IM First Ediibn WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 14. NO. 91 LARGEST PAID SUBSCRIPTION QF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED!^ EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA New York. Nor. 1*, of drlT?? and helper. tmv>luy.a by .the transcontinental eipras com panita mi formal!r declarod off this opening and wm announced at strike headquarters that the men will re turn to work on Monday. Tbia will end one of the moat serious labor disputee that tilt Metropolitan dls tYict haa experienced Ik year*, -v'^1 The cloee of the strike was brought about by the New Jersey strikers' who voted late today to aeoept ? the terms upon which the oompantes of fered to take b#ck the men. The agreement provides that the men shall be takes back without dis crimination except for acts of vio lence during the strike; Bach co? pany will take up with Its employee ths adjustment of wages and hours. Recognition of their union, the chief Ibsu* for Whloh tve strikers held out tor several days, is not granted, how ever. but the open shop policy Is to prevail. The agreement between press compulses and their employee does not affect the striking chanf-* feurs. cab driven tor department stores, who st first quit work In sym pathy with the express employes and later press uted demands in their dwn behalf. I A bold theft of tn exprees van containing merchandise worth 960. ooo and several attacks by mobs on drivers of express and delivery wag ons occurred this afternoon, giving the police the hsrdest work they ha#,' for several days. \ Four strike breakers wsre arrest ed. charged with the theft of tW van which belonged to the Adams Ex - hm v ' ? At a meeting of Woman's Home Missionary Society or Waah lrjton, N. C., the following reeolu tions were adopted: Resolved, i ^ 1. Whereas. It pleassd God in HU [ Infinite wisdom to remove from bur number our beloved sister, Ruth Phlliipe. 2. That we bow in submission to His will, realising and sc know ledge log His love and wisdom. That whlld w*.will miss Ruth's gentle face and Is?m from among us. we fondly cher ish her memory, and try to emulate her loving example. That a copy of those resolutions be placed In our minutes, and a cdpy aent to the be reaved family and eoe put In our ' town papera. MRS. J. H. CORDON. * MISS HATT1E GOSZEN8 MRS. JULIA MAYO PROPERTY SOLO Norfolk, V*., Not. 1 J.?The, prop, artlee of the Albemarle * Cl?MaiKa ? Canal Co., tm Virginia and North Carolina, consisting of a ,J0 l-4_ mil* canal arid aararal thousand aura* ot land, wore aoM undor forecloaore and Portsmouth. Va.. today to' a committee" repreeentlng Unit mort Kace. bond holders for |*#?,0?. This Is a link In tha prapoaed gorern mentnl lntracoaatal waterway be tween Boston andi* Beaufort N. C.. and has already been recommended tor ?uch uses by army engineers. Tha sale was to satisfy a IMO.OOO 101-year-hpad Issue glren In 187* to tha Union Trust Company of New fork, trustee. A second mortgage of (Soe.tM was held hy the Central Trust Com pany of New York. Tha only bid teSay was fry tha bit mortgage bond-holding committee, composed ?f Jama* K. Edwards, Robert L. Harrison sad Baary T. Cottar of Nw Tort TlM property wtjl be of. fered to tbo Konruamt for ?60<K Durno ToNight. Durno, tbo magician and his com pany of entertainers. will be tbo it* traction* at the public school audi torium this evening. While thii attraction la not one of tbo Lyceum courae number*. It will bo presented under the auspices of the pubHc school. Seat* are now on aale at Hardy's Drug Store and no doubt a large number will witness this unl que and Interesting show. Durno and his company presented their performance In;the school au um at Sllsabeth City last Prl to the Norfolk Virginia-Pilot the following to ssy of blm: One of the largest audiences to aaesmble here In a long time gath ered In the auditorium of the' high school building last night to wltnesti the performance of Du^o, the ma gician. The exhibition was a splendid one and It was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audl^te. Nothing has been here In the way of amusements since Durno was here four years ago that the people more genuinely en joyd. Judging from the number of di vorces granted in this country, some people seem to regard marriage u they do vaccination?as something that doea not alwaya tak*.?Chica go News. Persian Collars Dutch Stylo, to be worn on the outside of the coa*. Large range of styles. Price 5tc. j)cm@ S. Gftlt/fc THC HMH-'ART CA&rH/tRA^ Tk? lMXt time?patron ?i? "h? u|> to-dat? Moving Picture Shov?the pUm wfcr? you can Spend the U?t moat profitably, anjoy yourarlf thor oughly. THlt KHNTFCKY PIOXEKH (Dramatic.) ? ? 