. ? ? = Underwear For The Entire Family Cotton, Cotton Mixed and Wool J If HIWT WASHINGTON'S . A. uUIl, CREATEST STORE THIS WAS ME! GROWN PROM THK BOTTLE TO I JUG Too can increase your grocery sup plies with lees money If you buy where prices are the lowest and quality the hast. We can supply your wants In any thin? in the grocery line. Call phone No. 387. R. H. HUDSON! Subscribe For the Daily News. NOW! Norfolk Southern Railroad Announces Improved train service. New train between Raleigh, N. C. and New Berne, N. C. without change dally, beginning AnAguat I4ih,li?ii> Daily except Sunday SCHEDULE Dally except Sunday Head Down Read Up 6:15 a. m. Lv Raleigh Ar. 7:25 p. m* 820 a. m. Lv ? Wilson Lv 5:31 p. n. 9:12 a. m. Lv ParmrUle Ly 4:29 p. m. 9:40 a. m. Lv Greenville Lv 4:14 p. m. 10:15 a. m. Lv Chocowlnlty Lv. 3:35 p. m. 20:40 a. m. Ar Washington, Lv 3:20 p. m. 10:07 a m. Lv Washington Ar 2:00 p. ra. 10:28 a. m. Lv Chocowlnlty Lv 2:50 p. m. 11:35 a. m. Ar New Bern Lv 1:45 p. m. Travel via the direct route and avoid change of cars. W. W. CROXTON. G. P. A. B. L. Bl'GG, Traxlc Manager. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA T. H. MYERS, Agent. Washington, N. C. . ? NIGHT EXPRESS PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR SERVICE BETWEEN RALEIGH, X. O" AXD NORFOLK VA. Night SCHEDULE Night Express Express 3.20 p. m. Lv Greensboro, Sou. Ry ~ Ar 12:10 p. m. 5:25 p. m. Lv Durham, Sou.Ry Ar 9:50 a. m 4:35 p. m. Lv. Henderson, S.A. L. Ry Lv. 1:28 p. m 5:10 p. m. Lv Fayettevllle, R. & S. P. Ry Ar 11:00 a. m. 9>:00 p. m. Lv Raielugh Union Station Ar. 7:30 a. m 11:15 p. m. Lv. Wilson Ar. 5:20 a. m* 7:00 p. m. Lv. Wilmington, Via Wilson Ar. 9:45 a. m. 6:50 p. m. Lv. New Bern, Via Goldsboro Ar. 9:25 a. m. 10.15 P. m. Lv. Goldsboro, Via Wilson Ar. 6:40 a. jn. 12:41 a. m. Lv, Greenville ? i ?Ar3:53 a- m. l:50*tt. m. Lv. Washington 'I * Ar. 3:00 a. m. 5:10 a. m, Ar. Elizabeth City ' Lv. 11:18 p. m. 7:00 a.m. Ar. Norfolk, Park Ave Lv 9:33 p. m. i Clo6e connection at Norfolk with all lines diverging. For complete information, or reservation of sleeping car space, apply to C. T. Gannan. Agent, H. L. Llpe, U. T. A., Raleigh, N C., W. J. WilliamB. ff. A . Wilson N C; F. W. Tatem, General Agent, Goldsboro, N. C.; J. Has sellf T. A. Greenville, N. C.; T H Myers T A. Washington. N. C.; T. H. Bennett, T. A.. New Bern, N. C. W. W. Croxton, G. P. A.; B. L. Bufcg, Traffic manager, Norfolk, Va. 4?*.$ 1 THE BR COLD MORNINGS. won't set you ahlrerlng?ha?s no terror* for you?If you hare a gaa radiator In your room connected with our malna and your own houie feed pipe*. Turn the cock, atrlke a match and Just feel yonr apartment grow comfortable In a trice. When you're dreesed you can shut off the gas, so getting heat for a few oents. Aak ua how few. WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. Dr. Booker T. Washington is Sorely Coming to Washington. ? So are the people coming to Clemmons Restaurant for Barbecue and Oysters, a Specialty. Open till 12 o'clock nights. We keep everything good to eat, not to keep. 2 cooks, 4 waiters. We Tlve to feed?we feed to live POLLY to the Head COOK. Yoa aU rzrj^n.hYl Don't forget the place. RFIELD CLEMMONS, Reliable Restaurant. Phoq(i4fc Water St. WEIHl una' II w 11 x'y tin. L. p. Tilth 111 And daafkter. Mlia Irene and Ulu Annie Sprlnj.r, of South Crock, arrived In the city todaj. ? ? ? Mown. w. H. Mkjo ud j. J. J Jonoo, of South Croak *ro here to day on btrtnau. -V * ?? i ? * ? Mr. H. C. Carter.,Jr.. has gone to Hyde county on profession*! busl . Mr. Ouy Weston Is back from a trip to Hyde county where he vial relatives and friends. ? ? ? Mrs. J. C. Overton and ton oi South Creek are the guests of friends in the city. ? ? ? Misses Mamie and Katie Mockln of Jeestfblyaso hore today. ? ? ? Mr. andN Mrs. Thomas P. Howard of Mllothlan. Vs.. are visiting Mr. and M is, 1,. E. Kldd on East Second street. ? ? ? Mrs. M. T. Jordan and' daughter, who have been the guest of friends and relatives here hsve returned to their home In Plnetown. ? ? ? Mr. O. W. Freeman wsa a passen ger on the Norfolk-Southern this morning from New Bern. e ? ? Mr. W. O. Meeklna of Jessama Is s Washington visitor. ? e ? Mr. M. Jordan of Plnetown was here today on business. Tharsday'a Pmoaala Captain George Howard la In the city ahakffcg handa with hla many friends. ? ? ? s Mr. George E. Crabtree, of Golds boro. a former townsman, was here yesterday and today. ? ? ? Mr. Norwood L. Simmons went to | Blounts Creek this