& N '? ?' ?. ,;f - - ' r s&sb FRIDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 14, 191? to Mffi That means a wonderful reserve vote Is sura to M In readiness to be ckst on the lp?t day of the content* When one Stop* to consider that Bubscri# tions for one year counts for 2,400 Votes this iferiod, if new, it can reaa fly hie seon what a difference )>st a, few subscriptions make. Every one is just as busy as can be getting promises fulfilled, and that is the wise plan. Delay Is dan gerous. ( VS, Of course a subscription after this KILLED HAS THAT f . BEAT HIS MOTHER Raleigh. N. C.. Oct. II.?-L^e Cald well, a young white man of Warren ?county, who tired six yean in Man chester, Va., In the furniture busi ness. proving a very good character there, but who served two years1 of a six-years' seatence In the State penitentiary for manslaughter, re ceived today a pardon tyom Govern or Kltchln conditioned on good be havior. . ( ?' ' -h)'** Tho man Caldwell killed had a few days before the killing beaten Caldwell's mother Without apparent epod reasaty ami when Caldwell met up with him he told bis mother's as sailant that he proposed to beat him or get beaten. The man then struck Caldwell with a hoe, and the fatal encounter was on. * Caldwell got the boa from the man and struck him w!}h. it, and then his antagonist used a knife with telling effect. Caldwell then ran backward until be stumbled and fell. It was then that he drew .his revolver and shot the man. ? v;" -j ; :A The governor stateg-that the man has maintained a pne record in the penlteatiary and that In Manchester he was regarded as honest. Indus trious, temperate and polite. The pardon Is recommended by ^Judge and solicitor. TfflCTH or PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN TO DH EXAMINED Superintendent Joyner has given out the following: . V; ? "The Wilmington schools are t^ 'king a forward step in health mat ters. ? | "The dental association f of the .city has" arranged for the examina tion of the teeth of all public school children, free of charge, and a re port of each child's condldtlon, that is as to Ills teeth Will be sent to every parent, .. "The eyes and ears.of pupils were examined last yesr. In accordance wltlhsthe suggestion of the state su perintendent of public instruction lt? one of the public school health ( "Superintendent BUir Is intereat ed in this phase of*his work, and ha and his committee are pushing It." districts--particularly > fcadare. Thla la Indicative of a coming atorm of ballots that Ha aure to turn things topay-turvy. , 4 1 ?_ ?' Europe! The dreams of a llfotlme realised! And the whole thing de pendent upon the results of thla pe riod. That'a just wliat lt.amonnte to. and those who.really take advantage of It will he (fed. c Determine to make fOnr candtdate a winner, apeak, a word In her behalf to Tour friends. It ceata yon noth ing and la certain to mean much for [.tori rr,:- v?* ?* ' ? MAYOR OF TOKIO SAYS THEY HAVE SO GRAB Is TOKIO. New York. Oct. 13.?Yukio oaakl, mayor ot Toklo. accompanied by hta wife, amred here today ten the steamship-Adriatic and amued his Intenrtewera* by declaring that he had never heard of and dliT not know the moaning .of the word "graft." "What la thla graft?" he'nsked Be waa told that It a pollcattan of Toklo should arrest the man, but aftarwarda accept moaey fro 19 1 his prlaoner to let him go, that Would b? graft and the policeman would *oe a grafter. y&j&ii' The mayor laughed. "Wo haven'a anything like that lp Toklo now," he said, "but we are progressing rapidly, and. as you' probably know, with \rogreaa bad things aa well as good thlnga are bound to creep In.' Doubtless Toklo wfll hare Ita 'graft' soon." He waa aaked If any of the mem bana, of the Japaneae legislature could be bribed or "bought" hy cor [poratlons. "No, that coufd aot happen." he said pMltlrely. / Mr. Oaakl la known aa the "reform mayor" of Toklo. and he itaa elected to ? second term of six yeare. h4 la on f alx months vacation and after a one day stop here will vlalt presi dent Taft In Waahlngtoh. The mitor and PrealdenyTaft are faat f lien