First CAROLINA. TtlUOSuAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 27, ???.?55 p . " NO. 72 ' , _ = OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA YOU SUBSCRIBED? THIRD PEBIOD VALUES ';rm I v.lui ml Tlilrd period opportunism uw ehpplng aw?y! Remember, delajr la duigeroua, aod ah* who Is waiting tor the "laMfc" mar he mighty I ?hp didn't get the h If heat vote 1 for tlx* subscriptions she turnod In. Nearly every ono In Washington ha? been watching the clow race here, with ltever a thought to the outside territory. It would- pay to take a look st the prepress, of the r%cetn aome of the oatslds districts and *??? who's goldg to provide the chaperons candidate who la success ful. ' Local pride should he as much a feeture la >ir contest as snythlng else, and in many sectiohs of ths territory of the Neva It Is so. There are several cosamunltissjjut of the city snzious to not only havs their favorite candidate a tour win ner* but they are a|ao working to have her chaperone elected. Boms of this territory is going to be fortunate enough to be repreesnt ed on this trip by two young women ?the district winner and her chap erone. It's up to the public to help * ~ Spirited Voting. Enthusiasm U stiU In evidence, work la atlll going on. people are still subscribing?and they're going to continue doing so U long as this contest lasts. The contest bus been a success so far; It has been all and more than we expected BUT IT'S TO BB MORE, aftd II yon haven't sub scribed and your candidate loses this trip ITS YOUR FAULT! .7** I lt'a getting oool now and it's pret ty hard to coaceire the hbnt of next nrner here at hotne when Just now lt'a almost shivery cool. Bnt it la going to be hot next summer. ?* ly hoi here. Do yM want to MM main home sweltertng in the k?et. or enjoying rides and walks through the grand, historic old scenes of Englsnd. Scotland. I^anoa and Can ada? The trip in wafting for you. Just psck your trunk and an*: "I'm going." then get busy and make theee final few days count. This period ends Saturday night at ? o'clock. Out of-town districts will ho allowed Monday of nest week on this period. Come now, everybody boost for the final ruah! Ci.fe ?' More Gases Disposed Of .The following cams have been dis posed of In ths Superior Court: Stats tb Tom Wesbldgton. Pleads 8tate *s Jos Oreen. Retailing. Ons month on the county roads. " State vs WlTltim Koofclr u? Drt Id Dixon. Injury to property. Guil ty. Sentenced to the roads for a pe riod of two years. S State* 'vs. Stephen Gesklns.Ahan donment. Not guilty. Bate vs. Clauds Sstchwell and Bry ant Moore. Affray. Not gnitty. Stat? ys James Gsy. -Larceny. Pleads guilty. Sentenced to public roads for (osr months. State rs James Moors. Larceny. Guilty. Sentenced to the public road for four months. State vs William Griffin and Ben). Freeman. Affray. Griffin not guilty. Freemen net guilty Stats rs Clifton 8aunders. Larcey. Pleads guilty. Sentenced to the pub lic roads for one ysf*. State W: George Van koom. Re tailing. Not guilty. Stats rs. C. M. Willis. Selling goods ,011 Sunday. The Judgment was that the defendant pay the fine and cost In the mayor's court. Character la - The clear, eligible style denotes a calm, prudent, reflective' and gentle disposition; serious strong-minded, painstaking and reliable. The dashing styls, more or 1ms il legible, Indicate* a lively, vital, im patient. Imaginative disposition, at times si most a genius. In sucl^ peo ple ths tempsr is often violent, but of short durstlon. They are snthus 1 as tic, charltabls and whole-hearted. A fine, regular formation dsnotsa order, precision, beauty and original ity. Even temper. sflM-control, ex actitude sad consistency, are as a role, a part of uuch a person's Indi viduality. The irregular, uneven styls lndl cates, am 8chool and Mr. C. W. Wilson of the |JSast Carolina Tcalnlng School. Greenville, snd Mr. R. L. Raneon of fcaah County, besides several local ?peskere. Of couiW. education was the prin cipal theme discussed and it waa han dled by experts who hnve endeavor to further this great cause tn North Carolina. ?YM+ following menu was served and was pronounced by all present par expellence from an - eplcurlan ?Intr" Oyster Cocktail Oonsumme Printanlere