WASHINGTON, NORTH C AROUNA,FRIOAY AFTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 3?, 1919. ~i ? ' -Y ALARMED POCK <'ORRESPOXI>ICNTH WERE WOUHVED WITHOt'T PROVOCA TiO?THE POLICE HA VIC IUSEN SEVERELY CRITICISED Berlin, Sept. 29.?the situation was tense throughout the day fol lowing a night of rlolence when mobs 4>t striking miners tn the MO ablt district raged through the streets and more than 200 persons wefe. hurt In pitched battles with the police. ^ Mounted troops patrolled streets today and orders were Issued (or all residents of the Moablt district to ksep In 4oors. 80019 of. the wound ed sre fatally hurt. Harsh criticism wss directed at the police today. It was declared that nearly half of thoee stabbed ' and knocked down by the authori ties wece bystanders who were tak ing mo part in the rioting. Pour correspondents of English and American newspapers who say they were attacked without provoca tion by the pollde Intend carrying their complaint to the kaiser. They were fa an automobile when a man In the street pointed them ont And said to the police: "Go for that automobile." The agent prorocator took up the cry and six policemen burled themselves at the automobile, striking wildly. All of the correspondents were The Berlin suthorltlee admit that they are thoroughly alarmed orer the strike situstloc. The Sl? Show. Flaming posters In all colon of the rainbow. throughout this Mo tion (We notice to the (act that the mighty Haag Shows are to be seen October 4th in Washington. Already the small boy and his elders sre hap py In anticipating the coming of this mighty tented amusement sad Its countless wonders. This season the Mighty Haag shows has been enlarged la every department and their greatly aug mented list of performers, feature acts and menagerie exhibits made It necessary to add several more rail way cars. Today speclsl trains ar# required to transport the huge tents, ponderous wagons, cages, dens, chariots, tableau cars, elephants, camels, horses, ponies, men snd wo men. In the triple tool of; leal gardens, combined under one vast spread cf canvas are to be fo'ind tne finest liv ing specimens of rare, strange and curious animals from every quarter of the globe. Prominent in this collect! Is a full grown gnu*, positively the only one alive In captivity today, sutur ed north of Great Bear Lake, at lat itude 61. It was only by exercising great di plomacy that the Haag agents were able to get the animal out of tne ceuntry. Having a head like a horse, with the exception of long horns on It and feet like a cow, forming one-of the funniest ssd freakiest combina tion! In animal life. The beast Is regarded as sacred by the lAttves and not one of them could be lndns ed In Its capture. Theother exhibits of animal life are equally" as rare, making a visit to the Haag show menageries of far greater educational value than ever will be gained by the deepest study of all the books at hand on the sub ject of natural history. Inside the vast canvas amphithea tre are great rings and many elevat ed stagee. encircled by a monstrous, modern hlpodrome track; overcap plng all Is a certlcal mate of trapese and jaorliontal bars, ^ylng rings, ro'pei. wires, bars and 'other aerial rigging. r.$ ? ;0 ' SILK H Beautiful line of Pa 50c., 89c., $1.00, Eight Prisoners Try to Escipe From Wikt Jail . ATTEMPT UNSUCCESSFUL *WO NEURO PRISONERS OVER rowan assistant jail keep KR, Birr FAIL TO GBT KEYS FOR OUTSIDE DOOR. AND WERE DRIVEN BACK BY POLICE Raleigh, Sept. 29.?This morning about 7 o'clock eight negro prison er* in Wake county jail made a dar ing hut unsuccessful attempt to es cape by overpowering the assistant Jailer and taking his kaya but for tunately assistance arrived and pre vented the delivery. Mr. O. O. Green the assistant Jail er; want lntothe Jail to pat some pans to prepare breakfast for the prisoners. Acy Bonn and another negro were conoaalad behind some blankets, and when Mr. Green ea tered they jumped on him and took a bonch of keys from &ls person. They next put the Jailer 1ft a cell and locked him up and the eight prisoners that were ia that set!on made a rush to the: outside door, rortunately for the county, but un fortunately for thf prisoners, they had failed to secure the key to tha outside door, and while they were trying the various keys they had, Mr. Green waa calling for asstst anoe. Luckily Chief of Police Stell was I passing near the jail and, hearing the cry. hastened to his assistance. Reaching the onter door, he cover-1 ed the prisoners with his pistol and ordered them to stand back. At this point a difficult situation confronted the officer. He was on the outaide and couldn't get in; the prisoners were on the Inside and couldn't get out and the Jailer who had the outer door key was locked in s cell. Mr. Oreon couldn't get out.ftf jfce cell to open the outer door snd the pair way to hlf oat wf, 1. pa?