Personal "B Meations [| s mm UuelUo Cobb of OrMHTlll* la * CMt of Mr. Ul Mr. *. U Brooks ?? Bui Mtm ttr?t Mr. rruk A. Wright >u |> tfc. y? ??? Mr. Charlea McDmtt. of the Free Praea. to here to attend the fourth annual meeting of the fourth annual i Carolina Natl North Carolina National Guard dlrto lea. Ha la the guest of fto parenta ea Harvey street. Mr. Q. M. Jordan of Randaom vtlle la la (he city today. r h ?. > Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Wlndley of Belhaven, are visiting friends In the city today. ? ? ? Mr. R. C. Chadwlck and daugh ter. Miss Ruth, of Fairfield, Hyde county, la In the city today the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L*. Roper on E. Main street. \ Mr. W. I. Oaten of South Creo'c, to In the city today on business. ? ? ? Mr. Robert Callaway of Idalla, Is in the cky today Mr. W. A. Neal. of Bath la In the city today on business. Mr. \V. J. Harris of Leechvllle la la the city toda. ? ? ? Mr. C. H. Ratcliff, of antego la la the city today. ? ? ? Mr W A. Cratch of Blounta creek to In the city today. ? ? ? Mr. C. W. Smith of antego Is In the city today on business. ? ? ? Mr. D. Harrlaon of YeatMvWo, to in the city today. ? ? ? Mr. Bryan I.atham of Huntera Bridge Is in the flty today. ? ? ? Mr. H. H. Ross of Edwards. Is in the city today on business. ? ? ? Mr. W. J. Smlthwlck of Cor? Point, is in the city today. Mr. C. R. Callaway of Ed cards, to in the city today. ? ? ? Mr. Mendon Davis of Pungo Is lh the city today on business. Mr. T. N. Tyre of Bath 1b In the elty today. Mr. H. R Butt, of Belhavjn, la in the city today. Mr. J. F Latham, Sr., of Surry, is in the city today. Mr \V. S. D Eborn of Bunyan, is In the city today. ^ Misses Isabelie Simmons, AIVj Roberts and Mildred MtMullen. ?ie the guests of the Misses Sin til on West Main street. Mr Gather Mar?h of Bath was in thV-^ty yesterday. B or 6 doses of "666" will cure any ease of chilli and fever. Price 25c. Upsats All Precadents CHAMP CLARK WILL BE THE NEXT SPEAKER OF THE HOISE OF REPRESENTATIVES?DEM OCRATIC SENATORS WILL BE KIJCCTED IN NEW YORK. IN" OIANA AND POSSIBLY WEST VIRGINIA. Washington. Nov. 10.?A political revolution which has shattered tra ditions and deluged republicans un der a tidal wave of democracy has swept the country. It has upset the precedents of a generation, changed the political com pteiion of the national house of rep resentatives and presaged the na tional political fight in 1912. The full and effective result was not re alized until today, when the sober second thought turned to a consider ation of th outcome. The socialists made amazing gains electing at least one of their party to congress and he will be the first of that political propoganda to sit In the national house. He is Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee. Senatorahips have fallen: a sting ing rebuke has been administered to the republicans for the high cost of living caused by the tariff bill. Psr ttealarly did Interest turn to the candidates and Issues sponsored by ex-president Roosevelt. The over throw of Colonel Roosevelt's doc trine of new nationalism and the defeat of many of the men he sup ported has by no means silenced the question: "What will Roosevelt do fa ltll?" With the machinery of the govern I mmt la the hands of the democrats, j two far-reaching results are I of Representative | Clark, of . Tb? eyea of the.