afternoon. ? ? ? Mrs. C. E. Hanberry & Son ex pects to leave tomorrow morning for Raleigh. Mr. Surry Parker of Plnetown, is in the city. ? ? ? Mr. J. H. A 111 good of Vanceboro, arrived In 'the city this morning. \ ? ? * *!r. H. N. Sidney was In town yes terday. ? ? ? Mr. H. B. Wallace of Rural Route No. 2, was a Washington visitor to day. ? ? ? Mr. John Roberts of Swan Quarter was here today. Mr. Adolph Stern of Ne* Bern was In the city this morning. Mr. James Styron expects -o leave tomorrow morning for St. John's School, New, York. I Mr. J. D. Eborn of Bayslde. arrlv od in the cl.y this morning on bust* ne?s. Dr. Dixon of Edward, ftfrlved In the city this morning via the Wash ington and Vandemere train. v ? ? ? Mr. B. W. Bergeron has returned from a business trip. ? ? ? Mr. J. C. Ovorton of South Creek, j wa.i a Washington visitor yesterday. | 5 or 6 doses of "666" will cure any case of chills and fever. Price 25c. Venning Completion The handsome new parsonage be ing erected by the M. E. church con gregation, Is nearlng completion. | When finished It will be one of the I moat attractive residences In the city". It will be a credit to that denomlna | tlon. Hchooner In port. i Ths achooner Odla Tyrell. Captain | W. Maaon In command, la in port I from Roae Bay, loaded with ?ottos and corn. The County Candidate#. The Democratic eounty candidates wi^ address ths cltlsens of Balhavsn this evening at S o'clock and the cltlsens of Pnngo tomorrow svenins at ft o'clock. Every person dssirous of good gov ernment, clean polities mad an econ omical administration of affairs Is cordially Invited to be present end hear the Issuss dlscuased by the Dem ocratic candidates. Ladles era es pecially invited to be present. TALB OF THE WHjY TRRKR. Mark Tvnta was a Arm I , sad has many a tain to tall the Incredibly bed roads of A Hartford 1 got the I "We back when the stage got ? and again we had to strain our < hearta oat to. "In covering fifteen miles we I stuck eight times; and In going the) whole thirty we lifted that old i out of the mud seventeen tlmea by | actual count "We five passengers were wet, tir ed and filthy wfcen we reached our declination; and ao you can Imagine our feelings when we saw the three women passengers remove, as they dismounted, their veils, their shawls asd their skirts, and lo, and behold? they were three big, hearty, robust men. ' % "Aw we stared at them with buig-j lng and ferocious eyes, one of them ] ?aid; VWKKtttM " "Thanks for your labor genta We knowed this road and prepared for it* Will yon licker?'"?Minnea polis Journal, j No War Danger. New York, Nov. J.?Major General Frederick D. Grant commander of the Department of the Eaat, who was one of the cloeet followers of the work of the airmen at the Belmont Park meet, sees no war peril In the aero plane. As. sn engine of war, he thinks! they will be found comparatively! harmless. ? At a range leas than six thousand feet he la convinced that sharpshoot ers could easily pick off the beat of them, while at a greater height the distance would probably defeat their own purpose. "in the present unperfected state of the aeroplane," he says. "It will be useful for scouting purposes, but not formidable a* an engine of war. The blrdman's lot aa a scout will be I a dangeroua one. for he win bp the target of some mighty accurato sharp 1 shooting. Notice! By virtue of a power of sale con tained In a mortgage executed on February J2th, 1909, by J. Wiley Ball and wife to Howard Wlnfleld, and recorded In Register's office of Beaufort county. In Book 162. pago 337, I will on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1910, at 12 o'clock, rn, at the court house door of Beaufort county, at Washington. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, a cej-taln piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being In North Carolina, Beaufort county, Washington township, and | described and defined as follows to wlt: In what Is known as "Wash ington Heights" being lot No 8, in 'Block No. 6, according to Hall's map 1 of said property, see deed from j Washington Investment Compan to: J. Wiley Bali and wife, recorded In Book 145, page 59, records of Beau fort county. Being same lot of land wheron aaid parties of the first part j resided. L Nov. 3. 1910. HOWARD WINF1BLD. Nicholson A Daniel, attorneys. 