved. If it isn't, you've still got your m- and Miss Fannie Weston of Lake Com fort, I|rde county arrived in Uie city tbis morning and took the .CTlantlc Coast Lin? to vialt friends In Waatern Carolina. ? ? Mr. Clifton WestQp of Lake Com fort passed through the city today on kit wgy to Warren ton to enter the Warrenton High School. ? ? Mrs. Waltar Drewry of Petersburg. Va.# who has been (ha guest of Mrs. Oeorga A. Spencer, left on the At lantic Coast Line this morning (or her ffomv. ? ? Miss Alice Klrley of New York. sr. rived "In th, city yesterday afternoon. She has for the past flee haason* been the htSd milliner for Mr. E W. Ayem She will he In charge again thl? sea >^P' A' *Tr> ??' ? ? Mr. and Mra. D. B. Packard and ?on left on the. Atlantic Coast Line train thla morning for Greenville. Pa. tc> visit Mr. Packard's relatives. Miss Olivia Hodges returned horn* \ e ? Miss Conoiy of the Washington Hospital left this morning for Eure. X C . to nurse a case. ? ? Miss Nepple Arthur Brother^ will leave tonight for Hyde county to vis It her ulster and other friends. ? ? Mr. -6. W. Boyd, of Ptnetown. is In the city today. ' e ?.. a Mrs. J. J Roberts of Chocowlnity. wag In the city yesterday ? ? ? Maj. W. C. Rodman returned from Raleigh last evening ? ? Mr. N. B Selby of Belhaven Is In tho city today attending the Repub lican convention i ? ? Mr. David Wlndley of Pantego, In attending the Republican convention today. Mr. R. N. Boyd of Piuetown lu in the city today. ? Mr. W. H Dunbar of Royal Is lu the city today ? ? Mr. Samuel Hawkins of j?*K?ama Is a visitor in the city today ? ? Mr. Q. A- Conner, a prominent Re publican of Belhaven Is iu the c'.ty teday attending the convention. ? ? Mr. J- W. Clark of Chocowlnity. was In the city yesterday. ? y.e Mr. J. (* Ratcllff of Pantego is in the city today on business ? e Mr. J. W. Boyd of Pinelown is In the elty today. Mr. O. E Jackson of Route No 4, wa, a visitor iu the cltj^today. * * I Mr. W. A. Neal of Bath Is in the | eity today " * * ' Mr N. N. Boper of Sidney is in the city today on business. ? ? Mr. J. D. Eborn of Bay Side Ir In the city today. ? ? Mr. E. A Daniels. N L Simmons. A. D. McLean, returned thi8 morning! from a professional trip to Belhaveu. ? ? Mr. John Elliott of Bath Ik in the city today. ? ? Mr. Howard A 111 good of Jesaamt. is In the city today. ? ? Mrs. C. H. Russell and Miss Ruth Sawyer of Belhavsn arrived in the city today and are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Call, on East Main street. m ? fcv Mr. C. A. Singleton, of Route No. 2, la In the city today i ? ? MrM. Chaa Tankard of Jessma is | in the cKy today. * * I Sheriff O. E. Ricks returned from a business trip to Pantego and Bel-1 haven this morning. ?/ ? Mr. Thos. J. Latham, of Norfolk la in the city tha guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Latham, Sr.,.on Weat Second street. ? . ? Mr J R Boyd of Route No. 2 la in tft? city today. ? ? Miss Lillian Campbell returned this morning from an extended visit to rel atives and frienda at Bath and Oay Mr. H. Bateman of Bath Is in the city tdfeay. ? ? Mrs. 8. W. Wilkinson of Wilkin sons la In th? city the g6eet of rela tives Mr. Hugh Jonea of Pantego ta In In tha city today. - \ V V ? Mr. John W1 Cbapln of Aorora, is! la th9 city attending the Republican county convention Maater Charlie McICeel of Colum i, N. a. Is visiting his ancle, Mr. M r McKeei on Bast MalMn street 6 or 6 doses of "??e" will cure any r ?m.u W PrlM JSC ? CRYSTAL Iff TELEPHONE 83 CRYSTAL ICE CO., Washington, N. C A UK <*>RKKtTKU. In Ju?tic, to Sheriff Ricks pl-ase read tho following statements: J D. Aldridge. being duly sworn, ?y*: "I wan a guard at the convict ramji when Derwood Batemau was deliver ed by 8h?rlff Rlcka to. me. Just at the beginning of a heavy rainfall; and th? Sheriff was detained at the camps about 3 1-2 hours on account of the rain. During this flm*> Bate man was whipped by Captain Hodges, as other prisoners under xlmilar clr oumstances. The sheriff had nothing whatever to do' with the whipping neither did he make any suggestion* In anyway about it. J. D .'ALDRIDGE. Sworn Co before me. This Aug 2 SWEET POWDERS ,FOR CHILDREN,* Aft '-"?u.fia, - - me WOMEN ARE INTERESTED IN ES TABLISHING* LOWER DEATH RATE AMONG THEIR SEX ' It has receritly been discovered that many women who believe they are suffering with diseases peculiar to their sax, have nothing else but kid ney trouble or the results of kidney and bladder diseases. 