NO.? flit] PI ????,' ?? ** ABOAK^FORI ~ Sfbe who fisbta and runa "O "! not set the chance andther day." bat she who Is getting mil of t(?r friends to help her right sow will find tlut mora htandi will keep,pnlnr ?he is. rvg . fe.:. _ \ Friends of MToral of the contset UU hare Mill boon persistent and It would "boom la eteyiar until "toward tho finish In hopes of getting mor. rot*.' tor tholr subscriptions That's s grsve i take, ss the obtest I and Uu candidates ?aid to a csndl other day: "Sure. IH ?tve I w Mm ' I Now, his tstentloas msy hare been all rood, hot think what would hap pen to that candidate If all of her friend, had said that! She'd cer tainly bo left "waiting al the church" In the heat next summer Instead of sojourning In Europe, -a? PKPW1 - . I Lansing, lilch.. Sept 11?The pure food taetorles of tho Postum Cereal Co.. Lid. of Battle Crook. Mich., which are ylaltod by from If.000 to 18.0?0 tourists annually, entertained an unexpected rlaltor tho other day In the person of Slyree ter Oreuael, Michigan Slate Factory inspector. With M>e practiced and unsparing eye this state official Investigated the great gronp of factory buildings jrhere Poetum Cereal, Drape-Nuts and Poet Toatettes are manufactur ed. The reaalt of bis visit wss shown by the fottowlnc apodal re port which ho made to the Michigan State Labor Commission. si oner ot Labor and Statistics. Lea sing, Mlch.-toear 8lr: I .hare this day iBnt- |u. 1?H), carefully In spected every deportment of tho Ae tna Cereal Co . Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., aad I think they aro^ontitled to anv especially complimentary re port for the following rseaons: FIRST. All tho mechanical appli ances of this splendid factory are In perfect condition?everything safe-guarded. j SECOND. The sanitary conditions are of the ba^ Everything Is fur nished employees?fresh water, wash-rooms^ dressing sad toilet THIRD. With the large nu ot persons employed In the bi food department, th?e hare been no accidents. FOURTH I find tho statistics ef the wages paid men end women ere the highest I have found In any fac tory I have netted In Michigan. FIFTH. Thy do not eeggtoye be a pretty good Idea to importance of bjln* the fourth member of thl* party There'* no *ay of tell ing jrhat district the chaperon wtll be selected from, except that It la certain that the chaperon candldati i who seta tho greatest credit from subscription bellots win be the fert unate one. And It's also pretty safe ty assured that the chaperon candi date so chosen will hare the pleas ure of being accompanied by th? principal candidates as fdr any oth ers. and some one Is joins to win this extra trip. It wtll M the oat who accompltaba* the moat. Princi pals and their chape rones who are working together for success will head the lists at the end Of th? con .7) > "Opportunity Period" ends this week. Are you going to let It illp away from you without getting ail yo?r promises fulfilled? Is your tbscrlption-promising friend pytag let ydu loee this trip Oa his sub scription alone? That would be possible. Don't let tt happen. ?i<- Hesrry Voting. - - Mrs. strife |of district leadership. Me the vote sUndlng today. Where te your candidate? Why Isn't she thehd? You could put her there and keep her there by lust speaking to a few of your friends. Remember, her opportunities are fading. 1 '"U ""fcl ? ' ? child labor under 16 years of age. IT 18 A MODE^i INSTITUTION IN EVERY KESfpCT. > YoUrs respectfully, . (Signed) Sylvester Oreusel, Bute inspector. Poor Mr. Credit is Dead . ? Ls Died natoural %death the other day at Baker's Studio. He is jiot to be grieved after. He never/measur ed up to his expectations. He taa elways been overrated. The policy he advocated was not wise, and those who knew him beet are rejoicing at his death. Correct English. Don't Iky. "Between yon and I", It should;be' 'Between you and me." Don't any. "A new pair of4hoes"; It. should be "A'pair of new* shoes." Don't say, "If I am not mistak en"; It should be "If I mistake not." Don't say ""I had rather walk"; it should be, "I would rather walk." Don't eay. "If I was him"; It should be "If I were he/'N^ DonV say, "TO re/ weeks bsck"; It should be "Three weeka. ago," ) Don't My "On either aide of the street;" It should' be. "on each aide of the street. Don't say, "I am going across the bridge." It should be "I am going across the bridge!" Don't say, "How do you do?" it should be "How are you?" Don't eay,^ "1 differ with you," it should 1J% "f^Uffer from-yon." Don't say 'fin esse I succeed;" K should be* 4,'li I succeed." y ij... Don't say, "He Jumped off (he plat form;" It should be, "He Jumped from . tfie platform. 