nger. tele il attention. 1 IRISH IOTA toa, IrtaU Cobbler and Vcj Utla?. For prtc*., see H.?B. Mayo & Co. t-ie. FOR SALS?A* A BARGAIN TO quick buyer the houae now used as Methodist Parsonage on Sec ond street Same ot he moved within ten days. Apply *> .v. Jones. ' 1-H YOU CAN BUY. A REGULAR SOC, four cord broom for sic at t Variety 8tore. 9-17 MIRH'H VINEYARD 18 NOW OPEN for the reception of visitors every day. except Sunday. ? 9-18 WATCH FOUND ? ANYONE HAV Ins lost one can apply to C. F. Bland, describing same, can get a by paying for thUi notice. IS YOUR TIME WORTH MONEY? Would a ^tenograJpher save you money? dall Chamber of Gov j morce and ask for Mias Myrtle Marah. public stenographer. . (WANTED?COSMOPOLITAN MA St arl ue require* the services of a representative In Washington to * look after subscription renewals and to Mtmd circulation by spe cial methods which have proved a nee ally sueeeesful. Salary and com mission. Prevtow experience doelrable bat not eeeentlal. While time or spare Umo Address with rofereaeee, H. C. Campbell, Cos mopolitan Magazine. 1789 Broad way, New York City. WILTS' VINEYARD IS NOW OPEN for the recoptlon of visitors. Mrs.) J. H. WUlls. ONLY Ol^mt MAKER Christian George Is here mt No. 110 Market street, with a fall lias fresh eandy made dally, and tn& of'all kinds. The greatest mn);cr In th# South. Call and him 9-10 CAPL'DINK for "Hist Hcadachc." Ctnt lats night? Headsche and nervous this morning? Hick's Capia dlno ]ust the thing to flt you for bus iness. Clears th? head?braces the THE BEST HOUR OF IAFU Is when you do some great deed or discover some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mount, N. C., when he was suffering Intensely, as he nays, "from the worst cold I ever had, I then proved to my great satisfaction what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure Dr. King's New Discovery is. .For, after taking one bottle, I was entirely cured. You can't say anything too good of a med icine like that." It's the surest and best remedy for diseased lungs. Hem orrhages, La Grippe. Asthma, Hay Fever, any throat or lung troublo. i?0c. $1.00. rial bottle free. Guaran teed by all druggists. We have plenty of old newspapers for hale cheap. THE DAILY NEWS. IT SAVED HIS LEG. "All thought I'd. lose my leg." writes J. A. Swensen of Watertown, Wis. "Ten yeara of ecsema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured It, sound and well." In fall.blc for 8kln Eruptions, Ecsema, Salt Rheum, Bolls, Fev?r Sores, Burtis, Scalds, Cuts and Piles, 26c st Dr. Hsrd'e drug store. A GOOD POSITION. Can be had. by ambitious young men and ladles In the field of "Wire; less" or Railwsy Telegraphy. 8ioce the 8-bout; lay became effective, and since the Wireless companies are ee tabllshlng stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions psy begin ners tton to |90 psr month, with good Vftnce of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute op erates six official institutes in Ameri ca, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and placet all grad uates Into positions. It will pay you to write thsm for full details st Cin cinnati, Oi, Philadelphia Pa . Mem phis, Tenn., Davenport la.; Columbia, 8. C.. or Portland, Ore., according to whero you wish to entsr 10-9. list mors Hi-fist The antiseptic t>owaer to be en Into the ,hoes. I? Too b??e Hired, ?abint feet, try Allen'. Foot-Esse. It reete the (eet end in eke. new of light ehoee ew. Cures setting. . A?