9 RALEIGH'S 619 TIME Raleigh, N. C.. Not. 14. ? Tbe aviation camp arrived In Ralekgb Saturday afttrhoon from tho Curtlaa factory at llammondsport. New York, and In company with a tepr* sentatlve of The New* and Observer ma do an impaction of the Fair grounda at onco and surveyed *-he grounda for the purpoae of making the neceeaary changea and altera tiona preparatory to the big flying event on Noreraber 14th and 17tb. Frank 8. Tillman, pereonal repre sentative of Olenn H. Curtlaa and an expert aeronautical mechanic. was sent here by Mr. Curtlae to estab lish <he aviation camp, erect tbe "hangar" which will houae the two apeed bi-planes end put In field and race track, where the fiylng event* will Me held. In perfect condition, and make ell the arrangement* In atvaaee of the exhibition. Mr. TtHun tun ten tram th. IMnulHMl Aviation Ttuiuant nouur he?d at Manl Park. New Tork, where Art*tor. Bugeae B Blj ?nd J. a. D. McCurdr, who will flr her. for the N.W. Ut4 ObMmr, participated u< defended the apaad honor, for A*eric* igtlut th* craok avtatora ot Prance and Bag Mr. MeCurdy represented America with a High Powered Curt las racing biplane, which be will uae here. In the grand 10 kilometer apeed con teat knd won flrat place and $5,000 by establishing a hew aerial speed record for thla distance of 70 mllea an hour. ? Eugene B. Ely will uae the 8-cyl Inder 60 hp Curtlsa biplane that won the international speed trophy for America at Rhelms, France, last Au gust and which brought the Interna tional Aviation to Belmont Park Nee Tork thla month. Thla machine is one ueed by Charles K. to Philadelphia and return last summer in one day. Theae two high powered Curtlae blplanea are partic ipating in the big aviation meet now in progress In Baltimore Md.. In whtcb Aviator Eugene B. Ely la par ticipating. Mr. Tillman selected the site for tbe banger on the Infield of therace course yesterday afternoon anfe* It is expected to be erected not latei than Monday noon. Mr. Tillman announcee that be ex pecta the two Curtlaa racing biplanes and a corpe of expert mechanics to arrivfc in Raleigh this morning from Baltimore to asaemble the machines and have everything in read turn* Wednesday morning, the opening day of tbe meet. Cotton Market. Quotations furnished by Miller ? | C?., New Torjt:, New York Market. opening 11:45 | ?Member ...14.68 14.451 January . 14.4? 14. March .. ... .. ... ,14.?4 14 M?y .. .14.77 14 July .. .. .. .. . . : .14.7S 14 Market steady. Wafrhinaton Market Seed cotton, 5.50 Lint Cotton, 14.00. Cotton seed per ton $27. EXCHPEO GQMCT IS SHOT Rockingham. Not. 11.?John Rus m!i an escaped, convict from the Stanly county chain gang, wu shot here yesterday by Deputy Sheriff C. C. Bhorea Russell. who Is aboqt 25 ysere old. came here several months ago, finding employment In one of the cot ton mills. Two weeks ago he was married to Mlae Lacy Lampley or the Midway mill Tillage. The Stadley county oflt&cers learn ed of his presence la flocklngham and sent for him yeetpvtfay. Sheriff 8hores went to the Rotferdell mill Tillage and arrested Russell at his home. . ' Rusesll watched his opportunity and took to hie basis. Shore* fired once to scare htm. thsa again, the second shot striking him. la the mid dip of the hody to t><ffe(t of the Ml hastily i fsfter lamination was not seriously httfi ' is ken -to Albemarle today. Ruseell la a bigamist, having a wife anJ several children living In Albemarle, where he jras serving a sU months' sentence on tie roads for retslling. PIIWT llAPTtST Cm itl H Large congregations ittendfd both the morning and evening service at the First Baptist chute*, yesterday. The paator. Rev. 5. A^BuUlv*n, as usual, delivered sermons yfull of thought and power-^-ICjtolloared by his parishioners will not only ele vate and stimulate but make them more loyal citizens. .n* result or gregatlon. There were two additions yester-| day added to those already received and other are yet to be received. No