Tfce National Quard Aanoclatlor of th? United autee, now In nuIo' i *t Bt. Louis. decided to ask the sell eongres* to proHde for pafrlng th< enlisted men of the national gua'd The hill proT|dw that captains kne enlisted man (lull iMIn 30 pei cent of about the regular i?i flrst lieu tea ante, 20 per oent.- wc oud lfeutenants, 16 par cent: colon eU and < regimental staff officers tc receive S per cent. If this bUl should be rlssinl. pti Tates would recelre M.60 per ?nua corporal*. <119; compear cooks, ??; quartermaster sergeants, U0 SO sergeants 9; lint sergeants. sergeant majors, ?; second lieu tenants, tlLIE; first lieutenants, HI.33; captains, >80; majors, #11, 80. and colonels, lit 66. STOOHAMI AT TH>: , oaiktc tonight Crowd To Were you with the merry crowd at the Qalety last evening? If not you certainly missed a treat ? for the program was pronounced by all as being one of the Strongest and best seen here la many a day. To night there is an extraordinary good program offered, consisting of three full reels of feature pictures. The first is a Biograph "An Old Story With a new Ending" It la a good fcomedy drama. It is one of the strongest productions the Biograph Company have yst conceived. The scenes are perfect la all respects and this Blm should prove * Jim big feature. The next: "His New Family from " Sans Pamllle" Another drama by Roy Norton.. All. of you who have been keeping up wlt^ Norton's plays know what they are. And wo can assure you that this one is the best he has yet relaaaed. "nuf sed " The thlpd reol Is a great Indian picture entitled "The Cheyenne Raid ers" of "Kit Carson on the Banta FY frsll." It Is a story of the gold seek ers In tho Black Hltfs la '49. Perfect photography, "thrilling action and n wonderful climax. Come out with tho crowd tonight and enjoy your self. ^shHESeHwv When the world laughs at a fooi he imagines that It is laughing with WWk - He that Uves Upon '<^niiir be allowed spec! . . wrlod. and . am out-of-town ci In our Monday m.Ui will be counts in the first period. ?/? ;. Now the rote .tending of the con > I lestants today, and compare .It wltb the dar before, and wltk Monday'i ; rote (tending. Brerjone la hurtling : That It a certainty. ela? the constant ehlftlng of. position, would not b? i *6 rery noticeable. la urged tit make th< ?PPOrtnnltl friend to be ALKS TO . BE PAVED ? There was a recess meeting of tin board of elty aldermen Uat erenlng for the purpoae of rceelrtng the re port of the property owner* with referneco to patliqr the sidewalks on Main, Second and Market street.. ThU committee waa. appointed In roftsetuence of. a popular demand to pare the, sidewalks, now. in as much aa the paring Is being done ???< those iBtaraattit thouaht.that U could be done at this time cheaper and at leu oost than lb the-f state. The adlermen ' considered the mat-, jter at a previous meeting and the mayor Waa Instructed to appoint a committee of citizens to aollclt the 'approval or disapproval of the prop erty owners along the routs propos-l cd to lis paved. J 'J**: ? ' - I Their .port waa heard lagt night 1 Beeldee the member, of the board |of aldermen quite a nnmber ef tit Izcas were present. t*'.*!.; There were three petitions Pre sented to the board, two of whTch| were accepted and onvrflgeicted. The j one rejected had reference to the paving of the sidewalks on( West. I Third street. . After considering the matter from svery vtawpolnt* the aldermen de cided to grant the request for pav ing the sidewalks on 15ast Second' street from Bonner to McNalr and on East Main from Harvsy to Me nalr and on West 8ec6nd street from| Gladden te Pearce. s?