HB 1 ' WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBERS, 191*. s= NO. Yesterday Contestants and Note the Results Below tion Th* contest for th* Ir? trip* to Bump* 1* waxtns warm la later**! Is *each of th* dtstrkts t-ntl restet day's balloting cauaed many change* bMUn th. addition of a*w um (0 th* UM of contaatanta. That tho contest la "catcklm on ' la demon atrated by the heavy rot* being rut for three aoore of roans lad'-ea who hare bMn placed In aoalnatlpa tor th* tour*. If Hi* contestants will all ft tb*lr friends buay gathering role* for them th*y will sec still greater change* la the standing* or thnaMlr** and their opponent* The New* baa mad* a popular more In thl* content?the moremaat la bound Motor Ota*. A meeting of th* Washington Mo tor Club was held la th* oSo* of th* oo^ssodore, Dr. John c. Rodman, laat night. Routine bnlllie? was transacted f . . Bon Marlon Butler will ad4r**g th* poopl* of this county at th* court kona* tomorrow at aooa. He will *1 thsr apeak ta th* courthoua* prop er or oo th* courtbon** lawn. This baa not a* ret been decided on. GETTING ON VERY WELL Mra. Daniel Taylor of this city, was operated on at the Fowle Memo Mai Hospital about a week ago by Dr. Jack Nicholson for strangulated in testine At that time about a foot of the loteatlue wlis removed* On account of the spreading of cangreoua process another operation was decid ed on by the surgeon, so on yester day she waa placed on the operating table and about one and s hslf feet of the small intestines and five In ches of the larger Intestines were re moved. We are glad to know that, notwith standing the two operations Mrs. Taylor la getting along nicely and that her phyalclan. Dr. Jack Nictiol ?on. haa hopea of her recovery. This will be welcome news to her many friends. Advance Kuii for lHxon Play. Quickly upon the news of another "Tom Dixon Play," came inquiries to the local box-office aa to whether "The 81ns of the Fsther" wAuld be seen here. I Public interest, already atrong. waa redoubled when it became known that the new work wasn't a thresh ing of old straw, a sequel to "The Clansman" or anything like that, bnt on the contrary a stastllng picture of contemporary life, dealing with the adbjeet of the "taint in the blood" caused by African mongre llsm. ' It can now be definitely announc ed that "The^Sln* of the Father" will be played at th* Lyceum Theatre Wilson, N. 0., on Wednesday, Octo ber It. '-J* As the theatre management Is like ly to be swamped with the large number of advance orders for seats, patrons are advised to make their Reservations as eerly as poealble. Those who delay too long must put up with inferior sests, or may find themselves excluded altogether from the plelaaure of wltneeslng this re markable play. Many Boats. Quite a number of boats are moor ed to the different wharves in the city loaded with cotton* and other -^merchandise Washington enjoys a large and lucrative trade through this means. s JIP TO EUROPE Their Friends Got Busy ? -? Some Ghtngesof Posi to become more And more popular as the days go by. Note the posi tionjpcupled by -the varioui candi dates this evening and tomorrow take another look and aee the changes. Then get to wor* tor your favorite candidate. She wanv? to go to Europe at the expense of the New*. She is worthy, desires to%o. the paper lit .wilting to eond; her and all that is required lu for her friends to see that she t'ets lore votes than any of her competitors. Vot? early and often. Repeattre aie encouraged In this, cltttloi aud the News la Just now in tav>r ot f? man suffrage. Vote! act of sounding the Sbophar, or the ram's horn, which Is performed In the synagogues la obedlenc? to the Scriptural precept Is Intended to bring .'home to the Israelite thU %* pect of the day% meaning. It is a solemn occasion, though not a mournful one. It Is a day of chasteaed memories, a day jot re flecting on man's frailty of character But beneath this sombre sense ot weakness, both physical snd moral, there lies In the worshiper's heart the serene serltude of God's Justice snd mercy. p | Home F W, Work Baker, the photographer, is exhib iting eome fine work in front of his studio today. It would pay all who are thinking, of having their pictures taken to lolter^wtid examine tho work. j Mr. Angus D. McLean returned last night from a professlMW visit. ?s jfr.. s r. > New Front. A mammoth plate glean- was re ceived this morning to be Installed in the Baugbatn building on West Main street. Visitors Arriving. Visitors have already begun to ar-1 