.- V ' '.=. V 1 -1?S= . | .. .? WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. TUEj^Y AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 11. 1910. NO. 58 KVKR*. THING TO TOfcB OONTKHTAKT8, UimSlSi NO GKKATE11 ?VOTE VAMTK WilL BE OIVUH. hkavv Buuwno Ain> xtw I.F.ADKKM FOIAOW. Every on* of the oandldatea la the N?w>' big European tour conteet started after subscriptions with re newed vigor when the announcement of the double rote oOer reached them yeetenlar. Everyone seeme to realise the wonderful aid that haa boon- offered them In getting euh acrlptlona during thla period, and al ready the advantages of the Increaa ed vote echedule afforded by the new ruling announced yesterday are be ing expelrenced by the contestants. The ending of the Bret period of tbft contest wae a brilliant eneceea. It wsa really beyond the expectations of the conteat department, and to aay that the contestants did well la putting It mildly. But now cornea the real test. Here, la thla imil period. Haa the tlssl blllty of sawaslng a vote that win swamp competitors when the anal coast la made. The contestants have accepted *he aaauraace of the ooateat department that aevev again villi subacrlptloaa cMint for so many votes aa they dq this preeent period, and since they havo accepted the assurance' we mean to keep our word, and positively no mora rotes - never aa many wtaa? will be allowed again as durldfc this eecond period. Par many of the candidates Eu rope seems now almcBt within reach. . They can almost soe the Vbobblaa" walking the streets of London?But I not so soon! Just thoae very partlea may not b$ so aafe aa they reel about { their rote. Someone elee aeay be working bard and determinedly to ?^iftm-deUchlful prize. and that someone may win It. The only way to be sure Is to keep right ateadlly ' />\ WITH PRAISE ? , ? ?at It until tho v?rx^U?t minute of ' tho content Then you may lee I s*fe You know, In a race, the one who stops and looks around usuai.y wastes enough breath and energy In so doing that he loses his 'handicap. And tluti would neyer do. Kgep working and-votinfc steadily but not wildly. ' ' ^ About Voting. Wild, reckless voting has caused many a failure id ? European t?ur cont??ts The kind o( voyw that cotfcta is the careful, studied sort. Several of t%e eaudldates are doing very wise and careful voting. Tfiat Is the safest way. She who tries to outvote all of her opponents and frighten them away from the field tells hor ffiends she doesn't need their support, while, on the other hadd. she who fally to v<j|e a reason able amount Is quite as sure to give the Impression she Is not helping herself, and consequently trlends don't (eel like helping her. Just now Is opportunity time. What you fall to do'this period you will regret. The period of doable to tee means more than any ether pe riod to Individual contestants, tf you have friends Who are "waitfhg" until "toward the finish" to fap ], Just assure them that they are doing both yfeu and themselves eu Injustice by delsyinc. Have them help you now, this period, when the subecrlptlons count the moet. They don't need to do It today or tomor row, but Just so they do It within (his period. Remember, we guarantee that no I more votes will evej be allowed onl subecrlptlons than are jiow given nnder this double vfete schedule. Several of the candidates hsve this soon taken advantage , o( thp! earliest poeslblo moment of the dou-, ble vote offer. They hsve secepted' our ptedgd^our word of honor?, and 4re busy, Here's the schedule for this period 1 only: ? | ' OLD NEW 5 years $15.00 17,100 5,700 4 years 12.00 12,600 4,200 3 years 9.00 8,100 2,700 2 pears 6.00 4,950 1,650, 1 year 3.00 '1,400 ' 80? 6 months " l.M 900 300 4 months 1.00 450 150 Never again will the vote .schedule be as high. She who hesitates this per iod is surely lost. If you win your li abilities are limited only to your ca pacity for enjoyment. BITTER FIGHT BN 4 \ ~ REPUBLICAN PARTY. ASSAILED AH NEVER BEFORE 11() MANY YEARS, IS PACING SEIUOrs CRISIS IT IS ADMITTED?FIGHT IN DOUBTFUL DISTRICTS Washington, Oct. 9.?Tkm ars 391 member* of the House of Rep resentatives. In the present house *17 of these are Republicans and 174 are Demo crats. The first surra/ of the campaign of 1910 shows that there are 1SI dis tricts reasonable certain for the Re publicans and 141 reasonably certain (or the Democrats. This learea. 