?' ?' ? =-rr~ - I'-?~=r- .. .:JL .. ?? AY ^TERVOON. WTORMtt, IVI*. SO.M 0S8 fr ? ??' JWl ' Thv n?i!r Nwr h?^ !(*??. The 'too-, omagsss. - -. -?? ' 'if tic COM ' -*"1 S; WStU^**1!? j " '*?' , - it *' 'ijei! to K? 1. . h ???? Item .'M ?Y Af- s l3T-" ? M;'?. i\\-< or.;. r pjwriMMpfc Is- 'rf?oire to ?'* i; M? ' rt* ,r v> , Sjrtt. ?- c.itli -t'Oi-.ru ?-*c? Vpml&i&t!'??< v.-, tfriS're" ^?-jj "rial \Vsm?hi&?' -In 5[l V?K?tjV> \*f >? ', nir.iai us\v. not)-; m. i> 01 lb.. koijt. < t N"W Y6i>??,"feoflimci0 tod?? hiaDplotob.'thf iVjoRer o( ?^fct tbrpo^Ut Uxto Ittk-L'nlt ^ j^w'iia*t. ' / J-j' \ Tbo' Sftfetaatfip Satita Anna, upon ?N$tl; i>re*V\mV.>ly ; of] J cllclMa. te'inl^CMiiB 3till . vfjilA ?? N t\u< '? ? : j&wa&e -r.s :m|i4 *$ts ?V?vw w^r# Itat'iinwi us til e*fatpfo''vn ajjid j ' /dfr'd ^n' tQardr.raiijd | v t wo ? *us vicious * *??? oftlw *it? j&;orT?":on.jgrotjf. ,ti?e Senttt 'Anna , ?:??? uajT.a^awi:'.; ?oro %tr|qpayi>l((| ^t??' t$? ^aRfcawssg l>fcloV?Vi:.a inltcuu ?!tb (Mtnlpra K&rfej hi ran uridjr d-'.utk.:, it IblJui: ? t I W ? B?a/fc-aro?< ??:okh^l ;. v Vv. ? . :_SrT ? ^ A r, ? - Proa* ^o,tlr>u:rVMout^> jTTnclo Mka-T?to. rod 0(SU-*? JVMhlutton *J*l ^; swEKj)K^Mn' . A* t}on? Mil jsov d?t ma&>* I'VAi . tr Itto mo il?n fcnff; . Y*jua? G W. J?But s? 1 - to -ruolifn m$?' jou' lite, I nclo Bfoiw z;.Ah * pu" . , Umlf Mom?p?t'a fill H.riil ?r>oi ln? ?nw>Vln' wall hor. b"t lint Mn'l 8" ; potn'. AhV "l/utfcfc BiS oh ? . t".t If \1> Hadn't h?M/ -AH huv>? Ivtc mnh ilirtl n huMiM* | .::j ' 'the ?rfT?Se~ ntfU Jliadumtd behtnjl hit ,tM . -V-J ? , y - : -* ,A< .;r ? f* COAT . New Arri All models Hand Tailc ions demand. Wc pu you. Prices $12.50 up :ents American Beauty yBgafcwg BPSPSwr?* W ' f i * cn which votcfl are issued and the contest department can st ?'moment's notice toil jfltt where MOtt eub?< : t:ou ballot came from. ?^s paid, how nvch it was tor, how^ many votes were. teamed upon U, to .whom the 8U?>rcr)ptlon wai nifc*d and who je ^elpterl the credit for the voUsja Tho order upon which tho sub&crlptfdn ?s takes. the ballot that tow with tho subscription and ihe.foeelpt giv eu '.lie suV-criber |kMMy correspond an? i> _Vfl J rBtcry tpeCUP bsliot rnsc wili be carefully preserved until the end of the coittsi, together wtth .1fl^we* orU?. end they will he turned ojror to, a coWMEJUetf of Judges, whe njll make ficd'^ny^es add'detfr-aixra the] dinners. 1 *i / P V-'1 C, it eny fifo*^lii>r? W'? do rtpt ?a*mpcti ffiilarifr.AMI'tc:, J'.v liiij ir. for tti? fcur.' ' There are .fc^roe ^V-rtTu- aod the ritaftiUto la wh tfuiwit 'lu^la? th lipest'number o* rm*s>in tl\e dJ :?