vee 1-0 Baited Almonds Broiled Salmon -Trout. Anchovy Sauce. Pommese Saratoga Chips 8mothered Young Chicken, a la Vic toria Panache Glac'e Virginia Dare Wine Lobster 8alsd. Mayonnaise Dressing. Chocolate Ice Cream Fancy Cakes Roquefort Cheese Toasted Crackers. Cigars Cigarettes After Dinner Mints. ?92&X Townsman Oppointedi Mr. Norwood L. Simmons has been appointed leader In this countv fori the Young Men's Movement. The com muqlcatioa from Chairman EMer'of the 8tata Democratic State Exec itlve Committee follows: Raleigh. N. C.. Oct. 22. ?M0. You hare been {appointed the lead er of four county In our ?tate-wtde "Young Man's Movement." Saturday, Pet. 29th has been designated a* Young Msn') Day. Our speakf-rs. newspapers und others will address the young men upon some phase of their worth, their splendid services am] glorious promise. ! am mailing you today a -nations* hand book foryour use, and am tend* Ing to you by express fifty state h-nd hooks. These ybn will giro to yodr township fcnd locel "leaders ut once. You are to appoint at least one .ead ot In each precinct or jocsl sroTf.e English channel waa again ?ucceMf?Uy cross ed today by an aeronaut. The Morn ing- Post airship which started from Moiasom. Francs, at 10 o'clock in the morning passed Brighton at t: 15 ?'clock this afternoon, en route for Alderahot. Orsat crowds lined the route ta kcn. The machine Was In perf^et work ing order snd undsr complete con trol* As It sped through the fir orer Us house tops many gased at It In wonderment. .X J;. V The hum of the motor* usually gave the first notice of Its preeence In ths iky. At Brows'i Oper?i Howp I We hare secured Brown's opera house for the speaklnft of Dr. Booker T. Washington. Nor. t, 1110 at fr o'clock p. m. Admlsetoe fee 26c. reserved seats 60c You WlO miss a treat If yon fall to hear htm. Secure your seats early. One Hal* of the seats reserved for white people. O. BA0KDBR8, Chairman*ot Business League. REV- C. B. A8K5'? /, k >. Secret itr. Will Speak This Evening Last night was a gala one for I Washington. At the Opera house' President Robert H. Wright, of the Eastern Carolina Training School, of | Greenville delivered an address which |was followed by & talk from Miss Lillian M. Phelps representing the Katibtokf Woman's ?hfliilia*Teni per ance Union. Rev. M. T. Plyler of the Methodist | church was the chairman of the mSeet lng and introduced both speakeife of the evening. | The Dally News takes pleasure in |announcing that the addree not Pres ident Wright will Appear In full in this paper tomorrow. Th^ subject he discussed was "Pub lie Schools as They Relate to Civic I Life." i The paper submitted by the distin guished visitor was listened to with close attention and the subject mat ter was so valuable that the man agement has decided to give It full spsce In tomorrow's Issue. ' After president Wright had Anlsn ed a quartette consisting qf Messrs. | Z. M. Potts, R. 'Lee Stewart, John | Smith and Lyndon Shaw favored the laudlence with a selection "Tell Moth-1 er I'll Be There." The quartette was encored and rendered the old famil iar hymn "Jesus Lover of My Soul." | | The next feature of the program; for the evening was the presentation; I of Miss Lillian M. Phelps of the Wo jman's Christian Temperance Union, 'she was-Introduced by Rev. M. T. | Plyler of the Methodist church in I words appropriate to the occasion. Miss Phelps is a woman of com manding presence and address. The1 | Daily News will not attempt for a i moment to give a full detail of, herl adlmlrable address. Suffice it to sayj | nothing has surpassed it in Wash : lngton from a temperance standpoint. | Miss Phelps has her argument at her flhgers end and does not fail to pour hot shot Into the argument of the| anU-prohioitlonists and high license | | advocates. | Her address was not only convinc ing as to Jtgument but to this was sddsd her magnetism of manner and the attractive way in which ahe pre sented her great subject. Everyone present were simply car ried away with her speech, so much so that Miss Phelps has been prevail ed on to remain over and deliver an other lecture tonight. This she kind ly consented to do. Bhe will Speak at the Ft ret Method tit church tonight ?I ? ?ttoek Everybody la Wash