rivtf to take in the big show tomor row and also to bear 8enator Butler. The day promises to be a strenuous | one. large Enrollment The Waahlngton Public Schools now enjoys the largest enrollment in its history and the outlook for the present session is most sanguine. The I pupils in all departments are doing j good work and unless something un forseen occurs this session will be a| record breaker both aa to attendance | and work accomplished. Burned at the Stake. Montgomery. Ala., Oct. 4.?Six hours after he had fsaaulted Mrs. | Hiram Stuckey, a prominent young woman of Covington county. Bush Withers, a negro "trusty" at the Hen derson convict camp, was tsken from tthe warden last night while enroute to prison at Andalusia, tied to a ?stake by a mob of 400 men and burn ed. The burning waa conducted quiet ly and the mob formed from adjoin ing towns, dispersed to their homes, leaving nd. traces of their fury save tbo cshes of the i Conditioned Improved The condition of Miss Ruth Phil lip?, who Is confined to her home wtth fever, Is thought to be more l favorable today. Large Quantities Large quantities of Scuppernong grape, are being brought to thU maifcet dally for shipment to north ern firms where they are converted Into wine. COAT SUITS New Arrivals Daily All modtla Hand Tailored and Strictly Fash ions delband. We guarantee to fit and please you. Prices $12.59 up to $34.69. ' .-Vj Agents American Beauty Coraeta and Fay Stockings GEN'L MENTION THUll) CONVENTION OK TH KI'MCOl'AIi CHIKCH IX IKK IIICA ARK HKOINNINO tO AK R|V*' Cincinnati, O., Oet 4.?Delegates to the 43rd conference of tho Proteat tnt Church In America began to ar rive hero today. Henry Anstloe of New York, who baa been Resistant secretary and aeo retary of the churchaa house of de Duties since 1877, today declared that the convention will hold one of the moat Important In the history of if* church. Five amendementa to the consti tution of the big religioua body art )g come before the delegates, he aald. -The so-called "open pulpit" con troversy was explained by him as re ferring to the extent to whleh th? pulpit should be restricted?"wheth er to ordained clergymen or to a lar ger clasa approved by the church." "The term open pulpit la a misnom er be added. , v Or. Anstlco also Indicated that there may be a discussion over changing the name of the church. A movement has been pushed in the organisation Cor years to make the title "AHertcan Catholic Church." Therv at# other Protestant church aa tad other Episcopal churched," ?aid Or, Ant Ice. 'We^iHsh to get away from both *' Our church Is distinctly ?ts Catholic in the broadest sense. There la no reaao'n why the Roman should have a mon opoly of that word, which meana sim ply unlvertal. aa the asnse of being 'all inclualve.' f J. Plerpont Morgan will] be one of the big figures in the convention. Have Moved Here Th? family of Mr. John E- Brown have moved to thla city frcftn Wilson. They will reside on Eaat Third etrcet IT iJUUilUtl ---~Wr I LIKE II ME New Orleans, Oct. 4.t?The Rocke feller hookworm commission, to which John D. Rockefeller donated i million dollars to carry on Its re Marches has been led by Its investi gations to believe that kerosene oil Is the best weapon for fighting the ravages of the disease, according to sn announcement made today. The scientists of the commission declare that nothing is so fatal t6 the larvae of the hookworn as kerosene. So far they have not expressed a pref erence for any special brand . Who's Loony Now? Hotel patron ordered ten chick ens, 50 bottles of wine and two tax Jcsbs sent to his room and $500 for warded to his wife. The last item caused the poor fellow to be sent to Bellevue for observation. 'When a Park avenue mamma start ed to take her infant son out she found somebody else's Infant daugh ter comfortably Installed In his little go-cart, which ahd been left In the' hallway. It's sometimes hard to tall babies apart, but It's queer a wom an wouldn't know her own go-cart. That Connecticut bachelor who corresponded for fourteen years on ly to find out that his Oladys was a man Is still yearning and says he I could be happy "If they could give me bsck the woman they created and told me she was dead?give her back to me In all the glory I thought was hers." Last gentlmsn to get the "Who's Loony Now?" emblem will please ship It right *6n.?N. T. Tele gram. We often hear the expresloe as poor as a churchmousc." bat even a church mouse doesn't have to >fve on the collections. "T OF THE PA ? -rawci - PLVKGUD tp TH* BOTTOM OP THK PAOW1C OOMK POULO*. KXPLO0XON TO BOILKR. & Colqn, Puttint, Oct. 4.?Seventy persons perished when the Pacific Steamer Ksvigsiion . Company'! steamer cblrlQul plunged to the bot tom of th?