mbbsb .? afternootZoctober4, WW. . ^V.v2*-.'; '"? .?: ?Mz$; SO.M AWAY?HEAVY VOTES URING ?wry l Miss Jenule Co* hss capturad tin flrit district Isadsrsblp orer ths torn candidates who" ware apparentll comfortably >kud of her yesterday "Miss Whitley. who had the lead drop, to third position. while Mix Campbell retain* second placo wttt a heavy Vote. Miss Hhodee take. th< fourth pestttpa. and MUa Kara hai fifth. Mlasl>ally hae sucoaedsd il making, a good Jump toward the toj o( the int. also. la Uo aaeoad district there la an other hit surprise. Mlaa Olds leaves leader ahaad of Mlaa KUllngswortt while Mlaa SwiadeU and Mlaa Jadklw hare both made remarkably tooi la ta 'clock Mrs. Thompson Mm holda the lead la the tUrd district, with Miss Oull for* a eloee seeood and Mlaa Duguia third. Mlaa Von ?berwtaln has Mi one notch aearar the top tor today. The race continues to (row la I terest. Watch an vote. Tomorrow night at alna o'c ?harp the arst period of ths News' Ma Buropaan toar oontsst win draw tc a close and Hrst period sots will he the thlags of the past All < candidates' subscriptions not in t office by nlae o'clock eharp 1 evening will have to count aa ? period business. Out-of-town candidates will ba giv en aa opportunity to receive first pe riod values on coupons and subscrip tions received at this office from thorn In Monday's malls. The ending of ths first period t the fU*t part It mmnt that II 700 hope to gat the aatra roU rains of the drst period you wtll Han CD (lis Tour favorite candidate Tout subscription at once ao she can turn this office before | o'clock tomorrow sreaing. Renumber the ?chedul. show* I.J7B rotes tor a new subscription Cor one Tear during thla period, and onlr 1,?0? ?otee for the aubecrlptlon In the aecond pe riod The dIBereace In rotea la suf ficiently (Teat to make It worth toot while to subecrlbe RIGHT NOW HATE YOU DOMB YOUR PART TOWARD MAK1NO SOMEONE'S CAMPAIGN A 8UCCB88? IF NOT. WHY NOT? -' Really, the coateet has only lust becmn. so the rot# standing as It ap pears ia the paper ansns vsry little. Hsarr rotlng baa been the rale all alost. and ret there are taanr. ma ay tbonsands of votes that tes* not Tat been cut A.?,* - '.V J When a political candidate gets the fanciful Idea that hla opponent has hiss beaten Ion* before the election, hla friends ear he's "loot hi* n?nre" That la an aMAlon that la liable to bother some Sn rope an tour candi date* at time*, but If ther Just keep up their share at the battle and do a little Mfhtoolag on their own ac count. ther soon arid their much feared opponent as worried as they I The coining period should be made the best of as quickly aa possible. Delay Is dangerous.. Some ons gets a tour of Europe' from yoar district, and It's up to TOO to help decide who It shall be. If you. hare been over looking Tour opportunity, don't do ao longer bat help make the tase In teresting by subscribing for a Tear RIOHT NOWV i" ? J : ' f KINO ALFOIfSO CONFERS WITH KlVfSniV ON A PROGRAM OF DEFENSE?TROUBLE LOOKED POR OH ANNIVERSARY OP EX ECUTION OP PERRBR. Madrid. Oct. 6 ?Spain today la making desperate effort* to erect a bulwark of troopa strong enough to " withstand tha tidal ware of republi canism that threatens to engulf tha monarchy. v King Alfonao. premier Canalejaa and others of the ministry conferred today upon the program of defenae. The government continued maaalng troopa and artillery at the etrategto points?tnainly about Madrid, upon tha Portugueee border and ta tae northern mountain provlncea where, It la reported. Don Jaime the preten der la planning temporarily to make common cauae with the