' _ UESDAY AFTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 39, I91t NO. 41 The board of (taction* for Beau fort county met at he office oI the chairman. Mr. H. B. Harding. yea terday at noon, for the purpoae ol aeWcting the reglatrar* and poll holders for the forthcoming elao tlon to bo held In November Th< board la composed of the followlnt member.: Mr. H B. Harding. Mr. W. B. Windier and Mr John W. Chapln. The following wer? ap. pointed: ? *.: Waahlngton, l.t ward: Reglatrar, J. B. Peed. Pollholdera. J. ' ? " j ' '? _ L "XT ?? r*/r i///3//.4or A'^rA//ra? MBT'" Five Men Thrown Into Teeth of Saw and Two Killeb ARE BADLY MANGLED ON*K MAN WA8 BEHEADED, AN OTHER HAD HIS HEAD CRUSH ED AND THE OTHER THKHE WERE SERIOUSLY CtTT AND MANGLED. Emporia. Va. Sept. 19.?One man tvaa beheaded, another had hta head curahed into a shapeless mass of fleah and bone and three others were badlj mangled at the saw mll> of the Camp Manufacturing Com pany at Arringdale, near here today, when a negro workman pulled the lever of a swim lie carriage the wrong way and knocked five men Into the mea'.strom of whfrllng teeth. Thct five workmen were standing upon the platform which la used for carrying timber into the path of the great circular ?aw. Taken unawares by the action of the negro workman they were thrown into the very teeth of the saw. As the men fell Into the death dealing Instrument tfcelr arreami warned the other employes and atl haste was made to stop the machin ery. However It was too late. In the excitement several made a dasn for the throttle, knocking each oth er down. " i Those who witnessed the castro phe were paralysed with fear. Bits of flesh and bone were hurled over them and the saw platform looked like o slaughter house. The sharp edges of the saw teeth caught the clothing of the victim??. making it utterly Impossible for them to hurl their bodies back ward. ? When the machinery was finally stopped It was feared that all five men had met death. The decapitated body rolled from the platform presenting a grewsome spectacle. The other four men, including the workman, whose head was cruah ed to a pulp, were hastily moved and medical aid was instantly sum moned. It was anonunced that at least one of the men would die and per haps two of them. M4ny a dark secret never comes to light. Dr B. F. Dixon Became Sud denly 111 Ycsterdap HIS CONDITION NOT SERIOUS HA1> AX ATTACK OF AL'GIXA PBCT(*UA ABOUT 10:?o TBS 11RUAV MOKXnti I.X HIS of fice IN THE CAPITOL?CON IHTION NOT 9ERIOCH. Raleigh, Sept. 19.?This morning shortly after ID:SO o'clock Dr. B. F. Dixon, state auditor, was taken suddenly and seriously 111 In his of Dee In the state capltol, and for a time his condition was thought to be extremely 111. He suffered the greatest of agony In the left side of bis ehest and for more than an hour phyalclans worked to' relieve the. great pain. About 12 o'clock the rain had been sufficiently tleadoned by the use of oplp.tes to permit hla removal to Rex Hospital, where a oftreful ilc^nosls was made tblk afternoon. The phyalcans states that *v leas was due to auglna Pretoria. I> Dr. Dixon came to hie office ris jsukl tils morning and so far as Is kyowp w'fis in" t^ood li?i\lth A-?lkad down -the street and r/rtura tA In aSihort- while. -.A few minutes iaterTie wafted out again and"re-l urned' a.'frflr minute^ later, wftlk-j ng slowly and carrying hie hat,, In Ills hand. As he pralkod In his ofllre to sak Mr. Baxter Durrani and Mr. Ever ett Baker to get a doctor he fell >ver on h Jminge. In a few.mln :tes several physicians were 01. land. * Dr. Dixon wis suffering Krent ag >ny and his groans could be heard :hrough the capltol corridors. De-j ipfte the fact that opiates were ad-1 ministered the pain continued for in hour before any relief was ob alned. About noon the patient's condl-j Ion was such that he was able to ie moved to Rex Hospital The physicians announced that1 he was Improving that his condi-i tlon was not considered very se ?lous. Orr Lodge. There will bo a regular commun ication of Orr Lodge No. 104, A. F. ind A. M-. at their hal lthis evening at 8 o'clock. All visiting brethren are cordially Invited to be pres rat. HADED THE DANGER K v'1# * rjs -TTTTT'. ??. ? Of the Whirlpool Rapids in Motor Boat \ THE ENGINE BBEAKS DOWN