|Wclflc ocean following the exploelflfe. of her bollera. ninety miles from Haama, according to ad vlcea receive* here today from Point Jarachlne. < The ChMtfUl waa being driven under high pressure In tbe endeavor to make up lost time, thla report states, when her bolters exploded. It was late In Dm afternoon of Septem ber 27 and the veeeel waa making top speed through the calm sea, when, without warning, a terrific ex ploelion shook her from stem to stem hurling everything moving about tM decks. The peaaoMPera and crew, about 100 In. all, wore thrown Into a panic and a terrific Aght took place around one of the boats, which a few of the cooler Members of the crew, un der orders from the oUlcers, Imme diately started to launch Before this t^oat couldl be lifted over the stern of the vesael lifted and the boat began to sink, the water rapldlf creeping up .the deck. At least ha|| of the fresled mob waa ?wept overheard in the struggle. The repoit from Point Jarachlne. which la said to come from aurvlvors, says that neCStore than a dosen suc ceeded In fU^tlug their way Into the life boat. JL I Thla 1 "I'Wft says that some of the | survivors cljpxned that a second boat was lowers and manned, but tho majority of^Uie dosen who landed at Point Jara^Bno on Saturday declare that but tht&ne host got away. I If thirJ^Lo. the loBs of life will I be somewkp^e between olghty and ? ! mm IN FRANCE Marseille*, France. Oct. 4.?Chol era has broken out In France, Intro duced by Italian Immigrant*. Three deaths occurred In this city- today. Following this discovery the civic authorities began preparations to combat the disease and prevent the entrance of further immigrant* from (he prague-lnfected regions of Otaly. The residents of the city vera thrown Into a state of intense excitement by today's developments and many made preparations to flee. Simultaneously an outbreak of the plague was reported from North Sar dinia whero a number of Incipient cases have been found. PROUD OF his no Knoxvllle. Tenn, Oct. 4.?"I am an Insurgent." declalred Gilford Plnchot, In an address to conservation at the Appalachian Exposition. The decla-j ration was greeted with such ap plause. that he added, "and 1, at! least, am as glad of the fact as you seem to be." , He defined Insurgency as being the same thing to the political world that conservation Is to the national resources, for It means the common sense administration of the govern ment for the Jp teres ts of a few meit of big wealth aud to administer it for the rank and flle. The ccnterratlonlstst of the coun try ere trying to make the resources of the land of the greatest value to all the people and the conservation movement Is the most Democratic that has been started In the United States In many years. awo mnww There wu an enthusiastic meeting of the property owners at the qlty hail last nlRht. The question ot bulUIni sidewalks was discussed and bo* rery little op position (1st eloped. Now la an opportunity which prob ably will not come to us again If wo do sot heed the call It will be moaj years before Washington will ban sidewalks which win bo a credit to th* city A com mtee .waa up pointed last night to cei: the property owners throughout the city end get gn ex pression from eech -ee In order that the board of aldermen mey ect In telligently upon the question. When this committee cells on you ?ay to them that you are heartily tn accord with the movement and there by help to secure the sidewalks for your wife and children to use. A NEW YORK FIRE THE FIREMEN FINALLY Bl'BOLG THE FLAMES BY WING APPA RATUS THAT THREW 8*000 GALLONS OF WATfiR FEB MIN UTE. New York, Oct. 4.?Fire In the vicinity. of twenty-fourth street and eleventh avenue early tonight swept an area 600 by S00 feet, causing damage estimated a4 . fl.&OMOO. Chief Croker announced that it was the greatest burned area .during, hit experience In New Y?