. First Edit!:a 1 ? .* .";.)?? .'f| 1 - ? ? ? ? = -WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLftfA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 12. Wit. | SO.H RIPTION OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN CAROLINA 3 HIS SECOND KGRICULTUM FMB m 1 CORN SHOW v.. r Two Thousand Were Present. Citizen* of Aurora Prove to be Model Host. The Day was a Red Let ter One and All Present Enjoyed Their Hospitality. (BUS Correspondence) Twurd&y Aurora held lu second Agricultural rur Ut corn Show. To Hr that It was s red letter d?jr for Anrora la speaking la mild terms of the occasion. About tiro tbouaand people wore trunl from all parti of Beaufort. PusIIco. Craven aad Pitt Coaotlea. ni maw Tlaltore from ether eso tloae of tke country The regular storulm train oa the Washington aad Vsademera railroad from Tandemara waa iaied to Ka utmost capacity to haadle tha crowd aad a special train from Wash lag ton atar the same road which ar rived at Aurora at II o'clock carried I about two hundred - t lei tors. This traia waa mat at Aurora by the rw nUlis rammltlae with the Aurora Coaesrt Band aad a lane number of cltlseas both ladles aad (racemes, the rial tor* were conducted to tha ebow grounds where a repast hsd been prepared su9cleat to satisfy the appetite of a lord. The Ion* ta bles groaned under their load of barbecue, chicken, roast meats, cak ee. plea, pickles aad numerous other dellcsclee. Messrs. B. H. Thompson and H. O. Mayo, In behalf of the Retail Merch ants' Assoclatisv snd the dtisans of Aurora, extended to risltoru a cor dial Invitation to partake of the nec essarlss of Ufa which had bm pre pared for them. After baring satisfied tha ianat man. W tbspeeuoa'et'tlia'eyiiiblu wss .begun. and expression* of sur prise and admiration wore heard on all aides at the number and high standard of the' exhibits. Not lee sthan two hundred entries had been made of stock, poultry, farm products snd In the domestic department. We first began with the younng mules aad as one man eipreessd It, here was the finest mule colt we had erer seen; next wis the cows, here we found thoroughbreds and some which were not thoroughbreds, all of which made a fins showing sad equal to those exhibited at the State Fair In Raleigh, where entries are made from vdrions sections through out the state; next on the list waa the hogs, aad never hare we had the privilege of aeelng finer speci mens of the different breeds than were on exhibition here, some of tboee worthy of special mention waa s Duroe Jersey exhibited by Mr. ?. W. Bsker of Aurora, and a White Chester, exhibited by Mr. F. R. Al fred. and several other exhibits of ss^sll pigs. After laapectlng the hogs we rrene shown the poultry exhibits and you could Had anything In the poultry line from a runaway hen with eleven chicks to a mud duek; la addition to the specimens mealaled were throughbred Ml a ore as. Bantams. l^eghorns.Brshmaa Wyandotte#. Orpin to as. Barred Rocks. Cochins. Oeese. Turkeys and three varieties of ducks. Next in line was the firm prod ucts, here ?U to be found specimen* of potatoes, pees, ruUbeges, collerds peanuts, cotton hey end corn, which could not be excelled In ftny pert ot the United States. Mr. F. R. Alfred bed on exhibition sweet potatoee. ?even (7) of which Ailed a helf | bushel meaaure, Mr. J, O. Overton bed the beet exhibit of Urea sweet ipotetoee we here ever seee. Mr. C. T. Allen wee competing for foe prise offered for the lerg eet number of fem products tf eny one peorsoa, la bis entry waa different varieties of prodncta which eeme from bis own term If 9e bad more of thle clem of farm ere there would be leas demand for western corn, bey end meet. MY. B. T. BOnner bed on exhlbl- i tlon e bele of Oolnmble long staple not ton, which wee raised on his term. A bele of thle cotton wae ?hipped to Norfolk by Mr. W. M. Hooker end sold by e com mission merchant there on "fueedey, Nov. dth for 21 oente per pound. It weigh-! ed 563 pounds; the grooe aale was 911f>lt and a net amount of 9114.01 wes realised from this one bale of ootton. In eddltlon to the seed. . Lest, but not least, was the wo man's depertment In the city hall, under the management of Mrs. L. T. Thompson, Mrs. C. O. Mldyette, Mrs. W. H. Hooker. Mrs. J. W. Mayo Jrw Mrs W. T. Utchflel#~en<)?