118 districts classed as doubtful or debatable In which the battle for the control of the house is now racing. A classification of these 118 dls trlcts shows that 82 are now held by Republicans and II by Democrats. The plain Inference from these figures would be tiiat at .the outset of the campaign the Republic Inarap of the campaign the Republican par ty Is showing a disposition to go to pieces and prepared for the worst whipping it has had In many yoars. Hfrovorinjj from the Panic It must be admitted, however, thav ven as this article Is being prepar ed there are slgna here and there throughout the country that the Re publicans are recovering from the panlr. T&e buoyancey of the Democracy Is not quite so apparent. It Is going to be a battly royal anyway. [ * But not only the House of Repre sentatives at atake this election? the political control of the senate may alao.be Involved. ?I The many friends of Mr. James j Wee ton will be glad to learn thati be la convalescent. Kimona Outings ' v ** ?? . ' We have a beautiful line of these Cloths. It is an elegant Fabric for House Dresses, ' | Long and Short Kimonas, Bath RobefJ . See Show Window It, 121-2 and 15c. The Gem Theatre H. a. aPAKRO#, a SIIU TOMOMT . A * couLii; jmm To Advertise For Bids the Com f,r K: ing Spring /? SO STATES CONG. SMALL EE COMMUNICATE** WITH TRfc DEPART HE X T IN REFERENCE TO THE OOK8T9VCTION OF THE PUBLIC BUILDING?THE V CORRESPONDENCE EXPLAINS Washington, N. C . Oct. 10. ltt?. Editor News: Knowing the anxiety upon the part of our cltlsens for^progress li the matter of the construction of our courthouse an^, poatofflce building by the governments I recently wrote the treasury department complain ing of the delay, and I hare Just re ceived the appended letter from Mr. C. D. Hllles, aaalatant secretary of the treasury which I beg you will publish for Information ol our peo ple. \ Very sincerely, J NO. H. SMALL. Waahlngton, D. C.. Oct. 8, 1910, Honorable John H. *malL. ?? C., North Carolina. $k> V ?T * ** ? , Bj .dirocU** ?( the ?Mf?Ui7. I have the *#n#r?%a acknowledge the receipt .of 'your, latter of the Srd ln-[ stant, relative to the propoeed new iPoatofllce building at Washington, North 'Carolina. In reply to your inquiry as ti whether there has not been an un usual delay In the prepartlon of the drawlnga for this building, you are informed that there has been a certain ambunt of delay In the reg ular order of work In the supervis ing architect's ofBSc in the past three^'months, which wss due to the fact }hat congres sat Its recent ses sion authorled extensive changes in buildings for which' jdr& wing's were jiader way and for"^oildingji> actu ally under construction, and these necessarily took precedence over the the other work. The great dlffcultjr wljlcfc. ha? been cxpcritncod in obtaining structural engineers -has silH further seriously ccipp'ed the^ progress of the work, and made It Impossible to compete the plan! for hnfldloCB as'soon as was expected. Additional help of tills kind has,. hoWe>er, now been obtained, and the ?** is proceed In# raplOlr. _ r take plealsure, hoover, In stat ing fhat the preliminary sketches for the Washington bullying have b*en made,* and they^ together with the estimates of coat, will be for warded to the Cabinet officials for approval, as required by lsw. The working drawings will probably be taken up next month, which, If no unuauai delay occurs, shouldl put this department In a position to ad vertise for bids by the comlfig spring. Respectfully, 1 C. D. HILLES \ Asslstsnt secretary Game Warden. Mr. Editor: I have had lots of eomplolnt and several totters from Washington stating that tho game laws are being broken and asking me to appoint a game warden for Washington. In the past twelre months I have endeavored to appoint at least fifty men to this position. I have requested the chief of police, register of deeds, sheriff and tots of other good men to select a man, hut as yet have been unable to get anyone to accept. It would be pleasuro for me to appoint a good man as warden by sending me a pe tition with three good cltlseus as en dorsehs) I feel that I have done toy whole duty In this matter. Yours truly, B. H. THOMPSON, Chief Game Wsrden. Aurora, N. C,. Oct. It. ltlO. A Silly Tiej had reached the outer por tals of the front door, and there going through the proeeto of parting, very llngerlngly v ?When I say food-night to you thla evening' gurgled Mr. Youage |ow, "do you thlak It would be pttoper for me to place one reverent ktu upon your fair hand?' ' - ? "Well." she sighed softly. as she laid her head quietly on his shoul der, "I should consider It dscidedl? out of place."