*tti la WMhtaftoB, I*, o. ON THK TK.UL of a good hunting outfit, a new ftyie -parlor ?tove or range, kitchen utensils, carpenters' tools, builders' hardware or anything In the line of high grade and up-to-date hardware you are when yon come to this store. Our lines of sporting goods, ammu nition, a tores and ranges are com plete, and anything you need in this IU you will find of the best at McKeel=Richardsoii Hardware Co. Norfolk Southern Railroad Announces improved train service. N?w train between Raleigh. N. C. and New Berne, N. C. without change daily, beginning AuAgust 10* Dally ttCHEiaUE Dally Read Down ^ Read /Up - 5;!5 a. m. Lv Ralelgf Ar. 7:85 p. m* 820 a. m. I?v Wilson Lv 5:81 p. m. 0:1* a m. Lv Farmvllle Lv 4:81 p. m. ?j40 a. n. Lv Oreenvlile Lv 4:14 p. m. 10*16 a. m. Lv Chocowlnlty Lv. 8:88 p. m. 10:40 a. m. Ar Washington Lv 8:80 p. m. 10:07*a. to. Lv ^ % Washington Ar 3:00 p. m. 10:28 a. m. Lv ? Cbooowlnlfy Lv 2:B0 p. m. 11:85 a. in. Ar New Bern *Lv 1:48 p. m. Travel via the direct route and avoid cftanee of ant H. C. HUDOIK3. O. P. A., W. W. CROXTOH A. O. P. A. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA NORFOLK SOCTHERW RAILROAD NIGHT RXI'RESS PDU1UN SLEEPING CAR SERVICE BOTWEEN RALEIGH, N. O" ANI>"NORFOLK VA. Night SCHEDULE Night Express ^ Expreee 1:20 p. m. Lv Greensboro. Sou. Ry Ar 13:10 p. m. f>: 26 p. m. Lv ~ Durham, BoiuRy * Ar 9:50 a. m 4: p. m. Lr. Henderson, S. \. L. Rj Lv. 1:28 p. m 6:10 p. m. Lv Fayettevllle, R. & 8. P. Ry Ar 11:00 a. m. . 00 p. m. Lv. Raleigh Union Station Ar. 7:30 a. m 11:15 p'. m. Lv. Wilson' Ar. 6:20 a. m 7:00 p. so. Lv. Wilmington, Via Wilson Ar. 9:46 a. m. 6:60 p. m. Lv. New Bern. Via Ooidsboro Ar. g:07 a. m 10.15 p. m. Lv. Ooidsboro, Via Wilson Ar 6:40 a. m. 12:41 a. m. Lv. Greenville Ar3:58 a. m. 1:50 a. m. Lv. Washington Ar. 3:00 a. m. 6:10 a. no. Ar. Elizabeth City Lv. 11:18 p. ni. 7:Or) a. m. Ar. Norfolk, Park Ave Lv 9:30 p. m. Close connection at Norfolk with all lines diverging. For complete information, or reservation of sleeping car space, apply to G. T Oannan, Agent, H. L. Lipo, l'. T. A., Raleigh. N C.. W. J. WU llama. T. A.. Wilson N C; F. W. Tatem. General Agent, Ooidsboro. N.C.: J- Ha? sell, T. A. Greenville. N. C.; T H Myers T A. Washington. N. C.; T. H. Umne't, T A, New Bern. X. C.; H. C. Hud gins. O. P. A. W W Croxton, A. G. P. A.. Norfolk, Va NEWSPAPER THE MEDIUM Is the many who OUGHT to buy your property hard to find? Have you about concluded that he has placard blindnee*? Or perhaps it occurs to you^that a window placard has, after all rather a LIM ITED CIRCULATION, and is therefore a poor thing to rely upon IF YOU REALLY WANT lO SELL! Buyers, you see, have a theory that real estate that is of any im portance. or that Is DE8IRABLE. Is SURE to be advertised in the newspaper when the owner wants to sell It Wedding Invitations, Vis iting Cards and Station ery, all Engraved. Call | at the Daily News Office j for Samples. THE LAKH OF A FIEND. would have been about a* welcome to A Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as a I mere Dobs lung-racking cough that de fied all remedies for yfears. "It was most troublesome at night/' he writes "nothing helped mo till I used jjfr. King's New Discovery which cured me completely- 1 never cough at night now." Millions know ltf match less merit for stubborn colds, obetl-1 nate coughs, core lungs, ippt i aathaqw. hemorrahge. croup, whoop ing cough or hayfever. It relieves quickly and never falls to satisfy. A trial eonUnc?