? \ f: .1 v., ? Jf t SATURDAY AFTERNOON". OCTOBER 15, -NOW OB NEVER. Evftry Buropean tour will be * interested in this. ? Itlzea should be, too. Ths awarding of the Dally Hew? four fm, personally conducted conn of Europe will dep?n<L .wholly almost wholly, at least?ofron the accomplishments of the coming wock We mean that the winners win tided largeQr' by what la ?^dfcrlnK tbla present -er!od. er candidates have *oeOt-d ilied before, tbey are need f< own sakee to corner ?vtffythinj; In slfbt this week, coming that looks like a subscription if they Hop*'to win. Saram of th? eaadltatea tael quit* alone^ Id thatr campaign be eauaa tbor 4o not hafr great t? MR. BRUSH & -THE SPEAKER There will be a meeting of the Youqg Men'a Christian League at their Vrooms Sunday afternoon at 8 i o'clock to which both lad lee and gen 'tlemen have a cordial Invitation'. The exerclsfcs promise p> he Interesting and entertaining. No dou^t there will be a large number present as Hod. 8taphen C. Bragraw one of the city'a gifted speakers, faTlo make th# sddrseS v" I'1 arranged: I ^ ^ Opening Hymn: "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder." Prayer. ? " Hymn: "8helter In the tlm? of Storm." ? Scripture reading. .Prayer. . rS;. Hymn: "Wonderful Words of Life.!' OfTertpry. Addrees: "What. Washington Needs" by Hon. Slsphen ci -Brw gaw. Hymn: "Gome Thou Almighty - King." ' > - Benediction. Aeroplane* May Bad War. The, Now York Evening Poet says: That war will becqzqe Impossible In the very distant future Is the convjptlon of John Molsant. Ameri can airman, who caused astonish ment a few weeks age by flying from Paris across the British Channel with 'a passenger and then, after many delays and mishaps, reached his goal. Loddon. The gold cup which he won by this flight stands' on the center ta ble of his room In the Hotel Astor, where MolsantWs staying In prepa ration for appproaching flying cc&-. teeta. ' It Is only a question of a few years when war will be rft an end," he said today. "Tbere will be no great govern ments which, by their wealth and armaments, can overawe and over power small governments; all will be equal and this change will he the work of the aeroplane. 'You see a fleet of thousands of planes coula m: '"??? Cf th. d*. igs of' opponents, they are Inclined ten UeV.eve that | they have little opposition. >-There i in lierf a great mistake. Every * here .candldatee are hustling for scrlpUona?la the city. In the coun ty, In the state, and many are writ ing friends In other parte or the country. /Those who are makinfc this efTort right aow are *ise. Don't take our word If you don't cire to, but Just watch the final results and you'll eee we were correct. We know who's wofking. 'fviif'.-iA' \ !>?./ To the PabM*v Reader, hare you subscribed tor tl* Newa yet thia period/ Look -here: It only ooeta you 93 P?r year and then it's paid'for the entire IS montha. In addition this period al lows you 2;406 votes for ^our sub scrlhtlon If new. and 800 if yqp tf new for ? year. Think It over. Bee how they're voting. Which one seems the moet In earnest in your district? Why not encourage her with your subecriptnon and help keep the race hoi and the kettle boiling? he frullt for the money It costs to build ? modem dreafenaught, and such a fleet could destroy ft fleet of battleships with the greatest eftse. Just Imagine the effect of such ft fleet p&sslng, say, twice o*%r New York city." Moisant vis asked If one was so seen re In the ftlr that missiles or ex plosives could ho dropped with ac curacy. -Why, certainly'," he replied^ "I can steer my plane with ono hand, either the right of the left, can change hand* or look about me with glasses or anything'of the sort. When I talk about what can be done by the plane In war 1 sm Hiking about an accomplished fact, not a dream. oplftne practical; ft la only that we must put iflato practice. ' That Is only a question of time and of capital. People talk about shooting at flying machines from Che ground and warding off an at tack In that way. We can trarel 70 mllee an hour, and more than that soon, and can gp up. 5,000 feet or more. Can they hit us under those conditions? Of course not'' ANNIVERSARY OP NORTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY I Chapel Hill, N. C.. Oct. l4.?The celebration Wednesday