Julian and Kogenge Co's GRADE -STYLISH SHOES Best Possible Wear TO 1J-MVK NEXT WEEK. Mr. W H. Baker. the ^hotograph ?i cxikh'U to leave next week for llichuiond t ? attend tho Virginia Curolina I'lmtotuaphers' Association. He will be gone a week. During bit abseuce Mr. Buker hr engaged tbe service* of Miss Emma Hardy of Greenville, now of Baltimore, who Is an expert photographer and artlat. 8he has quite a reputation in her line. Ml as Hardy will arrive Monday j and can be found ut the studio a 111 next week. Wherever she has oper- j ated her work has been much prais ed. Those desiring first class pictures should avail themselven of this op portunity. NEW JOB PRINTER. Tho News office was gladdened this afternoon when Mr. William Car tmcit "lar*h, the efficient job printer of the plant, appeared with his countenance wreathed In smiles. I'p nn inquiry it was ascertained that William earmark Ma ash, Jr.. had msde his arrival and he injde ap iiJiran->n for n?*ifttant in the job , - iep.v.rme.t. \\\ C. Jr.. Is a liounc'ii? 'h? The entire fore# from the editor down <-xt<>nri* ronitratnla : ions B?i!!i lira, Marsi. and baby are do ing well IT THH GAIETY TO.NRiRT ( Tii TT?.k.r.im of three **H. ;?*?!? that ?**>lt I*' pr>*-n'i*d ?t I .lit tonight will '.oiioMbtedly | prov.* :?> i- ->:.<* ?.?' the be?t ?:i round ! p;rl:i:e pn?Rr:;niH *->:?-??? here in j Miuit' tluiv. in iidliliuH tbin I'lo j urum tin ;lli?i<! P.oij*, wb ? iiave !??*!? ? a!i who lutiid thein ill the; music I.ik*. will ;?Ij> uud -ing all' n *w A'rtt Th.* following |il.u:.r<i will be i .shown. "The Pheenll ? A penpal lotial ? onlodruuiu >f national reputation. In} whlrh tbe world's famous actors.| ..Mi!ton ami Daily Nobles will piny j the loading parts. This Is without question s great picture. It arrest* your attention and keeps li closely confined In th? subject. "Grand Mother'*?A dramatic pro duction that will appeal , to all. Ev ery man. woman and child loves "grand mother." This remarkable picture "hows grandmother at her best. Magnificent Intense In action. Other pictures will also be shown that will prove t%be equally as good. Don't fall to hear the Blind Boys in all new music and song. H KKfr". FOK WINTER Mr. John K. Hoyt Sr., and family have moved to the city from Beau fort N. C.. where they will spend the winter They are occupying tre resi dence of the lat? Mrs. M. T. McDon ald on East Main street. LANDED Sl'RV IVORS Manila. Sept. I.?The stealer uei mania todiy landed eleven survivors of the Norwegian trawler Dertha. which was wrecked off Barras Island. August 28. en route to Japan The Bertha was a total loss and the survivors suffered fearful hard ships. MAYOR PRO TKM Captain (koree J. Studrtert l? acting mayor during the absence of Mayor Sterling attending the Atlantic Deep er Waterway Association. t .MTTUKI) AT POKOMOKK Ca-]>t Charles. V?.. Sept. ?After ? chase through Ave s-xates. Dela ware. Mnryland. Virginia, Pennsyl vania ami New Jersey. Lcander Do -?l.Mr.l* a ycur.s white tn"u. w u?*ed !n Do* ef nn a charge o? highway robbery .?nd attempted murder, was rap'tired at l*okomoke City and brought 10 Dover by Deputy ShoriS Thomas Klrby. \\*e have plenty of old newspapers lur sate cheap THE DAILY NEWS. Four Reel* TmiUSht I <**> VM " Feature rina. ' - y'V 'I A.*. '* Another strong bl! lto be ed at the Gem Theatre tonight: Between |<ovt and Honor. <YJta griph)~Power <1 ram ft of fisher folk flv? Photographed amid the keau ttfuP^enery of Kingston, Jamaica. The story ts based upon a dissipat ed father who rules bis motherly daughter with a tyrannical Mil and upon every occasion, scold? and finds fault. As tbe various ohm r pear In tbe drama a deep plot Is In-! torwoveu which brings out much dramatic work or a high character. Instds the Earth Is a fanciful film, purporting the dlscovqrfee of two Englishmen who r?ach th^ Interior of the earth. The array of monsters Is quite appalling, and some of the transformations about tho? are unl i que. all being beautlfuly colored. Rebellious Betty. (Comedy.) ? The first of a selres of comics intend ed to dlscloee the doings of Betty. She Is a new performer and no doubt this aeries of comedy will be watched With deep interest. Other good pictures will be ahown but will arrive too late for mention in the program. tULl/ED NOTE8 When a woman wants to collect her thoughts she begins by -putting on sometlhng loose As a general thing, the more hard ships a man hue had. the more he enjoys his steank yacht. As the pedestriann nee It. a balky automobile is a lame Joke. Our Idea of a rich man Is one who ? ome<> home from a summer tenon mid doesn't want his money back. j Gaiety ! Theatre A. P. BARNES, Managt-r ? 