tude and liberality by anything in, the newspaper history ot the United States, outside '61 th* big metropoli ' tan centers, la presented by .thU . ,r, ;? , ,The Dally News will send four women *>a O Ms WMkn' tour of Eu rope aad Will pay all expennea for t/>nspbrtution, hotel bllla, omnibus hire, transportation of boggag*. : ^ porter*, alghtae-cdrig carriages and "iitt other things necessary for a tkorcngbly enjoyable trip vllf aor; fr6ni Montreal onvJufev^T. Id 11. and will be brou^t back to I^ton 36 day* Tl'V i'lCtv Mil sail direct from '.'^"RrV/'Mrpfti to Karve, France, \? I?re thej- trtii bo met. by an experienced | *uid? who will conduct them around! to the j laces ot Interest provided tpr In the Itinerary. and look after! the Interest of the tourist* '-untfr ihey aro ready to embark for"Ameri-J ca -? The conductor of tho tour haa been selected tor his knowledge and experience of conditions of trav el.- and for other business and eo ?1 fttiflMicttlcani The Public Will Deride. The question of determining who ? oU' Ic.fT f* "i?vt m? ?sQvnre-' ly to-the people of Washington and Tlclnlty and they will make tbo act ual choice. After the peoplo have definitely dotermir.cd to whom tho tours Rhall bo awarded, the Dally >W*.Vin do the rest The utmost fairness and impar tiality will govern the contest from beginning to end. and every assur ance of consideration la extended those who participate in the con-1 ?teat. | The tour* of Europe contest Is public in its spirit. Every one in | this .vicinity it cordially Invited to take part In the balloting which j will-decide the winners of the tours' and It is believed overyone will, j Who tbe women are who will go on the peraonally conducted tour of Europo for almost six weeks will be decided by popular vote b ytbe peo ple of this section. Ballots will be printed In each Issue ot the Dally News during the life of the contest, and other ballots of infinitely great er value will be given on all pre paid subscriptions. ? At the close of "the contest, one membership In the tour will be awarded In each district to the wo man who has received the highest number of votes' In her district^ and to the chaperon. How to Nominate a Friend for Mem bership. In order to be a candidate it is ' t necessary that you bo a subaerib *? to the Daily News. All that is cr ? sary Is to clip out the nomlna nee%v ballot appearing on another HVIT|IU4Ull' to I?aso, flU it out and bring It, mail, or send Jt to The Contest Uana;'6r! ofthe Ttelly News * ^ ^ it you desire to nominate * friend Oil in her name and addj-ee* and tend it In with your name signed to it. Remember your name will not be published # and Trill not bo nieu !lcn?i In any war How to Vote ami Wfcffc... The ballotiBS will be by means ti coupons clipped from each Issue of tyiS Drily News and by certificate!* issued up'o^j pfj'ment for ^ subscrip tion to The' pally-.News from either old or ar,r an^cfHx?n. . i It is tu. bo remembered that this contest wlU be aelf-supportlng and that thoeo who vote decide the tburs and to select the chaperon will not pay anything -for the priv ilege. The balloting la fre<* k) everybody lad ulj that is necessary I* to clip the reopens frpm the Daily: New? or to make afi advance payment upon sjlbvcripticn a^ its regular rates. Rvery ? papment: of fl.00 or more tntitles yini to a hpecijied number of rotes for a eaffdldat* to secure u membership in the tour and for the selection of the chaperon. N? Restriction*. No restrictions are plared upon the -nuiffber'tof vetea any person may casfS-fbV" tanMd^ttjs' and ?he candldaiw may. go anywhere in L&:>lut?* FnlmesK Will ITevail The Daily News hereby guarantees that absolute fairnoas will prevail throughout the contest and that 6very woman entered a* a candidate, rich or poor,' will have the same opportunity. No favorites will be played etoppt by the friends of the ditferen contestants and no lottery methods will be allowed. Full Information Cheerfully furn ished. ' Full details of the contest, rules and conditions which govern, time of contest, schedule of votes, etc, are given in a half page advertise ment in this Issue. We have also issued an at tractive pamphlet containing many Illustrations which will be fumlsheo upon application" or mailed to any address without eoet. Clip the llallot An early start Is important Cot success in any enterprise and .espe cially in a voting contest. Clip ou( the nomination ballot, which is good foi 1,000 votes. Fill It out and send it in today. If you would do more make a payment upon your subsrlp tlon and start your favorite with s nie* vote. , Clip the coupon each day as the) are of great, value. For the first tei days they will count foi- ten vote* each. After the first ten days theii value will be