|f'v'v Mr. K W. Ayere. the member of! the committee appointed by the may or. to see the owners of property onj Market street, not being present.! the paving. of. Market street waa not [considered. | There' was no representative pres ent fsom Wsat Main afreet from Bridge to Washington. " AM the Dally News stated this | week the cost of paving la practical ly 40 cents a lineal foot and the 'owners of property can never hope] jto have the work done aa cheap as now and they are in their own light ' If they do not desire it done at this ! time. '; i] Not only wfl lit enhance the value of the property but ao far as looks Is concerned will go a lonlg ways to wards beautifying the city.. a ' Mr. 0. C. Huntington at Ctur JEB Bi in th? cltj thU sorntag While In of Mr. . l. In B.ll?vu. with a forehead and . dm ghJ wr jawPM of the battle dead with rm~ volvdra clutched In their hu?|,.?i)l othera mortally Injured crouched on Door Mapping thdr rerotvere at the screaming men and women who led T?t them. ?d it hut, eo the police report, thirty other men end women had received either stab woUnda or ehou. ? 1 The dead: Maci.^Frunk. a clerk. IS yeara old ehot through the ere and killed ln aUae Marahhll. 21. a track follower, ahwt through the head.. , I Mortally Injured: twice In the The police ear that he raaemble^ Jim Hart, Waoe^a' aleo u "Diamond ho landed 41 In Kaw York Bra daya ago Ben'lna. Prank, ahot through the body. "J The police were nnahle to get even a partial llat of the wounded men and women who eeeapad either by running or Seeing In waiting tex tile cake, but It la bettered that Oulaeppe Perggf. better known aa "Chick Tucker." a former price fighter aad manager ot the place, received a bullet aoma where In hla body. ~ number of men . and . wop en. limping. aoiHe bleeding about Broadway cud Sixth *vMue foMow Injr * b boot In K - ? . ot Ruuonullle. quits * carloelty tn three-legged chicken. It wu p. roofer of the Red Leghorn all montba old. regular allotment of > Men between the the chicken on u>'| Maro ? Compear'' atreet. The rooster waa Men Af a large nwaber of poo pie. ? V\ -,v *?'- " ,, 1 Mr. Warren to thinking of sen ding the chicken to the Btffa Fair ^I *?1 ken to the BKm^. 1 Her. 1. A. Bullion, paat*, I Bandar nefcool I U a. m? *r. p. " I ?piMH tp; siiv BMP ?fe*.K ? '"* v; ' ? 7:10 p. m. Ber I |)o to be Sunday athool teecherAjnenthly meotlng Satiny ?*Mlng A 8:10 o'etoek. The a^stwam Band will - J Monday afternoon at ? o'clock. The Lad tea MlMlonary Society will meet Twday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayermeetlng Wedneeday even lag at 7Kf o'clock. |^Hi Baraca, Junior Baraca, and Phlfe athea claaeee will meet at the same hour with the Sunday school. I Btrangera and viator* are cor dially hinted to all aerrtcee. The friend ? of Mre. Daniel Taylor, who wae thlp week operated on at ',the Fowle Memorial Hospital for strangulated Intestine# by Dr. Jack KJohotoon.^U be glad to learn th^t [she to iaiprovtag all the while and hopes are now eetertaiaed for her recovery. LIST OF CANDIDATES .Nominated in the I mil; Nf?s Mammoth Toar-of-H^pc Voting Con teat DISTRICT NO. 1. Mln Lottie Ma?o. C. Water St. .. .; ....... 7,?10 Mln Ad> Mmta, 1*4 W* *nd St 7.806 sun Jennie Cor. wUt'ftalo etreet. 7,600 Wee Pearl Campbell, -111 Market St: 7.6*6 Mlaa Fannie Whitley. E JUin St. 7,550 Mlas tybel Dally, 245 ~E.-Hid St 7,?*5 Ulaa Margaret Cordon. 414 E llaln u .. .. .. 6,950 Ulaa Mar Belle Small, 428 W Mahl.. .. .. 6,460 Ulaa Goldla Rlcka, B. 2nd St 4,a*0 Mlaa Florlence Wlnfleld, Bridge St.. .> .. . '.. .. .. *,4*0 Mln Katie Moore. 41* W 2nd . .. .. *.450 Mia* Annie Plum Nloholaon. EOS W Main St 1,310 [Mlaa J ante Roberta, E. 2nd St. .. .". ... *,160 Ml* Mae Aran. Its !?. Market St. *.0*0 Mlaa Nora Angel. 