CArt^lS KLAL'8 URSEV Kl'O CKKSFl'LLY MAKES TRIP, KH * CAF1NG WITH AN INJl'RKU LRU?UTTLK BOAT WWT TO HIGHT AT GIIEAT WAVE. Niagara Fall*. N. Y.. Sept. 19.? Capt. Klaus Larsen, In his little mo tor boat, the Ferro, late today made a successful trip from the foot of the cataract through the whirl pool rapids to within a anile of Lew Iston. a distance of four and one half miles. He started from the Maid of the Mist dock at 4:45 p. m., and ran un a rock near the American shore at 5:30. Despite tho battering of toe rap ids Larson wont through safely, but his boat was looking badly at the finish. The "Ferro" swung under the cantilever bridge, the engine run ning at top ^peed, and was caught In the swift rapids. Laraen held Lo th? middle uf the channel and In lefts' than tlifor minutes ' hail mad< fbe great pool. In the trip through the rapids' the little boat was lost to aight most of the time, but at Great Wave. It was shot 20 feet out of toe water. The boat landed right anv contin ued through the pool. Laraen kept to the outer edge of the pool and passed out and down j without arcldent. Just -.a he left' .he pool the engine stopped work ing and Larsen was at the merry of the waters hardly less violent than those above. The little boat swung around *tern first and then turneil com pletely over. l*arsen coming up bad ly battered. It whs her.* he injured tils leg. From now on Larsen v.as the plaything of the mighty river unable! ;o hold the course, the boat swing ing from one side to the other. Af-1 ter getting through the Devils hole, the Ferro swung towards the recks, nn the American shore of tl'.e,river, rolled over or.o boulder and went fast between two others. There tarsen stayed for fl\e minutes forty feet from phore. working deapefate ly to release the craft. Getting free (Continued on Fourth Page' it FOUNTAIN* de MEDICI Luxembourg (innloiu, Pari* Fall HiHinery OPENING Thursday and Friday Sept. 22 and 23 v. You are cordially invited to attend. The Hub. Much Rnjoyed. Zarailli and de Amon, the grotes quo f.exlblc clowns, now showing nt Oem "Theatre, was seen lust nlghl T>y "ft large crowd and all pres ent pronounce It one of the beat acta ever seen In Washington. The a'ti is great and has been the sub Jert of high praise on the streets to day. It would pay everyone tn see this first class performance at this w41 known playhouse.. They exhibit again tonight. Doctor Sprlnkletl. / great doal of mcrrl^jpont was occasioned At the corner of Main and Market streets yei rday at the expense of Dr. Jop. a 'fount. The doctor while attempts * turn the corner was treated to a k. .1 wet ting by the city atreet aprlnk."*. in Ailing the tank of the sprinkler It overflowed and the water could nx>t he cut oft In time to aave the doc tor. He took the occurrence la the beet ot humor If he did receive * good a0Ulu. CEM THEATRE Were you at the Oem la ing? Thte question has been asked mauy times today. Those who did attend, and that included about every one who came down town, were enter tained In a way never before In any show In Washington. Zarelll and De Amp, grotesque flexible clowns, held the boards and to say .these two genotlemen are genuine fun producers, is express ing it mild. Any onu having a case of blues will And all their troubles vanished after seeing their act with out a single word spoken, during the whole act. which Is positively the greatest and most wonderful of Its kind now touring the South,. You leave the Gem Theatre feeling that you have bt^o well repaid for going and have promised yourself that you will go again tonight. Any one not caught laughing during the entire performance should have their frlendw take them to consult a physician, for there Is something wrong or either you are a people and ani mals from walking on them it seem ed this did no good judging from the appearance of the walks this morning. Large Increase Five hundred and flftv-nlne pu pils were enrolled at the Washing tor. Public schools yeqterday, ,thi? cpenlne da>. This is an increase of forty over the opening day of last ye%r. The entire s.hool got down to work this morning and every one is busy. A great year Is looked for as a lean It of this school. Carload of l)UKuie?. The Washington Horse Exchange Company recefved on yesterday a carload Oi Flanuagan buggies. They can now he seen at their place of busine*? on West Second street. House fluents. ?.'rs. John H. Small has as her guest Miss Lottie Blow of Green-) ville: Misft Bess Boyd of Washing ton, D. C.. and Visa Nora Angel of! this city. The**hostess entertained s few' friends at her home corner of Dri Ige f land Main streets last evening in ] their ? honor. The occasion was| much enjoyed. ^ UNIVERSITY NEWS! /. 