reduced. H N&TM Kewnei ~~7' .aerves ?i wow nura, -njaioutu, ( Eden ton, Elisabeth City and Wll (a being made to organ- mlngton. An effort -\y of naral reeerree ln| Waahtngton la the only coaata ife a rompai Quite a number of town in the state without an org Waahtngton. i In teres ted In the' anlaatlon. young men ar? *>ka aa If the pro-1 It la to b? hoped the andertakln* scheme and It K ugh. Aa ?oon aa will prore eucc?afal. Ject will go thro *r can be secured the required numbt be made, to the an application will . laalon. governor for a coma 'one of ro There are organlaat. STYLE~a VND COMFORT SHOES comprises all the Our line of FALL ? to-d?te footwear. Suede new things In up. is are strong favorites, and Gun Metal buttO. Women may come and wom?n ma: go, but a man can alwaya depend or this venerable old gentleman, but are consoled in tailoring ho has gone to that happr hunting ground where all pale faces and red men are an one If they have done thd will of the Great Spirit. Third. Mr. Alllgood was a proni Inent citizen, well beloved by ah who knew him, a man whofre Ilffc uilght welt be vciulated by all Fourth. A. cony of thcso resolu tions be placed upon the minuet, a copy sent to Bro. 8. F. AlllKood and a copy sent to the press with re quest to publish. W. J PIPPIN. K. J. RESPESS, v .H. G. WINFIEW), - * ' Committee. Resolutions of Respect. ? Whereas, The uGreat SpHt of the Universe has deemed it wise to re move form our midst om chloC* brother, Major'John Wright. ? Therefore, hr? it refcotVed, Thai we. Tau Tribe No. 18. I. O. It M . tender io tbfc Wreaved and stricken brother otir exprofaloo oi orofouad sympathy In 'this hour of distress; i:n.d ccrmmend 1.1m to One who is able to 'otPAl up the broken heart and brifig peace to the troubled soul. Revived; that these resolutions be Inscribed on our records to the memory of our cUle*'a bTother. . Resolved, ;? .J Copimjttee. WRICH TWIN' A HriCIDF.? Relatives I nnbii* to Identify Man Who*** Ctmnterpnrt It Missing Jtou: for pbllad-^pbta Soith A*ier So closely djd Frank and Goortre Elliott. twins, resemble each other that the body of one of them, u sui cide la lyln? at the morgue, with relatives unable to say which of the brothers It la. Elliott killed himself on Wednes day by Jumping In front of a train kat tho Noble street wharf on the Delaware river. When the body was taken to the morgue Mrs. William "Boyle, a sister was summoned. She identified It as that of her brother, but said that she could not say positively whether It was Frank or George. Other relatives wer?* also unsuc cessful In making positive Identifica tion. Last night a message was sent to Mrs. Boyle's fathor at Atlantic City and he will arrive today to try te determine which of his sons is dead The Elliott family drifted apart and the whereabouts of Frank El liott Is not known to other mem bers of the family. It was suppos ed that George Elliott lived here but Mrs. Boyle says she has no defi nite knowledge to this effect. The man who killed himself wai known around Front and Vlni streets as George Elliott. He hat been employed as a stevedore bu' lost his position through contlnuec After ] * Wilmington. N. C, Bep*. 10^? Chief of Police Stalllngs of Spring Hope. M. C., was fatally shot and I has been sent t? a hospital In Rich mond, Va., for an operation whllo practical every'citizen of the town and community has joined in the pursuit with bloodhounds, of N> raan Leu is a negro, chnrged ylth retailing Uquorr and who llretl into the bream of the officer when lie. with another officer went lo arrest the neg/o Sunday, night The *egro was located In his house and ordered by the offi cer to^corae out. Latwia told his wife t _ j >*1ease Itetnm ^'hccl. wiujiw i party who took tlje blcjV cte rrOta In front of Paul's store | Mcndaiik nlg^ . pleaee return It to Ihia oliice 4-,^.. l:?a buc'une, 'frcraerly with tlie Her-1 aid .Square Ope \ Company, the Hi Henry Minstrel- as a special a: tractloa tonigLi tor all lovers of good music. He will sing Illustrat ed sougs. TU^ro will .'iso be n change mado;:n.r the musical program. Tho Blind Boys ipla." .(Vilagraph). ! This picture po&Jesics unusual ttrength. Briefly, it tells the story of how a cruel young socicy girl played* with the heart of a*f utiw phiitlcated back-\?oods n.;.n. who never suspccted her ptirpcses. "Tlw Stan* and Strip***.