I.? SHINGTON, NORTH CA.ROI ION OF ANY PAftR PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. NOV JC4TH AH A DAY OF gpfl Wellington. Nov. ?.?Tbo vlgor oue growth and progrvs* or country is reflected by the;eoordaof population and harvests and the era) condition, of International peace are things for whteh thanksgiving is especially due for the /ear it 10. ac cording to the annual Thanksgiving Day proclamation issued by Preai dent Tsft today. liMloilnrti "This year^flKMBBHi ?-? * dome. and of pro nstlonal growth prosperous well-, communities UrottfhMt They are tks blessings and bounty ctf Ood. "We continue to be at peace with the rest of the -world, la all ?? a j tlal matters our relations witfc other peoplea are harmonious wltk aa ever growing reality of friendliness and depth of recognition of mutual de pendence. It la especially to be not ed that during the past year ygreat progreee has been achieved in the cause of srbltratlon and the peace ful settlement of international dis putes. "Now, therefore, I William How. avd Taft. President of the United States of America, in accordance with the wise custom of the Civil Magis trate slace ^ths^flr|^arttl^^^U^in| od from the foundation of this gov ernment, do appoint Thursday, No vember 14, 1910, as a day of nation al .thanksgiving and prayer, enjoin ing the people upon thst dsy to meet In their churehee for the praise of Almighty Ood and to fWurn heartfelt thanks to Him for all His goodness snd loving kindness. "In witness thereof, I have hereun to eet my hand and caused the seal of the United Btatee to be afflxed. "Done at the city of Waahington, this the fifth day of November In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred end ten, and of the independ ence of the United States the on hun dred and thIrty-Afth. (Seal) "WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT. "By the prosldsnt: "ALVEY A. ADEE, 1 "Acting Secretary of State." To Iwtrsct Company. Sergeant J. Waddlngton of the l?th United States Infantry Is here for ten days tor the purpose of In structing the local military com I J.-., Buttle, Wuk.. Not. ?.?Two ex ploalons, occurring within a !o- min utes o( each other this morning,, re-1 suited In ,?ji .??*?>. <?f ji ?">. ,lnj the I*wso* wine at Black Diamond, thirty miles southeast ot Seattle. Seven men going down on shift and are nun coming upwere caught between the Ant and. elxihU rots and It la certain that all perished. Nat Ira! gaa combustion Is aaalgnejl aa the csuae All the men ware lor The force of the explosions were terrific, showers of earth, timbers and bits of clotting being blown from the slope of the mine. Timbers sixteen lnchee thick and-eight Inches long wefe blows half ft Bile. A big '?action of the steam pip* waa Mown a almUar dials an and ent If feet in ih'gmM. .. The shock of the exploetoit which waa felt tor stiles aroend, was ae great that mar thought then, had bees as earth quake. I AS soon as thf extent tat the dleaa s known exploring parties, went WOMAN MM HE CLAIMS Philadelphia, Pa.. Not. 6 Bells Elmore Crlppen, for whose murder Dr. Crlppen 1* to be hanged owTuee day in London, U declared to In this country by Francia Tracy fnj^'a^^t^^r^rhic^tne Phil adelphia Frees will publish. tomor row. Mr. Tobin declares In the int&rrlew that he has received letters from those who have seen her and says that he knows "that she is living and IS hiding in this coutnry not far from Chicago." He states "thst she was first seen In San Franctoo at the. tlme,Dr. Crip pen- was first sought by the British police charged with her murder." Mr. Toblns' statement.continues: "If anything is going to bo done we had better nutlce haste. There is very little time to qp*re now. The proper means for me to pursue is to at once get in touch with the Secre tary of state at Washington and set before him the facta in my posses sion. Then we want to get him to cable the American, ambassador at the court of St. James, who in turn will lay the case before the Home Sec retary and cause him to order a stay or to commute the sentence, pending our investigation.". A It is usually the "good fellow" who has the most bad habits. New Line Of Misses Sweaters Closely Woven and all Wool. Price $2.00 TUB OEM THEATRE Tbft,ne*t time?patronize tfejj up to-date Moving Picture StkOw?me place where you can spend the time most profitably, enjoy yonreel? thor ou?My. x , f5 j-1. w>. JTX&fzfi BIp MEHICINE. (Comedy.) t W" \ BERTIE'S ELOPEMENT (Dramatic) THE OATH AMD THE MAN (Blo gr?p|g),Oca^c. THE faymAbteR'h HHOHTAGK. s^___ ' 6 to 10. -.?r <*4 BP THE DEVIL Rev. K. A. Handy preached last night on the Influence the devil wield* In the Uvea of the people. Man? apt .illustrations proved conclusively the pow?r a personal devil haa