WASHINGTON, NORT& CAROLINA. HONuAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 10, 191S. ' NO. 57 ! ? ? -S mm WONOERFtlL \ FIHST f ltl-.si:it\i: VOTK pF CO XT EST NOW rfEYON# RHTIMATIHO ? NEW HUUXG ANNOUNCED IN IXTKREHT OF CANDIDATE* AND FRIENDS?SSOONl) PER IOI> WILL MEAN WOCB80 AND EUROPE OB FAILURE 4ND RE (JKET. WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE The first period of the Tour-of Kurope coolest has come to an end ?and a glorious end it wai. Sub scriptions literally rolled Into the of fice of the content manager. Candi dates and the)r friends turned oht in line style with the rush fOr ths final day of the period. *nd the re ault is that very many candidates | have a surprisingly heavy reserve vote '? tip" their; sleeves." Bat which ones they are and ho# mucll it hey have nobody but* themselveil can know. There was a Mme, not so long ago, when the contest department could pretty easily figure out just about where individual candidates steod, but now?now it's altogether differ ent. Fortunately for gll concerned. It Is Impossible now for)the contest ? department, or ouo else . for that matter, to ascertain anywhere ' noaT what the reserve vote of any active candidate may be. This Is a double insbram iv it makes unfair sess impossible elthor from the standpoint of tho paper or any in dividual candidate. The only time when fbeso records wljl be uncover ed and ferrl;ed out \wlll be after alt ballots have been voted and the live fudges figure out the standings. Thi> first period has ended sad first opportunities ate things of the past. But here Is -the second period with Its opportunities. Wonder If anyono" win miss t&ls chance^teo. L &TE MARKS I I?et us hope they do not 1, . And this period shall indeed be opportunity period ' ? ' The News has felt all alotns that an additional Incentive to subscript Uons-gotting would materially aid the European tour contestants af ter it become definitely Known that we meant business from tUo Mart. Feeling that additional vote* allow ed on Miborrlptions and. that" sw In scription-getting Would be toade eaa ler (or candidates and iioro .ptoflt ablo in votes to the public, the Daily News, through Its TOur-of-Europe department, makes a new ruling in the contest.. This raling has been decided upon .After chfeful deliber ation find will undoubtedly PrX i great means of y-ccem.. -XJBtt. JM3> ruling, which allow* many, - many more votes ihwr -th* schedule iMrrvro^stF ? ammpttd, ?-H* oertaln to mean* success or. fatlurl' in the final bfcat^of tHe.racx- for Eu rope. It Is opportunity1 time indeed No moro votes- will ever again bo allowed on subscriptions. Read the Jisif-page advertisement in this edition of the Nows for fuU particulars regarding the special jf fer of votes, anil renumber iljatTR'13 Positively orau,\nti24! to \T stTBscarPTroSR vniir. 'nbvbr AGAIN COUNT FOrt SO MAW VOTES \8 tJJURINO TKre PltHS EVP PEllIQD. I Many Eurprislcg changes lii vdttf :tnndln? took pl^fe today as a r-.v sult of thb Lxtrexacly fcdnvy- ballot ing of Saturday. Friday's /cou^it, vote was tho heaviest siric? tht? be ginning of the contest ,h?n. ?Satn; day's heavy coupon and It vtSng outdid It" all. r - Watch' lbs ahlftiag 4*osit|pnR? and get ready for syfnriwr. T?y^fc4fi?f! coming. . ' UNKNOWN mm ? SHBT BY POSSO I Jan ?! lie/"'V*.. Oct. H.?Charged ?with having remitted numerous robberies whlfh for the past tan day* h^ve ^terrified the farmers re aldlng In the neighborhood around Pelham and Ruflfln N. C., ten miles south of here, an unknown negro was shot to death In a barn late this afternoon, when he refueed io surrender. The killing