fWK7, (or 99o at th? ?' f TIME WORTH MONEY? lid a stenographer sam you y? Call Chamber of Com merce and ask for Miss Myrtle Marsh, public stenographer. WANTED?COSMOPOLITAN MAO aalne requires the services of rspresefatatlTe In Washington to look after subscription renewal# and to extend circulation by spe cial methods which have proved uncually succeestal. Salary and commission. Previous experience .desirable but not essential. While time or spare time. Addrsas with references. H. C. Campbell. Cos mopolitan Mag aalne. 17 89 Broad way, New York City. V wiijUH* vineyard u now Open for the reception of rial tors. Mrs. J. H. Willis. POLICY LOST: LOST OR MISLAID, Policy No. 128028. Issued by The, Penn Mutual Ufe Insurance Com-i pany. on the life or George T. Leach. Tht Under will please return It to the undersigned. Ap plication has been made for the ^ Issuing of a duplica te. Geo. T. Loach. 6t-o-aw. I ONLY CANDY MAKER .Christian George Is here at No. 110 Market street, with a full line of fresh capdy made dally, and fruits of all kinds. The greatest caadt maker in the South.. Call and s?s him. 9-10 CAPI'DINK for "That Headachy." Out lats night? Headache and nerro'is this morning? Hick's Capu dine just tlje thing to lit you for bus iness. Clears the head?braces the THE I1E9T HOUR OP LIFE Is when you do some great deed or discover some ^Wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mount, N. C., when ho was suffering Intensely, as he says, "from the worst cold I ever bad, I then prove#! to my grost satisfaction what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure Dr. King's New Discovery Is. For. after taking ooe bottle. I was Entirely cured. You can't say anything too good of a med icine like that." It's the surest and best remedy for diseased lungs. Hem orrhages. La Grippe, Asthma. H.ty Fever, any throat or lung trouble. 50c. 11.00. rial bottle free. Guaran teed by all druggists. We have plenty of old newspapers for sale cheap. THE DAILY NEWS. IT SAYEII HIS. LEG. "All thought l'e lose my leg." writes J. ,A. Swensen of Watertown, Wis. "Tan yeir8 of ecaerna. that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me un. Then Bucklon's Arnica Salve cured it. sound and well." In fallible for Skin Eruptions, Ecsetna, Salt Klieum. Dolls, Fev*r Sores. Bums. Scakls. Cats and Piles, 26c at Dr. Hard's drug store. A GOOD POSITION. Can be had by ambitious young men and ladles in the field of "Wire, lees" or Railway Telegraphy. 81nce the 8-bour 1*7 became effective, and aince the Wireless companies are ea ts bllshing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay begin ners frota %ft to $90 per month, with god! ?ftnce of advancement The National Telegraph Institute op. erates she omclal Institutes In Ameri ca, under supervision of R. R." and Wireless Officials and places K?d uates Into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details, at Cin cinnati. O., Philadelphia Pa., Mom phis. Tenn,, Davenport la.; Oolumbla. S. C? or Portland, Ore., according to *bero you wlsb to entar l0-?. THE LASH OF A FIEND. would have been about as welcome to A Cooper of Gswago, N. Y., as a merciless lung-racking cough that de fied all remedies foT years. "It was moat troublesome at night." he writes "nothing helped me till I u?M Bfr. King's New Discovery which cur^o me completely. I never cough at night now." Millions know It- match less merit for stubborn colds, pbstl nate coughs, core lungs, Isgrippe asthsma, hemorrahge, croup, whopp ing cough or hayfever. It, relieves quirkly and n?T?r to aatlafr. A trial conrlnoea. 