! ATTENDING HINNINC! HIGH AMD WIM< UK BIOOD8HKD THE CASK U fr-HAL ItxB j?& . | Lexington. Kj., Beta. It.?A 4*-l Uchmeat of ?oldl?r? with orden to ?hoot on pronfsttoa, waa thrown about the court hohaa at Hophlna wk?? D. Amom tad W gzivsr?s; ? POrtjr3 HoDklna?tlle Ml Dwb ?urrrr?r?:-" sr?njs."3;<3sa ?! tA?ntly of kiaarllje. Mt th. I* at ?*?*< wm l.trntd. Two Mum agalnat the tccuaal Ml m dot *..n Thsy will atte their Hons 4a Rocky Mount, wkere Mr. Mltchsi holda aa teportaat position with the nUfcitii rami The Daftly News Jolamwtth other* ka ostaa "*'" There will bo aa Important meet-1 ing of the Country Club In the rooma . )f the'Chamber of Commerce tonight 1 at 8 o'clock. Brery member la ur fently reouoeted to be present LINDSAY C. WARREN M ? Secretary. tor Quebec, from whence ik? will embark for 4*e ferer-etrlcken rate In Central ted ber life to tlx* blacks. v Prom Benguel la. la Africa, MIm Miller wtU bo carried tn a chair two hundred aid fifty mtlea by four men to the scent of ber trying work. wjmmiyf * ' i V / ; ??r oociiD ma wauhxo" SAID Ollb AMD THK.V DIKD 01.. 8ept_ Vt.?i-l could die nlulii; said Miss Etlsabelh Harris, at the clow of a due* lMt night. As eb* HSIN herself sk?MI ot?t. | She died Is * few aim tales. , She hsd been ductal continuous* ly for four hours II 14 Tiers win ?!? MAj?i?ssHua asr Tlcss Is sll tha> different churches of the city this areola* At, - hoar to which ersryawo Is laslUd to ?* preee. ??1 at Uawwal cordially The Woman's Missionary Union la In ssaslon at Wllltamston this week. Several ladle* from tho-Flrat Bap tist church, this city, are In attend ance from here. . ' ? The meeting la being' largely at tended. , ' ? All tobacco grower* In Beaufort and adjoining counties don't forget to have a load on the market Octo ber 4th, at the special sale. Inheiitier Klothes >R MEN JyHO KNOW M CcpyrfgSl 1910 lii Hoots of * atv Large range of Styles and Patterns. They are bet ter jthan ever this season. Let us show you oil models. ' I jS ;;.;iW3 ? ^V & Omen upon > Um? , ? ?uj *t>? m ktac i bl* counter He thlac wbaa It on tAsWM or dera ud Hi ,ub]?ct? k*a? It Oa? day tM Hid. t? Qrtqie laa* u tbe tall. .oC j tPm. mk oat la "??I bu.Ua arouftt tor l?w ?Iww itawltk throM.. Mk aum r *un ?Etrlty P|r*aU*f collection of valuabWpfc When she ^ftwarod he MH to her: Mfto, you're 'put'breakers on alt the waves 111 Arts *?*, and* here's what you set." Thus lay ing, Mr. King handed-the young woman?an ostrich pjume! She bowed "low and waa ej. ydlngly. humble before His V^Jesty, for ostrich plumes were-Tare and at tainable only at great cost. But shd "was wealthy and could have purchased an ostrich tflpather for herself. Yet, becanjUfthe mah* gatabo had her great distincti .-?*The abo\p is It. But the Dally four free tours of ble, as may be se< las tic voting getting more UnL"*?ar? I the off^r. The literally snowing us under, and al ready several of the workers have i subscriptions to their credit. Business men down town, church, lodge, club members, everybody Is I now boosting for some favorite can I dldate. and these results are show ing in the vote standing. Did ,you observe the many changes In posi tion yesterday? Some who had been close to the top of the list, dropped toward the bottom, while others who had been plodding more steadily have taken a jump topward. A ROBBERY bras Store of D. T. Tayloe & Com* pnny Robbed Last Night. The drug store of D. T. Tayloe & Company was entered last night be tween one and two o'clock and about two hundred and fifty dollars worth of goods wero stolen, consisting ot fountain pens, cigars, cigarettes, por fumery and sodawater checks. The thieves made good their escape and have not as yet been apprehended. They made their entrance through the side window of the prescription department. Laal night between one and two o'clock Dr. D. T. Tayloe received a call to attend a very sick child on a boat from Hatteras at the Moore , Fish bouse. On examining the patient the doc tor decided to administer a dlptherla anti-toxin so be went to the home of Mr. D- M. Fields his druggist, and awoke him for the purpose of getting In his pharmacy. While Mr. Fields was dressing Dr. Tayloe went to his office and seated himself on a box in front of the building until Mr. Fields could co2e and open the door. While sitting on the box the doctor heard noises In the store but paid no attention to them, thinking they were some dogs locked 4a the build ing belonging to Dr. Joehua Tayole. When Mr. Fields arrived and 09-! ened the door he was startled by a I commotion in the rear of the store. J Dr. Tayloe then said that he had. be*rd noises and they at once turn- ; ed on the electric lights. When this ' was done persons were seen mak-1 lag their way out of-the side win 4o?. ' Dr. FteMa ru to tk* ?U#y ?ad; trad HTml thou: Dr. TurlM ?nd PrttoMMB Job. H.rrU * tkor-, ouffc mrck of tin CONTESTANTS rtfcSt *re find today's leaders art Miss [^don, in District 1; MIm Burbage, lffa>istrlct ?. and Miss Ouilford In District J ? : r-^TiUh the l^/^finorrow, and lee want they dofin the meantime Join the "bdostsrs club" (or sons favor vorlte candidate. About Baa-opes* Tour*. Let U he understood that the vot