da, the latter having been the gueat of the Japanese In Toklo during the prealdant's round-the world trip. Change of Kceldenceu. Mr. w. M. Keer and family have moved to the residence formerly oc Blpled by Mr. H. R. BHght and fam ily on East Main street and Mra. h. R. Mayo and family hare moved to the realdence formerly bcupled by Mr. Keer, her old home on Bast Main street. - . f ; CtooJp Practice. The members of the M. E. Church snd the Episcopal church choirs are requested to meet this evening af .the usutl Aonr for tegular weekly practice. All 'the members are urged to be "c?nt. - '< / CHILD'S AND MISSES COATS AND REAFERS : ? 1 7TT (.-> * v Bl?& Caracul Coats $4.00 to $4.50 &fv Red Golf Coats *2.50 to $3.98 Teddy Bear Coats, red, navy and wlite $2.00 to $2.75 The Gem Them h. q. hparhow, ? ?< TONIGHT 8 ^ ?; . v, *v v** <??;.! W. %x2? ?? r$ I , Oct 18.?Stubborn ' point, attorney* _f. of Alasourl RJJd th* railroads thereto today began ar gument before the Supreme Court or the United Jtatee aft to the yalNk My of the i-cent paaaenger rata and m**lmum freight rate Uwi of that pagsed 1* 1907. 8o important did the court con alder the case that It extended tSe time far argument to a* to include practically ?U of t**yeourfe time to It u claimed by counsel in the kc.bg that the lB?uea In controversy it* 1 affect State lobulation fegard ing railroad* in -nearly ev^ry state of (be L*aion. The ca*e Includes question* of jurisdiction of Federal courts oVer state legislation in re gard to the railroads, and the prop er basis of urrlvlng ^ the remunera tion guaranteed die railroads under j Federal constitution' The cir-' cult eonrta totf the western district 6f Missouri held the lawe ware unre munerative and enjoined their en forcement. WILL RECOGNIZE NEWJEPUBLIC Lisbon Oct. 18?The German ndaJl later to Portugal today acting uj^H Instructions from Berlin, took lm^ tlal steps to enter into semi-official relations with the republican provis ional government of Portugal, fol lowing the official recognition fro*n Brazil and notification by the??wia* government that the Alpine republic pis now ready to recognise officiary the provisional regime. I to VHUWAlj* "Winlu^^W^fl^ra will recognize the new government aa soon as It la convinced that the revolution i^ practically at an end. The International status of the Pqrtuguese situation yas , brighter today than 4t has been at any time r*., ? It is believed that France and It aly and the other Important conti nental powers will lose no time In recognising the V new government, now that England 'and Germany have Indicated the coursea which they will pursue, and that the Unit ed States will then fall Into line. A Bis Difference. The population of England and Wales la II.600.000. The. population of Denmark la >,600,000. .Sat th?re are nearly as many men, woman and children drawing their daily bread from the soil of Denmark aa there are drawing sustenance direct from the aoll of England. This Illustrates one of the moat striking differences between the two countries. One-flfthiof the population of Den mark llgpa in Copenhagen; one-fifth I Uvea In the country towna; three fifths live on the land. Eighty-eight [per cent of the population of Eng land and Wales lire in citiee and towns of more than 20,000 inhabi tants; 23 per cent Uve^ln^lhe conn try. Thes^Vfigares are intereatlng to the ?Jnlted States because this coun try is gaining chlofiy in urban popu lation. It Is following the trend of England's development. England's factory employes. /The United 8tatea la developing giant Industries more rapidly than any other wealth pro ducer. There la nt> objection to in dustries. But experience dees not show It to be healthy for a nation to devote' a majority of Its energy and capital to them. To Meet Here. The second regimental division ot the North- Carolina National Guard is to meet in this city on November 10th and 11th. , Captal^ Paul Jones of the Tar boro Company is president of the di vision. .V X V y. f>a , About sixty officers of the ?aif is expected to b*-jM*eent. Company O. is providing for an elaborate en tertainment of the visitors and the. occasion Is anticipated with pleasure by the Members Of the military or sanitation here %? well as the cm sen. WO" ?