over the actions of man In their every day lives. The buslne# of the devil the speaker claimed was principally to keep men in constant rebellion to God.??, ? vj&. This la accompllahed moat effective ly In causing men to delay in taking Jesus Christ as a personal Savior from the power of si^. . There wea-de^idedly more Interest manifested Is* night than haa hem ahown heretofore. There wore eev seated themselves fWr church msm hershlp. The congregation waa very large iaat night, an# gave the minister most marked attention. Rev. L. B. Dutton preached yester day afternood. He need as Uiaeeh Hot. tke New Jeruaaleni with lu II r?prcM?tlnc the aple wft may eni of people who may enter the King dom of God. Some oame from the Bast, or tnoao in early childhood. Some came from the North, or those who have the hard cold, cruel side of life. Some come from the South' or those who come from the bright and sunny side of life; some come from the West, or those who tome in their declining years. The Mhging by the Trio fit all ser vices Is always feature. Tonlgnt. Rev. K. A. Handy ijill preach. The Trio will alng "Traveling Home" Those 1^10 have not heard these ministers shift would do well to come, as their stay in our midst must necessarily be "brief. CHDf THEATRE There was never a time before when the people of Washington has had the opportunity of witnessing some of the finest pictures that have ever been exhibited here. For tonight this popular playhouse ahs billed one of the strongest'pro grams of the season, their feature pic ture a Biograph, "The Oath *nd the Man/* a beautiful love story. Togeth er with this one they have two< oth ers that are equally as good, two of them seing a comedy. In connection wit thhe pictures they have secured the'"Italian Or chestra" to play again tonight, they havft'some of the very latest music and no doubt any one seeking an hours pleasure tonight will certainly find it at the Gem. Contract Let The contract for the dalnage*fjf some 7,000 acres of land near Chad bourn, Columbus County. N. C., has been awarded to the Brett Englneer and Contracting Co., of Wilson, N. C., There are about nineteen miles of ditches and sub laterals. The con tract price ia said to be $.1784 per cubic yardj Work is to be begun as soon as the Drainage Commissioners succeed in placing the bonds, probable about De cember 16th. > A Card of Thaaks. I desire to extend my thanks .to the many white frjends for kindness shown me anw family in the burial of my husband, the late Henry 8. Jones. Very Respt. SARAH JONES. j A widow's second matrimonial' play la fpt tq be a sure-thing gamo Charms Hearers Tba people of Belbaven gHon. j Stephen C. Bragaw, omfi of North Car oiina's most gifted and entertaining speakers a reception laat evening I that will go down In Up annals of po-l luteal campaigns not to be equalled.] I Mr. Bragaw has aVt | he could for the cau and in mrri been dlacovarod la I night be aAdraased liotfiothmrf/nd itin delivered on of the 1 convincing speeches j progressive and up f s speaker he stands t section of North tractlrdnee of tlj tlon and formation stands without a l He was met at I ern train yesterday ? large delegation of being at leaat fifty ? sad the Aurora < addition there 1 children tko nationals evening was taken ti the Carolii Hotel where supper Was served Af ter luncheon Mr. QdjpMa was car-fc rled to the school aj|fciHutn where he made hU speech. Between Ave and hundred i pie hetrd his most adMlrable addrei on the political Mdfcof the day | He wae presented toHbe large aud letfco br Mr. John filler The ad-| dreos of Mr. BragawJ?ld not fall to! treat the contenfiowfif the Repub licans with sugar ^ftOd words or| argument. Prom the beglnhl# he held his! large audience spell and lf thlB! | paper is any propho^ft* the son of a profrhet then tbe af Hoa.| | menus much today In tbe lasting ofl btes. Hon. Isaac M. Meeklns spoke at! I the Clark-Smith Hall at the samel I hour but lf rumors are correct the! I citizens of Belbaven did care for his! I argument or his loopholes inwhichl I to clear those of bis party for their! I indifference, the consequence was! I Bragaw had the crowd and Meekins| | didn't. Belbaven si ways does j the rightl I thing at tbe right time. Her people! I believe that the Democratic party Is Ithe beat party to control the coun-l Ity and uniefiB something unforseenl (happens this precinct will roll up a'l 1 good majority for the Democratic! I ticket today as a result of the fine! I address delivered to them last night! 