f 1 .58 is whr, a* amon* I? the leaders. H Is known that 01 of these candidates lower down ? v. |{ .^ h??n fi\lUIilu end * mm MiBITOR I 'UMRM' a or *wa DKHOORAT ?*> UMTK kxmcvtivk ?ok . flBTTEK xp NUW A CANDI DATE FOB STATE AVDITOH. Chairman A. H. Eller haa called a a meeting ot the democratic ? lUti mi?U? com mitt** t? be hald In I&lelgh Thuraday night, October I, for the imrvoat ot UW|.t candi dal* (or state auditor and to traaa act tfuch other bnalneea aa may con,! 3 Brery alnce Dr. Dixon's death, many naxaea bavi been* mentioned far the position o( (tat* auditor, and there are near!; a doten candi dal.. ieOin and ?M>tl?e; now .the field. * Among those mentioned (J Prank D. Hackett. of Wllke?boro?| ''Wood, off Randolph; "W. tJ Rather ford ton; Chairman Ellefe call la at fol lowa: -y*' * ? \ ; j ? "Th? atate democratic ?secutlvej committee, la hereby called to meet In the senate chamber of the capltol at Kalelgh on Thuraday, October I, 1910. 8 o'clock p. ra. "The purpoee tor which this meet In* U called Is to najae a candidate ot the democratic party tor the of Ac* ot stat* auditor to ail th* unex pired urn caused by th* death ot Hob. B. jr. Dixon and t* transact auch other btulnc* aa, la the Jud? ment ot th? committee, mar b* deem V "A'full attendance la dealtqd*' Coming WXMtac. tr'.i?!? ? The Daily New* la In receipt ot th* following Initiation: Mr. and Mrs. Bob*raon Rodman Warns ; s';. requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daugh tef Lillian Masters ' ' r -to Mr. Char la* Wilson JOuaa Wednesday svs(4?g. the nineteenth of October, nineteen hundred t eight 1 bom*. o'clock Washington. North Carolina Reception from nine to eleren o'clock 717, North Market street. Wash ington, North Carolina - '-V. ^KiUhttw Wea usplcl ous of oth era If we did not know oar selres so well. tu i? put <? Stab New York, Oet. irrfHtlth . hla mother frantically endeavoring to reotrals him. Dr. Hafcert OVidger, a young physician from Aaheylllft, N. C.; committed suicide today lor cut ting his throat with a rator Jpif.tf room at the Oraad Union HoU>C^' Oudger was *he school of medld rersitjr of Pentnytraife In . and. returning to hli'hoW* broke doirti from over work. It ity been Intended tp place him In i t^mr tomorrow. if?*# and mother aceom _ the young man u, tht, "cJW? watrtret him cloiely leal 1ti iar oyt- the purpose of mp-eefihx - 'la " eh he moIThI s-t? >0 % ?he knm ateo. heard Her un. mov ing about In hla room. j with a ecream the mother ru>Md *j_her ?n-. fcu>; be ??duxl, her a war and though ihe >UM clung to hie arm. ti? ealead hie hail* to hla throat and slashed himself with He died in ten minutes. Prominent !? Aehertfle. Ashevllle. N. C-. Qct. B.?pr, Hu bert B. Oudger, who committed sui cide in a New York hotel today, waa the youngest son of ex-Congress man J. M. Oudger. Jr., who lsjthe present Democratic congressional nominee, from the Tenth district. The deceased, who was 2$ years old. left this elty, where he spent the summer with his parents, laat Friday erenlnr accompanied by his par ents.' It was the letter's Intention to placethelr son In a New York sani tarium. Sec*re Your Seats The sale of seats for the appear ance of the Hlnshaw Grand Opera Concert Compkny went on sale at Hard|'a drug store this morning snd^li day they have been going at a rapid rate, if you wish to eee this noted attraction H would pay you to purchase yonr tickets at The rolling stone gathera no moss ?sometimes because It la not on the lovel. Youths Clothing l ----T? The best shades for this'season **re Brown's Blues and Grays. $4.00 up to $7.50. . ? . Agents for Fay Stockings ' it. _ BBKImE ?rl . M (MIUM with 72.1 on Auiuc It. 1?X?, E8.S ?a 16. 1?0?T 81.7 on Bfr Oominriaona of condldtlona by Hates foi *"<? Ssr3 ...... . <Ty-. n World* ?? . t4 fe ::: S ?! Louisiana .... SI ?0 Tew* ?1 15531 State* J .?B.s 7t.t . ?-t;jSppre will' . mbatlpt of the Haloyoa, Club toni*h| at s o tlof* la the omc?,of Dr. Jnoj S C. WARREN, ' Secretary. IJ? Ot Ixtterm. Remaining Uncalled for in. the poatofllce at Viashlngjon . /or the wwk.injllilg,- October lit," 1910 - flvQtlumn: ?Mr. H. P.: Arnutrong, Mr. D>rrl>; BUbop. J. ?^r. J. L.: Boyd, Mrt Rev. 8. N.; Curran, i ' 'iHiMiriu >>'? .0-: ypcum,, Johji; 811 vert horn, ?r? j.'?i!'Mi?nii4ttiBr?