* ?4 upon New York IwcauM of activity of Roosevelt In that iUU. Roosevalt and Rooeevalt's future was an absorbing issue. The elee tloo of John A. Dix governor and the balance of Ma democratic ticket dis credited, according to political stu dents, the doctrine of new national Ism which Colonel Roosevelt ho pea to mould Into a great national par ty. The far reaching effects were hard ly recognised today so vest arc they In their consequences. The allgsr chy or power In the United States senate has been burst asunder snd the next congress will open under s totally new regime. A democratic legislature In New York will choose a successor to Sen ator Depew. Senator J. A. Beverldge, Insurgent republican, and patroned by Roosevelt, has been defeated In Indiana and will be succeedcd by John W. Kern. Senator N. B. Scott's senatorial soat from West Virginia Is In doubt. Democrats claimed that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge would not be re turned from Massachusetts. Maine, which went democratic re cently will elect a democrat to suc ceed Eugene Hale In the senate. Political Interest far and near Is directed towards the congressional results with the promise of demo crats looming up that measure will be taken to reduct the cost of living trhough tariff revision. As the sit uation Is boradly considered the dem ocrats will have a chance to csrry out their program in the house and, by an alliance of democrats snd Insur gents in the senate, the situation will present the picture of a democratic congress forcing legislation undei the pen of a republican president. The election of Eugene Foss, dem ocrat, governor of Massachusetts and Simon E. Baldwin, democrat, gov ernor of Connecticut, coupled with tbe earlier democratic landslide In Maine has completely chsnKed the political complexion of vls*ew Eng land. r There will be many fares new to Washington in the sixty-second con gress, but not one of the new mem bers will be watched more Unit ed State?. Remember the name?Doan's ? snd take no other. The Larpsst Domw. Some of the Isrgeet domes in the world are: The Pantheon at feome, 142 feet diameter. 143 hlgb; baths of Cax* cnlls, Rome, 112 feet dlsmeter, 116 tost hlgb; 8t. Sopbis. Constantinople, 110 feet diameter. 201 feet hlgb: St. Sfarla delle Pure. Florence. 1J? diameter, 810 feet hlgb; Bt. Peter's. Home, 189 feet dlsmeter. 380 feet high; St. Peal's, London, 112 feet dlsmeter, 215 feet .high. % In the Air. 8be?Did you notice that sn eminent professor, lecturing the other evening, asserted that were there an undue proportion of oxygen In the atmos phere people would become Intoxicat ed? He?Yee; air tight, I suppose be meant. BE1TEB THAN SPANKING 8panklng does not cure (filldren ol bedwettlng. There Is s constitutional I cause for this trouble. Mia M. Sum mers. Box W. Notre Dame. Ind., will | send free to any mother ber success ful home treatment With free Instruc tions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble you In tbls way. Don't blame the child, the chsnces are It can't help It. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficul ties by day or nighu EHBpW '?.' -; ? 'V.nx jr. &#??? ?? J?* 2! At nto? u TW OFfl ss^ ,-V. -v,.1. ?.. ? CflNRJPWttM RMNTfMMO FUOHOEDOMW I THE GREflT and GRAND MAJESTIC RflNQE ?mtTfflNGe VUITH A REPUTflT?ON MflDt IN AU. 0ISU AND ?TVLXfl. '??-j M MiUBTio Mirtii tm ma^wio fii?i nr? majutio rural M -?>?!?? fMII ro. ? ??? >??. WSx Mwtai Nr Mada ?wiotaOly tea ioc OU rH^-(H?4pu IMkxXIk. Ni Mi|nl> ih4?^wMq'Vt>ii?jwtk B?. !(? Mm of bm B In. x 19 in. Ban. Ma it m il^larSilllJwrtigi*. J. H. HARRIS PLUMBING & SUPPLY COMPANY Washington, N. G Modern oojI Cars. The most moderu steel coal cars will j dump dftj tou loads !n less tkan two ulDQtes. Interesting Voting Toward Finish. Miss Pearl Campbell, 313 Market St 19 972 Miss Jennie Cox, West Main street , ..19,846 Miss Fannie Whitley, E Main St. 19 921 Miss Ada Rhodes, 524 W. 2nd 8t. *.".** .. J9.60.J Miss Lottie Mayo, E. Water St. . ?. * ** '* "? Mlsa Mabel Dally, 245 E. 2nd 8t ??**' *7 '!! !! .!'!.* .. 9,04; Miss May Belle Small, 428 W Main o.iJ* Miss Qoldle Ricks, E. 2nd St . . 4,469 Miss Fiorlence Wlnfleld, Bridge St.. ? ? '?% .. ..2,532 DISTRICT NO. 2. Ml as Mae Blount. Chocowinlty ... a-. .. * 23,(12 Mrs. L. T. Thompson, Aurora ?? ?? ?? 