Jim SATURDAY, OCTOBBR 1. t - . 'l<nta?5 wwn fall to l*t th*Ne*? follow them da . - Vftb the' neWs of Washington fr<?h: sad crisp. It-will prove a WaKtilie comnunion. read'ng to you like a l?*t tor from borne. Those at lb* ?fJ ?tore ^>r mountains wIP Und The News a moat welcome 'fc d luterat laK vlaitor. ^ r ? All articles aunt to TLu News for ^publication must be signed by tU3 writer, otherwise they will not bo ?hbllahed. ?* >; A STAGl SENATOR Opening bis campaign for re election in Indianapolis Inst evening, Senator Beveridge was at .Jits best, and also, we regret t6 say, at hla worst. It Is irafortunate that a man so j et^nble and so courageous as Mr. Bev . erldge proves himself to be should be so powerfully Inclined to exag-' ^ ? geraiUrur-^ensatlou. seatlmeu'lallt^ and staginess. He stands .boldly' against some of the evil tendencies of bis own party, but be does mo in a fashion which is bardly convinc ing. He asaails the Democratic party with yfgor. but he does w in i nay to suggest a mere balancing of ac counts. While plain speech Is desirable in, these days. sober speech and truth ful speech are imperative. Mr. Bev eridge is brave in his emotionallam if he could be fearless Jn-candor and reason and wlsddln he would 'oom mand more attention. / TOM XVATftOVS HOWL Several months ago when that em inent agitator and populist. Tom Watson, announced his return to the Democratic fold there were premon itions that the time would soon come when a barbed fence would not keep him on the Inside. He was not long is Justifying all aprehenstons as to his absolute ina bllty to lead a quiet life, and tbe Bal timore Sun 'tella of his capers as follows: "His bitter tight against the re nomination of two congressmen re sulted in their polling a substantial majority. But he thrives on defeat. He was kept bo busy In the congres sional light that he was unable to throw his whole strength against the nomination of Hoke Smith for Gov ernor. But since Smith has been nominatod and Mr. Watson has had time to get around to his case, he has been doing the subject full Jus tice. . * '? t J "Attacking him personally and politically, he has poured rf constant fire into the candidate for Governor. In Georgia for a generation the Democratic nomination has been equivalent to election. But when Watson starts into a fight colqssal majoritiea do not deter him. He goes up against a stone wall with the same Joyous audacity that he at tack? a straw man. ne hired a hall In Atlanta to hurl his projectiles at close rangeg. The friendu of Hoke Smith packed the meeting and he - Couldn't be heard ten feet. He tried ^it again and they almost blew the ?pfOof oft the house. Watson says he ""will have his say if the whole world ?? howls, while the Hoke Smith 'root -'fr*' announce that previous disturb ance# art mere summer zephyrs com 'Spared with the performance they ar^i ^prepared to put ?p. ~ "As fa* as itt dutitd?hr is able td 'make out* amidst the fearful din that arteee from Georgia. Mr. Watson la accusing Mr. Smith of 1*7 ofea se, ranging from running a jj to wearing No. 10 "r-r.r ? ? : SK H1W? KS?p top*' Mtot Maud M?sotij Mlsa Maud Duko, Miss Bessie Ormond, n?ra . . Miss Bell9 Spencer, En*lehard . Miss Lotts Bishop, Pnntog? . . \ Miss Blanch Nicholson. Bath . Miss Hattie Roper, Euglehard . Miss Ella Credlo, 8wan Quarter . Miss Estelle Young. Fairfield . .. . . Miss Lucy Berry. Swan Quarter . Miss Ruth Hooteo, Belhaven . . .. Miaa Maggie Gurganus, Plnetown.. ills* Bessie Watson, Englehard . .. Mlsa Jennie Brown. Swan Quarter . ? Miss Hauel Olda. Belhaven . Miss' Roth Chadwick, Falrgeld .... Mlas Rosa Guthrie, Englehard ^ Miss Ethel Swindell,' Belhaven Miss Mat tie Daw. Belhaven Julia Marah, Bath- r . . . . S . - .... Mias Emma Rue, Fairfield . , llss Bet tie Jadktas, Pantego Misa Mary Atkinson, Belhaven . Mlas Nannie Hodges, Belhaven Miss Katie Shorn, Bath ... Miss Bertha Lupton, Mhijnn DISTRICT NO ?. Miss Bml^r Guilford, Aurora . . Miss Edna Duguid. Vaneeboro Mlas Mabel. Von Ehersteln, Mrs. L. T. Thompson. Aurora. lliss Ola Ross, Bonnerton . Mis* Emily May Reddltt, Edwi Mlsa Mattte Hill, Chocowmity Miss Annie Swindell, Aurora . . ' _i DON'T BREAK DOWN ^ Severe strains on the vital organs. Hw ittathi on machinery, cause break down*. You can't over-fa* stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves with out serious danger to yourself. If jrou are w?ak or run-down or under etraln of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchdiecs, tonic medicine,- Mrs. J. E. Van de Sande, or Kirkland, 1)1., writes: "That I did not break down, while enduring a most severe strain. for three months is due wholly to Electric Bitters." Uuse them and en Joy health and strength. Satisfaction guaranteed. 60c at Dr. Hardy's drug store. AN EDITOR'S DRKAM. "I had a dream the other night." said Bert Walker, editor of the Os borne Farmer. Uhburden your soul, was the in vitation extended. ML sat in my chair and closed my syee," replied Bert. "It had been a bard day and the poor editor got ten his n 'hundred fold.' I prayod for for that land over yonder where the surges cease to roll. An unac countable calmness came over by nerves and the world appeared to grow brighter and people actually smiled upon, me. In walked a man to pay his subscription. 'My dear ed itor,' ho exclalfned, on being to!<f how much it was, 'you are certain ly mistaken. I know l owe you twice that much Yonr paper is" ivorth three times what yon charge for it. It is the best paper I kuow *t in the world. My family could not get along without It. The children ;rop for it and we always believe rvery word we see In it. You are 10 fair, and so honest and sO char table. That Job work you did foT ne was perfect. Here, smoke a ten* lent cigar on it. A?y time I can del rou a favor let me know. 1 will ; lend you a. big turkey for your > 3hrl8tn?as dinner. This community j :ould not get along without you. j Joodbye, my honest friend. TMr4 wss a crash, and a gruff , oice shouted: 'Hell again.' ] I awoke The foreman had lUt 6k the floor end the work I o be done <t! o?or a?aln." I & Notice of Sale! By. virtue of the power of sale con tain** In a mortgage deed executed by Emma Dun- to V. Pi StjkcAl. dat JOth day November. ij#08; and duly recorded In Book No. 148, p?. 184 register's offlte of Beaufort county," which la referred to. I will offer for aale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash at the courthouse ?oor in the town of Washington, N. C., on Thursday, the lllh day ot October 1?1# at li o'clock, the following de^crlb property, to-wit: AH the right, title. Interest and estate of Emma Dunn in and to that certain tot of land sltdated in the'town of Washington. State of North Carolina, adjoining the loU of John demons. Jas. Cherry anil oth- I ers: Beginning on Fifth street 72 feet 4rcm the line between lota Nos 89 and B3 and runs wltli David Brown s '|lt| ?2 fpet; thence with la?. Cherry's tine 42 feel and thence with John Clemen's line 85 feet to ????! ?