church has made n^#^i>rogr?ss' in Washington in a decade and the' Dally News is glsd to know the recent series or meetings did much I good not only ror this church hut the entire community. On next Wed nesday evening the ordinance of bap tism will be administered to the recent converts. Everybody it cor dially invited to be present. nt Association There will be s meeting of the Womans' Betterment Asaoctation at the Public School auditorium Tues day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Ai. this meeting the annual election of offi cers will tske plsce. Esch member of the Assoclstion is urged to be present. Colored Man Dead Edwsrd Joyner one of Wsshing ton's highly respected colored citi zens psssed sway yesterdsy. For years he has been In the employ of Mr. Edward l^ong and Mr. Harry B. Mayo. J If IIJtVT . WASHINGTON'S K. mill, CREATESt STORE .ifll $20.00 and $22 50 Ladies Tailored Suits Special $17.75 Navy, Green, Brown and Black, All sizes. News roachoo this city that Elijah Hardlson. of Chocowlntty. N. C.. who wu convicted at the last term of Beaufort county superior for beat in, hie wife and permitted to leave the county and If caught within the next two year* In any counties In this section of the State, the sheriff was to arreet him and that he be compelled to work on the public roads for two years, was the victim of two-would be assassins, one a ne gro and the other a white man near Oriental N. C.. laat Friday. The In formation !? that Mr. Hardleon wat welkins the county road about three; mllea from Oriental when he was, it by the men. They requeeted I the chance of a $f> blll% Mr. Hardl eon polled out Of his pocket a large| roll of hills and in attempting to make the change .on* of the men shot him In the head. Mr. Hardlaon was then robbed or his possessions. Neither of thfc part lee were ? known to Mr. Hardleon. He wag found la ter oh and . taken to Oriental where his received medical attention. Mr. Hardleon Is now at. the Stewart San atorium at New Bern for treatment. At preeeot the extent of hie Injurlea are not known. THEY SECURE FIVE THOUSAND Great Barrlngton. Mass.. Nov. 12. | ?Three masked highwaymen armed with rifles, secured between 94,000. and $5,000 today through one of the moit daring holdups ever known in The money comprised the payroll for two campa of Italian laborers em ployed by the Woons Construction! Company, on the construction of a new electric car llae between Great Barrlngton and Egermont. The money was carried by the paymaater of the construction com pany?a man n*m^d Hlnee?whol was eacorted by Deputy Sheriff! Fred Truesdell. and Carlton Robin-' aon. the latter a member of the con-j itractlng Arm. Paymaster Hlnes and ! hla escort were walking alonR the I trolley line about two miles from Great Barrlngton. An they approach-' ed a densely wooded swamp they .were confronted by three mankedj ' men who levelled rifles at them. One shot wss fired at Hlnes, but it missed him. The robbers then j demsnded the >qjoney and it was hsnded over whereupon'the robbers! disappeared in the thicket. Within half an hour a oosse of 200 srmed men were on their way to t^e scene. The swamp was soon surround ed and tonight the robbers were be lieved to be trapped. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH LAW COSTS SENATOR'S SKAT Mar ton, Nov. 12.?The returns from thirty-fourth senstorial dis trict, which is composed of Alexan der, Burke, Csldwel! and McDowell counties, show thst T. L. Slgmon, Democrat of Burk county, was elect ed by a majority of about 150 over Bell, republican, of Alexander coon ty. P. H. Maahburn republican of McDowell count*. who received the next highest vote Is now sheriff not having resigned before the election, and Is, therefore, under Article 2, Section 25. of the constitution of North Csrollns, ineligible to the of fice of senator. J. L. C. Bird. Democrat, of Mc Dowell county, has the next highest vote and is therefore legally entitled to the seat. GREAT EUROPEAN CONTEST NOV PRACTICALLY ENDED FINAL CLOSING TONIGHT Anxiety Now the Share of Every Worker as Eight Weeks' Effort to Win Draws to Close?Friends are Rallying Nobly in Last Few Hours?Immense Rush of Subscriptions Saturday?Last Information. Tomorrow's luue of tbr Dally News will carry mo rote ?tsndings. ' The malts of the fins I count will not