50c tljpo. Trial bot tle free. It'i poaltlwly ?uar*nta?d Dj Dr- Hardy", Draf Btora. mala >you a better price for ? cotton seed and seed cotton. WM. BRAGAW & CO., t IMWM lr"? to WMMltw. W. CL V OraBT TO c m DoV In r.gard to tkat new bir<M you worn thinking of drawing your horse with. If jroa uhsve in ere for a well-made and up-to-date barn MS you will know what out aaaortment means the moment. you lay an eye on It. We have alao a handsome line of carriage'robes, horse tUank etc. whips and horse goods general ly. " McKeel-Richardson Hardware Co. Norfolk Southern Railroad Announce* improved train servioe. New train between Raleigh. N. 'C. and New Berne, N. C- without change dally, beginning AuAgust 14th,1910 Dally ~ SCHEDULE . Dally Read Down ** Read Up t: IB ?. m. Lv Raleigh ^ Ar. 7:16 p. m 20 a. m. Lv * Wilson Lt 6:31 p. m. 3:12 a. m. Lv Farmvilie Lr 4:31 p. m. 9:40 a. m. Lt Greenville Lt 4:14 p. m. 10:15 a. m. Lv Cbocowiulty Lt. 3:35 p. m. 10:40 -a. m. Ar Washington, Lt 3:30 p. m. 10:07 a. m. Lt Waehington Ar 3:00 p. m. 10:38 a. m.'Lv Chocowinlty Lv 1:50 p. m. 11:35 a m. Ar New Bern Lt 1:45 p. m. Travel via the direct route and avoid change of cars. H. C. HUDOIN8, G. P. A- W. W. CROXTON. A. G. P. A. Norfolk; Virginia NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD NIGHT EXPRESS PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR SERVICE BETWEEN RALEIGH, N. C' AND NORFOLK VA. Night I ? "V 8CHEDULB Night Ezpreas * Express 3:20 p. m. Lt Greensboro. Sou. Ry Ar 12:10 p. m. 6:25 p. m. Lt Durham, Sou.Ry Ar 9:50 n. ;n 4:35 p. m. Lt. Henderson, 8.A. L. Ry Lv. 1:28 p. m. 5:10 P. m. Lv Fayetteville. R. & 8. P. Ry Ar 11:00 a. m. .00 p. ra. Lv. Raleigh Unlou Station Ar. 7:30 a. m. 11:15 p. m. Lv. Wilson Ar. 5:20 a. m* 7.00 p. m. Lv. Wilmington, Via Wilson Ar. 9:45 a. m. 6:50 p. m. Lv. New Bern, Via Goldsboro Ar. 8:07 a. m. 10.15 P. m. Lv. Goldsboro, Via Wilson ? Ar. 6:40 a. ci. 12:41 a. m. Lv. Greenville Ar3:53 a. m. 1:50 a. m. Lv. Washington Ar. 3:00 a. m. 6:10 a. m. Ar. Elisabeth City . Lv. 11:18 p. m. 7:00 a. m. Ar. ' -t Norfolk, Park Ave Lv 9:30 p. m. Close connection at Norfolk with ail lines diverging. For complete information, or reservation of sleeping car space, apply to G. T. Gannan. Agent. H. L. Lipe, U. T. A., Raleigh. N C.. W. J. Williams^ T. A., Wilson N C; F. W. Tatetn, General Agent. Go'.dhboro.'N. C.J J. Has acll. T. A- Greenville, N. C.: T H Myers T A. Washington. N. C.; T. H. P. nn*U, T A. New Bern. N. C.; H. C. Hudgins, G. P. A. W W Croxton, A. 0? P. A.. Norfolk. Va v A MAN OP IRON* NERVE Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where Stom ach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowela are out of oid?r. If you want these qual ities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills the match leva regulators for keen brain and strong body. 2oc at Dr. Hardy'8 drug store. POPULAR EXCURSION i To Norfolk and Virginia Reach Thursday. Sept.' 15th via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD very cheap rates from Raleigh, Wilson, Greenville, yWnnh* ington, Rethaven, Colombia, Oriental, Beaufort and Morehead City Going: Tickets sold for all regular morn -? tng trains, September 15th. Returning: Good to leave Norfolk on any regular train, Sept. 17th. FOLLOW THE CROWD See the splendid Battleship Fleet now engaged In target praetlce off Virginia Beach. Oet complete information from nearest ticket agent. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A., 9-H Norfolk, Va. LIFE OH PANAMA CANAL has had one frightful drawback-* malaria trouble?that baa brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs oanse chins, fever and ague, biliousness. jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. '?Throe bottles completely cored me of a very eevere attack of malaria," rina*." Cur* stomach. liver and kid ney trouble, and pr?v?nt typhoid 60c. QuaranM*4 br 11 drunlit,. ' v1 * v ??' j STACKERS SKEITH'S. That a clean, nice fragrant com pound like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will Instantly relieve a fc^d bur% rut. scald, wound or piles, aiaggwi tics. Out great cure proves it's n woti* dorlul honiar aI the worst sort*, ai cers, boils, felooe, enena, rhoctievl hands sprains and eons. Try fti 2sc. J at all druggists. VOf CAJf (JUKI THAT BAC pain along the back, dlastnetfa. hsmc ache and general laagaor. (*% n package of Mother Orty's AL'^ft.V MAX LKAF. the pieaont root win herb cure for all ICtdMf. l!a?w and urinary troublee. When you U all run down, tlrad. w?MI and out energy use this reoarkable Mp. blnatlon of nature's har^ aad n^| As a regulator It has no oqaal. t<W er Cray's AUBTRAJJAN LJtAP * sold by druggists or sent Jh caaA for 50 c(s- Samples saat FRH AA. dress, Tho Mother Gray Oo-.^LeW.. N. Y. A Dreutfol Wound from a knife, gun, tin can. rusty nail, flreevorkb, or of any othar nature, de mands prompt trestment with Buck ler)'s Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison gangrene. It's the qulok ~*t. surewt boater for all such wound* *s slso for Burns, Bofltftj, Sorer. Skin Eruptions. Eczema', Chapped Hands, corns or Piles. 25c. at Dr. Hsrdy't Drug 8to?e. tlectrlc Bitters Su'.ceed Whsti everything else Csffa 7j* uenrous prostration aad femalg f #vknssw? they ai* the supreme rttnedy, aa tlwwsanda have testified. FOR KIONKY|LIVBR AND STOMACH TROUGH it* druggist's Wedding Journeys suggest begin ning to an automobile and ending on foot V* ."J' 2i Personal Mentions Misses Maude sad Estelle Fsux. who tar* been TlHtloi friends la Jessimi, N. C , returned home y? terday. r ? Mr. lUjor Whitley, ot Jflasama. arrived In the city yesterday to fit tend the Washington Public school Mr. J. g. Cutler of Jetsam:, N. *C wss trading In ths city yes terday. ? ? Mrs. H. 8. Hancock, daughter and little son, vho hare been visiting ? ? Mrs. J. K. Davenport of Weecott. left today for their home in New Berne, N. C. ? ? Miss Lucy Wlndley of Bsth wss in the city yesterdsy. ? * Mr. J. T. WhitUey of Belhsven is S Washington visitor. Mr. M. Jordan of Pinctown. was on our streets' todsy. Rev. Dr. Drane of F^enton snd Rev. F. "N. Skinner of iJesufort, sre the guest of Mr. snd Mrs. John O. Bragaw. Jr., Esat Main street. They are here to ssslct in the annlverssry services at the Episcopal church to morrow. Captain R. L.