12-4 | Pur Ply, Poar rreacn. Odm a ttaua tbwA^wAs an In dian namad Hf |awk?. ? whit* man, anconatartog Mc Smoke, artad him what ba Car a ItTtnf. "T7m*a~ mrnm B4f Saaak*. "Ma preach." "Thmt aaf it do you cat for CJREAT MAN. h fa ?m ? a* w*tW to In* +*> *? ??2r> k > Mf i? MMB M faa after our m. bu tfao aMtMifake who m ?t?e nirfat of iK? crowd been : A little girt of to be pretty. 8b* but finally want to the Ion* mirror in the hall and for the Brtt time In ber life looked at bereelf critically from bead to foot. She ?W what moat girl. nut thirteen-* lanky creator?, mostly leg* and arms, and feet It hart her. and *b? oot of door* to think It ovw. Thought resulted In tear*. Tod in t**ra ?be was found half an hour later by her particular chum, a boy near b*c own age. Anxious inquiry a* to wfcj ?he wa* crying Induced bar to apeak. -Ob. Harold.- abe waited. -Tea )mt looked at myself in the glaaa. and Tm The bey was paled. bat syn thetlc, and made an effort at eaaa looked at bar a minute, tbaa lag.*?New York Times. OeaawM Knew Her Age. There la a glaring phase of \ ess In the {Mitten of the twe eexea. all oar *traggfae for the *of ? ? woman atl r age. no matter bow youthful she iy look, white as long ?? ? l looks youthful be la generally willing to ?MM and area to beaet of bow lay mlleetooee he has passed. There Is at lesst one father who understood thla problem ta time and who gave his daughter a fair chance 1a Ufa by never letting her know bow old abe waa He realised at ber birth that a time would come when she would not want to tell ber age, and be a pared bar the humiliation of baring to prevari cate. ae abe was nerer told either ber sge or the place where she was born, and there wer* no birth records pre served In the family.?New York World Tearing a Proverb to Tatters. One of our correspondent*, to whom so far as we ciin remember we never did any Injur)'- sends us the following: Carlyle said that genius Is an in finite capacity for taking pains. We venture to think this definition appro priate to a clerk. But in a doctor genius Is an lnfl-1 nite capacity for slaking pains. ' In a commercial traveler, for taking trains. In a literary man. tor raking brains. In a sanitary engineer, for making drains. And In a Don Juan. forsaking ] Janes. Oscar Wilde's . emendation of the proyerb was at once briefer and mora obvious. "Genius." be said, *Ms an In finite Incapacity for taking pains."? London News. Shopping Troubles. "Tomorrow is my wife's birthday, I and 1 want to buy n present that will tickle her." "We hare a nice' line of feather | boas." ' * "No, no. I mean somethlnf that I would make a bit with bcr." "Anything In hammers?" , "You misunderstand. I want some- | thing striking that"? "Ah. yea wish ? clock." "That's all."?Cleveland Plain Dsal- I "Mr. Smith," rfpolte up 4be jovtix lawyer, "I come liere as a representa tive of year neighbor. Tom Jones, with the commission to collect a debt due him." "I eeaqratulate yotf." answered Itf. I Smith, "en obtaining'so iisnnsa?t a | jW|r t iSrS wqRTHY ACTIONS. 4??? Miss Minnie Kllllngsworth, Ptnetowa I.IK Miss Rnth Chad wick, Fairfield ."?.74? Hiss Ola Rosa, Bonnerton V :. >.402 Mies Hilda Burbeg*. Bath g,?77 Miss Mead Duke. Pantego 8.116 Miss Maud Mason, Fairfield 1.IS0 Miss Gladys Ross, Bdward .. I.M4 Happy, Comfortable Evenings 1 Spent* at Home What can you imagine that will make home more pleasant and enjoyable than aa even, warm temperature. In offering you Cole's Original Alr-Tljht Wood Heater we do so knowing it will give you perfect satisfaction. Read the following guarantee made by'the manufacturer of thia remarkable stove: We guarantee every (W? Afa^llfk Wood Stove nane to nauta efc-tifbt ae loog as used. We guarantee that it will bold firm over night with dry wood. ? ? m am is be troa -km COLS MANUFACTURING CO. (NoCbc.) Avoid miihilfw?Before you buy allow us to show you the patented features on Cole's Original Air-Tight which make it the most satisfactory of all heaters. Burns wood, chips, oobs and rubbish. Kxsnr J. H. Harris Plumbing^ Sr^nsi ^ & Supply Company Washingnon, - - North Carolina SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA ?'??'Mr Chesapeake Line to Baltimore Direct Line to Baltimore and til points North & West KM9GANTLY Ai*POIHTKI> OTKAMKR8. PKRFKCT DUfUfO HKRVICK. Steamer* ]?&?* Norfolk dallf (except Sunday> ?:1E 9 m. from root of Jaekaon etreet, arttve Baltimore 7:04 a. id. Diroet connection made wltlt aafl Usee (or all polnU. For parftcnlalra call on or writ* F. R. M0MILLIN. T. P. A. ? ?? Oraaby Btroet. Norfolk, ,Va. Lj FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! ' YOUR EYES OPEN 'When in need of that ind we