1 W-k a a ? J Bfcv;' Silk Petticoats ? A New Lot of Persian Ip? ' 'Silk Skirts at $6.00. The greatest woe ever offered. An extra heavy uvtliag Taffeta Silk Skirt, black only, special &98. Tjte Gem Theatre sms r mip Walter Wellman Sails o^Voyage Across' Atlantic in Balloon SENDS WIRELESS MESSAGES ACCOMPANIED BY A ORKW OF FIVK }CEN? INCLUDING WIRE LESS OPBIUTOB ? HEAD#* HUNTING FOR PATH OP S4HIP8. '2L'" Atlantic City. N. J.^O?> were recihrfcd during tho dey and the latest Indi cated that Wellman la Umlght eaal ly Willi *northeaa4ward off i uma i?u?a ihor*. ?? Tho ship, acwrdlK to this last word from her tlvaaturoiA can lm HI > northaaatarlj am with the Intention ot getting lata the northern ? lane ot tram-Atlantic lfn The mart of the America vm c of the moat dramatic event* thatl has ever occurred h? this carefree | resort of frequent sensations. Roundly criticised by.people who did not- believe that he would ever undertake what was thought to be a foolhardy venutre, Wellman startl ed the' whole Island by bringing the America out of the hanger and with out any oeremony going Into the air. It was about 4 a. tm. todpy that Ihe final decision to go up was made by Cfclat Bnflair Yj^iman. All night he watched the yeatber and as the dawn approached he de cided that aow was the time. Rous ing the other members of the crew who slept, in the hanging Vsnlman called Wellman and told him the time to start had arrived. Jumping Into his khaki uniform Wellman summoned the members of his family and soon 4as on the way to the Inlet In an automobile. TBe great gas bag. waa warped out of the shed,- the greatest care,being ta ken not to rip the heavy silken bag Finally It was put and Slmpns'aa oended to the top of the huge bag and release* the remaining lashings sad then came down. With everything ready for thai word "let go" the crew climbed upl and Into the car hanging from the) fballoon. The final "good-bye" was said to wives, other vrtatfre* and friends add the last word to the men on the ground waa given. The great Vaft gave a^lurch, all the rope* and cables became taut and the ship rose, slowly at first and then more rapidly aa It ascend ed higher' and encountered the gen tle breese from th? west. On the board walk and beach were assembled a crowd estimated^ at about 1,000. t 1m7. Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18, will be the last day tt J. JH. Hoyfs to, obtain votes on the Automobile in ihe payments of accounts. Votes will be allowed gs for caah purchases on payment of bills through tomor row and no longer. , I _ . . ' TM LOOM Bidder. The arm of J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Company were on lint Saturday alirht awarded th? cdntract to furnish tk? city With on* thou, ana barrels of cement at I1.S7 par barrel by the Improreaent Commit tee The JocM arm wer* the foweet Md 'V I outside or Wulvl The era est ts to) K ffJi v?.. 031. H._El?ht Injured, hv er*l 01 the$ "?robablr faUBjr. ud ?mulned minor In lurlet at tajj reiuftj of aonttiboiind M?A on the Baltl Railroad jumping embankment fht miles north oil bt. f runalng forty ml lea filled with passengers and Washington embankment. The fcnd over and the puwima, Manr of (phom were vo aboUt in great con fusion. ~ - A aald .to hare I A relfef ffiRta bearing the jnjur at 9 o'clock tonight. I Ud hi. '? Journal) ?kould b* a ?ood I In bettering the-) gains a Wring, points to consider: _ >wn on the map? Wbft1 cireft diher than our home folks? ? . /. ? What doof our town mean. Indus trially to tfc? South* What Is the rank In the Southern | development fame? Wbafa tie score? Are we realty In the game? . it Is nlmlghty important,, the position our town takes in this race | for municipal aupremacy. No town Is better than her men. No town ever wfent ahead without men to push her ahead. A lasy nfen allows his town to run to weeds?^lterally figuratively. . Weeds and crops do not thrive well together. M . 4 .. Weeds and town, development do not kar?uM?fc:Qtt*r Let'e cultivate our ground. There Is a reason tor our town being on the way or It would not be | there. Let us study our town a little. Find out why we are on thf map, , why you and 1 and our neighbors settled In this spot instead of some other. In making thla inquiry we probably -will discover reasons why other persons, other, business men, would like to live and do business In our town. We will discover our advantages. / After w? know, our town, let'a tell others; let'a paa sthe time around; send it abroad. Our private business is Important, and must not be neglected, but our general business interefts are in separably associated with the wel fare of the town. What can you do without corpo ration and organisation? v The anawer la?nothing. * , Farm Purchased. Mr. Robort G. Bogart. proplretor of the Oak