followed an all-day search porttclpated in by at Isast 50 angry citizen^ Tho dead negri has been loftorlnf; In tho neighborhood for about n week and It has been tho general be lief that bo entored a number of residences. Pour houses at Ruffln were robbed last night and earljr thlB morning. / Tho negro killed today carried two loaded pistols and wore several ^articles of clolhlng identified sb stolen property. ? ' > The body of the negro was tak en to ReldsvlUe. Nj C. and so far no Inquest has been ,hold. Two towns Wiped Qui ' . ' Winnipeg, Manitoba, Opt. 8.?The townj of Beaudotte and^Bpooner In Minnesota, havp beerA wiped out by a forest flro. : ' Many lives are feportcl lost"sno millions of dollars of property has befcn destroyed by forest flres which advanced on the towna fronj the northwest. Refugees' coming Into Rainy Riv er, Out.., state that bodies jdt vtou tlines ore lying along ih? A-atlway trarfts. * ' \ ' ? , '" /T".;' V'r*'&'>.? As > tyir&ar expellcr a ChtcUft Olectrlelan ha? Invented a lighting system for residences wllh which the .bead of -v ho>ishote can turn oq every light In his house with * mas ter -.witch at his b?d*V&? *nd pre vent Ihem being Ufrncd off at the In. dividual switches. j- }'' I A CI" KM). r. The ol&est living creature of which thore is any known record to-owned by Helen Ware,' who Is starring In ("The X>eaerter^" iJno*i running' .at th0 Hudson Theatre, New York. (?r dinarlly this statement would^Bo^ntl j like thC"utftfhl press agent romance, but the f??' remain's that-Mtos Ware offers evidonro to ft u hafnium to* this claim the ohject Itself, namely, a scarabacus. hotter known an Egyp tinn hoetlo. Thte particular inflect come form the Pyramids, of 6gypt and was hrougbt to this country by Miss Ware's mother, who a ycut* ago. wrs ! sight-seeing in that ?ountry. it seems that a celebrated Egyptolo gist In his researches in one of the Pyramids, upon opening a tomb, ' discovered, besldoa the mummy I which- It contained, %>yo o? those I scarabs. Much to his amazement i*nd surprise he foynd that they were ' a1ivet, ! Upon solicitation of Mrs. Reiser, Mirs Ware's mother, they were giv en to hor.and brought to this coun try. ? i )? Ono ot them died and the other Uf kept in a little cage In tho ac tress' dressing room an.d l? regard ed by her as n talisman. Ho lives with oat crater aad the only food he ta^Um Is a nibble now end t^en at a lettuce leaf. Pot Shots. ?* pwad hints are waited'on nur rorr-ralc<!cd -people. ? \ kijui aess ,!? never as long-liv ? d'us a. gi udo%> Those vbd live on hop^ are so$ .cpm troT*?^d with obesity.* Honoi^d words do npt always iAdtcnte a awoet dlsposltio^. . Scratch a eeiiUtive person and you will generally find n asKish ono. Book* that soil like hot cal:oa geu erally give one mtotal'Afwpepsla. Success generally spoils a man ^or flse1 '-lafios h^m >00 fryetti * The, tr<mble with nArft of us Is that we neglect to do totr.orro.v what ? vo 'put off^today. ( < , .<??? ' , Llifoleum may bo brightened by felvittg It a coating of paraflln 'and Unseed oil. boiled tpgather. Don't Borrow Trouble ? } -v <*.' . About what to buy. Let us solve the problem for you. J}Ve guarantee to fit ?nd please you with one of our plain Tailored Suits. Prices $12.50 to $25.00. t ... I. l- . TO KILL PpOENT Unknown Mtn Claims to Have Heard Scheme V ' UNFOLDED TO HIS AUNT 8TRAXQK I'ERSOX CALLS O.N &08S i <1.1.1 \ TURRET, AIXT OF THK PREfcJDKXT. AXI> TULIPS HfcR HE OVKltHKARI) COXVKR HATIOX OV PLOT TO ASSASKI XAtjK I>RKSU>RXT TAFT. % '' ?; MUlbury. Mass., Oct. 8.?An al leged tchemo for the aoassiantion of IJreeident Tajt km unfolded to Mis* Delia C. Torrey. aunt of th*. President. ?rho called at her home today. The man, who refused to give his: .name, claimed to have overheard the plottora while in Boston. As he departed ho threatened to return and-kill Mtev Tenej tf^Wmr.tter W-*nto tfc^^wwpapgr^ jnan tfenr?