n i if *7 Mr^n r First Edition WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 7, 1919, NO. 3* I St Louis Man to Txamp 500,000 Mile; IJSElPIfr^.-: ' ? FOR THE JIMJIINKI MUST HE COM PU5TKD WITHIN 15 YKARK ?M' HB IS SOW A VEAIl AK1> A HALF AHKAI>. w&aWbOro, Sapt. ?.?Mr. Juilm RAth of fit. Louts pU4*d tUrougli Wadesboro yesterday, stopping only long ccougb for the certifieste of the mayor postmaster V, - Mr. Rath is walking 500.000 m|leg on a w?ger of $30,000 and came in from Hamlet, leaving for Monroe. He reacbod Wadesboro at 10:80 tn the morning, making tbe distance from Hanstot in six hours. On his way he stopped at Rockingham and Llles \ ille for i^he postoffice stamp. Mi. Bath iert tft Louis on July 4. \S9l and has nlrs*d* covered ?173,700 miles. Ho has been in every state la tbe Union and at every state capital. He has been around the world twice, riding $nly when It be came necessary for him to take a ?boat. * Mr. Rath was a newsboy in St. Louis and started on kls 600.000 mile walk on the condition that he was fo cover the distance within fif teen years at the end of which time he la t-1 receive $30,000 from a St. Louis club. He-says that he is a year and a half ahead of time and that he ex-| peels to have walked the required distance by February of next year.! He left Wadesboro at noon for Mon ro** toiroutc to New Orleans. From there h?? will go to 8outh America' and Australia. He has been sick only four moath8| sitio? be started from At' Louis in | lfvi>7^- this illness belnn due to a .<1 he received when held up and shot In Mexico. . d WORHE THAN* PUNISHMENT Dr. Robert L. Waggoner, the pres ident of Baldwin University, said In the course of an address on pedagogy at Berea. Ohio: "And one of tbe most remarkable change? in the last 80 years of teach ing is tbe abolition of corporal pun ishment. "A boy of this generation i8 nev er\whipped But a yboy of the last generation?well!" Dr. Waggoner smiled. "Tbe boys of the last generation." he said, "must hare believed that their Instructors all had for mot to: " 'The swish Is father to' tbe taught.' "?Washington Star. 'TASK OF HMAhliTOX Dr. P. A- Nicholson, county super Intended of health, returned this morning from Royal, where he wag called to see a smallpox suspect. On examination the doctor pronounced the batient suffering with a genuine case of smallpox. The surmise Is that he contracted the disease ut Parmele, N. ?., and went to Royal where it developed. All ttys colored people at Royal that Ijave come in contact with the' sick man have been vaccinated. - v, Between 75 and 100 were vacci nated at Parmele yesterday. Everything Is being done by tbe county physician and the local phy sicians to keep the disease within bounds. MOTOR CLUB There was a meeting of the Motor Boat Club held in tbe oJBce of the Commodore, Dr. John C. Rodmarf, last, right. -1. Among the business transacted was an order passed by the club to erect at once railways for the accom modations of motor'boats In the har bor. A site wftl be obtained some where on the west side of the Norfolk Jouthern passenger depot for this urpose. " TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS ~ - Preparations are belbg' made to in prove the drag store of Dr. J. M. Gallagher on West Main street. iviunuca in unmibt Ed Garret Waylaid and Killed by Rdfe Sc^Hth MURDERER DEFIES ARREST MB HAYt* HE WILL .\OT HE AR> IIE.STKI>?HIM UNCLE. HOW KVEK, PROMISES THE SHERIFF 'THAT HE WILL (ilVl? HIMSELF VP PEACEFULLY. -"j Chapel Hill. Sept. 6.?According to Information receded In Chapel Mil! this xuomixiK from S. W. An rrews sheriff of Orange county. Ed. Garret, who ?a.* waylu< A THING TO L\ST Apparently thp Innumerable com plaints against express" companies which hav0 heretofore found expres sion in parcels-post sentiment have now come to a more immediate head. " ' . 