^. Roberts of the Portsmouth Navy Ysrd, Is the guest of his mother. Mrs. F. E. Roberts, on Gladden strqgt. Messrs. D. F. and A. B. Cuf.er of Jeasams. were Washington visitors yesterday. Mr. S. V. Allen of Aurora, ia In the city today. Mr. Csrnle Duke, who haa been tilting Mr. Claude Ricks, return ed to his home this evening in Pan tcgo witli a prisoner for t'.ie county chair, gans Mr. G. T.. Whitehearst and son of Pactolus waa In the c'.ty yesterday. Miss May Sprulll sad Miss Estel'i Woodley, who have been visiting Mrs. Jim Hodges on Market street for several weeks returned tctbeir home in Columbia this morning. Mr. Gilbert Cox of Aurora, is in , tfc- city today. ? ? ? Mr. Hayward Bateman aud family j who have been visiting relatives and j friends in Pitt county, passed through the city this morning en-' route to their home i:i Bath. Mrs. Milson Wind ley and children ? who nave been Usiuug Mrs. Geo. E. I Ricks returned to their home in; BAhaven this evening. Mr. C. S. Doughty returned this' morning from Belhaven, Mr. Selby Jones Went to Xewberne I this morning to play for "Human j Hearts'* tonight. j Mr. I. C. Congleton r^urned this ' morning from Sidney to spend Sun day with his famflly. s | Mr. M. Jordan of Pinetown was a wa"Suington viBitor this morning. | Rev. W. O- Windfleld, of Bath Is in the city today. j Mr. John Tankard, of Yeatesville is a visitor in the city today. Misses Lottie Bishop and Mattie Llnler who have been visiting Miasps Ricks on East Second street have returned to their home in Pantego. Mr. W". D. Daniels is in Pinetown | today on business. Mr. L. E. Everett, returned this) morning from a businea strip to Bei Messrr. E. J. Brooks, N. A. Eborn \ of Bath are in the city today. Mr. Edgar Tankard of Jessn:a is in the city today on business. Mr. Ernest Hudnell of Aurora is In the city today. Rev. E. F. Dickson of Bath is iu | the city today. Mr. W. D. Waiiace and son of Pinetown was in the city this morn- ] ing. Kflitor Julian Dies. Salisbury, Sept. 16.?John M. Jul ian. editor of the Eallsbury Evening Poet, whose Illness with pellagra has attracted wide attention, dlod to day. Mr. Julian who was stricken two , weeks ago has been unconscious since Sunday, and despite skilled at tention be grew gradually worse. He was a member of the North Car olina legislature and was secretary and treasurer of the B1W Nye Me morial Association in this stats. He was S6 years old and Is survived by a widow and three children. to speak a good word for himself oo A wan who stutters may be able cM.ou.Mr. ' \ ' " . -. S*S*hj ?: ? ICE 'r S9i CRYSTAL ICE TELEPHONE 83 CRYSTAL ICE CO. Waabington. N. C. Noticc of Hale! By virtu? of the power of ?'?'e contained In a mortgage deotl' cuted by W. A. Br id go rs and wife to H.H. Satteithwalte, dateh 29 day of April, 1909. and duly recorded in Book No. 14 8. page 119, register's afflce of Beaufort county, which if referred to. i will off or for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash. at the Court House door. In the town of Washington, N .C. on Monday the 17tn day of October. 1910 at 12 o'c'ock. the following de scribed property, to-wit: That certain lot of land situated In the town of Washington, N. C . adjoining the lands of Maud A Bra gaw*. M. O. Brown, dereaaed, M. W. Latham and others: Beginning at the northwest corner of the lot own ed by M. O. Brown, running thencc In a southwardly direction with said Brown's western line, a distance cf 60 feet! thence at right angles to ?aid Brown's line in ' n westward ly dlsectlDn, a distance oi' 5-| feet 10 Inches to M. W. Latham's eastern line; thence in a northward'Iy direc tion with said Lat'aim's lins a dist ance of 60 f?