. AT Ol'B Demon- j _ ttats ??k, ?n ftlr qt of MaieaUc Waro. J. H. HaY rl3 plumbing and Supply Company. T P SOB -sAl.K CHKAl'?Owe OMsmo Llle automobile. Appljr to David nil, Jr. U-S. u-?. ? FOB HAI.K lllS icr.-I.rni, * 1-S miles E?? from Washington, on River road, (routine on Pamlloo River, 1-4 mUe ot land Baking beach, good vlow; J5 acres clear ed, ready tor plopr, SO acres wltlr . SCO.000 feet of blick and' swoet gum timber, 95 acres young pine, well set, average t Inch stun)page. Can tie bought very cheap, cash or time. Norwood L. Simmons, attorney. 11-14 POIt SALS one city lot, oa Mofitk side Fourth street, between Mft ket and Reepew stMeta, JJilOfi r 1 feet. Price cheap, Ciih or time. Norwood U Simmons, attorney. /wy ?? ' ? \ 1 ? -r..- ' .! WANTED?TEACHiB FOR THE '. position of principal in Oayiord ''Public School. Address "Commit tee" Bath. N.C., R. F. b. No.% ? ^ - DtDLRVB ALL PORK HA I"'SAGES. The quality you'll never know un 1??S you TRY THEM. DUDLEY'S 8AtflTA!lY MEAT MAR KET. Phone 384. Dally New* at every pohfomce and community la Beaufort and Hyde counties. Write the Manager for particulars. HYACINTH BLXBfl?Have received a second shipment of cholco bulbs and csn Oil all orders promptly. Jiomun Hyctnths 25c per dozen at Bogart'a Drug and Seed 8tore. 11-5 FOU NII?Buggy Robe. Owner can get same by paying for this ud'and describing robe. Apply at this of i V. FOR RENT?Room fi flnlsbed, all mod* unfinished, all siodern conven iences, board If wanted. Apply to Mr* Sarah lfajro, 432 East Main ?tree. a FOR SALE?Dwelling, Fourth St; , full half lot; reasonable term*. J. P. Bookman. 11-4 RIO SHIPMENT OR SHRIMP AND Oysters Just received by J. R. Wynn, lis Market stUset. it OYSTERS?I hare opened my oynter business for the season 1916-11 at S. P. Willis' Ft?h House. Your pat ronage solicited. J. P. SPAIN. 17. OOMB AND SEE THE GREAT Cooking wonder at-oar store ft*1 this week. You have a chance to get a souvenir set of wsre fre$. S large advertisement In this paper.' J. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply Company. FOR SALE?470 feet of feme0, row around Episcopal church yard'. sound snd solid. Apply to jflRlaitdolph or E. K. Willis, tf FOR SALE)*?Apples, Onions, Irish i Potatoes snd Cabbages by H. B. Mayo * Co. 11-9. r FARMER'S UNION J 1 -have come to Beaufort county to take np the organising work la the unorganized sections of the eounty. I will greatly appreciate any in formation ?8 to where tho unorgan lxed section a ere and will be pleased to visit such sections for the purpose of organising farmers. \ f JOHN L. WARREN. " Organiser, 11-14 Washington, N. O. . ?? / mm**, , 1 - Listen . ! "I am t+ffrg to n complete lite photon*'** In Bo6kk?*>t>thg or iJiiort hard ?nW Typswritin. with all books end \* m lonery furnished, to one you*g lady and gontlman in your town, for the sum ol $30.00. pro vided you enroll before Jan, 1st. as; Irta ' M0..0. I. N. C. WM. BRAGAW & CO., ,t SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA Chesapeake Line to Baltimore Direct Line to Baltimore and all points North & West ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HTEAMEKH I'BU'ECT 11LXINO UEKV1CK.J eALfj OltfilBK STATKKOOMB ; . . Steamer* leave Norfolk dally (except Sunday; p. m. from foot of Jackson street, arrive Baltimore 7:00 a- m. Direct cennectlon made with rail llrure for all points. Ferpartlculalr* call on or write " ' f. R. McMlLLIN, T. P. A. 95 Q ran by Street. Norfoik. Vs. y| - \ . ? i' *-< Special Train to Aurora. On account of the Agricultural Fair and Corn Show at Aurora, special train will be operated by the Washington 6 Vandemero Railroad Company from Washington to Auro ra and return on .Friday, November lltli, 1910, leading Washington at 10:50 a. m. *nd stopping at the Nor folU-Southern Junction to take on paaeengers. Reduced rate* for. the round trip will be given for that date oaly from all Washington and Van dernoro stations. C ,/?'? - rOs nmusHKdH achixo ?MUl from Wltrleui o.o41Uo Golds or overheating, try BlM tb? ublnx. If, lipoid? IB. IE ?nd SO o*ou, at dmf Ittco. -rr The principle* of a good many men- ryn to Inclination and- then' RtOl>. | Laectric Bitters Succeed v/hen everything else fulfe. .'