ing contest now on In ths Dally News to detemlne the four ladles in thlX city and territory who shall take an extended tour of Europe next July and August at the expense of this piper does not come within the category of the cheap "popularity contests" with which the public is so familiar. On ths other hand, tt fs s finan cial venture of none considerable proportions, Inaugurated by this newspaper and while the candidates who will participate In this con tee t will doubtless be deeervedly popu lar young people In their localltlee, the reealt will largely be a test of their hustling ability to secure sub scribes* tor a popular dally newspa per in order to wfh the tours. That the management of the News *111 see that the contest Is conducted upon the high plane that It has done all other things goes without saying and hardly needs a reassurance from the publishers. That the Buruopean tour will be |PdWectly conducted Is guarenteed In advance, because it Is one of the CSbk tours, which have been popu larly known throughout the United States for nearly seventy years. And the contest Is being conducted by a company - which has been in the newspaper contest business for years -and has conducted hundreds of sim ilar voting enterprises on newspapers all over the United States, and bears testimonials from publishers and from defeated, as well as successful candidates, certifying to the falrneus of its work. The publishers of the Dally News put their reputation and good stand ing with the people of the surround ing territory behind the proposition from first to last, and ask all those who have a pride and Interest in I the growth of onr beautiful city and county to co-operate with the young I ladies who are seeking the honors. I add will strive to increafie the) circulation of thlB paper by securing i subscribers and accompanying votes, j The publishers have Inaugurated i a legitimate business enterprise, have secured the four Cook tours for their | guests and publish a guaranteed it inerary, telling the young ladies Just where they will be taken, w^it thev Will be ahown, what kind of enter tainment will be furnished them, \ when they will leave, when they will J return, and that their every neces sary expense will be borne by thic company. LYCEUM COURSE \ First Number Will be Pronented on October 5. The canvassers are now In tbe city and are soliciting among tbe citi zens for the purpose of securing the Lyceuip course for Washington Pub lic Schools as was last year. We are glsd to know that the solicitors are making good headway The list of attractions are said to he tho meat attractive yet seen here and it is to be hoped the amount re quired Ux. secure them will b* reach ed within nett few days. The first number is billed for Washington on the evening of October 5. The numbers scheduled for this olty are The Chambrian National Gle Singers, assisted by Alf Thomas, "The Welsh Harry Lauder"; The Central Grand Concert Company: The Hinshaw Grand Opera Company and the Neil Litchfield Trio and The Scotch Singers. 8eaaon tickets can be purchased for 12.BO, the same as last year. Quite a treat awaits the music lovers of Wasnington in the coming Lyceum course. rould be found. In the vacant lot between the Car olina Distributing Company and tbe E. R. Mlzon Company were fpund teveral soda water checks and a few fountain pens. Several boxes of cigars and cigar ettes were also located at the win dow lneide the drug store that the thelvee did not suuooeed In taking with them on account of being caught up with. Abo?t two hundred and fifty dol lars tn goods have been missed. There la not cl ^ as to the guilty tAnd a Ma la lodged by the so VITAOn.WH AX THK 1 OAUSTr TlliniE ' l? AU Fmur Pm? TofttaM. u>? out WIUi lb* Merry cftml The program offered tonight by I the Gaiety It one you will oertemiy | not regret seeing. For without Question it Is one of the beet all round bills presented here In ?ome | time. You will say t*?e program li night was very good. Well, tonight I it's eren better, and you'll aay so, | too, after you hare witnessed It. Her Mother'* Weeding Gown. 1st a genuine Vltagraph. A very plctur-j esque Scotch drama. Introducing very Intelligent Scotch Collie d< which lends great Interest aside from I the very pretty stury involved, which J is strong in pathoa and heart inter-} est. (Length, 1,100 feet) Om Panther Creek" ? love story wOtea around a prospector's difficul ty with a desperado. The sagacity of the horse Is s featur6 and the set ting la quite satisfactory. "THc Wild Mas of Bormeo" . extremely laughing picture. This rt between the young collegian Imper sonating a wild man and s supposed gorilla, is about ghe liveliest thing put on the screen lately. Other pictures will also be shown that are as good. Come out tonight with the crowd] and enjoy .yoors^tf. IS PROMOTED Mr. L. A. Hqutree Made Aeeletant j Cashier of First National. At a recent meeting of the board I of directors of the First National | Bank Mr. L. A. Squires w4s elected I assistant cashier at an increased eel-1 sry. Mr. Squires haa beep connected with the First Nations Bank for a number of years. Hfr friends will be pleased to hesr of his promotion. The caplthl stock of this well known i4feitution was increased ; from 160.000 to $100,1)00 and the, surplus fund from $25,000 to 950, 000 last month. TBE GEM. See the Great Train Hold'l'p Ann Other Fine Pictures Tonight ?, Three Reels. 