*. 60c $1.00. Trial bot He free, it's positively guaranteed i by Lr. Hardy's Drug Store. to Wilson. lWt.M! tnfor w W. CROXTON. ^ DIABETES. From late figure* the hope of i rotary under the new emollient treat ment seems tobe about as follows: In people of sixty and over results are quite uniform, probably nlao tenths recovering. While at fifty and over a large majority of all cai yield to the treatment, below fifty and approaching forty the precent age Is not high?probably not much over half yielding. Under thirty the percentage Is less and hi children recoveries have been very few and most of these were ob tained with the aid of skilled physl clana forcing nutrition and alkaline treatment to' prevent formation of acetones. The new emollient treatment Is known as Bloodine Blood and Kidney Tablets. They can be had in Washi ngton at Pr. Ira M. Hardy's. We desire every patient to write us who is not noting the usual Improve ment by the third week. Always state age. Literature mailed tree,1 and mall orders filled by the Bloodine Corporation, Boston, Mass. *'or sale at Dr. Hardy's drug store. Many a really great man never suspects It. >.v'| | We blame a man from I kicking when he la MUM mulish. 1 X boy never fokgets to wt?4 his first wmteh. -v, l&ii-'-J}- -i- ^ to lk. Ocean View and other point* in { Virginia ? ? Master Daniel O. Fowle of Beau fort. N. C., who haa bean the gueat of his grandmother, lira. Apple Moore, left for hia home on tie morning Norfolk Southern train. a Mrs. P. P. Coaaena and - daughter left yesterday afternoon for Oreen ?ille where they are alaltlng rcla* tires and frienda. ? ? Miaaea Alma and Julia White, who hare been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Coaaens left yesterday for their home In Belharen. ? ? Mr. Charlie McDerett left yester day for Kintaon, where he has ac cepted s position with the Daily Free Press of that city. S or 6 doses of "66f* will cure any case of chills and fever. Price 26c. No Mayor's Court I For the first time in several days j there were no caaea for trial before I his worship, the mayor, this morn lngat he city hall. I This speaks well for the deport ment of a city the else of Washing urn. 1 In Port ! The United States bouy tender. j\^51et, Captain Outen la command, 'is moored at the government wharf on West Main atreet. She is here for supplies to take to the dif??rcn' lighthouses in the dlatrlct. Dr. Jack Nicholson, of Bath .ar rived in the city todsy on buih:e*i. Th<* BalllnKcr Report. Chicago, Sept. 14.-?The report, of".'ae Ballingcr faction of the Ballin ger- Plnchot investigating commit-' jtee likely will not be made until af ter the fz.ll 1 election, according to mAnbere of the commlttcc who are now in Chicago. | The commlttec was not able to |hoid a session today on account of I the absence of Senator Nelson, chair man. | Tho aenator will arrive Inter l.i | the day. The Hague Decltion. The Hague. Sept. 14.?The time limit for an appeal from the award o??T7ie Hague tribunal In the New foundland rtsherlc* i asu expired to day. making the derision recently rendered Irrevocable. The CilM's Superiority. A man sometimes finds hlmstMf In [ troub^ because he has two girls i>n I his hands at one tiaie, bilt nobody < never yet tow the mvn ior*e I enough to rattle a girl. ? Joaton! Globe. Churchgocro. Church attendants are divided In- j to two main dasscu?those who i would like to see the collections dis- | pensed with and tho?