#ay frc>5> 5>uri^ujbs^don ly anfl notoriously aa K had coma, and tonight 'there ris noclpe to his whereibtnfts, 'although* Mlsa Torrey Immediately reported the lacts to the Mlin^ury authorities and they in turn asked the assistance of the Worcester police. The matter ha* also been report ed 'to the fttferet service authorities. 1? telling of the man's visit Miss Torrey satyl: s ' *Iie told, rao he hail benn in Bos ton and bfcd heart some men say they were fefolOfr tcTfcill the president and he thought thaf I might to know about It. ^ "He did cot tell cic name pc .leave hie* card a*d altogether he JW&* a Queer looklue> and 'qneor act ing man. Ho said ho c\Id not want iaythius: to git lu the papers about if Had if It did he?would t ome back afld-klll mo. .? /\ \* *f i "As soon as tie was jot j?ord faL, tho_.splcc <,meu for ho was inch a queer acting man 'that I did noj know what would happen.' ? . U?> .? ...? ifij'-l Central America buyvun the aver age of $27,000,000 worth <if Ameri can, goods yearly ahd s^ndf the Unit ed J5tates$-13. QOO.O 00 of products. In order. 4f ? important ?kt custom ers of the United .States are Panama Nicaragua and Salvador. I 6BEATEST PERU Roose>etism is An$trxi'aSi:? College Proftiscr HE WILL BE WCTATOR jj;; fy'pt ?'"'''"WU. ? v ^ PHUFKHSOR OF HI IVJ^.SITX OI' V CliAP.i: ?s.\ v.1. BOM* I AS I) tr< AXVA? *TI1K CO! Charlottesville. V?g Oct. 8. ? "Theodore RoojpveU ? on0 of the greatest perils w^lhljflph the An: - ricsn people will the next two years," Richard Heath professor ot history .) ty while lectyrlng classes yesterday. The professor dcclailbu that the great majority o$ t$e A tterlcsn poo pi? hare Implicit faltjh to Rocsovelt and belloye him c&paMe ot giving advice on anything I toy international lair. * "They wsuld sweey iray* tho con stitution apd abolish "flPfor this nan with the talent ior aa^jig the grand pjays.' ~ "If Roosevelt Is ekAid President tav 1912. he will be fctor for the | rest ' of his life. HI 'meddlesome ds position would lead, 4 m to ^iter ror.- with state legWi jres and oar government wonld be;'' Plan as Mexico'*. "Such dictation, lt?ftevcr, wi>uld bo in accord with thtW Ishes of the ?American people. \VM must not shut our eyes to thcj^lgng ot th-| tijnes." H Notice to count A rqgwtar publtoTJ rounty teachers will ?Court house at W? on Thursday afid1 end 14th of October;^ v hope ce'rflflcatee wfl before*tho dose of i term should apply to w. o. vaughan. Oct 12 County Sup.t. Oeorgia Is better off even if it did get Hoke Smith In dodging Tom Tom Watson. n ?Ccw football rules have boon ad ded to the studies this fall in nil the coHoros. hel Arckbell, \v Main St. .. .. f. tfjfjo LIST OF CANDIDATES | Nominated In the Dai'y Xeiri Man.noth Tt?ur-of-E*?|*> Voting Contest DISTRICT NO. 1. Mlsa Fannie j^UUlcy. IlMaln St. S.3f?7 Miss Pearl Campbell, 3S| Mirket St.. S.W3 ^l!s? Ada Rhodes. W. 2nd 8t. .. . . . 7.94 S j Miss Lottie Mayo. E. Water St 7.0O? r?i83 Jbnala ?02, West Mela street... ?.)*.. 7.i>2* Istisa Ifnbcl Batty, 215 E. 2nd S.t ...... . J.Sli j Mias Hay Hollo buu.il, 42S W Main 5.#fi0 I Miss Goldle Ricks, E. 2nd .St 4,L30 Mi?s Ilorlecce Winfield, Crlaje St 2, if*0 li'.ss Katit: 2ioore, 412 W 2nd ... 2.ISO lilies Adl.3 Plum N?<l>olson, 502 W Main St 2,210 j Mus J ante Roberts, E. 2nd St.' ... 2,1(3 Miss Nora Angel. 