repabllcana aal laad his warlike Cariiat follow ers of the northern provlncea In re mit. The leaders of the disaffected par ti aa declare today that the atcloa of the gpgntah minuter at Uabon la has tening to pay his official reepecta to the aa* republic of Portugal, waa inspired by bar. It la believed that the 8panleh mln latef acted upon direct "orders from Madrid and that King Alfoaao hop ed. by this action, to ally somewhat the teellnga of his subjects who are clamoring for the as me eonaumcaa tkm that has befallen In the alater Bran without the stimulus of auo ceaaful revolt In Portugal. it la con ceded that Spain would fic^ a grave crista In the demons trationa throagh oat the kingdom en tha Ferrer aanl vereary. ? ? Ferrer who waa unlveraally belov ed by tha people aa a republican and n advocate of e*e cut*d In an inciter for agicchy fol ? - ? A k 1^;- ? - _? _ ? a i IPWlBfi \M OSTlMWflS flMI CT H SENATOR TAYLOR MAY BE "REGULAR" NOMINEE Naahville. Tenn.. Oct. 6.?The state convention of "Regular Har mony" Democrat* meets here tomor row tor the purpose of nominating a candidate for Governor and a can didate for state railroad commission er of Western Tenneaaee. Large delegations have been ap pointed in the vaiiona counties, main ly composed of former follower* of Governor Patteraon. with a few In dependents. , * 1 It appears to be the general opin ion that United States Senator R. L. Taylor will be the nominee, although he la said to ba .Anxious to hava the nomination conferred upon some oth er man. Judge Jos. E. Jones and State Senator John Randolph Neal ? are talked of tor Governor. It la reported that the platform will declare for local option, either county, unit or city unit, and the re peal of the law which prohiblta dis tilling and N brewing of lntoglcatlng liquors. * MOB CLAMORS FOR NEGRO WHO KILLED POLICEMAN Mntgomery, Ala. Oct B.?A Urge crowd surrounded the Jail tonight trying to get a negro John Adama. who kiHed Policeman T. W. Berry and wounded policeman L. X. El lington today. The al:criff dispersed the crowd nd n company of militia la now pa trolling the i M6 cotton. 5.10. Uot Cotton U.SO GLOVE.; make of? ?? mm m wm. - .? ? ?/ m mUI fey those who kaoW, to be th* best m*de- WjpB Golor? $1.59, Black $1.45 Capital GIovm Mack aod colors $1.00 New York. Oct Frank If. Lap n. a millionaire publisher, and th? owner of the l>uplotl building at 2S City Hall Place. ItenhaUan. Miked himself In Hie madWon at 8|fc fit Mark? Plaice, Brooklyla, /today. by cutting his throat with a razor. The cause of Mr. I.uptons act woel despondency due to 111 health. It la 'believed that Mr. Lofton commuted suicide during the early lhours to day as he had been dead some time when his body wu found by members of hie family. t ? I FAYBTTRVHiLK WOMAN WIFE of vurrnc of Mack tragedy Fayettertllo. Oct. 8.?The remains of Mr MUoan R. Bacon, who so trag Ically met his deaU In the Vander cup raco on Loot l?laod Satur day. will be held in Now York until the arrival from Europe of his wtfe, who was Miss Kato Hawlsy of this city and his mother. Mrs. Hoffman or London. Bn?.. and them brought to Fayettorllle tor Interment. Tfceae ectlons have be** cabled from Oenevn by Mrs. Baeou to her (Other. Mr. Hawlely of this city. Mrs. Bacon ha* been spoalftsg the summer In "Bwtfserland with mother-in-law, Mrs. Hawlsy. who will go to New York to moot their daughter, will accompany the mains to FayettoTllle. Mr. Bacon was a nephew of Seaa tor Bacon of Georgia. STEPPED OK MATCH GARAGE DESTROYED Richmond. Vs.. Oct. 6.?Manager Wileon Meek stepped *on a match, gaaollne being poured into an auto mobile flashed