^c city. The space swept com primes almost three acres of lumber yards, factories and stables on Eleventh avenue, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-Fifth streets. For heart* four hours the Are was beyond the cdiltrol 'of *thd flfe d6-' partmertt and It was stopped st length by 'an accumulatibh bf appa ratus which combined* tbVeV water at the rate of 25,000 gallonls a min ute. Five hundred horses' were rtscued j from the stables and In spite of the | slse of the blast ahd the difficulties j of fighting It, It was remsrkablj free from serious accidents. One firemsn was badly hurt by a bucking hose, several others were Jess .esrlously hurt. The fire started in the lumber yard Of Moore Bros, ElfeVeAth avenlie and Twenty-fourth street, quickly de stroyed It and Ignited the Ylndllnfc wood factory of Clark and Wllklns, which wss likewise burned to the ground. Y. M. C. I/.?Ladles Invited. The ladles will be Invited next Sunday afternoon at the Y. M. C. L. services. Mr. Huntington of Charlotte, the interstate secretary of the Y. M. C. A. executive committee of the Caro llnas will sddres sthe meeting. This Is good news to the Washington peo ple and no doubt a large audience will greet him. LOG TRAIN IS The *06 (rain cn the Atlantic Coart Line that left Greenville a 4o'cloclr yecterday morning taking logs for tbe Beaufort County Lumber Com pany to Suffolk, was wrecked about! 6 o'clock at Oak City. The train consisted of the engine; with <0 loaded cars apd a caboose.) The wreck occurred as the train j w?? approaching the station at Oak City. The engine and ten cars had tasted j the southern end of the switch, whe i; the eleventh car splilt the switch and went on the side traek. This dividing of the train while going at' a good speed wrecked elev en cars, tearing several of them into fragments, and the logs were scat tered in every direction. Both the main line and side tracks j wero torn up for about 150 yards, but no damsge was done to sny of the crew. Tomorrow Will be a big day in Washington. If you have a friend visiting In your home will you do me a little favor? Call his attention to Baker'* Studio, and If you can say a good word for me, shodt it out, and if you can't say one. tell me the trouble. Help me to remedy my faults, 1 want to be good. I will do all I can to heir preserve your likeness. I will liav-5 your grand children and your great grand children to look upon this face of yours, and speak of this noble character that once lived. Remember I appreciate every lit tle you can throw my way tomorrow or any time. Truly yours, W. H. BAKER, Photographer. Roof DItIiIm Two Oceans. Situated exactly at the highest point of divide of the Rocky Moun tains. on (he Crow's Neat dlrison of the Canadian Pacific Railway, In Brltlah Columbia, the "Summit Ho tel," of which Andy Good*, a fam ous hunter and frotlersman, Is pro prietor, claims a unique distinction. When In rains In the mountains the Crater which Calls on the eastern alope of the 8ummlt Hotel roof trick les away to join a tiny rlru'et, which la due process of time mlnblss Its waters with the broad Atlantic. The water falllni Just beyond the ridge pole on the other side ot the roof, flows westerly, and utlmately late the Pacific. The liquid glance ot the summei girl ta apt to become aa ley state U winter. GREAT TOBACCO SALE IS ON YESTERDAY Over Sixty Thousand Pounds Sold ? and the Price Attained Were Satisfactry ? Many Visitors Were . Present A great future it Washington'* bo far as Its tobacco market Is concern ed?this was fully demonstrated on yesterday at the Washington tobacco warehouse when over sixty thousand pounds of th? golden weed was on the floor and sold at prices to give only the best of satisfaction. While the Washington citizens bavo thought for sometime a tobacco market here would be a paying enterprise little did they dream that the result so early attained would carry with It such a remarkable result for e\ery one knows that the Waslhngton mar ket Is Just a little over a month in age and the way the farm ers are bringing tobacco to this mar ket for sale Is Indeed surprising. Their confiden'f In the market here from the opening sale has never been shaken one lota. They have been shown every courtesy, both by the management and the buyers; the prices received have been good a*d the Dally News has yet to hear of a single complaint along this line. Yesterday vfas a gala day for the Washington tobacco market The occasion promised to be one of which every citisen should be proud and when the sale was over numerous expresslonH of approval could be beard from many sources. From the time of the opening of the tale to th? close, visitors, both ladles and geutlmen, flocked to the warehouse to witness the interesting spectacle. They were delighted aad carried away with the way In which the sales are conducted. It was a pleasure of the editor of the Dally News to he among the large number of lntereeted specta tors and It did his heart good to hear so many compliment