of the 13th | ! anniversary of the founding the Un iversity Of North Carolina was no table fdr the presence of many of the suite's distinguished educanonat leaders State Superintendent of Public In struction J. Y. Joyner was among the other prominent vlfltoro. The exercise* of the d*y were sim ple and pleasant. Following the us ual custom the students assembled at the Alumni building and prompt ly at 10:.I0 o'clock headed by the University student band and the fac ulty, marched In the oWw or classes to Memorial Hftll. ? Preeient F. P. Venerable of the University made the principal? ad dress. The degree of LL. D. was conferr ed upon President D. H. Hill, of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College. Dean E. K. Grahanj, of the Uni versity. read the nftxnea of . those sons of the University who'had died during the A viatic n Is an elevating sport. Black Silk Waists ?pp ? These are the greatest values ever offered you. Ma terial of Tatfeta and Peau de Sole, trimmed with (nipops of tucks and buttons. A strictly mourning wifct $2.48. $4 00 and *5.M. Y" ? THE H/LiM-ART The Gdm Theatre H. O. SPARROW. toman .a & h TRADE LOYmLTY. > ;0;( ^flW. v So word appeal! mora strougly to the Brsge person than loyalty. We all love to be spoken of afr loy^fco family, friends, country and to our Ideala. Ve should slsjHnclude our home city. V M There la no ?leubt of our sincerity 1n thlgfled we would feel very much offended Were It questioned, but sHfcia lbyfclty always of the right aort; ia It lntelllgsnt and actir^B l* la aomettmee a aentlmental and pleating fancy with whS. we delude our selves? M. The happiness of the people of a city dopAa largely on tha prosperity of the community as a whole, rial this proaperlty depends In part upon^the amount of moneraslraut?tlng there. The more money the people aend away for tflpgs they can bny from their own merchants, the poorer the comMinity will become and conversely, the more they apend at horn* we more the place W1U thMve. J Do those who patronise dlatant mail ord?(rftoilflf?t erer think of the harm donrt If all the pet pie of WaakAtoi W>r Instance, should ignore the local merchants and for one freer bLy all their auppllea Id Chicago, Buffalo and New Y?rk, ihmt would be^'For Sale" algna on the city hall public school building and other pub lic Institutions. The samMrinciple applies td all communities, itfaa. W Patronage of home merchanta la the life of % *ity. These mall tfrder housee by offering attractive (?) premise wfch Indiffer ent goods, have drawn from us large amounts ??gnoney which. If apent at home, would Bare helped to pay fo^scbsiaJa. paring, lighting and general civic Improvement. OutsiW.baslaess houses do not pay any part of our city taxes. Stat. "Business la Business," some say. YSaf but business ia more 'than that, it la reciprocity, and it shonli be apparent to Keveryone with bualneaa dealings with thoee who are working for me same local Interests aa ourselves wilt be Tkt noi> productive of good, than trading with people* who are far kkay. who buy nothing rrom us and whose only Interest In Ottr community la the amount of money they can get out of It. v Do you recall when tlmee hare been hartTthat these mall order houses ever extended you credit to help you over the ITard places? Will they? Not In a thousand years?H*s 'money down, or no goods. The local merchants are the ones to whom we must then turn for assistance, but how csn we do so TwltlSgood grsce or reason unless we suppoy them In prosperous times? They are alert, intelligent and progreartve* and, ii given the opportunity, will sell hotter goods at the same/or lower prices, than the mall order houses can or will and deliver them at once? no express charges, no long delays.fno disappointment*. Let ua cease, then, enriching a ?w people In whom we have no sort of Intereat. at the cost of laatlng injury to our own com munity. Try aupportlng our own home business for*a time. Surely, loyalty,"-In this insance. means spend; your money at home, . .. ir1" ?T 1 ' ?? ?? ?? '? STEAMER LOST ? 