x inks OB MISLAID, Policy No. 11*02*. Wisued by The V P?nn Mutual Life Insurance Com l?any..on the lite of George T Leach. The finder will plea* return It to the undesigned, im plication has been mado for the faautne of a duplicate. Qeo'.* T. Leech., tft-o-aw. New Coat Suits Bpencer Bros., ir. YOUR TIMH WORTH MONEY? Would r. btsnogra>pher aare you raou.i < Oa?l Chamber of Com JH.-ci and ask for Mia* Myrtle Marsh. tu'clic Bten05.~r.phcr. S WANT XII?OOBMOl'CJTAN MAS a sin 3 r j^ulr?-, the services of a T3p resort to tiro la Washington to ?:oU after fulscrlptior renewals and to extard circulation by spe ? cHl incthciU which hare proved uacually successful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable' but not essential. Whllo time or spare U&e. Address with references, H. C. Campbell, Cos mopolitan Magaslne. 1789 Broad way, New York Oity. WM mHJS' vrNRYAIW IB JTOW OPKN j/iot the reception of visitors. Mrs. J. H. Willis. FrrcUcal Matt res* Maker and Up UpHulsterer From ItaJOitabre. 1 sm here for (.lew Hays and can bo found at W. B.Morton 4t Co.'s Htore. I guarantee all work. Hare had 35 years experience. Also cW-an fsrnltare. . . vr -?-19 1W. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. New Market. I have opened up a stall In tbo city market Where yon will And western and native meats constant ly on hand. Strict attention will be given to sanitary conditions and you can be assured of polite and prompt service. I respectfully so licit your pstronsge. 'Phone your or ders to No. ,384. W. C. DUDLEY. o5tly candy maker Christian George tlk here at No. 110 Market street, with a full line of fresh candy msdo dally, and fruits of all kinds. The Kroatost candy maker in the South. Call and s him. t-lO THK BEST -HOUR OF LIFE is when you-do Rome great deed or discover some wonderful f^ct This hour came to J. Jt. Pitt, of Rocky Mount, N. C.r when he was suffering Intensely, as he say*? "from the woret cold I ever had. I then proved to my greajt satisfaction what a wonderful Cold and Cotigh cure Dr. King's New Discovery Is. For, after taking one bottle, I waa entirely cured. You ifan't say anything too good of a med icine like that." It's the sorest and best*romedy for diseased lungs. Hem orrhages. I* Grippe. Asthma, Hay Fever, any throat or lung trouble. 60c. $1.00. rial bottle free. Guaran teed by aJl druggists. A GOOD POSITION. Can be had by ambitions young men and ladles in the field ot "Wlra. less" or Railway Telegraphy. Since the g-hour lay became effective, and since the Wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. ? Positions pay begin ners from $70 to. $90 per month, with good chance of/advancement The National Telegraph institute op erates Six o?dsT institutes in Ameri ca, under supervision of R. R. snd Wireless Officials and place, all grad uate*. Into positions rt will pay you to write them for full details at Cin O.. Philadelphia Pa., Mem Tenn., Davenport la.; Columbia, Ml Tjfcs . prompt ?x?:r.. jB bi.VM. holla. sarew Vt ? !: hand* hni ?ur* ey? ? or *"? *?^. iw' - ???.* p |c . ... .T. . - .... , . . ?? of rnoy $Rf$m +' wfU ~ Ad' frvin^r.jjous -\ei found kfcs?*s I drier* am Ro*fli rj? . i'/r. lfyou waiitHiw-fjiul ?!?? end lh? ?ncc?? tn.r br.i,*. nu Dr. King's Ne? l.lto the in?tcb leee regulators tor kirn brain and strong body. Sic at Dr. Hirdj', drug store. ? mm A Dreadful Woi/mI ? V;\ from a knife, gun. tin can. rusty nam firework*, or of any other aature. de mands prompt treatment with Buck lea's Arnica Salve to .prevent blootf poison r gangrene, it's the quick met, surest healer for all such woutidt *e also for Burns. Botles. Sores, fifeln Eruptions, Hczcn-n. Chapped Haml*. corns or piles 2?r ui Ur. Ua? U t \v Just Received ! New Buckwheat, Pan cake Flour 1 ' ' and a full vartety of new Cereala. Walter Credle 6 Co IHONB 80. . 