d*? *r for the : to tj : Cardul, fc .j ft 1 look'fo v eil and ?. Ctrdul, that gen :fD. Jt Jenk)ua-~I *? Sin Hortooc to haro "King Lear" at her uex iWajiy " V -A* k 'rn?i uEK CQ0 i?JS^V'3j ' pm ' PREH r' | i >-10 t (fowl or tr. wan Buffering I. war. I II proved If m; ode] #011 I VVJIIIU^IUII) lUUIllUl'.J, 1 **1 Aflernoon and night under mammoth water proo See the Racing Camels \ Somersault Elephant nighosi class show in the lo act too costly for the [a^g Shows. Parade that tells the - J ijone costing the ing $100,00C to ? ? ON l'A.VASU CAKAL V . Lim, j date, fur th# i ?icttt / unlU a *tKo"| ^na q* iritoojJJ ?-(U #ot b? a candid ??HlMnn, Tiwttr-, CdlWto" University. Icing Uw- fafej terday hjr -o vUlt t _ tlon of the Sprlnser known In I HUb School la a crodlt tofl u(ort coanty. - -S>J I at the Wa-jHJaften I next Tneagay, <>ctoh.,r I ,. la going to mi kef ill Jhe bo-;a I ami.*. who haa loed. vHobeceo < a I tip a?& v "?~?i? rjr l*t erery ond-who can "poaalLly at- ? tend go to the special aai* at the To- I uraietmuae next Tuesday. Oo- I A. Ledtee are. ??iecUlljr ln?W- I attend. Come and ?ee the aa.o. I Old Bill Hugg la goln< to .,-cUU new ions at .}he next Tuesday, October 4. at the ape cUI aalo. Ho rar? he Ja coin* to get In !?w ihin: Try It w y tiolJ CV(V)'? l,.TO. i'.y i ) J..J .infant*. Don't accept ?n: Uc. Tor KREK trail pyck (age. addreu Alien a. Olmsted. U *oy. v. t. weaa 1.1 Uma? /WAnllnnAit'f el par excellence National Capital, hi all appoint Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House, s , An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, I free of charge, upon re ? ceipt of two 2 cent stamp's '????.? O. G. STAPLES, rv Proprietor J '*j m r, Wintergreen positively cures Rheumatism . . Pcrcaanent resulu ciaauroU ?not only temporary reller. If troubled with this dread disease try one bouk- Price 50c and ?1.00 per bOtUe I'or ?Ml by. I DR. hardy: | 8ol? AKMt for Washington and vicinity. ^ ???E L ?xrucii SELECTING SEED CORN. Oattar Run Rlak of Froit'^niliw PicM ths Ears Too'Eaptf;. , r '1 Tbo ftrst toward baiter aood 'com for Jwt j^tr most Imj taken In tha fall by selecting Ibe irfSt* ears from the stalky lu the field The corn should be allows# to mature well od| the stalk. By selecting flije.: earliest maturing cars und picking tbani from tha a talk as soon a^ the hp*fi? ?>egln to turn yellow, which la a common prac tice. enrlluoas Is secured at the ex pen bp tvitality. writes Professor Moore of Dnlvertrfty of Wisconsin tn the Amerjeco Agriculturist. slight frost, wjll not injure corn li we?| inntuml. sntt It b better fc ik of n 'frost than to pick the nrly. The latter part of the growing season mim to Improve the vitality cf ihe torn greatly, / jH Care a'loftld bo *keri In plcklo***) to seem am which are attached Hi y- i A """ City . Andrew, - & Weal 72 St. ,Y FIRE - PROOF !? :'.oa ct do3i an a L. HOOT- Mnnager. , .. IfM'Xs')' VJ' 1'"' '-.' J with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph institute op erates six official institutes In Ameri ca, under *upervieion of R. R. and! Wireless Calais and pjtaqsg all grad uates into positions. It will pay you to write ttHMo for full details at Cin cinnati. 0-. Philadelphia Pa.. Mem-! phis. Tenn., Davenport la.; Colombia! oir Phrtlanfl. OfV., 46eordln* io iua with to enter ? 0-?j| Clft m.wiki ; !*?- 't . :*?g ? '-JJ ? (Quotations furnished by H B. Mayo * Company.) Beeswax 2Cc. *C5t 2 to TfcUow ..." .v.'r ' 4c Chicken, grown oach. . i0c#3Ec Bprlojr uua?u* ... ...... 16fl25c Duck- *0fP25c Oaeae %. ;v;Vv^?. jTf.^MOp *0c Green salt hides ? Oreen hides ? BV4c Dry hides, IV . .... 100 H4* Wooll, free from burrs ? 16c Wool, burry tj UBb aklna lE03Oe dhevrlings 6 O 10c Co|^. Rshel ' 4 , -ffitfo'*- ?