ington Is nardlallr Iqrttod to b? prae ant. both ladles and gantleoen. All who haard Mtn Pbolpe I ait night will sorely hear hat again tonight and It bfbooTas tverrone who k*> ttevei In good government, righteous laws and tha lawa executed. will al so ha praaant. V As a tpeaker. Mis. PbalpS has faw equals on tha Amarteu platrorm Not to bear bar la to miss an opportunity ot ? lifetime, she Is a noMe representing a nobis eause WEATHER WHS NOT 6600 CONTEST TO SELECT THRKK MKX TO REPRKHENT THK UNITED BTATEH IN INTERNATIONAL CUP RACK?THE WEATHER CONDITIONS NOT QOOIV?ENG LAND 18 LEADING. A tI at ion Field, Belmont Park, N. Y., Oct. 26.?This la American'! bis d*jr V|n tbe international aviation tourney. The principal event upon tbe prv cram la tbe elimination con tee t to se lect three men to represent tbe Unit ed States and defend tbe Internation al cup. Two other trophies?tbe Scientific American cup and tbe Mich el in trophy?were also open to con test today. Weather conditions Indicated a day of trouble for tbe aviators, though tbe motors bad begun to hum and the propellers to buss shortly af ter dawn. v * A file was blowing from tbe sea at tbe rate of 40 miles an hour snd no early flights were made. Even tb? reckless Frenchmen were tlmor *** Today found England leading, ac cording to tbe amount of money In prises. America wu second snd France was third. Clsude Orshsme-Wblte. at tbe op ening of today's contests, hsd won $71,TOO. Arch Hoxeey was second with~$l,G?5 to his credit. Hubert Latham stood first among the French birdmen in the money winning ranks. His flgurt wss $650. Todsy's program wss as IoIiowh: Elimination speed trials to deter mine the three members of the Amer ican team who will defend the In ternstlonal cup, 1:30 p. m. Grand altitude flight, 4 o'clock. Croes-country flights, 4 o'clock First flights for the Scientific Competition for-fh~e ""Mfr"helTft tro phy,. "longest Wstalned flight in an enclosure.) A satisfactory adjustment between the dissatisfied French avlatora and the mansgemcnt of the meet was made today by an agreement for thel removal of certain obstructions from1 the three mile course. Alfred Leblanc who led the revolt I of the French flyers, still malntslned today that tbe course was dsngerous one even with the trees removed. He: said that the absence of landing! places outside of tbe field was a band- j leap and a menace to life. It waa promised today that Eng land and France would fight a battle royal in the cup race. Much professional Jealousy exists) between the avistors of the foreign) countries. i Unique Diamond Swindling *14 in bonds of 12,500 each. Duke msde a full cOafeeslon of tb* atalT. The only victim of the pair dia durlng the preliminary examl was that of Daniel Loweace. v SEVENTY MEN BE KILLED HAYTIAK OIK rfoAT Lien AT THE BOTtOW 'IF HKA WITJFTO MBS or THK ao WHO MANTEll HER?WKKf: EITHER Kn.mi. IN FJCPIXWIOX OR DROWNED. \ ?Tort-ao-Pripce. Haytl, Oct. *6. 8eventy men are dud and the Hay tlan gunboat Liberie 11m at the ixx tom of tho Atlantic ocean off Port de-Pala today aa the reault of an ex |W?Ibli on board yesterday. Next of the dlasater reached the capital today. f Of the ninety persons on board the gunboat only SO were rescued. Tho dead were cither killed In the explo alon or drowned. Port-de-Paix Ilea on a promontory Jutting Into the ocean )u?t aouth of Turtnga I aland. A etorm waa raging off the coast at the time of the accident and thoee who put off from the craft reached "ore with tfcw moat dlfflculty. \ The coaat at Port-de-Put* |, . de4_ olate itrotch and the h> u alwaya rough from a high awell that rune off the mainland. The wind waa blowing a high gale and the wavea were dangerously high. The llfeboata were overcrowded and t looked for a time aa though no one w^ald escape. The gunboat waa badly torn by the explosion and was left at th" I mercy of the battering seas. She waa settling f musical merit. Thli eong. the one that has won ?uch marked applause at Hammer stein's Victoria Theatre. New York city, where Eddie Leonard la now ap pearing, will b? given free aa a fea ture of next Sunday's New York | World. Order from your newsdealer j today. The music !