up. and In an hour ten cohi ? and the Richmond Motor Company's garage were destroyed. Loss $10,000. !f8 TO AOGdffUCB vN T. ?fOM Albany. N. T. florae* White, of la today *? New who toft today for next week be aaaoclate justice of j supreme court Former Gov erne Hufhw entertained successor, Ueutenan tjoirernor Hor ace White, a ad governor's military with the secretaries . Geoff* Curtis Trsgdwell, private sedtstary. and Majof Crwsett, mili tary secretary. State Water Sui Robert H. roller, ^ko waa private { aecretary to the gov^ftfcor 4urtng the a-lminia i luncheon hla ^harWw luncheon kembcra of the **?, together I the , 'tmur put of the trattoa. iad Robtri *. Clark, gorenior'i legal efrlan |pnaal. ' . I Following the UnalieM the entire partj retm??d to t*L eapltol where OoTernor Hughe* wgote out hla roo ignatlon ul turned the ofloe over to Oarwaor White.'who ni i*nm In ht Secretary of Koenlg. The retiring governor union station and tlpa drove to the l^ft for Wash;&? BODY OP CUBAN TRIOT LYIKti IN STATE Havsnna. Oct. I.?The body of Lieuet Oen. Franda Agullaro, the Cuban patriot, arrlvtd here today on the revenue cutter Yora. It was re ceived with all honors. Prealdent 00 me* pee ting the body and the landing and driving with lta eecort to the city hall. Here It will He in state until tomorrow, when It will be eejjbrted by a civic and mtltary pageant; to the railroad station to Bayano, ^rhere the Inter ment will take Nominated la tbt Dally News Mammoth Tottr-of-Kurope Voting Contest ?-,? - ' > DISTRICT NO. 1. Miss Jennie Oox,- West Main street...: * 6.945 Miss Vesrl Campbell, Sit Market St.. 6.790 Miss Fannie Whitley. E Main St. . .. 6,630 Miss Ada Rhodes. 624 W; 2nd St 6.320 Miss Lottie Mayo. E. Water 8t 6.180 Miss Mabel Daily, 246 R. 2nd St ..,. .. 6.060 Miss Margaret Cordon, 414 E Main .. j. .. 6.880 Miss May Belle 8mall, 428 W Main 6.460 Ittai, Ooldle Ricks. E. 2nd St . . 4.330 Miss Plorlence Wlnfield. Bridge St. 2,490 Miss Katie Moore. 41! W 2nd 2.460 Miss Annie Plum Nicholson. 60S W Main St 2,210 Mis Janie Roberts. E. 2nd St 2.160 Miss Mae Ayers, 226 N. Market 8t. .. i. .. 2.090 Miss Nora Angel. 114 E 2nd 8t. 1.930 Miss Ellabeth Warren. 626 W Main 1,920 Mis* Mary Shaw. 201 W. 2nd St 1.820 Miss Llllllsn Woolard. Harvey St. cor 1,620 Miss Justine Carmalt, Respess St 1.570 Miss Emily Hsrris, East 2nd. ? 1.620 Miss Margaret Mclllhenny, Water St 1,386 Mlsa Cella Bridgeman, E Main St. 1.360 | Miss Paante Lamb Haughton. 426 1,200 | Miss Ethel Archbell, W Main St. 1,290 | Miss Julia Mayo. 602 W. 2nd St 1,165 Mlsa Mary Carter. 118 Bridge St l,15u Miss Mamie Clyde Hassel. 512 W 1,110 ? DISTRICT NO. 2. I ? N. 11 Miss Hasel Olds. Belhaven 6.330 I Miss Hilda Burbage, Bsth . . . . .. 6.295 Miss Minnie Kllllngsworth. Pinetown 6.070 Miss Bessie Ormond. Batn 4.630 Miss Mary E. Credle. 8wan Quarter * 4,610 Miss Belle Spencer. 4,120 Miss Rena Shavender, Pastego 4,060 Miss Lotta Bishop. Pantego 3.990 Miss Bettle Judklns. Pantego 3.650 Miss Ethel 8windeU, Belharen . 2 460 Miss Alice Way, Belharen - 2,340 Ml?s Blanch Nicholson. Bath 2,195 Miss Maggie Gurganus, Pinetown 2,135 Miss Maud Duke,. Pantego 7." 2,940 Miss Maud Mason. Fairfield . V * .. 2.930 Miss Mattie Daw. Belharen . .. ? a>120 Miss Bertha Lupton, Belharen ^790 Mies Estelle Youag. Fairfield I,7g5 ie Ella Credle. Swan Quarter ... .. 1,695 Miss Hattle Roper. Eaglehard . . .. . . Miss Rath Hooten. Belharen .? , .. ' l|BJ8 Miss Naanls Hodges. Belharen II II l]l20 N Katie Eborn. Bath I.l'.44l m Ruth Chadwtcfc, Fairfield ? ? 1.440 M Lucy Berry, Swaa Quarter ? .. 