be announced until the News routes from the press "Wednesday. A?t reports before that time will be unofficial and unrelia ble. Do not ask the Judges; they are la honor bound not to tell before the News makes the an at. Asking msj cause nt. The ballot box at sowtast headquarters la the Chamber or Commerce rooms will be locked at 10 o clock promptly, sealed snd taken sway by the judges. Nothing will be received after (hat hoar. The vote stsudluu s? pub lished today I* considered ac cepted by alt candidates unless suppts>rf* error Is reported to the content manager personal ly by 6 o'clock this evening. Ten o'clock tonight, and the con teat will have been a thing , of the past. Ita many little lucldenta of enjoyment, amusement and tribula tion will be but memorial* People of the surrounding ter be eagerly speculating and Watch ing for the announcement of the finding of the judges. Every candi date will have hundreds of oxciteo and interested friends hoping for her victory. Tomorrow we will all won der who will be the winner In thin district or that, by how much major ity, who will be the winning chaper on candidate, and by what margin abe won. All of that tomorrow and Wednesday until the Daily News herald's the result broadcast Hundreds of unexpected friends are coming to the rescue of candi dates who have felt themselves doubtful. Hundreds of subscribers are betng added to the list of the News?and a great, great many of them In Just these few days. Many of the contestants who were believed to be pretty Inactive, are coming forward wUh fourth period subscriptions In a truly surprising manner. Cut there are certain to be surprises?some pleasant and come otherwise. However, In the meantime, and during this "period of suspense,' each candidate should feel hopeful | of her eflorts If she worked earn l la doubtful. If sh? has worked earn leatly, energetically and with pert?? verance against all rumor* and re ports, It's pretty safe to u/ that ?he will b? a winner. Aa to PalrarM In announcing the names of the Judges who will verify the final day's balloting, the Dally News and the content department are certain that on this score there can be no queetlon about the falrneea. Then, in addition to thia, let ua finally in sure you that neither the contest manager nor any other peraoa knows anything of the amount of money #iat any candidate 1* turning Ing in during thia content. It would require days of earneat labor to entt mate the work of any active candi date up to today. The buslneea turn* ed In we cannot know of, for It b deposited in sealed envelope* by the candldatee personally and no one can touch them until the chairman of the committee of Judges unlock* the box in the presence of the com mittee. As a final word, remember the hour, be sure of the rulee of closing, ? round up your remaining promised subscriptions, and then?well, Juat wait ns patiently as poaslble! THE LAYMEN HOLD SERVICE At the Pint Methodist church Sunday evening the Laymen of that church held a most Interesting and profitable meeting. Profeasor N. C Newbold the taader. presided and conducted the devotional exercises. Only ald-fashloned hyms of the church were used and they were aung with spirit by the entire con gregation. Short addresses were made by Professor Newbold. Mr. W. K. Jacobson and Mr. C. G. Morris. The vocal solo. "Sometime, Some where" as readered by Mra. D. M. Carter, was one of the features. The collection of the evening was for the Methodist Orphanage In Raleigh. Yesterday afternoon In the Sun day school the collection was also for this purpose. County Commlnsioners The board of county commission ers met again today at the court house for the purpose of completing their work for the past month. They only met one day laat week on ac count of the election. | People remember a good dinner longer than they do a vocal stunt I Fur Specials i For the next few days we will give special prices on Furs either in sets or single pieces. Don't fail to see them. Bowers-Lewis C<x Ne?. Dtslcit Rtot. Vatck URNO AN D C O MP AN Y ENDORSED BV BOTH PRESS AND PUBUC the United States. At Cincinnati last year he appeared before 6,020 people at ad an audience of 6,750 people He has played to cipwded houses in New ... mnn ?? Jm. '? ? ? - 'I "* ? ? ^

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