*llss Lottie Bonner. In thia department 1 wae to be found the things which 'eppeel strongest to man. to wit: Breed* Butter. honey Cakes fruits, canned fruits of va 'rloua kinds, pecens, flowers, ferns, I art work of numerous designs, coun terpane*, bed qnllts, and oth*?r artic les which we were unable to name, ell ? ? tbeee were the producu of the good women of Aurora snd vicinity. Mrs. Beesle Bell had on exhibition St different varieties of canned fruits end vegeteblee and Mre. C. C. Archbell wee second with 'en essortment of 31 varieties. | There were cakes made by Beesle Mee Bell and Helene Hudnell little | misses of 10 snd 11 yeers of age 1 respectively. There "were twenty-five prlxea of fered In the wonaan'S depertment end forty-eight prises In the agri cultural, stock end poultry depart mdnts, which were ewerded aa fol lows The first nsme appearing all awards Is that' of the winner, the lest ntme is thst of the donor. Agricultural Department * For best mnle colt, under 2 years, J. EL Deel, one Oliver Chilled plow, J> H. Harrla Plumbing & Supply Co. Fer aecond beat mule colt, eny age, J. W. Mayo. 8r... one roll wire fencing. Pltteburg 8teel Co. For beet hone colt^ under 2 yeers. F. Cuthrell. one fun bngg" robe, Duke Peterson Hardware Co. Drawn Work. ' :.r.^ . .? f- I'***-* The moat complete line of Center |Pleces, Tray Cloth# end Doilies ever shown in the city. >- ? ? t? r?r;af* !M?; The M!t tlBM~p*tronlM th< u? to-d?t? Morlac Picture Bk*w?th* moat yrMMblr. asjor yourself tbor na sun aid hi ghat (W* tnmml la tk* 'fl. '?a For beet pail pis*, und?r ? moi.,1 9. T. Selby. one chiffinner.Blue Ridge Tuititltti Co. Tor second bast pair pigs, under C months, C. C. Archbell. one pair 84.00 patent Leather Shoes. L. T. Thompson. Per heaviest hoc, A. W. Baker, oae pal* Lambertvllle Snag Proof sola. J. T. Wilkinson ft Co. For finest milch cow, C. T. Allen, ore customer, Foster * Bros. Us?n facturinc CS -4. For neat finest milch oow, B. B. Thompson, one groen settee. Hoy wood Bros ft Wakefield Co. For nicest heifer, under one year,; B. T. Selby, Two dosen packages! Gleasons H. and C. Powder. Gilbert | Bros. " For heaviest turkey, W. A. Caton, I one pair of men's shoes, 8tandard( Lumber CO. ^ For finest pair turkeys, hen and gobbler. J. "W. Bowen. 15 pounds Jarkeon Square Coffee, Ellison Bros, ft Co. For the three best stalks cotton. ?oiKalnlnp: the largest number of matured bolls, B. B. Thompson, one I bos Apple Bun Cured Tobacco, J. B Bryan ft Bon. .^J For largest pumpkin, W. A. Mar tin. one-third dosen men's Buster Brown Hose, Buster Brown Hosiery { Co. For largest sweet potato, F. R. | Alfred, one-fourth dosen Jumbo shirts, John A. Horner'A Co. For stalk having on it two he'^ lest earn of corn, G. B. White, ou?j box Btowh's Mule, D. M. Dough. For best display of corn, any va riety, R. A. Thompeon, one barrel .Flour, B. R. Mixop ft Co. For best ten esrs com, any va riety. B. H. Thompson, one single barrel gun. Waters ft Martin. For second best 10 years corn, any variety, Tsaac Holidia. one pair ) shoes. Lynchburg Shoe Co. ? For largest ear corn, any variety, <j S. W. Styron; one Paragon $3.00] Hat. E. T. Jones ft Co. For bale best home-made hayj Raymond Paul, orfe pair men's high' Boots, B, R.-Fowle ft Sons. I For bale socond best home made hay, B. D. Caton, one No. 8. Cham pion Plow, Aurora Merchants Asso ciation. For best one-half bushel Irish po-j tatoes. any variety. S. W. 8tyron. 5 pounds Hjgela Coffee, p. 8. Cuthrell j Co. .For best hnlf-bushcl peas, any va riety. J. W. Mayo. Jr., One barr?l I flour, Carolina Distributing Co. I For second beat one-half bushel; pets, any variety, Jno. I^one. one Ice CMtBP Freexcr, Aurora Hardware' ar Far largest and best rutabaga. H. H. Broome. $2.00 artificial Balti more Bargain House. 