114 B 2nd St. . .. .? ./., 1.9:10 Miss Ellabeth Warren, 6?G W Main.,.. .. .. .. .. .. .; ... .. 1,020 MUs Mary Sbaw, JWl W. 2nd St * I.S20 "ifias I.IUIIsq Woolard, Harvey St. co: 1,750 Miss Justine Ormalt, Respccs (St. . 1,570 Mlsa Margaret rMclilUenuy, Water St. Miss Eth Miss Julia..Mayo, C02 W. 2nd St l<i?ft Mtsa.Mary-Carter, .118 Brtdgo St ... .. 1,1u Miss Mamie Clyde Haaset, 612 W* 1,110 WSTtilCT \o. 2. ii'wB Minnie KllUnga-.rortli, Pinetowa.. ...... 7.'/;; -Miss Hilda'Bttrbage, Bath'; ..... .. 0,849 Miss Haiel Olds, Belha?en 0,49: .\HaB Lotla lilehop, pan\efcO . G.SSJ Mlu Bcttle Judklns, Pantejo . ? ' 5,75!" Miss Bessio Ormond. Bftn . . . .. ....:. .. . 4',?69 Miss Mary E. Credte. 8wan Quarter. . 4,500 ?(Iss Bello Spencer. Englehard .... 4-.030 Jiiss Ethel S?lailell. Bclharen . ... .. . 4.289 Miss Rena Shnrender. Panttgo . . .. .. .'. ,. 4,059' Mlsa Julia Mftrali, P-ith . . . . . ... 3,650 Mlsa Ruth Ho'oten, lS'ctbavcn . , 3,362 Mil, Matld Dnkc, Pantrgcf . . . '. 3,3;j Mlas Blar.eh Nlch.l3oi,, Bath . ..4.'^ 8,1"!^ .v.i.-s fejgg.e Our^anur. PInetewn.. |. 2.135 Miss Maud Msap^r. PalrDetd . ? ? . . .. 2;S30 Miss Until Chadtflek. Fairfield . . ^ . ... .. ., .. 2,S4t> MISS Mattie BnV, Hsthavsa . \ ... . : 2.120 VIM EstellA Younfe. Fairfield . . . . ! 755 Mian Ella Credte, Swan Quarter .. 1|W5 Ills, Hattte Ropori Engiehard . . . .. .. .. .. 1.520" ilfcs Kannle.Hndgcs, B^thaven t.r.i 1 Mlsa Katie Eborn, Balk . . . . .. ' . '.1,145 Mlaa Lucy Berry, Swan Quarter . I,3"0 Miss Jennie Brown. Swan Quartet K34U Miss Beasle^Watsdn. Engletiard . ?.^ .. .. .. 1.350 M!s? Emma Rue. Falrtleld 1,210 Mlss^toia Quthrle, Englohlrd . 1.U0 XlN Mary Atkinson. Belbayen . . 1,123 - ^ ills, Mabot von Eb?rstetn. >n? Edna Outnid, Vanceboro Mrs, In. ,T- Thompson. Aurora. . i Irs Mae Blowntj Choi-owlnlty Ola Ross.J Donnerlpn Erally May rr ?*i>j ?? ,. 6,6io May Redditt, Edward 2,330 ATTEMPTS HIS LIFE ? Sol. Gone Found in ilis. Apart ment With Wonnd in Neck WILL PROBABLY RECOVER A I'HOMrXH-NT ORKENSHORO MAX ATTEMPTS TO COMMIT SUICIDE ?IF HE HAS MADE ANV STATE m j:\t.s they ham; m:r.\ CAREFULLY GUARDED Gabcnsboro, Oct. 8.?Solomon K. Cone, i member of the millionaire family of that name which controls vast industrial Interests - through out the South., and a'member of the New York, Liverpool and New Or leans cotton exchanges was found unconscious In his bachelor apart ments at 8 o'clock this mofnlng with blood streaming from, a xbullet wound behind bin right enr and revolter in his right hand. Ji'rom all indications his condition was the result of an attempt to com mit suicide, though his intimate friends are of the opinion that the pistol wr.s discharged accidentally, they declaring that there waa no reason for an attempt upon his life. It la rumored that he was heavily Involved as a result of recent deal ings In spot cotton, but hlo asso ciates refuse to do#y or affirm this or any of the hundred of rumoy* or theories that have been advanc ed. Mr. Cone who was seen on the streets as early this morning as 1 o'clock, was discovered by his val** Dennis Siler. who went, to his apar ments at the regular hour to wake, him up. Entering he found Mr. Cone fully dressed, lying on the floor and in nn unconscious slate. He lrr-nodiai?ly summoned atd and tiu/wounded man was hurried to u hospital, where the bullet wap extracted. It is e^id to night that chances for his recovery are v&ry favorable. * j ~ TonTfAt ~STf: CbrtG htul rptctrtned full possession of his faculties, but any statements ho has Riade, if ur hav? been carefully- guarded. . I SURRENDERS TO THE OFFICERS Winter, Win... Oft. n.?"If tfiir.ct* out trill >??>;? j-roro?;.