5r"-if The Y. M. C. A. Helb Its Wel come Service Last Sunday .< ?_.* "zfli.Jd *jj*V if ,/rCT?2 TIME HONORED GUSTOM THK UNIVERSITY HAS HTAUTKU WKLL ON IT* \K.\HS WUKK .THK V. M. C. A. IS DOING A (JHAND WOKK AT THIS INSTI TUTION OF LEARNING. The University of North Carolina lis now well started on Its year's work and the students and faculty of the Institution are onco again considering tbeir debt to tbe Young Men's Christian Association, wliich has taken such a prominent part In getting things to running. Fresh men, moro than any other people, perhaps, have a tender fecung for the Association for It was the In formation bureau which was run by Y. M. C. A. members which enabled tlRm to soe some semblance o! or der in tho chaos of red tape which seemed to confront them on their arrival here. The association had sent each prospective student a hind-book during tMe summer, which contain ed all the information that could be compresAud into the small space, in regard to the new country into wRlch the men seemed to themselves to be journeying. The association engineered College Night, when a mans meeting In Gerrard hall brought together for the first time hI Ithe students old and new.?-the new men for mi Introduction to the custom and unwritten laws of the life of the University community, the old men for a noi*y cheering gathering, with everybody clapping everybody else on the shoulder. glad at the realization that he is back. A; this meeting talks were made by Mr. C. L. Williams on the Educa tional Value of the Literary Socle tle; Mr. Archie Dees on the Honor System, by which the student body governs Itself; The Function of Ath letics in a Symmetrical Education by Mr. C. E. Mc In tyre; M W Turl ington the president of the Y. M. C. A., for the coming year, spoke on the Achievements and Alma of the Association. Turlington, who Is al so the first scholar of his class and who won the Rlugham medal in de bate at the last commencement, told of what the Bible Study groups conducted by the association had meant lust year. The groups had in cluded 400 men or half of the en tire student body. A startling attain ment of the Rible study enthusiasts In the eyes of many, was the organi zation and successful year's work of a class which consisted of members of the football team only. H" told of the various ways the association had made Itself a party of the life of the college. * According to the time honored custom the association held its wo' icome meeting on the first Sunday of the e*Mton. Hr. Edwin Mlmi, I Professor p. H. Winston and Rev. JR. W. Hogue made short talks. Dr. Minis told of what tlu? association had meant to him in his student ? days at Vnnderbllt and during many years he had been a teacM0^ ^ at Trinity College. Professor woP stou warned the new men agaiMK?j?? five evils which the man who lira* the life of the college successfully must shim-laziness, drunkenr.cfs, gambling, Immorality and profanity. Mr. Hogue, the pastor of the Epis copal church here pointed very for cible the necessity for development along spiritual lines? a necessity which he considered more stringent than any other and one which he feared college men arc prone to neg lect. The one thought which ran through al Ithree of these talks was that the work of the Association should appeal and does appeal to the strong uien of the student body. Mr Ed. P. Hall the newly clect od general secretary of the association had an active part in the engineering of these various meetings of the asosclatlon. Mr. Hall graduated at the University of i Continued on Fourth Page) WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL We liave just received one case of Ladies fine Gloria Umbrel las with Mission Handle, regu lar $1.25 quality which we will offer Wednesday only at - - 98c. Bowers-Lewis Co. Wcr*. Br.test Sto-e. Watch Tomorrow'. Ad.