Washington on Its latest effort, snd the song of Old Bill Bugg was Indeed a musical one. While the Washington tobaoco market Is still In Its Infancy it has already shown that It Is here to stay. The farmers In all sections of Beaufort county and the counties contiguous, hsve already seen the wisdom of bringing their product here for the reason the prlcee and too, the courtesy exhibited la not surpsssed by any other marlni. One fsrmer who has brought his entire crop to this market said that he had received 176.00 more for his crop than he an^^atcd. Yesterday will De long remember ed by the farmers and those allied with the tobacco Industry. It would have paid every citizen In Washlng to to bavo visited th? Washington Tobscco Warehouse yesterday and witnessed this gTeat sale. GAIETY THEATRE Another I!lg Night, (Gripping West ern Drama?Ileal C'omrdlw Undoubtedly the best ever shown here: The Vltagrapph was hard to beat, "A Salutary Lesson" was re?1-KOOd. Such was what the large crowds, who attended tho Gaiety 1. st night, pronounced the program. It rertainly proved to be one of tbt best all round programs presented here In sog.e time, and the entire crowd was p!ea>ed throughout the program. Tonight another program of the usual "Gaiety High Standard" con testing of three full reels, Is offered, that will entertain and please as well as the one presented last night. "The Cilrl on Triple" Is a feature western drama. It Is a story of gripping Interest, with thrilling nit ration!, excitement and action. The remarkable horsemanship displayed by the members of this western troupe will undoubtedly call for a rousing ovation when you see it. "The Count that Counted." is a ?omedy. If you want to laugh heart1 l?y and hear ethers laugh you oughtj to see this picture for even a pessi mist with a bad toothache will not, be able to keep from laughing when he watches this on the screen. "How the Squire Was Captured." Here is a Joily, happy unconvention tional little outdoor comedy which fairly overflows with a spirit of mis chievous youth and springtime love. "Bumptioo* Take* l*p Automo biting"?A comedy. The fun in this picture is not roar*e, the scenery is beautiful and it should prove a very Jolly addition to the list of Bump tious' adventures, winning ne* friends for hlin. Democratic Coonty Canvas* Th* canvass of Beaufort county by the democratic candidates will begin on October 17, and will end | at Pungo November 5. Every pre cinct in the county will be visited. On Professional Business Mr. Norwood I., oimmons left this afternoon for Whicharda. N. C., on professional business In connection | with a shooting and cutting affray at that place last Sunday. The dis turbance happened at a nogro rellg lous meeting. A RICH TREAT IS YOURS Tk- Mluhaw Grand Opera C?noert Company will be the attraction at the school auditorium tbla evening, z the performance bcglmCng proaptf^ at #.3i> o'clock. This Is the first number in the ?*-' forthcoming Lyceum course and no doubt a large number will be pre* **< ' '*? % This company simply carried the city by storm last year when they appeared here for the fln*t time. It was without doubt the roost popular number in the course. Those wish ing to see and hear something far above the average in the musical line should not fail to hear the Hinshsw people tonight at the auditorium. It certainly will be worth your while. All (hose who have subscribed for seasexi tickets and not seen by the committee, although every effort was made to dell\er the tickets, can se cure them today at Hardy's* drug store. The should attend to this matter at once. Those who fall to attend tonight will miss a treat Residence Completed The residence of Mr. Edward Mal llson In Ntcoolsonvllle, is practical ly completed. It is one of the most attractive homes in Washington and adds much to the apitearance of that part of the city. First StaptiM Church. The services at the First Baptist church tonight will conclude In time IJor those wishing to do so to attend the Lyceum entertainment at the school auditorium. Indisposed. The many friends of Miss Ada Rhodes will regret to learn of her in disposition. It Is to be hoped she will soon be on the road towards re covery. Nearlng Completion. The buildings for the Pamlico Chemical Company are rapidly near lng compleltlon. This plant will be one of | e largest In North Carolina and will be a credit to Washington. THURSDAY'S SPECIAL 10 yards best 12 1-2 cent Lons dale Cambric, this day only 89c. Bowers-Lewis Co. ... Watefc TMMiM A6. IfmMrTiimiTim tfmfi