?Uppineott's. i *rr~m-v r* PCBLIO The Tidewater Prlntta^Biapan? hereby guarantees that no greater number of voteOT^B be allowed on subscriptions during the European tour ccnteflj^ftan la offered this period. If you meau business .and wish to a(4^Hie worthy candlate, (or goodness's take DO IT NOW? We-?JWyoa. you need us; we need them, they ueed us; you need tfceaq^^py need you?and we all need each ether New! y*f 4" > FOUND THE STEEI New York. Oct. 9.'?a c?ee < era developed today in tho of the Hamburg-American Ik which .haa been detail.. 1 quarantine aa a possible cholei rier .since tut Monday. Dr. A. H. Doty, health' oHl< the port, reported the case | with the additional Infor | another cholera patient iu? Moltke la under treatment at Swin burne Inland. Thla makes three cases of eholera which have actually reached thli port. Fnersl Yesterday. All that wan mortal of Nancy A. Rubs waa placed' In earth's boaom on yesterday afternoon In the famib burying ground near Old Ford In the presence of a large concourae of Bor rowing relatives and frlenda. The services were conducted by Elder Ashley Miselle, paator of the Smith wick Primitive Baptist church, of which the deceased waa a worker for a period of 35 years. Mrs. Rubs at the time - the summons came waa in her 62nd year. Up until last Sunday morning alio was apparently in the best of health. When taken and before thoso loved beat and who have lost i could reach her bedside she rp?WaiUout wiUi ?ha conaciouene. performing irer task committed unto her by the lowly Nasarlne. The de ceased leaves besides a fond and devoted huaband, four sous. W. h., C. W.? James R and Oscar and two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Woolard and Miss Eula Russ. While not a member of tho Prim itive Baptist church, for over a quartor of a century she has ever beetn In tho forefront toiling for her Master and doing His work. No meet ing of this church was ever held In her neighborhood she did not be among the first to offer her home and hospitality and she always entertain ed lavlahly, so much so that a guest once at her home always longed to return. 8ever*l years ago Mrs. Russ re ceived a light stroke of paralysis. Last year she was injured by a horse running away with her. Suhday morning last, she waa suddenly tak en and paaaed out before medical aid could reach her. She died as she had lived, fully trusting In her maker. She waa married on Janu ary 18,1870 and no union carried with It more happineaa and Joy. In her evening ahe enjoyed /the com radeship of her husband and her children and her grandchildren. The vacant chair of mother and wife now slta quietly In the corner but the memory of it3 occupant will ever llacer. ] A good woman has answered the fftimmons and In her going earth loses and heaven gains. Peace to her ashes. May those left behind emu late her example for It Is worthy. ? Cotton Market. Seed cotton 5.80 to 6.36. Lint cotton, 14.08. Large Shipment Buggies The Washington Horse Exchange Company received yesterday a solid car load of buggies and surrles. A Letter. E. H. Whitley. Wsshlngton N. C? Agent (or Manhattan IJfe fosurance Co., of New York. Dear 8lr: In August 1909, you sold me an Ordinary Ufa Polilcy. with a prom ise of a dividend, after two yearn. I find on my first renewal a dlvidepd of C 1-2 per cent Thla was an agree | able surprise to 8Mb and 1 advise all peraots wanting lnsuarnoe to take It with the Manhattaa. X . Respectfully, ? W. C. K1NION. Sidney. N. C., Oet. 10f ltlO. JL u* MANY CASES BEFORE MAYOR Tbe following cases were dispos ed of yesterday by the mayor at the city hail: Swindell 8tarllng and Harvey Den by, affray. Starling fined $1.00; Den by attached with the cost. Samuel Jennet* and Evelyn Little, t affray. Jenheti fined $L00; Evelyn t Little, attached with tbe coat. Simon Orandall and Henry Harvey affray. ?Grandall fined $1.00; Harvey $1.00 Myrtle Simpson, keeping and ting bawdy house. Fined $25 and coat. Defendant takea appeal. William Mack, retailing, Bound over to court In the sum of $100 John Shelton, drunk. Fined $2.00 and coat. Jamea Hoyt, drunk. Fined $1.00 and coat. Abb Alllgood, drunk. Fined $2.00 and eoat. John Koecb, drunk. Fined $1.00 and cost | W. Burnham, drunk. Fined $1.00 land cost. Amos Moore, drunk. Fined $1.00 and cost. Thomns Braddy. drunk. Fined $1 and cost. Plerson Oden, assaulting wife. Attached with the cost. Thomas Carrow, drunk. Fined $3 ,anrf cost. Congratulations J ? 