- n^' to al;c ? him. He 1a si.et thmaih tV fcrnd *.*::???.-* :?i surrend -i These v...-U ?.r.ak'w to -i> Mlde MsdiK'ii is? the cdsu o( i... ler.tir.K i'.irrovr'-Inc the Iiho;?c1 home of Util.- Helen, -youngest daughter of John P. Dfili brought to ;in did the stubborn rf ?l*ir.r.cc o'j llio man vhesn otftnd frr the I si"1: .vcnrs r.7~.in>"t whnt ht? '??snsldprod r.n Injgftir* bus nUrvteJ t; wide t-?aJ !r tere3t. The surrender did i.ot u-uie, how er, without death and bloodshot'.. One msn It: dead, loir mcr nrd i: Ionian r.ro wounded and rr.v.ch prop >rty h.;s been ?j?troycd. The d^.!: Oscar H.irp, ar* yearn old, deputy herlff. Injured: John Die;?, It* years old. Cbet t:olo PHch, 33 years old dap nty sheriff. William Hhnkin a:-*ed 28. Clarence Diotz. .M}t? Dleiz. The last two nr.tned ehl'dren oj John Di^z were shot \v. c V: by deputies. Hughes Violates Custom Washington. Ofct... 8*?Associate Justice Hughes tod\y culled upon As soctate Juatleo Harlan, senior mem ber of the Supreme Court. The call w^s one of courtesy. Custom require* that a newly ep poluled Jnsiirc await th^i calls of tyl* iates on the bench. He ?s sup poccu to wait h; home for t' elr cor.i ing. Justice. Hughes didn't -know, but the break was considered excusa ble. "^Vntttvnct Removed. < . -r-? / on last Saturday for cateract cn one of her eyes by Dr. U; W. Carter or city. The ? operation was 'aue eaetful 4R ev^Ty way and her friends will be glad to lenrn that her physt ?i?? 1">P? ?? n?r uUl r. ?8 Honduras Appeals artraent For Protection *&(? VERGE OF REVOLUTION MUSMWttT DAVILL.4 FKAfUi'i mm OF GESKBAIi VALU-j MIOS, HIS MILITARY &?AI>KKj ?5WATE OF I'XIlEW THKOI GH1 OtT COCSIRV. j to an appeal from the Honduras gov-1 eminent to the State department.! the United States gunboat Princeton' Is tonight headed for Auiapala, a' revolutionary hotbed, to look aftei American Interests. Meantime, at Amap&la. General Joe? Marie Valladarcs, >lie ( omman dunt, s??lf-ftppointvcf to the island post three years ago, end too in fluential in that vicinity to be oust ed up the latest ndvices, is a figure of interoet to the Tegucigalpa gov-j' ernment. Valladares is credited with having made threats against t?e foreigners at A nips la and thej consular corps there pro i op tod tol Pcrifcodtn Da villa, v.he? piv>mls?d to! remove hira j-octerdny. Bwt Davulillu realized that that; action might fan the revolutionary j spark Into a blaz? and look addi-i tlon?.l precautions to safeguard tfce[ r^>vcrnm?nt li*??refcts. "Tho state department and the Hen I duran government have been aware! of the increasing revolutionary agi tation. but the official advices here) do? net show that an. actual revolu-] tjon has broken out. Government safety there seems to rest in the multiplicity ol' faction". ' \ The Spot Spread. (Prom. Pitt&bnrg Press*. I "1 don't knov whether to accept this testimonial or not,'" amused the hair restorer man. "What'# the RMttor-?*rtth It?" do-j manded the advertising manager. ? "Well," explained ?lie l>o.-s, "the! man writes: - " *1 used to ha;, e three Laid spots J on the tCi? of uxy head, but since us-| iug on-? hatile ef yuur hair restorei | ; ha v.- (.2:1' ii \ tillAXI> ?'!.)? I'AIJTV l?4r* CUAl-Tj The lien, llorur e Whko I* likely j to tain hitttnh.il distinction r.s tl.vj lust _ Ke:.uh?Vaji (':??< rnr - ?i \ ? York under the PlaU-Odeli-Keose-| velf regime. , And what H rc::;r or ?t> rvipl'.oaj these lan tlftcon ycm.s have ] i-od-.n ed!?life-insurance jraft, flrc-lr durance graft. Metro- olitan Tr.'