$e who would j like for the preaching to be cut out-j ?Dallas News. IHTHV PARAGRAPHS FROM OI K KXC HAXOKS Showing. Incidentally, in Mr. La Follettes case, what a United States Senator can do without Federal pa tronage.?Indianapolis News. Every disaster in our navy gives tbo nation a flashlight on some ob scure heroes.?New Ycrk Ameri can. It may be that we shall in time become accustomed to two presidents but the country will never really like It.?Rochester Herald. 8ometlmes one can hardly help wondering If the Outlook feels that 'It la getting Its money's worth.? Indianapolis News. On the whole It must be admitted that the Outlook's press agent Is doing very wet! foij a beginner. ? Providence Journal. A tenth of the entire Indian pop ulation i* now at school. TMat Is right; we are glad to see the In dians get something for their money. ?Washington Herald. Collector Loeb appears to be ou*li fted In the prosecution of numerous women for smuggling. The women must be taught that it la necessary to take out a New Jersey charter ! before being privileged to cheat Un cle Sam.?Kanaas City Star. Big s^lck, big head, big bluff? which? Or to it a compound with nil three ingredients.?Phlladelplha Record. ? ? We don't Itmme a man for kick ing when when he .is called mullah. IK [CRYSTAL ICE T TELEPHONE 83 CRYSTAL ICE CO. Washington, N. C. Stomach Feels Fine T wo Mi-o* na T ablets Dri v e Away Distress from Stomach G?t a GO cent box of MI-ONA tab let* ?t Brown's Drug Storc today and | learn for yourself how easy It is to I put your out of order atomacU In perfect condition MI-ONA stomach tablets give In- , etant relief?and no more. They build up the stdmach no I quickly that In a few days belching, sourness, heartburn, heaviness, bll oufness. headache and dlzzine*" will I disappear. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are guar anteed by Brown's Drug Store to| cure indigestion and all stomach ills, or money back. "I have bad trouble with my storn- j ach for two years. I tried everything J I heard of. MI-O-NA stomach tab lets did me more than $25.00 worth of good. They are the best In the world."?Dennis Stephen. Couders-1 port. Pa.. Feb. 1. Fifty cents for a large box of MI O-NA at Brown's Drug Ston- mid druggists everywhere. PVUMC SANITATION. Dratnnw ami Sewerage?Mcil inK of The IVmrrt of Aldermen Mid Httzens of WwliiiiKtoii. At a Joint meeting of the Hoard of Aldermen and citizens of Wash ington, held In the City hall on Thursday evening. September sih, the following resolution was offer ed by Mr Small and adopted: Resolved. That a commlut** ?:f five be api-ointed by the mayor pro tem, to which there be added the members of tho Board of Heatlh, who shall appear before the Hoard of Aldermen at a recess meet! UK at the city hall on Thursday. Septem ber 15th at S o'clock p ra. and mem orialize the Board to employ a skill ed sanitary engineer to make it.ans with an estimate of cost for a mod ern and efficient system of drain age and sewerage for the elty of Washington Resolved further, That the citi zens of Washington be cordially In vited to attend this meeting and that this invitation shall Include the ladies. The clerk to the Board wa* directed to publish this resolution :n the city paper? and to ru"tl:%*r vertlse 'he same by elrcuhr. s amrniK the citizens. The .Mayor pro tcm. Geo. J Strid den. appointed the following tf stamp to pay postage Dr. Ira M. Hardy. Special Agent. >1 (Quototfeqs U> t* iv lt-v CvUltMfcJ i 36%, j *?