*r to 8. T. Nicholson's lino, hoii:g ?he northern '.lno of a lot Pun-V-cd by Mr.id A. Brag** fro:n The-.- a. McCarthy, admir.i* trcicr :ijjrrov; thence wit:i Fnftl r.cvtMcrn ll^> in wardly -u- u r. d^tanr# of ,">? feet, jo inches iu O:o bee::;nr.lji"." Sub;cet ;i> r'ttii*. Oi way a?onc a iSfe TO feet In w.dth arro^r, tUe" northern end and onncrmo*t sid.-? of saitl lot heretofore granted to Mas?!* W. La tham ar.il M. O. Brown. Thin Sep: Itlth. IMO. H. 11 RATTEKTHWAITE. Mortgagee. Dr. Neeley's WONDERFUL Wintergreen positively cures Rheumatism rc-nnncn? results a?Hur-.'d ?not only temporary relief. If trnnMod w.th tlils d-en I dis. nsj try otic bottle. Price 30e. and $!.'<. per bo'.lTe. r'or e a el by. DR. HARDY, Sole Agent for Wash ington and viciniry Traveler* ami Customs Duties. The Ar-'T'cuu hVxnorr.lff. Mtan of the iffMwioi! industries of the United States. 3s annoyed. not to -j^v ! angry, because the secretary of the I Treasury recently made a ruling that "Upon the Identity of wearing apparel arul other personal effects. Iwhuch have been atlered or repair >cd abr^td. bn?nir ectAtiVsned to the a,**tIsfh< t on of the collector or his representative* on '.he pier a* ar t| ? es tnken aboard as baggage by residents of the United States, du ties should be assessed upon the val ue of such repslrs or alteration* only upon the production of satis factory evidence of the character and cost thereof." Residents of the I'nlted Sr*** returnlng from abroad have bc-n i much annoyed by toe requirements that they pay duty on repaint or jus tified arterations to articles in their possession. They racy not havo been justified therein, but the ordinary American citizen resents the pry ing scrutiny of the customs officials. ps they would police surveillance. Between 30 snd 70 a woman tries to conceal "her age?after that she begins to brag about it. I A married woman usua.'.y er.Joyf ! meeting another married woman who Isn't happ.'.y mated. I It costs more than twice as much i to live now as is did a hundred I years ago, but it ts worth the differ ence. It would be a terrible thine now If a full and fair Investigation show ?d that no fraud has been commit WANTED! tfMhJateU to try our COLOAT*| BOAP PASTE. Guaranteed to remove dirt and GretM q?lcker than anything elae. Walter Credit & Co PHONE 80. Don't Get Run Down Weak and miserable. If you hare Kidney or Bladder trouble, Dull bead paluc. Diaslneaa, Nervouaneaa, Paine In the back, and (eel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray'a Aus tralian-Leaf, the pleasant herb cur-). It neve, falla. We ha*e many tes timonials from grateful people who have ui?ed this wonderful remedy. Aa a regulator it has uo equal. Auk fo: Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf n Drugglata or Bent by mall for SO eta. Sample free. Addreas. The' Mother Gray Co.. I eRoy. N. Y. AWFUL PAINS FULLYDESCRIBED A Lady of Pizarro Tells Story of Awful Suffering That Cardui Finally Relieved. Pizarro, Va ?"I '-.uttered for severs! rear*." writes .Vrf. Dorua ,V frrilh. with il.at awt ? b;.Lkeciie t:;J the tier ing down se:.^-?3 f^iiy described a your *>cok. "I triec uocrcrs ?nd other medic;..?: ?rH found little re. f until 1 v.as induced ?o try Wine of Case' *, when i fo'.ind i:s ?tr.n< rel.ef and ! eviy 1 can hcartii) commendCaiduii suffc::r;' wotntt :nJ.think there is nc ..t .eraj L-cjd." In sonic instance.