8TA.GGBRS 8KK1TICS. ;? ; -g: That a clean, nlcis fragrant com llke Bucklen'a Afulca Salve will Instantly relieve a bad burn. cut. scald, wound or pllos, staggers skep tics. But great cure prove? It's a won derful healer 6f the worst lores, ul cers, bolls, felons, ecaema. chapped hands sprains and coma. Try ft. 2 Be. at nil drdgglata. Sure Curt*. for the Bluett. A leading society lady of Now York who had a bad -case of "ner Toa" waa ordered to go on the stage by her physician. "That's the only way to get cured," said he She was too serioua and needed good, wholesome diversion from thb cares' of life. The "Luncheon Trio" song. by far the most rollicking vocal feature of "The Echo," now raying at the Qlobe'. Theatre, New York is "Just what the doctof ordered" In the way of a rejuvenator of good spirits. It will be given, words and music oompleto, with Sunday's New York World. Order your copy of Ameri-i cas greatest Sunday newspaper from your newsdealer in advance. LIFK ON PANAMA CANAL has had one frightful drawback? i malaria trouble?that has brought I suffering and death to thousands.1 The germs cause chiTls, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude. | weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fall to destroy horn and cure malaria trouble* "Three bottles completely cured mo of a very aevere attack of malaria,"! writes Wm. A. rt-etwell. of Lncama, | N. C., and I've had good health ever since." Cure stomach, llrer and feid-i nqy troubles and prevent typhoid j 50c. Ousrautned by all druggists. ? , ' "III I B BB , The man who na7s nothing does not have to swallow his wo ran. WHEN IN New York Cityi . Stop At The Hotel St Andrew, Broadway & West 72 St. ABSOLUTELY FIRE - PROOF A High Class Family and Transient Hotepii Express Subwmr Station at door and n?r th??tre Mi -Jio?pId? 'airtrict. nin^ic itm: cr ?eoh hartni bathe. Lent, dl>UnOd is web 'Jorbn-c. :ulr ??d Aug *v ' ? . S v ? BIT. Mrs. Blogo?Xou dWT Bingo?Yes. X told them that tbaj needn't expect a aiogia thing; that w*? scrap* ronnd to the kitchen If neceaeary and pick up whaterar we coaid and that, as f hadn't let 700 know, that waa tbe beat we could do. Mrs. Bingo-What did you t*0 them that for? ? . j?B " V Si'' Bingo?Ifs tbe truth, Isn't tit Mrs. Btn?o?Oertalnly not. Aa If It make* any difference to me bow many friend* you bring borne! HI a how you 1?London Tlt-Btts. Little Known RsauMla*. Within the domain of the Unttad State* on ttw North American conti nent there- bare been dtrera Independ ent republic*, aaya Mary W. Haaeltlno In Harper * Magazine, tbe^rery na of three of which la known to bot a few. Bow many Americaaa of today hare heard, for example. Of tbe .com monwealth of Watauga, which to ltT2 waa organized aa an Independent com munity by North Cproliomoa who bad eroaaed the Alleghentea and. descend tog into the barin of tbe Tenneaaae. bad made themselves hornet In tbe val ley of tbe Watauga rtear? Bow many remember the common wealth of Tran sylvania. which waa orgnnlsad to the eastern part of what la now Kentucky In 1775 and which sent to the Contl oeotal con^reta a delegate, who. how- J eerr. n n? not admitted? Bow many ] hare Niifrt the nhort llred state of Kraukiln. or Pntukland. which at a soiiiert*h?r later period was self cre ated out of refrain tv?*4ern counties of Kortb Cnrwllna? A Romarksblo Coneort. a A Carlslird letler call*, attention to* remarkable ?awxh wfileb took place at tbe 8pn ou 4Vn?. 0. 1812. a program of wblcb Is still preserved in {he city archives nt that place. Tbe entertain ment was given for the beoeflt of tbo sufferers by the Are. whk-h had laid waste Baden and took place at the Saochsischer Saal. The only perform ers \we re Beethoven and Policdro. who plnjVd their own composition*. There were two pianoforte and two violin solos and several numbers In which both took part, says the writer The account of the entertainment also mentions the fact that one of the Inter ested listeners was a **tall? elderly man. wearing a great blue coat, who sat perfectly erect throughout the per formance. never looking anywhere but 4t the stage. This was Goethe." The amount realised for the fund was about 1200. The letter ends