>*Jco'; Wn -w- Mr. Arthur; Williams. Mr. Mfe? Pkebe; Goaaomon, Mlaa Sallle; Jonea. Mlaa Hattie; 'Sihtorthorn. Mrs Nancy. ?Thiii UUssa-wUJ- lb* Mnt> to the dead letter office October 17th, 1910, If not delivered before, in sailing for the above, plealae aay "ad.ertib ed,"giving date of list. HUBH PAH.. Poatmaater. MANY LIVES LOST THE BEACHKH WKRK STREWN WITH WRECKAGE ? SHIPS WERE DISABLED AMD DRIVEN* HELPLESS BEFORE THE GALE ?BTE.WER8 FOUNDER AND LIVES LOST. London, October 3.?Many lives are reported lost In terrific gale which hare lashed the Nortn oea hurling several wrecks on the coast la the past 14 "hours. The steamer W?Hioine foundered tn the gale off Cromer and was sunk. The engineers were drowned and i several of tbe stokers were reported missing. The others were saved after a long Ight against the gale. Dispatches to i mercantile marine agencies today re ported that several other vesaei?, most of them fishing craft, are be lieved to have been lost. Life saving stations at- a number of points along the coast repdrted several rescues. EJtoahled ships drtftlng helplfess before the gale were also repdrted. The tempest waa one of high wind and driving rata and at points along the coast the beaches were strewn with wreckage. He Had. "Papa, did yon ever see a little bird with, a bta-?H?' "Yes son, 1 oace ordered a quail on toaat at. a fashionable reat?>. 'ra?tM',r; V* ? - ' Ho., Oil. A apt, Coahulla : a termen4ou? uplo oocnrrad la num at Pali, balonslog to Coal Company. T-*a racorared but 74 r??y< party waa orar *. WOO*4 raUatad thani. overooma kr t|M attar vara brought to tbe aur abortly *Itarward racorar t at reatortog the air cur aa rapidly aa i. man that It la will be forty eight hour, /all the hodlea cMt ha ailaaa hare all )W|eriBt^nd?nU with " I ftU >?ve worked f ir%ht. (flpptag W+t the b?tW ahown here:Wha ViUfryofc ?tt hard to Salutary Lauon" was Such waa what the large crowds*' who attended ths Gaiety last i}lfcht, pronounced tb? program. It certainty proved to be one of tht best .^1 round programs presented hero Jft seine time, and tbe entire crowdj,w*a pleased throughout the prografci. t * another program of the lety High Standard" con tbrea full reels, la aSered. that till eatoi^tain and please ai well >?tfce one presented last night CUrJl on Triple" is a feature pr&ina. It la a story of Frlpp* i^teraat. with, thrilling elt ~" 'unent and action. The lorsemaujhip displayed rousing ovation when you see it. "The Count that Counted," is a comedy. It you-want to laugh heart lly and hear othera laugh you ought to see this picture for even a pessi mist with a bad toothache will not be able to keep from laughing when he watches thia on the screen. "How the Squire Was Captured." 1 Here is a Jolly, happy unconvention- [ tional little outdoor comedy which fairly overflows with a spirit of mis chievous youth arid springtime love. "Bumptious Takes lTp Automo billng"?A comedy. Tbe fun in this' {Picture Is not coarse, the scenery is j beautiful,and it /should prove a very jolly addttlon to the,list of Bump 1 tious' adventures, winning new ' frtends for him. On Profession*! Business Mr. Norwood L. oimmons left this afternoon, for Whicharda. N. C., on professional business in connection with a shooting and cutting affray at that place last Sunday. The dis turbance happened at a negro relig ious meeting. Residences Altered. | Decided improvements are being] mads to the realdence of Mrs. Maryf Baugham, corner of Second and Ree pess ^streets. Whan completed It will be one of the most attractive homea in Washington. To 8peaka El-Senator Marlon Butler and the Mighty Haag Shows will be the attraction in Washington next Thurs day. No doubt the town will be more thaa lively on that date. On Professional Business .Dr. David T. Tayloe went to Ral eigh today on professional business. He is expected td return home on the evening Norfolk Southern train. Mra. Pr F. Coscens who was op erated on at Fowle Memorial Hos pital is ateadily Improving. FRESHMAN SHOOTS MATE Chapel Hill. N. 6. Oct. Awak eaed by a aolae *t hi* door early this morning U4 bellejrfcig tkat crowd or haaera waa gftovt to force entrance Into his room, 8. t. Par ker, a freshman In the University flrod a revolver the ballet striking H. N., FalrU his xoom-mate The bull to lodgAln Fairly neck inflict ing a painm, . though. jaot. fa wound. Fairly stated