-J ?etalon at tilt MSTOM. Chief Stell, covering them with his pistol made them'unlock the cell door and release the 1 aller. and the two officiate Uien forced tbe re be I - llousu prisoners back to their cells. Bunn waa .convicted In superior court" yesterday of stealing money from the cash drawer at Mr. Julius HVller'a place of business and sen tenced to serve tw.o years on the ads. It was a bold attemt, and had they not overlooked the key to the outer door, doubtlesa there wouid have been eight prisoners at liberty today. } Naval Vacanry Please announce that there will be a vacancy In the sprldg of 1911 at the U. 8. Naval Academy, and there will be an examination of nominees on the third Tuesday in April next. I am directed to nominate a princi pal and a first, second and third al . ternate. The candidate must be betwoen the I age of 16 and 20 at the time of ad mission. I shall be glad to forward I to any young msn a pamphlet con- j taining regulations governing admis sion of candidates. Beforo any young man decides to make formal application, he ahould inform himself as to tb* probality of his being able to stand the mental and physical examinations which are quite rigid. I Invite correspondence. Very Respectfully. J NO. H. SMALL. Washington, N. C.. Sept. J8th,j mo. ? ,,. Jewish New Year Next Tuesday evening and the fol lowing day the Jewish residents ot this city will celebrate Rosh Hss hannah, or New Years Day of the year M71. AH the Hebrew stores In the city a*e expected to be closed, thoee of the orthordox faith Including Wed needay in the celebration of the fes tival. The Day of Atonement or Turn Kippr, the hoileet ady in the Jewish calendar, falls this year on Thurs-. day, October IS. OSIERY e Thread Silk Pose, $1.25 and $1.50 nun iu i lib in I SHIFTING OF POSITIONS CAl:SE GROWING ? COUPONS EXPIRE ?FIRST PKIUOD CLOSING AP PKOACHEH ?- EVERYBODY busy. v" ? \ I ? Iv Ivocation of Ballot Boxes. * Ballot boxes for tha deposit ? vow Jn the Tour-of?Europe cob- ? teat ere to be found at the em- ? truces o4 the News office. ? the Blount Pharmacy, the Har dy Pharmacy and the Tayloe * Pharmacy. Everyone Is arced * to make see of these ? boxes V ballots will not be ac- * cepted by any persona represent- ? lag the News or the European * Tonr department. Persons tain- * poring with |heee receptacles ? are subject to floe and lmprls- * CONTEST Inquiries, subscriptions, voting coupons and nominations galore are flooding the European tour depart ment of the Newt. Excitement over the race Is growing, and aa the bus rsa and professional men of the city and surrounding "torrltory are taking up ths contest cause. It Is safe to say that the race Is on In earnest. Favorite candidates are now under the search-light of public eurlosity and interest. Each one has staunch friends eagerly awaiting ths opportunity to support her In her campaign for this delightful tour of Europe next summer. Even now soms of the candidates might almost hear the roar of traffic In "deab old Lon'on". the laughter of "gar Paree," the eccentricities and quaint intonation of the kilted Scot as be walks the streets of bis beloved Edinburgh or Glasgow, and the cosmopolitan chatter In the shops and streets of busy Montreal, that beautiful Canadian city from 'which, eur -party will embark tor the trip to the Old World. Ifa a trip worth every effort, and the many candidates appreciate It. But the trip comes later. Just at CHURCH WEDDING Min Ma?lc Swindell ami Mr. Thax f- ton Benson Marric* wrong?They're not swifting them. theyVe working for tl can't bring them. Now, the first thing 1 a means to start a godlft campaign among the friends w$ port eeoh candidate. Tlfil subscrip tions will have to be Mtlfced oq to bring the support thal.V'tJl be nee Coupons] With today's issue el ,th* News, the ten-rote coupon wfcl expire, and after 4 o'clock Saturday ^Afternoon no more ten-votre win' be accepted by the contest .department, .ty Bat: urday's Issue of the jtyewf will, ap pear a coupon good fdr fl\e-rote?. and which will substitute for thf .ex pired! 