1,370 MOTHER TICKET r IN m YORK Na* Vork, Oct. ??John I. Hop per for tor,nor ug William Rmn dolph Hunt for lltutnul govern or war* chosen by acclamation u the baada of ths In4ep?ndence Lwiu state ticket early this moraine at the convention In Cooper Union, af ter hour, of battllni between dele fates who favored a straight ticket aad thoae who dselrad to Indorse the republican caadldatea. Tba announcement of tha choice waa made dtrlnj the areateat en thusiasm Tha raaalader of tha ticket will be namad before Ue expiration of tha w*ak. "MHO BOY 8TAB8 WHIT* WHOOLMATK Chicago. Oct. C.?As a result of raca antagonism which has produced ooaalderable dlsordsr at tha Doollttle ?chool, Louis Brswnweln, alz rears ?* a?e. Is at hona suffering from ?tab wounds aUated to bars been In dicted by a ton year old colored boy. Tha feeling at tha school whara a number of colored pupils are enroll ad* la dsac rlbed as Intense^ Repeated claahaa betweea white ui negro hoy. ara said to hats occurred deaplta tha preaenca of tha police Tha trouble Is said to base become aerloua a month ago when a colored lad beat a white boy. Tha white boys ara said to base banded together to drive out tha no itro children. Uttle Brawnveln was on his way home from school when It Is said a colorod boy leaped upon and stabbed him with a pocket knife Inflicting Painful but not fatal Injuries. MARY ANN ? m IN TOWN Ex-Senator Marlon Butler spoke at the courthouse yesterday. If it had not been for the Haag circus be ing In town the number to hour him would have been considerably small er but those from outside of the city took advantage of the opportulty and killed two birds with one stone. The courtroom where the speaking was had was well filled at times with many republicans, with a sprinkling of democrats to hear this noted wire puller and bond apostle. He was presented to the audience by Mr. Hugh Paul the city postmaster. Butler did not fail to blame his enemies for what they have done and to apologise for the acta of his friends As he had the entire floor he did not fell to plaster up his side of the house after his own design and pat tern and of course those who think as he does did not fall to clap their hands and applaudo, this was expect ed. ... Those who are competent of Judg ing speakers make no hesitancy today in saying the speech was a failure. The republicans of the county were expecting their biggest gun in Mary Ann but If they realized their ex-, pectatlon the Dally News has yet to | discover it. The speech discarded all argument i and instead abuse and anathemas were .the order of the hour. ! Butler through the aid of the re-, publicans once came out on top in i North Carolina and he has hopea of I doing the trick again but the people i have since that time learned him and they are watchful. They have been through a government wherein he waa prime mover and they saw the error of their way. Butler Is smart, everyone recognises that statement, but he !s not smart enough to again *raap the people of North Carolina in his hand and dictate to them meas ure* that win work to their hardship jWfl.ftdd to his eoffers. Butler has made barrels of money: he haa pur chased a handsome home In Waahlng ton city. He has no Interest in North Carolina only so long as he can oon tlnue to make a dollar. When this to accomplished than he la town. Diaappoiatment la written on many tMa today. The span* of Mary Ana was a km disappointment He may be aa orator but fee (ailed jm terday to demonstrate this gift. Htm la Mr. s. r. FmauB ETzrn c?lT?d aa uUmobM MUM tb*| "Oitaat." it to b?m MMetoilT i m< work aad tkaaa who ten m It pwheuw u a no J Do mill tkr frt??d ?? k?*p ua; 11? tfct