111 NORTH SEA. Hartlepool, Eng., Oct. 14. ? The steamship Cranfort! has been lost la the North Soa with a heavy Icbs of life. ' " , Twentyflre ? bodies ^were wafhed ashore this "morning wearing Ufa belts Crknford. It is feared that al Ion board per ished. There are believed to have been 63 per*oris on the vessel. The washing ashore of a score of drowned senmen was tho flrst inti mation of tho disaster. The most of the men wore life belts marked with the name of Cranford which convinced the coast guards that the steamer had foundered in a gale at a. . , .' S Soon after five more bodies were washed ashore. St. A'tsr'g diuixh. Hcly Communion will be celebrat ed at this church Sunday morning at* 7:80 o'ejo^k. v There will be sermon with morn ing prayer at II a. m. and evening prayer with sermon at 7.30. p. conducted by the rector. Rev. Kath anlel Harding. Sunday school meets at 4 o'clock. E. ft. .Willis, Jr.,' superintendent. All are cordially lniAted to any and all services. Seats free. Good music. ' A Freewill Baptist. The Freewill Baptist will hold their monthly meeting in the conrt houser until thefr church building Is completed. % Elder J. T. Butler the pastor will each third Sunday. His first appointment Is tomorrow, both morning ~&nd evening. The public U cordially Invited to be present. j , First Methodist Choral , Regular terrlces at thl? church Sunday morning *0(1 evening at the utual hoar.' The pastor will oil hU regular pulpit. Good music. Sun day school meets at ?.o'clock, Mr. B. R. Mlion, superintendent; Mr. H. C. Carter, Jr.. superintendent. All ?tru^era In tm city are Invited. Po lite y&hers. CHINESE SEIZE THE AGENT Calcutta, Oct. 14.?China has crushed out the Jast vestige of the government of the once powerful Dalai Lama at Lhassa, according to advices received here from Thibet today. Chines^ soldiers seized the agent of the Dalai Lama and slprlted him away" to a Ferret hiding place, upon q warrant accusing him of conspir ing to send supplies to the Lama at Darjiling: An order of decapitation followed the arrest of the agent, but this was later caircllled for fear It would re sult in an ^outbreak. The agent Is an Abbot, 70 years of age and he had acted as the sec ular minister for Lama, who lived in the strictest seclusion. T*he arrest was the final step in the movement of the Chinese gov ernment to wrest the tremendous powers from the Uma'i government In Thibet. Teachers Examined Superintendent W. L. Vaughan of the . Beaufort county Public schools at the courthouse Thursday and Friday examined eight white, and twelve colored applicants for public school teachers for the com ing year. Christian Church. Preaching both morning and ?Ven ing by the pastor. Rev. Robt. V. Hope at the usual hours. Blbl0 achool meets at 4 o'clock, Mr. T. W. Phillips, superintendent. Prayermoetlng Wednesday even ln?. ? ' C >. ?*?,. ' Will Close % 8 P. M. Beginning Monday,' October 17th, the Palace Barber shop will close dally at 8 p. m. except Saturday.Y" Ht? Baptist rbarch. ^ He. J. A'. SnlllTmn, paator HrifyUy achool ?:4I a. m. 8. P Willi*, auperlntendtnt. Morning worship It a. m. Sarmou auijact: "Passion for aonls tha need of tha Hoar.4 ; Evening worship. ?:?? p. m. Bar moo a 11b]act: "Tha Books opaaad." BuMua will maat'Moadsr attar noost at * o'clock. I.adtea Aid Social Tuaadir i BOOB at ? o'clock Wadnoa^r ? v GOOD WOMAN PASSES Ml Another home la today saddened by death; another one after beinf permitted to travel the pathway ol life for a period of alxty years?do ing her Master's service, haa gone to receive her reward. While tears of love (all silently on her new made grave to day?faeavep la enriched her presence. Yesterday after noon' at 4:30 o'clock after servlnf her mission with fidelity and fully trusting her Lord, the sweet spirit ol Mlsa Callle Gabriel entered the char iot and rode to the Celestial city, escorted by Angels. Although ill for sometime she never complained ol her lot Her life was devoted to the pleasure of others and to the very last ahe gave the smile of consola tion to those less fortunate. . * The deceasod was born and retted In the town of Beaufort, North Car olina and for the past eleven years ?he has been a resident of Washing ton, living with her niece, Mrs. C. F. Bland, on East Main street. From thd first, as a resident of this cltv, she galhed the love and conHdenre tt those with whom,ahe mlnglod aud tbla #lendshlp ripened as tho yoais went by and now that she lies c Id in desth's embrace those who knew her best stand with bowed head near her resting