114 B 2nd St. . ?? ?? M20 Mlaa Eltaloth Warren. *2? W Main ' ? ? M?0 Mlaa Mary Stan, *01 W. 2nd St. . MM Mln LlKllan Woolard.-Harrey St. cor 1,750 Mlaa Juallae Carmalt, Reapeaa St. .. 1.170 Mln Kmlljr Harrla, Baat 2nd. . . * 1,620 Mln Margaret Melllhenny. Water St 1,285 Mln Cella Brldgeman. E Main St. 1.360 Mm Fannie Lamb Haughton, 4 26 .. 1.S00 Mln Btbel Archben. w Main St.. 1.2*0 Mln Julia Mayo. so J w. 2nd St .. ?? 1.1*6 Mln Mary Carter, 118 Bridge St... 1,1*0 Mln Maale Clyde Haanl. (1* W. ....... - . 1,110 DISTRICT NO. a. Mln Hilda Btrrbage, Bath 6.720 Mln Minnie Kltllngaworth, Plnatovn.. ? ? "* *;4*0 Mln Hani Olda. Belharen . . . . - ? " ... . ." . 6.400 Mln Lotta Blahop, Pantego 5,150 M(n Baeeta Ormond. Batn . . 4,*60 Mln Mary E. Cradle. Swan Quarter 4,*** Mln Bet tie Judklna.- Pantego . 4.740 Mln Belle Spencer. Englehard . 4.690 Mln \Pthel Swindell, Belharen .. .. 4.J80 Mln Bena Shavender, Pantego 4,060 Mln Julia Marah. Bath" #.....' MM Mln Alice Way. Belharen i.sio Mlaa Maiid Duke, Pantego 3.225 Mlaa Blanch Nlcbolaou. Bath 2,125 Mlaa Maggie Gurganua. Plnetown... 2, LIS Mlaa Maud Maaon, Fairfield . . . .. t. .v . . 2,220 Mlaa Ruth Chadwlck. Fair(leld . . ;,840 Mln Mattle Da*, Belharen . .. UN Mln Bertha Uipton, Belharen :. ...... .. 1.7*0 Mln Eatelle Youag. Fairfield ' . . 1,766 Mtn Ella Cradle, 8wan Quarter : .. .. .1 ,. .. j,. ,. 1,415 Hattle Roper, Englehard .. i,?io Mtn Nannie Hodgee, Belharen .. 1,610 Mln Ruth Hooten, Belharen . . .. 1,6*1 Mm Katie Eborn, Bath . , i . . .. 1,44* ' * " ' . 14T* Brown, Swan Quarter ...... I,*40 __ -.MM Fairfield 1.U0 . 1,14* D. TBICTKO* %rdl ? *" . , ? ? ?????? ? ? . ? ? ? 1,620 .. .. Mio ?? ? WE ????niMM! ONLY TWO UOFNTBWa. 8PA|N A*l> llRAZfU HAVK KXTENUFJ. AJJV RKCOUMTIOK TP THU Lisbon, Oct. T.?The nuiban of the royal house of BtWUU were declared etfed from Portugal to day by tho provisional government Honnr, It wai stated th?t tho per ?om] property of Manuel would be respected. fi?51 Sir Francis Vllllers, Brltlah min uter to Portugal, called upon Sun >or lfaehado. minister of foreign af fair* under the new republican re |lB6. The object of hie visit was not disclosed. Gibraltar. Oct. 7.?The United States srmored cruiser Das Moines, hss been ordered to proceed to Lis bon immediately. Acting under personal order t$om President Taft the nary department i Issued orders directing that the protected cruiser Des Mofrnes. now at Gibraltar, procsed to Listen at Thh Dsa Moines has been Instruct ed to leave Gibraltar at ? o'clock to-night which Is 1 p. m. Wsshing ton time. - ?" ..The cruiser will proceed to Us-1 bon simply to hare the United States repreeented In the naval contingent of foreign warships gathering at that port a aw** ' Captala Luby. of the Des Moines, when he arrtrea at Lisbon, will be expected to keep the government here adrlsed as ts gener alderelop ments tn Portugal. It la understood that the state department was n6t consulted about ordering tbe ship to Lisbon, Presi dent Taft simply exercising his au thorlty as commander-ln-chlcf of the nary. The nrrlral of King Manuol and t^e royal family of Portugal at Gi braltar last night waa reported to The. fugitives arrived on the royal yacht which was* escorted by two , British cruisers. During the night the cruisers left for Oporoto, Portugal. MISS TANKARD ENTERTAINS Odq of Washington's most popu lar young lad'os, MIm Mary A. Tank ard, entertaiend a large number of guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Walling on Market street last evening from S to 12 In honor of I Miss Annie Laurie Partrlck of Clin ton, N. GL One hundr^^pd twenty-Ate were present to hospitality of the evening, evtlKced on all sides at this Southern home