?* nervous Firm ration and ferrule *tttnc?iei tbey Ate Whether (son OoldS, Heat. Stom ach or Nerroes Troubles. Capudiae will relieve yon. It's liquid?pleas ant to take?acts Immediately. Try IP 10, 36 and 50c. at 4ras stores. Drop in oar store during our Ma* jestic Demonstration this wwk and T?r us show you why the Great and Grand Majestic Range is the best on earth. A souvenir est of ware, worth 98.00, given with every Majestic Range sold. J. H. 'Harris Plumbing 4k Supply Co. ? It's worth 98-00 to you to read our advertisement In this paper, so don't overlook it. J. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply Co. Now is tbe time when the wise tur key may feel small, but the poorest of them Heed not feel cheap. ^The new play entitled "Electricity" la liable to have a light run in New York. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. Great Aviation Meet STATE FAIR GROUNDS. 'November 16-17 FAMOUS AVIATORS COMING. DARING ^LYiNG MACHINE EXPERTS,IN GREAT CONTEST. Special Low Rates and Special Trains to Raleigh. Greatest Event in Twenty-five Years in North Carolina. CURTISS 1fjM RALEIGH Is sending to Raleigh the same ma- ? has prepared to taKe care of the lar chlnes that have made him famous gest crowd ever in the Capital City. t'je worl;i 3Ter. Tie flights will oc- The Railroads have gives the lowest c *r from 2 p. m. W .Mart. Schools, H OS ^ rates. The State Fair Grounds HL moos flying machines. ?-1 Two ?In scribed by an Expert. r~r. * " ? VERY LITTLE SAND NEEDED. Screened Qravel l? the Moet Suitable Material to Uee?Winter Treatment Con*.oared the Cheaper?-Advice on tha Mending of Highway*. Representative William W. Cock* of i Loug Uland. who has built several gravel road* and baa fuuud them very , satisfactory. tells bow they ean be con-1 ; strutted econoinicajly. i 'To the mlnda of most people," be J says, "when we speak of a gravel road routes tlw? Idea of coarse sand, such as they have accn dumped on the road from time to time and frequently hi such quantities that It did uot mix properly wilb the loam. and beuee there was a soft, aandy road, wblch 1* tbe worst road la the world for haul* ing heavy load* over. What I mean by a gravel road is screened (travel or gravel that tuny be fouud lu some bank* that would be suitable for road construction without *creeulng. but it *houid not contain over 10 per cent of aand in most instances unless one were to twe a very thin coat and over a road that was of very deep loam, when It would be well enough to allow a little larger i>ercentage of satid. but otherwise ? prefer it to carry aa little sand a? possible. "There are two methods In which thin kind of roud could be constructed. One 1* by the formntiou of u trench, treating It very much aa we do a road for macadam nnd then putting In tbo gravel about eight iucbes deep mixed with a little louts or clay, aud I be lieve that uow It would be wine to put some tar on tbo tup cuurae. In the construction of this road 1 wouid lay It lu two courses, provided 1 were go ing to line tar lit tbo upper course. There would be Home d'tik-ulty. In get tins a gravel road to pad: If It were laid In eight Inchon thick, and it Mh'inld be don? In the winter time uuless one j ? on.wKi, no ad. [From Good Roads Uaiazlnc, New York.J expect* to haul n good deal of water and use a roller. By far the most eco nomical way to build a gravel road is to spread about two laches on the or dlanry surface of a road that has been previously creared of all dead and worn out material that would never pack again and then plow the road ?nd put the grovel ou about three or foar Inches deep aad JuBt allow the traffic to work It in aad have a man continuously along the road for two or three weeks with a rake to fill in the ruts and pick out any of the too Urge grovel stones, as the top surface | should contain no stones larger than a hickory nut. "Another method of constructing this road which would bo still more economical would be to spread the gravel on in November or December. 