< t in. ri-.Mch k: 0 iivts a?l bo'ue-l 'Vired the winner of.'tho tour for. eitt^ dW-iVi.n, >ud ih?: tjpacM esct , ' . ? ?; ) cfc<* chj^^ioa: ??a jatt# (fee of ifc^any. ? : V.Mtcb tiio voto pfendtcs. y? .? ? * r* v ' . ?LJC " ' 1 | ' 'is- iiillectjon riMt I .The atoi&ticri^f't'ie'Vctte'-tlcn ptcte 1 rrtr.. 1 ?'^tlzutj?, Jit., marks lUo i-j-i Jlc'.'iliv.i; | at ipodcm Ante tiki : rty^nd*si;6?i' "chiHiw. r na IW 1 ; s orr?t^jxj^rs- l!gr<>->rter EAt-' j.;- rk-^:\.f'oa tbroUKh plfcdi;-?* of' f r^rir-' ? i?r budget .Vlfl be prepartfflj vrlca ufc.rarrJa^lfius fur/|be" paators ?fes fiM lie dtvline of tbo collection plate jo to roliancc on leas ra I^ZSEZTlK^J/ I^^iSjb,'*ajifC It "uas^ isqw&ggsg^ i ang^riCroo yronorj of u :? jq wit^'otMrwlie con ???? ? V iiltoo)..indonm.Mt I. & | : ?'v~ ;rf?. ? lit the ?h$fch*8 rict vvr' >$F. hi'?. -df.'/ VUfta (ho. ffnaociaj efcli -? - - u> . Vi mi - rehts Are r,a?r.: !?i)vW lays* n*\ - "?'?'."??? 1?:.-I . ; Lo tlia new order Frc:a --2*> X- . f NVoi'l^ ' 1: AT lit II AWAY ? ?feVi that ttUft nre certain ? !:.. 1.... ' ? v; i ? > !'il i >.t Vur-l ean? to k^r ma an-1 other sktn ;:d).; l.'S'yttn isn't by waah ? iio >':?-!? ? rra ViU ouhl be rc ! lifted (if)4^ tfe&t >'.wtnt itc.i. wouValj i" like a- trip jg'^Wnl(i you noi ' !?- ; i f ad y:)i:. iu-l i-enl ?& ,.-.< B. jf? n?? ferrlbliiflituiiiKi'nc#. nno Iv-ti-,, 8lHn.? iaoott -una Wealthy, (fa- ?l?t at a'riilW. ; -*?> I. J-OU ;ii?V6 liot already trjjd it. srx ?tf (M*v;a >5 c?|M Imttlc today. W? W? ?a Iwtanl relief; ?'tux., .hwn Co. , .ZZffif1*!- ?.? , . vals Daily ced and Strictlj Fash to fit and please I mm Ifyrbajh.'N. Oct. ?AMermntj John ,\V. Hill retslgiiiul hl? o?ce to 4?? afheridrfnk ^ 9&*i ibe cii# council against a street Im^roYcraenfr program wilt a dilapidated treas ure*. The city council lest nijht voted to go ahead . W^tU extynelye work, despite the condition ol the; tr??c.Bury end t?J?on resigning from Uxj council ^Herman Htll announce t*l t|iat he w^uld eeek An injunction ocdo* restraining the a#y from c an ? I'I' K out tho order. \ jTCS^^H Alderman I'U1 declared that thi city's floating iudebtedueaa is 1200,' and thui It jmn ho right to bor Mw'rtore monejHjfrithovt tbo fubmle rioa to t^u pfcoj>l* of a bpnd Imu< A\aern-an Hill ir h tryalthy 'tamp, j x\vri?i> (wiwmaw'iN I K "K1SH OP THt FATH JSj nr.;-j cjidLttol'-C 'ffUI. I hi /Vjfffa ixdzmtruJfa i'l ?Tm Father. ' ? S?'a It lfj $5: Andy a -> neV? tfc Tc UjCknlciil vhrnw?. *tS?e?e e&e my lekc\n kudi|K3t laugh j "Urn. Pr.tv'MkVaRcrr 1 l?n*n v?bo st.\g?ctioue^bM9 seei raKtieit' BCorv nbal <- i '?> ol ,hf n.iiiJReiucni of the State Fair in | bbUdinn up what might bo cr-'Jud TWnftg^tt0r'ThF.