with. "Beethoven at the piano for charity and box receipts $200." . ? - "--I A Dog's Tongu?. Have you ever wanted to know why t dog's tongue lolls out of bin mouth on a hot day or when be has been run ning? People sometimes nay'tbat.lt is because he Is thirsty, but that Isn't ex. actlj right If you look at It you will see little drops of water dripping from it. Well, you kn6w that when you get very warm you get covered with per spiradon. The dog's body never per spires. Wbea be gets hot all the mois ture comes out through his ^ongue. and as the moisture on the tongue dries up the dog's body cools.?Phila delphia Press. How He Took It. "In training." said un Instioctor In nthletles. "the strictest ubcdlelice is.re j quired. Whenever 1 think of the the i ory of training I think of Dasb.^wbo. I after eighteen years of married life. Is one of the bent and happiest bus bands In the world. " "Dash." 1 once sold to him. "well. Dash, old man. bow do yott take mar ried ii nr v '? "According to directions.' he re plied." The Sixth' Sans*. Id a primary school examination I over which I owe had t$e pleasure lo I preside one of the questions ?as with -regard to the five senses. Ono of tbe l)Hgbt pupils handled -the subject thus: I \"Tbe live sense* are sneezing, sob i blng, crying, yawning and coughing. ! By the sixth sense is meant an extra one which some folks have. This is snoring." ? Woman's Home ^Compan ion Merely a Question of Comfort. "Now. doctor." complained it bibulous patient, "my great trouble Is eiephant* ?ihk ones. Not,that I object.to ele phants. you understand 1 like them, but tbey do crowd one so." ? Success . Magazine. . ! Kindness. Kind looks, kind words, kind incta and warm handshake*, these are%ec ondnry roeau* of gruc* when men are i in trouble and ?re fighting tbelr nn seen battles.-Dr. Jo tin Ball. I Heering the bJtenee. Phyllis was nt a concert. Tbe tsader rapped, and tbe hurt of coorer Peas^l', -Oh. mamma." ex Phyllis. "listen to tbe bushf ? I d be i room for a man o! Beltuvro I. in Kfr* : _ i Adams of Yeatesttjle, I. in the cltr today.^ ,v. Mr. H.rvey W, , bf Haslln Is ?) .?...r?, 1 Mr. R. T. Buck of CSntowlnily vai In the city till# morning . 1 * -i%" hMr. W. A. Buys of Eelhaven, Is It. a city today. \ # I Mr. John Tooley of Belhavaa Is lnj the city today. Mr. Clyde Darden of Plymouth ar-j rived In the city this morning. Mr. A. H. Swindell of Blount's j Creek was - here tbl smornlng. p& K'i *-?VH Mr - B. T. Bonner Of Aurora, t? ln| 1 the city. / -4*11 ' ? < - v f 5 or 6 dose* of "0*6"' will care any | case of chills and fever. Price 25c. | . ?? x W. D. Nee bit, In the' Chicago Even Ing Post. Grammar Is *n Invention to make | conversation difficult. it Is an ever-present aid to the comic erltic and a alight criterion of social standing. If a man have caah and no gram mar me can get through, but lf~b* have nefther cash nor grammar he Is Impossible. | And yet when a man says to you, "If I had have knowed that you would have came f wouldn't have went till I seen you/ you understand him perfectly. If you ask him to lend you $10, and he says to you Simply, "I hain't got no money nohow." rou do not require a diagram. ' TSven when some one splits In In finitive and confusM?,hls "wills" nnd "shalls" his meaning is clear even to the most cultured mind. Speech 1b no vehicle of thought, and grammar is 'merely the gilt on the wheelB. Bad grammar, like bad language. Is always learned from the neigh bor's children. Addisonian construction and Ches terfleldlan. elegance Is always inher ited ?rom your side of the family. One form of grammar was invent ed by a Harvey. The Harvey who in vented the sance? But sauce may at times be good grammar. Grammar was hammered into yoii at school, until now you can shud der when some one say "had saw"' but offhand could you name the eight parts of speech? Nine, indeed? We might have knew that. *??