*3^ ? | is j J|d1C601 ivwch. . . y's ft ~ ? 8l>rtTig sitMObs >f> Q | pneks 20? 3ft ' Qeese ??. 4 u CI ?' Oe atUL rjlcsi ? 7 M c (9kvn hide* ? ?*. Wc Dry hidea. . 10^ISH? Woo4l. free ftr>rr. but*:* ? . . . 1*;. WooL buriT ? l >i l I ?? Lamb skins 15\ or wounds that 'lr;::.ind linemen'* \r j ,nlca Halve?eaithV b;".!cr j Quick rellnf and prompt "- ire result | For burn?, bolls. M-rts or nil \:nd rWtoJ, chapped bands anil lips, sore eyes or corn*. its hMpn-wc Sur^t i THE DAILY N EWS 1)11. l??lO st'loRE The use of nuh-ral waters ?ud Jruiu :w ? ?>: <.??siivei: .?*??. is dct T :? uatuiu! nrtntly !!oj!? Is>?'f"- 1y Ma in tain Tea f.:vly v.?j-.-xu-A mi'.i laj??tlv$. vb. K d'.?* gri;?o :ioi weaken l?o\wl :.j w ;iu:- from s knife. fun. tin cad. rusty nail, firework*. or of toy other uature. de mand? prompt treatment with Buck ten ? Arnica Salve to prtw?t blood lt> the quMk ?11 such wound* as also for Barns. BaflW. Sores, akin Eruptions, Eczema. Chapped Hands, corns or piles. 25c. at Dr. Hurdy'e Drug Stops. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything e'.se (alls. nervous prostration and female' A chkneascs tbey at ? the supre*ne remedy, ma thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. LIFK OX PANAMA CANAL hu.< had one frightful druuhuck? maJcrla trouble?that hn? brought suffering and death to thousand*. The germ* cause chlfl*, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice. latitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Kretweli. of l.umnia. N C . aud I've had good lieulth ^-\er since." Cure stomach, liver :ind kid ney troubles aud prevent typhoid. 50c. Ouarunteed by ail drt?:m*ts STAGGKIIS SKI-:i*TII V. Tbat o rtean. nl?*e .fr:i??i ? .t ? oui , ouiid llk<> Buck lull * Ar.i. ?:? ^jlte will iuatauUy relieve s fcad cut. :? aid. wound or pile*, stai;*!' f.? i?kei> Mrs. But gr/wtt f-ri.? T :?* .? r.-u* J or f .si heaier of tho worm wb cers, boil*, felrms riumO bands spratna e/ul *<**?* Try IV U uII (tn;| I ill' CAN iTIt* VI IU( um: I'Qtjj along th* had. illidiiM. LmA nrhn wid |?n?r?l laoruor C?^ n pnrkagd of Mother Ora? ? AiflnW M AN IJEAI. th? V?a**" roof ??/ ber'u cure :.nd all run .lowu. i!r?i. *?! oiii energy nan ihle ronarkaMe < hftrntioL ti( uatura'a barln and i Am n regulator It ha* u<> *???, j*l er (;r?y ? AlriTRVJJAV sold for 50 ? drt'3*. N. Y. ilg' f : . mI at ? x?fc u*ark:?l-|. ?rfes ajiJ ruJn rt urf? t by di.iggiaU or #*nt bm raiJC io cu mh run oV ?. Tue Mother Cray r. i*>vr Hntvi Soveve ?tr-?lr?f" ?.t. T1** ikv Itrains nn ? down*. You '-aa"! 1? liver, kidney?. bowi-i-5 ? ?? out seriuii* ?!:inn? r M. an? \V(.ul; or rUli-d??\vn .r 1 of any kin 1 tako 'm? n;atchdU'6i? tdiiic ri. K. V:\n *d?? Sitmli*. for three inonlliH ;s Electric lilt tor*." l"u*o tin ' ? Joy health and rftrenitth. S."-! guaranteed &??? a*. I): ih ?> store. .V M.\> ok lliox M f;\ l. Indomttfihie will an .it i-i". !ia .. store WHY SAt/ K* I-Al!. TO iTIIfc K'. /.I'MA St'it).l!>lx r.r ? .uie ?! i:??? rjj eczema Ke?iu? ..:? rot 'n tbo r cuter ?: : i'l'T: j:-. Imt lr lt::;cr skis. H? ? n- i. ren- rtatiti? yflh? uid Is required. *? outward ?Mr? that clog.-* the ;'wri#f. / Wo recouimt-tid to ail cc?.etua pa tients the htuurtur-J prescription OH of \YSni?ritrecii a>i camiHHindcil' iu liquid form known as D-"D. I) jvas cription. A trial bottle of ?h> b D D. PrenTliiiion. at only 25 -