*'*- ir. c-al, i?. lhf> oxfcibiUtn o? agHcoHtfr*l, in ?I.utrIn,i .^n*t +cyfr'rz$a ppq -tr.r* of. the Gtt.te. ther<' win leo.ii up bclori-j the public tbi? fiftieth year of"th?-' Fair the-ncw exhibition bntHins. built to b? permanent, of, rc-tnfor^-1 Vd.'cqac rot? tfcro jjrhout. , q1 omn-j ijietifsKa&'l Attractive fa it* appotr-j an<-e. This hu;lt2tos. tcitctboj- w.tb oth-j ..r Improrement? Cop the benefit oe the exhibitor* and sight-scer?. ha ! ccs.t upwards of f>,000.0'J. wl fell not only fttrs^irhes better *cec?uic-t Nation ana something gr s ac! v.ilj be occupied by exhibits in Agriculture and Horticulture It Its ar rar. :ed on tl;o ipton'or In tli? roo?i I ,up?tf>-dGte iraini'jr'v v?!?h concrete floor* raised 0 inche= abo\*:? the walk . Th^e whlkwcys " "c r '?*> of corereto. ' ' Ori'tho roof of ibis b\HTVhir; wMirh ifi^kvr.ted n?a.- (ho tfouttie 'ii mm *J tho rse'e track. thftr*v b'-J1 been cin *tr^cl*??J & nort ef roof frurd*i>. *r'ifch vrtll be frrnlab?Ml with chKii*? :c l ta ble* and when* FCfroehn-.eni* vlll ^ served. , This -will wake an idr ii -estlng plprc from wilier t.he r*; *> nijy b* watched or a gon>ral rlow of the fV.ir Ground^ obtaiued. , The dates tbia' ye-rr are October 11-22. y ? ? V. , t licmd^ot blwbwid? Of course 5?" bavo?tho old leg endary feilqw that bad *o marty wives aud treated theta fo dreadful "T Well* there's anot! eft- "Bluebeard" -on - aoile famous by K*ien Ware in tho military drar;a, "Thd Deeert cn" now playing at the Hudson The atro in &f*w York CUy. Thhi "Mf; Bleu beard" la a song and the song 1# a dandy." The words are great and the moalc ra* a "awlac" that m&keg the ton er fee] be flag heard ' ;m TREAT I LUST SIGHT uest musical Cr?*?? .Juuu-. fton music lo\ In a Was the appearao< - of Uw Jrand Opera and' C^oo&rt subc&l \iudln?f l-:?n and cnpreclatlye audlencfej um and every number on m %os peartily applauded pty bad to render ehcora V. ry selection and -Mr. Hln ldlt!on to the regular pro^ ? evening kindly sans two I by reqnert- The entire ras par excellence and they way to eaptivpto at all q, duet* "ami . . \V. t tr.iittr r bVt ji |t*>o;? p. a tab*-. ,. f ?9 III! SHl/l'OU US ? ?kft r.\jrR i.^jui m ht?? 'it-.- inrn .irsi IV li 111. I CROSS BOARS! ' Aniuviuoomeni la ai .de ;ro-.*\ iho! oflix) of G?tr<*roor '.vi/rlm t*?uf. |:| Norlh Carolina .-'tatc Ro;u*d ' v.* m l American Board, for lb-1 /."-"oricstj 11 Red Cron Socluy crir.j.on-J */ *.,*?. .1 ernor uy pr:^idertt .1op?:?i I O. Brn#r.. Ral*!?ti; Col A?r> -M .J Raleigh. Herlot" Ciarhiroa. Chs.no-U-* (I Jsmr3 r. Sawyer, \aI:e*llTo. kv! Iti . I op Robert S'.rance. \V1lTO?CRton I board I a to servo ). fur .J Red Croat- Society In ?U.