place?for truly a -rlend Indeed has gone to that "Undlscov. ered Country." /' What they have lost, truly II j kven gains?for one more worthy never entered Into the city not made with hands. Mrs. Gabriel was a consistent metu ber of tho Methodist churth. Doing the work of 4ier Master was aiwiys her delight. In season and out of season she was always to the front whonever her health would permit. In recent months, although her health was such ahe could not at tend upon the sanctuary she was present in heart and alwayH glorlei - in the Wotorlee attained fer cause In Washington ai?J| etsewheer. Mrs. Gabriel's brother, Captain Henry -Gabriel, years ago, was in command of a schooner that plied these waters. He passed away In this city about twenty ycais ago and Bleeps In North Carolina soil. The deceased leaves one tister, Mrs. Bettie Fulcher of Beaufort and one niece, Mrs. C. F. Bland and two nephews, Messrs. 8amuel and Guy Gabriel, of this city, to mourn their loss. The funbrai took place this after noon from the Methodist church at 3.30 o'clock, conducted by.-.the. pas tor, Rev. M. Ts Plylcr. The Inter-, ment was In Oak dale cemetery.! The following were the pallbearers: i | Messrs. J. F. Buckman, E. R. Mixun.l George J. Baker, A. S. FulYord, R. j As. G. Barnes and Dr. A. S. Wells. A telegram was received by Mr. C. F. Bland today from Now York, stating thr.t Mrs. Fulcher's son, a nephew of the deceased, died in I New York from the result of an op-i eratlon and that his funeral would take place this afternoon ut 3:30 o'clock. The last Had rites over the re mains of aunt and nephew will occur1 at the same' hour. Cotton Market. Seed cotton, 5.50. Lint cotton, 14.60. Cotton seed, $1.50 per hundred pounds. I v | A Great Kale. A great sale took place at the Washington Tobacco Warehouse yes terday. It was witnessed by a large number. The prices received were moiQ than satisfactory to the farmer*. The market here has alresdy. dur ing Its short life fully demonstrated that it will be a success. Hararra Quartet. The ^aracca quartet of the Chrlat lan church will sing at the evening service tomorrow night. Everyone cordially Invited to hear them. The Gem Theatre. -Judging from the large crowds that attended the Gem last night and the applause thai the pictures Received there is no doubt but what i they are presenting tome of the fin est picture* that Itave ever been shown here. For tonight they have an excellent program and one that 1s sure t6 please both yooag and old. This the atre is to place more seetihg capaci ty next week aad many other Im prov?m*nu II h*T* on. of th? I pr&F LEADERS Government Claims the Strike Broken But Massing Troops MENANCED BY ANARCHIST OFFICIALS KEt'IjARK THAT THV HACKBOXK OF THE RAILROAD HTRIKK BAH BESN BROKEN? AHAROHiam Fl'tUilHH A M u M KNACK. Paris, Oct. 16.?Following official declaration that the backbone of the railroad strike had been broken and that the men would be at work on all lines within 4H hours the govern ment found a new menace today and immediately directed a drastic cru sade against anarchists. This ac tion followed a bomb outrage, the perpetrators of which escaped. Pre fect I^epine declared his belief that the exploders of the infernal ma chine would be in custody before the day was over, however. As far as known the labor leaders will not countenance the use of dy namite and it Is believed that they have no part In any anarchistic plans. That the government Is doubtful of Itrf own claim that the strike Is practically broken was m^de appar ent by the continued maasing of troops at strategic points. The situation showed Improve ment today except upon the south ern railway where the strike was scheduled to begin at once.' The qonfederatidh of union trades an nounced this morning that it would call out all the employes of tne build ing trades of thq- municipal subway, the tramways and the omnibus sys tem without delay. Complete compliance' with order they declared would tie up the whole city. Despite the most earnest endeav ors of the police they were unable to get a trace of the author of the Rue D^-Berryr,outrage. Stern precautions were taken not only in this city but throughout France. A dragnet was set for the capture' of the anarchists and radicals wln> took advantage of the present labor1 situation to