23,701 Miss Emily Guilford, Aurora .. .. raw wm um ** 03*39 Miss Edna Duguld, Vanceboro . * ? * 10,317 Miss Lotta Bishop, Pantego 13,828 Miss Mabel Von Ebersteln, Chocowln.. 10,933 Miss Minnie KUlingsworth, Plnetowa 9.996 Miss Ruth Chadwlck, Fairfield . / 9,812 Miss Ola Rosa, Bonnerton 9,602 Miss Hilda Burbage, Bath . ...... .. 8,677 Miss Maud Duke, Pantego . . 8,226 Miss Maud Mbsoq, Fairfield . . ..... 2,930 Miss Oladys Ross, Edwsrd 1,694 Like Its Name Favorite With everybody. ? ? ? High grade self feeder. Most sat isfactory Heater sold. ... We have also a large line in the BEST HOT BLAST TIP TOP SOLAR HOT BLAST RETORT HOT BLAST These are the heaviest Hot Blast Ikwi NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Important Schedule Change Pullman Sleeping Cars Night Express Raleigh, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. Via Washington, Greenville, Wilson Via New Bern, Klnston, Washington ?And? NORFOLK, VA. Day Night Night Day Express Expres* SCHEDULE Express ExpreM Local * 8.85 am *11.00 am * 0.00 pm Lt . . . . Norfolk . . . , Ar * 7.10 am * 3.15 pm * 5.46 pm 10.23 am 12.25 pm 10.48 pm Lt . . Elisabeth City . . Ar 5.40 am 2.14 pm 4.00 pa 11.06 sm 1.01 pm 11.Si pm Lv ... - Hertford . . . . Ar 4.56 am 1.17 pm 8.14 pm ?11.30 am 1.35 pm . 1.05 am Lt . . . . Edenton . . . . Ar 4.85 am 1.15 pm * 2.50 pa 2.85 pm 1.08 am Ar . . . Plymouth . , . Lt 3.89 am 11.57 am x 7.00 am * 8.45 pm 2.20 am Ar . . . Washington . . Lt 2.20 am *10.50 am z 7.25 pm 7.51 am x 4.56 pm 3.25 am Ar ... . Greenville . . . . Lt 1.09. am x 9.40 am 8.30 pm 9.15 am 6.12 pm 5.05 am, Ar . '. Wilson (not? 1) . I# 11.30 pm 8.20 am 8.99 pm xl 1.20 am x 8.00 pm * 7.20 am Hr . - Raleigh (note 2) . . Lt * 9.15 pm x 8.15 am x 3.09 pa X10.07 am * 8.50 pm * 2.29 am Lt-. . Washington . . . Ar * 2.10 am *19.49 am x 2.99 pm xll.85 am 5.15 pm 4,95 am Ar . . . New Bern . . . Lt 12.80 am 9.25 am x 1.48 pm 6.57 pm 5.23 an Ar . . . . Klnston . - . ?. Lt 11.10 pm 8.97 am * 8.00 pm * 9.80 am Ar . .Goldsboro (note 1) . .Lt *10.15 pm * 7.15 am * 6.50 pm *10.40 am Ar . . Morehead City . . Lt 4.82 pm * 7.37 am * 7.05 pm *10.55 am Ar . . . . Beaufort . . . . Lt ? 4.99 pm * 7.18 ?Dally xDally except Sunday.| Night Express carries Pollman Sleeping cara between Norfolk and Ralslgh Tia 'Washington, OreenT Wilson, and between Norfolk and G Idsboro Tla New Bern and Klnston. Note l. Close connection to or from North and South Tla A. C. L. H. R. Note 2. Close connection to or from points on Southern Ry.. 8. A. L. Ry. and R. ? 8. Ry. Three trains between Raleigh "ad Washington; Three trains between Geldsboro and Washington; .Three trains between Norfolk and Bdenton;Three, trains between Washington and New Bern. The Norfolk Southern Railroad is the only line operating In North Carolina with a passenger station In the of Norfolk, Va. 'HBMlMMMt)*-*<'C For complete Information ask an ? agent or write " W. W. CROXTON, 0. P. A. I ? B L. BUOO, Trulo U>a.|,r. I JMM1 ? ???? " NORFOLK. VIROINIA T. H. MYERS, Agent, Washington, N. 0. J*7;! . SECRET OF LIVING. If we CM oaly come back to na ture H|iil> entry year aad om adar the lowen and the bink and cmtm oat faultr ud our mialakee taider the alent On and hear die dial (fie yoMBf ereil though we five loot, and we dial km a tram of maainriea which wjl be like the twin lower, a double Hma oa ? aade item, and carry with otiria I which wil make it wwth while tab* m mortal.- Heory Dyht, "T i Baa'* Waft. 4eeoca* to mM9 tfe l? that IfiriM t?*t?e beat One a? THESE COLD MORNINGS. won't ut ron ahlrarlnc?ha?a ao terror* (or yon?II yon hatre a KM radiator la your room coiwM with oar malm aad your ova hoaaa (Md Dtpaa. Tan th? cock, atrlfc* ? match aad Jut (Ml jour apartmaat (row oomfortaMa la a trie*. Wfeak yoa'ra drmiil yon can ahut o* tfta KM. ao lattlac haat (or a law casta.