WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 19, IVlt. BUILD EN TKJUUFIC HE8ERVE HpBOE ? THAI S WHAT IT ffM BE AH SniiftwroAaiMi HOT RACE SOW. Soma daya are not aa good as ott ers In a great man! lines o( human endeavor, but Is the great tour con test the dlys all mm to be good, and as tbe days pas* and the sub script tons keop rolling In, It becomea mora and mora evident that this < on test will eclipse everything of tfca kind ever More attempted In thla section ot the country H The double rote oiler seems to bare stimulated a* contestants wad their legion ot friends to a redoub ling of their eSorta and every |n cation now la that tbe second period. Ilka Its predecessor, will be a record Every hour at their disposal la be ing utilised by the wise candidates in adding to their isaetat strength ot ?pedal ballots during this hsrvset tine, when the subeerlptlona hare their greatest worth. ? And Just hare let us aaaare the reader that enbaerlptlone now win be more valuable to the candidate ot your choice than at any other tlaa during tbe conteet. Of course. It makee no dlfferi to as whether you turn your sub scriptions arer to yonr candidate t Period or %azt, but tt will make a dlf Makee Appeal. _ j Are you baying your winter glad rtfi from' J. K. Hoyt's big depart ment store T Then please deposit your votes for BM. ;? ' ^ Ages ago, the only vsfclcle of con sequence in Washington was the old "Jolt and^tfTWft*^MlrYe*I name of this obsolete old cyrjrall was "#mmesrille and Washington." but thfe facetious co^nomep being pecu liarly appropriate gained a much wider currency %nd the passenger who achieved, his destination with out being "Jolted and wlggled**.ij| of existence was ever afterward re ferred to as a person ef*Indla rub ber constitution, and cast troo^erve. I .hope you -are not thinking that about me, but as I'm expecting to be president of this republic some, day, I thought 1 had better get ac-1 climated to the fierce, white light of puMldty aa soon as possible, and, anyway, when a little boy like me goe*Into town, he has to mass aa awful big splash to get people to take him seriously. The old "Jolt and wiggler' will ntver Jolt and wiggle apy more. Bat the vision of ?"yours truly" riding around in a| /real ^automobile, all painted re<L figures in my imsginatlon like the "Aurora Borealls" In a northern sky. Now please bear in mind, and cast your ballot* for a small, but well ference to her, and If you went to fire her the biggest booet you can for the 'subscription you feel able to adrance,~iake oar advice and see that the money la In her hands In time tor her to get In the Dally News office before 9 o'clock on Saturday even ing of this week. ?"<?* "i V'jfc WUl be Won This Period. , In all probabUKy the free Euro pean tours will be won daring this double-vote period.. Of coarse, it is possible for some candlate to make unprecedented gains the lsst week or ten. day* of the contest, but It Is safe to wager that the girls will win who do the beat hustling this period and who have the beat stffcport from their friends. ' Realising this, all of the candidates so far as heard from this week, are everting themselves to ther utmost to pile up a big rseerrs rote between now and the evening of flaturdsy, in order that they my hare a total sttflldently large to win a mem bar ahlp in the personally conducted tour of Europe at the close of this friend ly struggle. -v The candidates and tAe public In general eeem to be more Interested then ever in this contest this week and the score In the paper la watch ed each day as cloeeiy as are tt?. re turns from an important national election, and, in fact, the reeult will be more important to more people who call this sectiott their home thsn is the reeult of a presidential lytic.. meanttag fellow citizen mimed 2t GEORGE TAYLOR. Accepts PqiIUoil The Gem Theatre -baa been auc coeefu) in eecartng the aervlcea of Miss Mae Ayere as fhanlst for the coming season. Miss Ay?re succeeds M1ss? Clsrg Kelly, trtoo has.beaa ren-1 daring qpnio very appropriate music for this piaj house, whila the many friends of Miss