0-voters. These coepoqs .will bear the date of their expiration,. First Period Kedlng. # . It should be remenWired that un: der published schediiMitef votes all subscriptions count' mow daring the first period of the oontett.^ The first period etods October g tf? M. 9 p. m. Time Is morlng on w o^fthe usual speed, and what la ao implished at the beginning will la ply Indicate the possibilities of li Svldual can didates. ; r It will not require. 6 much real work as It will energy. Speak pr> in fluential friends, urge (hem tb give you their support beffre It is too late to accomplish success. Promltea Geld. Promises are Uko ice make use of tnom befoj away they're no acci a friend promises his f the extent of 425 voG liouid be wail to there. Don't let a goo?f opportunity get away. Address all leommunications to the contost manager of the Dally New6. NAME CANDIDATES Kcpublifuv Name Candidate* for Conferral*. Solicitor and Senators The Republican Cofigresstonal, Ju dicial and Senatorial conventions met In the town of Plymouth yester day. Mr. Henry.T. King of Greenvllle N. ?.. was nominated for congress from this district. Mr. King *vaa for years editor of King's Weekly In that town. For nollcltor Mr. J. B. Halstead of Camden county was nominated. For senators, Messrs. Timothy E. Cutler of this city and Mr. Phlneaa Bateman of Gates were nominees. Mr. I. M. Meeklns Is chairman of the congressional executive; committee; Mr. John B. Respess is chairman of the judicial executive committee and Mr. W. A. Khodles of the senatorial executive committee. FIRST NUMBER ?' -rtBhrn rum The sale of seats for the first number In the Lyceum Course will go on sale at Dr. Hardy'a drug store next Tuesday morning. The sale' starts from the time the doors open at the drug store In the morning. Heretofore there has been a stipu lated hour for the sale to tifegln. While quite s number have sub scribed to the course there Is still lacking a number of tlcketa sold to Insure the coming of the course and . this paper hopes this will be made up at once. The numbers schedule4 for the course this season promises to sur pass all the preceding ones. The oltltsens of Washington cannot af ford to miss thlt great treat. The Hlnshaw Opera pompany Is the first attraction arid will appear at the school auditorium next Wednes day evening. This attraction was one oi the most attractive In Um course la* year and dtf doubt the company will be heard b/Sf packed house this sea son Remember the time when the sale of seats la placed. Elder E B. Land* Of WHmlngton. will preach *t ths Primitive Baptist chuxch to night at eight o'clock and the public la cordially invited to be it :r ?. v' ; r v; SECRITHW Teadan Bis Resignation to Chamber of Comnerce ADDRESS AN OPEN LETTER SECRETARY A. c. HATHA WAV OF OHAMBKH or" OOMM1.IU K TAKES LKAVK or THAT 1IOUT. AS VET HIH 8COCB880K HAS SOT BEKN NAMED. The Becr.t.rj of the Cbimbn of Commerce. Mr A. C. Hathaway, wrltee open letter to that body be fore retiring from bis office The communication fellows and explains Itself: Your present secretary, A. C. Hathaway desires to thank the Chamber of Commerce lor conferring upon him the honor of the office and for their support during the time he held the poeltloa. though It 1? tc be regretted thst more Internet vru not taken In the work of the Ch*m r. It Is the duty of rery (Itlnn of Washlnffton to In some manner sup Port this orgatUsall?>a. for so Ion* ui this body la allowed to Mrer. Just holding IU o#n, so long will the town be In the background. Brary business man and cltiua should feel It a part of his buslnses to aot only keep-np with what the Chamber Is doing by being present at the meetings but they should eu dearor to suggest something that would be beneficial la the up-bolld Ing of the town. I don't know wbo the next secretary will be, bnt who e*?r It la, let the town as s whole throw Its support to this new secre tary and push things alongftlo.