1 For fear of mail-order competition a majority of the country's retail merchants do not favor the parcels post, but In seeking to remedy their present grievances they Join with the I purcelspost advocates readily euough I As a result, 124 chambers of com | merce. hoards of trade, merchants' I associations representing all sections,1 , hive appealed to the Interstate Com-! I more* Commission for relief The| oomplalnants cite the long-notorious j fact that American express iompan iles are not upon a legitimate- basis a* I public servlee corporations. To 111 | ustiatc this point the case of the Grefft Northern Express Company is [b^p^ght forward. j The Great Northern, organized In J892 with a capital of $100,000, ownW1 property as late as June 30. 1309. Ncverthelesa during the past ten years it ha? paid S3.200.000 In divi dends, Its latest dividend nelng $500, 000. I In addition it has accumulated a surplus of $1,688,881. \ Of express company capital and earning* this case is alleged to be fairly typical. Moreover the com plainants. say the express com panies pay the railroad*, for trans portation approximately 50 per cont of their gross receipts, resulting In excessive overpayment to the rail roads for the public service rendered. And the?c practices on the part of | the express cornr-nles. so the oom plalnants declare, have done them great Injury. They have suffered for many years, and now suffer, from un just charges Classifications and rules. On all accounts, therefore they iask the Interstate Commission to In- i stltute an Investigation and abate tho ovilB which have grown up in these public-service corporntlons. be- ] cause public regulation hag been ab sent. *'* * In th?* long list of complainants. I North Carolina is represented by the j chamber of commerce and the mer- I chants' asoaciation of KUzabetti City. As every one known. America^ cx-l press companies have been so much melon for railroftd Insiders, with po litical Insiders as copartners occa sionally. Aside from their enormously exces sive earnings, the service rendered by them has been i>y no meant* sat isfactory. f The contract of this service with that which European countries en Joy under the parcels-post system is too much, especially since by In ternational agreement Americans havo become able to send parcel* to Australia or Hong Kong for less than they can send them a h home within a hundred miles. It is hard ly possible that a national parcels post rorvlce. In some fonp, can be delayed very much longer. So perhaps the express companies do wall to make hay. without heeding public complaints, while they can. We would much rather wish them or any on* else long lift, but we are bound to recognize that their case *??' present is fatally weak.?Charlotte Observer. SENATORIAL CONVKNTIOX The Senatorial coavontion for the purpoae of nominating two cand: dates of the Democratic party in thin d&trict will he held In the town of ailfceven on the night of Wednesday -Septflmbor U. number will attend from CATHOLICS GATHER At Firsl Eucharistic Congress in New World assemble at Montreal! & ? THE CITY IsJlN PIBsTIYe" DKKSs i-oit tivw rnsiint.hn wiu, or feN WITH A MAUXll-iOBSt KK CBPTlON TO nft l' LH um ? Montreal. Sept. ^.-rAlon.treal is In festival dress for the Eucharistic eon-i, grees-'-the first, to be be Id in the new VorlKAI? Richmond. Vt.. Fept, 6.?J. O. Holllngsworth. prorr/nent merchant of Fayetlevllle. N. C-, who suffered a fracturcd skull in the fatal sma^h which terminated .1 Joy ride taker by a party of frionds on Friday morning, passed aw3y at the John ston Wfi)i| hospital'here tonight a; 7:40, never having rega.ned cor. ?ct outness. Ever since the accident when he with Hftftt-y M. Deputy <>f Phllalc-I phla, who was instantly killed Jum;v. ed from ^b<* auto when a wreck so-r.i eu inevitable. Hollingaworth bas*heer in a state of coma. At times he rallied somewhat but was never lucid enough to talk ra> t Ion ally. MR. JKFFKRSOX RKTURXS Mr. R. H. Jefferson of the Arm of Jeffersou Furniture Company Iras returned from Providence. R. 1., wharo he wont ? delegate to th? Atlantic deeper WateHray convjp Uon. ;iir. .*e.fr>r-(5n also visited New Yotk and other northern cities wh'.U ,'T Mr. IMPROVING ? ? i Hlnmnn Howard on the Hood Tow*rds Rec?r?ry. Mr. Hinmon Howard, brother or Captain George N. Howard, who wan seriously hurt on tbe head some days ago by being struck with a block while attending to his duties on thu Whoontr -William C. Parker, is fact recovering. f ? - Rcjfas been In the Fowl?