today that he aad Parker heard s rumor of a aaslng party and that that they*carried revolver to bed with them. They fere aroused this morning by the found ot shattering glass Id aa outside door of the sU>rq 9'/-r which they roomed. Fairly iprsng out of bed and Ptr^ ker, fcalf swak6 and ' frightened, shot without seise 'of 'direction in the dark. " ? ? ' V the gem. *g Hhew Tonight. Don't Fall to Bee This Owe '.Three Reels, Thtee oitm a targe crowd filled the Gem to see the much talked 'of picture, The Fire Chief's - Denght*r. The picture wee beautiful* freyoed All expectation. All were profuse In their praise of thhr truly -woderful work of photography. Tonight The Stare aad Butpee will be shown. This picture throbs- with ? the * 'glorious spirit of '76, of danger and heroism, of liberty, patriotism and human love. Throughout Its various scenes we catch the gleam of the Stars and Stripes, the first to flutter out up on the breeie In foreign waters, the news of the birth of a now nation. No picture abounds In mure elabor ate settings, thrilling moments of patriotism than this. The Miner's KarrJUco by tho 1^ lem Company is a thrilling wostern drama. Gold! Gold! Gold! that was the cry that drew thousxjndq or K9V(1 men into the mining country. Some made good, some left ?helr hdbe^ to bleach In f "'"1" " " Drous atoiy of a \, a fence and, torm&dud' boym. Nothing else 1, needed to lUmp the picture as a suoceee. \ The Wedding Praeents. Those who have suffered the experience of a wedding anniversary will appreciate this humorous skU. The idea upon which the story is based is original ind decidedly humorous. To Discuss Plans The pastor deairea to meet the male members of. the First Baptist ihurch at the church tonight at 7:45 o'clock. The meeting will probably aot last over 46 mlnuteB. The ob |ect of the meeting la to dlscusB plana for the new year's work. The last asBOciationai year waa very good for the church. There were 51 ad-~ dltiona to the church with a net in crease of 32. The membership now numbers 194, The prospects for another year are very good. The mooting tonight is not a bus iness meeting of the church, but ?imply a conference of the male mem bers. The regular monthly meeting will take place tomorrow night af ter prayermee?J (New Police man. Mr. George Morgan was elected one of the policeman for the city last night by the Board of Aldermen. No doubt he will make a capable of ficer as he has had years of expe rience in this kind of work. What la Love. Something of earth ? that is Irs start. Something of heaven?that Is lu goal; Something human ? that is th<s heart, Something divine ? that is the Mil, ?Henry Tyrell, In the Delineator for October. Life Is a grond, but the world li full of I. WW. - ? - ? = 7 ACT NOW AND nWE THE SIDE WALKS ? H?y: _ ' . V Citizens Are Urged to Attend Recess Meeting of A1 . dermen Tonight and Discuss Tbie Question. Quite a number ?( the citizens from different pert* of the cltjr ap peared before the Board of Alder men last night to dlecuea the pav ins of the sidewalks throughout the cltj. Mr. C. H. Harding, secretary of ho Public School Board, present ed a petition from the board, re questlng that the sidewalk* on Sec ond street from Gladden to Bridge street be paved. , Several other citlxens then ex pressed themselves as favoring the proposition. Among whom were Mr. A. M. Dumsjr. who suggested that all eldewaika south of Fifth street be pared. Alderman Jones suggeeted tl the work should be continued until a large psrt of the eldewaika In the city are paved. > Mr. O. A. Phillips said be favored paving sidewalks on Second street up to Washington street. If rfo' tur ther. Mr. O. M. Wlnfleld raquMtM th?t WW Ttolnf MiMt to# placed wltbln th? tld?t?lks district. A motion n| Introduced I dermis W. M. Chsuncey calling ?peel*! meeting of the board tonight for the purpose of discussing matter. All cltlsens are invited to f be preeeat. Thla la an Important matter and should be given due conalderatkmi We will never be able to set the work done cheaper than now and no one will dispute the fact that the work la needed. The approximate coat now will be about 49\cents per lineal foot or It other worda a man who owns a 10 foot lot would be required to pay $20.00. When you. consider the fact that tho lowest bid for this work waf >7 cents per square yard, yen can read ily see what a great saving there will be la doing tho work now, Attend this meeting tonight express your opinion. ?