- m I FtGKEH ABE ti^PPIRR than at; any tdik mince ? RELIEF 18 IK RAPIDLY NOW IN if ok PROVISIONS. >tt*; Minn., Oet. U.?With Elberhart passing energet r them, slapping tbe haf i on the oack and speak of encouragement -here I and the heroic women who i- complaty the -flro refugees ppler today than at any time terrible disaster. / . Is becoming to come la Itlon to the 8t. Paul train, rived with Uovornor E^er 1 a number of state officials, ' special from Winnipeg ar okaton pe4ple brought tk kvqa of freshly baked bre^d general line of groceries, [ and |1,000 la currency.*" t arrival of Theodore ^tar | S5 miles south on the practically aU of the . the. Beaudette Are zone accounted for. ckea and his two rousing '7 miles through burned, for that three cabins burned in their vicinity nad been lost en had an especially har erence when the fires him and his family Fri tting the approaching dan istlly constructed a rart and hMkmlly pushed out Into the RapM \ almost met In the mid- I r stream. Bhers of the family kept consUdflE splashing water on them Belveaf^Jid at one time Starbacken to all but to submerge >ld twin boys In *he passed, a landing was made and the whole family lay around a camp fire in their wet clothing all night. In the morning they made their way to an unburned cabin, a distance of ! three miles, where they joined other refugees who were fortunate enough to escape. '' HAW BRANCH lTfcMS - We are having some fine weather at present. Messrs. N. F. and C. R. Nobles were the guests of Mrs.' Harmoq Hill Sunday evening. * Misses Annie Edwards, Llssle I. Lewis and Lillian were the guests of Lilly Warren Sunday afternoon. Mr^H. O. Warren and dMftfeter wero guests of Mrs* Nobles Sunday. Mrs. I.' F. Lewis was the guest of her sister Mrs. Q. F. Nelson Monday night. Miss Lilly Warren was out shop ping Monday afternoon.. Messrs. O. F. Nelson snd I? F. Lewis went to Greenville with to-| bacco this week. They were well pleased- with prices received. Mr. B. O. B. Barr some days ago saw a pack of wil geese flying In the shape of an A. They were sarnear the ground he could see their eyes, snd then he did not catch one. . Mrs. Juda Nelson and Mrs. J. O. Nelson were the guests of Mrs. H. O. Warren Thursday sftenioon. KANSAS R08R. THE GEM. Those who witnessed the program j at the Gem last night' pronounced It on0 of the best of the season. | "Tafce Me Out to The Ball Game."! This picture alone was well .orthi the money snd kept the audience In a continual roar. v The program for tonight * * 1-h will be found en front page daily la oqnallv as good. This theatre ix1 now presenting som^ of tb* ilnest; pictures thnt bare ever Seen shown here and Is one that can be opre-j cfated. 4 : Democratic Speaking I The (Democratic candidates in Beaufort county rlli address the peo pie or tho count;/ at the following times a*d places: ) The opening of the campaign tak es place at South Creek, October 17, at t p. m. % The last 3?polAt0ent to Pungo .November. - >.}/; >' > ..'r-I Eeveryoae Is cordially lavttM tp be present art hear the Isaais of tbe t will find tkaAm hot ?!???, Tote u t| i wji.. jit BUNKS DOORS ; HUE CLOSED ?Raleigh, K. C.. Oct. 13 -Th. Bank of Hop? Mills wm clo*e?l this morning by 8tate Bank Examiner J. It. Doughtou, acting under orders of the corporation oommlaalon From ? recent examination hy A? alatant Examiner C. V, Brown It appeared ti the corporation com f*"*"1 1,1,1 the capital atock had b?ea Impaired, and an order wei drawn directing Bank Examiner J. JC: Bongbton to Uke charge o? !ho ?