'Thousands of women suffer from kidney trouble and never know It. When the kidneys aro not In a healthy condition, they often cause the other organs to be come diseased, and you become ner vous, Irritable, and often despoud ent. When in 111 health you may suaer with bearing down feelings, backache and loss of ambition. Many thous ands of nervous. trrftaXlc and broken down women have restored their health and strength with Bloodtne Blood and Kidney Tablets; they make sick kidneys well. Free sample and booklet will be sent by the Bloodine Corporation. Boston. Mass. Enclose stamp to pay postage. Dr. Ira M. Hardy. 8pecial Agent. WHY SO WEAK? Kidney Trouble* May Re Sapping Year Life An my. Washington Peo ple Have Learned This Tact. Wh*o a healthy man or tuvr begins to run down without Appar ent c&ufe, becomes i#eak languM, depressed. Buffers backache head ache, dizzy spells and urinary disor ders. kidney weakness ma> be tee caase of it all. Keep the kidneys wr.'l and they will keep you well. Doan'.. Kidney Pills cure sick kldneya and keep them well. Can Washington reader* demand further proof than the following statement: J. Prank Powell. West Tarboro. N. CI, says: "Last spring I had an at tack of La' Orlppe and after that, suffered from backache and pains across my loins. If I stooped or lift ed, sharp palna darted through my body, causing me great misery. Dean's Kidney Pills were finally re commended to me and I procured a box. I can say that they gave me outre relief than any other refeedy 1 had erer tried. The nae of one box removed all symptoms of my trouble and I hat* not had a return of them Doha's* Kldaey Pills hare certainly dose me a great deal of good and consequently I am pleaced to recom .i"i it i a i 111' llJlifc ST Al . New Fall tad Winter Seed - ::;v\ Rutabaga, Turnip, Kale, Collard, '< and Rape. ?Phone 80. Walter Credit & Co ? ' Odorless, Smokeless, Ex plosionless ELECTRICITY -IS Safe as Sunshine USE Mazda Lamps, And >oi|will have both Quantity and Quality Ask us about our Special ?Wiring Offer WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT Some purg lives commit sue' strong drugs thai, while they nr.M the bowels to n >ve, Injure the del* ' "ate linings 01 stomach ai d Jnt -v tines. Holilster-* Rocky Moutaln Tea Is not lu that class. it alight-' !y laxative and nt the name time healing and sootf-tug Hardy h Iirap Store. A Womun'i !<* blotches, skin eruption* aria n wretched complexion. But Electric | Bittern nlways prove a c ulnend women who want health. beauty and I friends. They regulate Stomach.' Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood: give strong nerves, bright eyen, pure] breath, smooth, velvetry skin, lovely 1 complexion, good health. Try them j 50c. at Dr. Hardy's Drug Stor??. WHY SALVES FAIL TO CTRE ECZEMA Scientists are now agreed that the eczema germs are lodged not Ln the ?inter skin or ?>pidermlB, but In tbr | Inner skin. Hens*. a \ euortatlng llq-; uld is required, not an outward t^alY^1 that clogs the pores. We recommend to all eczema pa-, tlents the standard prescription Oil j of Wintergreen a* compounded in | liquid form known as D. D. D. Pres-1 crlptlon. A trial bottle of this D D. D. Prescription, at only 25 cent*, will Instantly relle\> the itch. We have sold and recommended thif- remedy for years, and know of wodnerful cures from Its use Wc recommend it to our patrons. HARDY DFII'0 CO- | Success in a?y line is de;>end<.-ut upon perfect health, strength and v. t&llty. more than upon anything else | As Holllster'* Rcwky Mountain 7c I has helped so uiany' physically h? mentally. It haa surely done its ?sh??