?? ?? Oosw to tu. Lo?l?. k;; Major Wiley C. Rodman tea | to St. Lou I* a delegate from the! North Oarollaa State Guard to the association to ba 1 la that rtty October 1 to I. , Major! Rod ma o was appointed by Governor ] Kltchln (or Ub position. .lapi - By their attitude the manutactur are seem to think thai he tart* bene-] ftto beluag to them eolely. i made that a tart**board was eon-f tetdplated to adjust the schedules In I ofitor to tool the peoplt Into voting 1 tb? KopuMtcan ticket, the manufae-| tnrers of the country began to make! request* tor a hearing, (earing there might be soma ch sages that would I Injure their buainsss. The requests I . were so numerous that Ways and! Means Committee of the house, who I stilt have the matter In hand, an-| nounce that it would take twelv months to hear the complaints, and therefore there would be little tlme| to revise anything. The truth or the matter Is, the 1 publican managers think the max facturera bhould possess sufficient 1 telliceuco to understand the dlle ma in which the party is Vlaced andl allow something to be done to ca-| jole the people Into voting for thai party the < om'.ng'congresslonal elec-l tloos. The especially favored trust nale, however. Is s pig and has about as much compunction of con-| science as a big (at hog that has! some one to bring hfm his feed every [ day. I Money is his standard of value I and ho baa been so long corrupted I by the knowledge that he Is getting! something for nothing, that when-] ever the party managers tall html that It is absolutely necessary to do] something to fool the people be re-1 marks in the terms used by old man j Vanderbllt. "The people be damned. You can buy all the votep you need. j Just assess us for the amount you re-J quire, but don't bother the tariff." 8o the Republican psrty managers j must be cmif.ent to ci.x^o some prom iaos, and V^to the (people for their I masters, the trust magnates, whose ] alaves they are!?Wilson Times. Moke* Appeal. Tp the Citizens of WaehlAgton: The gentlemen here representing the Radcllffe Lyceum Bureau trying to help ua In Retting up our Lyceum courr.a for the coming fall and win ter. They have bean here a w?ei and have canvassed the city' very thoroughly. ,We still lack about $200 , In subscription* of having enough to guarantee the course. We are ask ing that our friends come to tlie rea? euro and help to make the course pns sit.le. !t_ wi|| bo sfro*t dlssppoinu Uient to our people If wo should not fe?mre the amount necessary. 'We it o offering a better course even than' ?<*?< yaari.and.jire sincerely hoj?e you will help us, ,' . ; - ? v '.9[ ft-V\slnearaty, ? - V:; ? vpl- & r; '? /fy*''). Superihtehdeut. "?mber JfO. |!?16. Valoes the full amount Is guaran teed by subscriptions !n advance, we cannot get the attractions at all. ? , jgsiga M ?. K V-*. ffa mm ? bis aai.|| ?odramatic picture. full at patboe which brings tears lo-the eyee. e.en ?thouch one rtaHs.a fun wall that It J fc^a?y?isS 1*7 ?????11 .aid tha pictures I food laat night at tha Oalety, audi I "Tho Death of Mocbae! Grady tapt] J 'ham la , conaUnt roar of laughter! |l But whan you tee Uia program a 1 arad for tonight you will pronoun? lilt, without question, batter, u not! tha beat" aean bare In aoma time -A colonial llelle"?An eplKjde of. I the Revolutionary war. An Incident! I of tba atlrrtac day. ol '7?. A rarolu-l Itionary war ploture that win attract! I and entertain tha heat etaee of pa-| I Irons of the motion ploture tehatre I I The action, beautiful photography! land aecnrefe aconlc aurroundlnjrn.f 1*111 commend themeelvee to any au-l | dlence. I "John Orahasa-a Gold"?A itory of I la miser that la differA loyal ? etory and a woman who loet heavily I Ion marglna and borrowed of the I I miser to apeeulate are "mtenruyeo.l ? while the aacrlDce of a daughter to I Icorer the mother's mistakes Is an I ? additional dramtle situation. I I Pereewelty of JW_A pow-l ? orful dramatic subject A story I ? with a high morel and a aympattiet-1 lie appeal. I I Don't fall to see tr**t tn store I |for you tonight. ?