Kellr regrets her more and trill greatly be missed the management Is to be congratulated in securing her snccessor, Miss Ay era, who is a graduate of several musical colleges and conservatories. To Orgamlae Clubs. At the request of the county chair man and also the state chairman of the Democratic Executive committee Mr. Norwood L. 81mmona will apeak at Edward. Blounts Creek and Gllaad School House with the Democratic county nominees for the purpose of organising Democratic clubs at every precinct. He will perfect the organisation ot the clubs after ea$h speaking. W. C. RODMAN, Chairman Co. Dam. Ex. Com. A thousand dollars given to char ity will not counterbalance a 10 eant theft. "HOUSEHOLD NEEDS* All Linen Damask Table Cloth, lengths 2 1-2, 3 and 3 1-2 yards, prices $3.00, $3.75 up to 15.51 per Cloth. ? Napkins to match from $2.50 up to $5.M. Beautiful line oi Table Cloth at 59e., 85c., $1.00, $1.25 and f 1.50 per yard. ? 3S - Napkins to match these $1.00 up to $4.00. All Linen Lunch Cloths $1.39. Fringed and Hemstitched Napkins $1.25 to $3.00 pardoz. ^ ?' I -A. Elegant Bleached Damask Towels for decorative purposes 50c., $1.00 and $fJ0 each. See Show Window. the Gem Theatre CUT OFF BY STORM Havana Swept by Wind and Flood; ?kd Ports Cat off HEADING UP THE COAST Willi REACHED A V?IXX?f?Y OP I SO MILES AN HOIK AN1> HIGH SEAS FLOODED STREETS AND DEMOLISHED MASK STRl-O. Havanna, Oct., 18.?The Island of I Chba has probably sustained the [ greatest material disaster 1a all her I history in the practically Continuous cyclone which bepro with light rains on Thursday mo rain*, develop ing Into torrential floods and derast j hurricanes and continued until' Ithta evening. The western half of the island suffered more severely The first cyclone, of which there 'as some warning had hardly abat ted on 8unday night when suddenly the cyclonic blasu swept over Matan aaa, Plnar del Rio and Havana pro vinces, completing the destruction [wrought by the first storm. At ? o'clock tonight the rain was I still falling In frequent Mary gusts but the wind has abated considerably [and the sea was falling. . It Is Impossible to estimate even I roughly the amaqnt of daaMge which doubtlees will aggregate msay mil lions of dollars. iH addition to the great destruction to sugar and to [bacco plantations, ' many thous of peasants In the three weet lern provinces have been rendered I homeless and destitute by the loeqi of their tyomee and the food chope. I It now seems possible tfcat^the re public may -be compelled to request International aid for the relief of those sufferers whose condition Is most deplorable. In the city of Ha vana the losses probably will exceed I a million dollars. Few fatalities np to the present (have been reported. Three men were drowned. in the I harbor, but no deaths from the I storm occirfred In the city. It Is probable however that the casuslty list in the Interior wyi be larger. | ' For hours-durUg thy ai&ht and all (through this morning Cuba was ln^| [the grip of a storm which ijlew up with great violence from the soutb l.west and attained. Its greatest force !| shortly before noon. Then the wind shifted to the west land the sea began to rise, the waves (sweeping in upon the city. WithinH an hour the pounding of the waters had broken a breach through the | Malecon sea wall. The waves quickly Increased to I mountainous height engulfing the Malecon driveway and flooding th^ (handsome residences facing thereon [for a distance of s mile. The waters still rising Invated all (the seawart^ part of the city, until 3 o'clock In the afternoon when the section bounded by the Malecon, the Prado and Boulevards Caliada de Oallano and Animas were several | feet under water. The residents of the lower floors I were driven to seek refuge on higher levels, while hundreds were rescued to the submerged districts from the buildings that threatened to collapse | at any momeht Vedado, a residential suburb, was || exposed to the full fury of the storm. The sea advanced some hundred yards inland, demolishing many small structures and probably caus ing loss of life. ;/ The Jail, at the foot of the Prado, I was completely surrounded by wa-, ! tar *nd the prisoners, mad with fear', clung to the barred windows clam orously demanding to be removed to a place of safety. I Armed guards held them in cheok [until the water began to recede. ^ L At the height of the storm the great waves beached clean over the ramparts of Moro Castle. Thqr trolled w#h terrific speed up the bar | bor,'tumbling over the seawalls ln dulating the streets in the lower part of the city, carrying away many of the small craft slong the shores land swamping many lighters which | escaped the blow during the earlier I hours. AU the steamers la the harbor I remalaed at anchor. The baffe containing all the out fit of the divers , working on the wrack of the old battleship Maine I was oarried away aad stranded on I the rocks of Morro Csstle. soldiers of tte. fogt I la MTtii? DEAD I., Oct., 17.?Julia | Bowed under rn ysa*s, the noted philanthropist and author succumb ed today attack of pneumonia. The end came peacefully lu hor aum mer homt'.iMe. Her riA&jtaughters were at tha bedside wjpu *Jrs. HCwe passed away, but lesson wan absent. T&a funeral wi |>e held at the Church of the Unitarian In Bos ton, Thw ~>tnew her intimately HowS's unfailing op ? great source and sup lifold activities. Born ? of New York city i q?fe, sho showed Le avidity for' stu r literary tastes. TEliULW JTARTED 18.?-Thst some of i which started from International race Gordon Bennett cup, > or Slight near Chl I probable because southwest wind and i outlook was kept for started out as IF city and there had ? in the wind early to ll them itota this course. ^Were that the winner I Canada instead of sail I did the contendere last |' r FEDEML COURT MET YESTERDAY r The October term of the \7nite<T States Federal Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina met at the courthouse yesterday morning at 11 o'clock with Hla Honor, Judge H. O. Conner of Wilson, N. C., pre siding, and District Attorney H. F. Sea well of Csrthage, representing the government. As there was no grand Jury for the term there was no charge from the judge. The following cases wore disposed of: / United States vs Jsmes Griffin. Beaufort county. Distilling. Continu ed to next term. United States, vb James Corey. Martin county. Distilling. Continu ed. United States vs Joseph R. Corey. Martin county. Distilling. Continu ed to next term for defendant. United Statea vs James Whjtley. Pitt county. Retailing. Defendsnt plead guilty and judgment was sus pended as he hsd been tried and convicted for same ofTense In the state court. United 8tides vs Henry 8taton. Pltt^county. Retailing. Defendant plead guilty and discharged from eustody. This completing the business as of this term, the qourt adjourned in the afternoon. The next meetin the court will convene on the third Ifonday in April 1911. The Preepects Fine. Mr. Norwood L. Simmons returned this morning on the Washington and Vandemere train from the north side of the river when ha spoke with QM Democratic county candidates and organised Democratic clubs at South Creek, Bonnerton, Idalia and Aurora. He reports the Democrats are in terested. aggressive sfed energetic; that all factional wounds have been healed and that the present eondl-' tlOM foretell the M(|M Democratic majority In those preclude ?tnc? nl?*erl?m" waa abollabed from North Carolina politics. ?t the apparatus. PreeledBt Oomea Halted the Intw <1 Dated eectiona amd directed the work ?t reeace. . J, , ?* I Instead of Ulkfng some men vmiM rather get mitM a ad II*. ftp ABANDONED WeUman and Crew Rescued don Way to NewYorkofi Steamer HE SIGNALLED FpR HELP HALLOO* WA8 8IGHTKD IN DI8 TRKfcS AT 9 A. M.?ASKFJ) FOR ASSISTANCE?NO OFFICIAL IN FORMATION AS TO HOW HAL LOON WAS WRECKED. New York. Oct. 18.?The dirigible balloon America, carrying Walter WeUman and a crew of five In an at tempt to reach Europe. by trana-^t lantic flight, haa been wrecked at aea and abandoned. \ WeUman and hla entire crew have been reecued and are on their way to New York on board the steamahlp TJrent, of the Royal Mall 8team Pack et Company line, plying between Ber muda and New York. Thia newa waa conveyed In an official report from Oaptaln Down, of the ateamer Trent, to hla office In New York today In the foUowlng message: "At 5 a. my today sighted Well man airship America In dietraes 81gnalled by Morse code that she r4 Qulred asslstance and help. After three hours maneuvlng with fresh winds blowing, rescued WeUman with his enUre crew and cat. 