-.ctio graft, street-railway grait, cann!; graft, Furnacevllle graft, hcrt-su-l gar, bridge graft. Adirondack graft.! Wall street graft. Thcro Pus been! I'T . - !i"r : 11 ^ . Tv d-iy. is . ti: iin N? ?v V'-' '? j i:..on v.hb'- :h? (Siand fJld Parly has net l-'ic.t and ?'_:kvt^.l trlb-| u:.i? * I N Tin- |;e i !!t?b tcv." fta'i' t:i<* vL.?i;inir| -.??flra-ette. vlth a ilrh,.**! an1 .v.-; ? ill!;* T-oii : . t?i> fo many voune-j stars nronnrt i-ore with soil ' f.v**s i Don't you know that v.*e si?f?'ragette?- ( haVe promised to kiss every boy j who !:ns a clean face?'* "That's why we are k*?r;!f:vi them flirty, mum:" shouted ? tough lad aii he belied drnvn 12 ?? ley. Alternately heMirg and reoiirg* cast iron will Increase its volume. CEIU THEATRE CHANCES HANDS I It wlU be Interesting new. u> the, thmra(o? of Washliitoo to learn | that the popular Theatre known as [the Gem and operated nnder the management or Moisra p'Connor end ~J Mulford here for some time baa boon purchased by the Gem Theatre Com* pany. eomposod of Mr. B. 8. Aran*, son of Henderson: Mr. O. R. Browne of Raleigh and Mr. H. G. Sparrow of this city. For tho coming season It Is tbelr purpose to operate one of the most modern and up to date places of amusement In the South. The man agement of the Gom will be under management of Mr. H. O. Sparrow who liaa had considerable experi ence In this line and no doubt the* now enterprise will prosper under his well directed supervision. The theatre . formerly known as tho Gaiety run by Messrs Aroneon and Browne, is to be consolidated with the Gem. In consequence of this arrangement the Gaiety will be closed. Work stalled today towards im proving the Gem Theatre. AH mod ern improvements will bo installed. The theatre will be provided withf seating capacity for two hundred and twenty-Qve persons; the walls will be attractively decorated with beaver hoarding, steel eellinjj and the lateat deaircn tu electric and su lights. The lobby ni the llicr'.ro is to have displayed numerous lights and will have a gedd and Vvi^tc lln'fli. The elevation of flooi Is to receive attention as we'l the Qperr.ting booth. The new fu'ta take* charge cf the Gem today. Although it- will re quire about two weeks to make the contemplated alterations and Im provements the Gem will be open for the reception of guests tonight with an elaborate program. An or chestra will be one of the attrac tions. Messrs. O'Connor and Miftford hav?. gone to California where they expect to make that state thlr fu ture homo. Washington will la a few week* boap-t < i (ne of the mo*t attractive moving j.l? rur? him- .s in t'^o state. The many friends of 5. arrow are glad to l!t?o% t! ;.i he i* to again be in t harge. THIRTY TH DOLlil FIRE Wilson. N. T , Oct. !?>.? t Special t.'? Pally NV?*>!.? Fire early this morning destroyed the Woodard p:Lz* ery, a large three *tory franco situc ture and also eight other tm:l.lt.r-*d Tlie damage l? approlxtu.'.ted to le thirty thousand dollars. At loiat fin people .'.re rendered homeles*. \t\-.K- a! f'.i.tr i!dinpe and the y ? nu u1r,? ;? Woodard wnm 1. Tfc ? tvi "U *vc k of the Hre ntv. . rr'.-.i; *? ?jrewr.U'd a large cou:i-'Kr 11c!?. More than throe *lio'.ii-ar.'l dollars worth of tobacco was burned. ThU was quite a Josj io to the town. Hopper ail Hearst is the !.ea gue ticket. Is it possible that th6 head of the .ticket e?;i b> a bl^ecr hopper than hears!* \ TUESDAY'S SPECIAL We have 20 pair all Wool 11-4 Blankets in plain white and plaids, regular 36.50 values,' Tuesday's price $4.93 tht pair. Bovvers-Lew is Co. li<"* IX?lr?t v. " Wutcli Tom?>pro?",? f/i. The Gem Theatre H. 9. Sparrow ) v a. ltKi'l.s TONIGHT a . tflVIC AND LAW A MSB HTORY OF MOllKRX U?

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