-i hip.:.' "m-.. ' bors of i?ro coaimiwfou m-co!- i*:>., I ronlriuinitions tjward the fuu.1 K- ? | ralsod fo- Rreet fllwsf-rs fat |tl\p cci|?;.y ?nr v b*> (p?,iherinf. fu '????! and fo^wardincfthwa to ch?" :iv~ e: of t^o board. Joseph -G tfr.-??'. Rufr!kl?. i.'id or i-j ?.?irn Jo ? .c .? al tref.su er. It is n rotable fa**' H?1 thl?' connection' that* I'wuWftPl fa pre:ld.-;it of tue ne*.i Cr?:* So-!. ty for the ITnlted Sfites :-i?d | Culfed Sfutes War X)epar'.irte.;t i- ? dHn its Account** ami allow in *c? .t ? ?a.; they re!jf?;*o !t* dea'lr.ft- 'r i'1 * toniflfjr. T IS' CO! * % ? - fiicct ?,< boh* jot .}?'?? ;-'.uest proMii>?-!*t. ci?lz?Qli XorOj *? roMnu, both .white arid c. ?: arcd?*fti "oolcr T. W'?ahlr*<.on. h.'.- ' cpBft^ntt.r to fTieak /xr aortal pinr . Jr. '.he iUi' >. bcjtivn tuo Antes o' O- - tpber 2$ arid Koremher *. ] Arran^e"icTtt? are new being ma> I for him to include Washington atj i 1 be prosperi?? ave good tor hla qotr- J ,'*?* ?' ' ? Washington is oce ?I the r.rest dp -i pro educators oT t!?o ^e'jntry and - i targe number of f?er#c3ple aro mo: ! than avxfoua tp !w>nr htm apek. H <* doing a great work for hla re* In (he South.* Habaajuat flaiabed teuring tb0 states of Mlaalaalppt, A*-, kancaa. Ok lab ore*. South Carolina. Vlr^nia and Tenneaaee: He will apeak here on the even Ing of November g at a place to b?? arranged by a committee. The plat , relected tftll be ample and pro?|^|h "tli feeatd tor both ladlea and *eh Cotton Market^ Middling; 13 M to 1-4. r i arac;- 11 \ i/Umaj pply Company h *\a j Ps-ud^on.? Irop ^re/j horee for -their, ahow VlPd?" on ^-hioh U to be ndv*?r?iaod llartivn* i ??t;> ..vn?ifatf.tr. ' M,r. C. F. ifftfyl, ?VD??-of 1 fr# '? f I Mr yr ?.;??. at oyic'J uuy; c.- , and ?i4/!j ,1 >it.' th* aad & jfaiwst t-if te*t K rje : ' it? .A-. V .* on> d5. .'fi't-f. s- v* 1 tf ? 11? .. )V^tcr^ th-. .in .irriV.jil Tr. Viik'J'v, Bour..j. . til 1 .M ?'.* 1 ? IT.-.I ; J' Ch M*? ? *rv?" .l.' i? r-}t)U2? ?r<. ? to the freight. rtoi?qt ??.' < - /'ts uoinaei on nrr-ivipt. ?? . :iy-% *^-^?4.4 Ip, .?:.y.,.v u fui'/.:;',, ui J. H'as fold ?m iisj# J| u-v. ; . ?? Koto" h0 (?"i ? 'J 1 ' ' *r t?'kl ii- ? .< f: ; lU ?"'t . \ *i ? v * tim -,i tftat'-w 1 *. ?? . : .iVr moa-;. . ?;'??; ntll . i.; Spt ;. ??:?? Wirh '? ?-?,. ' .??? vr?,11 illb ? Vv'.: r* ? | a\ ?i. *u..JVtr. ?????. j If iii. wo Mi'.-lit) so>i; tv V.. iir:- | ootntu^r ('Jii.'i 'Aiiori ? <1," miin Uf? ?'* I'MfniniiM!'' . 1a k Tea'uVr dvamn. Yon art veil a^uainted v?,'th this jcr., ? Pletar0 ('nmruny. t>? Is lit to shj eaid, but it Is lin?1n?j!? - oO ly one of thu.Jiftsi 9t^^a?s iior?