*Memor'al Hospital u ri .Jer-Uxe_ care of Dr. dohtr Cr~RWman. tbe port physician. Tbe accident happened between Old point and.lxmg Shoal. At first it was thought bis skull bad been fractured but on examina tion this was found not to be true. A gash was cui. on his head throe and one half !ncbe? long. The licit knocked bim senseless. Hia many friends will be glad to know that he la convalescent. TOR8YTHE DECLINES TO GRANT PERMIT TO ROBINSON'S CIRtTS Winston-Salem Sept. 6.?Robin sons' circus which made a try to get a permit to show here September 13. has lost out. the county commission ers taking the position that the best interests of the people would be con served by refusing a circus admission so soon before the big piedmont fair, early In October The community generally, probably endorses the action. Rlugllngs' circus is billed for Oc tober 19. and those who desire the sawdust sights and sounds will have an utnpip opportunity then to .Uo so. PL'BMC SCHOOL EXAMINATION'S. There arc *tfll several pupil:* who have nc* gotten book* tr. prep:.i for examination* before m-lux-l op ens. Thos- who tiiled In or..* or more subjects will he required to take the .examinations on !iv';t'Ci ber lUt!;. :i they wan: to ?*> i'J'vir.i.t cd with thei: lia ses. It n?v ; !.?-1 wish * . g*t boil.:- ?.vit!, \\ ?* ? r:4 pre-] par* the toc.i'itr.Atlnnr- tV'.y may! do *;> Krida:- morning, .Septeml)'/1 9th. ber-veen t!;e Vo:::> .??' | ? a:-.d ! o'clock. Those who are to take the murfir .exirmt nation n?H> >rrange wit It Miss Bonner for it few review lesson* a> tollowr. Pupils in she ft'.th -till ?dM'.* grau:e| to Thursday ?n ?r:?;c- -?i. using rh.? note hooks for last. year and give the examination^ about Monday or Tuesday of next week. Thiy I- per haps tne be?*t plan the pupils ran adopt to cut off these examinations, and r suggest thct all who ettii avail themselve* of It The examination*- in all other *ub Jects will he givi*n on September 1 beginning at * * in a* has already been stated. No examinations will be given af tor sihool open.", and no pupil* wlli he promoted cn condition* exopt for satisfactory reasons N. C. NEWBOI.l). StiperinTei;c]c:i: FI XKHAI. Y F.STF.1?I?A\ The fnnoraj nf e!:e tain Mr*, \iiirv Washington Blount. took place from the Episcopal "hunrh ye???rd?y nf'.ei noon at 4 o'clock, conducted by the rector. Rev N'nthnniel Hardici; The interment was In Oakdald cemetery. Quite a 1ar? number attended. The floral offe:ir.K* wore Ejanjy tertiim the high etweem In whlrh the 'Jeceiw* ed wjg held In the community. \K\V PRINCIPAL The new principal of the Wash ington public achools. Mr. l? Q ?ry an. haft arrived In the city from Scotland Neck, for the purjiO.^ of assuming hl? duties. Mr Bryan has h3d many yca^- *>x peritr.ee a* a teacher and the whoc-l board is to be congratulated on se curing his -valuable services. AX M A I. MKETIXG There -will be ?r. annual mestfnc of the Halcyon Club in the office of Dr. A. C. Hoyt Thursday night. Sep tember 8. Full attendance of mem bers is desired. LINDSEY C. WARREN. Secretary. F. H. BRYAN, president. FOR STATIC INSTITUTION Mr. J. 8. Row? of Edward-; ,Nr L. H. Gallop of Harbinger; Mr. J M. Cartrifcht of Jnrvlsburg. were It tbe city yesterday. They sea^. the!" children who are deaf and dumb tr the asylinn at Morgacton, N. ~C., wbor. they wUl UUad Mbool. ?BBaaMMiaaBHwt feiwiWirB IWHAT CITY EATS 0 133,000 Miles of Eggs Eaten by Metropiis IT HAPPENS IN ONI XKW VORK (t)\Ki;>l| s ..LI.IM1C | MlLtlS_OF EGCH WITH oo.ooo 1 'MILL'S OF LOAVF.S OF IIItKAP | AN* XC ALLY ? WOLLII KKACH -rCHH T1MKS A KOI'Mi \YORLI> New York. Sept: 6.?That Now' Yor': consumed during the year just eneded 33.000 miles of eggs and e t!to for the?e two articles of food rot aj.proached by any other city t:? tlio world. While the annual product of tlie JGreat American hen would mak? u single ogg weighing over 700 '100 tons, New York manage.