-it Im agine the secretary Is the whole ?how. The secretary la onlr .'o car-] ry out the wishes of the majority who aps present at thf) meetings, and no one should cngl^or that he has the rf^tfh to crltAte what the ma jority dOf unless tVp^WKe tbctnselres =? ,he meatlnj^ >n(j 1( (h>n Itlng* blaiaa yonr??lt. " ??' >i?* f itlscn wjio bus the / the town at heart ahould be at e\y?ry mooting; it 1b a duty you owo to lyour own personal future as well as that of your wife and chtldroi, for without the advancement of Wash ington along with other towns you must shoulder the burden oi being called "Hayseeds" and "Backdates" by the more progressive townB. There are at least 100 buelncs? mon in Washington who should feel disgraced Id fact, hide their faces from the general public when the? see new people bring money in the lor.n that they'had day after day and month after moir.li le.'asc-u to assist In getting theso new neoplo, to town. | The beat towns In the T7nlt<*?f States, the towns that develop the1 fastest and are most up-to-date, are' those In which the citizens keep a | live Chamber of Commerce and back it up by substantial, Judicious adrer-1 tlslng Washington Is a logical point of' Eastern North Carolina for a large | town, but unless the people get to gether and do their part there 13 a likelihood that it will be "Little' Washington" fory many days and ev ien Belhaven may surpass it. I You can't multiply your talents I if you keep them buried and if you | refuse to attempt to let the out-side world l;now of your advantages,, you are burying your talents. I am leaving the Chamber of Commerce with a good and substan tial list of members as when ! took charge, except by people leaving town?during this time the merch ants report a hard year, which, with the lack of interest manifested, has I taken .considerable effort to keep up jtho membership. I trust every one of the present I (members will not only continue In | the organization, but strive to get other members and In this way strengthen the body. Put enthus iasm In the work which will more rapidly develop the town that you may be benefitted. A. C. HATHAWAY. Secretary. , Your Ukenees. My Very Dear Friend: How In the world could you read my mind so well. Ot all things you sou Id have aent me nothing would I hare appreciated half so much aa this beautiful well gotten up life like photograph of yours. I want to again thank you. You did not eo cloee any Utter, but. Oh, in this face I can read the story. Yon have m to Baker's studio. At The Mighty Half Shows are to ex ibk at the Fleming Park ra Weat Third street, afternoon aad night, f. nukes mm Oo Educ^tioa aad Public Lite*, lies Throgh Ch'ra CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TUT COMMITTEE ADVISES JOIJCT COM MITTBE OF THE CHCBCH AND WOMAN'S BETTERMENT ASSOCIATION AND THE YOtJNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN LEAGUE TO WORK FOR LIBRARY. Mr. President and Gentleman of the Chamber of Commerce: During bo ?ut year Washington has not had on hand any particular educational prrUet to call oat the actlTitles of tout committee, and for this reason the committee regret that they have no definite report of work accomplished to report .to you. The chairman did not know until very recently thnt It waa your cus tom to have this committee anbmlt written report annually. Thla Information came too late for the committee to undertake any definite ork. We may ssy that the matter of a public library for Washington has been discussed to some extent, and i committee believe that It will be wise for the committee of this Cham ber to work in connection with a similar committee from the Woman's Betterment Association, and one from the Young Men's Christian Lsa gueu. looking to the establishment of a public library In our city. We are o' the opinion that euch a committee can render a decided ser vice to the children of this city by endeavoring to bring the cltltena and the school into the closest pos sible touch with oach other and we, hope that our successors may do some definite work in that direction Respectfully submitted. N. C. KBWBOLD, Chairman. September IS. 1*10. ? ll-i' ?-.,!< ( ARnivAi. visits KArtos&L CAPITA!