8prcad it over the road about two or , three inched deep and repent during the winter as the traffic works it into the mud. I am assuming now that we have a road that would get muddy in the winter time and one that would i have a clay or loam bottom or a larg* ' percentage of loam. If we are to deal I with a sandy road -it will be necessary | to put a considerable percentage of j clay or loam with the sand prior to | the spreading of the gravel. I have built quite a number of pieces of road in this manner, by putting the gravel on during the winter, and they have been very satisfactory. "One of the greatest difficulties with ? great mAny people in mending roads, in my judgment, is that they endeavor to patch up the road instead of plow ing it up and letting the whole mass Kettle at once. Boroo people have an hi on that traffic will make a road level. Traffic will mash down some lumps oni! some of the coarse gravel, but if Hie material is not evenly spread or the road not properly graded when It ts constructed It will grow worse?that is. more uneven?as time goee on. It Is time well spent in the grading of a new road to go over it Innumerable times with a road machine in order that the grade may be made perfect in the beginning, and I know of a great many roads in Nassau and Suffolk counties. New York, now which, if they could be plowed np and have a little sm#^ put in some places and a little loa*n in others. ' then be thoroughly graded with a road machine and have a little gravel added daring the winter, would be goqd all the year ronnd for wagons or automobiles, and if they were oiled they could be rendered just M dust proof as a macadam road." Kills l A marellaaa murderer la Appeadl cltla with many victims. But Dr. Dr. flag's New Ltt. pills kill it bjr preTtetton Thar reatlj stimulate iStomaeh. llrar an* boirels, preradt 11 u i'loKdw- that Invites ap [tt* &r*7l?r???lSnJii,Stor*h"U^12l" i Bother ? i&M-' ===== New York City Stop At The Hotel St Andrew ?? " Broadway & West 72 St ' ABSOLirrElY?FIRE - PROOF A|HlghgCtassJFamily'and Transient Hotel J I Erpre?? cAwajr SUtlon at door u4 near theatre and shspping district. Siaglo rooms cr oultu, etoi) liarlag baths. Long distance Uliphonc in each apartment. Uneorpr rsed cuisine. Bpec.^i. jto? icr Ju^c july a^d A*f EUmOPZAN PI?AT. 8. L. ROOT Manager. BIGGS HOUSE WtSHINGTOM. D. C. The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class in all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re 1 ?:eipt ?f two 2 cent stamp's O. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. Established IKIO. BALTIMORE STEAM l'ACKET CO. STEAMERS OLD B \Y( LINE FLORIDA, VIRGINIA & ALABAMA Finest United State* Mail Si cam era South of New York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraph and every modern convenience for the pleasure and comfort of the travel er. Leaves daily except Sundays, as follows: Portsmouth E.30 P. U. Norfolk 6.30 P. M. Old Point 7.30 P. M. Steamers arrive Norfolk 7.00 A. V. Connecting with all lines South and West. Tickets sold to all points. North, East, West and Can ada. For information as to tickets, stateroom reservations, etc., appty by 'phone, wire or letter to J. W. BROWN. JR., Southern Passenger Ag?nt. ICS Main Street, Norfolk. Va. CITY TAXES The tax hooka for the city of Washington have been turned over to the undersigned, and this is to no tify all owners of property tsubjcct to tax that I am ready to receive tax es for the ensuing year. They must be collected at once. W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerk Sept. 28, 1910. CITY MARKET. i (Quotations furnished by H. B. lfayo A Company.) I Beeswax Ste. Eggs IT.* b.4 W ?! W+ ? ?? ? 1 allow 4e Chickens, grown each. .. . SOcQSSe Spring chickens 15#SS* Ducks .S0#tfte Geese Green salt hides ? 7 Ho Green hides ? ? Dry hides, lb 10?ll%e Wool I, freo from burrs ? lie Wool, burry .? 10?14? Lamb skins.. ll#l#t Sheer lings 5 01#* rn. bushel 70O7M ... i Forced to I*?w> Hoitoe. Every year a large number of t>oor suffereri whoee lungs ere pore, an d recked with coughs ere ucged te^ go to another climate. But tld* M costly and not always true.. t&iittfi a better way. Let Dr. King's WW Discovery cure you at hone, -lit cured me of lung trouble," a iHw, W. R. Nelson, of Calamine. Ark.,. "When all else failed and I gained.. 47 pounds la weight. ^?wi^vsst health to It. lt'e