-, Cerdui p.'cs instatr .t'lef; ;n others, it :r.. / take a litllc lime 3ut in a!! cases of fe :ile trouble Crrdu enn b; Ce^Lndcd on lobeof b?neiit, as 't is c specific remedy f-ir women ar;! icti in a cu;alive way ; j the woman') D.-gsns. A? a senciaS tonic f ;r v omen. to bui'd .ip yi*.?r strength, improve >our appe i.te, bring back ro<y c'::ic' s and in.il.e you look and fe<l youn^ and hanpv, nothing ;u u can find will do so inucn tor you as Curctii. | Your drutiirt lies it. j N. B ?Wriie to: LatiitV Adrf?^nr Dept. Oil tit DOOta Mcdici.-? C.i .CiatUn . ca. Tcnti.. i r Spr r lnttnctioni. and M-p's*; b?>'? 'Home Tn Limcjn lor Wtaro. ' *cfi? iu v-m wrappc*. cn icquc?L MEN OLD AT 35! One Million Baldheaiis, who Thought Dandru:.': Wasn't Dangerous. Iu the United State* at .1 Canada j uxlay there art* jjcarly a mill'.or tneti' wbo at 30 cat) be pat in the IjuI Vu<><; | ClUM. I When thf>e men had thi?t igor-j one hatr. Ja::Jri,T made is ai 'W j a nee. That was the time to attaca tn?- I .enemy of iutiu?:ii:d?the pc#?l*tent j !little devil J dni d-.uu m'.c.-ube. j l?i? germ :'?! . v.? .. ? ? ?? In-' j to the h.'it* r.-iM ?:. ! vi; - it ? ilwj V.iclUy ti n-, h* ?.? e.-i'OK"ial to .the) I | hair VouM! r..in a:<> '!>rn, for ti'.a* I iaafti'.', oi t.e dandruff 1 it ?* ,1-it n theory :.n a? tint' eo4l* idi'ton that lOi-.iriia'.i you. Tha^ dan-j druff is e vised by a rre, i>- proven! i bey or. d question. That thlfc K"rni! | destroys flie hair ron: :? today r I tuuttc-r of common !ii.ow!od2o | Brown, the druggist ha* the rem- . edy tliat kill# the dandruff gerir. Hr | guarantees it to eradicate dar.dvuff j ?top falling hal- and lichins acr.lp| ia two week*, or money back. It i* I culled PARISIAN 8AGK. and can b. | obt.!;ned at druggist,, in ivery toan j In America?ask Brown for it. The j girl with the auburn hair in on every I bot'le of Parisian Sage. HAPPY WOMEN j ! Plenty of Them In WiiRhlncton, and C*ikm| R<-a*on for It. Wouldn't any woman be happy. After yearn of backachc suffering. Days of misery, nights of unrest. The dlstrass of urinary troubles. She finds relief and cure? No reason why any Waehlngtou reader should suffer iu the face of evidence like this: Mrs. Charles J. Jackson. 212 To! fair st.. Washington. N. C.. says: "I suffered from kidney troubles for some time. The kidney secretion*' were so frequent In passage a a to cause me great annoyance, and my back ached almost constantly. At oc casional times I had such sharp shooting pain* through my loins I could hardly perform iny household duties. I finally heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, and procuring a a??p ply from tho Washington Drug Co., I began their use. They strengthened my kidney*, regulated the passage* of the secretions and entirely remov ed the pains in my back. I have not had any kidney trouble |lnce using Doan's Kidney Pills, i can recom mend them as being far auperidr to any other remedy 1 have ever tried." For sale by all dealer* Price 50 centa. Foster-Mil burn.. Co.. Buffalo, New Ybrk, sole agents for the Unit ed Statee. Remember {he name?Doan's ? and take no other. movtoS? t Uml.r aad by vlrtuu of J^l of Tniit to m. ftoaiT >b?h Jons* Hoar, will... larah T. Wllllaiaa, d.u>d l.t 1*7 of March. HOS ami rocord 4 la the r .(liter', offlc* of Beau fort oumy la book 1*1. pag?