*ali? ol the hank unlesa the oHl core and atockholdere would .n?k? ?ood It, cpiu, .tock lnaofar *, it bad IMeh Impaired by bad loam. So far aa la known now there win be no loaa on account of the 'I.log of the door, of the bank except to the atockhoWew, aa tho nio'jrco, appear ampl. to take care of the de posltors. The Bank of Hope Mllla tu c.r ea-nlWd and began bualneaa In t?,is The Officers are J. c. Gilbert, real dent and L. B. Fleming, enable-. la It ?o,th what it costs a mih ti be popular? CL0lll0LDS~ - FIRST DUNCE i The opening dance of the Halcyon Club was held last night at ,he Elks Hall and proved to be one of the moat pleasant social functlona ever siren by this popular club. For yaars the Halcyon Club has added no little to the pleasure enjoy ment of Washington aoclety. Danc ing began at 10 o'olock. C The music of the evening was furn labed by the Washington Concert The leader of the evening was .Mr Prank H. Bryan who led the ccrm.n with Miss Katie u* Banks " Brjnan Is a leader of enviable re,.u tation and on last evening added an other atar to his akin |n thla role The chaperonea present were Mrs ir.8', K?0rJ' M? A' M "????. Mr.. John H. Small and Mrs. Her M,s!Th ,Th?M ?ere: Mis. Katie I.ee Banks with F. H Bryan.\ Mi., Reba Oumay with D M Car. t?r, Jr. . L*r Mlaa Caddle Fowle with Dick Cox. Mies Katie Moore with James El if son. Miss Winnifred Nicholson with Walter Oodard. ' | ^Mlsa Julia Moore with E. H. Hard Ml.. Julia Mayo with s. H. Wil liam.. **" Mis. Matilda Haughton with L C Warren. ' Ml.. Fannie Lamb Haugbton with ??. h. Bryan. Mlaa Carrie""Slm?ons with Jay Hodgea. Caluia B*" Sm*" T'tb J- D. w Ml.. Mary Hill with s. B. Ether Mia. Elisabeth Hill with >J H Bonner. ' Rum'lTy0"" Burb*nk wllh William Mlaa Augu.ta Charle. with Will lam Patrick. Mlaa Alice McCullcr, with Robert r owle. Small" f r*?CM L*"r wlth Robert New rtrkU,h P"'0n *"h Sm*"' Mlaa Mary Clyde Haasel with Wll. Ham Knight. Mlaa Ethel Fowle with Herbert Bonner. . * Mr,. 8m?h P|rmouth w|(h Jam Cordon. Mr. and lira. N. L. Simmons. Mr. and Mra. C. D. Parker Mr. and Mra.,J. It. Nichoisou. Mr. and Mra. J. 6. Bragaw. Stags: Messrs Harry McMullen. Henry Mooore. George Hackney Mr Thomplon. Wlnaton-Salem. . Mr. Bland, ntipky Mount, p. s Worthy Mid William C. Ayers A Rtinftvrajr. A pony attached to a cart belong ing to Dr. E. M. Brown, on Teeter da/ wu frightened by an automobile and In conaequeace ran down Bon nor street at a rapid pace. Poriunatelf no one waa. hurt. Seed cotton, ?,??. ? ;? Lint eotton, Cotton eeed.^l.&O per hundred i ' .f'"1 >/ ITS TRUMP CARfl EjS&jj V 'J i f'-\ ?' 'v RAILWAY SYSTEMS OF FRANCE ALL 11R1) UP AND THE HHKELH OF INDlHTRY THROUGHOUT THE RKPIBLIC ARE STOPPED. DRASTIC MEASURE* TAKEN. Paris, Oct. 13.?Martial law prac tically existed ''throughout France tjpJay as a result or the great rail road strike which threatens to broad en into commercial paralysis touch ins every trade and completely shop ping the wheels of Industry through out the republic. Leaders In the strike this morning declared that by night not a wheel would be turning on any railroad system. k The minister looks upon thr. present strik0 as a political revolu tion rather than an industrial dis aster. So menacing do President Fal liees and Premier Briand derlare the situation to be that the. army today is on a war footing. . Nearly 10Q arrests have been made Premier^ Briand declared today that the strike leaders would be dealt with in a severe manner and orders were given to Jail men making in cendiary speeches. Paris feared a famine yesterday j snd today it faced one. j* The authorities said that so farj the suffering extended only to thej poor although the serious condltifeijB which will follow today will 'react upon rich and poor alike. 8lx strike leaders Including Mons. Lemerne secretary of the general, committee of tne strikers was ar-1 rested today at the office of the so cialist newspaper Hummanlte. arter J the police had been openly defied. I Mons. Jaures, leader of the social-| ists in the chamber of deputies and part of his fellow members gathered i at the office of the Hummanlte to dis cubs ,the progress of? the strike with the leaders. The police raided the office' but they did not secure entrance until ?fter _* ?tout resistance jftndix made" Afterwards Jaures denounced th| arrests. Foreign visitors in all th0 French cities are leaving as they are able. I The employes of the subway system ?f lhc *nd Medlterranena have voted to Join the strikers. All of the trunk railroad systems were tied up todsy slthough efforts wfere made to run trains uisng sol diers as trainmen. The employes of the Metro^cd s subway or Paris and the suburbs have declared In favor of the strike although no tirae was set fo?