1 by none other than our distinguish-^ I ed townsman and aterllng democrat - I Hon. Stephen C. Bragaw. No town In Beaufort county! I knows how to do the right thing at! ithe right time like Belbaven. They! lare ever alert to the Intereat not! I only of their people but the <>ntire| I county as well. They are true blue Hnd stand ready! I at all times to defend the history ofl I their county with their life's hloo^i ? Last night was a great time for dc-l Imocracy there and whether defeat! lor victory is recorded this evening! I for the cause of democracy the peo-l I pie In Belbaven can rest assured I I they hsve don their duty for the! I cause of a party that has always stood| I by them and for their interest. Belhaven is a town of which any| Icounty might feel justly proud. Cotton Market. Seed cotton, 5.50 Lint cotton, 14 1-8. Cotton seed per ton, 929.00. Empty hesds are the eaftleat turn-j led. J JIOYT WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE Some New Models of Ladies and Misses Tailored Long Goats All Black. Vote on tbe Automobile. RECEIVES II . REPRIEVE THE EXECUTION 18 POftTPONED TO ALLOW INVESTIGATION OF THE RKPOKT THAT Mlttt. CRIP PEN 18 "HYING?CRIPPEN IH MICH EXCITED BY NEWS. London, Nov. 7.?The execution of Dr. H. H. Crlppen, who was convict ed and sentenced to death for the murder of his wife. Belle Elmore Crippenr was today postponed until KoimM IS. This announcement was made In the wake of sensational cablegrams which came from the United States statins the belief that Belle Elmore Crlppen still lives and that she has been recently seen In or near Chica go. 1 Barristers Arthur Newton and Al fred Tobin, who had apparently aban doned hope for Crlppen when 'he ap peal was dismissed on Ssturday. re , newed their efforts todsy with re I doubled vigor. They held a confer ence with the Judge* la chambers this morning. According to the American chbles Francis Tracey Tobln. a Philadelphia lawyor has evidence In his possession [that Mrs. Crlppen fled from Bnglsnd, going to Americs, where she was flrst seen In other western and southern cliles and Anally in Chicago. She Is living under an assumed name according to Tobln. who claims to .have letters to support his claims. I Before the formal announcement of the postponement there were ru I mors that such action was contem plated, but the rigor of the Engllsn I criminal law gave rise to a discredit ilng opinion of the early reports Even jAja^hlLr!i??annOUnCCd th8t * P?8t~ | tie credence was placed in the Ameri can reports. However, it was stated sufficient , time will be given for a full investiga tion of all reports that Belle Elmore Crlppen Is otill alive.* | The belief was expressed that the decision for a postponement had been Ices influenced by Mr. Tobln's claims thaA by the possibility that the state department would take a hand in presenting the execution un til further time had been given for the investigation of nil reports. The American cables contained the infor mation that Tobln would make a strong plea to Secretary Knox to have Ambassador Reld petition the British courts for a stay of execution until Mrs. Crlppen can be produced. j. The postponement also gives time for the home secretary to go over all records In the case in order to ascer tain whether or not there is (round for commutation of Crippen'a sent ence. I A cabled Interview with Mr. Tobln contains the following remarkable statement: I "I have letters in by possession from people who know Belle Elmore and they claim not only to have seen her, but to have talked with her slncc Dr. Crlppen was arrested charged vlfh her murder." When news of the postponement was conveyed to Dr. Crlppen in Pen tonville prison he showed great ex citement. I "I have felt all along that I would never die on the gallows tomorrow." he Is said to have told tho lawyer*. Attendants in the death war^ nt Pentonvllle Bay thnt .Crlppen was more cheerful today than he has been for a long time. There Is even a possibility that Crlppen's execution may not take place on November 23. By the law at leist a fortnight must elapse from the tlmo of the dis missal of the appeal to the execution and Oils may extend even further. Barrister Newton started work to day upon a petition to the home sec- i retary for a reprieve for Crlppen. In it he seta forth all the contentions made in the arguments for the appeal and the additional claim that Mrs. Crlppen ? Is alive and in the United Statos at the present time. Mr. New-, ton said the petition would be pre sented to the home secretary very VOTES! VOTES! IMMENSE RESERVE supply mm SURPRISES Prospect* Point To Wonderful Mui of Ballots on Fin ish-? Contestants All Hard At Work?Excitement And Enthusiasm Reaching Height?Speculation On Results. More sets and more bonus votes | than w? know what to do with: That's the way they're started the last week of tbe bit contest. It seems that everybody haa awakened to the realization of what these last few days mean to those who would win the delightful tours. The set offer la producing results for many of the candidates, and yet there are many who are not realising from that offer u they should If they hope to be victorious. Contestant* are warned against ac cepting promise* at this late date. Subscriptions are required now??