-*? fWtp I I ? Who spelts to the instinct speaks to the deepest in man and finds tbe readiest response.?Alcott- I | He Is sufficiently learned, that .knows how to do well. and has pow er to refrain from evil.?Cicero. Match Sticks. Certain kind* of matches aro shaved with tho cralu from sawed blocks. Other* are **ut both ways l?y sows. In still further varieties the blocks are boiled to make them cut easily. By some machine* a boiled or steamed lop is revolved on It.' own nxis. end n shaving tho thickness of a match Is cut round and round. This shaving is at the same time cut Into lengths and split into match stick*. It may be said that there is hardly a limit to the vari eties of methods employed. Round matches are msde by forcing tbetn through dies.?Hat-pet's* Weekly. Teeth of a Shark. In respect to its <t cut It Ion tho shark b n very remarkable creature. Tho white shark baa seven rows of teeth, while other species vary In ,the num ber of rows they t>osae*s. It must be [ undent*:d, however, that the shartf only uses row at a time. The [other rows Me down Inside the mouth the Jaw. erecting themselves u h.*it Is time for thom to take successively the place of the first row. Whet* cne observes how keen edged these inclsom are It seemrf no wonder that they Can bfte off a big rope as readily as If \t ware.thread. Ha Waa Engaged. An Irishman being prosecuted for a breach of the peace, a witness for the j accused was told by the magistrate1 that he might have stopped the fight. I "la-lade. uo. your houor." said Pad *dy. "I was too busy figbtiog a friend I or rar own." Vegetation In Japan. it la est mated that In Japan tbere ore uo leas than 2,750 different species of vegetatloa. Ship Monay. Cbatlte I. was badly In need of mon ey, uud hl? attorney general in the course of his antiquarian rue*arches discovered that in the dim agos of the past the err wn bad issued writs to the cities and towns on the coast requiring tbetn to provide vessels for the royal heeds, and be suggested that this an cient right might be brOtight Into uea again. Instead of the actual vessels a money contribution might be exacted ". Thus the king would be able CRYSTAL IUL TELEPHONE 83 CRYSTAL ICE CO., . Washington. N. C. NEW MEETNC Every Member to Attend Betterment Association tomorrow * There Svlll be a meeting of the Woman4! Betterment Association In the Public School auditorium to morrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. This Will be the first meeting of the "new year and the president desires' that every member attend. Important bullness la to be transacted. The work of the association is to be di vided Into several departments so it behooves every member to attend, and if possible bring a new membei The Woman's Betterment Associa tion is doing a great work in Wash flnktda* 1?1 Prolific Cotton. The Dally News received today a sample of the celebrated Hawklnn Prolific Cotton, raised by Mr. W. H. Brantly of Aurora, one of that sec tion's energetic farmers. On the stalk sent to this office there were seven well developed, bolls with one misH in'g?It having dropped off. We have never seen a finer samplt of cotton anywhere and Mr Brantley is to be congratulated on his crop this year. It Is not only a creilit to him but to this county. There Is no section anywhere where better cotton Is pro- j duced than In Beaufort county. Mayor'b Court. TTWre were only two cases before his worship, Mayor Sterling, a! the city halt this morning for tris! State vs. Owen Odea, colored. w? charged with being drunk, disorder ly and resisting arrest. Fined S3 anJ cost. | State vs. Furney Branch, drunk and disorderly. Sentenced to I]: streets. SANITARY MARKET, DUDLEY'S SANITARY MEAT MARKET ? '?CLEA.NM.VKSH nil! MOTTO.' AVE CARRY THE BEST OF STOCJC AND WILL APPRE-j CIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. PHONF >84. > To Celebrate Mass Father J. J. Gallagher trill cele brate low masB at the residence ei Br. J. M. Gallagher on Eaet Main | street next Thursday morning at ? o'clock. The nubile Is invited to at-; (end. Fltjni Battle Creel;. . Messrs. Willtam and Ste:.?cj C. j Bragaw returned home Saturday j ijlght from Battle Creek. Utcblziii. and other western cities. Mr. William Srogaw also visited his brother, Mr. Richard Bragav.