-* I In putting men and women on the1 road to success ar.d fortune. Hardy's Work 24 Hour*, u Day. The b'liiMt little thing* ??vcr made arc Dr King's New Life Pills. Every pill U a sugar-coat* J t.lobule of bealtli. that change? weakness Into strength. languor Into energy, nrain ?ag into mental power; curing Consti tution He*dach*. Cbllls, DyapepMa. Malaria. 25c at all drucglst*. GREATLY RKDVCKD RATK8 TO NORFOLK AND VIRGINIA DEAC1I Mammoth Labor Day Celebration at Virginia Beach, Monday. Septem ber 5th. Ticket* sold for all regular trains. September 3 and 4. good to return on any regular train leaving Norfolk not later than Tuesday, September 6. Ronnd Trip Rstn. From To Norfolk Vlr. Beach Oriental $2.75 13.00 New Be>u 12.50 $2.75 Washington $2.50' $2.75 Belhaven $2.25 $2.50 Columbia $2.25 $2.50 Plymouth $2.25 $2.50 Rates in same proportion from other points. Call on Ticket Agents for full in formation. H. C. HUDQINS, W W. CROXTON G P. A.. " A. O. P. A. NORFOLK. VA. GREATLY REDUCED RATR8 TO NORFOLK. VA. Via Norfolk and Southern Railroad acount reunion. N. VIRGlSXlk liKACH VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN It. It. Tickets sold for Saturday night trains, good returning, leave .Norfolk Sunday night. Saturday night. July 9. first date of sale and ev?ry Saturday until Sep tember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From Norfolk. Boach. To Virgin!* Raleigh $2.50 $2 74 JVilaou 2.1!5 2.5# Farutviiie 2.25 2.GO Greenville 2.25 2.5# A'ashington .... 2.00 2.25 Faros in same proportion from nil ? stations betweeu Raleigh, BeJhavoe land "Norfolk | The ulght express of the Norfolk Southern offers th best and most con venient service between Raleigh. | East era North Carolina and .Nor folk. Va. Spend next Sunday at Virginia Beach, the mwt attractive seashor? resort in Virginia Get complete Information from nearest ticket agent, or D. \\ Conn. S. P A . Raleigh, N. C". H. C. HIDGINS. G. P A. W. W. CROXTOX. A- P. A.. Norfolk. Va A Dreadful Won/id from a knife, gun, tin can. rutty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck len's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, rarest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns. Bolles. Sores, Skla Eruptions. Eczema, Chapped Iiands. corn?-or PJIea. 25c. at Dr. Hardy's Drug Stosal Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. !?? nervous prost/stion and fetnu'.e A-eakresses they are the st-preme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LI'/ER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it' is the t*mt nMdicine ever Kid over a druggist's counter. STUICK A RICH Ml\'K. S W. Bend* of Coal City, la., say* ' he struck a perfect mine of health In Dr. King's New Life Pills, for they cured him of liver and kidney trou ble, after l* years of suffering. They are the beat pills on earth for consti pation, malaria, headache, dyspepsia ??nd debility. 25c at all druggists. LIFE OX PANAMA CANAL has had one frightful drawback? malaria trouble?that ban brought suffering and death to thouvanda The germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness. Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malaria troublea "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fret well, of Lucama. N. C.t and I've had good health ever Isince." Cure stomach, liver and kid ney troubles and prevent typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by all druggists. 8TAGGKR8 SKEPTICS. That a clean, nice fragrant com pound like Burklen's Arnica Salve will Instantly relieve a bad burn. cut. scald, wound or piles, staggers skep tics. Bat great eure>proves It's a won derful healer of the worst sorea, ul cers, bolls, felons, ecsema, chapped hands sprains and eorns. Try Its 26c. at all druggists. YOU CAN CURB THAT BACKACHE Pain along the back, dlsslness. head ache and general languor. Get a package of Hot bar Oray's At'sntA: LI AN LBAP. the pleasant root aad herb cure for all KldMgr. Blad4ar and urinary troublea. When you feel all run down, tired, weak i Aa a regulator It has no e< er Qray's AUSTRALIAN tnm. Tb* Mother Ormr Co.. LoRoy, , A bad tempor uIm broth bam all tba way down.