*'?Here Is a picture that wlU wt every nerve to tingling, will start the Mood pul sating more rapidly and will make you want to stand on ycr.r heat and cheer with all tho vigor you can command, ft tells the story o: John Paul Jones, the llrst to raise the new (lag over a I'nlted States vessel. The picture throbs with the spirit of '76. Other pictures will also beb shown that are .equally a* good. ' Tomorrow an unusually strong program will be presented: *"Howr Championships Are Won and Lost" by James J. Corbett (Vi tagraph). And "T1h? House Wltl: thi; t'Io*cd Shutter*" (BlOgraph.) Remember this Is tho Blind Boyi last week In our city and If yon haven't beard them you have misss. ed a rare treat. So como toulghi with the merry crowd and enjoj yourself. Fall Hillinery OPENING Thursday and Friday Sept. 22 and 23 HJTi: ?: . You are cordially invited to attend. CEM THEATRE (feuiptete dinie at Act Toalghi New NoUor Picture*?B?ri*M|Kc Made Act Tonight. Zarelll and De Aman, grotesque flexible clowns. pleased another targe crowd at the Gem last nig hi bj their clever acting. Tonight there ?rill be a complete change. Introduc ing several uew novelties, Mghiy pleasing. It la truly wonderful when one considers how difficult it is to bring forth no much that Is tunny. And really good to latigh at. when not a single word la spoken. As real genuine fun producer.. ZarelM unci I?e Aman rack among the top notchers. Tomorrow night wlli conclude' their engagement here, and overy one should soe this iplondld net, whUe thoy hate an op portunity. No better or more plette ng act has ever toured tht* if the South. and Washington -hould feel gind to have such sets. \ fine picture program will bo 'hown tonight. Tho Cem ffps Blw*ys been uofni lor^Ils excellent nocture*. Thoy know how to project a'picture upon the screen, bringing out the tint? tourts. which ipnkcs the photograph almost life like. Tonight the following picturesj pill be shown. Our New Minister- Dramatic. j l*r.:t<'?l . IilFe \iviim Ih'ili.j ?Educational. j The floimc ou flu* Hflf?r/ramitlc^ Adutis*lo:.. .tnd l?> ee^ia. At the Coii'f*. !"re.l<:ri<* Lithane, tiic f.imo-is Southern bsrit.Mie will tin? :lc Hie; Gs*' tv Thwt'p this evening. The.' there was no break of the skin, tho *4 book bavins taken the force ot the .j piece of shall that had kit him Frank was clean knocked out.' Af ter a tittle he revived. jh " 'Mike' I am dying" he ?ai ttauroAii .?womj.' a Ttkilr?a' ! ft*l- their proc .*-*?? toward so^M lslue.r of l;u'.'CrtRiu:e i* t.? tj<' j?t-ti:l?l :?ospJk ? The ?^?ttM^?f vrfrnr. had Its dsy* tc'jj Qui(r HI. }b< mifeeded by -;ie piano. Then ? ? Jtl*o ? lima!.'??botli a*; an IndlistrUI^ .V?\ F.. J one.-. 11Mo contra*-to:*, J Index .T.'l ?? material for the humor* V ho liA3 >?:i lubispc*e*t for t;*,. p.?t,o? s w.lt?:t-? auj the |#rt paragraph-*] iv. r;.: even niraifMd fiat so manj-v; Townrlol |MrU;r . ? s? bough* anlo:uo<>IIes that^j ? " ? ? ! theiv v. as organised :? society it 'j J. I'.nv, ;i v o, i i-ij n|>i(*\v York to work avir?t rutomdjj J rv; i!:j? tensor1;*.! p-rlor ?n Mtr.ihM n:ufuH.tirtT*. .'ji the ground f t.i :';.e X'h.on (P.'C-'.tvy. |jm? ipry were gettiu* more ttUUk] awe. i'T ? ?-?? .ijt. ; *J::re cf Mu* tiionuy lyinfij rirbltlnc Tutumx. ;im. ;:r">"**7~ 1 r !n advune^ : tl.i N he t? buylqj br 'Of ? 4? Vj th* Htori of - i !i ciurey ?? a profitable con >ros.. comer oi and i.:*-tl?T nrrjJ io handle,>it i bo i?ri?fn:iMi? Tot others?It knou* lurw to handle It. From Sf. Paul comes an of I o\\ scores of small bank taking i'Ofj In tl;e towns whtd rot much mare Ihsn to 2G per font; > story is made further ?nllW-. he si'proprlate '?onrmiitwe the use:.. . , f , , , , . , . , ;the Ktatement that SO per?<" f the freight shea and wl-.arf fori . . . . . ,. 1 -4 , , . stock in these bankr ? - >ne day t:;o latter part ??f Noveui >e:* tor the put pose of an agrwul iri| exJ.ibit. Th?s Is another step toward err treat aijrlev.lturn! exhibit to be leld In Washington. Now let every farmer look <>\er lis held*, co through his corn !'*? otton and sele< i tl'.e l^ist and brlns o Wachlugtcn for u prize. (Jpt a premium list and see how nan> prizes you can vln. You lon't know whs; you can do unless rou tr>". farnkt-rs. Verily, the ancient e^l upon biiucoile i mortc.ii-. s on the firj Its tfuv. fJlovo Fa si Iwong gloves are nc longer worn oose and wrinkled, but are pulled ip tightly. Twelve-button lengths, herefore are to be preferred to 16 jutton. Owing to the dark colors of * dress costumes this fall,, gloves will not he much In del b*!t black will In* worn Instead. The short and threo-qtia rer length s!eeves can for gloves, and finee this style pre in dress gowns most of these gloves will he of kid and silk. Lamskin !s much In favor, capao. mochas end chamois. Ba*el shadn will be chiefly lMt ln mou?toeta!re. There H worn for evening, but soft mod* ?ys " "en,a,,d tor sl,k and ? will b. much in favor for street dregs tor wear w,th mul1*' but not m? glace kid will be seen except THURSDAY'S SPECIAL . II Big lot 12 1-2 and 15c. Swiss Nainsook Embroidery, both wi and dainty patterns. We will ol this lot one day only at 9c. yd. Bowers-Lewis. ?w?l, Dr.* Biwlwt fHo-a.