* ?<*> Mil TO NUJjpKST IT 18 BELIEVED NITROGLYCER IN K WAS U8M> TO DESTROY LOS ANGELES .TIMES BUILD ING?WIVES OP THE DEAD COLLAPSE. Low Angeles. Oct. 3.?Superin tendent Paul Flammer, chief of de tective?. stilted tonight that W. J. Burns, formerly connected with the San Francisco graft prosecution and now head of. the secret service of the American Bankers' Association and W. J. Moran of the United States secret eervice inspected the ruins of the Times office today and said that 1n their opinion the build ing was destroyed by a charge of,ni troglycerine. A large force of vorkmen, alttf huge railway crane and derr *hloh is Jlfthig out the masses heavy steel- * In the meantime the police are guarding the homes of General Har rison Gray Otis, proprietor of the Times, and of General Manager Har ry Chandler. Guards are also watch ing over the plants of several con* cerns recently lnvplved in strikes. Three arrests have been made since the explosion, one of the sus pects is an alleged anarchist, Msr tln Eagan. In the the hope of securing infor mation as to the perpetrstors of the outrage. Mayor Alexander Increased the city's offer of reward today to tlO.OOO. This, with the offers of local newspapers and labor organi sations, whose leaders have an ndunced a determination to assist I in the search for the criminals raises I the total amount of rewards to ? 18.000. The body of J. Wesley Reaves, sec retary to Hsrry Chandler. Is one of those recovered today. Identity was established more by the place In which it was found than by any evi dence on the body itself. It was burned Into fragments and so were the four other bodies taken out Mrs. Churchill Harvey Elder, wife of the night editor who died of his burns and injuries yesterday, arriv ed here from 8an Francisco"" and shortly sfterwards collapsed from the strain under which KM 1? bored since learning of the catagftto phe. John W. Howard Jr.. son of one of the llnotypers wkON body is believed ruins also collapsed toiay. The inqueet will At that time the committee Of'dyna mite experts and engineers appoint ed by Chief of Police Galloway to inveiUgate the wreck In an effort to learn the character of the explolslvs used will report their findings. Lit tle in the way of evidence that might lead to the discovery of the perpetrators of the outrage has been found. Among the remartobio escape* chronicled since (he explosion nod. fire was those of George \V. Long erew of engravers. They *<%??* th? sixth'floor of th? bwtld the low THE FIRST NUMBER The Hlnshaw Grand Opera Con cert Compiny, the first number In the Lyceum course this season, will appear at the school auditorium to morrow night under the auspices and for the benefit of the Washing ton Public Schools. This. is the same company that charmed ourn city last year and their return en gagement is a source for genulns pleasure by the music lovers. The \ cmpsny Is composed of the follow In# artists: Mr. William Wade Hln shaw, baritone and director; Mlaa Jane Abecrorabie, soprano; Mlse Frederick G. Downing, contralto; Mir Lulgi Cilia, tenor; Mr. Robert Yale Smith, pianist. This company brings to the Ly ceum course a really vital preeenta tion of favorite selections from all the realm of opera and oratoio. Seats for the appearance of thtft attraction went on sale at Hardy's drug store this morning. To thoss not holding season tickets the prices for reserved seats will be 75c; gen eral admission 60c. The performance will begin promptly at 8:30 and It Is to be hop ed ail will be in their allotted at that hour. WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL * 1 Our entire stock of 5c. Val and Torchon Lace, special price Wed nesday only 3c. yard. xm Bowers-Lewis Co; r ' * rtljcsrvt, llr" Stox*. Watch Tomorrow'* Ad. OF..^.:ALDt;RMENy of the Board of City Aldermen last evening it was decided to hold another meeting to-night at the Gaining whether or not the property owners of the city shall agree to pave n cordially invite all citizens interested in this important matter to attend discussion of the matter is earnestly desired. W. B. WlNDLEY, City Clerk.

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