? ?"* ,0 ?"W U-5. igpf. /or m1?, 75 centa and 91 ] en. won flrat prise i rlcultural Show 1909. Mlsa Lotl Halo Bonner, Aurora, It C. 11-9 POIt HALE ISO ac? tarm, 4 l-? mll? But from Wuhlngton, on River road. fronting on Pamlloo River, 1-4 mile of sadd fishing beach, good view; 36 acres clear ed. ready for plow, 90 acres with SOO.QOO feet of black and sweet gum timber, 95 acrea young pine, well B?t, average 6 inch stumpage. Can Sbe bought very, cheap, cash or time. Norwood L. Simmon attorney. 11-18 FOR SALE one city lot, on North aide Fourth atreet, between Mar ket and Res perns streets, 27x106 _ feet". Price cheap, c^h or tlmo. Norwood L. niniij^i^i; yini III i THE in Oaylord i "Commlt R. F. D. No. 1. ? o VOUR TIME WORTH MONET? 7,'oulJ r. tsnogra-pbor save you .noii Ca'l Chamber of Com jfctc> and ask for Mlas Myrtle Marsh, public steno?rtphcr. DlDLErS ALL FORK SAUSAGES. Tho quality you'll never know un less you TRY THEM. DUDLEY'S SANITARY MEAT MAR KET. Phon^384. WASTED?OorreBpondfMts for the Dally News at every postofflce and i community In Beaufort and Hyde counties. Write the Msnmger for particulars.' FOR SALE CHEAP?One set of Ref erence Books, on the subjeet, Steam, Gasoline and Automobile Engineering. AOdreAf to? ' Infor mation, Box 66, Washington, N. C. 11-1 HYACINTH BULBS?Have received a second shipment or choice bulbs and can fill nil order* promptly. Romnn Hyclnths I6c per dosen at Bogart's Drug and Seed Store. 11-5. LOST?Oa October 28, 19lO, two black and tan hound puppiee, six months old, one has pine tar on hie face. Finder please notify H. O. "Warren, Cbocowlnlty, N. C., and receive reward. -f'* 11-1 V FOR J&ALR?Oh large coal stove, second hand. Good as ne J. See Dr. Hardy. tf , FOR RENT?Rooms furnished and unfinished, sll modern conven iences, board If wanted. Apply to Mrs 8arah Mcyo, 4 32 East Main stree. u onsble terms. J. 11-4 CABBAGR PLANTS?True early Jer sey Wakefield. $1.50 per thous and. Dr. Hardy's. tf Otdnt Aw? Him, The membefis of a Greek letter fra ternity from a southern university were being shown through thd library of congress. They were sppareatiy stricken dumb with admiration of the besntles of the building. But the at* mosphere of awe wss dissipated when one of the party, a red h??ded youth, exclaimed fervently: ' "Gee. fellows: Wouldn't this make a dandy frat boose7"?St. Louis Re The Old Problem. "This magmdne look* rather the ?QTee; If* the one 1 ?e:nettme? lend to the serrnut jiu Sonditye." r < MTW>f?n*t xtie, in?t Mt*?l of reading si ways tlr ?uu e om?Y" " "Ob. no. You ~wee. It"* the seme t-c*k. httt ir* al?vn,v* n diffAtst serf cat." ' ?' f r. ? i ' No Cause For Worry. l*alnter (to hi* wi?rvnnt?-N'f?w carry this picture to tbe exhibition gallery, bat be- careful, for tbe paint Is set quite dry yet. Bervaut-Ob. ^ " right. IH put on an old 1 Hit \ few Service The management of ^orfolk-S'outh cm Rati Road announces the inaug uratLcu cf dally pullman slewing car service between Goldsboro end Nor folk. with first car leaving Norfolk at 9 p. m. Monday, November 7th. This ear will be operated on nlpn: ex prt B'.i trains Nob r> and 6. between Norfolk r.nd Chocowlnity and ne^ trains Nob. 15 and 16 between thoc owlnity and Goldsboro, arrivlnR at Goldsboro 6: SO a. m. connecting with all lines and arriving at Norfolk at 7:30 a. m. Night express train No. 6, at present leaving Raleigh at 9 p. m. wll leave at *-.15 p. in. and ar rive at Norfolk 7: 50. p. m. Night ex press train No. 5. at present leaving Norfolk at 9:30 p. m.. will leave at 8 p. m. aud %rrlve at Raleiqh at 7:~$0 a. m. > Trains l and 2, between Nor folk and Newborn will be operated upon, a Cast schedule gtopplng be tween Norfolk and Bdenton only at JSllaabeth City and Hertford; traip No. l will, leave Norfolk dally at it a. m., arrive at Newbern 5:15 p. m., arrive Qoldsboro. 