3 Feature Reels 3000 Feet Film I. "THE PHOENIX"?A senaaUnnl] melodrama of National Reputation. "I.KlXllMilTHKR"?A dram atic production that will uppoal to all. ?. OTHER PKTl'RKS of the same high standard YEW BONUS?NEW Ml*.Hit' j Hours and prices the aame | Owta W, Hickory . . Hope MUls /*. JamoiTlUo 11.76 Laka Toxmy *90 Lenoir 33 5 Uttleton 9 U Mad I eon 4. & 5 Mai ton .(---??, * 20 Morgan ton - 8.36 Newborn . N. Wilkrtboro 6.56 Parmele 10.15 Plna Bluff 4,26 Kalelgh 7 80 RokUvtUo 4 70 Foroat City . .. tgsZi r. IMO Altapats . .'. . . ...7.... i> 6.80 Aahevltle - 605 Baltic 3.15 Cameron .i 6.0t Concord 1.16 Durham 6.14 Qoldaboro .8.46 Greenaboro .. 3.96 Henderaon 7.80 ELlti Point C 35 Hot 8prtn*a . . 7.66 KlnRa Mountain . , 1-60 LAurlnbnne *?**, lioxi.tfcton 2.7b I.otitatrarg ' ...v4. ...... 8.tt? Marl** 14' Monro* 1.20 Mt Airy <- *.20 Newton - 2.15 N'-rwood 3.65 . oinbroke \ ........ 4.50 Plttaboro .* %> 9 I5| Rain. '-Ur ? ^.2^1 Rocklnigiam 8.1< Pre n kiln ton 7.80 A-pex - 6.65 Riltmore 5.95 Brevard 6.10 Cbadbourne ... J.... r C,^o Davidson ? . 1.10 Elkin . 6.70 Graham . . 4.9o| Greenville ??.. ? 10.15 Hcndiraonvlllc 6.20 Hobtfood ... j ......... . . 10.401 Huntdale LB Klttrell -7UM) Leakarille 7.00 l.incointon 1.501 l.uraberton k. . ?.0S| Marsl | 6.95 Moorr-yvllle 1.35 Murpfcy ................ 11.30 Norlina yC-. K.40 Oxford 7.Sol Penland 6.15 Plymouth .. .^li.05 Red Spring 4.70 In An Visit the i old/ r> ADMISSION S Rl( The hotel "par exceUence" of the National Capital. Opposite the U.S. ury; one block fro White House. An illustrated Guide to, Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upoo re ceipt of-two 2 cent stamp's O. G. STAPLES. ? Proprietor. Half the people who worry ore* what the world Is coming to will quit it when thing* begin coming their'way. <*? girl t-an always toiko anott-l ?r understand how nervous she wa* by saying ah? "wasted to stream " The old-fashioned mother who used to ask "where is my. wandering boy tonight " ought to'"have noti fied the motor cops to watch his number. X?. '! Th? rehson a woman thinks she would 6e n.successful bouse deco rator la because ihe knows how to delect a star carpet that hariftnnl* with the hall rug It remains to be seen whether : Roosevelt has with him application blanks for new members of his An ntas Club.?Washington Bar. Sometimes a boy can become so devoted to hi. mother he is willing help Her a few minutes with the housevr^.?Dallas News. est* mk i?> tttfmj&L**/ - ? THAT'S THE VERDICT OF THOSE WHO Jt " V Our First Hhav^w ... 11 Li UrtlU THE LOWEST PRICES Let us please you. Send or phone us your orders. Phone 387 R. H. HUDSON i THE BEST GOODS Mlfi BEST servick Cool Kitchen Perfect Cooking The housewife wltli year* of knows how U> cook?Had* after practical test a?d hard trial*, the |m store la her Idea of whst H rook store ou^ht to be. It reqalre* less attention, c()gt, lesn to oinratf, am! cooks all food better than any stove she hns tried. OKLY 9*8.00 WILL 1 NSTAI.Ii ONK IN VOI R KITCIIKN. Washington Light & Water Co. ONE HUNDRED CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1910, AT 2 P. M. section If'lheTwn' ***** "* C> TMs Prop?rty is known as "NICBOLSONV/LL^" and is desiraWy located in Ijw'fesi - This property has been consigned to us to sell each and every lot that is offered regardless nf nrire Price. Don't fail to attend and buy one of these lots. We sell a/the rate of ? ? Suburban Realty arid ^ Raleigh, N. C.

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