Grove Dairy has purchas ed f ie farm of Mr. Mlnton Hod gee about one half mile from this" city on the Williams ton road where he expects to move hia dairy this week, mf- Bogart will also raise stock In connection with his milk business. Tbe Tsilwt Man. During the Civil War a captain of a company which had sixty men In Its ranks, none of whom were as energetic as th? officer, thought they should be, hit upon a plan which he believed would cure their habits ot lasineas. One morning after roll call the captain, addressing his com mand ssld: fy "I havs a nice eaey Job for the is*-] leat man la the company. Will fche | laziest man step to the front? Instantly 69 men^each took a step] forward. > "Why dtdn'j. you step to ths| front?" taqulerd the cdmmaade? of the one man whp did not come. ' "I Was too lasy," replied the 'eol dled.?-Philadelphia league. agccsv rs.Ji IIJW A Ranch Ijlaad Kills Stanley] Ketchell the Famous Pntiikt ? ) ??! una I POSSE CHASING MURDERER HHOOTiSG unwi) OX 1>U K ? EHSON'8 JIAJTCH. OOXWAV, MO. BAD Bl/OOD HKTWKES THE 1IKN?A WOMAN" IN TUB CAMB. MURDERER FLEEING Spring Held, Mo.. Oct 15.?Stanley Ketchell. champion middleweight pugilist of the world, died here to night at 7:05 o'clock, as a reeuitof being shot today by Walter A. Harts a ranch hand. The ahooting took plaoe on the ranch of K. P. Dlckereon, a friend of Ketchell. near Ooqway. forty allee east of here. /. An hour before be died Ketchell regained consclusnasa. There was then thought to be a alight chance tor his recovery Hta condition soon took a decided change tor the worse/however, and th? ead cm quickly. The pugilist died In the Sprtagflc.^ hoepttal. where he had been rushed after removal from Conway on a apodal train chartered by Mr. Dick* e^eon. Thro* physichfas ware on the train An operation waa performed on Ketchell at he ranch house In an at tempt to locate the bullet. It was not found. Out in the wooded hills eaat of here. Harts, Ketchell's slayeif, heavi ly armed Is fleeing before a pack of bloodhoudds and a posae of officers and cltlaens. tpickeraon haa placed a price of $5^)00 on his capture. BKKN IK 11.1. rOR A WEEK BIT HIS rmiENIM AJfD RELATIVES THOUGHT HE HAD ALMOST RKOOVKKKD?H* WAJ PKOMINBNT IK POUT1C8. Fort Dodge, Iowa, .Oct. 15^?Unit ed States Senator Jonathan Prentiss Dolllver died of dllltatlon of the h^irt. caused by an attack, of acuta indigestion, at his residence at 7:30 o'clock tonight while (being rubbed by an .osteopath physician. ^ Senator Dolllver's death was unex pected by his relatives and close friends, who thought that he had al most entirely recovered from the at tack of indigestion *(!th Which be had been suffering for a week. Senator Dolllver bad been up all day and had made a trip from his residence down town. He told several of the men that r he met that hfe believed that he had completely recovered'from the indis position which followed his trip Into Wisconsin on a speech-making tour for Senator La Follette. While working over Senator Dol llver the osteopath physician wu of Ing an instrument to Uten to the Senator's heart action. TJie physi cian unexpectedly discovered that he was no olnger hearing heartbeats. He at flrat thought that his instru ment *wbs faulty. An examination revealed that his patient was dead. County Canvsu. The Democratic County canvass began today. The first appointment vill be at South Creek tonight at 8 ?'clock. Tomorrow morning at 10 >'clocl?, the candidates will address he people at Idalla and at Aurora :omorrow night 8 o'clock. They ex >ect to be a Bonnerton Wednesday >Ctober 19 at 10 o'clock. Corepolnt Vednesday at 3 o'clock and at Ed vard at 8 o'clock, Wednesday night, t Is to be hoped that 'large crowds vlll greet the candidates at all these tppointments. It behooves every citizen of the ;ounty to attfe^id and heap the Issues liscussed. The appointments of the candl lates will be given through the col lmns of this papey dally until the losing date. Coming Wedding. The Dally News acknowledges the ?ecelpt of the following invitation: Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ecklln "equest the obnor of your presence at the marrisge of their cousin Olive Cornelia Wlcka to ' Mr. Alfred Clyde Harrison >n Wednesday erenlng, the twenty sixth of October one thousand nine hundred and tea, at eight o'clock. Christian Church Washington. North Carolina Reception from 9 to 13 p. m.. 613 East Main street. The plumber saves a lot of money by being able to do his own repair work.?Chicago News. Some men try to ssve money by not paying their debta. Tuesday's Special $1 00 Flannelette , Night Gowns, colors white, pink and light blue, one day only at 89c Bowers-Lewis Co. f \ . *? > ? > i i ii ??? m COMPANY *S Raleigh, N, C.