* the walkout. Poor Ijearner. The negro boy was up for the fifth time on a charge of chicken stealing.) This time the msglstrate decided to appeal to the boy's father. j "Now. sec Tere. Abe." said he to ,the dsrkey, "this boy of yours has] | been u?j In court so many times for, stealing chickens that I'm tired of 'seeing him here." "Ah don't blame you. sah," re turned the father. "Ah's tired o'see Ing him here, too." | "Then why don't you teach hin: | how to act? Show him the right way j and he won't be coming here." | "Ah has showed him tl\e right way sah," declared the eld man, earnest ly: "Ah has suttenly showed "lm de right way, but he somehow keeps getting caught . omln' way wld dose chickens!"?Central Law Journal. A gray day Is a pay day that falls to materialize. m 8 - ? PSy BopsiaE WITH AtCIOENT . % , William Augustus Respeas, Jr., the ' 11-year-old son 6t Mr. W. A. Iteapess had a painful if not serioaf accident yesterday afternoon. While his physician Dr. John G. Blount, thinks his Injuries are precarious^ he hopes thej will not prove se rious. ? Young Respess works for the firm ? of Rubs Bros., and yesterdsy after noon he attempted to ride horse back one of ^thelr hoses. They boy while riding on Market street met with the accident. The hone became unmanageable and he' was thrown heavily to the grounJ. .a falling the, foot of the hors? struck him on the back cutting qfiile a gash. He was knocked senseless. Friends seeing the accident took him at oncc to the Fowle Memorial Hospital and Dr. J. G. Blount warf called and medical attentlou prompt ly rendered. While his condition is some bet ter this morning he Is not yet out of danger The many friends of his parents and "also lil* friends hope that the wound will not prove serious and that h? will bouu be out again. No Reception. On account of the deatlFof Mrs. Nancy A. Russ. mother of Mr. C. W. : Russ, there will be no reception ten dered to the friend* at the marriage of Mr. C. W. Russ to Miss Lillian M. Warren "on Wednesday October 19th as originally planned. The marriage will be a quiet one In consequence of the bereavement in the family of the groom. While the Invitations announce a reception this will be dispensed with In con sequence of the death of the groom's mother. / Fifth HtterJ . The street commissioner and his V hands are now engaged in cleaning Fifth street. The work so far shows a decided improvement. Detailed Here Sergeant Wadington of the regu lar United States army has been de tailed to be in Washington on or about November 6 for a period of 10 days to instruct the members of Company G. His coming is looked forward to with pleasure by the members of this military organlatlon. Roosevelt at Peoria. Peoria. 111., Oct. 12.?Former President Roosevelt came up from the South Into Illlnol^ today. de nounced corrupt legislators, and commended work which the Catholic church is doing. Leaving St. Louis today he traveled across the South ern end of Illinois, speaking at sev eral places on the way. In Peoria he was the guest of the Knights of Columbus, to whom . he made a speech at a dinner tonight. It wss Colonel Roosevelt's first public utterance to Roman Catholics since the,. Vatican Incident last Bpring. He said that he favored the broad est measures of religious toleration. Colonel Roosevelt went to the Country Club for luncheon and then visited the home of Archbishop Spauldlng. A public reception to the Colonel followed. JUST ARRIVED! Big Assortment of >v" RICH CUT GLASS Prepare for the near approaching Weddings. ' See Window Display! Bowers-Lewis Co. TO(ter?t. IK? ? BualMt Sto-e, Watch Tomorrow's tA. DOBBip-FERRALL COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina's Leading Retail Dty Goods Store In vite yen to come to the GREAT STATE FAIR and HOME COMING JUBILEE WEEK, of Oct. 17-22,191*. Make oar |toce your Write your friends

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