1 Captain George H. Hill Is receiv ing the congratulations of his many ! friends on bi9 remarkable escape I this morning from permanfent Injury. Some of the Captain's friend^ pre sented him with a Teddy Ron revolt cigar, alleged to have been brought back from the dark continent by the Big stick apostle and in some way It drifted as far down as Washing ton. The captain began to smoke the weed and was Just beginning to comment on its merits when it ex ploded?the sequence being that the captain went one way and his large alpine hat another. The captain, if ter the fracas was over loltcrod long enough to state, after discov ering no Injury had been done to his person, that the cigar was pre sented to him by a gentleman (?) and that altogether the weed did not seem to come up to his experts tlons he would not for a moment doubt the sincerity of the donor. The captain says now that he thought the cigar was a Teddy Roosevelt sample but since wrest ling with the problem he is Inclined to think that Mary Ann Butler had a finger In the pie. If he did then It can be accounted for the explo sion for it will be similar to what Is to happen to Mary Ann and his followers In November next I'XSAFK TO MILK A Ml'fiE Sleepy Man Mistook One for n Cow and la tn the Hospital. Because he tried to milk a mule ?mistaking It for a cow?Dan Friedman of Maspoth, L. I., Ilea on a cot In the German hospital, hav ing his dtalocated left elbow, his fractured collar-bone, and hla two broken ribs attended to. Between groans he whispered to the surgeons this high resolve: "Never again will f try to milk cow?mule?In the dark." Friedman, who keeps considerable live stock, was awakened before day light by the cries of his baby, and aa the Infant persisted in its walling, Frlendman realled that he wouldl have to go to the barn and get some milk from the mild-eyed Jersey cow stabled there. 81eepy, but determined to aa sauge the thirst or his child, Fried man went Into a stall and, taking hla seat on the milking stool. ***** utterance to a soothing "So boss,' 4 roachkd for the cream depart rat j Bout m ikjr and Frledmak ?it. her a attp aa the auk. Hi thQuvht Halter** ?MMt,#raek him a Hcona later wkaa the CYCLONE OF FIRE Wiped .Out Four Towns in the ' State of Minnesota 5,000 ARE HOMELESS BODIES OF SEVEXTY-FIVK VIC TIMS* RECOVERED AND LIST OF 1 >KAJ? WILL 1'KOBABLV TOTAL 800.. MANY ARB DE8TITCTE Warroad, Mian., Oct. 9.?The towns of Beaudette, Spooner pltt and Graceton, Minn., are wiped off the map of Minnesota by the moat terri ble forest fire ever experienced bj Minnesota settlers. The .bodies of 75 Tlctlms hare been round and It la thought the death rate will be upwarda of 100. Wagon loads of bodies are being brought into Beaudotte constantly. It la reported that many aettlers erased with grief at the loas of lam illee and property, ^are roaming the wooda and searching parties are con stantly going out after the Injured, the dead and the demented. One family of nine, cue of aeren and one of fire were wiped out on Friday night. A cyclone of fire atruck Beaudette and Spooner. Wthln three minutes after the first alarm, every building waa ablaze and In an hour the* were heaps of ashos. The people of these towns had Just sufficient time to get out of their homes with what they had on their backs. They were taken on a passenger trsln that was standing at the atatlon, to Rainy Hirer. Ontario. The whole country east of here i Is on fire. Roosevelt. Swift, Wil-i Haras and Cedar 8pur are in great i uauKer. All the women and children arc being rapidly removed to places of safety. The Canadian Northern Railway haa halted trains at every station at the service of the people. Tho people of Beaudette and Spoon er and the aeltiera through the north central part of the state have lost everything. Five thousan^ are homeless and the greater part of them are desti tute. Son Very 111. The son of Mr. and lira. Thomas Lewis lies critically ill at the home of his parents on Market street. He Is suffering with