8 p. m., airlve Ral eigh 8 p. in. Train No. 2 will leaVc Newbern as at present ani arrive at Norfolk 3:35 p. tn. in tlmo to make connection to Richmond and all points west. Trains Nos. 3 and 4. betweep Norfolk and Edenton leaving Norfolk 8:35 a. m. arriving Eden ton 11:130 a- m. Leaving Edenton 2:50 p, in. and arrive.!* Norfolk 5:45 p. m. in time to connect with all etea.mer U*?p 'n. Beaufort train No. #, at present leaving Beaufort 4:50 P m, %vi'.i letrvo Beaufort 4:10 p^m. and arrive In Goldsboro 8 p. m. With the trched ule changes announced today the Norfolk-Southern will have two sleep ing car llnei, one between Raleigh and Norfolk and one between Golds boro and-Norfolk; three passenger trains each day between Norfolk And Edenton. Raleigh and Washington and Goldsboro and Washington via i Newbern with two passenger trains each day between Raleigh and New ??* ? -^"V"Pungo, Nov. 3rd. " Everett* School House, No?. 7ih W. K. Jacobfton W Tranters Creek. Nov. 4th. North Creek. Oct. aist. *1 Yeatasville, Nov. 1st Pantego, Nov. tad. >, m ' .vPungo, Nov. 3rd. Chocowinlty Cross Rofcds. Nov. 7 th N. L. Simmons - \f& Tranters Creek, Nov. 4 th. Blount* Creek. Nov. 7th. v ? Joe. P. Tayloe. ' Old Ford, Nov. 4th. ? Woodasge, Nov. 2nd. Geo. U. H1U. Old Ford, Nov. 4th.*;? j Bear Creek School House, Nov. 2nd. Webster* School House, Nov. 5th. Plnetown. Nov. 7th. I . \V. C. Rotlmau. Utile* School House. Nor. 4th. ? Rear Creek School Uouso, Nov Slid. Wefcsters School Hpuso, N/r. 5th. 'Piietown, "No\. 7th! J. #. Bonner ^ Littles School House, Nov. 4th. Hunter's BrVc!3e.'Nor.-2nd, ?j Blounts. Crook. Nov . th. * If. .C. Carter Tayloe's Schoc. Orirow | Sbepfrerds Behoof HoUso, Nov. ?*??' CHOICE FRENCH AND |. HDLUID BULBS i Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffodil]*, Tulips. Freeslaa. Taster and Calls | Lllllea. 1>LAKT EARLY FOR BEST RE SULTS. ? ALL SEASONABLE CUT FLOWERS FIRM8HED AT SHORT NO TICB Palms. Ferna and all hot house I plants for decoration. Rose Bushes. Shrubberies. Hedge plants and Shade trees in great \i rltles. ' Ask For Prico List 'Phono, tcletfruph and main ord-*j ders promptly executed*by J. L O'QUINN & CO Raleigh, N. C. Phone 149. NOTICE North CaroUna, Beaufort County. Superior Court. 8pring term, 1910. Peter Langley vs Pleasant Ungley. To the defendant above naaied: Vou are hereby notified that {he above entitled action hat been insti tuted against you in the Superior Court of Be&ufort County, North Car olina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce; that tho coin plaint has been filed therein alleging statutory grounds, which entitles the plaintiff fo ab solute divorce, and that the sum mons in said action Is returnable In to said court, before the Judge there of at the courthouse In Washington, N. C., on the 13th Monday after the 1st Monday In September, it being the 6th day of December, 1910, when and where you are commanded to ap pear and answer the said complaint wltbin the time required by law or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demand. Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of November', 1910. GEO. A. PAUL, Clerk of Superior Court LAST CONTEST OFFER! q' =?' =v>r= ion- io Fourth and Final Period Has Begun ! The End Is Near ? ? ? With Success or Failure By Carrier or by Mail ^ NEW OLD 5 years $15.00 7,800 2,600 4 years 12.00 5,550 1,850 3 years 9.00 _ 3,300 1,106 2 years 6.00 1,950 650 1 year 3.00 750 250 6 months 1.50 225 75 4 months 1.00 150 50 ? cw>l ~~kH- lor= ?o Above Is The Vote Schedule For This Period BUT Final Hopes Lie In The Set Offer, Now In Force SET OFFER On. each set ot $15.00 In New Subscriptions turned in during this final period, there.wiH be allocked 5.900 Extra Voted. The stims may be turned'4a any amounts on subscriptions of $1.50 or more. The Sets will be mado up and'award ed on tbe last day of the contest. " ? i ? > ? ? ...- ' w - I -ALSO- j On each dollar turned in this period on New Subscriptions 100 Extra Votes ly the Last Special Offer that will be Contest, and u ??vv ' t hla addrw at the dm# of signed by the landlord and concierge of every bouM where ha has lived pce ri ?* Prosperity. *Dar nuwr* exclaimed Brother Dick ey, -You see what prosperity does fer I a pnsaon. don't you? Ijouk at dat uiuu yonder. W'en be wus pu* be wual happy, lint be won a prUe er $10. an' fum dat day tar dls be ain't k no wed I what peace la! Hia wife wanted let bay a bat wld de money an* he wast ed to go Inte de hankie' business. as' wbar de row started. An* it ain i dat mi stop aooo either. An' all er atrfkln' sodden riches by t ten deUar prtae. M|y good Lawd ke^p sse po' aa" p?M?fDir ? V." ?mMfT ? ? ag Tew York I "?* ' - I-" \ Stop At The fiotel St. Andrew ILWWWlilj ABSOLUTES ?[Broadway & We* 72 St. YgFIRE - PROOF AlHighgClasalFamily and TransientjiHotel | E*pr?*a Eubwsy Station at door and oMr theatre and chcpplnc district. Sins 13 rcomj cr caci? bavins baths. Lout, distance tj!?p!ioac in each apartment. ? Uneorpr-aefl cuisine. Specie.. lor J?*e* July aod Aug EUiVOPEAN PUUT. ' } *; 8. L. ROOT Mauger. RIGGS HOUSE worn d. c. The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class in all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt if two 2 cent stamp's 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. K&tnblfsliod IK in. ? | BALTIMOIIE STEAM PACKET CO. STEAMERS OLD B \Y; LINE FLORIDA, _ VIRGIN IA|& ALABAMA Finest United States Mall Steam ers South of New York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraph and every modern convenience for the pleasure and comfort of the travel er. Leaves daily e^rept Sundays, as follows: Portsmouth 5.30 P M. Norfolk 6.SO P. M. Old Point 7.30 P. M. Steamers arrive Norfolk 7.00 A. M. Connecting with all lines South and West. Tickets sold to all points. North, East, West and Can ada. For Information as to tickets, stateroom reservations, etc., apply by 'phone, wire or letter to J. W. BRoA'N, jr., Southern Passenger Ag?nt, 1681 Alain Street, Norfolk, Vn. city taxes The tax books for the city of Washington have been turned over to the undersigned, and thin Is to no tify all owners of property Subject to tax that I am ready to receive tax es for the ensuing year. They must be collected at once. W. B. WINDLET, City Clerk. Sept. 28, 1910. CITY MARKET. (Quotations furnished by H- B. Mayo AI Company. > Beeswax 2(e. Eggs - 22e Tallow 4o Chickens, grown each. ? 30c035c Spring chickens 15 6>25o Ducks 20?26a Geese 40?60e Green nit hides ? * . .7 He Green hides ? 6Vic Dry hides, lb .10? II%e Wooll, free from burrs + .. ..l.lCo Wool, burry ............... 10 O He Lamb skins lSQSOe Bheerilngs I SOlOe Com. bushel 70 O 7(0 Forced t? Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lnngs are sore and racked wlthcoughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always true. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home, "It oared me of lung trouble." fcrites W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark.. "When all Olse failed and I 47 pounds In weight. It's