~V.;4 ? -? TDK LAS 11 OP A FHf.Vti. would hare been about as welcome to A Cooper oX Obtrego, N. Y .. as-a merciless lung-rntiuiig-ieougb that do fled all r??rtfw for y?tft ' It was most troublesome at W?ght."' he writes Nothing helped me till I used ljfr. King's Now Discovery which cured me comnletc'ty. I never cough at night now/* Millions know It^ match less merit for stubborn colds, obsti nate congtyi. cofe ltegf^ ' lADBra* asthsima. homojrahgc, croup, Whoop ing cough or bay fever, ft relieves quickly and cover'Wis to satisfy. A trial convinces., 50c ji.00. Trial bot tle free. It's jpegt^tvely guaranteed toy Dr. Hardy's Drag Store. . Just Received ! New Buckwheat, pau Ca*i"Flo?r and a full t*rl*r at new Cmtk ' & Co r^rtslin la (5 ?' ' I toulc dnd Icauti."o. . | the j tdme.. ., '? It I* .ou^vundcd ca tbo mosv^c v* U iwaiA?unu?d ?wh,ntiGc princ* . ni ncUiIag on the market t? difjciui -^ota^aro irlth It. ' u iff much mora thah the ordinary tocl^a, and doea It au quickly ti?t uwn are aaionJsh r ? ' ;{>'* "v ' , ' ' -V: T^, PwWtir. f?e kills the dandraft germs and eradicates dandruff 1% two weeks.Or mouey back. \ Parlaian Sage stops railing hair; Itching of the scalp mod splitting hall s, 6r money back* W ?> >-/? Blnto 1ta Introduction Into Amerl* ca It has become a prl With women of reOnasoent. X*?r Parisian Hage give* a fascinating lustre to women's heir and makes J It beautiful. It make*: the hair Rrow luxuriantly; it la the daintiest .1 nnd most- refreshing hair dressing (hat science has induced, and has |_n?t a paptlcle ef grease or stickl es In it. 4 A large 1>ottlo of Parisian Bag* eoats but SO ceata nt Broth's drug ^tore and druggists everywhere, the 1 Rlrl with the Auburn hair Is On ev- .? try package'. If-?~?t-?-? ? ?? Naval Vacancy J Please announce that.there will be a vacancy In the spring ot 19ll at tho U. 9. Naval Academy, and there will be en examination of nominees vV Ion the third Tuesday In ^Vpril moxt. ^ I am directed to nominate a pal and a fust, aecond and third al ternate. # ? The candidate mu?i lie Iwtwwu the Uko of l) and 20 at tbo time of nd mission. I shall be glad to forward to any young man a pamphlet con taining regulations gorenilr.K .admls iilon of ^candldstes. Betore Any . ?J young man decides to nu?Ke formal application. ho should Inform himself nb to the probaltty of his boing able* (0 stand tho mental anil physical ovfinlnAtiona which are quite rigid- . Li invite correspondence. *1^3 I Very Respectfully, Ly JNO. H.SUAtrft, Washington. N. C.t Seyi 2*tbf uit?. r ' ?*?? ? EVER WATCHFUL IA Mttle C?re WW Save M?ny W?*h ' ington Readers Tntin-e Trouble. Lfiee that they have the ambor htasiv.'^f!^ Watch the kHuey secretions. of health: The discharges not exct >^r Infrequent; v . ,/> Contain no "brick-dust like" sedt m*nt. ?:-'m Doan a Kldftef Pllla will dvthte for >??3sg pOIL tf -J - % f*f*4^v^; They watch the kidneys and rare them when they're sick.' Mrp. James p.\y, 21 New ?t., New Bern, N. C.. says: ). 58 L "Doan'8 Kidney Pills proved 6f ' more benefit to me than any otter remedy I ever tiRfl for kWney -oin- ? plaint, and consequently I gladly rec ommend then, t suffered terribly from dull, nagging bnchaches aild * pains across my loins. To stoop or lift aggravated my tronble and it was hard for me to perform ioy wprk. I could not reet well and oft<}n 3 arose la the momlag (eellog tired and languid. Being eoavincsd by ir regular passages Of the kidney secre Uons tbM my kidneys were disorder ad, I procured a box of Ooan's Kid ney Pills sad began thetr use. They rflHeved til. b.chMh., natorvd mj kidneys to ? normal . ondllion sud sm?e ?. rmwM rtrtngtlt." For ul. bT >11 dulera. PHq* M | T?k.