congested malarial fever. The many friends of tho parents wish for him a speedy recovery to| health. While some better today his condition is still precarious. j Many Attended. Quite a number attended the fun eral services over the remains of the late Major Thomas H. Blount at St. Peter's Episcopal church yester day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The floral offerings were many, testing the high esteem in which the deceas ed waa held In the community^ The Interment was In Oakdale cemetery. Out 4ga!n. The many friends of Miss Clara Jones daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Jones, who has been very sick at her home on West Second street with fever for several weeks, will be glad to know that she has so fat recovered as to be able to be out again. ? Much Better. The condldtlon of Mrs. F. F- Cos tens who was recently operated on at the Fowle Momorlal Hospital by Dr. John O. Dlount has Improved so much that she was removed to her home on Pomrce street yesterday. This will be welcome news to her many friends. The trouble with most people Is that they waste too much time ex plaining things. A woman always knows bow to manage her daughter's husband. FIFTY WMINERS Are Entombed in Staik. ville Mine by F.tfkmoa RESCUERS MAKE EFFORT HOPEM ARE KXTERT/UNED OP REACHING THE HEN WITH THE HOPE SOME ARE STILL ALIVE. GAB FORCE* HEN TO ABAN DON ONE EFFORT 8tarkTllle. Col., Oct. ?.?Entomb ed by an explosion In the Starkrllle mine of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, at least 62 men are the objects of heroic efforts of rescurers, who worked throughout the day try ing to penetrate the black depths of the mine In the hope that some or probably all of the Imprisoned min ers might bo rescued. Late this, afternoon thoae superin tending the work of rescue decided that none should snter the mine un til a medium of protection In the shape of a portable fan was install ed. The fan reached the portal of the mine at 4 o'clock, was mounted unon an electric motor car and gradually pushed forward into the new slope working at It went, driving the gas ahead, and as waa hoped, to an air shaft thousands of feet inside the mine, where it might escspe into the open air. A feature of the rescue work was the devotion to duty of James Wil son, superintendent of the 8tarkrllle mine, who left a sick bed to lead the rescue work. Superintendent Wil son finally succumbed to the gases and wus forced to give up and return to his bed again. FOOTIUST Raleigh, Oct. 9.?This morning the Georgetown 1'nlverslty football ! players waiting (or their train at (lie union station helped themselves to pies and cakes In the lunch room while the clerk's back was turned, and the clerk says, refused to pay for what they had taken. i The polico were called on but came too late to see the raid, so warrants had to be procured before arrests could be made. So while Manager Jones of the lunch room was procuring warrants agalnbt the boys, the train pulled out out with them. Manager Jolly of the Georgetown team says that his men only took seventy cents worth of pies and that the clerk wanted S2. On the other hsnd Manager Jones claims that they got away with at least $4 worth. Some of the boys threw coffee cakes, and at least one sandwich at the clerk while the row was on. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the postofflce at Washington for the week ending October 8, 1910: Gentlemen:?Bennet, Mr. J. E.; Choster. Sam; Carowan. Mr. and Mrs C. E.; Cox, Mr. W. C.; Croom. Ro berta; Davidson, Mr. H. G.; Deans. Mrs. J. S.; Dobson, Mr. F. P.; Gsrd ner, Mr. D. W.; King and Family, G. B.; Lilley, Tllday: Thompson, Mr. Sam; Tlbl Lumber Co.,; Ward, Mr. A. D.; Willis, W. H. Ladles?Adams, Miss Dorothy; Borralns, Miss Linonia; Hill, Mrs. C M.; Norton, Miss Adle; Taylor, Mrs. E. C. These letter* will be sent to the dead letter office October 24, 1910, If not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say. "Advertised." giving date of list. HUGH PAUL, P. M. Improvements Improvements are being made to the Interior of the Hoyt Drug Com pany. A larger office is being ar-^ ranged for the private use of Dr. A. C. Hoyt. WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL ?WIT''1 : '7 Regular 75c. All Wool Infants Sweaters, colors red, white and gray, this day only 48cu

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