0 For the largest and best display of farm products, C. T. Allen, one two piece felt-msttress (IS.00), Frank, Lindsay. ' For best bale of cottoa, long sta pli, B. T. Bonner, $5.00 8. B. Har rell ft Co. 8. T. Co. j For thp best bale of cotton, short staple, L. D. Mldyette For largest collard, any kind. Miss Maggie Harrison, one counterpane, L. T. Thompson. For best fc*lf bushel peanuts, any variety. Nep Qdvd, one Waterman's -Fountain Pen. 1.. E. Waterman Cio. ? For finest hill sny age. Ed Casey, $5.00 gold.-Elm City Lumber Co. Best male hog, G. L. Lawson, one Wlnnier full nlckelled heater, Southern Stove Works. PoniUy Department. For best Miadreas, J. H. Broeme. For best Bantam, J. E. Moore. For best-Bfewn Leghorne, . Miss Mary Guilford. For best White Leghorne. G. I. Bonner. ? , -cFor best Whit/ Brahmas. Johnnie Rowe. ? For bes't Silver Laced Wyandotte, Mr*.-L. A. Watson. -For best white Orpington. L. T. Thompson, For best Barred Plymouth' Rock, H. h Broome. For best Buff Cochin, Annsnlas Moore, c-wi , ? i For best Buff Leghorne, Mrs. B. 1*. Bonner. rot beat aadbuck. k<j kw.ii. For bwt P.kIS Dock, F. R. Alfred Pot b?l Indian Runner Duck. Mr*. W. M. Hooker For bwt Mallard Dnok, Kunlca Wataoo for beat Omm. Mrs. D. O. Blr roa. four.) THE COMPLETION 1 OF WATERWAY1 Congressman loo. H. been Informal by Capt Earl i. Brown, U. 8. imildHr olaa of thta district, that the Jwo dredgeB which hare been engaxett .for more than a rear In makta* alcaiatlon on the Inland Waterway are expected to meet on Tuesda*,_;15th Inst.- This will mark the Completion of that section of the Nor folk-Beau tort Wa Sonnd to Heaufort Inlet, and will at ford minimum depth of ten fee*. When this section of the waterway U open. vesaela^afcl MO from New hern, Washington jfcr from any or the ports and streefaa in North Car olina, by protected route southward ly through Beau fori Inlet. The com pletloa of this werk Is also also I made notable, became it la the first | work undertaken % the govern ment in the construction of a con tinuous free waUrVfSf from Beaton | to Beaufort. It la understood JJhat the com pie- [ tion of this waterway will be form erly celebrated In December. I The cltlaena of Beaufort, Morehead City and Oriental egpect to combine and to carry out an appropriate program worthy of the occasion. Savings, Bank Department of First .Nations! Hank, of Tarboro. N. C. PAYS Are percent (5), account compounded quarterly, three per cent (3) account com pounded semi-annually, on checking accounts. We make a speciality of Ranking By Mail. Capital. Surplus and resources ftfHLJNM.OO. H. H. TAYLOR, Cashier, or J. E.I MORRlNiiTrKi Aasiatant t'a*liler, j TARBORO. N. C. Mexico City Quiet Mexico City, Nov. 11.?A squad-, ron of picturesque rurales, hastily! called in from the cattle ana "bad man" country, garbed in buckBkln! and sombrerora patrolled the streets! of this city last night with their car bines slung jcrogB their saddles for instant use. However, while viol ence prevailed on the surface plans were going forwtird for a great mass meet which will be held on Suuday when a boycott will be inaugurated against all American goods and all stores employing Americans. Influential Mexicsns deny the :e rlousnesa of the anti-American o^t-' break, nevertheless President Diaz has caused 11 to be known that -he intends dealing in a jrastlc manner with those responsible for ihe dep redations of the stars and stripes. | The barracks about the city are full of soldiers and the police have been warned. The slate department at Washing ton got in communication with the Central Mexican government today and filed a proteat because of Amer icans in Mexico City and elsewhere throughout the republic. Another outbreak is threatened Momentarily as the students at the School of Jurisprudence are clamor ing for official sanction for another anti-American demonstration. How ever. Oovernor Land a, to whom the application was