cloak their real attack against law and order. / The military guard around }the of-1 flcial residence of President F^alllWes' was doubled today. Music ns a Medicine. According to men of high tnpdl c&T authority, it has beon decided and agreed that many of the ail ments of maukiml pack tip their grips and leave when subjected to the strains of Bweet mush*. Melan cholia is dreadfully afraid of a live-J ly nir and most disorders of the' "every day" sort take to their heels hs "tigers before Toddy" when the1 melody of a cheering song is heard.! Then banish tiiu doctors and "awAy" with medicines. for the' Jolly, good song- "Dear Old East Side"?is to go free as a feature of next Sunday's New York World. . This Is the song that has helped I draw crowds to the Hamuierstein's Victoria Theatre. New York, wffeer Gna Edwards's "Song Review* is to I full swing. To be sure of getting this rejuven ating song order next Sunday's World] from your newsdealer' In advance. Edison announces the invention of, an iceless refrigerator but all of them will bc that way soon. ERECT MONUMENT To the Memory of (be Boys Who Left the university FOUGHT IN CIVIL WAR THE DAUGHTERS OF THE CON FEDERACY ELECT OFFICERS? TO UNVEIL MEMORIAL TO BTU ' DKNTH WHO LEFT UNIYERSI TY TO FIGHT FOR LOST CAUSE Rocky Mount, Oct. 13.?The after noon session Daughters of the Con federacy today was one for the tranaactlffn of business and there were reporta from many of the out standing committees. including all of the monument committeee of the North Carolina dlrlalon. The Chap el Hill monument fund for the mon ument to be erected at the atate Un iveraity to the boys who left college to join the Confederate army and which baa been termed the "Boy Bol diera' Monument," waa liberally sub acribed to the convention and it ap pear* that all of the money will be in band at the time of the unveil ing of thla monument next year,. There waa alao a report from the educational committee and It wa~ ahown that the United Daughtera of the Confederacy of North Carolina have and con^l 14 acholarahlpa in various InatitqQma over the 8tate and that the aame are being uaed by the eons of descendants of Confed erate veterana. With the conclualon of the com mittee reporta the election of the atate officers waa gone Into. Mra. F. M. Wllllama of Newton, the preaent state president waa elected to sue ceed herself. Mrs. M. O- Winatead of this city waa elected first vice presi dent, Mrs. Joaephua Daniels of Ral eigh aecond vice president, Miss Car ry leaser of Mooreaville third vice prealdcnt. Mra. Thad Thrash of Tar boro, recording aecretary, Mra. W. C. Fein* him r of Newton correapundlng aecretary. Mrs. Robert Kornegay of Goldsboro treaaurer., Mra. William Creasy of Wilmington recorder of crosses, Mlaa Rebecca Cameron of HUlaboro historian, Mra. W. O. Shan non Henderaon. assistant Mlaa Hettie James of Wilmington chaplain. These officers are elected for the coming 12 months. Adjournment was taken at five o'clock. The local lodge entertained lr/ honor of the delegates and their hostesses In the Elks' hall. An ela)> orate affair has been planned aiU? the event will be one of the moat notable of the many royal recep tions tendered the convention. INwir Mr. Credit ix Dead Died a nateural death the other day at Baker's Studio. He is not to be grieved after. He never measur eAuii to his expectations. He has always been overrated. The policy lie advocated was not wise, and those who knew him best are rejoicing at his death. In the City. The News office was honored this morning by a call from Hon. J. Bryan Grimes. North Carolina's popular secretary of State. He was on his way to his farm In Grimes land and from there he will go to Raleigh to spend Sunday. Next week he will -resume his speaking tour as Outlined by the state execu tive committee. His many friends are glad to see him looking so well. rionday's Special ' 10 yards Aiidroscoggin Bleach ing, this day"Traly 89c. > - v - ? V" ' Bowers-Lewis Co? Bl|p?t, Bum lot Bto-e. Watch Tomorrow's Ad. DOHBIN'FERRALL COMPANY . Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina'* Leading Retail Dry Goods Store In vite you to come to the GREAT STATE FAIR and HOME COftftNG JUBII.EE WEEK of Oct. 17-22,191*. Make our ~at? Write

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