_ 1* the Mn?J Utjd* land- which de*cende<^ to Em Dunn as one of the two h?ir? -law of her father, James Dunn, Thin 0epU |3. 1$10. ' ^ - I W- P. SMALL, E ? V I .?-.1 . Jfepfjfc;; - . \ *?( By vlrtne of a power of sale con nlnod In a certain mortgage givon Boyd and wife. Bet I B. Boyd, dated June 8. 1903, and recorded In the Register's ofllce of Beaufort county in Book 112, i?ag? IM, I ?m otter for ule to th? hl?t -H Mdd.r for caib. at the tourt mjom door la Beaufort County, on October U. at 12 o/jiock. m.. he followlnn deacrll^ or par sol of land: ^ginning ?t W. J. W.- corner o? the uer road and running ? ~ ' balMMl mf rot W r nu tail U?f, ufort 1 wlrt offer - ljHtor at public ?a the Court House WMfclntfton, * .C. i Ik 9>r ol October. >"o<oc*. U>? following < rtr. T?-?rU: - lot of Und Bltttelf W*?Mn*ton. N. C , luK Of M??a A ' ,Bi*wb. decauod, M W.j other*: Beglnalag ' t corner of the loj own-| Brown, running thencel |t<Uy direction with saldj[ lino, a distance o(l .?e St Tt*bt angles tol line In ?*?? ? ditt&nce of 54 f*et 101 . W. Latham's eastern I in a northwardly dlrec-l id Latham's line a dlst-| feet to S. T. Nicholson's .northern 2lne of by Maud A. Hragaw A. McCarthy, admlnls ?flf. Sparrow; thence | ,Lhern Una in n sAst dlreotion a distance of 5 4 14 %Ci'es td the begin nn in g: V io rflkhl of way along a lane |l0"fbet Itf width across the northern IS he Dual report 61 i of Oct. UKJ STOCKA. I UmkaMiMU a*rgy^inl . 1 ? M ^W'Wgyy * ~ ?T':.:.' ?? fcfe*- - fx ? - ^ ? ?,3W^afc%cp?W4S?8saBe* AtinoanOM fcpptpnd tr?ln wr?lcc. V and Km Berjie. N^C. without twinge " Dully oxcept Bundaj ' '. Ml 10 nini etis ?. m. i>. 810 a. rn. Lv.;, ?:'4i a..m. L* Farturille Lf ?;ll f^T5 Or55nvll!p ' Lt 4:H 10:15 ?. rn. LT Choeowlnlly Lr. S:?l . 1#!40 ?. ^Ar Wtahtt?ton. L,v a:lo p ni. 'f&S&' ????? 10:07 ?. m. L.T 'ji.Sg W??bffistoii Ar ?:00 p. m if ? ..?'%?, ciitwowiiitr w i ll p. m :?6 *,m. Ar k/' . J N.? Den. $? - Lr 1:4$ f. m. Trar?l via the direct routi and arold change of cara.. W. W. CROXTON. G. V. A. B. I- BU I Ufa '?:' NfORPOLK. VlftUlNIA T. H. MYERS. A*e0t,fw?.bln?t0?. N. C> Wa ?sSSSS FVLUIA.V SLEKrlM, CAH SKKV1CK HAI-KIGH. X. C* A?TU NORFOLK VA. E>t>rcoa 3;:o p. m I.t Grwmboro, 3'u. lijr 5:i6 p. i". 1.T /. Durham. Sou.Hjr l:S8 p. m. l.v. JT HtMmot, 8.A. U Rr >10 P. L? rH??U?vilI<-, R. & 8. P. . :0? p. n. L,t. RalHih L'nlfii 8utlon |1|:15 p. m. I?Y. WU.an 7;#0 p. bl Lt. Wllmlng . via \vil?ou ?:?? P- B.r?, Via Qoldaboro 10 lr. p iii.Lt. Ool4?l(pro. VU Wllx-n Vf. ? ??*? "?*!?>? W.I " W I i:t? '? ?. js?. ; , w."W .. VAUGHAN fcTIKU S:io? >? At EHi.ib. I'l c:ts Lv. li-.is p m. | I, D At K-rfol*. IV4X AT# L< ?:?0 p. m. V:| ATTORNEYS-AT-LA"t ; ? Washington anil Aurora, N Clew. ?t Netful* with ?H UiIm ??er?ln?. - For coiupMe Information. or ri-fwtyattqn of sleeping car apace, apply "to . - ' ' 3. T. auua. A?ont. H. U UN, 0. T. 1. Bilollb, N G., W. I. WUI' It. a.. wiiM.n irt; r.yr !>? - .a ?*i a?~m c<>i.i?b * c '?J Mil. T. 4 a**MTtU?. N C.: T H M>,? '1' A.'WMhlwtl.-.i. N. C.; Bern "t Ti A.. Item N. C W. W CM>n. G I'- A ; B. I. ?Ml ? Vs eceive New Prepared Buckwheat* Hominy Grits, Oat Meal and Evaporated Peaches. : AH kinds of Fruit arriving dftihr.

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