on all occa sions. No social function, of the many given In Washington, this season, carried with it more pleasure or en joyment and whan the time came for adieus, regrets could be seen written on every oonntensnce. Miss Tankard entertained most graciously and lavishly. The features of the evening were the gueaslng of the tea poet's names, cards and danc ing. In the guessing contest Mr. Henry Moore was awarded the first prise and Mr. William Ayers the booby. |The presentation of the prise* was the occasion for much laughter and ihe episode was much enjoyed by all present. Misses Sybil la Griffin and Evelyn Jones did the honors at the punch I bowl. . 0 v ? During the evening delldoua and | tempting refreshments were sorted the guests. | Altogether the occasion wi crowning success snd the charming hostess again established her repu tation as an entertainer. In this role she wss ably assisted by Mrsi Walling. It has been a long while since Washington society enjoyed s ?ore pleasant evening. K. C. STATU FAIR AND HOME COMTlfG WEEK. RALIIK.H p -v,; k- | Eatremely low rate tickets On sale from nil points, October 16th . to . ?d Inclusive, via NORFOLK SOUTHER* RAILRO .P Limited to return not later thee :tOber t?. It 10. Travel via the direct route. . Apply to ticket acsnta for detail ^ Washington, Oct. 7 The So mtat oourt of the United State, will convene next Monday at'uooi for one of tbe moat Important ? tiers' In lu history.' During \St coming eight months It will bare t? pass upon cases pr'.foundly involv In* the Industrial and business life of t^e nation. and tbls fact adds Im portaOr, to the pending changes In the personnel of tbe great court, oc csaloned by tbe death of Chief Jus tice Fuller and Associate Justice Brewer and there appears excellent reason to expect that be will be namsi In place of the Chief Justice, although Associate Justice Harlan, the senior surviving member of the court has been much spoken of for promotion to tbe Chlef-Justlceshlp. In anjr event. Including JusUcs Hughes, there will be three new men on this bench during the ?e lag session. , T?K tiliJI. W* Feature fetU Toeigtit *??r Tboaaaad Poet. 1* Days Old. The Gem nl packed to tbe doors tbe whole of last night. No liner aho^h,. ,rer ^ ?v.n u . Washington Picture house. Tonight's urogram will be of tbe ?ame high standard. Another One Blograpb tonight. It's only jo davi old. A Hummer Tragedy 1. , Blogrsph romanc of a punctured bluff nerve Is a m:?t valuable asset and Clar ence had It in. abundance,, getting a wee)T> vacation, he hies himself to tbe. .cashore. where he registers as a milllonarle here he meets Mabel Who posm as an helreas. H. points fo Ms prTvato yacht out at anchor, wh% she telle of her palace by the E(eh thlajcs the other the real article, so he proposes, she accepts. Wae Is up. tho^jnust part. Parting Is such sweet sorrow their swear eternal 'constancy Their dre;-i however. Is rudely disturbed, for when they next meet she finds him tending the soda fountain In a drug store, while he finds her doing the (ham and) In a cheap restau rant. The Golden Secret?A Melles star release, portraying a tale of B lost mine, and Indian's gratitude - and a wild race to file a claim by a plucky little woman. ? Broncho Hills Redemption Is a fascinating story of life on the plains without even the susplc!9h of a love ?torjr. the picture Is strangely fas cinating. Th? Wicked Raron and the I'agc will please you. as it Is ene of those highly Interesting dramas by the Eclipse Company. The Moonlight Flitting, R comedy drama, that^was made entirely along the lines desired to cerate a gooJ laugh and it has not failed In Its mission. Cotton Market. Se*d cotton, 6.30. Uat