> by arrangement with Joa. W. Stein & Co. Mr. Clevea Dead. Newa waa received in thla city thia morning announcing the death or Mr. William Cleves at Vanceboro last night. He was one of the moat prominent citizens of that town. His death Is to be deplored. Colonel Hudglns here. Colonel H. C. Hudglns of the Nor folk-Southern Railway waa In the city thla morning on bia way to Nor folk from Raleigh. Colonel Hudglns la one of the vet eran railroad men I nthls country end has many flrends In Washington. Kin Joyner l>ead Mlsa R. Lucy Joyner died at the! home of Rev. c. D. Malone at Choco winity Tueaday In her 69th year. Sb?| was a slater of Mr. Andrew Joyner \ o.' Greensboro and Rev. Francis Joyner of Littleton. N. C. The funeral took place yeatcr.'ay at Chocownlty conducted by Pev. Nathaniel Harding of thla city. Tho Intoremnt waa In the cemotery at Chocowinity and waa attended by a large concourse of people "An optlmlat la one who makes lemonade out of the elmona handed him." Bays Wood row wilaon. We are vary much afraid that thla good man will have tuore lemonade than he can drink after the New Jersey ?|oc iUon. THE CROP M JS SHORT THE IUMl'LT OF THK DAY CAUS* KH A RKVIVAL OF THE PREDIC TION- or twcmr ci York. Oct. 2?.?With an ad vance of practically 13 a bale in the price o* cotton, eeldom If ever has the trade, accustomed aa it became a rapid fluctnatlona during the bull campaign of last aeaaon. experienced such abrupt transition from weak ness to strength displayed by the staple. The sudden climb followed the pub I llcatlon of the census bureau report ?bowing the amount of cotton ginned to October 18, waa practically fOO. 000 bales short of the g,000,000 mark which has been estimated by massy traders. The report was made public be fore the market opened and the first quotations showed an advance over Monday's close. Throughout the day prlcea worked higher until the close. On Monday the market had been 1 extremely weak and unaettled. January contracta. which on Octo ber 14 had sold at 15.01. closed that night at 13.92. a decline of nearly 15.50 per bale from the high record of laat season. This decline had been the result of heavy selling inspired by Increased estimates of the crop resulting from favorable weather re ports during September and the first half of October, and it had been an ticipated that the census bureau re port would confirm these Increased estimates by showing more cotton ginned than to the same date last year. The report showing only 5,410.000 bales ginned, compared with 5,520, 000 more thap disappointing and recent heavy sellers became alarm ed when they found that the report waa generally telerpseted aa ?anfirm ing crop estimates of 11,000,000 bal es or less. In addition to heavy covering by recent sellers, a big rush of buying orders from outside sources develop ed, the bull leaders of the esrller season, who are supposed to have ta ken profits on their long cotton when the market reached the 15. cent level. Predictions for 20-cent cotton for the end of the season were frequent ly heard In local trade circles, and the market, In short, reflected a complete revival of the bullish en thusiasm noted on the advance of the early season. Vote of Thanks. We, the county superintendents of the Northeast Division, wish to thank the good people of Washington for their very kind entertainment while In their midst and also the school authorities for the use of the elegant school bnllding for the vsrlous ses sions of the district sssociation. A. S. HARRISON. Halifax County. R. E. RANSON. Naah County. TO THE PUBLIC Owing to the fact that the crop of tobacco has been sold very rapidly and very little of it Is held by the farmer*, we deem it to be to the interest of all concerned, to discon tinue the sales of tobacco at the Washington Warehouse after Friday Oct. 28th Inst, for the remainder of the season. It is our Intention to start work early on the next crop, and we hope to sell five or six times as much tobacco In Washington next year as this. Waahlngton Warehouse Branch Far mers Consolidated Tobacco Com pany. By N. D. TOUNO, Manager. Dr. Crlppen haa been convicted, but the man who shot Oaynor has not yet been tried. Friday*# / Special LADIES' HOSE! tosukr Mc. Gauze LUle Hoae, H't? Spliced H?*l and Doubt* f Price 35c. dM pair or 3 pair for!