- at] Ashevllle. . . | Imlii|>08ed. The frlenrt* cf Mr. T. E. Cutler will regret to learn of his Indispo sition. 1 Stonework Completed The stonework on the warehou^' and office for the brokerage firm r.fl C. O. Morris & Co., is completed anil I the roof Is now being placed. Xew Roof A new roof is being placed on the j residence occupied by Mr. *C. R.' Jordan nnd family at the corner c.f Gladden and Second streets. Arithmetic to Date. The Widow. "Now, if you love me Just one-half As much as r love you, Ju?t add your half to my whole love, \ ,!Twil equal love for two." Quoth the "At figures I am dull, And fraction* are a bore; But for your sake I'll cancel all For love for?vermore.a She then from multiplying beaux Subtracted every thought; XT undivided lo*e the gave To one who proved but naught. I , The Dietneed. I While the diamond Is the hardest ! substance knowiv It la also brittle and may be frac tured by a blow. Rot If it 1* placed between two bard steel faces Id a hydraulic press and a uiowij the hard todratad. MM HAIR iM Is iu per lor to the 4>e?t $60 hair mattrefte ever made. Need* nothing hut an occasional tun bath to koe:> in order, it la r ranltary iIm/ ' pioducer. Softer and more elastic than hair. For tale ^ Jefferson Furniture Co. AYERS' Millinery Opening Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 27 and 28 . Ycu are cordially invited to attend. Cool Kitchen Perfect Cooking Sbc hotuewllr ycnr? ur wm-ririK-r?(lit- >v.,muti >,ho know, how to took?finds ullcr practical tcM anil luir l trlulu, Uie ie-ie j?ove In hrr Mm o( what ? r??k imvc oiiKht to !.<?. It requires le? ntti-ntinii, u-?? 0|>.-intt, aud eook? all food better tliitu any Move k|u. |)nl trktl. ONLY 915.OO WILL INSTALL O.VK IX VOl'R KITCRI-N. Washington Light & Water Co. ALWAYS PLEASED THAT'S THE VERDICT OF THOSE A'HO PATRONIZE Our First Class Grocerv. WE HAVE THE BEST GOODS THE BEST SERVICE THE LOWEST PRICES Let us please you. Send or phone us your orders. Phone3ST D L H. HUDSON Tiisrs rc ? no ?&?s8$ro '* "fhtit 6s > Laxa?h?3 QssknSne USED 7KC WORLD OVESf TO A mo fM QHE DAY Arxayc remctnb?r the.taH sacie. Loo!:4 ,^v/77/ v s" on ,T5~ ??? (:!? Notice. Notice Is hereby civ* a that ;'-c [ final report of La^ronee Brett, Was ter Jarvis and A. R. Davenr.or., .he Board of Viewer! of MattaniJi'vcct Lake Drainage District N*o. l, form ed under the proceeding entitled. "S 8. Mann, H. C. Carter and otherc vs. T. C. Mann. J. A. Mann aud others" for the drainage of Mat!anv.:ikee*. Lake and adjacent territory, under and by virtue of Chapters 442 nn? 509 of *he Public Laws of 10^?. ot North Carolina, v^an filed in the of fice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde county, on Thursday the 15th day of September, 1910. an<" all parties to said proceeding and owners of land within said district iare hereby notified that tb? hoar Ing of said final report, will be hid before the clsrk of the Superior Court of Hyde County, at his office In srfid county, on Friday the 7th day of Oct. 1910 at which time and place any land owner within said dls trict, may appear In person, or by oouctsel. and file his objection, II any he has. In writing to said report. This 15th day of Beptemoer, mm. H. J." spencer. Clerk Superior Court, Hyde Co. Kindner* In tis is the honey uu?i blunts the sting of unhindnes^ in an other?Lander. . v Dr. Neeley's WONDERFUL Wintergreen positively cures Rheumatism Permanent resulU assured ?rnot onlv tomponiry relief. If tronbled with -this dread diaeaae try one bottle. Pric4 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Kor ?ael by. DR. HARDY, rOR RBAOAOHS?mck'a Catpodlar. Whether hpn OOlda. HMt. atom Mh or Natraw rroablrt, Cap'idlaa J trtll rtUm you. It's liquid?plsu- * aat to tako???* IsaMdlaia)/. Try 11 l?. 1* *04 ?0?. at drug motml

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