3.000 Feet Film. Tonight another pleasing-t>Vogram is promised the patrons tfce Cera Theatre Judgment of the Mighty Deep,' which was shown last evening was j one of the most beautiful ocean dra-' ma; aeon !n a long time. The pic-' ture. witk the beautiful ogean as a back ground was very realistic and greatly enjoyed. The following pictures will be shown tonight. The Clink of Gold, 13 cne of one, of Oaumor.fs famous dramas. It tlms. to show what changes take place In I thTJ -behavior of most people when they come into possession of money. I The picture has a good mora* lesson I thlit can be applied close to home,, if one cares to take things serious- j ly. It's a Gaumont and every one [knows what to expect from.this fam ous house Life in Senegal. Africa, a Gaumont scenic picfcure of a little known re gion. representing the people at work In their various Industries. We, of this country, could accom plish but little were we compelled to use the crude methods practiced by ( these peopple, but the result seems i to be reasonably satisfactory. The1 pfiTture Is unique. The Great Train Hold-np. A film J possessing all the meiodramie char acteristics required to make it excit-[ int. The Kls of Judas. Pathe hand coi-j ored drama of great beauty. 8*?ing Around Corners. There are many iusects which hare a very much larger field of vision than wo hare. This Is due to the greater concavity of their eye*, enabling them ? n nee nround the corner, so to speak, behind and at the sides. This devel opment Id men would have Its objec tionable point*, but alao Its good ones, i not the le??st of which murtit l>e the ? detection of pickpocket*.?Chambers' j Journal. ROBBERS GOOD HUM. Two Bandits Hold op Train cad Get 190,OM THE OFFICERS AFTER THEM i TRAIN ROBBERS GET LOOT AMOUNTING TO 950.060 FROM MAIL AND KXPRB8S CARS ? THK CLE8KH COMPLETELY TAKEN BY SURPRISE. New Orolaaa. Sept. I7.^Pomot today are scouring the levee district la search of two white bandits who laat night held up (our United States mall clerks on a southbound South ern Pacific train at Arondale cross ing on the Mississippi river and made their escape with registered mat) And bullion believed to aggregate $50,000 in value. More than 9SO.OOO in silver and gold alone Is reported to have been taken. The execution of the robbery wlh bold and on the complete sur prise given to the four mail clerks made it sucoeasfuly. Jusf&s the Southorn Pacific .west bcfand train which left New Orleans was pulling off the traaafer boat Msadoton to ascend that incline and before It was coupled together two mOked whlto men climbed aboard ths section containing the express ftrfO the mail coaches. They took advantage of the fact that this section is generally pulled some distance up the track before the second section containing the pnssengers can be coupled to It." While the engine was taking the express and mail coaches about a quarter of a mile up the tracks the masked men surprised the four mall clarke, two of whom wore black and beld them up. While one man kept them with their hands up the other gathered together the registered pouches and all the express matter desired. The whole tiling was over, the mail men fitfepin a few minutes and :he*"robbers leaped off the cars and made for the river bank. They bound the clerks when they lumped so they did not tell of the :rlme until found, when the train lad got to Washington station. "A posse was formed by the sheriff yt Jefferson -parish and- Is-soourUrg the levee for the desperadoes. It is thought that they had accomplices, who were waiting for them at the river side, and that all took boats In which to escape. Nat Young and Old Bill Bugg, the auctioneer, is going to see that every pile of tobacco is going top notch at the special sale October 4. BROTHERHOOD OF HT ANDREW IN HUSSION Nashville, Tenn.. Sept 27.?Prac tically all of the delegates are ready for the big national convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, which opens today for Ave or six days session. Between 1,200 and 1,500 delegates are In attendance. Some of the ablest men In the Episcopal church are In attendance. Including Dr. Hubert Carleton, of Boston, general secre tary in the United States; B. P. Fin ney, of Savannah, southern secretary and A- O. Chrlstensen of Newark, N. I., president of the Newark assem bly. Every business man In Washington should attend the special sale Octo ber 4th, at the Washington Tobacco Warehouse. Ladles are especially In vited to.attend this sale. Ice Cream Social The Women's Parochial 8oclety of Zlon Parish at Jessama will hold an Ice cream social and Shirt Waist sale at the home of Mr. John W. Cut ler on Saturday night, October 1st Everyone is cordially Invited. A good time is expected for all who attend. MRS. W. H. CUTLER, President of the parochlsl Society. THURSDAY'S SPECIAL Ladies Flannelette Night Gowns Regular $1.00 values, on sale to morrow only at 89c. Bowers-Lewis Co. - ??*