-*?* . - ? PotftryPointers. Sail Ibe young cockerels that are not I needed for breeding etock aud aare I tiiO food that tliey will consume I Do not expect I he hens that hare ? been fallbful layers dnrlug the aata I Dlff I1**# this up ally winter You I may be dKif-polnted If yiu do. II r"'r* <>rhikmg water frequent I ly ctinneal la ludlapenanble to poultry I health acd enmf.H-t Xlw tuwtk l*Juv stale rirluktug wnttr snr battar ?'^aa BUinait* do. aover umkea a splendid winter pas. ? tore for all klods of fowls. PlaM ? nrliasoo clover In tl? orchard-end let ? the fowls bete.access to It. It will Ibslld up the orchard joO aod furnish ? nntrliloi.a f. :ti fur the foarlai.. I Kor an autumn and winter reed fori ? poultry cabTwge la well liked Tbh Is ? huac UP so the fowls can Just reach 12 '-"W sut-ar beef. uresis* I These an chopped np Sno or cut open I'T sometimes crushed Common IMS ?turnlpe nre nlao good. l-'-f.l,.'*.r*d ?? "<'? Inrtej. for ? market begin to Increu.o the rations ?adnally Never attempt ,to fatten ?0. such In succaa?lce^iro|i 1 ??? a loaa of weicbt 0>itA -I not cause blarkUcnd. i.ih It ineatly cause the nndden de&rn ? In which bl.cki.ead I. pre??t.' A Pair Prope.it,,n. m Moi (in Bottle at Blood By G?or(*. I i | lllce the effects of that, BloodUie. for the bnlldlng op of weight end let narrs fbrc*. u srted more Ilk* * miracle then a-madl ollle.*. saM awell-known gen tic man yesterday In speaking ot the revolu tion that had UBfc place u, bt> con. ditlon. -I began to think that there WW nothing on earth that could make m. fst I tried tonic, digestives. Any nit,: or w^man who le thin n recover normal weight T>y the remarkable new treatment Bloodhie. 1 ham been thin for years and b* gan to think u was natural for me to be that way. Finally I read about the \ remarkable processes brought about by the uayef Bloodla*. BO i ?I"""' to try n roself. Well, when M myself In the mlrrow now. ?-r - <:d music ant'. d3nalag by Tlcfaetjl aoid for regular train No. 11- Monday October ?. good 10 re turn on trala No 6, umr date Washington. N.lC fhocowlnlty. M.C. *1.00 ?????. ?? C ?.?? Orimesland, N. c ' Apply * era R. R., tr* v-: ; ' " , O( PMU.O, 1. ? oX Bath 18 a ?jSSffi ' Q. Borry on H*r ?4 to har home this eekn left this mora __ ,. ,_!e?l of Beth l? In the "" t mm Latham of Putigo r tfcii morning. rittiji. I ofesslonal trip Ufc.New Uta. lrroa Jeffrie#, of Clot City, V?.. I* the m?t of the 111mm Mayo, oa West Second atreeL .. m&m&m Mto Annie Latin Patrick, of CUaton. N. C..-h the gUMt of HIm Mary Tankard an Market gt. Mr, and Mm. a'w, Andrew, of Bayalde, are In the tlty today. 5T^ "-t-i m him Lena B?ntp. i. Halting lira W B. Kdwarda on Eaat Main atreet. 6 or 8 doeea or ? ??6" wlQ cure any ease of rhllla and teyor,, Price 16e. The pan tor wftf Alt' hi, p.lptt ? this church Sunday morning ud av-1 cnln* at the usual hour. Altar the morning aermon the holy commun ion ?m he ?W0ta*Ui bo rtfclcred at both aer,lr?l fSSWHMra day evening, ~ ^ T . V ? ? ; > ; To THE ? Sl'Vow' or Mr. F >? H1 *V' r- ^ Th. Km Ukw (rest pl*uur* In bolag .bio to l nur reader* ^RIU o Mr Dun 1b mmklas tt to ? \em