cotton, 13 3-4. Karly Hervire. The holy communion was cele brated at the Episcopal church this morning at 7:30 o'clock The col lection was for the work of the Wo man's auxiliary. At this same hour in Christ church, Cincinnati there was pre sented the united offering, which is Uie gift of the women of the whole ehurch gathered during the past three years. The services here were well at tended by the members of that con gregation. Still Quite Hick. The many mends of Mlse Ruth Phillips will regret to learn of her continued Illness at her home on West Second street. She Is suffering with fever. Cincinnati. Oct J.?The Ord convention of the ProteeUBt Epleco pal church In AJaerlee be?*? lu mo od* huIoq jrcatordaj ?n<l m i?l In the volume of work which meet be accompHehad In the twi-etj-two / dare remaining. ?with the elections reeterdajr the bod/ wee reedy to Bet down to work the houae of btahopa. the hlsheet tribunal of the church, elected theee I ? Chairman, Bishop Vincent, of Ohio. Prealdlng bishop?Blahop Tuttle, of Mlaaourl. Secretary?BUhop Hart, of NaT chuaetta. Aaalatant aacretarlea?Blahop Oao F. Neleon. of Now York,-?uad Blahop Packard, of Maryland. The Rot. RandaU McKlm, of Now York, waa elected praaldent of tha houae of depatfaa. At 10 o'clock Ifcte forenoon the Lord Blahop of Sallabory. Bngland's create*t prelate, was recalled by tha houae of deputlea and thla feature of tha convention waa Immediately followed by a recaption tendered by All of tha b la ho pa from tha houao of bishops accompanied the lord blahop of Salisbury and mat with tha officer* of the houae of deputlea on the (feat stage of Music Hall. Tha house of deputlea today bo Kan the consideration of the -five all-Important ponding constitution al amendments before the groat American Episcopal denominations Including the amendments pertain ing to the election of suffragan blsh opa, which provides that a dloceao with the consent of the bishop of that diocese maj elect one or more aufTragan biahope without vote In the houae of blshopa. The.other vary Important mattef beforl the honae of deputies today I waa the changing of the name of tha Protestant Episcopal church to the | United States to the Eplacopal I church of America thereby for tha I first time In the history of Proteat | ant world It Is stated the church will | will take on a more liberal policy | In the name of progress. r NOTFD SPEAKER HERE SUNDAY A most interesting service U prom lsed aH who attend the service* of the Young Men's Christian League tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock at their rooms on West Main street. The committee has arranged a very attractive program. The speaker of the afternoon will be Mr. Q. C. Huntington, the inter state secretary of the executive com mittee of the Young Men's Christ ian* Association for North and South Carolina. Mr. Huntington Is no stranger to our people, having visited Waahing ton about a year ago. He is most pleasantly remembered and no dou^t he will be greeted by a large audience tomorrow. Both ladles and gentlemen are cordially Invited. Tha following program is arrang ed: Opening Hymn. "The Bird With a Broken Wing." Selection by male quartette, com posed of Messrs. R. Lee Stewart. Z. M. Potts. L. Y. Shaw and J. W. Smith. Prayer. Hymn: "lis tho Blessed Hoar of ?rayer." Scripture reading. Hymn: "The Story Mvat be Told." Selection, by Male Quartette. Addresr Mr. O. C. Huntington, of Charlotte, N. C. Hymn: "Never Olve Up." Benediction. It's folly to be good unless yon are ,good for something. MONDAY'S SPECIAL Big lot 12 l-2c. Huck Towels, extra size, Monday only 9$c ri i i ? ? . ??. L I All ri f~* A

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