> 30 s and 109. I will on the 3rd Bay of Octo ?r. 1910 at 1J o'clock, n>, ..11 for s.h before the courthouae door lo Yaahlngtoo. N. C.. to the lilghwt 'ldder the following described real ?tat*. tow It: All that certain lot or parcel of and situated, lying and being In the Itate of North Carolina and City of Vasbington In that part knowu a* Gladden town, being part of lot No. 72) seventy-two. Gladden Town, rhlch la known as the Haven* pa*l ore lot and being the Identical lot ?f land conveyed to the said parties ?f the flrat part by party of the Ird ?art by deed March 1st, 1905. This 30th day of Augunt 1910. WILEY C. RODMAN. Trustee. Motic* of S?l?.! By virtue of the power of sale con fined In a mortgage deed executed >y Emma Dun-' to W. P. gtnifll. dat Hi 30th day of November, mox, ind duly recorded In Book No. 148,^ Page 124 register's office of Beaufort county, which la gefcrred to. I will ?ffer for aale to the highest bidder ?t public uuctlon. for f-a?h .it the "ou.~t house door in the town of Washington. N. C., ?n Thji>day, ?*he I3tu duy of October !:ho 4lt ji a clock, the following le* ribod ?roperty, to-wit - All the r.gbt, title, Interest and '..state of Emma IVinn .n and t?> lhut certain loi of land sltu.-tfrd in the town of Washington, stale of ,vorth Carolina, adjoining the Iota of John i '.:onp, .las. Cherry hii?1 oth ers: Beginning on rirth street 72 r-.?et from th- line between :0t? Nos yaM<J !?3 and run* with Duvid llrowa s Hue jj f,Cl; wU1| Jcr. C .rry , 111... | ; fvt.r I( .. . . n,0 witu John Clfinou'.H Jill ;o Fifth street an.l n-ith -trcet lo the iK^tnnhiH. .1.11 '?* rhe s. me lot of land wMi*!i ?;??.- ? i<? |\a. ma Dunn as - 01 : ., ?v. ? 01 l'?' Je? i-nsod. This Svjit. 13. I :? 11? AX OitlXX.Wci; Tho fo?:owli,^ ore.:,?,?? .. ,Uoj,t. ?'?' by C tv AlCo.-^i.-ti in their meet ing September ". Ordered tin.; all transfers be com J'ullud to tarry light- a .'tor .lurk. Any out* fatlijiK lo comply with 'lip ,,r dinuiu-e .hall be Sued $1 i0, ,.acli ami every offense. \V. H. WIND1.EV. Clerk to Hoard CITY MAKKK1. (Quotations furnished by U. 13. Mayo & Company.) Beeswax Tallow . . CMrktn*. 26a. 20c 4c WrCt 3 5c Sisrln* -rhiekens . i5Ct 25o Ducl? ~'0*i 2S* Uee,,c 4 0U60C Greer. ?alt hides ? 7^c Green hide.- O .6^? Dry hides, lb J0Q.12V4C Wooll. free f.'om burrs ? ICe ^ Wool, burry ........ w.. , j I r/14e Lamb skins Shearlings Corn, bushel 7 * fer ?J THE DAILY NEWS DK. llAUUV't) IiKI U s i?'Hi.' The use of mineral waters and mineral drug* In case of costlveuess, la decidedly harmful. Tlie natural remedy Ik liollisier's Kooiiy Moun tain Tea. Purely vegetable. A mild , laxative, which doea nut gripe nor weaken the bowel muscles. Hardy'a Drug Store. DO.VT CKKAK DOWN Severe strains on the vital organs. Iko strains on machinery. cause i>rea2c downs. You can't over-tax ?tomach, iiver, kidneys, bowels or nerve* with out serious danger to yourself. If yon are weak or ruu-down or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters th? matchdless. tonic medicine. Mrs. J. K. Van de Sande. of Klrkland. 111., writes: "That I did not break down, while enduring a most severe strain, (or three months Is due wholly to Electric Bitters." Uuse them and en Joy health and strength. Satisfaction guaranteed. 50c at Dr. Hardy's drug store. have plenty of old newspapers for ml* cheap. THE DAILY

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