<"r. #h<)Vvn here. >LlN?rH Thojrn" talc^u frqjn tii'. I'tUTiotiii novol by Bo-tha M Ciay. t you liare all wyd th; book and will -wnnt to It, pi.*?v rd-fn Plcturodom Much Rnjoyed. ? A 1*rg? and appreciative w?fa j ttwt B,uAcHnn>h laat ?ighty/.F?" { *. houflbi? gifted ?p*aW bWd ? Mb nudhui?d^klllRMmd..with ?? !?a?. iilleo- I.ubai;, the ?jfla?\ *oU into tht) bji Js of tfaT rev siot- At s \> ??i r?5t?r< KVue &i!Qr-t\\iun to tho lut 'oiluituoa^ wAr craft In Ju.' harbor ruln j?y; ujwrn It, auO tooV range on the 'jr.'ivifcbn CuR.bo?.', gv. V'.o'o. Th* irevolutioji ??,.> ?- s-.w^lriji thu natloM'Hk'-T?UdIlr?4 ?.1 tho con (ivgrvtiur ??v ?nlnt't.Q to c^-s^c !?? ? i i:\ ? nirt 1 . IttO j.' ^vfrUorur- Jjlrrdftj** V Tjit p^?rttjfa?" a :-r' .:?J n.?** ir*. *o- &??-*.>? ? ?. ?n :y*t! V't:" K 5'i?1. ?'!? .i:-i i-a' v..:*., ? ." '4 ,;.r? ?? lO :i V:-? :? ? ...I . '-v .. I'll. :i . f b. ... v%- > ia:?l ? : i " J - :T ? ?il fill !?; \ ' !??? : ? ? ; V P., v-.r :? ? ? \ . . i?. C .K - . her vots: .M:*. A. ?jr. I: R'?. TUr nyay fr!?rU ->C r -f A'a.d rt?J fl-ci n?x !.?? ..? . .. , . a ^orc js;?-/si .!"n. Mr. Vatf? T-tj3.lor ff SLtHii Ho-'cui tiw'; Viiu Ij *-?" { %**'?" ? ^vMidr.y ?ii^- * l|'i> I L'Vi. ??: .1. 4 ? r f.- .1. M-ter- -. . . ?r li'.-v ? OH v. r * ?'?(?:, ? or ? m\ : ? ?IHV ' t "? J last stand The green andbiue flag of tbo re Ii'iuiicans floats over the I'.ugsnsas and the nation i* uptn the vcrre of transformation into a republic. The information that the abort t>rt a?*?4 h? ?K.. r.u>llnn. 1 bit tor revolution in Portugal suited in victory for the In*, r recti on- ' ists and that the Portuguese army and navy had deserted ttyo roj?l standard and joined the uprising wyi < brought to this city today by autooKK from the frontier. v . iiany -.re reported rtend, not albn? in I.;3boa, bat la other clt!es whore o:,t* of vlolrnre occurred slm -!* :jooi ?Jy with 'l et In the capita! c:ij\ j Kijihting belwcri d^taobrrfcutu of \<. y?-j t*.*s>8 rtntf the reveluttcnists is f.: *II gwlii' cr.. ^ . r :v?sttle to e?l!>n*tu the ? ?U-ad ?n the ?. bsih- ropo.'ts ? iv -? **?..} j.ft -c ?:.} r:veil t.ie fiag ?' ? n ntk-oced a ?hi "p city. :v r p'.-. th9??re?n fr in , !i.e , u ? I ? k.:';U *n*? c fc u! iiMurMjO ?? lVSf I. ? I'KN ? MANY ?V." * ?!f o.MXG -Mr up c/O.HT "? -St. j'atrick'B li'V * ?.*?"? ;?nl tMMt t? rt iiij? rhurrh Ir ? w.i* ?iiHi.icated !?.!) .fan. omi.. thi? mnriiinje t*? ifl Nc\f ru-*.- :v?ioii iro !'i.:;nd FRIDAYS SPECIAL Another Big Lot of ?hose $1.25 and $1.50 Umbrellas, both Ladies' and Gentlemen, on sale this day only 98c. - . Bowers-Lewis Zr%t, lie p .