* Jo consume one-twentieth of this total or s:,AVu tong annually Reduced to llgures more familiar to the individual consume;-, tlila means that during the la.?t twelve months this city has used 3.900,oc?o cases, amounting in round numbers to 1.410.000.00* individual ?*g^t. or nearly two em?> a day lor each mem.' her of the total population. Tin value of these eKis* amounten to! J29.30U.000 out of $.600,000,000. for the whole country. Placed ead to end they would' stretch ?*icht and a half times :t;vo/- 1 the continent or one an# ?? ihlrdi time.- around the world. l.i iii?- matter ',f f.r??ad consutup-J tion. the figures are even more sin-; prisiiiK. To furnish thN city with il>- staff | of life for a year would re>nilr?? a wheattield a!* larKe as ?h?? uhu',.' sta'e, since mi Wsh than 01 .'?,5 -i | are purchased each year lit a ?-o*t. ??* over $30,000.00. C. Scarborough who was last jdeclared t?? l?e in the second i OPI.N* TIIL IUTH I The Washington Public Schools' open for the fall session on Monday.! September 1!? The prospect* are' more than hr:ght fur the ?????: y.'tr J I iti the hlst?u > of the *? h inl The ]enrollment promises he a: in jrreas*' ovei that of last year. Every child in Washington of school ace should he sent i?> '.n'* it., j slitutiou, there is no excuse for then* Ict-maining away CUAL STKIKL MTIATION I Chicago, Sept, G? The Illinois co : strike situation is unsettled. Repre -sentatives of the miner., and ?jpera jtors are again in sasalun today ami ; a 1.1. on ti red this morning that lln-x I hope ti? < onie to .i deusior todr.y wh#h will t'Utl the strike which has | (been in progress since last April. I The session yesterday wa. fore man of the factory. and Mr. Cecil Cobb one of the employ*?, hem-in; h l'istol shot in the ofllo and a sound of Momethiti^ falling, hurried there to Investigate. When they entered Mr. Perkins wan lying on the floor near hi* desk, a pietol near h'.m on the floor and a blood stain ??n his left breast told the story of the ilreudtul tragedy that had orcur^vd Hr. Char lex 1-aughfnghouse van telephoned for at once and h?. hur ried to the factory, but ,\!r. Perkins had paKosd away wiie* h,. nt-lved. death resulting ui a fo# ml: ite- at ter tlie -hot * * fired \:i .-x. rninH. tiou of th. Wily U:.i; the ball !iu?] passed direct Iv rhrouvl; the heart. Thhl ? menr to ik*Tnu. Mr PrrkSti* forntei home. Th-- body-lcM this m ?ruing, accompanied by his brother-in-law. Mi. J. u. tfcrickhi !.*?_,*oal who was her.- visiting |)jni. Mr. Perkins >vn- a n-itive of Hos ton He llrst cam* t.. (ireeimlb- pros pecting about, four year* ago and liking tho &efa: returning to Green ville ?< few weeks sg,. While hi.-* health >wu?.-d letter it whs noticed x by his friends that he was not altogether himself and at times seem- ' ed mmh d^presoed Sunday Mr. Perkins appeared more cheerful thai, he had been recently! attended the Maptist, -church that, morning with Mr Strieker .md visit-' ed friends during the *ven;:ii: |al so appeared brighter Mr.ru:.v. -Hom ing He hoarded at Hotel M hut he was noticed (o leave rht h -tel early after dinner aud g(? dir?.-i*l\ hack to his office at the factory, leaching there about | o'clock lie spent the early hours of the afternoon in his office, and it is supposed that wM|e under a spell of melancholy too*"nts life. ?Mr. Perkins made many friends In Greenville by whom his death in much regretted. He was 44 yearn of nge. He leaves a wife in South Rend. Iml.. aud t\\?- brothers l:j Ron ton. FRKAK CHII.P I to It \ AT II1H HAM 1-fVKS JII'T KIAV lit Hits Durham. Sept. 1: ?a bahy JlvJr.a but two hours after birth, the child &f William Burgess, has been the cause of considerable ur property hard to find? Have you about concluded that ha ha* placard blindness? Or perhaps it occurs to you that a window placard has, after all rather a LIM ITED CIRCULATION*. and la therefore, a poor thins to rely upon IF. YOU REALLY WANT 'iO BULL' Buy?ra. you aeo. ba-re a theory that real estat* that la of any im portance, or that is DESIRABLE, la SURE to be advertised in..the newspaper when t^ owner wanta to eell it. , p? - . *