'they were landed safely on board. All are well. The America waa abandoned In latitude 35 degrees 43 minutes north longitude 68 degrees 18 min utes west." Captain Down later notified his compsny that the Trent would ar rive In New York tomorrow. Ac cording to the description given him of the disaater to the airship she was abandoned about 260 miles north by east of Cape Hatteras. From 12:45 p. m. Sunday until Captain Down's message was receiv ed shortly afternoon today the Atlan tic had been swept from wireless sta Uons along the coast. The America was last heard of off Siasconset, Mass. At fifteen minutes of one o'clock Sunday, afternoon Wireless Operator Olnn in the Marconi's Company's station at Siasconset sent a query directed to the Aiperica, "asking if all on board were weU. The reply, very feeblo and ,lndls [tlnct, came back. It consisted of the I'single word "Yes." It was then estimated that the America was from 100 to 300 miles east of the Massachusetts coast, al though her exact location was doubt ful. ' At that time and since the weather bureaus have reportfed mild weather 'off the^Atlantlc seaboard with the ex ception of an electrical storm of Sa Ible Island, 100 miles off the ^ova Scotian coast. Although no official advices have been received aa to how the balloon was wrecked. It Is believed thst It fell a victim of the Sable Islaftd electrical Btorm and was wrecked) In a tempest of lightning and sharp, contrary winds. The America had evidently been blown faf out to sea 'and drifted down towards the waterways to the harbors along the coast between Bos ton and the southern ports. At 11 a. m. Sunday a message was received at Siasconset which Btated that the motors were shut down ow ing to the dragging of the equiblla brstor In the water which gave the airship a Jarring motion Injurious to the engines. At that time It was reported that no damage had been done and no menUon waa made of bad weather At noon SUnday the last message but one from the America stated that WeUman believed he was southwest of Nantucket. The America was equipped with all Instruments used by navigators and many , had been especially con structed. Among these was a barometer for the forecaatlng of future weather conditions. Mr. Qurgaaas m. The many friends of Mr. O. O. Our ganus, on Eaat Seventh street wUI learn with regret of his serious ill ness with typhoid fever,' Tfc^ Newt wishes for him a speedy recovery. *M? cotton. - f.t*. '? ?' Lint Cotton, 14 :M. Cotton Ml mt kuM, 1.H Are you interested in the success of the Deu.v, li Jl. k - - ... * , 1 "?2: *V?&' "i -fflSVjt-'l ?-.* ?' CO. SUPT5. bmEtm i EET HERE OCT. 25 The Northeastern Division of County Superintendents consisting of twenty counties, of which Beau fort ir one will hold its annual mi ins in Washington on the evening or October 16 and October 16. The following are members of this divis ion. nearly all of whom are expected to be present: Bertie county?R. W Askew, Windsor. I Camden cdunty?G. H. Spencer, Camden. Chowan oounty?J. O. Alderman. Tyner. Currituck county?J. M. Mewbern, Jarvlsburg. Dare connty?W. B. Fearing. Man pm Edgecombe county?R. q. Klttrell, Tarboro. Gates county?T. W. Cos ten. Jr., Sunbury. , Halifax county?A. 8. Harrison. Enfleld. Hertford county?T. E. Browne. Ahoskle. Hyde county?8. J. Beckwlth Lake, Landing. Martin county?R. J. Peele. W1U iamston. Nash oounty?R. E. Ransom. Nash ' ' tNIH Northamptou county?P. J. Long. JacksonT Pamlico county?V. C. Daniels, Oriental. 