made, stated today that cognisance would not he taken of requests for permission to carry out another demonstration. All the,.pessimist see In an ae roplane fll|tht la a big crowd and a ?UC neck. BATTLE WITH THREE BANDITS Chicago, Not. Hi?PI to per/oas ?hot. three family, la a revolver bat tle between three bandtta in 'he town of Cicero early today and ? lice aaaiated by citizens who attempt- | ed to arrest them. The three bandits entered the sa loon of Louis Belmont at an early hour and ordered everybody to hold up their hands. Belmont drew hla re volver and showed light. A desper ate battle followed. The outlaws took flight pursued by police and cltlsens. Only one of the rubbers waa captured and the others probably fatally injured. Kpiiropsl Church. The rector Rev. Nathaniel Hard ing will fill his pulpit tomorrow morning and evening. Sunday school meeta at I p. m. E. K. Willis. Jr.. au perlntcndenL All Invited to atttmd | any and all servicaa. Cotton Market. Quotations furnished by Miller &| Co.. New York: Opening. Close. | December ,14.55 14.60 Jsnuary 14.51 14.58 March. 14.71 14.71 May. 14.85 14.86 July. 14.80 14.80 Market closed quiet and steady. Seed cotton. 5.50 Lint Cotton. 14.00. Cotton seed per ton, $ 2 9.00. First McthoOiat Church Regular service at this church to morrow morning at 11' o'clock. The subject of the pastor's sermon wlli be: The Peril of a Oonc-Slded Religion. At night he Laymen of the church will have charge of the hour. Tbe following program Is to be rendered: ! Old hymns will be sung. Organ voluntary. Opening hymn. 180. Prayer. ^ ; r, gg,* | Anthem by choir. Scripture reading. Hymn No. 210. "Obligation to the church to the World," Prof N. C. Newln>ld. Hymn No. 633. "Obligation of the church to the local community" W. K. Jacobson. Hymn No. 644. "The Church's Obligation to It self." C. G. Morris. Closing hymn No. 208. Everyone Is cordially Invited to be present and witness this most in teresting program. Christian Church At u a m.. the pastor will speak on teh subject "Hindrances" At night his subject will be: "Your Own Salvation." Bible school meets at .7 p. m.. All Invited. Invitation. The Halcyon Club and also the aerman clnbs of Wilson. Greenville. Tarboro, Rocky Mount. Goldsboro and New Bern have received the fol lowing Invitation: Mr. and Mrs. George Hackney. Jr. Elks Hall, Monday November 2lst. From nine to one. Mr. Gorhim-Miss Dumay. Dancing. Someone has estimated that the earth weighs seven trillion Ions. But cheer up! You're not carrying It. A Connecticut woman earned 110, 000 last year setting eggs?the real thing. JIT Ui\VT WASHINGTON'S . K. nUIl, CREATEST STORE $20.00 and $22-50 Ladies Tailored Suits Special $17.75 ; ' ? . ?. .L-c ?" . -1jv? ? * Navy, Green, Brown and Black. All sizes. WORK, VOTE AND SIBlflftt FOR NEXT MONDAY THE TOOR CONTEST CLOSES! Last Efforts Are Bringing Mass of Subscriptions? Most of Them New Candidates Hopeful But An xious??Public Interest At Top Notch-A Final Word! Tomorrow we rest?and the next day the contest ends! A tremendous vote of coupons was cant today as a result of the expira tion of the value of the ballots clip ped from the paper. Hundreds of theee that had been collected during the past week or so for the various candidates were deposited to thai: credit. | At 4 o'clock the ballot boxea were emptied and the count of the last i coupon vote In "the Dally Nawa' Eu ropean tour contest was begun. The result win be shown In Monday's pa per, which will contain the approv ed vote standing of each candidate, and to whioh the judges win add the laat day's balloting to determine the final standing of all conteatants, to be published In next Wednesday's! edition of the News, both mall and J city. With the collection of today's bal loting the ballot boxes were all tak en up Out one?that which has been in the Daily News oflirt*, and which, on Monday, will be at the Chcmoei of Commerce and Main street. Reail Now? Not Monday Any candidate believing errors to exist in her published \ote standing Monday, should report It to the con test manager immediately it is dis covered. . otherwise her vole as pub lished will be considered acccptod. At promptly ut 10 o'cloc k by clock at contest hoRdquartery. the contest j will close. At that Dour the ballot} box will be sealed by the judges in j the presence of candidates aud their friends. The public Is invited to be present. The entire transactions at-l tending the closing is open and above! board and In full obesrvutlun ol all I concerned. BEFORE 10 O'CLOCK MONDAY I NIGHT all contest subscriptions,' ballots and stubs of subscription I books MU8T BE-IN THE BALl.OT I BOX! Candidates should collect all subscription orders, leaving them In .the subscription books, seal tbem In envelopes together with the mon-1 ey to correspond with the subscrip-! tion orders and all unvoted ballots, write the name and district numt>er ?nothing more?on the outside of j the package, and PERSONALLY do I posit them In the ballot box ; After 6 o'clock Monday afternoon the contest department will not re ceipt subscription books. All subscription books partly used and stubs of books used bust be de posited with ihe other contest busi ness. Laatly, If there is any point re garding the closing of the contest that Is not fully understood, the contest manager should be consulted at once. "All Aboard For Europe!" The race Is now almost over. Everyone 1s speculating on th? | probable outcome for each candidate. ' Every contestant who has had hopt jot winning one of these delightful European tour memberships is now ' exerting every effort to make the I last few hours count. Monday and i Tuesday and Wednesday forenoon 'will be th*a "period of suipense" for I everyone. And then, with Wednes day's issue of the News, the results will be heralded broadcast, and con gratulations (or the winnera will be In order. AS THE GUEST Of ASSOCIATION Mr. Small leaves thla evening (or Penaacola. Pis., to attend the annu al meeting of the Mlaalaalppi-Atlan tic Inlan'd Waterwar Aaaoclstlon. Thla association was organlseu to promote the conatructlon of the wa terway across Florida, and by sn In side route to the Mlaalaalppi river. Mr. 8mall will'attend aa the guest of the aaaoclation. will make an addreas on the unity or the fntra Coastal Waterway along the Atlantic seaboard with the waterway from the Atlantic to the Gulf of the Mla alaalppi. THE MAGICIAN T In the ordinary walks of life t'.n-re la enough of gloom that we t an i'w*. ahun, so there Is every reason lef people to wish to seek wholesome entertainment where they can hare a real hearty laugh and enjoy them aelves Thla la what awalta those who an ticipate sttendlng the performance of Durno at the school auditorium on November 14th. Under the cap tion of a "White Houae of Magic" there will be aa much fun as mys tery. It will be something thst will entertain the old and the yoking and aomething to keep you guessin* for some time afterwarda. It Is wonder ful how Durno can make things dis appear and how he can bring forth large quantities of real water seem ingly from nothing. His exhibltlona of optical allus lona and metamorphsae are equally as myaterioua. and the Durno allces In auch freah hits of hnmor ~thst cauaea a relaxation from the aerloua of some of hla acta. There Is lightness and wonder, happiness any m;stery, science and play all mingled so Intricately that it is impoealble to untangle them. There will alao be humoroua mon ologues. songs, imitations by other members of the company, and thero will be a marvelous exhibition of ven trlloqulam by Durno himself. This Is something thst csnnot be missed and It la one of the beet en tertainments booked for Waahlngtap during this wtnter. Still, at its new price, radium, will hsrdly be a substitute for ooal. Fur Specials For the next few days we will give special prices on Furs either in ? I sets or single pieces. Don't fail to see them. ? l ? ? t^ , Bowers-Lewis p, w ?

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