# Washington, Sept. 29.?'Wbre than 10,000 Catholics of the city greeted Cardinal Vannutelli, person al representative of Pope Plus X, who arrived at 10:30 o'clock this morning to be the guest of Washlng to clergy until Saturday. An elaborate program arranged for the entertalment of the pontifi cal party Includes a reception by President Taft at the whltq house tomorrow. Haw Ilrnnrh Items. I Hurry up farmers, and gather In | .'your hay: for the sun is shining > ! brightly oach day. j Messrs Walter Hill alr.d .1. U. Ed-' j wards were the guests of Mr. Fen-i : ner Hill and family last Sunday af-1 ternoon. 1 Messrs W. H. Nelson and W. T. j | Edwards was out in this neck Satur-j | day and Sunday. Hoye they had a fine time. Mr. Stanley Dixon and wife. Mrs. I Sam Kite and son, and Mr. R. G D. Hill ar.d family were guests of Mr. Lemuel Bar:- and family last Sun day. Mr. O T. Family were the guests] of his sister, Mrs. J. J. Roberts Sun day. Mrs. Seth Sutton and children j were visitor* at If. O. Warren's last j Tuesday aftenoon. I Mrs. Nellie Nobles ar.d grandson I were the guests of Mr. Harmon Hill and family Sunday. Bears are getting q;:!ie nurserous around here. They are catching lots of hogs. i Mr. Sim Hill killed a fine bear last week. Sorry to note that Mr. Branch Barr is Indisposed this week. Hope he will soon be better. DAHLIA. Oysters There were several boats moored1 at the market dock today loaded with j oyaters from different points In thejj sounds. 'iembs-me r j?> OKK HM TO HAITI A** OMAT UU-TUOUNT PA *OII8 RUttARU M. SHKPHBRJ* BorhMtw X~r7i.pt. j? * dosen gubernatorial booms l from ul with the powerful M? T?rk Tammany organisation appar ently la control of mote than loo votee out of the total of 450, the ^ democratic state convention opened here shortly after noon today with the prospect of two bitter fight. to be threshed out on the floor of the convention?one orer the selection of a state standard bearer and the oth er orer the direct primary plank In the platform. As the convention cot under way Charlea F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, declared that the convention, will be an open one and that each candidate had aa equal opportunity. Dosplte this declaration It was be "?ved that the gubernatorial noml I nation would so either to- Congress iman James S. Havens of Rochester to Congressman Sulser. of New York or to Edward M. Shepard. of Brook lyn. ? ^ Tammany fav?ed the laat nata For upwards of two tours the delegates streamed Into the hall. As the various delegations took their seals It was apparent that the morn ings compromise conference which had been going on since midnight failed. Leader Murphy's "board of start etr" lias ueed every endeavor to have a candidal, picked before the convention assembled. The galleries were packed and the audience took an Important part In the nolse-m^klng. Ejch leader was greeted with ? sa.tK of t bWm tii he ent??ed. CROW HRAXCH ITEMS 1 he most of the farmers ' have ?node good use of the pretty weather In saving their hay. Mrs. \v. H. Downs visited Mrs. Ann Nelson Saturday afternoon. "*r Xorracn Dixon made a tlylng ,r"' 10 fiilmid Saturday afternoon. Mr Jim t.athnm and Miss t.ossle niton were guest of Misj Ulllm Buck Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. W Buck was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Uarr Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lena Barr mho has heen ab sent for three weeks, has returned home. Mrs. R. M. Warren and children left Saturday for your city and New Bern to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs I. T, Nobles left Sat urday for Gllcad lo visit frlei* . and relatives. Miss Jessie Dixon visited Miss Es sie Barr Sunday. Messrs Sam Warren. Jodie Dixon, Jim Latham. Odio Bell, sira Hill, Plum Hill. Sam Barr, Griffin Barr, Isaac- Barr and also Miss Lillian Buck were quests of of Mr. N. S. Dixon's girls Sunday. A series of meetings will be*ln at Providence Saturday night before third Sunday In October. Mr. Miles McRoy who has beon very ill with fever Is out again. RED WINO. To Speak The Honorable Marlon Bnfler will address the people of Beaufort coun ity at the court house October 6th, at noon. Public Invited. Choir Practice. All members of the M. E. chnrch choir are requested to meet at the church this evening for their usual weekly practice. A full rehearsal .la desired. SATURDAY'S SPECIAL Big lot $1.25 Men's, Women and Children's Sweaters, all colors, Sat urday only 98c. Bowers-Lew