'JL T Pasquotank connty?O. A. Little, Elisabeth City. Perquimans county?W. G. Galth er, Hertford. Pitt county?W. H. Rsgsdale. of Greenville. Tyrrell county?R. H. SprullI, Co lumbia. Washington county?Van Martin, Plymouth. Superintendent W. L. Vaughan. secretary of the Association, Is plan ning to have the superintendents en-j tertalned in the homes of our peo ple. Through the kind assistance of Mt-b. D. M. Carter of the local Bet terment Association homes have al ready been procufcd for u" number of them. If there are those who would be willing to assist in the matter, they should not wait to be approached, but see Mrs. Carter or Superintendent Vaughan. Last year this association was treated royally in Greenville, andr Washington does not Intend to be outdone in hospitality. The Cham ber of Commerce, through I to ex ecutive committee Is arranging for a banquet on the evening of the 26th at Hotel Louise, at which will be present a number of our citizens. It is to be hoped that the citizens of Washington will assist in the mat ter. In Port. The schooner Venus, Csptain Will iam Payne In command, arrived In port last night from Wysocking, Hyde county, loaded with corn, cot ton and oats. Prayermeeting. There will be prayermeetlng servi ces in all the different churches of the the city this evening at the usual hour to which the general public la cordially invited. PLEADS NOT COILTT Dr. Crippn on TrW in Loodoo For Murder of His Wife DEFENCE HAS SURPRISE THE FAMOUS TRIAL HTABTED IN OLD BAILEY COURT?THKONC KI> WITH MEMBERS OF BOTXI HK.VKN?DRAMATIC SCENE ? CROWN'S ATTORNEY CAUSES A SENSATION m London. Oct. 18.?"Not guilty, myt Lord." With these word* spoken In a tense low voice by Dr. H. H. Crippen, the La merle an physician, charged with the murder p( his .wife, Mrs. Belle Elmore Crippen, the American music hall artist, the Internationally famous trial was started in Old Bailey court today. Crowds thronged the streets bs fore the ancient court and In which 'scores of fashionably dressed women ' who were frank In their expression of disappointment because Miss Eth el Clara LeNeve, -charged with btUg accessory after the fact, was not pres ent. she will be arraign*! later. It was a dramatic scene, with the background set In a mass of human ity. The crown's prosecutor. Mulr, caused a sensation as he1 opened the case. "We charge that this man wil fully murdered his wife In order to get her money and remove her as Ihe obstacle which prevented his marriage to Ethel LeNeve, his typist," thundered the king's coun sel. Crippen was brought to Old Bailey In the prison ran along with other prisoners. He apparently felt no fear for he calmly gazed about him during the ride from Brixton jail to the court house. There were leas than 10^0 seats available but nearly 5,000 applica tions had been made. A shade of anxiety passed over the face of the diminutive prisoner as, daintily attired in a frock coat of gray trousers, he took his seat. He waB groomed in strict taste without being flashy. Always a place of utmost solemn ity the scene presented In the crowd ed court chamber today was almost Sepulchral. Lord Chief Justice Alverstone at tired in his black gown and hia great toweling wig of white, gazed solemn ly over the room. Crippen from his position between his counsel, barristers A. A. Tobln, Huntley Jenkins and Arthur New ton arose when called to the bar and walked before the chief justice who had decided to preside because of the importance of the case. His plea in, he returned to his seat and cast a quick glance about the room, while the king's counssl began the speech upon which depends in great part the life or death of the doctor. Are in the City. Captain B. F. Pickles and wife, of Oriental, N. C.. arrived in the city yesterday from Belhaven on their way home. While In the city they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Archboll. corner of Bonner and Sec ond streets. The girl who hesitates may be lost In thought about her wedding dress. Thursday's Special . ? ? ? ?. . -*? Cotton Down Tints for Baby Cribs, Beautiful Silkaline Covers, one day only $1 39. Bowers-Lewis Co. DOBBINFERRALL COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. North CuMim't Ltodiagl Tito you to contetotfc* COMING

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