-not promises, a few weeks ago promis es were all right, but not now. Sub scriptions are. at truly wonderful valuea now, and no one can affard to miss taking advantage of this op portunity. Hera's the price and the schedule of votes for this last period: years |15.M 7.SH 2, tM years 12.#f 5,55* 1,85* yean 9.M 3.3M 1.1M yews t.M 1,9M 65# year 3.N 750 2M months 1.5* 225 75 months l.M 159 5# In addition to the above. iee extra vote* are allowed on each 91-00 on new subscriptions for this period, and 6,000 extra votes on each set of 915.00 new, turned In In amounts of 91.50 or over during this period. These offers are worth considering. WE ARK NOT saying that it will be, nor are we saying that we are considering it, BUT. should the sub scription price of the News be in creased at any time within the next three or four years by reason of en larging tbe plant and the g^aper, wouldn't you be glad your subscrip tion was paid that^lar in ad*an<-e so auch au increase would not affect you? Think it-over. The Final Count. The last published vole standing before tbe final results are announc ed will appear In the issue of the News of Monday afternoon. Tuea day's issue wlH contain no vote stand lng, but Wedneaday's issue will con tain the final results. The final standing of each candi date is ascertained In the following manner: The Judges win be Instructed by the contest manager In the method of verifying and counting special bat lots. After the ballots hare been counted the "Set" vote will be com? piled, and to this will be added the bonus votes, figured from the certl | flcates Issued to candidates. This total final vote will be added to the i vote of each candidate as It appear* in the- lasue of the Dally Neve of I Monday evening. Therefore, each [candidate Is urged to carefully t-xam |lng her published vote standing on that day and IMMEDIATELY notify the contest manager of any supposed jerros, that they may be investigated i nhmlllaj to U* Judge. Remember, alt coupons expire at 4 o'clock next Saturdsy. No subscriptions in this contest will be accepted after six o'clock by the contest manager, but will be de posited in the ballot box. At prompt ly ten o'clock the contest CLOSE8. This does not mean 10:01 or 10:01. but 10 p. m. sharp. All aboard for Europe. Special LOW Kate** Raleigh. Nov. s. Special announcement came jester day from moit of the railroads as to the special olw fates to the great aviation meet In Raleigh Nov*. 16th and l?th. Few points in the state, if any will hove have advantage of the law rates to Raleigh. The only system thus far not heard from favorably is the Atlantic Coast Line, but It i? expected that the ('oust Line wll lgive the same advant ages to the people aolng that line that are given to the people In the territory of the Southern Railway, Seaboard Air Line and other toads. The rate from a] Ipoits will be on the same baMa and will be the same low rate that applied to Raleigh dur ing the great state fair. The Seaboard Air Line announced that the rate would apply from Wll* mington and si points between that city and Rockingham on the Carolina Central Division; and from all points between Hamlet and Weldon, inclu sive on the main line, and all (f their branch roads net ween these points. A spec ial tra'n will be run from Ham lot to Raleigh on Wednesday 10 as to [ keep the two morning southbound | trains from being too crowded, and | unusual facilities will be provided | from Weldon, Oxford. Henderson. ! Louisburn, Wake Forest College and | points north of Raleigh. j Efforts are being made to perfect 'the schedules so as to take the very i best csre of the greatest crowd hand led this year. ? The Norfolk Southern railroad an ! nounced that he same low rate would . apply and that It would be in effect ,from ai points on their system in j North Carolina. Tlie Klet-tion. The election in Washington up to the hour of going to press has pasted off quietly, no disturbances of any kind have been reported from any of the polling places. Washington al ways does the right thing at all times. Hon. George H. Drown, associate justice of the North Carolina Su preme Court arrived in the city yes terday for the purpose of voting to day. T uesday's Special Ladies Tailor Made Suits. We will show 100 fine sample suits Monday at Won't fail to see them. Bowers-Lewis Co. Watch ToworntWt Last Week of European Toqr;?? > ^' .v , .

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